Motto: "Give to hungry a fish and you feed him for one day - teach hungry how to fish and you feed him for lifetime" (Korean proverb)
#324E: Distinguishing between true "perpetual motion motors" (or true "free energy generators") and their counterfeits - by analyzing only their descriptions (or films, patents, etc.) and without being able to physically examine their operation
Technical devices which nowadays can be called "clean free energy generators" or "perpetual motion motors" belong to exactly the same class as all other "propelling devices" described in items #J4.1 to #J4.6 (especially in #J4.4) from my web page named "propulsion.htm" and defined by the Cyclic Tables (see , or even better search through their Polish name ) indicated and discussed in there and illustrated by enclosed films - including our free film entitled "Future Propulsions" (see ). Thus, they must also comply with all laws (i.e. the ones which are truly applicable), regularities and principles of operation that all other "propelling devices" described in there must meet - including those laws and principles that also must meet motors, propulsors, and "generators of dirty marketable energy", which elites and "official atheistic science" has allowed mankind to build, implement for mass production, and describe in textbooks. (Notice that I deliberately emphasize the word "dirty" in the names of these fuel-powered "propelling devices" and in the name of this "marketable energy" - only which elites and the "official atheistic science" so far allow people to use and which represent the negative contradiction of "pure free energy" described here. After all, the ways of producing these "dirty" fuels and "dirty" energy that are officially allowed at present, typically spread destructive pollutants, poisons, noises, unnecessary financial burdens, psychological devastation, spiritual warping, etc., which have already led mankind and Earth to a regrettable state - manifestations of which we currently see how they are ruining our civilization.) Unfortunately, in contrast to these "dirty fuel-powered" propelling devices and in opposition to these "generators of dirty marketable energy", so-far humanity did NOT receive almost any chance to officially learn anything practical about described here "pure free energy generators" and about "perpetual motion motors". Therefore so-far we often do NOT know about them even what constitutes their "working medium" from which they draw the energy that propels them, or what exactly are the principles of their operation, etc. Therefore, in order to somehow understand how to build them and how to make them work, it is necessary to adopt some "symbolic model (or pattern) of whatever drives them" - which in our analyses and descriptions is to explain to us their design and principle of operation and which is to allow us the gradual refining of details of their design and operation in a rational, logical and technical way. Luckily, the results of my over 35 years long research, analysis and dissemination of these "propelling devices" that work continuously without the use of fuel and without the need to power them with generated by human industry the "dirty sellable energy" - i.e. the research which was initiated by the development of my scientific "Theory of Everything of 1985" (see ), inspired me to find just such a "symbolic model (or pattern) of whatever drives them". In turn this finding will gradually allow us to work out everything about them. This symbolic model (or pattern) is the known to everyone "wind". Namely, if one considers carefully the general principles of propelling, then the operation of all existing propulsion systems and devices for generating energy can be simplified to the idea that they all are propelled by one among many of such symbolic "winds" - some of which are described in item #B2 from the web page named "fe_cell.htm". Only that in each one of these devices the energy carrier of the "wind" can be something completely different, for example can be: ambient temperature, atmospheric pressure, electric charge accumulated in metal structures (e.g. in railway steel rails), force of gravitation, magnetic field, telekinetic field, telepathic waves, etc. Hence also technical solutions that will convert the energy of this symbolic "wind" into, for example, motion or electricity, for each of them will be slightly different.
