lip 23 2020

#324_2E: Distinguishing between true "perpetual...

(This text and illustrations are a continuation or the second part of the previous post #324_1E published above)


I also feel obliged to supplement the above information with a few extremely important life truths which, in spite of being unknown to most people, are directly related to what I am describing here - while the additional knowledge about which is linked from #B of my Polish web page named "skorowidz.htm" through key words "lies, evidence, curse of inventors, energy, money, etc." (which in the Polish language spell: kłamstwa, dowód, przekleństwo wynalazców, energia, pieniądze, itp.). These life truths explained in numbered items state as follows:


(1') Every working "pure free energy generator" and every "perpetual motion motor" is another empirical proof that God does exist, thus it perfectly complements and extends the scientifically incontestable proof of God's existence which I developed using the mathematical logic method and which I presented in item #G2 of the web page named "god_proof.htm". The explanation "why" each of these devices in fact is also an empirical proof for the existence of God, I provided in item #D3 of my web page named "god_proof.htm" and in post #294 to blogs of totalizm. So together with another kinds of empirical evidence for the existence of God, such as the existence of the phenomenon of happiness of earned nirvana - see the web page named "nirvana.htm" (which nirvana is impossible to occur only as the outcome of "accidental evolution", while the evidential significance of which I described in (L) from item #A3 of the web page named "partia_totalizmu_uk.htm" and from post #320 to blogs of totalizm), both these proofs provide anyone interested in learning the truth about God with the opportunity to experimentally ascertain oneself that God does exist in spite of lies disseminated by the "official atheistic science". After all, if someone's intellect or worldview is unable to accept the scientifically irrefutable proof for the existence of God which I presented in item #G2 of the web page named "god_proof.htm", still such someone has the ability to either personally build a "perpetual motion" device for himself, or through the implementation of so-called "moral work" earn for himself/herself the happiness of nirvana - see item #D2 from the web page named "nirvana.htm". In this way, he/she has a chance to "wake up" from the madness introduced lately to humanity by the old "official atheistic science" and to save himself/herself from following the broad road of evil described in verses 7:13-14 from the Biblical "Gospel according to St. Matthew" - about which road the Bible warns that it is woe to those who will follow this road leading to their doom.


(2') Every working "clean free energy generator" and every "perpetual motion motor" is also an empirical proof that clean free energy is a gift from God on which greedy elites must NOT impose prices, fees, or taxes, and thus similarly to "air" and "water" (while after our civilization reaches moral maturity and hence after it eliminates the use of "money" - also like "daily bread") "clean free energy" generated by the devices described here should be available for free to every inhabitant of Earth - as illustrates and explains this our half-hour long film entitled "Future Propulsions" available from the address . In turn, if the elites of a country insist on charging fees or taxes for "clean free energy", then the population of a given country should consider the democratic replacement of "money" by "happiness of nirvana" - as it is provided by the God-designed "nirvana political system" described in items #A1 to #A4 from my web page named "partia_totalizmu_uk.htm" and from post #320 to blogs of totalizm. This replacement will eliminate all fees and taxes, and remove from Earth "money" which is the primary source of all evil. After all "money" induce countless types of evil by the mere fact of exalting a small group of rich people at the expense of exploiting and pushing down the rest of humanity and the nature - thus being the opposition of "happiness of nirvana" which, after proper implementation of the "nirvana political system" will enable harmonious perfection and raising the well-being of simultaneously all inhabitants of Earth and the thriving of entire nature. In case if humanity or a single country managed to implement the "nirvana political system" before the return of "karma" (see the web page named "karma.htm") for the destruction that human greed for "money" had already caused in nature, and which I described on the web page named "2030_uk.htm" while with my friend we showed in a Polish film entitled "Zagłada Ludzkości 2030" (which should be translated as "The Great Purification of 2030s" - see ), then I could guarantee that the "nirvana political system" would save the humanity or that single country from the rapidly approaching "The Great Purification of Earth" (see ). After all, the implementation of the "nirvana political system" would be an incomparably more perfect way to show God our repentance, obedience, trust and support for His will and methods, from the described in verses 3:4-10 of the Biblical "Book of Jonah" activities of the inhabitants of Nineveh which caused the cancellation of the God's Punishment previously intended for them.


