#364_1E: Evidence of hidden invasion of UFOnauts-giants on Petone in New Zealand (part 1)
Summary: Dear reader. In order to learn and understand the truths that I briefly summarized below from #K5 to #K5e, it took me as many as 77 years of "hard although productive life". Hence, in spite of the fact that one of these truths states that almost no one accepts the truth that was gently revealed to him/her by another equally fallible and imperfect neighbour (e.g. me), but this truth must be "hammered into his/her head" through experiencing real events of hard education served to us by the all-knowing God himself, still I will summarize below the essence of results of 77 years of my learning these truths. So take these few minutes to learn what I have written here, so that when God starts serving you educational experiences of " hammering into your head" the same truths through personal experiences, it will be much easier for you to understand them. After all, today we live in a kind of "cocoon of lies" - as I have already explained it in more detail in the post #360E to blogs of totalizm indicated below - the content of which you can also learn, e.g. from "volume O" of my publication [13] disseminated for free via web page "tekst_13.htm". However, you cannot count that these truths will be revealed to you by those who take "money" for it, as "money" is saturated with the evil of thousands of years of using it as tools for exploiting and harming others - which causes that "money" is now always spiritually associated with, among others, bonds and culture and spiritual impurity of the requirement to lie - e.g. see verse 6:10 from "1 Timothy" in the Bible. My explanation I will start here by guessing that perhaps, like I once did, probably you also are NOT very eager to read the Bible - which, in fact, is the only source of absolutely reliable truth available on Earth, although this truth is wisely and far-sightedly encoded in order to protect the Bible from getting censored by practitioners of evil. Unfortunately, we are discouraged from reading the Bible by all the overt and hidden reprogramming of people's views. Therefore, you have probably NOT discovered yet that one of the most important verses of the Bible is 11:23 from "St. Luke" - in which God warns us through Jesus: "Whoever is not with me is against me; and whoever does not gather with me, scatters." The best way to understand this is probably that: if you do NOT prove with your actions that "you are with God" and "you gather with Him" (thus demonstrating the opposite of being "against Him" and "scattering") by voluntarily fulfilling out of pure love for God, neighbours and nature of all His "10 Commandments", then you are in danger of being "deprived of privileges" by God that are important for the outcomes of your life - as I explained it in post #362E to the blogs of totalizm. As a result, for most of your life you will NOT be defended or directed by God. In other words, you will then be exposed to being manipulated by anti-human "powers of evil" - which include all evil people (i.e. all people who are also "against Him") and include creatures who secretly manipulate these "against Him" people. Below, in #K5 to #K5e, I will briefly explain how to prove in the simplest way that "you are with God", and then I will briefly illustrate to you another portion of facts expanding the evidence that I have previously published and to which I refer here and in item #K6 of the web page "petone.htm", and which reveal further methods of operation and further technical devices that are used in their secret invasion onto humanity by these creatures who secretly manipulate people and are thoroughly soaked in evil, which creatures are actually our cosmic relatives from the planets of Orion.
#K5. Photos of footprints telekinetized into the old asphalt of the driveway to my apartment by propulsors of third generation from the heels of shoes of a gigantic UFOnaut from the planet of Orion, capable of changing the passage of time, a hidden invasion of him and his slaves I have been noticing in my apartment and in the township of Petone since 31st of May 2023:
Motto: "For the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." (The truth of Bible verses: 10:45 Mark, 20:28 Matthew, 22:27 Luke, 1:25 Romans. This truth emphasizes the main difference between positive essence of practicing the philosophy of Christianity and philosophy of totalizm - both philosophies admonishing that God gave us life in the "world of matter" so that we can learn voluntarily to give and to serve, and the negativity of practicing the philosophy of parasitism postulating forcing others by power or by con to give to us and to serve us.)
