Archiwum 01 lipca 2024

lip 01 2024 #371_1E: The situation of humanity enslaved...

#371_1E: The situation of humanity enslaved by the descendants of its cosmic ancestors from the Orion planets (part 1)

Introduction to the following items #K1 to #K5 from this blog #371E, as well as from the web page "aliens.htm" from which this blog #371E is adapted: These items present a situation that is increasingly obvious for me and for a number of other UFO researchers and also is a bitter truth for humanity. It states that for thousands of years the Earth has been secretly occupied, exploited, destroyed, pushed down in its development, etc., by highly technically advanced but fallen morally UFOnauts from Orion, who do NOT believe in the existence of God or souls, hence, after drowning out their moral resistance and remorse, they live mainly by parasitizing on people. I was gradually led to this shocking truth by my old research that fruited in the publishing almost a half of century ago in Poland the article [1#B4] entitled "Theory of the development of propulsion systems" (in Polish "Teoria rozwoju napędów"), from the Polish magazine "Astronautyka" (number 5/1976, pages 16-21). This article revolutionized our understanding of the process involved in inventing new propulsion systems, i.e. the process that best is expressed with the so-called "Cyclic Table for Earth Propulsion Systems" (see ) - the history of development of which Cyclic Table I described in more detail in #B4 from the web page "2020life.htm". Then I was shockingly made aware of this truth in 1980 when I published of another discovery about my Magnocraft starships described on the web page "magnocraft.htm", which starships I invented on the basis of the information provided by that Cyclic Table and about which starships in 2022 I determined the truth also encoded in the Bible (see e.g. blogs #345E and #346E) that their telekinetic propelling devices give to them infinite speed allowing them to almost instantly cover any distances - even intergalactic ones. Namely, in 1980 I confirmed truths of reports of readers of my articles that starships identical to my Magnocrafts were already invented and built by some other civilization, while humanity knows them under the name of UFOs. As every engineer is aware of, the principles of operation and construction of any vehicles are defined by phenomena and laws of nature, and NOT by the origin of their inventors and builders. (This is why, for example, all cars are similar to each other and can be easily distinguished from, for example, airplanes or sea ships.) These infinitely fast UFO starships have been coming to Earth from distant star systems (including Orion) for thousands of years, while some of their crew members that are almost indistinguishable from humans, secretly operate among humanity. Shortly afterwards I also discovered that these crews secretly parasitize on people. This is why, after carrying out many researches confirming my shocking findings, starting from 1988 (see #A2 from my web page "ufo_pl.htm"), I tried hard in my publications to make humanity aware of this sad truth for our civilisation about its secret occupation and exploitation by parasitic UFOnauts. Unfortunately, agents of the same UFOnauts who occupy us and look like people and therefore operate without being recognized in almost all key institutions of humanity, for the next 35 years effectively blocked, mocked, disgusted and concealed the results of my research. They do this also now - e.g. although the same laws of nature define the design, operation, structure and appearance of my Magnocrafts and UFOs, thus making identical the appearance of both these types of starships in spite that both of them originate from two different civilisations, still to this day only those supposed photos of extraterrestrial UFOs are officially published in Internet which in appearance are drastically different from the appearance of my Magnocraft invented on Earth - although already for very long time I have been demonstrating identity of appearance of both of them, for example, on the web pages "explain.htm" or "ufo_proof.htm" where are shown numerous UFO photos that confirm the engineering identity of UFOs to my Magnocrafts. Therefore, in 2007 I completely stopped researching UFOs and UFOnauts, and started scientifically learning about God as well as researching God's methods. My cessation of UFO research continues until today - as I have explained it in that item #A2 of my web page named "ufo.htm". However, because I know the truth about UFOs, and know that the Bible commands us to reveal the truth we know to our neighbours, as a deeply believing person, I conscientiously fulfil this command of God and the Bible, among others, also for everything that I know that it is related to the secret occupation and exploitation of humanity by UFOnauts. Only starting from 2024, first quietly and as if with shame, then more and more loudly, a growing number of people began to admit that a confederation of morally fallen UFOnauts that are hostile to humanity is secretly operating on Earth - e.g. see the 59-second video entitled "Canadian Official CONFIRMS ALIEN EXISTENCE" from the address , or the 27:40 minute video "Stanford Scientist Confirms Extraterrestrial Visits", from . So most likely, despite the official blocking and denial of the results of my research that has been going on for almost half a century, my persistent publishing of them - especially the latest posts to totalizm blogs with numbers #371E to #359E documenting the evidence for this hidden occupation and destruction of humanity, created an over the "critical mass" number of rationally thinking people who somehow managed to break through the order forced upon them to ignore the truth of my publications. The most shocking thing about the actions of these UFOnauts is that they turn out to be the almost identical in appearance to people descendants of the same our ancestors from the Orion planets, who originally populated the Earth by resettling their less valued citizens from Orion to Earth - and hence to whom is still valid the old Polish saying "blood from our blood" (in Polish: "krew z naszej krwi"). Unfortunately, in order to keep secret their almost identical appearance to humans, apart from UFOnauts sent to Earth to impersonate human leaders and decision-makers, all other UFOnauts have a strict order to either keep themselves in the so-called "state of telekinetic flickering" - in which they remain invisible to human eyes (but they still can be detected with the device described in the Polish treatise [7b] from the page "tekst_7b.htm"), or that they wear special masks with convex glasses instead of eyes, which deform the actual appearance of their heads and faces (such a mask is shown in Fig. #C4a from the web page "aliens.htm"). Furthermore, these UFOnauts knowing that due to our growing technical advancement it becomes impossible to keep hidden any longer their secret occupation and exploitation of humanity, they decided to implement on Earth "total control of every person" using the global monopoly of Internet and the so-called "artificial intelligence" (i.e. AI) as tools allowing for the individual enslavement of every person on Earth. The advancement of this total control is being forced upon humanity by UFOnauts more and more intensely. As examples of it, consider forcing the use of the Internet and telephones - instead of using anonymous money (see ). After all, through the so-called "sabotage loop" (blog #359E) telephones reveal to UFOnauts who exactly are the buyers and sellers, and also allow UFOnauts to instantly stop given process of buying and selling - which revealing and stopping e.g. the continuation of using money cannot cause. Alternately consider using those revealing absolutely everything about a given travelling person to the authorities, currently being implemented online instead of the previously used paper border crossing cards - check the advancement of this implementation e.g. at that now is forced on people travelling abroad under names: "Traveller Declaration" or "Digital Arrival Card". In turn, such forcing on entire humanity of the use of only the global monopoly of the Internet, will soon allow the obedient to UFOnauts authorities to instantly block sales and purchases, as well as flights to or from abroad, for every person who somehow fails to satisfy scrutiny of human authorities who obediently carry out the orders of UFOnauts. This is why, instead of leaving several options for how everyone can do whatever is needed for everyday living, at least one of which should allow people to do it without obtaining permission from the programs of the global monopoly of Internet and AI that are secretly controlled by UFOnauts, today's authorities force into humanity only one way of acting in every aspect of lives, which is always implementing the use of the global monopoly Internet (and soon also AI). This means that soon, with just a single order enforced via the global Internet and/or AI, UFOnauts will be able to completely and secretly isolate from the rest of humanity everyone who begins to rebel against the absolute power and control of humanity by these hidden cosmic invaders that look almost identical to people, as well as isolate everyone who perseveres in also quickly eliminated by atheistic UFOnauts believe in God. What is most interesting, because UFOnauts rule over the entire humanity, in spite that in order to intimidate and keep people under control, leaders of some countries wage wars with others, and in spite that every larger country could develop its own new Internet which would NOT be compatible with this global monopoly of the Internet that already controls people, because e.g. this new Internet would use equally easily transmitted but differently organized "bytes" and "words" (e.g. seven or fourteen bits instead of the currently used 8 or 16 bits), still none of these proverbially "shaking their nuclear sabres" countries organizes its own equivalent for the Internet, which would be different from the worldwide monopoly, and thus would guarantee this country independence from the centre of UFOnauts that secretly govern over humanity. This means only one thing - i.e. that in spite of the pretence of independence, freedom and sometimes mutual hostility, in fact all countries on Earth are secretly controlled by the same UFOnauts that are destroying humanity. This is why in #K1 to #K5 below I warn that people have very little time left when it is still possible to defend themselves for the survival as an independent humanity. Soon it will be too late for any defence. In this way, UFOnauts create on Earth a situation about which the Bible emphatically warns us in its verses using the symbolism of the so-called "mark of the beast 666" - the connection of which symbolism with the Internet worldwide monopoly I explained in more detail and already discussed in blog #353E and in #H4 to #H4b from the web page "will.htm". This is because for those civilizations that have already implemented this "mark of the beast 666", God has NO other option than to allow them to blow themselves up right after they cease to be useful to God. And like the silent Polish hero of the late Andrzej Domała from item #C5 of the web page "aliens.htm" managed to determine this, this cosmic faction of humanity practicing parasitism has already proven that each of the planets of its ancestors blew itself up, so that the history of the parasitic version of humanity we will one day perhaps be able to trace through a long list of subsequent planets whose inhabitants died out because they annihilated themselves.

#K1. It is already obvious that our civilization is in great danger from enemy acting within - because UFOnauts, who have been secretly destroying and enslaving us for millennia while effectively hiding among us due to looking almost indistinguishable in appearance from people since they are descendants of our and their ancestors from the planets of Orion, these secretive UFOnauts just have started very aggressive implementation on Earth the most destructive phase of our enslavement, in the Bible described by the symbolism of the "number of the beast 666", and after its implementation there will be NO rescue either for people or for UFOnauts (because the condition established by God for saving also our enemies is our prayers for them, but the implementation of these 666 will prevent us from praying for both, UFOnauts as well as for ourselves):

Motto: "We should be feeling sorry for those people who refuse to acknowledge that everything that is happening in the 'world of matter' always represents either a symbolically understood effort of addition, or automatically occurring subtraction, means represents either positives wisely created by God or naturally existing negatives, because the multitude of other options constitutes only varieties of this initially existing subtraction which automatically leads to destruction" (this is why there is, for example: only light wisely created by God, or the naturally prevailing darkness representing opposite to light, while all shades of darkness and grey are varieties of this naturally prevailing and subtractive darkness; this is also why if, for example, someone does NOT put effort into adding goodness, love, growth, etc., then in fact, with his/her lack of action, he/she helps the naturally existing numerous versions of subtractive evil, hostility, fall, etc., to prevail; moreover this is also why, for example, Jesus teaches us in verse 11:23 from "Luke" in the Bible that "Whoever is not with me is against me; and whoever does not gather with me, scatters.")