(3') Every working "clean free energy generator" and every "perpetual motion motor" is also an empirical evidence that the old official atheistic science has long ago reached 100% level of corruption - which means that this science now serves a goal that is opposite to the goal for the achievement of which it was originally established (i.e. it serves to holding back the truth and progress instead of earning them up) - which is explained in more detail, among others, in item #E3 of my web page named "pajak_for_mp_2017.htm". Therefore, it is increasingly urgent for our civilization to formally establish a competition in the form of a new "totaliztic science" which would continually "watch the hands" of the corrupt old "official atheistic science" and correct its lies and mistakes - as I described it more broadly, among others, in item #C6 of the web page named "telekinetics.htm". In addition, it is becoming increasingly urgent to include in secondary school and university curricula at least a lesson on the scientific "Theory of Everything of 1985" - see (also called the "Concept of Dipolar Gravity" - see my web page named "dipolar_gravity.htm"), and about the basic laws discovered by the currently most moral modern philosophy of the world called the "philosophy of totalizm" - see the web page named "totalizm.htm" (i.e. the one called "totalizm" written with the letter "z" to distinguish it from the philosophy called "totalitarianism" by some mistakenly called "totalism" - only that typically written with the letter "s"). Getting to know the knowledge and truths offered by these two newest areas achieved by the humanity (i.e. offered by the Concept of Dipolar Gravity and by the philosophy of totalizm) will restore people's balance shaken by lies of increasingly corrupt elites and official atheistic science.


(4') Every working "clean free energy generator" and every "perpetual motion motor" is also a tool and a way to achieve the teaching goals of the present "Neo-Medieval Era" started on 2001/9/11 (see the web page "tapanui_pl.htm"). In turn, the teaching goals of this educating people era of "Neo Middle-Ages" include, amongst others, the gathering, both by individual people and by our entire civilization, empirical experiences historically documenting what are the reasons, mechanisms, ways, tools, courses, symptoms, consequences, etc., of exploitation and robbery of people, either by other people or by human-like beings. To this end, the "Neo Middle-Ages" era demonstrate increasingly evident examples of the exploitation of ordinary people by the ruling elites, as well as the exploitation of all humanity by its secretive persecutors who currently still exercise power over humanity in accordance with what the Bible reveals e.g. in verses: 4:6 from "Luke", 12:31 from "John", 4:4 from "2 Corinthians", 5:19 from "1 John", etc .; while what in secular literature reveal to us descriptions from numerous books cited e.g. in (C) from item #J4 of my web page named "hurricane.htm" and from entry #322 to blogs of totalizm, and more thoroughly explained e.g. in item #A3.4 from another my web page named "partia_totalizmu_uk.htm". As human knowledge about this exploitation increases, while methods of defending against it become increasingly more perfect and more common, the exploiting party will use increasingly powerful pressure tools, i.e. NOT only "money", but also police, army, tanks, legislation, prisons, "curses of inventors" and even the liquidation of inventors. In turn, because "clean free energy generators" and "perpetual motion motors" will in time become tools for "self-sufficiency" and thus tools for defence against this exploitation, the inventors of these devices that direct individual people to the path of truth and goodness, will increasingly experience the fate illustrated, for example, in the film , or explained in (III) from item #J4.4 of the web page named "propulsion.htm" and from entry #313 to blogs of totalizm. So, according to the Arabic proverb, "survive today's defeat to be able to continue the fight tomorrow", I recommend to the inventors who direct humanity onto the path of building such devices doing so much good, to be particularly careful, far-sighted, unofficial and noiseless.