So let us now quote here the "functional definition" of "perpetual motion motors" and "clean free energy generators" based on the above explanations, which definition I (i.e.: Dr. Eng. Jan Pająk) finally developed as the result of these over 35 years of my research. This functional definition of "propelling devices" working without any external fuel or power supply, turns out to be highly helpful in the gradual development and implementation for them the: principles of operation, basic components, design requirements that their components must meet, etc. (How significantly this definition may help in practice, it makes us aware the caption under "Film #B3c" below.) This my "functional definition" of these devices can be worded as follows: the "clean free energy generators" and "perpetual motion motors" are "propelling devices" which work properly without providing them with any fuel nor the need to connect them to e.g. "dirty sellable energy" previously generated by people, while which basic function boils down to the conversion of some symbolic and sometimes even imperceptible to people "wind" that "blows" relatively continuously for very long-time, into a selected oscillating, cyclic, or rotational motion, which in its fluctuations, cycles or revolutions accumulates energy of this "wind" thus allowing either the acquiring of this accumulated energy for purposes of supplying people with technically usable energy, or allowing the visual demonstration of it in the form of some kind of movement. Please note here, that the achieving of success in building such "pure free energy generators" and "perpetual motion motors" is enhanced: (a) because in this definition I used the term "symbolic wind" instead of using the specific names of phenomena that may either still remain unknown to our civilization (e.g. as so-far unknown to humanity remains the "software that controls the behaviours of eternally moving counter-matter" described generally in items #J4.5 and #J4.6 of my web page named "propulsion.htm" while in terms of origins and work of it - explained in item #K1 from my web page named "god_exists.htm"); or (b) because in this definition I used the term "symbolic wind" instead of using the specific phenomena that may already be known to humanity (similarly like known is telekinesis and telepathy) but still are stubbornly unrecognized and negated by the backwardly corrupt institution of "official atheistic science"; or (c) because my use in this definition the concept of "symbolic wind", may inspire some builders of these devices to have the courage to search for, and to use, also the phenomena and laws of nature which still are NOT even imaginable to our civilization (although perhaps already pre-programmed into the surrounding reality by our omniscient and far-sightedly planning God).
It is also worth remembering, that similarly as it happens with already constructed "propelling devices" described in items #J4.1 to #J4.6 from my web page named "propulsion.htm" while illustrated in our half-hour long film entitled "Future Propulsions" that is linked from the caption under "Film #B3c" below, for every different kind of such "symbolic wind" it also is possible to build "clean free energy generators" and "perpetual motion motors" that can (and with the progress of our knowledge - for sure will) belong to one of three generations possible to be build for each given type of such "wind". In each of these three generations the source of energy transferred to these devices will be the following (different) attributes of a given "wind":
(I) In the first of these three generations the symbolic "wind" transfers to a given device the propelling energy contained in (i) the force of its pressure on elements of given device. However, because such force of pressure typically has low energy, devices based on it typically are barely able to overcome friction. Therefore their usefulness depends mainly on illustrating that despite the false claims of the "official atheistic science" the generating of "perpetual motion" is possible after all. Thus nowadays, they are mainly useful for visually intriguing viewers and hence for attracting entire crowds of curious people to places showing such "perpetuum mobile" - e.g. see the exhibit of the machine currently shown in the corridor of the "Technisches Museum Vienna" (i.e. "Technical Museum Vienna") while illustrated e.g. on a film from the address .
(II) However, in the second of these three generations, the symbolic "wind" transfers to a given device the propelling energy contained both in (i) the force of its pressure on the elements of this device, and in (ii) the inertia that it transmits (e.g. when this "wind" is magnetic field, then also the energy released by the so-called "Telekinetic Effect" - as this is done by the "telekinetic battery" of my invention described on the web page named "fe_cell.htm" addresses of which are provided below). Therefore this second generation of devices described here recovers from the symbolic "wind" already enough energy to be able to effectively generate the useful for people "clean free energy".
(III) In turn in the third of these three generations, the symbolic "wind" transfers to a given device the propelling energy contained in (i) the force of its pressure and in (ii) its inertia, as well as in its (iii) internal energy. In turn many of "winds" still unrecognized by our "official atheistic science" contain huge amounts of such internal energy. For example, in the "telepathic noise" so far resonated in the crust and in the atmosphere of our planet by all to-date explosions of nuclear bombs and by the breaking of atoms in nuclear reactors, a significant percentage of energy from these explosions and breaking of atoms is accumulated. In turn the energy of this "telepathic noise" can be concentrated and transformed into a useful form, e.g. at "focal points" of the pyramids. The enormity of this energy already now is clearly visible due to the destruction that the accumulation of this internal energy from the exciting everything "telepathic noise" currently causes with our climate, oceans, human emotions of the present "Neo-Middle Ages Epoch" (see the web page named "tapanui_pl.htm"), with the volcanic stability of our planet's crust, etc. - see our 34-minute long Polish-language film entitled "Zagłada Ludzkości 2030" available from the address . Thus, the telepathic free energy devices described in my publications that are able to recover this internal energy from telepathic noise would be able to supply humanity with the amount of energy that satisfies all its needs for hundreds or even thousands of years - NOT to mention that they would "heal" and stabilize the life-giving of our planet destroyed nuclearly because of the ignorance of the "luminaries" of the old "official atheistic science" and of the ruling politicians deceived by claims of this science.