I assume dear reader your awareness, that humanity as a whole, as well as each individual person, consciously or unconsciously, from the very beginning of their existence, has been actively involved in deadly struggle between good and evil. If you still have NOT noticed this struggle - then listen more carefully to any news report from the world, e.g. listen any TV daily. In these struggles, those who fight against evil on the side of good are mainly people who recognize and sincerely believe that God is an omnipotent living, thinking, observing and creative Being that is lives in a world separate from our world of matter - which is called "heaven" by religions. This is why each person is created in the image of God. Hence, this thinking, observing and creative God designs every His action and intervention so carefully that it serves for the good of all present and future people, as well as other inhabitants of our "world of matter". In turn, on the side of evil, we are fought mainly by our atheistic relatives from the planets of Orion (by religions called devils, fallen angels of Lucifer, demons, etc., while by people currently most often called UFOnauts) and by their human helpers whom our material relatives from Orion managed to reprogram into their atheism either with hypnotic or telepathic commands, with secret so-called "possessions" (see blog #363E), or with other methods of extortion, fraud, con, or bribery - which by these our relatives from Orion are served to people with the help of their advanced technology or pagan deceptive religions that they created on Earth, as I explained it in more detail, e.g. posts from #363E to #359E to blogs of totalizm and in the publications from which these posts were adapted. All those who fight on the side of evil, are atheists at heart, even if they themselves believe that they practice some religion, i.e. they profess the belief currently forced upon people by the official atheistic science, that everything in the universe is governed only by coincidences or some blind laws of nature similar to those manifested e.g. between positive and negative charges, while everything that happens (e.g. life, evolution) is only the result of coincidences or complex actions of these blind laws. In turn the fact that this type of atheistic faith was forced upon people by our relatives from planets of Orion is confirmed, among others, by: the way in which one such UFOnaut in his statement labelled N-116 in subsection UB1 from volume 16 of my monograph [1/5] (disseminated free of charge via the web page "tekst_1_5.htm") tries to explain by the operation of the law of positive and negative the superiorly wise operation of the moral Boomerang Principle (also called the "Law of Karma" - see web page "karma.htm") to the New Zealand UFO abductee with a pseudonym Miss Nosbocaj. Meanwhile, in fact everything that happens in our "world of matter" is creatively, wisely and far-sightedly designed by God so that it directly or indirectly serves towards the future good. At the same time, the Bible inspired by our God contains guidelines on how to act in order NOT to help the powers of evil, and warns what will happen if someone does NOT follow these guidelines, but e.g. for profit, power, fame, etc. (e.g. see the Bible: Book of Exodus - verse 21:29, Book of Psalms - verse 109:13-19, Wisdom of Syria - verse 23:18-27, and a number of others with similar warnings) he/she does any evil to someone through his/her product or activity, even if personally he/she will NOT do this evil with his/her own hands. According to the Bible, this person will then be severely punished together with several generations of his/her descendants. Notice, however, that in order for this type of evil NOT done with one's own hands the punishment to be administered justly, it is first necessary to determine whether in the future a given his/her product or activity will actually cause harm to someone - which only thinking and creative God can determine, while some blind laws of positives and negatives are unable to find out. This requirement of prior learning of future means that the fate of people is for sure ruled (among other) by Boomerang Principle and wisely executed by a living, thinking, creative God who continually observes what is happening - as I explained this in blog #299E and in item #J5 from the web page "petone.htm". In turn, the evidence that this is how justice is administered NOT only for harm caused in person - e.g. through breaking the 10 commandments of God, but also for products or activities the effects of which will then cause harm to someone with the hands of someone else, is also visible in real life - and in almost every case when someone does harm NOT personally, but with the hands of other people, e.g. when he/she aggressively starts a war, sends his/her agents to beat or murder someone, builds some new type of aggressive weapon, starts producing some substances that poison people or their livelihood, invents some harmful for people program (e.g. similar to the so-called computer cookies or viruses), etc., etc. As one of the most educational historical examples of just such a situation, consider the fate of Sarah and William Winchester for the evil caused by their "Winchester" rifle - searched on the Internet with e.g. keywords: Sarah Winchester mystery house 1922 (e.g. by using the command https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=sarah+winchester+mystery+house+1922 ). In other words, regardless of whether someone is an alien from Orion planets, or a human, or whether he/she commits evil with his/her own hands or with the hands of someone else, according to the Bible, he/she will NOT miss just punishment. That's probably why the ancestors of our relatives from the Orion planets from time to time blew up entire own planets together with their inhabitants - as it was reported to us by the late Adrzej Domała in the Polish-language treatise [3b] (for free from "tekst_3b.htm") entitled "Kosmiczna układanka" and meaning: "Cosmic Puzzle" (in B3 of which treatise see paragraph {5500} about the blew up of planet Nerra and paragraph {5450} about the planet Whistheen). Therefore, it is worth being aware of this when learning about these multitude of footprints of the current invasion of UFOnauts on Earth and their anti-human activities, descriptions of which I am to summarize below, although the dissemination of knowledge about the existence of which is stubbornly silenced by human decision-makers who are controlled by these UFOnauts, hence who help UFOnauts in causing enormous harm to all humanity - including to these decision-makers themselves and to their families.
