#367_2E: So let's learn about the consequences and reasons for officially hiding the existence of counter-world phenomena that govern the fate of people (part 2)
(Continuation from the previous "part 1" of this post #367E)
There is also even more superior evidence that already in ancient times UFOnauts (described in the Bible under the names of that time, e.g.: fallen angels, devils, serpents, snakes, dragons, etc.) knew the phenomenon of remote hypnotization and had devices for remotely hypnotizing people. This evidence is wisely encoded into the Bible. An example of it is the immediate change in Jewish attitudes towards Jesus, which is impossible to occur without hypnotic incitement. After all, on Palm Sunday the Jews recognized Jesus as their king, and just a few days later they shouted to the UFOnaut Pontius Pilate "Kill him!", "Crucify Him!" - for details see the Bible, e.g. verse 19:15 from "St. John" and the caption under Fig. #J1a from my web page named "bandits.htm". Remote hypnotic programming of Eve by the "snake" encoded in the Bible also reveals descriptions of the astonishing speed with which Eve did NOT resist such reprogramming by snake and abandoned trusting God regarding the prohibition to eat the fruit from the tree in the centre of Garden of Eden (Paradise), described in the Bible in verses 3:1-7 from "The Book of Genesis", while explained in more detail in item #D1 from the web page "wtc.htm" and from post #366E to blogs of totalizm.
Of course, regardless of the biblical evidence, there is also numerous historical evidence that UFOnauts secretly occupying us use remote hypnosis to induce behaviours that are destructive to humanity. Regardless of the examples that I have already described in my publications - e.g. in the frequently recommended blog #366E, their next example may be the parasitic destruction by fire of the famous Library of Alexandria in Egypt, carried out in accordance with the UFOnauts' procedure, initiated by the UFOnaut Julius Caesar. In order to be able to occupy and exploit humanity indefinitely, UFOnauts systematically destroy the scientific achievements and memory of humanity after copying these in their archives. This is why both, individual people (e.g. using web pages such as mine called "rok_uk.htm") as well as entire countries (e.g. using libraries, museums, internet search engines, blogs, video dissemination systems similar to YouTube.com, offering free hosts for web pages, etc.) should combat keeping secrets and pay special attention to the dissemination of truth, knowledge and memory. After all, everything that is disseminated among people is much more difficult for UFOnauts who secretly manage us to destroy or to silence.
It is worth summarizing here also briefly how, on the basis of the recommendations of the Bible and the currently most moral philosophy of the world called the philosophy of totalizm from 1985, it is possible to eliminate the consequences of remote programming of people with hypnosis by the powers of evil. And so, the introduction to defence against the increasingly common "possessions" of people, especially aimed at women, is to learn the truth that such possessions do exist. This truth inspires the implementation of methods of detecting and documenting these "possessions" in ways described in more detail here and also in (2) from item #M2 of my web page "evil.htm" and from post #363E to blogs of totalizm. After detecting and documenting them, people who experience them will certainly take actions that will allow them to free themselves from these possessions - i.e. actions which I described in #M1 to #M5 from the web page "evil.htm" and in #D1 to #D1a from the web page "wtc.htm" and also in posts #363E and #366E to blogs of totalizm.
