#373_1E: My method of distinguishing the painful fruits of the "adding" Act of God from the "subtractive" harm of the "powers of evil" (Part 1)
Introduction to the post #373E for blogs of totalizm and to items #G1 to #G3 of the web page named "rok_uk.htm" from which the post #373E is adapted. As the editor of the web page "rok_uk.htm" and also blogs of "adding" philosophy of totalizm (I am Dr. Eng. Jan Pająk), I would like to share in the following items #G1 to #G3 a kind of breakthrough method which I personally developed, and which I believe can be very useful to everyone, because everyone in his/her life can be affected by events whose origins this method identifies and confirms. The learning of it I especially recommend to my colleagues from our year of studies, as well as to their descendants - after all, what we once went through together makes us one big family, even if we differ in details of some our views. However, I am publishing this method only at the end of this web page so that anyone who is NOT interested in the results of my research can easily skip the browsing of it. My development of this method became possible due to the engineering knowledge which is quite honourable and also highly useful in creative life - and which God helped to earn, among others, me also. This knowledge allows its possessors in everything they do, to: measure, calculate, learn and describe "how" something works, and therefore also allows to design how it can be built, plan "how" to improve it, predict "how" it can break down or be destroyed by someone, determine who (or what) really destroyed it even if the destroyer is hiding, etc., etc. In my life, the engineering practice has also revealed to me many truths not understood by other disciplines, e.g. the truth that "no matter how good something already is, it can always be improved even more, and should be improved" - see my blog #316E or #A1 of the web page "evolution.htm". This special knowledge and truth allows me to note problems which exist in everything that surrounds us, and then to find out "how" to solve these problems. One of the problems of our current civilization, already described in more detail in my previous blogs #372E and #371E and e.g. in #I1 to #I5 of the web page named "parasitism.htm", is the lack of understanding that only putting wise effort into the generally understood "adding", e.g. into: building, producing, teaching, sowing, inventing, improving, designing, creating, programming, moving, transporting, etc.; leads to life, growth, prosperity, truth, justice, peace, etc., etc. (Do you know e.g. that the only fundamental "adding" skill that the microprocessors' hardware in present human computers is capable of doing, is actually the mathematical "adding" - while all other skills that our computers acquired because of this ability to add are accomplished through various appropriate uses of this skill of general "adding". Are you also aware that the intelligently "added" fundamental skill of causing strictly controllable movements of normally inertial and motionless objects made of matter is also the most important attribute of inventions of all human transportation machines, such as trains, cars, airplanes, rockets, Magnocraft of my invention - see the web page "magnocraft.htm", etc.; due to which controllable movements all of these machines acquired the capability of doing for us these countless services that we know. Do you also know, that the only "adding" fundamental skill of so-called "God Drobinas" described in items #K1 and #K2 from the blogs #325E and #326E as well as from the web page "god_exists.htm", is the skilful ability of their behaviour to move through four-dimensional space with the infinitive speed without causing any collision - and yet by utilising just this one "adding" skill God created from these "God Drobinas" out entire "world of matter" as well as us and also everything that we see in it plus all phenomena that exists in it.) Unfortunately, to accomplish true "adding" in real life sometimes requires doing something that will be painful for some among people affected by it - e.g. consider taking the land away from its subtractive "destroyers" and giving it to those who will use it in an "adding" way (means to those who use it productively instead of destructively). In turn doing anything that is to bring true "adding fruits" in the future requires either exceptional wisdom, or knowledge of the future. Therefore, practically the only source of knowledge on Earth available to us to teach us "how" to perform such true "adding" in real life turns out to be only: our God, the so-called "Acts of God", and the Bible inspired by God. Only fruits from these are results of the God’s superior wisdom and God's knowledge of the future, required for empirical foreseeing the true "fruits" brought by "addition", and for distinguishing this "addition" from its opposite, means from general "subtraction". The general form of "subtraction", appears either spontaneously or is intentionally caused by the so-called "powers of evil" practicing it (that include also evil people). It manifests itself, for example, through: destroying, cutting down, concealing, lying, robbing, murdering, etc.; and with the passage of time always leads only to decline, poverty, injustice, persecution, war, self-destruction, etc. - that is, to the situations that our present human civilization is chronically experiencing since ancient times. The problem, however, is that the majority of people have NO idea or knowledge on methods "how" to correctly recognise and categorise these events which meet definition of such general "addition" carried out and required from people by God, nor "how" to distinguish such addition from general "subtraction" caused by, or forced upon people, by "powers of evil". Fortunately, after learning skills presented in #G1 to #G3 below, hopefully the reader will be able to initiate his/her own habit of carrying out such recognition, categorising, and distinguishing.