In old Poland there was a saying "the awl came out of the bag" (in the Polish language: "wyszło szydło z worka"). It meant that some truth that is highly harmful, painful, and arousing human emotions, but was long kept secret by those in power who had known about it for a long time, finally became known to those who were harmed by the existence but lack of knowledge of this truth. This Polish proverb perfectly describes the situation with UFOnauts. The governments of many countries, which have known for at least a century about the occupation and exploitation of the Earth by parasitic UFOnauts, are no longer able to keep this truth secret. So the only thing they can do now is to use force and bribery to deepen the departure from God, enslavement, and the "total control of every person" imposed on us by UFOnauts, while at the same time preventing people from learning the depths of harmful consequences for all of what is happening right now and from knowing who is responsible for this cheating, lying and leading humanity straight to destruction (although God promises us that everything hidden will be revealed - see the Bible: Matthew 10:26, Mark 4:22).

In several of my publications, I am admonishing people to recognize in their actions the truth that I express in the "motto" of this item #K1, namely that everything that is happening in the universe represents either symbolically understood and with effort and purposefulness performed additions, or naturally occurring subtractions. This is why, for example, in {#I2b} from blog #370E and from item #I2 of the web page "bible.htm" I remind that rational beings have a choice of only two life philosophies, which they can practice in their lives and get to know better and better. I.e. they can only either: practice (1) an effortful, adding philosophy of keeping the commandments, requirements, and definitions commanded by God and given in correctly translated verses of the God-inspired Bible; or they can practice (2) a self-occurring primary subtractive philosophy of parasitic succumbing to temptation, coercion or bribery with which we are deceived by a large group of technically highly advanced, but morally fallen and material like us beings opposing God, described in the Bible with the names "fallen angels", devils, serpents, snakes, dragons, demons, etc., while nowadays most often called UFOnauts - although they themselves, in order to spread confusion, start to introduce different names for themselves, recently e.g. UAP. In order to be able to deceive us also in matters of the philosophy that we practice, these parasitic UFOnauts invented a whole range of philosophies with various names, as well as life recommendations and orders of authorities, almost all of which impose the opposite of God's commandments and requirements, and thus all of which are in fact only versions automatically emerging subtractive philosophy (2). All these parasitic philosophies, as well as all the advices and life recommendations officially disseminated, which, however, avoid carrying out the demanding work, knowledge, and motivation commandments and requirements of God described in the Bible, are in fact like these shades of darkness or grey, that are, in fact, subtractions leading to the fall and over time also to destruction.

Examples proving the fact that absolutely everything that happens in our "world of matter" represents one or other side of that symbolic binary pair, i.e. either additions that have to be created or made with effort, or the existing from the beginning and automatically occurring subtractions, can be any action or event that we see around us. For example, the passage of human time depends just on adding subsequent time layers ("pancakes") to the history of our lives from the body of so-called "reversible software time" (see blog #294 or #D3 from the web page "god_proof.htm"). Similarly, for example, every operation of a computer or a mobile phone we use, practically depends on technically implemented and energy-consuming addition by its microprocessor, and only then on converting the result of this addition into various forms displayed on its screen. Etc., etc. So let us NOT be deceived that in our lives we have a large selection of correct decisions and actions that we can implement to our benefit. The truth is that only correct is what is consistent with God's additive commandments and requirements, the learning of which requires the labour of studying the Bible and comparing everything that happens with what is expressed in the Bible. However, everything else that contradicts the Bible because it is NOT based on the Words of God, always later turns out to be a deception that leads to our downfall - but unfortunately we usually find out about it when is already too late.

#K2. Fortunately for us, there is God who designed the laws governing the life and the consequences of actions of rational beings in such a way that most forms of destruction and enslavement are returned by the mechanisms of karma (see the web page "karma.htm") and by the moral "Boomerang Principle" (see the web page "morals.htm") back to those who implement these forms of destruction and enslavement on their fellow humans:

Motto: "For your own good get into the habit that whatever you do in your life, you always first make sure that in every respect it deserves an adding help from God" (i.e. that first you make sure before you undertake any action - especially if this action is extremely important for you or for your neighbours: that goal of this action is NOT prohibited by any Bible verses - e.g. just as some goals of human actions are prohibited by e.g. verses: Matthew 19:17-19, Revelation 21:8 and 22:15, Proverbs 6:16-19, Ezekiel 18 :5-9 and 18:10-32; also that you check before whether your motivations for implementing this action do NOT violate any of God's commandments fully described in the Bible with verses 20:3-17 from the "Book of Exodus"; that your procedure "how" to implement carrying this action is also consistent with the Bible verses defining procedures "how" this type of activities should be performed - an example of such procedures for marriages consistent with Bible verses I described in blog #370E; and that after completing this action you will thank God with your prayer for inspiring and for guiding you through doing it. Then, if you report this action to anyone, make also sure that you point out to him/her and to quote the Bible verses defining "what", "why" and "how" you did in this way and NOT in other way - after all, the correctly translated Bible is currently the only written document on Earth that about which we are absolutely sure that in fact everything contained in it comes from the true God).

I hope that the reader has already heard about my scientifically irrefutable proof that God exists carried out using the method of mathematical logic, and also heard about the programming and operation of the mechanisms of totaliztic karma. (The scientifically irrefutable proof for the existence of God is presented and interpreted, among others, in #G1 and #G2 of my web page "god_proof.htm". In turn, the software mechanisms of operation of totaliztic karma are described on the web page "karma.htm".)

God pre-programmed in such a way the mechanisms of operation of the laws of the universe (including mechanisms of "karma") that most forms of destruction and enslavement always come full circle and then also hit those who originally implemented them. (The English have a great saying for this "Curses, like chickens, come home to roost" - see , which should be understand that "evil done is like chickens, namely it always returns home from which it originates to settle in there"). Hence, intelligent beings, including UFOnauts who secretly occupy and exploit us, with the passage of time become convinced that the destruction and enslaving of people carried out directly by them, with the passage of time, always affects them as well. This is why UFOnauts, in destroying and enslaving people, try to use their human helpers - who are so, let's say, "inexperienced" (although one would like to say "stupid"), that they still do NOT recognize the occurrence of the "karma return" of good or evil that they will do to other neighbours (in spite that the existence of this karma returns is confirmed and described by a huge amount of evidence). In turn, this use of human helpers by UFOnauts provides us with an excellent method of defence against being destroyed by these cosmic parasites. It is enough to somehow convince their human helpers, through whose hands this destruction of people takes place, that karma really does work and therefore everything that they do to others will later be done to them as well.

Notice also that God's laws, moral mechanisms, and karma are so established and supervised by God, that when they are carried out by the so-called "group intellects" (i.e. by entire civilizations, countries, nations, or institutions), to e.g. destroy and enslave (or to do the opposite, i.e. enrich and help others), then the karma is also returned to these group intellects after the so-called "return time" of karma - for an example of the return of destruction see e.g. blog #288E or item #F2 of the web page "karma.htm", while to a lesser extent see blog #369E or #N1 to #N3 of the web page "newzealand_visit.htm". In turn, the karma of rewarding by God of entire countries, nations, cities, and group intellects, is confirmed by the example of what is probably historically the newest in the world, because it occurred in 1840 (i.e. less than 200 years ago) and is permanently documented in stone, the adding working "birthday gift from God to the newborn Christian country of New Zealand". Together with this birthday gift, God created also working like a "sacred area under the open sky" and currently marked with a Celtic cross, a place in the New Zealand township of Petone, described on the web page "petone.htm", which to this day protects against cataclysms this small township built on a raised by God from under sea level, a flat area that until 1840 was a swamp flooded with stagnant water. It was the protecting from cataclysms action of this extraordinary area that saved Petone from effects of several cataclysms, as well as the miracles that I experienced in there, that drew my attention to this area and prompted my engineering "how" and "why" research on it. Photographs and discussion of recorded in stone documentation of this "God's birthday gift to New Zealand" are made available to interested people in Fig. #F1ab from my blog #368E and from the web page "pigs.htm" as well as in INTRODUCTION for my web page "petone.htm".

In their intention to endlessly exploit and destroy people, UFOnauts for millennia have implemented on Earth a whole range of strategic goals that serve their parasitic interests while they harm humanity. The most important among these always subtracting from us strategic goals of UFOnauts include (in the order of their importance during implementation on Earth today):

{1#K2} Forcing humanity into lies that are intended to convince each individual person that God does NOT exist, and therefore that fulfilling God's encouraging (adding) commandments and requirements in people lives is an unproductive waste of energy and a waste of opportunities to lead a comfortable and effortless life. UFOnauts try to achieve this strategic goal similarly to others goals listed below, i.e. in many different ways - and it must be admitted that they have almost succeeded in achieving it. For example, UFOnauts support and reward everything that argues against the existence of God. And so, regardless of the denial of the Bible by the submissive to them the "official atheistic science" and by very active atheists, as well as by the behaviour of hypnotically programmed women and changelings, recently also began to appear alleged books of the Bible, which were probably written by UFOnauts themselves and thus contain many lies, and which UFOnauts then planted them in the past using their "time vehicles" to spread claims and statements that seem to contradict the content of the official Bible. UFOnauts are also instigating the systematic destruction of historic landmarks, monuments, and records, thus removing and hiding truths about human history which could lead people to realizing the adding methods of God’s works. Moreover, on TV and in publications, UFOnauts generate a lot of videos and serials which explain everything that happened in real life exclusively by the actions of the "laws of matter" or by people - even if the Hand of God is clearly visible in it. UFOnauts also create events that distract attention from God, e.g. dangerous wars, artificial intelligence (AI) that is a serious threat to humanity, sensational news about getting rich quickly e.g. by discovering treasures or winning lottery, etc., etc.

{2#K2} Neutralizing the evidential value of everything that in any way confirms the existence and secret activities of UFOnauts on Earth. For example, nowadays discrediting every witness reporting a UFO abduction or UFO sighting. Also removal or discrediting of authentic photos or videos of UFOs and UFOnauts while dissemination of false evidence that represents products of someone’s fabrication. Also preventing the publication of such authentic UFO photos and videos but allowing fabrications of alleged photos and videos to be published and widely disseminated. Blocking and slandering my engineering publications reporting the construction and appearance of Magnocrafts of my invention described on the web page "magnocraft.htm", in spite that for these starships it has already been formally and scientifically proven that their principle of operation, design and appearance are identical to UFOs (see this evidence in #B2 and #C1 to #C12 from the web page "ufo_proof_pl.htm" - where item #D2 also presents the historic resolution of 161 participants of the Internet list of totalizm unanimously confirming that my Magnocraft provides a technical explanation for the construction, operation and appearance of UFOs). Imposition of governmental secrecy at all reports from confrontations of UFOs and UFOnauts by the army or police. Sending agents of UFOnauts to Earth so that they pretend to be the so-called "UFOlogists" supposedly researching UFOs, but in practice sabotaging the truth about UFOs and turning their "research" into profitable ventures and into slandering or even murdering witnesses of the existence of UFOs. Establishment of a secret institution of the so-called "Men In Black" (MIB) to cause intimidation and killing of actual UFO researchers and UFO witnesses. Telepathic and hypnotic reprogramming of decision-makers and people in power or their wives so that they deny the existence of UFOs in every possible way. Etc., etc.