(5') Every working "clean free energy generator" and every "perpetual motion motor" is also a visual illustration that in chronically generating evil all political systems based on "money" (which I postulate to replace with the new "nirvana political system") a very small group of short-sighted scientists and elites directed by self-interests is able to stop access of the entire humanity to the truth and to technical progress. After all, the entire humanity desperately needs "clean free energy generators" and "perpetual motion motors" - which would be able to save it from self-destruction due to the rapidly escalating accumulation of toxic fumes and damages to the natural environment caused by "commercially marketable sources of dirty energy". However, in spite of this desperate need, and in spite that numerous already existing well-functioning prototypes of "clean free energy generators" and "perpetual motion motors" have undeniably proved that such properly functioning devices can be built, however, this small group of "luminaries of science" and ruling elites that cares only about money, as well as their mindless collaborators, still use various means of coercion and repression, such as distributing "money" and punishments, censorship, peer pressure, prohibitions, ridicule, slander, removal from work, pinning the so-called "wolf tickets" - see , legal accusation, prison, etc., to effectively intimidate and block rational attempts to undertake substantive discussions, official research, or industrial production of these wonderful devices generating "the cleanest and completely free form of energy". What's strangest, in these habits of spreading evil, these people do NOT notice that in our world ruled with an iron hand by a wise and far-sighted God, both doing "good" and doing "evil" is governed by the identified and described by totalizm "Boomerang Principle". In turn this principle causes that whatever kind of actions and feelings is directed from oneself to others, after a large circle these actions and feelings return to their source person. So if someone adds their destructive contribution, e.g. to preventing the construction of devices which without the need to burn dirty fuel would allow to generate "clean free energy", while through such a prevention he/she imprints into his/her own archives kept by God the sin of forcing all humanity to live on the planet, the water, nature and food of which is poisoned by the fumes of the present "dirty sellable energy", then no matter how such a person would guard himself and pay with "money", still his own body, mind and soul, as well as the bodies, minds and souls of many generations of his descendants, will be painfully poisoned and degenerated by the fumes of this "dirty marketable energy". This non-mercy return of "evil" (or "good") to the source people who put it into circulation is guaranteed NOT only by the operation of the above "Boomerang Principle", but also by warnings of numerous statements from the Bible (e.g. those which I described in item #2I4.1 from subsection I4.1 of volume 5 of monograph [1/5] - see the web page named "text_1_5.htm"), by the truth of proverbs discovered due to the age-old experience of folk wisdom (e.g. the English proverb "curses like chickens come home to roost"), assurances of UFOnauts visiting Earth (e.g. see paragraph N-116 in the report of New Zealand citizen abducted to a UFO, cited in subsection UB1 from volume 16 of my monograph [1/5] (see the web page named "text_1_5.htm"), and also by the scientifically confirmed work of the "totaliztic karma" - see the web page named "karma.htm". So practically the reality is that no matter who you are, in your most vital interest lies "helping", NOT "blocking", that the described here (and in my other publications) truth and real progress have prevailed on Earth as soon as possible. After all, in every life situation and in every activity, God gives us a choice of "free will" and access to various solutions, which allow us to act in accordance with the whispers of conscience (God), and thus to avoid burdening ourselves with the sin of escalating evil on Earth. Examples of such solutions suggested to us may be the famous Jesus’es saying "Give to the Emperor (Caesar) what is imperial and to God what is divine" explained more broadly in item 6 from item #C4.2 of my web page named "morals.htm" and also in item #L3 from my other web page named "cielcza_uk.htm", or the "law of a highway through a sea" explained in item #J3 from the web page named "pajak_for_mp_2014.htm". Therefore, regardless of whether one recognizes my scientifically incontestable proof for the existence of God, or whether one is so-called "an atheist", and regardless of what one draws his livelihood from, ordinary common sense persuades that better if he/she does NOT add his/her contribution to spreading of evil either through active evil actions or through passive acceptance of evil that is going on around us.