I have (unfortunately highly painful) the honour of being the first professional scientist in the world who (1) subjected the already built on Earth "perpetual motion motors" and "clean free energy generators" to objective and thorough theoretical and technical analyzes that detects phenomena and laws governing them at work, who (2) developed the world's first and still the only scientific "Theory of Everything of 1985" (see ) explaining, among other things, that God intelligently, intentionally and far-sightedly encrypted into laws and phenomena he created for our physical world the opportunity to build "perpetual motion motors" and "clean free energy generators" - which without such intelligent and intentional encryption would NOT be able to work e.g. due to just "evolutionary coincidences" deceitfully persuaded into us by the corrupt "official atheistic science" (note here that in order to bypass the strong blockade secretly imposed onto this scientific "Theory of Everything of 1985" by the corrupt "official atheistic science" and by its collaborators, this theory is also disseminated under its other name the "Concept of Dipolar Gravity" - see the web page named "dipolar_gravity.htm"), and who (3) already for over 35 years stubbornly published in all ways that are available for him the assurances (supported by numerous empirical evidence and by theoretical justifications) for interested experimenters, that "perpetual motion motors" and "clean free energy generators" can be built and for sure will work after being correctly constructed - thus unmasking the lies that deny the truth and that discourage the earning of progress, contained in the official claims of the old monopolistic "official atheistic science" and in its "laws of thermodynamics", and at the same time who exposes himself to constant harassments, removals from job, blocking the publications of my discoveries in scientific literature and in official media, etc. In addition, I also have the actual honour of personally becoming an inventor of several such banned by the official atheistic science and by greedy elite "clean free energy generators" and "perpetual motion motors" - for example the inventor of the "telekinetic battery" described on the web page named "fe_cell.htm" which brings the potential to save our civilization from the rapidly approaching "death due to lack of energy".
As a professional scientist with such achievements and at the same time able to prove myself through up to four times being appointed to posts of university professors (i.e. to two university professorships in Mechanical Engineering and two in Computer Sciences, all for the results of research on subjects completely different than those described here - which, however, does NOT deny my ability to think creatively and identify well-hidden truths), relatively often I am asked to give an opinion or answer to the question: whether any specific device shown on the internet, described by a patent, etc., actually is capable of generating "clean free energy" or of self-producing "perpetual motion"? Unfortunately, being constantly forced by the official disapproval of the researched subject areas to conduct my work alone without receiving any official financial support nor even a moral support, and in addition often being harassed by various individuals who like to set traps or pick on someone like in that old Polish proverb "all goats like to trample on a prostrate tree" (in the Polish language: "na już powalone drzewo wszystkie kozy naskakują"), I have NO time, energy nor obligation to answer all emails that I receive - about which fact I try to warn people who write to me (e.g. see item #L3 from my autobiographical web page named "pajak_jan_uk.htm" - that provides my email addresses). Therefore, according to the motto of this post #324E, to still help somehow DIYers trying to build for themselves any "clean free energy generator" or any "perpetual motion motor", and also to help our civilization toward avoiding the fast approaching self-destruction caused by escalation of environmental poisoning by fumes from generators of "dirty marketable energy" (see our free film entitled "Future Propulsions" from the address ), I decided to prepare this post #324E. In this post I am to provide so needed by the experimental builders of "free clean energy generators" and "perpetual motion motors" support in matters such as: (a) confirming the truth - where the truth is actually given, and (b) detecting possible frauds - where cheating or lying takes place, regarding whether a given device actually works (or will work) as a "generator of pure free energy" or as a "perpetual motion motor" - or rather it is just someone's scam to gain fame or to easily extort money? Because on the basis of my over 35 years long research on already existing "clean free energy generators" and "perpetual motion motors", and also on the basis of thinking about work of my own inventions of such devices, I discovered that there is an easy way to determine whether a given device has the right to act as such a generator or motor. This is because in order for any device to work as a "pure free energy generator" or as a "perpetual motion motor" into its construction and principle of operation must be included at least the most vital components that I will describe below.