(6#G1) The programmed nature of all phenomena of our "world of matter" - resulting from the programmable nature of the God Drobinas. Practically all phenomena that have occurred or are still observed in our "world of matter" created by God, actually depend on the implementation of programs contained in the God Drobinas that make these phenomena come true. Even the entire creation of our "world of matter" was also programmed - which programming in the Bible is symbolised by "word" from verse 1:1-3 of "John". (Note that even today "word" means "information" thus also "algorithm" and "program". So the biblical expression e.g. "word became flesh" symbolically means the "execution or implementation of what today we call programs".) Namely "creation" depended on appropriate programming of the previously chaotic movements of the God Drobinas - more precisely described by the ancient Greek word "chaos" and the pre-Christian religion of the NZ Maori, into strictly controlled movements. These strictly controlled movements of God Drobinas initially created the elementary "drobinas" of matter (by science called "particles") and then the atoms and the entire matter - as I described it in #I2 from blog #330E and the web page "pajak_jan_uk.htm". Of course, there is NOT enough space or need here to explain again this programmable nature of numerous phenomena of our world of matter. So I will only show here their example, which is "energy". The results of my research on engineering "how", published since 1985, clearly explain that "energy is a special program that defines the command to change behaviour of other God programs and the carriers of it are almost all God Drobinas". However, "energy" is an extremely carefully secured "special program" - which can be compared to money transfer programs used in today's human banks. I.e. energy programs, apart from God Himself, do NOT allow anyone to simply generate or transmit energy in a way that do NOT follow the strict procedure designed by God. However, these are "energy" programs that cause the entire universe, as well as the entire cosmos visible to people, to be one huge "perpetual motion" machine - as I confirmed it also with evidence in item #B5.1 from abovementioned web page "pigs.htm". Specially programmed permissions by God also allow people to build devices that infinitely generate some form of energy thanks to the use of any of the principles of operation of the "perpetual motion" device - already working prototypes of which devices I show and discuss, among others, on Video #A2a from the web page named "fe_cell.htm". One of these phenomena is the "Telekinetic Effect" that I discovered. Confirmation of these phenomena (6#G1) I described, among others, in item #J4.4 from my web page "propulsion.htm" and summarized in item #B3, while devices using them I showed e.g. in Video #A2a, from the web page "fe_cell.htm" and also described in blogs of totalizm numbers #313E and #324E.
This (6#G1) programmed nature of "God Drobinas" obviously also causes that all phenomena of our "world of matter" are still open and susceptible to the formation of subsequent application programs (we would currently call them APP). Moreover, it also allows the use of existing programs that control any processes - e.g. creation, annihilation, transformation, etc., of material objects originally created from counter-matter. I described their (6#G1) programmed nature in more detail in items #J4.5 and #J4.6 from my web page "propulsion.htm" and from posts #309E and #311E to blogs of totalizm. Of course, there are many methods of programming God Drobinas, or of using by intelligent beings already existing programs contained in these drobinas (or particles). However, it will take humanity a long time to research them and then detect them all. I have already managed to discover and describe their examples in my publications. For example, one of the secondary phenomena of this phenomenon (6#G1) is (6a#G1) the ability of people to program counter-matter. In other words, it is the ability acquired by people to program "God Drobinas" - described extensively in item #J4.6 from my web page "propulsion.htm" and in post #309E to blogs of totalizm. Another is, among others, (6b#G1) controlling the elapse of time (including building "time vehicles" traveling through time and engineeringly "how" described on my web page "immortality.htm"). Still another is (6c#G1) controlling the behaviour of both carriers of light (i.e. electromagnetic waves and the glowing-causing programs from the "God Drobinas"), which are already described in more detail, e.g. in blogs of totalizm with numbers #344E (where in (@b) "rays of cold" are described the existence of which monopoly of our "official atheistic science" still denies), #345E, #346E, #349E, # 350E and #354E, and in my publications from which these blogs were adapted or which are referred to in them. (Notice that the content of all posts to blogs of totalizm that I have already published and that I authorize are included in the book publication [13] in PDF available for free via the Polish web page named "tekst_13.htm". Most of these posts are there in Polish and in English.)