{3#K2} Keeping from people as secretly as possible the fact of the presence and activities of UFOs and UFOnauts on Earth, and keeping all humanity in ignorance of what is really happening in the great cosmos. For example, by operating among people only in a way invisible to human sight through hiding in the so-called "state of telekinetic flickering" discussed in more detail in #C1 from the web page "dipolar_gravity.htm". Also keeping humanity isolated from the rest of the "world of matter" and thus in ignorance of what is really happening in the vast cosmos, e.g. by preventing the construction of advanced technical devices, such as the "telepathic pyramid" described in #E1 to #E1.1 from the web page "telepathy.htm" and in blog #268E, or like the "device revealing objects in a state of telekinetic flickering" described in treatise [7b] that is distributed for free by the web page "tekst_7b.htm" - principles of operation of both of which devices were given to humanity by a totaliztic civilization from stars sympathetic to our horrific fate. Or through telepathic and hypnotic programming make scientists to treat the lie as if it is truth and to force it to other fellow humans, through claiming that all attacks on humanity by invisible UFOs operating with advanced modes of destruction are merely purely natural phenomena - for examples see descriptions of tornadoes technically generated by UFOs (e.g. from the web page "tornado.htm") or see hurricanes technically generated by UFOs (e.g. from the web page "hurricane.htm").

{4#K2} Replacing selected key people with agents-UFOnauts. In turn, these agents or "changelings" placed on Earth cause, among others, distorting the required by God behaviour of humanity and the deviation of people from moral behaviour that is adding into practicing the subtracting parasitic philosophy of UFOnauts, thus causing destructive wars, making subtracting decisions with cataclysmic consequences, implementing murderous technologies (e.g. combustion engines and rockets, plastic, murderous chemicals, etc.), ruining monuments and objects revealing the truth, etc. It is also these "changelings" who implement the principle of UFOnauts "divide and conquer", introduce more and more different names for the same things thus causing constant confusion among people and making more and more harmful mistakes (e.g. such names as the currently forced UAP for UFOs, or "totalism" written with an "s" for "totalitarianism", descriptions of which can be searched with the command - see #A5 of the web page "totalizm.htm"), etc., etc.

{5#K2} Using technical telepathy and hypnosis to program mentally weaker people to carry out destructive orders forced on humanity by UFOnauts and generating unfavourable karma (see web page "karma.htm"). I described the methods of achieving this strategic goal of UFOnauts in a number of my publications - e.g. see blogs #363E and #367E discussed in more detail in the caption under video from Fig. #K2a below.

{6#K2} Continuous weakening of humanity's ability to effectively defend itself against UFOnauts by continuously stimulating wars, people killing each other and withholding God's help by persuading people to break the commandments and requirements of God described in the Bible. The reader can discover for himself/herself how this strategic goal is achieved, for example by analyzing the actions or anatomical details of some of today's leaders.

{7#K2} Abducting entire nations and people of entire countries and transporting them to other planets in order to populate other planets with people whom UFOnauts can then also occupy and exploit. Just such an abduction of the healthiest and most terrified population of entire countries is already planned by UFOnauts for the upcoming annihilation of humanity in the 2030s, which my friend and I illustrated with a half-hour video titled "The Massive Purification of Humanity in 2030s" distributed free of charge at https://www. , and which I also discuss in more detail on my web page called "2030_uk.htm". More about this strategic goal is in the caption of video from Fig. #K2a below.

Almost all of the above strategic goals {1#K2} to {7#K2} were planned by UFOnauts to be achieved in the incident (or rather in the cosmic "intrigue") which is documented in the YouTube videos shown below at Fig. #K2a .

Although listed above are only examples of strategic goals determined by my research and currently implemented by UFOnauts to prolong their secretive occupation of humanity, they still give the reader a good understanding of "how" extremely dangerous UFOnauts are for the independence and freedom of our entire civilization and each of us people. After all, UFOnauts have already developed a huge number of goals of their actions that are difficult to detect and strongly harmful to us, which they have been secretly implementing for thousands of years without causing people to realize "what is going on" and to undertake an effective defence. This in turn allows them to secretly occupy us for thousands of years, to exploit us, rape us, murder us, destroy us and manage us in ways that suit them. But our defence can be so simple. It is enough for us to return to faith in God, because God's commandments show us the principles of life's addition, which oppose the subtractive actions of UFOnauts. The Bible inspired by God also admonishes us to start wisely and skilfully avoiding doing things that we can easily realize come from UFOnauts (in the Bible called "fallen angels", devils, serpents, snakes, dragons, demons, etc.). In #K4 below I discuss item #L3 from the web page " cielcza_uk.htm ", in which I explain how wisely, skilfully, far-sightedly and without causing collisions the Bible teaches us to do such avoidance.

As it turns out, distinguishing what serves the subtractive parasitic interests of UFOnauts (i.e. former "devils"), from what serves to add to our growth and independent future, is simple nowadays precisely because of their forcing us to take actions aimed at achieving by UFOnauts the above goals. It turns out that everything that is forced upon us by UFOnauts displays several attributes that quickly catch the eye of someone who knows what to pay attention to. And so, the first of these attributes is that [a] everything that UFOnauts force upon us is formulated in terms of the dictionary "what" and NOT in engineering terms of "how" - which I explain in more detail in blog #341E and in #G3 to #G5 from my web page "wroclaw_uk.htm". (In order to spread confusion and push us down in development, UFOnauts do NOT want us to learn the adding engineering procedures "how".) The second of these attributes is that in order to hide the actual shallowness of their forcing, [b] everything that comes from forcing on us by UFOnauts (regardless of who presents this to us) uses words, concepts and expressions that sound very professional and sublime - which, however, are NOT defined in there (note here that, for example, even in the content of the Bible, each important terminology used in there is wisely defined, only that in different verses from those in which it is used). For example, in numerous English-language from YouTube also appear misleading videos of UFOnauts about our current situation, in which one can find such expressions as: starseeds, matrix, seer, chosen one, parallel universe, portal, vortex, and several others (unfortunately their equivalents in other then English languages are NOT known to me, hence I am NOT translating them in this blog). Another attribute is that [c] these coercions never support their claims with clearly provided verses of currently officially used Bibles - and if they contain the word "Bible", it is to indicate books allegedly removed from the Bible or NOT included into the official Bible, which UFOnauts most probably now wrote by themselves and using their advanced technology (e.g. time vehicles) dropped them off in some places, making sure that their present helpers find them and "spread" them around the Earth for the information of those people who do NOT trust almighty God that if He considered these books important, then He would also find a way how they were incorporated into the official Bible. The next attribute of this forcing is that [d] UFOnauts always ignore the role of God and spiritual motivations or reasons in the manifestation or elimination of what they inform us about, and attribute everything either to the laws governing the behaviour of "matter", or to the actions of people, or to the so-called "accidents" or "coincidences" - as an example consider the subversive behaviour of some today's women that I described in blog #370E, however which none of the currently existing descriptions motivates by, for example, the lack in women of the God-created so-called "moral energy", i.e. the lack of this energy occurring because these women do NOT perform the required amount of physical work or activities. Yet another attribute is that [e] whatever UFOnauts tell us it can never give us positive results because it comes from the power of evil and NOT from God, i.e. either it supposed to be implemented only in the indefinite future, or it is impossible to implement, or it does NOT contain an engineering recipe "how" to repair or implement this something (for an example of such a recipe see the above-mentioned blog #370E), or if someone decides to implement it, then it is to turn out to be a very disappointing fiasco. To give here an example of distinguishing such subtractive lies forced on us by UFOnauts to turn us away from the adding truth originating from God, which will always reveal at least one of the above features, it is today's attribution of all cataclysmic phenomena that plague practically every country, as a consequence of the so-called "climate change" caused by humans. Meanwhile, "climate change" is an "effect" and NOT a "cause" - the explanation of which truth is missing in these lies. But in our universe where God exists, the most primary "cause" of everything always has to do with God. In other words, these "cataclysmic" events that are currently troubling more and more people are caused mainly by the turning of given communities and people away from God and thus resulting in the cessation of fulfilling God's commandments and requirements, which triggers the "deprivation of the privilege" of their defence by God. In turn, the lack of this "privilege" of defence by God is exploited by UFOnauts who, due to the lack of objective obstacles that stop evil and which obstacles always do NOT exist around communities and people who are NOT defended by God, cause the arrival of cataclysms that afflict this community or person turned away from God. On the other hand, that the coming of cataclysms is the result of the cause "people's turning away from God" (and NOT by any effect, e.g. in the form of "climate change" or because some other reason) is confirmed by probably the most historically recent evidence, which is the area of the "birthday gift of God for New Zealand" - means the area where flat land was raised from under the sea level in 1840 for the construction of the town of Petone and the New Zealand capital of Wellington, described in the INTRODUCTION of the web page "petone.htm". This is because in the township of Petone there are NO destructions caused by cataclysms, in spite of the fact that cataclysms affect virtually all towns surrounding the township of Petone from the four main directions of the world and lying in the vicinity of this township. In other words, in order to eliminate today's cataclysms, it is enough to return to pedantic observance of all the commandments and requirements of God described in the Bible (supported by a return to sincere prayer) - including the undertaking in accordance with God's requirements, the doing of reverse from the current destruction of our planet, its resources, nature and population.

(This entire post #371E would NOT fit into the memory of this blog - hence the next part of it will be continued below as post #371_2E)


kodig : :
lip 01 2024 #371_2E: Powers that UFOnauts have and use...

#371_2E: Powers that UFOnauts have and use to destroy humanity (part 2)


(Continuation from the previous "part 1" of this post #371E)


Fig. #K2a (video): ("Las Vegas 'giant creature' possible 'alien' video is original", 6:47 min, in YT since 2024/4/25 - night video from April 30, 2023 documenting the giant UFOnaut from Las Vegas)

Link to video #K2b: ("UFO mystery: Las Vegas teen says paranormal events followed 'nonhuman' encounter", 4:33 min, in YT since 2024/4/25 - report from sighting of the detachment of the figure of Jesus from the cross held invisibly in the air)

Link to video #K2c: ("More disturbing incidents at Las Vegas UFO house", 5:10 min, in YT since 2024/4/26 - leafing through the Bible by an invisible UFOnaut)

Search for related videos with key words: Las Vegas alien 2023
(e.g. see )

Fig. #K2a (video), plus links as well as searches for videos expanding it. Here are English-language videos that expose the carefully planned intrigue of UFOnauts who wanted to implement in Las Vegas in one move almost all strategic goals described above in subitems {1#K2} to {7#K2} - which intrigue was neutralized by the courage of a 17-year-old boy named "Angel " and by his decisive action. In spite that everyone today knows about the mocking, frightening, persecution and even disappearance to which UFOnauts and their human helpers subject everyone who officially reports seeing a UFO or UFOnaut, this brave boy alerted the authorities about the landing of a UFO starship near the house in which he lived, and made a video documenting an important fragment of what was happening there - for which courage he and his family then began to be accused and persecuted. (Click on the links above if you would like to view all of these videos.)