My research described above and the general conclusions that emerged from these research reveal that the easiest way to determine the truth or deceit of someone's claim on the topic discussed here is to check whether the device analyzed contains and uses all components that are absolutely necessary to implement the above-formulated "functional definition" of "clean free energy generators" and "perpetual motion motors" - the definition of which I developed as a result of my over 35 years of research. In turn to be able to successfully meet this functional definition, the requirement of operation of all such devices must include the actively present in them and properly working at least the following components:
(1) The symbolic "wind" from which they are to draw the energy that propels them. In some devices this "wind" can either be generated e.g. by some components built into a given device (e.g. by magnets, if the "wind" is a magnetic field) - which then makes these devices similar to e.g. a locomotive or to a steam engine. However, this "wind" can also be captured from the environment, for example similarly as walls of pyramids catch "telepathic waves" reflecting off them and concentrating at their focal point, or similarly as the "Bhaskara Wheel" described below in caption under "Film #B3c" captures symbolic "wind" of its mercury being constantly attracted by gravitational forces. When capturing external "wind", the given device becomes similar to windmills or sailing ships. The person who builds or evaluates a given "clean free energy generator" or "perpetual motion motor" will be helped by knowing of what "wind" actually transfers its energy to his/her device. This knowing makes it easier to deduce the requirements and operating principles for the remaining components of his/her device. In the "telekinetic cell" discussed here, this symbolic "wind" is a magnetic field, while the generator of this "wind" are two magnets placed instead of cores in each of the two "telekinetic inductors (I1) and (I2)" discussed in item #E1.1 and illustrated on "Fig. #C1" from the web page named "fe_cell.htm".
(2) The component (I1, I2) of the device which intercepts the energy contained in the "wind" produced either by the device itself, or flowing into it from an external source - means the component redirecting this energy from the "symbolic wind" to the components of the device. This intercepting component always takes the form of some component of the device that triggers a specific phenomenon, which one or several attributes of the exploited kind of the symbolic "wind" converts into technically usable behaviour of this component. For example, in the "telekinetic cell" described on the web page named "fe_cell.htm", the component of the cell which intercepts magnetic field energy are two coils of "telekinetic inductors (I1) and (I2)" discussed in item #E1.1 of the web page named "fe_cell.htm". These two coils accelerate and decelerate the magnetic field penetrating them from magnets placed in their centre, triggering by this accelerated and decelerated magnetic field the phenomenon of the "Telekinetic Effect" which propells the movements of electrons contained in the metal of these coils. In turn these movements of electrons form an electric current which in the telekinetic cell is a useful source of electricity for people. In "clean free energy generators" or in "perpetual motion motors" of other types than the "Telekinetic Cell" described on the web page named "fe_cell.htm", such a mechanism of capture that intercepts energy from the "wind" generated by them or intercepts energy from the "wind" blowing onto them from the environment, may be anything that is able to take over the force of pressure, or inertia, or also the internal energy from any of the "winds" that exist in the physical world, i.e. NOT only the "winds" which I already described in item #B2 on the web page named "fe_cell.htm", and in publications to which from that item #B2 links the reader, but also from "winds" about the existence of which so-far only God knows because He created them. So it can be something that generates or assumes the force of gravity or magnetic field strength, or the rotation of the Earth, or telepathic noise (concentrated e.g. by the coating of the pyramid), or the telekinetic effect, or electromagnetic waves (e.g. consider an antenna), etc.