(7#G1) Binary, i.e. only two-state and unambiguous nature of everything that occurs in the "counter-world" - i.e. everything in there can assume only one of two possible states, e.g. YES or NO, nothing (i.e. zero) or something (e.g. one), darkness or light, something there moves (always with infinite speed) or remains still, you are with me or against me, you fulfil or NOT fulfil, you deserved totaliztic "earned nirvana" (see web page "nirvana.htm") or you deserved typical troubled life, your soul will be saved or deleted, etc., etc. All this is precisely in order to accustom us humans to thinking in such black and white categories. Therefore God allowed us to invent only two-state computers based only on zeros and ones. But He could have helped us invent multi-state computers (e.g. based on the decimal system used on Earth) because our world of matter allows it - but these would confuse us even more. The point is that in our world of matter, everything is multi-state. For example, day and light do NOT suddenly disappear into night (or vice versa), but gradually become greyer as the Sun disappears below the horizon. As a result, our world of matter between darkness and light has a whole range of various degrees of grey. Winter and summer also do not change into each other suddenly, but gradually. Etc., etc. This lack of clarity is frequently exploited by the "powers of evil", always trying to confuse us with the claim that between good and evil there are numerous and various intermediate states. This in turn leads to ambiguity, confusion for humanity, sin, deletion of souls (i.e. the so-called "second death"), etc. Therefore, God quite clearly and far-sightedly encoded in the Bible the information that in matters of the counter-world there are NO intermediate states. He could NOT write it there directly, because the evil operating on Earth would simply NOT allow such a Bible to survive to this day. For example, in the Bible, verse 5:37 from "Matthew" states: "Let your speech be: Yes, yes; no, no. And whatever else comes from the Evil One." The same warning is also confirmed by verse 5:12 from "James" in the Bible. Both of these verses are discussed in more detail, e.g. in {8} from #L1 of my web page "evil.htm". Hence, the verse 5:37 from "Matthew" clearly reveals to us that anyone's departure from the certainty of the words "yes" and "no" or from the clarity of "light" and "darkness", always hides the impurity of someone's intentions of getting into the "grey" area between these two clear states. It is not without reason why a Polish proverb warns "it is easy to catch fish in murky water" (in Polish: "w mętnej wodzie łatwo ryby łowić"). So this is supposed to warn us that this someone who hides the truth behind the grey shadow, instead of revealing it with the clarity of black or white, is secretly fulfilling the order of the anti-God "powers of evil" that are destroying humanity and acting to our detriment. Therefore, if we support this person in such a hidden matter, then we actually help the "powers of evil". In turn, every helping of the "powers of evil" brings upon us the punishments from the "Boomerang Law" and "karma" described e.g. on web page "karma.htm". In turn, verse 11:23 from "Luke" states "Whoever is not with Me is against Me." Yet another verse 6:24 from "Matthew" informs "No one can serve two masters. ... You cannot serve God and Mammon." The same category includes the warning from verses 3:10 and 3:12 in Matthew from the Bible, quoted and explained in the motto to item #D1 from blog #366E and from the web page "wtc.htm", also God's requirement "if you love me, fulfil my commandments" for emphasizing the importance of it is strongly admonished in numerous Bible verses, e.g. in Exodus 20:6, John 14:15, John 14:21, 1 John 5:2-3, Proverbs 3:1, Proverbs 13:13, 48:18 from Isaiah, 7:21 from Matthew, 11:28 from Luke, while explained in today's language in {6} from #L1 of my web page "evil.htm". The same truth is also expressed by wisely coded it and repeated three times in verses 22:21 from Matthew, 12:17 from Mark and 20:25 from Luke to emphasize its importance, the very meaningful advice of Jesus "DO NOT implement immoral commands" - which I explained in more detail in item #L3 from the web page named "cielcza_uk.htm", and which is additionally reinforced by verse 5:29 from the "Acts of the Apostles" in the Bible admonishing us "We must obey God rather than people".