I am to start the presentation of giant UFOnauts’ footprints by reminding that in post #360E to the blogs of totalizm, and also in #D1 to #D1cd of my web page named "military_magnocraft.htm", I discuss God's promise given to us in verse 8:32 from the "St. John's Gospel" of the Bible - I quote from the Polish Catholic "Millennium Bible": "and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." This verse contains a very wisely encoded "key to the truth", which in the case of "the truth that is to set us free" is the use of the plural "you" in the text of this verse (unfortunately the English word "you" is NOT good in conveying this). The point is that an individual person, or any single rational being, is unable to discover the truth about himself/herself. Therefore, in order to find this truth, we need the plural. This is best expressed by the Chinese proverb with which I explain item #B2 on my web page named "antichrist.htm", as well as I explain the content of post #211E to blogs of totalizm. This proverb states: "bad husbands always have good wives, and good husbands always have bad wives." As it is explained in item #A4 on my web page named "god_proof.htm", so happens because a bad husband constantly "improves" his wife through the hard "upbringing" that he serves to her. In turn, a good wife can in turn "improve" back her bad husband, e.g. by giving him her own example of what "goodness" is all about and why goodness in life is incomparably better than continuing to be "bad". On the other hand, a good husband cannot "improve" his woman's imperfections just by serving his kindness to her. Hence, if her imperfections do not lead to divorce or widowing which in turn may force her to change motivations and treatment of men, typically the wife of a good husband persists in her innate imperfections resulting from the "subtractive" (i.e. negative, focused on "taking" instead of "giving") nature of femininity, best explained on the example of the formation of atmospheric highs (i.e. requiring "adding" behaviours of air) and lows (i.e. requiring "subtracting" behaviours of air) by male and female "God Drobinas" discussed in posts #325E and #326E to the blogs of totalizm and in items #K1 and #K2 from my web page named "god_exists.htm", while in the most drastic form reported e.g. in #V2 from my web page "humanity.htm". But even then unintentionally she serves toward good, by illustrating to other willing to learn women the model of "taking" behaviours which they should avoid at all cost because in the final effect these always cause destruction of personal happiness and wasting of own life.
Similarly to the situation with husband and wife, there is also the situation with our morally fallen relatives from the Orion planets and with humanity - as I describe it in my numerous posts to blogs of totalizm and web pages from which these posts are adapted, including the post #360E already mentioned above, as well as posts from #363E to #359E, and post #354E adapted from {11} in item #H2 of my web page named "bible.htm". Namely, being morally bankrupt, in spite of the fact that they are also our cosmic relatives, but much more technically advanced than us, these inhabitants of the Orion planets give us an incredible "persecution" by secretly exploiting and destroying us in every possible way. (The list of the most important methods and ways in which these our morally fallen relatives secretly "suppress" us, along with short descriptions of the consequences of each of these methods, I have provided in items #L1 to #L2 and #M2 to #M3 from my web page named "evil.htm" about these UFOnauts or from posts #363E and #361E to blogs of totalizm.) And by serving to us this "oppression", in a way that is difficult for us to forget and forgive, because it is unspeakably painful, they unintentionally "improve" our own morality, illustrating to us visually and in an unforgettable way what evil is all about. After all, an old Polish proverb states that "there is NO such evil that does not come to good". In turn we, means humanity, by sticking with greater or lesser success to the principles of life from the philosophy of Christianity indicated to us by God in the verses of the Bible, on our own example (i.e. like these wives of bad husbands) we illustrate to our morally fallen relatives from the planets of Orion of what good is all about and what it leads to. And since the Christian good that we practice requires us to selflessly recognize these relatives as our neighbours, who unfortunately have done "wandering astray" in their moral development, perhaps by showing them our own example of persevering in fulfilling the 10 commandments of God, over time because of our example they also will "improve" their own morality for the better. After all, everyday life constantly confirms that those ones who, out of love for God, neighbours and nature, voluntarily fulfil the 10 commandments, in fact already in this life experience a foretaste of what verse 2:9 from "1 Corinthians" in the Bible promises (i.e. "what no eye has not seen, nor ear has heard, nor entered into the heart of man, what great things God has prepared for those who love Him). At the same time, all the above, which God has prepared for those who love Him, unfortunately will probably bypass some other people and these our relatives from Orion planets, because God did NOT choose what they represent for reasons explained in verses 1:27-28 from "1 Corinthians" in the Bible (for online text of the Polish Catholic "Millennium Bible" which I always try to quote, use e.g. command http://biblia-online.pl/Biblia/ListaKsiag/Tysiaclecia .)