(3) The maintainer R of oscillatory motion, or the implementer of cyclically rotational motion which must be constantly maintained in a given technical device, so that it can intercept and accumulate in itself the energy from the symbolic "wind". The energy contained in the symbolic "wind" described above, can never be intercepted all at once, and must be taken from it gradually, portion by portion. This in turn means that the design of a given "clean free energy generator" or "perpetual motion motor" must also include "something" that will add and accumulate (store) subsequent portions of energy taken from this "wind". In turn for this "something" to NOT have to be too large, the most beneficial practically for this accumulation (storing) of small portions of energy are either oscillatory movements (e.g. some vibrations, waves, oscillations, swinging, etc.), or cyclically rotational movements (e.g. inertia of flywheel rotation). Thus, the requirement for every "clean free energy generator" or "perpetual motion engine" is to have such a stable component able to add and accumulate (store) portions of energy taken from the "wind". In other words it means practically that these devices must always consist also of some electric or electronic oscillating circuit, or pendulum, or a spinning wheel, etc. In the "telekinetic cell" discussed here, such a component which adds (i.e. accumulates) energy captured from the "wind", is the "Resonator R" described in item #E1.3 of the web page named "fe_cell.htm".
(4) The initiator Q (starter) of rotation, oscillation, fluctuations, vibrations, etc., of the component that adds and accumulates energy captured from "wind". The "resonator R" described in the previous paragraph (3) does NOT produce itself (start) an oscillating or rotational motion, but only maintains the existence of this oscillating or rotational motion and adds new portions of energy into it. Thus, every "clean free energy generator" or "perpetual motion motor" must also have something that initiates its rotations, oscillations, vibrations, swinging, etc. In the "telekinetic cell" discussed in this post, it is the "pulser (Q)" described in item #E1.2 of the web page named "fe_cell.htm". In other devices it may be a quartz crystal or another crystal somehow initiated to vibrate, or a source of pulsating electric impulses, or a pendulum driven by something, while sometimes even manual turning the flywheel, etc. In a large proportion of such devices that use "wind" having "gusts", "vibrations", variability, etc., the best such initiator (starter) is the "reciprocator T" described in the next paragraph (5) and also obligatorily present in every device operating on the principles of "perpetual motion". In this case such "reciprocator T" simultaneously performs two functions (similarly to "telekinetic inductors (I1) and (I2)" in my "telekinetic battery") - namely it additionally acts as a "pulser Q", allowing, amongst others, repeatable self-starting of device's operation.
(5) The so-called "reciprocator T" - shown and described in item #E1.4 of the web page named "fe_cell.htm". This component (subassembly) is the most important, while in all counterfeits of "clean free energy generators" or "perpetual motion motors" it is chronically lacking. Therefore, the lack of a "reciprocator" allows for easy identification of counterfeits - similarly as e.g. the deviation of the shape of UFOs on someone's supposed photograph of UFOs from the shapes engineered for my Magnocrafts (see my web page named "magnocraft.htm") allows for immediate identification of UFO photographs fabricated by fraudsters. After all, neither scammers nor the most of builders who did NOT take care to read my publications, have any idea about the absolute necessity of "reciprocator" for the proper operation of every "clean free energy generator" or "perpetual motion motor". Generally, the function of the "reciprocator T" boils down to giving not less than "two degrees of freedom" to any vibrations or rotational motion that a given device uses in order to accumulate (store) energy taken from "wind" - but frequently it gives even more than two degrees of freedom. It turns out that providers of vibrations, swinging, rotational movements, etc., with only one degree of freedom, are unable to generate "free energy" nor "perpetual motion". With the best explanation of "why" such generation from just a single degree of freedom is impossible, provides us an example of the conversion of the mechanical force of uniform air wind, e.g. into a swing oscillations, or into vibrations of a blade of grass blown by such uniform wind. For if a given swing has only one degree of freedom, i.e. it can rigidly oscillate in only one way because its seat is suspended on stiffened rods, or if only one degree of freedom has a given blade of grass, then the steady wind will only deflect it or bend it, but it will NOT be able to stimulate it to increasingly intense swinging or vibrations. However, if it has built-in elements (e.g. flexible ropes on which the swing seat is hung, or a propeller-shaped blade of