Film #B3a: Here is a 1:07 minute long free YouTube film entitled "Freaked Out Dad Captures Eerie Video of 'Ghost Swing' Moving In Playground". This film is distributed for free from the address . It illustrates how mutually overlapping of factors: (a) the aerodynamic features of the child's swing seat, (b) manner of hanging of this swing on elastic ropes that give to it at least two degrees of freedom, and (c) the correct direction of blow of uniform wind, provides the swing with a "reciprocator" component described above in item (5) from the text of this post. (Take note of the important role fulfilled by the flexible suspension ropes of this swing - in the swings with seats suspended on two rigid rods, it is no longer possible to obtain the required at least two degrees of freedom.) The combination of these factors (a) to (c) causes in total, that such a swing is able to initiate its fluctuations on its own and to accumulate wind energy in own swinging, thus looking as if a "ghost" was actually swinging on it. So if we needed a simple "perpetual motion" device, which for some reasons would have to continually keep swinging without interruptions (e.g. to scare bats from attempts to fly into the outlet of ventilation tunnel from some underground tomb), then it would be enough for some heavy swing seat with a scientifically refined horizontal earodynamics of a propeller (e.g. shaped like the famous "schist" stone disk shown at the Egyptian "Museum of Antiquities" in Cairo and called the Sabu or Saqqara disk - see ) hang on a flexible rope just above the given place (e.g. tunnel outlet), so that even the lightest wind blowing from any direction could give its energy to keep swinging this disc. In turn, if we were constant swinging of just such an aerodynamic swing seat, which would intercept the force of even the lightest "wind" blowing from any direction, would show to scientists at a time when the wind supplying them with energy would be too weak to sense it, then perhaps this would convince them that "perpetual motion" is possible. After all, after connecting such a swing to a mechanism that would intercept from it the "energy of motion" accumulated in it, then it would successfully fulfill the role of a "generator of pure free energy". Thus, the above filmed illustration of the self-swinging swing clearly explains to readers what I described in this post #324E - namely it explains the work of the most important components that are absolutely necessary in "clean free energy generators", and explains what laws and requirements must be met when building working versions of "generators of clean free energy" and "perpetual motion motors". Furthermore, this film illustratively explains also the function of "reciprocators" in devices of "perpetual motion". Giving to the "bending" of their movable components these required at least two degrees of freedom, such "reciprocators" cause that their first degree of freedom so orientates their movable component that in its motion consistent with the direction of uniform "wind" pressure, this component intercepts the entire pressure on this "wind". But when in a swinging motion (or cyclical or oscillating) their movable component is to return in the direction opposite to the action of an uniform wind, then the second degree of freedom is activated - which changes the orientation of this component so that it exposes itself to a much smaller than previously pressure of this uniform "wind", which because of this is no longer able to completely stop its fluctuations. So the work of the "reciprocators" perfectly illustrated with the above film causes that both the swing shown above and the one shown in "Film #B3b" below, and even the appropriately designed mathematically the "Bhaskara Wheel" from "Film #B3c" below (which as symbolic "wind" uses pressure of gravity), all they are able to operate on the principle of "perpetual motion" for as long period of time, as long this "wind" affects their oscillating components. So, taking the opportunity of this description, I would like to sincerely thank the creators of the above-mentioned vitally useful for our civilization film, for creating such an excellent teaching aid illustrating to more talented DIYers the work of the most important component of "clean free energy generators" and "perpetual motion motors" - which component is their "reciprocator". This film is therefore a true gift from God to our civilization.

Film #B3b: Here is a 2:05 minutes long free YouTube video (film) entitled "Ghost caught on camera swinging on a swing". This film is distributed for free from the address . Similarly to the previous "Film #B3a", this film also illustrates how a swing with at least two degrees of freedom at the right direction and force of wind can work as a kind of "reciprocator" discussed in item (5) from above post #324E. In addition, the film also illustrates the ability of such a "reciprocator" to initiate its work automatically from rest and to build up the amount of energy contained in swinging from zero to a state that allows to retrieve this energy through some additional mechanism. As such, this film confirms the described in post #324E above the functional definition of "clean free energy generators" and "perpetual motion motors" as propelling devices, the function of which is to convert some long-term and continuously blowing symbolic "wind" into a selected oscillating or cyclical motion, which in its fluctuations accumulates energy of this "wind" enabling this energy to be retrieved for purposes of supplying people with technically usable energy. As a civilization, we are very fortunate that such a film was recorded, thus enabling the more skilled DIY enthusiasts to understand the laws, phenomena and principles which make "free energy" and "perpetual motion" devices work. So similarly as I did it in "Film #B3a", I would like to thank the authors of this film for making such extremely valuable didactically teaching document for our civilization, and to thank God for creating the opportunity for this film to come into being for the good of us all.