As I have found out many times in my rather "hard although productive" life, there is only one way to defend ourselves against being completely destroyed by the effects of being "oppressed" by these our morally bankrupt relatives from the Orion planets. (Do you know that the great pyramids of Egypt and the settlements of some American Indians copy the arrangement of the stars of Orion and do you understand what this means?) This reliable defending ourselves, however, requires earning the defence, protection and guidance of God. However, in order to obtain all this, one must voluntarily and only out of love for God, neighbours and nature and with one's own "free will" (see web page "will.htm") fulfil all 10 commandments of God, wisely encoded into the Bible in verses 20:3-17 from the "Book of Exodus" - just as it reminds us M4 from blog #363E and from #M1 to #M5 of the web page "evil.htm". The key for properly fulfilling the 10 commandments is that all 10 of them have the same level of importance. This means that we cannot focus on completing only a few or even just one of them (e.g. "Do NOT kill"), and e.g. on ignoring others or even just one of them (e.g. "Do NOT lie"). After all, e.g. in verse 20:16 from this "Book of Exodus" the commandment "Do NOT lie" is wisely encoded, while in other verses of the Bible that I point out and interpret, e.g. in #D1 to #D1cd from my web page "military_magnocraft.htm" and in the post #360E to blogs of totalizm, we are clearly warned that lying is punishable by exactly the same penalty of "deletion of the soul" (i.e. the "second death") as e.g. for killing (e.g. see there verses 21:8 and 22:15 from the "Apocalypse of St. John" and 6:16-19 from the "Book of Proverbs"). So although it is rather easy for us to give someone compliments, e.g. "madam how beautiful you look today", it is worth being aware that in the light of this verse 21:8 and others expressing the same idea but with different words, even chronic lying in the form of compliments may be equivalent in the caused punishment as is able to also cause e.g. the shooting of this lady. And we must remember that although compliments teach us the habit of lying, still telling them is NOT as destructive for humanity as e.g.: an evil of scientifically forcing one's readers to believe (or as repeating to others) that life was created as a result of evolution or a big bang while it is governed by e.g. theory of relativity, or like the misuse of own position to teach other people that happiness is to "take" - thus diverting attention from the Biblical truth that happiness is only accomplished through "voluntarily giving", or like for example squeezing a little more "penny" out of one's customers by telling them how much effort and costs one went through to be able to sell them given goods. In other words, such a habit of supposedly "innocent" but chronic lying makes us all highly imperfect and sinful. So, while we believe that we belong to people who practice faith in God, we still should ask ourselves whether we have already started reading the Bible to find out what God really requires from us (after all, the priests who "reject" knowledge will NOT reveal this to us: see 4:4-9 from the "Book of Hosea"), or whether at least once in our lives we went, for example, on our private pilgrimage to any holy area that God created within the reach of every inhabitant of Earth (e.g. see the descriptions of the holy place in NZ near the Celtic cross that I provided in the INTRODUCTION and in #J3 to #J3v of the web page "petone.htm") to establish a closer relationship with God by sharing our thoughts with Him and to pray in there for forgiveness for our shortcomings and mistakes that most of us are NOT even aware of, but also never ask God for their forgiveness? So let us NOT be surprised when, for example, we learn from television that this time God did NOT protect someone among such people who never prayed for forgiveness, from e.g. the invasion and aggression of the "powers of evil" - nowadays usually taking the cunningly hidden forms of technically caused by UFO starships: frosts, snowstorms, hurricanes, floods, landslides, accidents, tornados, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, heat, droughts, fires, crop failures, famines, wars, etc.
In this item #K5 I will explain how, using a series of events, each of which looked like a "coincidence" and therefore did NOT break anyone's "free will" (see web page "will.htm"), starting from the moment of publishing on 2023/5/21 my English-language post #359E to the blogs of totalizm, adapted from #J3 to #J3a of my web page "faq.htm", God with His superior method of management (described in item #J5 of the web page "petone.htm"), managed to synchronize the actions of our cosmic relatives from Orion and my own, that the promise was fulfilled from the above-quoted verse 8:32 from "St. John" in the Bible about learning another truth that will help to set us free.
When on Wednesday, 2023/5/31, I went for a walk during a break in long-lasting rain, on the old asphalt of the driveway leading from the street to my apartment, I noticed white imprints of two footprints newly telekinetized in there by the outlets of the propulsors from the shoes of a gigantic creature having a third-generation personal propulsion system enabling it the manipulation of the passage of time. I illustrate these two footprints in this item #K5 and in the attached to it photos from Fig. #K5ab and I explain truths that they reveal to us. I should also add here that some time later the number of these footprints increased, which means that the gigantic but invisible creature that formed them began the habit of secretly peeping into my apartment.