grass - which allow, for example, to oscillate them in at least two planes at the same time), then a steady and even very weak wind is able to stimulate it to swinging or to vibrations, strength and energy of which will increase over time due to the ability of oscillatory movements to accumulate energy. The best example illustrating the operation of such mechanical "reciprocators" are two English-language videos that I found on the internet and I show below as "Film #B3a" and "Film #B3b". Both these films show the supposed "ghosts" swinging on children's swings. But in fact these swings are swinging in even the almost imperceptible steady wind, because the cords on which they were suspended gave to their swinging these required at least "two degrees of freedom", while the shapes and design of the seats of these swings in conjunction with the wind direction, acted just as the discussed here "reciprocators" necessary to convert the constant wind pressure into oscillations, or vice versa. So please watch these two films from YouTube which I am linking below, as well as watch the third film which is our own making. All of them in June 2020 were available for free to anyone interested. All of them also perfectly illustrate how "reciprocators" cause the self-induced operation of devices equipped with them in conditions of constant pressure of monotonous "wind" acting upon them.
I should add here that devices which I call here "reciprocators" have been known to our civilization for a very long time. For example, they were contained in all old steam locomotives, in which the uniform steam pressure they turned into oscillations of their pistons which then propelled the rotation of their wheels. Similarly, they are also included into virtually every clock, in which the pressure of uniform voltage from a battery supplying it with energy, or from a spring, or from a weight, is converted into the oscillations of the mechanism precisely measuring time. It is because of the presence of such a "reciprocator" that the mechanical clock called "Beverly Clock" (see ) - has been working without interruption for almost 160 years without the need for manual winding it up by people, because it is powered by a "pure free energy device" called "Vidi's Box" (see ) - which box since the moment of construction in 1864 repeatedly self-winds this clock because it also contains the built-in "reciprocator". It is because of the significance of functions fulfilled by "reciprocators" in "clean free energy generators" and in "perpetual motion engines", that I described them in more detail in a number of my publications - for example they are described in subsections N2.5 and N2.6.2 from volume 5 of the Polish monograph [1/3] (see the web page named "tekst_1_3.htm"), while repeated in subsections N2.5 and N2.6.2 from volume 11 of my English monograph [1/4] - see the web page "text_1_4.htm".
(6) If a given device is to fulfil the function of a "clean free energy generator", then in spite that it neither consumes fuel nor is connected to any source of "dirty marketable energy" generated by people, it still must "optionally" also have a downloading component from which the user gets the "clean free energy" that is generated. This component, however, will NOT appear in some "perpetual motion motors" which are used to visually document that the construction and operation of such devices are possible - e.g. see the exhibit from the corridor of the "Technical Museum in Vienna", to which video I already linked above - see . This "optional" component is the easiest to recognize, because usually it is e.g. a socket or transformer for the consumption of electricity, a clutch or a "pulley" for receiving mechanical energy, etc.
After learning about the functions and workings of the components listed above, the presence of which is absolutely necessary in every "clean free energy generator" and in every "perpetual motion motor", the reader can easily judge for himself any patent, description, video, etc., about which someone claims that it represent a device for generating clean free energy or perpetual motion. All one need to do is to check whether a given device has functional equivalents of all the above components. This is because without the presence in a given device even just a single one of them, the generation of free energy or perpetual motion is impossible. Of course, for making such an assessment one also need to have some minimal technical and scientific knowledge. After all, in many devices, one of their parts (components) can represent two or even more of the above components - as e.g. it is the case with the "telekinetic inductors (I1) and (I2)" in the "telekinetic battery" described on the web page named "fe_cell.htm". However, the necessary knowledge is at the level of high school or on vocational level of common sense of many DIYers, hence most readers probably already have it.
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(The entire text of this post #324E has NOT fit into the memory of this blog - hence the rest of it will be continued below as post #324_2E)