My analyzes of the above intrigue plot show that UFOnauts planned it and executed in the same was as everything that UFOnauts do on Earth, namely that it can later be easily dismissed as lie or imagination by biased authorities and by monopoly of the "official atheistic science", and thus can additionally escalate among people the disbelieve in UFO existence. In other words, the plan of UFOnauts' plot was made in such a way that it denies that their activities are carried out by our relatives from the Orion planets, who differ from people only in height and in having advanced technology which, through the use of the so-called the "state of telekinetic flickering" makes them invisible to human sight (although sometimes they can be recorded on video as black shadowy human-like figures). At the same time, this intrigue was supposed to suggest to people the "demonic" or "supernatural" nature of themselves and their activities - this is why, in order to additionally give it a "demonic" character, the landing of their UFO starship, invisible to people, and the "scare" that they planned to carry out after this landing, they realized at home of a boy named Angel. However, in way that added to the revealing of truth, the boy recorded what happened there in the video #K2a shown above, which documented a giant UFOnaut invisible to human eyes. This video has been deemed authentic by experts. It managed to capture the head of an almost 3-meter-tall and invisible UFOnaut protruding above the fence while hiding from people in a "state of telekinetic flickering". (People could see and detect UFOnauts hiding in this way more easily if they built the "revealing device" described in the Polish language treatise [7b], remotely given to humanity by totaliztic relatives from the stars who have NO physical access to the Earth, i.e. given by relatives that are other than those who occupy us and who have been parasitizing on us for millennia - see "tekst_7b.htm".) In that intrigue intended by parasitic UFOnauts, these parasites also did NOT manage to fully implement the subsequent campaign of criticizing and "intimidating" the boy and his family by invisible UFOnauts. And this in spite that one can guess that, for example, having absolute power over humanity, UFOnauts certainly made sure that the key so-called "UFOlogists", as well as journalists discussing the subject of UFOs, were actually agents of UFOnauts sent to Earth to discredit witnesses reporting UFO sightings and to deny (instead of confirming) the existence of UFOs. In the case described here, this scaring campaign included, for example, telekinetically lifting the cross into the air and tearing off the figure of Jesus and throwing it (probably intended to warn that similarly to this figure of Jesus, UFOnauts may also do to this boy), as well as looking through the Bible hanging in the mid-air. Two details of this intimidation campaign of intrigue are revealed in the #K2b and #K2c videos linked above.

In the above-described incident from Las Vegas, a giant UFOnaut was documented, belonging to the same civilization of our higher-than-human relatives from the Orion planets, whose approximately 3-meter-high agent is still roaming the New Zealand (NZ) town of Petone - just as I described it and documented his footprints with photos in #K3 to #K3f of the web page "petone.htm" and in blog #355E. For example, in (NZ) Petone he telekinetized chalk-white trail of footprints from his telekinetic propulsors in his shoe-soles and thus imprinted onto the surface of the black asphalt of the sidewalk. These footprints, although slightly less visible, were still noticeable even when I wrote this report almost 2 years later. His footprints documented in the photo from Fig. #K3f of the web page "petone.htm" clearly also proved there that when leaving in a "state of telekinetic flickering" a two-story residential house (in which previously he probably watched at night or hypnotically programmed the people living there), among others he easily penetrated through the fence wall of this building. UFOnauts penetrating human bodies in this "state of telekinetic flickering" were also recorded by videos documenting the so-called "possession of people" by UFOnauts using technical telekinesis. I explain their penetration into people's bodies with engineering "how" in (2) from item #M2 of blog #363E and of the web page "evil.htm", while I additionally illustrate them, e.g. in videos from part (4c#G1) of blog #367E and my web page "artefact.htm". Those videos include, for example, about 50 seconds long one with the title "Jinn rescues man from being attacked" from the address (showing a UFOnaut which was inside the body of man possessed by him, but UFOnaut emerged from the body of his host to defend the host from the criminal's attack), and also include the 40-second video "Demonic Possession?" at the address (showing black outlines of a UFOnaut who then possesses a man that is cleaning a swimming pool - additionally discussed in (5a#G1) of the web page "evil.htm"). The attack of a similar invisible UFOnaut was also documented on the 1-minute video "GHOST ATTACK CAUGHT ON CAMERA!" at .

#K3. What powers our UFO torturers do have that they are able to secretly destroy, enslave, exploit and occupy us for millennia, while we have NO idea about it:

In order to avoid the consequences of karma, during the thousands of years that have passed since UFOnauts secretly began to occupy and exploit us, they invented many deceptive methods to do these harmful acts with the hands of their human helpers. Simply, their agents, who look almost exactly like humans (see descriptions of the anatomy of UFOnauts in #G3 to #G2f on the web page "evil.htm"), impersonate human leaders and decision-makers, who then acting as one large gang constantly keeping communication among themselves give orders to their subordinate human helpers. In this way, the karma for evil that originates from UFOnauts falls on these human helpers that do the harm so they are the ones who must suffer for what they did "on orders from leaders".

Unfortunately for us, nowadays, when thanks to the advancement of our technology and the implementation of methods of mutual communication, humanity began to gradually discover the existence and parasitic activity of UFOnauts on Earth, UFOnauts undertook rapid preparations to implement the "final move", which is to be "total control of every person" from which people will NOT be able to escape and which I have already discussed in the "introduction" to these items #K1 to #K5 of this blog #371E. These preparations for total control are already so advanced that even computers in today's cars have programs that spy on the actions of people driving them - e.g. search on YouTube with the phrase: car computer spying on driver - see ) or e.g. see the 3:28 minute video "Is your car spying on you?" from . Just in case that UFOnauts do NOT succeed in this "final move", they are also preparing the "global extermination of almost the entire humanity in the 2030s" with their advanced technology, which will shift those of the people who survive this destruction of humanity back in their development almost to the proverbial "stone age", while which is best presented with my friend in our half-hour video "The Massive Purification of Humanity in 2030s" distributed free of charge at , while I described it on the web page called "2030_uk.htm".

Almost sarcastic in the behaviour of UFOnauts who do NOT believe in the existence of God, is that in the "global destruction of almost the entire humanity in the 2030s" planned by them, they intend with their extremely advanced technology to reverse and eliminate on Earth the products of creation described in verses 1:1 to 2:3 from the "Book of Genesis" in the Bible, which are the effects of the first to seventh day of the creation of heaven, earth and living creatures by God - including the creation of man and woman. Thus in order to make the reader aware of at least some of the moves to which, according to my research, UFOnauts will resort in this global destruction in subsequent degrees of intensification of destruction on Earth, i.e. moves marked below with numbers {7#K3} to {1#K3}, let us now describe for each level of destruction examples of "what" and "how" UFOnauts will accomplish this. Note that in order for the reader to be able to compare with the above-mentioned Bible verses the destruction that UFOnauts will cause with their devices in individual "steps" or "levels" of their reversal of the effects of creation by God, in the descriptions below I will number them in the reverse order than that given for the subsequent days of creation described in the Bible, but with numbers that will correspond to the numbers of the subsequent days of creation. Notice also that those communities and lands which, due to their impiety, God was forced to "deprive of the privilege" of defending them against cataclysms described, among others, in blog #362E and in #I5 of the web page "bandits.htm", God will NOT defend against the upcoming destructive actions of UFOnauts. Here are these subsequent levels of technical destruction that can be caused by UFOnauts:

{7#K3} Destroying the sanctity of the Sabbath which God established on the seventh day of creation - i.e. destroying the consequences of verses 2:1-2 from the "Book of Genesis" in the Catholic "Millennium Bible". For this purpose, for example, UFOnauts’ earthly helpers pre-programmed by the telepathic and hypnotic techniques of UFOnauts, instead of celebrating the holiness of Saturdays and thus performing good deeds commanded by Jesus, organize e.g. marches and demonstrations of homosexuals, street fights between government police and demonstrators, attacks in aggressive wars, quarrels and days of betrayal in marriages, etc. - as I described this, among others, in blog #370E (available at the addresses from item #Z6 of the web page "aliens.htm") and in #I1 to #I4 of the web page "bible.htm".