Film #B3c: Here's just a 32-second long excerpt from our free film entitled "Future Propulsions". This excerpt is distributed for free from the address . It illustrates the more close to true the appearance of the so-called "Bhaskara Wheel" than the appearance illustrated by popular YouTube videos which show this wheel after it has been assembled from a bicycle wheel and from a series of bottles with colored water. (However, even this appearance much closer to the original one still does NOT allow for its proper work due to the lack of a "reciprocator" embedded into it, which would give to it the required at least two degrees of freedom - which is quite well illustrated in the film from the address . After all, as it perfectly illustrates the method of perpetual turning of a steel ball in a mechanical "perpetual motion" device built by the Norwegian Reidar Finsrud and shown, for example, in a film from the address , having at least two degrees of freedom {in the case of Reidar Finsrud - three degrees of freedom forced by three pendulums} is absolutely necessary for the production of "perpetual motion".) While how the "Bhaskara Wheel" was really shaped - unfortunately we do not know at present. This is because his working prototype has NOT survived to our times. Nevertheless, let us hope that by stubborn research our civilization will someday find it out. The Bhaskara Wheel is a "pseudo-motor of perpetual motion" type, built on Earth starting from around the year 1150 - i.e. built long before the times when "luminaries of our official atheistic science" established their negative "laws of thermodynamics" with which they try to deny God's wisdom and foresight. (The exact explanation as to what is this "pseudo-motor of perpetual motion", the reader will find in my descriptions from items #A1 and #J4.4 and from the caption under "Film #J4.4a" on the web page named "propulsion.htm", partly later repeated in post #313E to blogs of totalizm.) Thus, the above excerpt from our film slightly better than other films illustratinges how in this "Bhaskara Wheel" one should take on the shaping of mathematically calculated curves of the upper outlines, and the oppositely located lower outlines, of wall-surfaces in spokes (containers) for mercury. The point is that in this device the symbolic stationary "wind" that supposed to propel it, is the gravitational pressure of each mercury atom acting onto one of these two walls of spokes located under it. Therefore, the curvature of each single one out of these two walls (upper and lower) gives the flow of mercury in the Bhaskara Wheel only one degree of freedom (from two such degrees of freedom, about which I explained above in post #324E and on "Film #B3a", that they are absolutely required for the operation of this device as a "perpetual motion motor"). So if these spokes (containers) had the shape of perfect cylinders in which the upper and lower surfaces, as well as both its ends, are parallel to each other, then both these surfaces would give mercury the same single degree of freedom - and thus the entire Bhaskara Wheel would have only one degree of freedom that would prevent it from working. After all, in this case the gravitational pressure of mercury on two equal surfaces of the spokes of the wheel would equalize each other on both sides of its axis - which is perfectly illustrated graphically at 1:40 minute of length from about 8 minutes long film entitled "The Gravity Wheel" from the address . However, if the curvatures of the upper and lower contours of these spokes are sufficiently differentiated, then on the side of the wheel just rising upwards, this curvature will focus mercury just next to its axis, while on the side falling just downwards, a differently shaped second curvature will focus mercury just next to the circumference of the wheel. This in turn will give to the flows of mercury the required two degrees of freedom and cause that this wheel will work as a "perpetual motion device" - in spite that many present "scientific critics" so hard try to convince people that this wheel has NO right to work. So as I explained here, the construction of the "Bhaskara Wheel" capable of working as a "perpetual motion machine" is NOT just a "technical problem", but in its most important part is a "mathematical problem". After all, it boils down to designing the lower and upper curvature of its mercury spoke containers so that these curves give to the mercury the required at least two degrees of freedom (and even better to extend these curvatures from linearity to two dimensionality by adding the three pendulums similarly as did it Reidar Finsrud in his perpetual motion - which would cause that this wheel would have three degrees of freedom). In turn these at least two degrees of freedom would eliminate the mutual balancing of mercury weights on the rising side and the falling side of the wheel. No wonder that this balancing problem was solved correctly only by a mathematician from India named "Bhaskara the Second". I am most impressed that this genius found his practically-satisfactorily approximate solution to this "mathematical problem" already around the year 1150 with methods of "classical mathematics" - means still in times when computers did NOT exist. Thus, due to the construction of the working prototype, he beat all present scientists who stubbornly claim that this wheel has NO right to work. Fortunately, nowadays we have powerful computers and modern "numerical methods" - which a properly stubborn researcher are to allow to find a more accurate solution to this problem (I believe that it could be solved by, for example, my "Thermal Graph" method - which I developed while still in Poland at ITBM of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology, and which is a significantly improved and automated version of the "finite elements method"). Numerical methods, after all, allow for the use of high computing power of today's computers. In turn the more variables like: separate sections of the curves defining the lower and upper surface of the spokes, the number of spokes, the number of mercury finite-volumes distinguished, the friction torque of a given wheel that must be overcomed by the lack of balance in gravitational attraction of mercury, etc., will be used to find such a more accurate solution, the better this wheel will work after construction as a source of perpetual motion - attracting and inspiring people similarly to how attracts and inspires huge crowds that described in post #324E exhibit from the corridor of the "Technical Museum in Vienna" illustrated e.g. in the film (and maybe it even will also act as a source of clean free energy). However, before someone with more than average intelligence of typical today's "learners by memorizing" starts to solve the mathematical problem of the Bhaskara Wheel, ordinary DIYers are advised to build more realistic "clean free energy generators" - which either are already known as working, because similarly as it happen with e.g. the Swiss "Thesta Distatica" numerous witnesses saw them at work (see ), or because e.g. they contain all necessary components described above in post #324E. This excerpt from our film can also be run outside of this post using its direct address , or run via my web page named "djp.htm". Here, at this post, you can also run it by simply clicking the mouse on the above title image of it.