In turn, after initiation of such a habit, with a bit of practice readers may improve their skills and be able to correctly recognise, categorise, and distinguish practically all kinds of events, even if these are caused by people, means NOT only by Acts of God or by oppression from "powers of evil". For example, readers may be able to determine whether any particular divorce (so fashionable these days) of a marred couple of man and woman was caused by telepathic or hypnotic pre-programming of woman secretly carried out by "forces of evil", or by ignoring by one of spouses the need to learn from the Bible the commandments and requirements imposed on husband and wife by God - as I explained this e.g. in blog #370E and in items #I1 to #I2 from the web page "bible.htm", Or able to determine whether a given case of taking away some territory from one country and incorporating it into another country, is a general "addition" or a general "subtraction". Or categorise whether a given case of acceptance of so called "economic emigrant" from a corrupt and tyrannical country by a productive and justly acting democratic state is a general "addition" because it creates chance for a more productive life for this emigrant and also e.g. an extension of skills for inhabitants of that state, or is it a "subtraction" because a given emigrant is to bring with him/her chaos, disregard for the law, lowering productivity, security and justice, etc., and simultaneously do NOT contribute his/her effort into improving people's situation in the country from which is to emigrate - although had previously all that is required to do so.
Therefore, in the text of items #G1 to #G3 of the web page "rok_uk.htm" translated from the Polish blog #373 and adapted to the following content of #G1 to #G3 of this English blog #373E, I use examples of actually occurring events, which I both personally experienced and personally researched in the long term, so that in as simple language as I can use here I am to explain to the reader the engineering method of "how" to distinguish between events affecting us in any way and caused e.g. by so-called "Acts of God", the purpose of which is always to cause "adding" changes, from always "subtracting" events that can be perceived by us personally in various ways but caused by "powers of evil" while the purpose of which always is to intentionally cause "subtracting" changes. In turn, if we learn how to differentiate and categorise such events caused by "Acts of God" and by "powers of evil", then we will be capable to apply exactly the same principles and the Bible’s guidance to do it without committing significant errors for also fruits of activities of people. The engineering method described here resulted from my discovery of the fact that the "attributes" of these events in the case of "adding" actions of "Acts of God" always show mutual agreement in the confirmations of all "witnesses" of these events, and are always consistent with the information contained in the content of the Bible. In turn, in the case of "subtractive" actions of "evil forces" that typically are to harm people, these attributes are always the opposites of the attributes of "Acts of God" and therefore hide from being identified by us under excuses of "accidents", "coincidences", "convergences of circumstances", forces of nature, etc. Furthermore, in all cases of "subtractive" actions that resemble destructive activities of "evil forces" that harmed any people, those individuals involved in causing them always are later severely punished by God, even if for some individuals God forgive doing harm but still is to punish their actions - as explained in verse 34:7 from "Exodus" in the Bible. However, when learning my examples used to document the method explained below, it should be remembered that by conducting my research on the principles of a "hobby" forced upon me, and by doing it with my own financing and in my private time, my cognitive capabilities are highly limited because I do NOT have access to all of the sources and aids that are officially used by professionally active scientists. To this inconvenience is added also the fact that, like every person, I also have a lot of my own imperfections and therefore in some matters I can also unintentionally be wrong and make mistakes. However, my engineering practice has long shown me that mistakes and errors, after they are detected, can be corrected. However, hiding the truth, keeping silent, lying, deceiving, fraud, wrongdoing, etc., once they are exposed, will NOT be correctable. Therefore, even if I am wrong and make mistakes in some matters, then by openly publishing my discoveries and findings I open them and their sources for further refinement and deepening by other researchers, and for their verification and confirmation by interested readers. This opening of my discoveries, findings, and methods, works very similarly to that practiced by engineers towards prototype devices - the construction of which by their first inventors actually opens them also for further verification and improvement by a whole series of subsequent generations of their builders and improvers. (As their latest examples, consider the history of today's "clocks" or "telephones".) As a result of such further checks and improvements, a never-ending process of improving the principles of operation, construction and appearance of subsequent technical solutions of these prototypes of the first inventors building highly useful technical devices is formed, in a result of which the most troublesome imperfections and defects found in them are gradually eliminated until they reach a state when they either become sufficiently good for the given times, or are covered by the "omnibus trend" and built as one of many functions of some future multi-purpose devices - which is what happened, for example, with today's "clocks" already operating as one of many functions fulfilled by today's "telephones". (This "omnibus trend", which I managed to identify, learn about, describe, and publish many years ago, because over time it gradually combines "diversity" into "multi-functional unity", I explain in more detail e.g. in #I1 of blog #372E and the web page parasitism.htm as well as in B3 of volume 2 of my monograph [1/5] - Disseminated free of charge via my web page named text_1_5.htm.)