{6#K3} The destruction of living creatures and man created on the sixth day of creation - i.e. the destruction of the consequences of verses 1:24-31 from the "Book of Genesis" in the Catholic "Millennial Bible". In order, for example, to cause the extinction and destruction of animals living on Earth, UFOnauts program their helpers for a number of various activities, usually stimulated by greed or corruption. Examples of these include the unrestrained production of plastic without recycling it, thus causing the pollution of water, soil and air; or the use of chemicals dangerous to life such as fertilizers, as well as chemicals used during washing, cleaning, production, military purposes, etc. In turn, in order to destroy people, UFOnauts use their advanced technology which causes cataclysms that are indistinguishable from natural ones. Explanations of such murderous cataclysms induced by invisible UFO starships, which are equivalents of the starship of my invention called the Magnocraft, I have provided, for example, on the web pages "day26.htm", "quake.htm", "plague.htm", "tornado.htm", and "hurricane.htm", as well as on numerous blogs - e.g. see blogs #180E, #213E, #214E, #216E, #200E, #322E. In fact, UFOnauts are able to cause with their powerful UFO vehicles any cataclysm that is almost indistinguishable for ignorant about technology of UFOs human scientists, from the so-called "natural" cataclysm - for comparison, see the web page "military_magnocraft.htm". UFOnauts also have various deadly weapons, capable of quickly killing people, medically damaging human bodies, and inflicting untold pain. When I was still researching the technology of UFOnauts, I came across a number of descriptions of this deadly weapon. (Notice, however, that in 2007 I completely stopped researching UFOnauts as currently I learn to know and I research only God, while I am publishing what is contained here only because I know it and I am obliged by the Bible to inform my neighbours about the truths that have been established.) Unfortunately, I do NOT know whether this weapon of UFOnauts is one device that has many different functions of harming people, or a number of separate devices, each one of which causes damage to people that is specific to it. So I will describe here three cases of operation of this weapon that I know about. And so, the most widely known weapon of UFOnauts is the operation of a device that causes the harms to people described even on the Internet under the name [@1] "Havana syndrome" - see . This weapon destroys the human head, memory, brain and hearing. Experts believe that it uses ultrasounds to cause destruction. However, I believe that it uses technically generated powerful telepathic waves that cause resonance of the brain and the entire head, which is harmful to the victims. This is because its effects somewhat resemble the operation of another weapon of UFOnauts, which was described to me in detail by a UFO abductee. I describe this weapon of UFOnauts in several of my publications under the name [@2] "machine for inducing and treating cancer" linked on the web page "skorowidz.htm". According to the abductee's descriptions, it had the shape of a small "cannon" with a more complicated than human "gun" structure, thus resembling a cross between a cannon and a computer. After aiming this "gun" at the abductee, he felt an intense itching in one place of his body, while on the huge screen visible on UFO to the abductee was shown the displayed his body presented as if it were transparent, but having marked its individual organs and components with shades of transparency. In one area of his body, the place where the cancer had started was marked in colour. Then UFOnauts informed him that this device also cures cancer, showing him 'how" after pointing the "cannon" at him again and giving to him a next dose of differently felt itching, the cancer shown on the screen disappeared. From his stories, I believe that this machine produces a column of some kind of silent radiation (I believe it is also technically generated strong telepathic vibrations) capable of reprogramming a selected part of the body to acquire the characteristics of cancer, or capable of removing cancer from a given body destroyed by cancer. In fact, from the information I managed to gather, everything indicates that this machine was used to attack and kill the famous NZ inventor and builder of super-motorcycles and also my acquaintance, John Britten, just before he probably finally found an effective solution for the most important mechanism he experimented with for many years to give his "human-muscle propelled airplane" the ability to fly while it is solely powered by muscles of its human pilot and while it precisely copy with its wings the flight movements of heavy birds. I described death from cancer of this my acquaintance in item #H1.4 and I also showed and described a photo of his super-bike in Fig. #H3 from my web page "newzealand_visit.htm". The third weapon of UFOnauts that I also know about is [@3] "a machine inflicting indescribable pain and internal bleeding", the descriptions of which are also linked by the web page "skorowidz.htm". Because attributes and signs of the use of this weapon display various similarities to the described above [@1] "Havana Syndrome" (except that it attacks all internal organs of the chest and kidneys, instead of attacking the head like does the Havana Syndrome), and also because I already know about three incidents of its probable use in New Zealand (although there could be more but for a "hobbyist" like myself there are NO possibilities to find out about them) therefore it also could be called the weapon for causing [@3] "New Zealand Syndrome". It was probably with this [@3] "New Zealand Syndrome" machine that UFOnauts killed my friend Bruce De Palma with massive internal bleeding when he was close to building a free energy generator called N-Machine - see the descriptions of his death in #77 from item W4 in volume 18 of my monograph [1/5] distributed for free by the web page "text_1_5.htm". In turn, how the victim feels the attack of this machine's operation, Bruce De Palma could NOT report to me because this machine killed him. However, I know these symptoms from another source. As I found out, this machine inflicts enormous pain on its victim, which is simply unbearable and thus probably suffices to kill a person if persisting long enough. This pain seems to spread over the internal organs of the body of only the selected person, while other people who are close to this victim do not feel any sensation at all. In this other case that I also learned, the pain started at night in the liver and stomach - which first induced the suspicion that the cause of the pain was some kind of food poisoning. However, then the pain gradually spread to all the organs inside the chest and also to the kidneys. Thus, it appears that this pain is caused by some column of silent radiation - perhaps also by powerful telepathic waves inducing resonance of selected organs and tissues of the body. After all, it is known from the construction and operation of the so-called "telepathic pyramid" (see #E1 of the web page "telepathy.htm"), that telepathic waves can cause violent resonance even of a hard quartz crystal. The only, although rather slight, relief in the intensity of this incredible pain was felt by its victim when he quickly and abruptly changed the place of his temporary location - it can be seen that the operation of this machine did not keep up with following by the column of its radiation the fast and complicated course of the full of twists and turns of the displacement path of its future victim. (So this means that the attack of this weapon can perhaps be minimized by escaping through various corridors and rooms of a large building.) In the case discussed here, this slight relief was detected when, after suffering about two hours of enormous pain, the person being attacked with this machine began to feel nauseous and ran with turning around to a toilet located elsewhere in the house to try to vomit in there. However, the first attempts to vomit failed, and after returning to bed the pain intensified and spread to more internal organs. However, the nausea also deepened and after several trips to the toilet over the next two hours, the victim managed to vomit. Shortly after vomiting, the pain subsided. However, the following days, the persecuted person discovered that his urine was red and contained a lot of blood. It is possible that his stool also contained blood because it significantly changed colour, but without expensive laboratory tests there was NO way to confirm or deny this. Because the person persecuted by this attack of UFOnauts' machine-weapons knew that he was being frequently abducted to a UFO, this knowledge, combined with the knowledge about blood in urine and about the health of the food he ate on the day before this attack, suggested that it was an attack aimed at intimidating him into keeping silent about his UFO experiences, but no kill was done yet. (One can deduce that this machine for causing [@3] "New Zealand Syndrome" is frequently used by the so-called MIB = Man In Black, who so effectively intimidate witnesses of UFO activities on Earth.) Unfortunately, I do not know what the further development of events after that attack was. However, from the fact that after this attack there was internal bleeding visible in urine, and perhaps also in stool, suggests that this attack was carried out with the same murderous machine-weapon that killed the above-mentioned builder of N-Machine, i.e. Bruce De Palma. Of course, regardless of the above-mentioned weapon-machines, UFOnauts also use other ways of killing people. For example, it is known that the so-called "medieval plagues" (and perhaps also the newest "Covid-19") were caused by the dissemination of bacteria and viruses by UFOnauts agents - for an example of their descriptions see the web page "petone.htm" - where e.g. in 21 from item #C2 I describe one from the effects caused by UFOnauts' medicine, which is harmful to humanity and spreads the so-called medieval "plagues".

{5#K3} Destruction of aquatic living creatures and birds created on the fifth day of creation - i.e. destruction of the consequences of creation from verses 1:20-23 from the "Book of Genesis" in the Catholic "Millennial Bible". The reader has probably read or heard about cases of entire flocks of birds dying in flight and falling to the ground, and huge shoals of extinct fish washing up on the shores of seas and lakes. Although the "official atheistic science" is NOT able to detect the reasons for these mass deaths, it is known that UFOnauts have a technology that makes this possible. For example, it is known that shoals of fish killed by UFOs were washed up on sea shores after the tsunami of Sunday, December 26, 2004, described in #D from the web page "day26.htm". And about this murderous tsunami, all available evidence indicates that it was caused intentionally by UFOnauts - just as on June 19, 1178 AD, UFOnauts caused the Earth's crust to shift with an explosion near the town of Tapanui in New Zealand, described on the web page "tapanui.htm". In turn, UFOnauts can kill swarms of birds in flight, e.g. with a powerful ultrasound attack, and probably also with the "Havana syndrome" described above - that is, in a way in which to inflame the so-called "Cold War" UFOnauts have been causing brain damage to American diplomats and military personnel since 2016 (i.e. probably with the same machine that I explained in the previous subitem {6#K3} that used it to kill Bruce De Palma the inventor of N-Machine).

{4#K3} The destruction of the light of the stars and the Moon created on the fourth day of creation - i.e. the destruction of the consequences of creation from verses 1:14-19 of the "Book of Genesis" in the Catholic "Millennium Bible". This type of destruction is already announced by UFOnauts under the name "three days of darkness" at the beginning of the upcoming cataclysms in the 2030s. UFOnauts can cause it with their ability to bend light, already mastered by our torturers from the Orion planets, which I described in blog #349E and in #J1 to #J3 of the web page "1985_theory_of_everything.htm".

{3#K3} The destruction of the dry surface of the Earth created on the third day of creation - i.e. the destruction of the consequences of creation described in verses 1:9-13 from the "Book of Genesis" in the Catholic "Millennium Bible". This destruction is already partially demonstrated to us by UFOnauts all over the world through, for example, increasingly violent droughts or floods that they create. How UFO vehicles can form such floods or droughts is described in more detail, e.g. in #E11 and #E12 of the web page "military_magnocraft.htm" (for droughts or floods caused by a "wind tunnel" which moves dry air or clouds swollen with water from other areas with whirls formed by UFOs), and in blog #322E and in #J1 to #J5 of the web page "hurricane.htm" (for floods caused by hurricanes induced by huge UFOs). In order to cause heat-waves and droughts, UFOnauts also invented a phenomenon completely unknown to people so far, which is described on the Internet (YouTube) under the name: Heat Domes (see +Domes), in which they induce temperatures that are deadly to humans and animals, exceeding 50 degrees Celsius. These domes are simply gigantic UFO starships, about which UFOnauts boasted to the Polish late Andrzej Domała that with their diameter they can cover the entire country of Denmark, with the propulsion system operating in the so-called "state of telekinetic flickering", invisible to human eyes, which with their magnetic circuits heat up and maintain a gigantic balloon of stationary and hot air under their floors. The fact that such gigantic UFOs already operate in the Earth's atmosphere is proven by their flights, e.g. one of them crossed South Africa on 2024/6/4 and was documented on video and shown in a 2:22 minute YT presentation entitled " 'Huge black cloud' flies over South Africa | ABS-CBN News" available at . While watching this short video, it is worth knowing that the pulsating UFO field is able to precipitate steam from the atmosphere, surrounding the UFO with a kind of discoidal cloud, discussed in #C1 and shown in Fig. #C1 from the web page "cloud_ufo.htm", and also that in order to fly in a direction other than precisely N-S or S-N, the UFO field must rotate, which causes that such a cloud must also rotate even if it almost touches the Earth - as this is documented by destructive tornadoes technically formed by UFOs and described on my web page "tornado.htm".