Such a binary state of everything in the counter-world has many consequences for us humans. After all, it very often drastically changes our fate. Most of these consequences concern the matters of distinguishing moral behaviour - which is rewarded by God, from immoral behaviour - which God allows to punish by the powers of evil that are always waiting for the possibility of harming person or the people. For example, (7a#G1) if in any way or for any reason you help anyone whom you know is doing evil, then you are also doing evil for which you will be punished! Hence, from everything and everyone who does evil NOT by accident or by human error, but in an intentional or chronic way, you are obliged to distance yourself and practically try to have NO contact with them, and you should NOT help them in any way in anything about what you know that is the source of evil. Otherwise, they will convince you that you are doing good deed when in fact you are shifting with them from clarity into this area of grey - which will qualify you for judgment as helping evil or as a sin for which you will then be punished. This is why the Bible, for example, advises in verse 4:8 from Philippians "whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable: if there is any virtue or praiseworthy deed - this have in your thoughts" (in Polish: "wszystko, co jest prawdziwe, co godne, co sprawiedliwe, co czyste, co miłe, co zasługuje na uznanie: jeśli jest jakąś cnotą i czynem chwalebym - to miejcie na myśli"), while e.g. in verse 10:26 from "Matthew" he warns that everything hidden will be revealed. Also, for example, in the religions of the Far East, the principle of cutting oneself off from everything that represented evil or resulted from evil in past used to be observed. There, this principle was expressed verbally by the so-called "Maxim of Confucius" (see https://www.google.com/search?q=Maxim+Confucius+DO+NOT+look+at+what+is+contrary+to+decency ) discussed, among others, in the caption under Fig. #A1 from the web page "immortality.htm" while stating: "DO NOT look at what is contrary to decency, DO NOT listen to what is contrary to decency, DO NOT say what is contrary to decency, DO NOT do what is contrary to decency." In turn, the same idea is also expressed figuratively by the sculptures of so-called "four wise monkeys" (to see them click on the link https://www.google.com/search?q=four+wise+monkeys&tbm=isch&source=lnms ) - mass-produced there and sold to tourists. The first of these four monkeys may have her arms crossed on her chest, or (more trivially and directly) she may be blocking her genitals with her hands - which symbolically expresses the command "DO NOT do evil". The remaining three monkeys block their mouths, ears and eyes with their hands - together with the first one, reminding us: "DO NOT do evil, DO NOT speak evil, DO NOT listen to evil, DO NOT admire evil" - as I explain it in 8 from item #B1.1 of my web page called "antichrist.htm". Unfortunately, many tourists skip buying four monkeys. The symbolism of hands crossed on the chest means "laziness" for some people. In turn, hands blocking the genitals look like pornography to many people. They are particularly incorrectly interpreted by the women discussed in #G7 of the web page "artefact.htm". After all, more and more of today's wives the life truth about the need to understand their husband and empathize with his situation, as well as the revolutionary principles of Jesus to base marriage on mutual voluntary "giving" instead of one-sided "taking" - as I explained it in blog #365E and #V1 to #V1a of the web page "humanity.htm", these today women treat in exactly the same way as "modern" men increasingly often treat the paid work for their subsistence (chores) - i.e. they give only the minimum required to maintain their position. So instead of four monkeys, many people buy "three smart monkeys" (see https://www.google.com/search?q=three+wise+monkeys&tbm=isch&source=lnms ), without the first and most important one. So with the symbols of only these three, they promote a parasitically perverted principle stating that: you can do anything as long as you DO NOT talk about it, you DO NOT listen to it and you DO NOT look at it. This today's problem results from the situation that instead of teaching morality and explaining the coding in Bibles of Jesus' revolutionary ideas, priests focus all their attention on increasing their popularity and the number of followers. So they avoid revealing uncomfortable truths. In turn, today's people almost do NOT read the Bible carefully enough, and even if they read it, they do it almost thoughtlessly - that is, without delving into learning what God really tried to wisely encode into the verses of the Bible that they have just read. Means, without learning that God so encoded the Bible that in our world paralyzed by the rule of omnipresent evil, the Bible still could however, survive and provide people with the required standards of moral behaviour.
Unfortunately, the decision-makers of the monopoly of the "official atheistic science" managed by UFOnauts, do NOT want to accept (and therefore allow for their substantive research) practically any of the superior phenomena of the counter-world described here, the existence of which I have been altruistically researching as a "hobbyist" for years. They especially block people from gaining knowledge about the software nature of energy - as this knowledge leads to the truth that will free us from UFOnauts.