Copyrights © 2020 by Dr Eng. Jan Pająk


* * *


The above post #324E (in English) is an adaptation of item #B3 from my web page (also in English) named "fe_cell.htm" (updated on 25th of July 2020, or later). Thus, the reading of the above descriptions would be even more effective from the web page "fe_cell.htm" (or from "volume S" of my publication [13] disseminated via the Polish web page named "tekst_13.htm"), than from this post - after all e.g. on the totaliztic web pages are working all (green) links to other related web pages with additional explanations, important texts are highlighted with colours, the descriptions are supported with illustrations, the content is updated regularly, etc. The most recent update of the web page "fe_cell.htm" can be viewed, amongst others, through addresses:


(*) Notice that every address with totaliztic web pages, including all the above web addresses, should contain all totaliztic (my) web pages - including all the web pages indicated in this post. Thus, in order to see any totaliztic (my) web page that interests the reader, it suffices that in one amongst the above addresses, the web page name "fe_cell.htm" is changed into the name of web page which one wishes to see. For example, in order to see the web page named "god_proof.htm" e.g. from the totaliztic web site with the address , it is enough that instead of this address in the window of an internet browser one writes e.g. the address


The above manner (*) for viewing the totaliztic web page that is sought by the reader, is especially useful, because the majority of my web pages is published on "free hosting addresses" - some amongst which have this habit that typically they delete my web pages just after one year. Thus, if the reader wishes to find any such my web page to which I refer in my older posts from this blog, and therefore which page in the meantime was deleted from free hosting addresses, then it is enough to visit the newest post on this blog - under which I am providing the list of most recent and thus currently the most valid addresses that contain all my web pages. Then in any amongst these most current addresses the reader can find the web page which he or she is seeking, just by using its name for modifying that address accordingly to the method (*) described above (which method allows to run any totaliztic web page chosen by the reader).


It is worth to know as well, that almost each new topic that I am researching on principles of my "scientific hobby" with "a priori" approach of the new "totaliztic science", including this one, is published in all mirror blogs of totalizm still in existence (the above topic is repeated in there as the post number #324E). So far 8 such blogs were created and maintained. At the moment only three out of these 8 blogs of totalizm still remain undeleted by adversaries of the new "totaliztic science" and of the moral philosophy of totalizm. These three blogs of totalizm still available can be viewed at following internet addresses: (or )

Fortunately, the deletion of 5 oldest blogs of totalizm has NOT erased their content. This is because as from 30 October 2018, all (i.e. currently as many as 324) posts to blogs of totalizm (almost half of which are in two languages, i.e.: in Polish and English) are also published in an electronic "book-like" volumes marked [13] and available in safe PDF format and in two print sizes (i.e. large 20pt and normal 12pt) from the Polish web page named "tekst_13.htm" (with some items in English) available on all addresses indicated above (i.e. addresses finished on ).


Other posts about "perpetual motion motors" and "clean free energy generators" related to this #324E include:

#313E of 2019/8/17 (adapted from item #J4.4 of web page "propulsion.htm")

#294 of 2018/3/15 (adapted from #D3 of web page "god_proof_pl.htm")

#293 of 2018/2/7 (adapted from #J1 & #J2 of web page "free_energy_pl.htm")

#146E of 2008/3/4 (adapted from #F1 of web page "free_energy.htm")

Other posts regarding "perpetual motion motors" and "clean free energy generators":

#319E of 2019/12/17 (adapted from #J4.1 of web page "propulsion.htm")

#295 of 2018/4/17 (adapted from #J1 do #J4 of web page "propulsion_pl.htm")

#273E of 2016/7/1 (adapted from #D4 of web page "dipolar_gravity.htm")

#223E of 2012/8/25 (adapted from #C2 to #C4 of web page "telekinetics.htm")


With the totaliztic salute,

Dr Eng. Jan Pająk


kodig : :