{2#K3} The destruction of the dome separating the waters of heaven from the waters of the "material world" on the second day of creation - i.e. the destruction of the consequences of creation described in verses 1:9-13 from the "Book of Genesis" in the Catholic "Millennium Bible". UFOnauts are able to destroy this dome with their UFO starships flying in the advanced mode of "time vehicles" which "spiral" into this dome, causing blue spirals in the sky recently seen all over the world. After they spiral in, a "hole" remains in such a dome, which UFOnauts usually call a "portal" to other dimensions. Moreover, they also have a technology to "wrap" these domes, causing the "wrapping of light" described below in {1#K3}. What such a "dome" is, best explains this blog #294 and item #D3 from the web page "god_proof.htm". But there it is described in engineering terms "how". Namely, at the moment of creation of our "world of matter", this "dome" initially was the first layer of later created "reversible software time" which passes in leaps and skips like film frames in a cinema. Initially this dome existed in one copy only, but was multiplied to a huge number by now. Multiple numbers of it are used to create the present "reversible software time", in which all living creatures age. To create this reversible time for creatures living in our "world of matter", our present "world of matter" God cut into numerous "pancakes" arranged into a stack. So now such "domes" are all (and each) of the thin time layers of the counter-world existing in the fourth "G" linear dimension, that is cut into a stack of "pancakes" of our "world of matter". In other words, these domes are these thin layers, jumping through which our "program of life and fate" contained in the soul and genes forms the passage of our "reversible software time" described e.g. in #A2 of the web page "immortality.htm", and partly also in post #191E to blogs of totalizm. In turn, the transverse vibrations travelling along these thin layers or "pancakes" form "transverse waves of light" and thus, thanks to their existence, "transverse waves of light" reach every place inside the three-dimensional volume of our "world of matter" (i.e. they reach all points lying inside our "world of matter", to which, according to the knowledge of present physics, "transverse waves" are NOT allowed to reach these points, while only the so-called "longitudinal waves" should be able to reach them). In the times of creation of our "world of matter", the single layer or "pancake" forming this "dome" separated two huge lumps of "God Drobinas" (i.e. particles of counter-matter). At that initial time one of these lumps constituted the originally existing "counter-world" in the Bible called "heaven". The second lump formed our "world of matter" created by God, called "earth" in the Bible. This first "dome" separating "earth" from "heaven" still exists even today. However, because God later created many of these time layers (domes) stacked one on top of other like pancakes on a saucer, this first layer (dome) is located on the outside of the depth dimension "G" of our world of matter - forming the boundary of the earliest time of existence of our world of matter. The deepest time layer of our world of matter forms the latest moment in reversible software time in which our world of matter will still exist. Notice that I described these God Drobinas in blogs #325E and #326E and in items #K1 to #K2 from the web page "god_exists.htm". The first of these two groups of God Drobinas are those that move freely, because they fill a part of the infinite in size counter-world which was NOT yet occupied by our "world of matter", and thus which constitutes the furthest area of the "sky" and "heaven". They are separated by the dome described here (i.e. by a thin "pancake") from the second group of "God Drobinas" with precisely programmed movements and behaviours that form our entire "world of matter" in the Bible called "earth" and are finite in size. Since the ever-moving streams and whirls of "God Drobinas" filling up both the "sky" and forming with their behaviour the "earth", behave like streams and whirlpools of fluids, in the Bible they are called "waters". In other words, the verses 1:9-13 from the "Book of Genesis" discussed here use the popular language of the Bible to express the engineering "how" our "world of matter" was created by God - which I tried to describe in today's engineering language "how" but also with my human imperfection in the above-mentioned blog #294 and in item D3 from the web page "god_proof.htm".

(This entire post #371E would NOT fit into the memory of this blog - hence the rest of it will be continued below as post #371_3E)

kodig : :
lip 01 2024 #371_3E: Defence against enslavement, rape,...

#371_3E: Defence against enslavement, rape, robbery and killing by UFOnauts parasitizing people (part 3)


(Continuation from the previous "part 2" of this post #371E)


{1#K3} The destruction of the sky and the "world of matter" (earth) and light created on the first day of creation - i.e. the destruction of the consequences of verses 1:1-5 from the "Book of Genesis" in the Catholic "Millennium Bible". Although this may surprise many, the parasitic philosophy of UFOnauts, focused on robbery instead of work and self-sufficiency, probably gives them hope that they can destroy even the "heaven" - e.g. by causing, by force, lies and deceit, all rational human-like beings to abandon the faith in God and replace their work on their progress by parasitizing those weaker than themselves. So if there were NO almighty God, by such behaviour UFOnauts could first turn everything into a kind of "hell", and then into a kind of lifeless desert encompassing the entire area of the "world of matter" they control (described in the Bible with the word "earth"). This, in turn, would result in a lack of souls suitable for heaven. Moreover, the extremely advanced technology of UFOnauts has the power to destroy the "earth", i.e. the "world of matter", in every place over which UFOnauts take control using the methods that I have already described previously in {7#K3} to {3#K3}. Being nocturnal and accustomed to darkness, UFOnauts can use their ability to "bend light" described in blog #349E and in #J1 to #J3 from the page "1985_theory_of_everything.htm" to also take away the light from those planets and areas over which they intend to take control. It is not without reason that false information has already appeared on the Earth taken over by UFOnauts, i.e. information denied by experts in knowledge of the Word of God (see e.g. 11:53 minute video "Three days of darkness is nonsense?" from the address =OcCKm0Gs7I8 ) about the alleged approach of "three days of darkness" - see the Polish video , which UFOnauts can easily cause with their "light wrapping" technique (blog #349E) that could cut off the flow of light to the entire planet Earth. After all, such cutting off the Earth from light for three days long announced by UFOnauts (and contrary to the Bible) would stimulate present people to pray for salvation - just as Europeans once motivated primitive peoples with solar eclipses. In turn, these prayers would make it easier for UFOnauts to pretend to be "angels" and then transfer most of the healthier people from Earth to other planets with highly primitive conditions, where these people would have to start a new civilization from scratch, and thus UFOnauts would be able to continue exploiting these people for the next several thousand years. (Note, however, that such removals of numerous nations from Earth have already taken place many times - e.g. consider the civilization of Anastasias and Olmecs from America or the ancient, highly developed civilization preceding present-day China.)

The above list {7#K3} to {1#K3} discuses only those destructive capabilities of advanced technology, medicine and biology of UFOnauts, which I had the opportunity to research in spite of the fact that I researched them alone, solely for my own financing, in the situation of experiencing constant persecution, punishment, criticism, mockery, blocking of my publications, removal from work, disruption by almost everyone around me and to whom I turned for help (e.g. the Internet, universities, NASA, European Space Agency, industry), etc. Fortunately and despite these harassments, and only with the discreet inspiration and support of God who knows the future of each of us, I became the first and still the only researcher on Earth who, based on his own Theory of Everything from 1985, scientifically and irrefutably proved the existence of God (page "god_proof.htm"), and has developed a modern "philosophy of totalizm from 1985" that agrees with the Bible in every matter (see the web page "totalizm.htm"), and who, in spite of my human imperfections, tries to fulfil all commandments and requirements of God (including even my pray for our enemies, i.e. for these UFOnauts - who so far probably did NOT know what kind of trouble they were putting themselves into with their parasitic activities). Still, the above list reveals that practically for everything that God created, UFOnauts already have technical, medical and biological means and methods to be able to destroy it. Practically, if the nations of the Earth allow them to implement this plan of "globalization" that is currently being completed by UFOnauts and to tighten the control globally over all nations and individually over every inhabitant of the Earth, then people will already cross the "point of no return" and there will be NO turning back for them, i.e. they will be condemned to exploitation that is impossible to combat and will end in complete self-destruction. After all, then humanity will become one of the components of this parasitic confederation from the planets of Orion. This in turn means that it will no longer be possible to defend ourselves against the parasitic supervision and rule of UFOnauts over people. Since God does NOT tolerate parasitism and evil, therefore sooner or later He will allow every parasitic civilization to annihilate itself - evidence of which from the past archaeologists find NOT only on Mars, but even on Earth - but official sources are stubbornly silent about it.

Fortunately for us, God keeps his promise in the Bible (see Bible verses: Matthew 10:26, Mark 4:22) that every secret will be revealed. In turn, by keeping this, God gives to every person on Earth an equal chance that due to returning to prayers and fulfilling God's recommendations and requirements clearly explained in the Bible, every person deserves to have restored to the above-mentioned "privileges" which God was previously forced to deprive him/her of, including the privileges of defence against cataclysms and against malicious actions of UFOnauts. And we must also remember that God has a huge advantage over UFOnauts. After all, the bodies of UFOnauts, just like ours, are also made of the same elementary cells of the body of God, which I describe in my publications under the name "God Dobinas" (see blogs #325E and #326E and #K1 to #K2 of the web page "god_exists.htm"). And in the 12th (i.e. in the twelfth, means in the one with the highest priority for carrying out His orders) brain and memory of each of these "God Drobinas" resides the living Program of God through Christianity called the "Holy Spirit" (for details see (3) from item #H1 and (i) from item #H3 on the web page "2020life.htm" or blog #331E). So everything that UFOnauts think and do, similarly like everything that we humans and all other living creatures think and do (for details see #J5 from the web page "petone.htm"), is constantly controlled and censored by God and only if it agrees with long-term goals of God obtains His permission to be implemented - after all, as I explain it in that #J5, everything that living creatures think that they are implementing, is actually implemented by the "Hands of God" right after these creatures physically start this implementation. This in turn means that UFOnauts can destroy only what God allows them to destroy in order to be able to better learn the methods and effects of evil so that later God can completely eliminate evil from the entire universe. After that, when a given planet or race of UFOnauts will no longer be able to invent any new evil worth knowing, God will allow them to blow themselves up - which He has already done many times in the past and for which we have evidence even on Earth.

#K4. So what is the biggest weakness of torturous methods used on people by UFOnauts:

The greatest weakness of UFOnauts' methods lies in the fact that we, i.e. people, can at any time refuse to cooperate with UFOnauts in the destruction and enslavement of our neighbours. Many Bible verses encourage us to implement just such a refusal - although verses do it carefully so that UFOnauts who have power over the Earth do NOT declare the Bible a forbidden book. Resulting from verse 5:29 in the "Acts of the Apostles" in the Bible commanding us to "obey God rather than men", an example of such a cautious verse states "Render therefore to Caesar (Caesar) what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's" - see the Bible, Matthew 22:21, Mark 12:17, Luke 20:25, and also, among others, the explanation of how this verse should be interpreted that I discuss in more detail, e.g. in #L3 from the web page "cielcza_uk.htm" and in item #C4.2 from the web page named "morals.htm". Notice that the interpretation of this cautious verse "Render therefore to Caesar..." given in #L3 of the page "cielcza_uk.htm" is additionally confirmed by verse 23:3 from the "Gospel according to St. Matthew", in which Jesus advises - I quote from the Catholic "Millennium Bible": "So do and keep whatever they tell you" - which represents the differently expressed advice "turn the other cheek" in situations when you encounter a powerful and brutal oppressor. However, later in the same verse Jesus clearly commands: "but do not imitate their deeds." These tips show us how NOT to focus on ourselves the revenge of the rulers who force us to do evil, and at the same time NOT to obey immoral orders.