While learning my descriptions of these superior phenomena of the counter-world, it should be noted that God everything does in form of repetitive method. Thus similarly as there are models and descriptions of the formerly operating "Zhang Heng Seismograph" shown e.g. in Fig. #D1 from web page "seismograph.htm" to prove existence of the phenomenon of telepathy described here most broadly, there will be also evidence for all other phenomena listed above. After all, according to verses 10:26 from "Matthew" and 4:22 from "Mark" in the Bible on Earth there must be also various items of evidence which document that for each of these superior phenomena these ancient technically highly advanced but morally fallen cultures, which before the biblical flood openly exploited and tormented the population of our planet, also had and used various technical devices that applied in their principles of operation almost all of the phenomena described here and many other such phenomena (with the exception of the knowledge (1b#G1) about recorded memory in the counter-world which UFOnauts learned about only after studying outcomes of my research). Material proving the existence of technical devices that use these superior phenomena of the counter-world still exists and is available on Earth - but it is hidden. Therefore, in order to become familiar with it, we must pay attention to what is published in a way that ignores the official statements of the monopoly of the "official atheistic science" managed by UFOnauts who occupy us. The evidence for the use of all these phenomena on Earth is also hidden in sightings of the most advanced UFO starships operating on Earth. (There are also primitive, fallen civilizations operating on Earth, still only having first-generation UFOs.) After all, the crews of these most advanced starships have and use devices that mainly apply this superior type of phenomena.
Fig. #G1a:
Fig. #G1b:
Fig. #G1ab: Here is the appearance of painless bruises caused by the iron grip of the 3+1 finger hand of the "UFOnaut-Porter" who drags the reluctant person receiving these bruises to a huge UFO type K10 or K9 - that is a kind of "milking" factory which exploits people. The higher one out of these two bruises (#G1a) was photographed in the morning of the first day after the abduction - that is, only a few hours after the night when the UFO abduction occurred. The lower one (#G1b) was photographed in the morning of the second day after the abduction. Together they illustrate the speed of their healing and the disappearance of skin darkening as a result of exposing these bruises to a telekinetic field that instantly heals injuries, eliminates pain and accelerates the healing of the skin. UFOnauts are ordered, that before the end of every abduction, they check the entire abductee to see if he or she has any bruises or wounds, and after detecting them, to irradiate them with a telekinetic field that heals all injuries. (Moreover these UFOnauts-Porters also are ordered to erase the entire memory of the abduction with special electrodes that sometimes burn the skin on side of face.) In fact, already in the evening of the second day after the abduction, the area of these bruises became indistinguishable from the rest of the skin - except for two punctures of the skin by the "eagle-like claw" of the largest, middle of the three fingers of the UFOnaut-Porter, which punctures, however, healed completely by the morning of the third day from the night of the abduction. Such painless bruises resulting from exploiting abductions of people to UFOs are well known in folklore, especially from the Far East. For example, the Chinese call them in Cantonese "quai mit" - which name into English translates as "ghost pinch", while in Polish they are called "uszczypnięcia duchów". (Click on the selected photo to, for example, view its enlargement, obtained in the manner described e.g. at the end of the INTRODUCTION to the web page "artefact.htm".)