About two weeks after finding these footprints on the driveway to my own apartment, i.e. on 2023/6/16, in front of the entrance to another house from a distant part of the NZ town of Petone, I discovered another group of footprints of a gigantic UFOnaut, made visible with black asphalt vapours on surfaces of whitish-grey pebbles with which recently was covered the intersection of two streets in this township. I show and describe this another group of footprints below in Fig. #K5cd . The shockingly large number of these types of footprints that after that discovery I began to notice on streets of Petone reveals a real invasion of giant UFOnauts at Petone, and confirms that at night on the streets of even such a small township as Petone there is a fierce battle between good and evil, in which battle the evil is in a large scale offensive. So if such great number of footprints resulting from this battle can be detected in the globally insignificant township of Petone, one can imagine what is happening on the streets of the extremely important metropolises of humanity. It is therefore a great pity that humanity is so focused on the deliberately planted all over the Earth by these UFOnauts the symbolic "forest which inside is to hide a single important tree of the truth unmasked here" (i.e. a "forest" such as the increasingly deeper economic crisis of the current year 2023, food shortages and constantly rising prices of all goods, the war in Ukraine and the threat of nuclear war, etc.) that humanity simultaneously does NOT notice the battle of good and evil that takes place at night on the streets of their own cities and in their private apartments covered in darkness. Meanwhile, it is this evil, NOT the forces of nature or people, that is the cause of today's increasingly dark events. After all, as evil has always done, in this battle between good and evil, evil also impersonates and pretends to be good. At the same time, evil uses very deceptive methods of operation - examples of which and defence against which I described in #L1 to #L3a and #M1 to #M4 from my web page named "evil.htm" and from posts #361E and #363E to blogs of totalizm. Unfortunately, without trying to learn the truth "how" about the exact origin of this evil, nor the methods by which this evil harms us, people cannot decisively defend themselves against this evil. The lack of defence, combined with the reasons explained in post #341E to the blogs of totalizm and in items #G3 to #G5 of the web page named "wroclaw_uk.htm" - which do NOT allow people to distinguish what is good and what is evil, taken together cause that more and more people burdens God for the rapidly increasing evil. This in turn leads humans to pay less and less attention to fulfilling the 10 commandments of God, which are extremely important for the results of the battle between good and evil, and thus this accelerates the deepening domination of evil over the entire humanity.
Because today's people somehow do NOT want to believe that our planet is constantly occupied and exploited by our morally bankrupt relatives from the Orion planets who maintain their invisibility with their advanced technology, I also attach to these descriptions photos from Fig. #K5e , which provide us with verifiable photographic proof that the Earth bears numerous traces and material evidence of the continuous activity of UFOnauts of gigantic sizes described in the Bible that are persecuting humanity - who, to our horror, turn out to be descendants of cosmic ancestors and the closest relatives of us people.
I should also add here that my receiving of the photos shown in Fig. #K5e and evidence verifiable by almost everyone that the Earth and humanity are secretly occupied, exploited and ruled by our cosmic relatives from Orion planets with the height and body structure of actual giants, is in the supernatural way related to the miraculous repair by God of my favourite electronic clock - the mechanism of which was broken around 2023/5/31 probably with the propulsors of the personal propulsion of this gigantic UFOnaut whose secret "haunting" of my apartment I began to observe from then on, while the footprints from the propulsors of whom I showed below in Fig. #K5ab . (I remember that I described the breaking down of this favourite clock by UFOnauts in one of my publications - I believe that in item #L2 from my web page "evil.htm" and from post #361E to blogs of totalizm. However, when on 2023/9/14 I was writing this paragraph I already could NOT find this description - apparently using the so-called "sabotage loop" described in blog #359E, UFOnauts deleted these descriptions of mine because they knew that they would be useful in documenting this paragraph. After all, their time vehicles transport to the future and again to our times members of their police and special services such as MIB and "time couriers" (in Polish named by key words: "kurierzy czasowi" - and linked by web page "skorowidz.htm"), who inform them what discoveries UFOnauts are supposed to fight because these are to work to the detriment of their parasitic interests on Earth. Together with the deletion of this description about the breaking down of my clock, I also discovered the simultaneous secret deletion by UFOnauts from my computer also of the folder containing all photos of Wrocław city in Poland with which I documented the truth of blogs #340E and #350E and descriptions from the web pages "wroclaw_uk.htm" and "tapanui.htm".) So I am to summarize briefly here once again the incident with the breaking down of my favourite clock by UFOnauts - the appearance of which the reader can see, e.g. by clicking on link to the address of its photographs from Figures #K5z11 (from http://pajak.org.nz/zegary/k5z11.jpg ), or #K5z12 (from http://pajak.org.nz/zegary/k5z12.jpg ), or #K5z13 (from http://pajak.org.nz/zegary/k5z13.jpg ) - all of which photographs are in a folder linked to by, e.g., http://pajak.org.nz/zegary/ . I really liked this clock because regardless of the time, it also shows the relative humidity and air temperature. That's why I placed it above the main entrance door to the apartment. Unfortunately, starting around 2023/5/31, instead of secretly entering my apartment through the garden door as before, UFOnauts started to secretly enter through this main entrance door. As a result, their propulsors either burned out the electronics of my favourite clock, or telekinetized its mechanisms to the point that they stopped working. I first tried to see if the broken clock could be started by installing new batteries, but it did NOT help. So I left it still hanging above the door with a new battery, because knowing that now UFOnauts fly through this door every day, I did NOT want to risk another clock there so that they would NOT break it for me as well. Moreover, as a forward-looking scientist, I documented the time that this clock shows from the moment it broke down.