Learning from the Bible how to avoid carrying out immoral orders while NOT attracting the revenge of rulers on ourselves, we must also understand the urgency of such behaviour in today's breakthrough times. This urgency results from the fact that humanity has just reached the so-called "point of no return", i.e. a point in the existence of humanity which forces us to choose one of two possible directions of our future which will determine everything that will happen to us, but after choosing this direction humanity will have NO further opportunity to change its choice of that direction into any other direction. One of these two directions is adding, because it will raise humanity to light, truth, knowledge, progress, love of God, neighbours and nature, rejuvenation, and infinite existence - however, it requires that after its choosing, all participants of humanity will diligently learn the pedantic fulfilment of commandments and requirements of God, searching for knowledge and truth, moral behaviour, as well as getting to know our God and creator and His works better and better. However, the second of these directions is subtractive and comes down to imitating UFOnauts who secretly occupy us in everything and voluntarily submitting to their rule, but it leads to destruction, fall, death and extinction of humanity - although it promises to lead a lazy life in which we would parasite on those weaker than us who would perform all kinds of work and services for these stronger ones (means practically this direction will deepen the behaviour of people that is already implemented in every detail of the current existence of humanity). About reaching by humanity this so-called "point of no return" perfectly teaches us the ancient Hopi Indian prophecy about the so-called "Pahana white brother", discussed, among others, on a 12:21 minute English-language video untitled "The Unexpected Reason Why Time Is Speeding Up: The Ancient Map of Time" distributed on YT from the address: - I highly recommend seeing it. This prophecy was recorded for centuries in a stone called "Prophecy Rock" from Oraibi in Arizona, USA, right after it was given to the Hopi by small beings in space helmets called "Katchinas" who came to Earth and who perhaps came from the same totaliztic civilization from stars from which came to China 4,700 years ago the so-called "Yellow Emperor Wong Di" well described in my blog #368E and in #F1 to #F4 from the web page "pigs.htm". I also described this "white brother Pahana" to readers, among others, in items #H2 and #H1 from the web page named "2030_uk.htm". He is also briefly shown in our half-hour free video titled "The Massive Purification of Humanity in 2030s", distributed free of charge at - i.e. the video in Polish but with the subtitles "cc" in English that are possible to be "enabled" or "disabled" on request by clicking on the "cc" icon (i.e. on "subtitles/closed captions") from the lower-right part of this video, means a video that can also be viewed by people who do NOT know the Polish language.

Learning that humanity is just approaching this "point of no return" and that after crossing it and after choosing the path of UFOnauts, it will find out that the life of the vast majority of people will then be much worse than it has already become on Earth now, it is also worth knowing the reason "why" our civilization will then NOT be able to change its course and must follow this course until the day of its self-destruction. I have already provided the answer to this "why" in previous items #K1 to #K3 of this blog #371E. However, it is worth summarizing it briefly here as well. And so, this reason will be the "total control of every citizen of humanity" at that time, achieved through the widespread implementation of the monopoly of the Internet combined with the use of AI (i.e. "artificial intelligence") that together will pedantically censor everything that each person on Earth will then do. This is what the Bible warns us about when writing about the so-called "mark of the beast 666" discussed in blog #353E and in #H4 to #H4b of the web page "will.htm". I describe this total control also in the introduction and in several places of items #K1 to #K5 of this blog #371E and the web page "aliens.htm". So if, after introducing this total control, someone tries to rebel and change something, then he/she will be brutally annihilated. After all, the monopoly of the Internet that then controls everything will NOT even allow him/her to buy or to sell anything, just as UFOnauts who secretly rule over humanity are now gradually implementing this restriction. Absolutely everything will be strictly censored and managed by the monopoly of the Internet and AI. This is why one of the forms of our defence against the rapid introduction of this total control should be an attempt to create several mutually competitive Internets in order to remove the extremely dangerous monopoly of one, and we should also strongly protest against (and prevent) the removal from life of methods of doing everything in other way than through the Internet monopoly (e.g. for maintaining the right to pay with banknotes instead of e.g. with a telephone connected to the Internet - the future miniature form of which today telephones will probably play the role of the "mark of the beast 666"). In fact, the need to eliminate the monopoly of the Internet and the threat that humanity will create a monster 666 with it, is so urgent and dangerous that in my opinion, nowadays, when it can still be remedied, it should be the most priority criterion for voting for any candidate to the authorities - currently even more important than the problems the so-called "climate change".

#K5. So with what detailed methods of collective and individual defence can the entire humanity and each person defend themselves against the power of UFOnauts towering over us and secretly enslaving us, raping, robbing, killing us, etc.:

Motto: "If anyone who meets the definition of an enemy and an aggressor enters the area constituting your home, country, or planet with the intention to kill, enslave, or rob you, then you have a sacred obligation to defend yourself using all means of defence at your disposal" (because UFOnauts meet the definition of an enemy and an aggressor, while incidents such as those described above in {6#K3}, or the crucifixion of Jesus, prove that they kill people, every inhabitant of Earth has a sacred duty to defend against them with all means of defence available to him/her).

Let us start by defining the term "mortal enemy and aggressor". A mortal enemy and aggressor is anyone who, without first contacting us and asking to invite him/her or to allow him/her to come to us in peace once or repeatedly, enters the territory of our residence actively and intentionally, manifesting to us with the use of force or with prior his history of committing crimes or using violence or robbery, his/her intention to kill, enslave, rob, or exploit us." Against the attack of such a "mortal enemy and aggressor", each of us has a sacred duty to defend ourselves, our family and home, as well as our country or civilization, using all methods and means available to him/her for this defence, starting with prayer that God will change the behaviour of this enemy from aggression to peaceful visits and non-aggressive coexistence, through alerting all those whom this enemy is able to attack by revealing to them the whole truth about his/her aggressive intentions, characteristics and actions, and even ending with killing this enemy. (Notice that when such enemy is deservedly killed during his/her aggression on someone territory, NO karma is generated for the defender - as proven e.g. by fate of Finland sniper called the "White Death" - see .) Such a mortal enemy and aggressors of the entire humanity who for thousands of years manifest their constant intentions of killing, enslaving, and robbing people, are our relatives from the planets of Orion, currently called UFOnauts while in the Bible described with the names "fallen angels", devils, demons, serpents, snakes, dragons, etc. Therefore, every human has a sacred duty to defend himself/herself against these UFOnauts with all means and methods available to him/her.

I have been describing the available methods of defence against UFOnauts for years in my numerous totalizm blogs (e.g. see blogs #370E to #359E) and publications. Their examples also include, for example: the need to reform the official science (see #C6 of the web page "telekinetics.htm"), the recognition of the importance of the findings of my "Theory of Everything from 1985" and the "Philosophy of Totalizm from 1985" (see the web page "1985_theory_of_everything.htm", "dipolar_gravity.htm" and "totalizm.htm"), the prevention of Internet monopoly to become the "biblical 666" (blog #353E), implementing the "verifying office" (blog #307E), "reforming the justice system" (blog #362E) based on the effective method of "depriving privileges" encoded by God in the Bible, etc., etc. For some of them, my friend and I have even prepared half-hour videos discussing them - e.g. see the video (in Polish but with close captions in English) entitled "A World Without Money: The Political System Of Nirvana" available for free at the Internet address and discussing the method of eliminating the use of "money" forced on humanity by UFOnauts, or the video "Future Propulsions" the English-language version of which is disseminated from the address https: // , discussing my invention of the Magnocraft - that is, a starship with powers and features comparable to UFO vehicles. The appearances of Magnocraft of particular types are also shown on our 4-minute musical video titled "How big is the Magnocraft", distributed free of charge from the address . Let us now summarize in sub-items several examples of means and methods that urgently need to be implemented, showing how the entire humanity collectively and also how its individual inhabitants can defend themselves against UFOnauts.

{1#K5} Building a Magnocraft. My starship called the "Magnocraft" is best illustrated by the above video "Future Propulsions". The range, speed and military power of this starship reveal that already at our technical level humanity is able to overcome the efforts of mesmerising it by UFOnauts and their human helpers with primitive rocket propulsion. After all, the construction of the Magnocrafts that I invented will raise us to the level of technology that UFOnauts already have, and thus will slowly bring us closer to equalizing the level of our technology with that of UFOnauts - without at the same time giving in to their intentions to force us to their parasitic philosophy of life.

{2#K5} Changing human traditions, way of thinking and worldview. The majority of humanity, including our politicians, elites, as well as decision-makers of the monopoly of the "official atheistic science", display current traditions, ways of thinking and worldviews that are characteristic of humanity's current situation of being "trapped" and "isolated" on our planet and NOT knowing about the state of the rest created and managed by God a huge "world of matter". In order to free ourselves from being murdered, enslaved and robbed by UFOnauts, these traditions must be quickly changed to the opposite ones. Unfortunately, NOT every inhabitant of Earth has an "open mind" to new views and most people, like that "doubting Thomas" from the Bible, must see or touch to believe. Therefore, the construction of Magnocrafts would drastically change the traditions, ways of thinking and worldviews programmed into us by UFOnauts. After all, also the actions of our leaders, elites, and even entire nations, are still limited by these traditions, ways of thinking and worldviews identical to those of prisoners who are "imprisoned" and "separated" somewhere all their lives, and which are best described by the old Chinese proverb "frog in a well". For example, the thinking of such "prisoners" does NOT go beyond what they can see in their symbolic "well" - e.g. what goes beyond the level that today's primitive rocket propulsion represents on the scale of space.

{3#K5} Removal of the current global Internet monopoly and imposing limits on the development of AI through the balancing them with strong "competition". I described a bit more about this in blog #353E and in #H4 to #H4b of the page "will.htm". Here I discuss them in #K4 above while explaining the secretly forced upon us by UFOnauts through the monopoly of the Internet, the threat to our entire civilization with the introduction of total control over every citizen of the future humanity, as well as the initiation of deadly repressions to which citizens who rebel against this total control will be subjected.

{4#K5} Making efforts to eliminate the use of "money" forced on us by UFOnauts and which are the sources of most evil on Earth. Human minds are "confused" by the propaganda of getting rich, and thus closed to new ideas which require everyone to work for their fruits and do NOT promise immediate and easy benefits through the robbery of those weaker than themselves - that is, a robbery which in the final effect drastically reduces the prosperity and standard of living of all humanity (and hence also of those who force it on the rest of humanity) and that after the so-called "time of return", however, will also be returned by absolutely fair mechanisms of karma (see page "karma.htm").

{5#K5} Official establishment of competition for the current monopoly of the "official atheistic science". For years I have been describing this way of defending against lies forced on us by UFOnauts on my web page "telekinetics.htm" - especially in item #C6, and also on a number of my other publications.

{6#K5} Cleansing Christianity from parasitic traditions and tendencies that distort the understanding of God's commandments and requirements described in the Bible. If we carefully analyze what is happening to Christianity today, it is striking that it is increasingly distorting human understanding of God's commandments and requirements described in the Bible. Meanwhile, the Bible is the only written formulation of God's commandments and requirements known to us, which we know with certainty that it comes from God and the truth of which is confirmed by all the evidence available to us. Hence, none of the versions of Christianity has received the right to interpret the Bible in its own distorted way, but has a sacred obligation to stick pedantically to what God actually expressed in the Bible.