The above bruises were left on the right forearm (near the wrist) of a person who was abducted to a UFO only a few hours earlier. Although the low quality camera did not document them very clearly, when viewed with the naked eyes they had a circular form of skin significantly blackened and browned by the pressure of three fingers ending with "eagle-like claws". The imprint of the middle and longest finger was approximately 2 cm in diameter. Both side ones - about 1 cm each. The spacing of these bruises, measured between the outer edges of both side impressions, was approximately 6.5 cm. All this proves that this pressure was caused by the 3+1 fingered hand of a small male UFOnaut-Porter from the "nightmare" race (in Polish named "zmora") transporting abductees between their homes and UFOs. The actual appearance of this Porter is illustrated in Fig. #K1c and the imprint of female version of his foot - in photo from Fig. #K1a of the web page "petone.htm". The appearance of these clawed fingers is significantly different from fingers of the UFOnaut called "Paul" from the movie titled Paul (see https://www.google.com/search?q=Movie+Paul+2011 ), who also has 3+1 fingers, and therefore belongs to the miniature "nightmare" ("zmora") race - but in the movie Paul is wearing the standard UFOnaut mask (see this mask in #C4 from web page "aliens.htm") equipped with more (and more advanced) devices for nocturnal vision, telepathic listening, hypnotic incapacitation, etc., than the number of devices currently added to the helmets of soldiers in a well-equipped modern army. Moreover, the 3+1 finger hands for the movie "Paul" are constructed identically to human ones, while in real 3+1-fingered UFOnauts the hand structure has only 3 fingers like humans, but ending with sharp eagle-like claws (when the middle one is the thickest and the longest). In turn the fourth clawed finger and toe is positioned opposite to them, just like the fourth claw in predatory birds - for details see the fingers of the "female devil" from Fig. #G1 of the web page "sw_andrzej_bobola_uk.htm". My research completed long-time-ago revealed that practically every inhabitant of Earth is abducted to a UFO at least once a month (i.e. NOT less than 12 times a year) in order to be exploited in there from his/her "moral energy", and often also from his or her genetic resources (i.e. sperm or ovule), and to be hypnotically reprogrammed. This reprogramming causes most people who notice such bruises to believe in the lies hypnotically forced on them, that these are the result of some trivial reasons - e.g. their health condition. It is necessary to know and accept the truth in advance - e.g. knowing what these bruises really are, in order to spiritually resist believing in these lies hypnotically forced upon us. Because these abductions take place under deep hypnosis, only sometimes the traces left behind are, among others, such painless bruises - usually on the arms, and in the case of being raped on a UFO, also on the thighs and hips. Today, only few people know that each person has a telepathic identification implant in their shinbone, responding to commands from UFOs, which for UFOs is like an "identity card" for every inhabitant of Earth. After inserting this implant into the leg, there is usually an easily detectable scar, as shown and described in Fig. #N3b from the web page "cielcza_uk.htm" and from blog #357E, as well as under Fig. #B4 from the web page "ufo.htm". Interestingly, the same implant can be activated by UFOnauts so that it causes incredible pain and paralyzes the movement of the entire leg, e.g. when the person UFOnauts are trying to "eliminate" is in a critical life situation. For example, some of those who were rescued from drowning later report that their leg that has this implant suddenly hurt terribly, so they experienced a "spasm" and became paralyzed, making it impossible to swim - this is why they were drowning. Sometimes the arrival of these Porters-UFOnauts who forcefully drag the resisting people to the UFO causes a temporary stopping of the working of one among the electronic clocks in the apartment of the abducted family, and sometimes also it causes the filming of the UFOnaut with night cameras of a given apartment - for details see blog #361E or #L2 to # L3a from "evil.htm". It is also worth knowing that UFOnauts abduct all inhabitants of a given apartment or household on the same night - hence, for example, if a husband or wife in the morning has the bruises described here, then some other members of this family may also have them. If someone from this abducted family is programmed to cause harm, then during abductions their programming is strengthened, because it slowly disappears over time. Therefore, for example, on the day of detecting these bruises, the husband may notice particularly intense attacks from his wife on whatever of his activities are harmful to UFOnauts. In turn, in offices, employees who see these bruises on their superiors that have the characteristics of the so-called "corporate psychopath" (see https://www.google.com/search?q=corporate+psychopath ) may notice a sudden increased in control accompanied with list of warnings and prohibitions.
Copyrights © 2024 by Dr Eng. Jan Pająk
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The above post #367E is an adaptation of the content of #G1 to #G1ab from my English web page named "artefact.htm" (update of 7 January 2024, or later) and is available, among others, at the following addresses:
Notice that the above web pages are my main publications updated many times later. On the other hand, this post #367E to blogs of totalizm is only a "harbinger" of publishing the presented here results of my research - which later is NOT updated. Therefore, these web pages typically contain texts that are more improved than this post to blogs of totalizm, with the elapse of time they collect more evidence and fewer research mistakes or writing errors, and because of their repeated updating they also contain the latest findings of my continuously carried out research.