Exactly the same time from the moment of breakdown, the clock showed until approximately 2023/9/9 (i.e. for almost 4 months). On that day I received an e-mail with photos of the handprint of a giant UFOnaut which I show in Fig. #K5e below. Unfortunately, similarly to today's e-mails of all people, also my e-mails are carefully monitored by UFOnauts, who, regardless of having the so-called "sabotage loop" which I described in more detail in blog #359E, they also have on Earth, described in blogs #363E to #359E, their human-like agents and human helpers in all key institutions on Earth, including those related to: emails, dissemination truths to people, science , military, economics, religion, etc. For example, from research of the type that I report e.g. in items #A5, #A5.1 and #I4 of my web page "totalizm_pl.htm" and in the above blogs of totalizm, and which reveal what currently is secretly happening in Internet, it is almost certain that human-like UFOnauts who track and sometimes even sabotage human emails and other electronic sources of truth and data, work e.g. in: (a) "Google", (b) in an intelligence installation belonging to the so-called five eyes (see https://www.google.com/search?q=five+eyes ), (c) at Internet providers (including my internet provider - as e.g. indicates the persistent message I am repetitively receiving and which usually is one of signs that all internet communications directed to a given/my computer is also intercepted and monitored by someone unauthorised - this message states: "Another computer on this network has the same IP address as this computer. Contact your network administrator for help resolving this issue. More details are available in the Windows System event log."), and (d) after hiding in the "state of telekinetic flickering" also in selected human apartments (including mine) where they immediately sabotage every truth harmful to their parasitic interests and activities, e.g. with the use of so-called the "sabotage loop" from blog #359E, or with the use of telepathic or hypnotic commands, or even with possessions. As a result, immediately after receiving the photos described here from Fig. #K5e, e.g. a gigantic local "Sir Governor" (I call him that way because he rules over his slave-UFOnauts that almost permanently reside in my apartment) began regularly arrive at my apartment again at night, leaving huge footprints of propulsor outlets shown in Fig. #K5ab . From the footprints that he left on my access road to the apartment (where he takes off to his "executive UFO") show that they are formed by the smaller inner oscillatory chamber from the twin-chamber capsule of the 16-sided third generation propulsors - which means that Sir Governor can reverse, accelerate, stop and change the time and time lapse. The another series of arrivals of this giant UFOnaut was announced to me by my favourite clock, which had previously been damaged by his propulsors. Namely, starting from 2023/9/9, this clock began to show a different time after each night, although it still did NOT run. Initially, I started to suspect that Sir Governor was proverbially "teasing me" with his sense of humour (e.g. that he was deliberately changing the time and clock indications to provoke me to explain why the broken clock shows a different time after every night - and then use my explanation for some of his own purposes). After all, I remember how a gigantic UFOnaut tried to either make a joke or "trick me" with the help of a cunningly composed footprint - which I show in Fig. #L2f from my web page "evil.htm" and from post #361E to blogs of totalizm. However, just in case, starting from 2023/9/11, every morning I started taking photos with my phone of the indications of this broken clock - but I did NOT change anything in the clock nor even touch it. Because the next day, on Tuesday 2023/9/12, after taking another photo of #K5z12, I went to the sacred area in Petone that I discovered in NZ, marked with the Celtic cross (see http://pajak.org.nz/nz/celtycki_krzyz_petone.jpg ) described in detail in the INTRODUCTION, in #J3 and in #J3b of the web page "petone.htm", to (as usual) share my thoughts with God, I also mentioned to God the promise of the Bible from verse 4:22 from "Mark" and 10:26 from "Matthew" stating "For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed", and I explained to God "why" I will try to find out the reason for these nightly changes in the indications of a long-broken clock. But when I returned home from this sharing my thoughts with God - including about my favourite clock broken by UFOnauts, I was shocked to discover that in the meantime, around 2 pm, God miraculously started (repaired) my broken clock and from that moment on Tuesday, 2023/9/12 the clock had been running all day and showed the passage of time correctly. Unfortunately, the next night the clock stopped again - as I calculated at 11:40 pm - hence in the morning on Wednesday, 2023/9/13, I again photographed its stopped readings which I showed in photo #K5z13 above. That Wednesday it started up again only around 2 pm when I was working in the garden after finishing my daily research. Thanks to this, I already had three photos, in each of which I had recorded both the time of taking the photo and the time indicated on the clock. This allowed me to calculate when exactly the movement of its hands began and ended - and therefore to calculate when this gigantic UFOnaut flies into my apartment and when it flies away from it. Thanks to the photo from 2023/9/12, it also allowed me to calculate how much time the indications of a running clock are shifted compared to the actual NZ time. These data showed that to my apartment this giant-UFOnaut arrives on average around 11:30 pm at night (NZ winter time) - when we are already asleep, and leaves this apartment on average around 2 pm - i.e. probably to observe me after the research is completed - e.g. when to relax I go for a walk on the beach or to do something in the garden. I remember that about 15 years earlier, when I was still able to carry out my research until late at night and NZ was still safe at that time and one could walk on the empty beach and streets at night without risking troubles, that after completing the research in the summer and in good weather, to relax my mind, I was going for lonely walks at night on the Petone beach, the edge of which, like the streets, was lit by street lamps - and I was very surprised then that wherever I was walking at night, I saw how the street lamps illuminating the streets and the beach turned off one by one when I passed near them and turned on again when I moved away from them (today I believe that they were probably extinguished by the propulsors of an invisible UFOnaut or a UFO who accompanied me on this walk, observing what I was doing and slowly flying in the air near these lanterns). This means that although this giant UFOnaut flying into my apartment is our ruler and we are his slaves, in practice he "works" much longer than we humans (although in my youth I worked on my research even longer)! When the clock started on Wednesday just before midnight, the next day after taking this third photo, i.e. on Thursday, 2023/9/14, it did NOT stop and continued to work. So I was able to document with this paragraph the amazing miracle of its repair by God - how good it is that so close to my apartment there is this sacred area marked with a commemorative Celtic cross (see http://pajak.org.nz/nz/odnowiony_napis_krzyza.jpg ) - where I can repetitively share my thoughts with God.