{7#K5} Including into our prayers also the praying ordered by God for our "mortal enemies and aggressors" - the definition of which is completely fulfilled also by UFOnauts who parasitize on us. I must admit here that I personally repeat from time to time my prayer for our enemies UFOnauts, asking that God would create for them some situations so that individual participants of their civilization, or even entire component civilizations, could find some way to change their subtractive path towards the self-destruction in which they live from destroying, robbing, pushing down in development, and lying to those weaker and less developed than themselves, to the adding path of faith in God, truth, peace, love and respect for all rational beings of the universe. I have NO qualms about praying for UFOnauts in this way, because I understand that even though they are our and therefore also my enemies, and in spite of the fact that I suffered a lot because of their actions, just because of their behaviour they do NOT cease to be our and my neighbours and cosmic relatives, and hence I as well as every other inhabitant of Earth, are probably the only ones who are able to pray for them sincerely - thus fulfilling the requirement given in the Bible that a sincere and unanimous prayer of someone else is also needed for the prayer-request to be heard and fulfilled by God. Let us also remember how Jesus reacted to the words of the criminal crucified next to the cross of Jesus. So I encourage here that other inhabitants of Earth also pray to God from time to time to give UFOnauts a chance to change their path from the current subtraction, darkness and self-destruction, to future addition, light and eternal life.

A detailed example of the engineering "how" of yet another method of our defence against clever methods of destroying and enslaving us used by UFOnauts is also discussed below in "Part #L" of the web page "aliens.htm".

Copyrights © 2024 by Dr Eng. Jan Pająk

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The above post #371E is an adaptation of the content of #K1 to #K5 from my English web page named "aliens.htm" (update of 30 June 2024, or later) and is available, among others, at the following addresses:

Notice that the above web pages are my main publications updated many times later. On the other hand, this post #371E to blogs of totalizm is only a "harbinger" of publishing the presented here results of my research - which later is NOT updated. Therefore, these web pages typically contain texts that are more improved than this post to blogs of totalizm, with the elapse of time they collect more evidence and fewer research mistakes or writing errors, and because of their repeated updating they also contain the latest findings of my continuously carried out research.

At each of the addresses provided above, I also try to make available the most recently updated versions of all my web pages. Therefore, if the reader wishes to learn from "first hand" the truths explained on any of my web pages, then either at the above addresses he/she may start the web page "menu2.htm" that contains green links to names and topics of all web pages that I developed so-far, then in this web page "menu2.htm" can select the link to the web page that he/she wishes to view, and through clicking the "mouse" start that web page. For example, in order to start this "menu2.htm" from the above-indicated address , it is enough if in that address the name of the web page "aliens.htm" is replaced with the name of the web page "menu2.htm" - then to the search engine will be entered the new address obtained in this way. In a similar manner as starting this "menu2.htm", the reader can also start instantly any of my web pages, the name of which he/she already knows, because e.g. I provided it in the above post or because it appears in the "menu2.htm". For example, in order to run any other web page of mine, the physical name of which I have already given anywhere - e.g. to run a web page named "2020life.htm", let's say from a web page with the address , it is enough that instead of the previous web page address, he/she entered the following new address in the address box of a search engine.

It is also worth knowing that almost every NEW topic which I already researched for the "a priori" approach of the new "totaliztic science" and presented on this blog, including the topic from this post #371E (i.e. my own translation to English from the Polish post #371), I intended to publish on all mirror blogs of totalizm which until now remain accessible by me and on which I am still able to publish my posts. Until 2022/10/30, as many as 8 such blogs of totalizm were established and maintained for a short time, out of which only following 3 out of these 8 blogs of totalizm still remain working, accessible, updatable and possible to use for publishing my posts. These 3 blogs of totalizm still accessible for me can be found at the following addresses: (in "Small Print" 12pt: posts starting from #89 = i.e. since 2006/11/11) (in "Large Print" 24pt: posts starting from #293 = since 2018/2/23) (in "Large Print" 24pt: posts starting from #293 = i.e. since 2018/3/16) also available via NZ address
Fortunately, the impossibility to further publish my posts on 5 of these blogs of totalizm did NOT cause the loss of their posts. This is because after complementing with illustrations, colours, underlining and working links of all my posts that I published so far on blogs of totalizm, including this post, I systematically make them available also in my free electronic publication [13] in a safe PDF format and in normal size 12pt (formerly up to the post #360E in two sizes of print, i.e. also in large size 20pt) - which everyone can download for free, e.g. through the web page named "tekst_13.htm" available on all the web sites indicated above, including, for example, at . Almost all posts to blogs of totalizm published in Polish are also published in this [13] after my translation of them to the English language, and thus I hope they should be understandable for inhabitants of countries other than Poland.

Other posts extending and supplementing this #371E:
#371E: 2024/7/1 - how to defend ourselves against enslavement, rape, robbery and killing by UFOnauts parasitizing on people (#K1 to #K5 of "aliens.htm")
#370E: 2024/6/1 - the role of "moral energy" in methods of ensuring love and durability (or rescue from divorce) marriages threatened by divorce (#I1 and #I2 of "bible.htm")
#369E, 2024/3/15 - let us improve our fate and life by improving our morality to the one commanded by God in the Bible, which softens the behaviour of nature and inanimate objects that always copy the resultant morality of people who live at their mercy (#N1 to #N3 of "newzealand_visit.htm")
#368E, 2024/2/21 - historical examples of a "creator", and then a "destroyer" with the features of the second Genghis Khan, announcing to humanity the coming of pains of completion the Tytler Cycle to return to the era of truth and moral growth (#F1 to #F5 of "pigs.htm")
#367E, 2024/1/21 - seven superior phenomena of the counter-world the existence of which monopoly of the official atheistic science neither recognize nor research to the detriment of humanity (#G1 to #G1a from "artefact.htm")
#366E, 2023/12/24 - "evaporation of the WTC by UFOs" and "what is truth" by UFOnaut Pontius Pilate, contrast method, calculating the probability of truth, examples of truth and untruth (#D1 to #D1a of "wtc.htm")
#365E, 2023/11/20 - hidden invasion of UFOnauts on the institution of marriage, requirements of the defence strategy, symbolism of the baobab flower (#V1 to #V1a of "humanity.htm")
#364E, 2023/10/21 - evidence for a hidden invasion of UFOnauts-giants on Petone in NZ (#K5 to #K5e from "petone.htm")
#363E, 2023/9/21 - "how" people are possessed by material UFOnauts from Orion through synchronising minds by technical telepathy after telekinetic entering to their bodies (#M1 to #M4 of "evil.htm")
#362E, 2023/8/21 - the method of "depriving privileges" for reforming the human justice system, and four-propulsor UFOs hijacking our planes and ships (#I1 to #I6 from "bandits.htm")
#361E, 2023/7/21 - the dissemination of truth in the role of defence against raids by invisible UFOnauts on our flats (#L2 to #L3a of "evil.htm")
#360E, 2023/6/21 - my Magnocraft as a source of keys to knowledge and truth developed on Earth (#D1 to #D1cd from "military_magnocraft.htm")
#359E, 2023/5/21 - secret "sabotage loop" from microprocessors in our PCs (#J3 to #J3a from "faq.htm")
#355E, 2022/12/28 - trail of propulsors from the shoes of an over 3-meter tall UFOnaut telekinetized into the asphalt of NZ Petone (#K3 to #K3i of "petone.htm")
#353E, 2022/11/25 - confirmation that the Internet is the bearer of digits 666 from the biblical "mark of the beast" (#H4 to #H4b of "will.htm")
#349E, 2022/7/30 - two carriers of light (i.e. "particles" called "God Drobinas" and surface waves of light) as well as the confirmation (including from the Bible) that the path of surface waves of light through space can be controlled (#J1 to #J3 of "1985_theory_of_everything.htm")
#346E, 2022/5/17 - how the Bible places "[Ω] Stamp of God" to correct the distortions of human official science (#I5 of "1985_theory_of_everything.htm")
#345E, 2022/4/17 - my discovery from February 2022 that it was God (i.e. NOT "nature") who created "elapse of time" (#I1 to #I4 from "1985_theory_of_everything.htm")
#341E, 2021/12/27 - why avoiding doing "manual work" results in the inability to develop an engineering "how" procedure and in a lack of competence (#G3 to #G5 of "wroclaw_uk.htm")
#331E, 2021/2/17 - origin, components and operation of the phenomenon of life determined by the "Theory of Life from 2020" (#H1 to #H6 of "2020life.htm")
#326E, 2020/8/17 - the existence of negative female (subtracting) and positive (adding) male versions of "God Drobinas", i.e. "particles of counter-matter" described in the Kabbalah of the Zohar and confirmed by all other categories of evidence, and used by God as models for the creation of man and woman (#K2 of "god_exists.htm")
#325E, 2020/8/17 - features, appearance, structure and operation of positive (adding) male versions of "particles of counter-matter", which are "God Drobinas" (#K1 of "god_exists.htm")
#322E, 2020/6/1 - hidden formation of hurricanes and tornadoes by giant starships with the structure and capabilities of my Magnocrafts (#J1 to #J5 z "hurricane.htm")
#307E, 2019/3/7 - similarity of the Polish language to ULT, which will result in all nations of the world learning Polish (#E4 of "prophecies.htm")
#294 (in Polish only), 2017/12/20 - "reversible software time", the 4th linear dimension and its "time pancakes", and "perpetual motion machines" built since 1150, which are a "technical miracle" proving that God exists (#D3 of "god_proof.htm")
#288 (in Polish only), 2017/9/25 - features of the current addictive group karma, proving that it is a retaliation for the causing of opium addiction in 19th century China (#F2 of "karma_pl.htm")
#268E, 2016/3/10 - correction of a scientific lie: in LIGO they received a "telepathic signal", NOT "gravitational waves" (#E1.1 z "telepathy.htm")
#216E, 2012/3/20 - attributes of "water tornadoes" ("waterspouts") which contradicts the today's knowledge of physics - i.e. confirmation of the atheistic inexplicability of tornadoes and the lack of competence of the current official science (#K1 to #K3 of "tornado.htm")
#214E, 2012/2/2 - requirements and conditions for eliminating disasters with the "right kind of morality" (#G2 of "plague.htm")
#213E, 2012:/1/6 - using "correct morality" to defend against earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, tornadoes and other disasters (#C1 of "quake.htm")
#200E, 2011/5/21 - "how" and "why" the official recognition of the new "totaliztic science" would already now allow us to effectively defend people against tornadoes, earthquakes and other cataclysms and misfortunes (#K1 of "tornado.htm")
#191E, 2010/12/19 - filmed proof that it is possible to build "time vehicles", go back in time, and travel through time (#D6 and #A2 of "immortality.htm")
#180E, 2010/4/6 - preventing earthquakes, tsunamis and other disasters - helplessness of science and results of totalizm methods (#S1 of "day26.htm")

Let totalizm prevail,
Dr Eng. Jan Pająk

kodig : :