At each of the addresses provided above, I also try to make available the most recently updated versions of all my web pages. Therefore, if the reader wishes to learn from "first hand" the truths explained on any of my web pages, then either at the above addresses he/she may start the web page "menu2.htm" that contains green links to names and topics of all web pages that I developed so-far, then in this web page "menu2.htm" can select the link to the web page that he/she wishes to view, and through clicking the "mouse" start that web page. For example, in order to start this "menu2.htm" from the above-indicated address http://pajak.org.nz/artefact.htm , it is enough if in that address the name of the web page "artefact.htm" is replaced with the name of the web page "menu2.htm" - then to the search engine will be entered the new address http://pajak.org.nz/menu2.htm obtained in this way. In a similar manner as starting this "menu2.htm", the reader can also start instantly any of my web pages, the name of which he/she already knows, because e.g. I provided it in the above post or because it appears in the "menu2.htm". For example, in order to run any other web page of mine, the physical name of which I have already given anywhere - e.g. to run a web page named "1985_theory_of_everything.htm", let's say from a web page with the address http://pajak.org.nz/artefact.htm , it is enough that instead of the previous web page address, he/she entered the following new address http://pajak.org.nz/1985_theory_of_everything.htm in the address box of a search engine.
It is also worth knowing that almost every NEW topic which I already researched for the "a priori" approach of the new "totaliztic science" and presented on this blog, including the topic from this post #367E (i.e. my own translation to English from the Polish post #367), I intended to publish on all mirror blogs of totalizm which until now remain accessible by me and on which I am still able to publish my posts. Until 2022/10/30, as many as 8 such blogs of totalizm were established and maintained for a short time, out of which only following 3 out of these 8 blogs of totalizm still remain working, accessible, updatable and possible to use for publishing my posts. These 3 blogs of totalizm still accessible for me can be found at the following addresses:
https://totalizm.wordpress.com (in "Small Print" 12pt: posts starting from #89 = i.e. since 2006/11/11)
https://kodig.blogi.pl (in "Large Print" 24pt: posts starting from #293 = since 2018/2/23)
https://drjanpajak.blogspot.com (in "Large Print" 24pt: posts starting from #293 = i.e. since 2018/3/16) also available via NZ address https://drjanpajak.blogspot.co.nz
Fortunately, the impossibility to further publish my posts on 5 of these blogs of totalizm did NOT cause the loss of their posts. This is because after complementing with illustrations, colours, underlining and working links of all my posts that I published so far on blogs of totalizm, including this post, I systematically make them available also in my free electronic publication [13] in a safe PDF format and in normal size 12pt (formerly up to the post #360E in two sizes of print, i.e. also in large size 20pt) - which everyone can download for free, e.g. through the web page named "tekst_13.htm" available on all the web sites indicated above, including, for example, at http://pajak.org.nz/tekst_13.htm . Almost all posts to blogs of totalizm published in Polish are also published in this [13] after my translation of them to the English language, and thus I hope they should be understandable for inhabitants of countries other than Poland.