Of course, the above is just an example of a small skirmish with the "powers of evil" that dominate us. This in turn means that although in this fight my clock was temporarily restored to work, in long-term struggles it will probably be destroyed by UFOnauts (similarly like in past UFOnauts destroyed a lot of my other important devices). Its meaning in my situation is mainly symbolic - i.e. the same meaning as grain had for the starving world in 2023. However, the most important thing in this symbolism of my favourite clock is to understand its example as a source of timeless truths, knowledge of which will set us free. For example, one of these truths states that in our struggles with the powers of evil, the greatest importance is the voluntary and precise fulfilment of all 10 commandments of God, because only by doing this we will deserve God's defence, help and inspiration in our struggles. Another states that our most important defensive action is the dissemination of previously unknown truths which have the potential to set us free, but which are strenuously hidden from people by agents of UFOnauts, by their human helpers, and by institutions and states secretly managed by UFOnauts and their human helpers, and also defence by recognizing and strictly following the implementations of these truths. Dissemination of truths is more important than fighting our opponents. After all, if these opponents learn and acknowledge the truth, then they will understand that they themselves are only slaves controlled by the powers of evil, and therefore they will willingly come onto our side. In other words, instead of dying while fighting the powers of evil that are more powerful than us and while fighting people who help these powers of evil, it is better to "turn the other cheek" to them and pray for them - as the Bible advises and commands us to do, e.g. in verses 5:39 and 23:3 and 5:44 from "Matthew", and we are also advised by items #N1 to #N3 from the web page "cielcza_uk.htm" and from post #357E to blogs of totalizm. These opponents are usually mixed with "ours", e.g. they are members of our family, our colleagues or neighbours, our leaders, etc. So, it is better, instead of fighting them, to treat them as a source of knowledge and truth, observing what they do, and thanks to examples of evil they generate learn to distinguish evil from good and to learn what truths can free us from this evil, while acquiring the habit of recognizing, disseminating and implementing these truths in our own lives.
On Wednesday, 2023/9/13 at 20:30 to 21:25 on Channel 6 "Duke" of New Zealand television, another episode of an interesting program titled "New: Unexplained with William Shatner" was broadcast. This program presented the opinions of today's scientists on "what exactly is the so-called human genius". I watched this episode with great interest because in this program I am fascinated by this chronic approach to problems of the today's "official atheistic science" manifested by its considering everything from the point of view of the dictionary "what" about which my philosophy of totalizm has already established that describing anything with only the dictionary "what" it never leads to establishing the truth nor to the ability to classify it or distinguish it from good or evil. After all, as I explain it in #G3 to #G5 of my web page named "wroclaw_uk.htm" and in post #341E to the blogs of totalizm, only considering everything from the engineering point of view of "how", is the approach that always indicates the shortest path to learning the truth and to distinguishing good from evil. In turn, this knowledge of the truth will one day result in - according to verse 8:32 in the biblical "St. John", I quote: "and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free". (Unfortunately, UFOnauts who occupy, exploit and manage humanity know perfectly well about the importance of truth for freeing enslaved people from the chains. This is why UFOnauts so fiercely do everything within their capabilities so that people do NOT have access to truths.) So although in the summary of this episode TV provided a dictionary "what" understanding of genius, stating: "Genius is widely considered to be the ability to change the world in an incredible way: inventing new technology, deciphering the mysteries of the universe, or creating transcendent art" unfortunately as a result of focusing on the "what", after 55 minutes of scientific deliberation and showing examples, in this program it has still only been established that what genius really is, it still remains scientifically (and thus also atheistically) "unexplained". People somehow cannot understand that the habit of omitting the engineering "how" in explaining or thinking, is accepting the culture of parasitic way of thinking systematically forced into people by UFOnauts that "something can be made from nothing or can be obtained for nothing" - leading to such absurdities as the scientific implication that "big bang formed the whole universe from nothing" or to the proverbial expectation that "one can live and take entire life without doing any work or giving anything". Meanwhile, even just considering from the engineering point of view "how" the events concerning learning the reasons behind the miraculous self-repair of my favourite clock which I described in the three previous paragraphs of this item #K5, already provides the totaliztic definition of genius which states: "genius is a precious gift awarded by God individually to a person who deserved it by fulfilling the 10 commandments of God and at the same time who hard-worked investigating and disseminating the truth, which gift is manifested by the miraculous engineering ability to reveal from the point of view of the 'how' one of the truths previously unknown and important for the liberation of humanity from the consequences of sinfully committed evil". In other words, according to the "how" of my philosophy of totalizm from 1985 (see web page "totalizm.htm") each person can be a genius, but NOT by atheistic exercise of his brain or by stuffing his/her memory with atheistic knowledge, but by thoughtfully fulfilling the 10 commandments of God and devoting his/her life to exploring one of the truths which in the future will contribute to liberating people from the shackles of evil.
Fig. #K5a:
Fig. #K5b:
Fig. #K5ab: Here are photos of two telekinetic footprints left by the propulsors of the personal propulsion system of a more than 5-meter-high UFOnaut on the access road from the sidewalk to my apartment in NZ township of Petone paved with very old and significantly faded asphalt poured on it in the 1950s. To reveal the size of these footprints, I used an engineering measuring tape which has three types of length measures marked on it, namely: "meters", "inches" and "feet" (1 foot = 30.48 cm). I placed this measuring tape on the asphalt from the west (its beginning) to the east (its spool). Because these footprints show that the UFOnaut hiding from people's eyes in the so-called "state of telekinetic flickering" (described in more detail in item #C1 of the web page "dipolar_gravity.htm", while detectable with the "revealing device" given to us by a totaliztic civilization from stars and described in the Polish treatise [7b] available for free via web page "tekst_7b.htm") has just left my apartment, and these two footprints were left by his propulsors when he took off in order to move into the interior of an elite UFO starship waiting for him in sky somewhere near our building, one can guess that this UFOnaut was some kind of local governor checking and supervising the work of his subordinate UFOnauts currently almost continuously invisibly stationed in my apartment, hidden in a "state of telekinetic flickering" and operating the so-called "sabotage loop" existing in microprocessor of every computer (including mine) and discussed in post #359E from blog of totalizm, to secretly spoil everything I'm working on. After all, in the philosophy of evil parasitism described on my web page "parasitism.htm", which these UFOnauts practice in their parasitic lives, the taller and more powerful someone is, and therefore the stronger he is hence his neighbours and countrymen fear of him the more, the higher office and power he holds. The over 5-meter height of this UFOnaut and his secret arrival to my apartment (in order to supervise his slave-UFOnauts carrying out his orders in my apartment) make him similar to the over 5-meter-high king of ancient Sumeria located in the area of present-day Iraq, known to us from the Bible, legends and archaeological excavations as Gilgamesh (Nephilim King - see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=17+feet+tall+king+gilgamesh ). (Notice that since the height "h" of each human-like creature is on average equal to "h = 6.666*l of the length "l" of the feet of this person", the feet of this Gilgamesh were about 77 cm long - means they were similarly huge as the footprints that together with evidence of present UFOnauts-giants from planets of Orion (whom hide from us), are shown on the YouTube video entitled "Unbelievable Videos Of Giants You Won't Be Able To Explain" (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHX65GHLbBo ). Hence, in a UFOnaut over 5 meters tall, the footprints of which I illustrate above, each of his shoes was probably over 75 cm long.) There are many English-language videos on YouTube about this King Gilgamesh, which can be searched in there, e.g. with the command https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=17+feet+tall+king+gilgamesh . The content of these videos, e.g. the one with the title "Gilgamesh Nephilim King FOUND INTACT in TOMB - Fallen Angels Retrieved for DNA GENOMES" and the address https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DalF1Jeu8Q , raise intriguing questions, e.g. whether we really know the actual reason for the latest war with Iraq. After all, knowing that according to the Bible (see posts #354E and #360E to blogs of totalizm) the "rulers of this world" are our morally fallen relatives from Orion, who among others: tirelessly lie to us and destroy all evidence on Earth confirming the existence of UFOs and biblical giants, we should NOT exclude that it is true that they hypnotically and telepathically forced humanity to initiate this war precisely in order to block and hide from the access and knowledge of today's people that over 5-meter-high body of King Gilgamesh confirming the truth of the wisely encoded statements in the Bible verses that the ancient giants existed materially and originated from the stars in the sky.
(This entire post #364E would NOT fit into the memory of this blog - hence the rest of it will be continued below as post #364_2E)