Other posts extending and supplementing this #367E:
#366E, 2023/12/24 - "evaporation of the WTC by UFOs" and "what is truth" by UFOnaut Pontius Pilate, contrast method, calculating the probability of truth, examples of truth and untruth (#D1 to #D1a of "wtc.htm")
#365E, 2023/11/20 - hidden invasion of UFOnauts on the institution of marriage, requirements of the defence strategy, symbolism of the baobab flower (#V1 to #V1a of "humanity.htm")
#363E, 2023/9/1 - "how" people are possessed by material UFOnauts from Orion through synchronising minds by technical telepathy after telekinetic entering to their bodies (#M1 to #M4 of "evil.htm")
#361E, 2023/7/1 - the dissemination of truth in the role of defence against raids by invisible UFOnauts on our flats (#L2 to #L3a of "evil.htm")
#357E, 2023/3/20 - DO NOT fight evil, but "turn the other cheek" as the Bible recommends to us, because this evil is to be dealt with by the principle of "self-regulation" which God builds into everything that He created and controls (#N1 to #N3 of "cielcza_uk.htm")
#354E, 2022/11/1 - "how" the 12 "[Ω] Stamps of God" encoded into the Bible confirm the truth of my most important discoveries and correct the cardinal errors of the foundations of the official atheistic science (#H1 and #H2 of "bible.htm")
#350E, 2022/7/30 - symbolism of monuments declassifying thousands of years of exploitation of humanity by a confederation of parasitic civilisations of UFOnauts (#A1 to #A1c of "tapanui.htm")
#349E, 2022/6/28 - two carriers of light (i.e. "particles" called "God Drobinas" and surface waves of light) together with confirmation (including in the Bible) that the path of surface waves of light through space can be controlled (#J1 to #J3 of "1985_theory_of_everything.htm")
#348E, 2022/6/30 - powers of a mini-UFOnaut from the "nightmare" race (in Polish "zmora") revealed by engineering analysis "how" of video from Aceh (#K2 to #K2b of "petone.htm")
#346E, 2022/5/12 - how the "[Ω] Stamps of God" from the Bible replace the speculations of science about time, with true knowledge about the time and universe (#I5 of "1985_theory_of_everything.htm")
#345E, 2022/3/21 - there is NO "time" or "elapse of time" in the counter-world, hence telepathy and telekinesis have infinite speed (#I1 to #I4 of "1985_theory_of_everything.htm")
#330E, 2021/1/1 - how three independent "witnesses" (the Bible, empiricism and my theories) confirm the same essential truths about God, the universe and time (#I2 from "pajak_jan_uk.htm")
#326E, 2020/9/1 - the subtracting female "God Drobina", which is the opposite of the adding male "God Drobina" (#K2 of "god_exists.htm")
#325E, 2020/8/17 - features, appearance, structure and operation of adding male "God Drobina", which is also "drobina of counter-matter" (#K1 of "god_exists.htm")
#324E, 2020/7/25 - a quick method of distinguishing fakes from real "perpetual motion machines" and "clean free energy generators" (#B3 of "fe_cell.htm")
#313E, 2019/8/17 - the "fourth technical era of humanity" and its "perpetual motion" propelling devices that are filling themselves with the energy required for their operation due to the "eternal mobility" of intelligent "counter-matter" (#J4.4 of "propulsion.htm")
#311E, 25/6/2019 - "how" the miracle-making propelling devices of the fifth technical era of humanity will overcome the elapse of time and the inevitability of death (#J4.5 of "propulsion.htm")
#309E, 2019/4/30 - the sixth technical era of humanity and its miraculous propelling devices that travel through time and space, and that create, levitate, heal, melt, and even annihilate matter (#J4.6 of "propulsion.htm")
#307E, 2019/2/17 - similarity of the Polish language to ULT, which will result in all nations of the world learning Polish (#E4 of "prophecies.htm")
#294E, 2017/12/20 - "reversible software time", the 4th linear dimension of counter-world and its time "pancakes", and each of the "perpetual motion machines" built since 1150 that are "technical miracles" proving that God exists (#D3 of "god_proof.htm")
#268E, 2016/3/10 - the history of telepathic transceivers ("telepathysers") - reported since the gifting of humanity with "telepathic pyramid" in 1978 until the success in first intercepting of telepathic waves by LIGO in 2015 (#E1.1 of "telepathy.htm")
#233E, 2013/6/1 - does "reincarnation" explain the mystery of the duel that killed me and was reported to me by the ghost of the Teutonic commander of the city of Olsztyn in Poland (#J1 to #J4 of "malbork_uk.htm")
#176E, 2009/12/2 - supernatural abilities of Polish snakes "grass snake" and "smooth snake" - in Polish: "zaskroniec" i "gniewosz" (#F2 and #F3 of "stawczyk_uk.htm")
Let totalizm prevail,
Dr Eng. Jan Pająk