#G1. Here is my based on the attributes of the events we experience, an engineering method teaching us "how" to distinguish unpleasantly perceived by us events by which we are troubled in life and which are so-called "Acts of God", from events also painful for us but which are deliberate persecutions or attacks served to us by the "powers of evil" (about which history proves empirically that those who serve such events, God punishes severely):
Motto: "The attributes of events that are Acts of God always show mutual and confirming agreement and unanimity with one another and with the 'adding' goals of God, and, moreover, they are always unanimously attested by at least these most important 'three witnesses' (one of whom always includes Bible verses)." (This is why the attributes of Acts of God allow us to distinguish these "adding" Acts of God from "convergences of circumstances", "coincidences", "accidents", etc., secretly fabricated by the "powers of evil" and displaying attributes that are always opposite to the attributes of Acts of God because they always serve the "powers of evil" to cause a general "subtraction" - examples fabricated by "powers of evil" and displaying just such attributes are described in items #G2 and #G3 below.)
There are extremely interesting results of my research on always "adding" the so-called "Acts of God", means on actions that God undertook personally and directly, without using the help for carrying this task by His human helpers obedient to His commandments and requirements. This research shows that God performs each of these actions so wisely that with one Act of God is achieved a whole range of different "adding" goals. In other words, these Acts of God exhibit "attributes" that fundamentally distinguish them from human actions and actions of other human-like creatures (e.g. actions of parasitic UFOnauts), because people and these other creatures do NOT have Divine omniscience, nor Divine knowledge of the future, nor Divine power to be able to design and carry out their actions in such a way that these would simultaneously achieve more than one "adding" goal. Furthermore, each Act of God is accompanied by a whole range of symbolic "witnesses", all of whom unanimously confirm that the results (means "fruits") of a given action were caused and achieved by God. Among a large number of these "witnesses" there is also a group of the most important "three witnesses", which I describe in detail in numerous publications - e.g. see item #I1 from my blog #372E or from the web page "parasitism.htm" from which that blog #372E was adapted, or see (1) to (1c) from item #H1 of my web page "2020life.htm". The important attribute of these "3 witnesses" is that "even for the most sceptical people they constitute the minimum number of witnesses, the consistency of whose confirmations guarantees that any human statements which they confirm constitute the so-called absolute truth.
My research on Acts of God also reveals that regardless of how individual people perceive them, all general goals of Acts of God always in the end bring "adding" fruits. (What these "adding" fruits are, I also described in more detail in #I1 from that blog #372E and from the web page parasitism.htm from which that blog #372E was adapted.) For example, the creation of the so-called "Providence Canyon Georgia State Park" (descriptions of which one can search e.g. with the command https://www.google.com/search?q=Providence+Canyon+Georgia+State+Park ) caused in 1840 by an Act of God, also turns out to give humanity "adding" fruits, consistent with the general goals of Acts of God cited below, in spite of the fact that many people may perceive these fruits as "subtracting". After all, the meaningful overlap of the year 1840 of the creation of this canyon, with the same year 1840 of causing another Act of God described below in {#G1a} that fruited in the "God's Birthday Gift to the Newly Born Christian Country of New Zealand", makes people reflect and wonder whether any form of "destruction of the earth" actually goes without consequences and without any punishment both for the entire nation or the entire humanity that allows it to happen, as well as for the individual people who commit this destruction - just as in the lack of such consequences currently believe many evil-doing politicians, atheists, and helpers of the "powers of evil".
So in order to remind the reader here what are these general goals of all Acts of God described in my various publications, I will list here 7 most important of them. Here they are:
(1#G1) the acquisition of knowledge;
(2#G1) the complete elimination of evil from the entire universe;
(3#G1) helping people and other human-like beings created from matter and living in the "world of matter" in their efforts to improve themselves, so that the largest possible number of them could be saved and obtain the so-called "eternal life";
(4#G1) teaching people and other creatures "how" to have an "adding" life and behaviours leading both - them and the entire universe, to: growth, improvement, lack of experiencing evil, and a happy existence for all eternity; as well as simultaneously persuading people and other creatures to abandom leading of any "subtractive" life and behaviours;
(5#G1) improving the operation of the universe by continuous perfecting of our "world of matter" which is a "school of an added way of life" for people and for all other creatures;
(6#G1) forcing the "powers of evil" to invent ever new methods of doing evil, and thus revealing these methods to God, people, and other creatures, in order to enable due this revealing the elimination of work of these methods of doing evil, and thus to continually improve the entire universe;
(7#G1) creating conditions in the universe so that all people and all creatures evolve toward loving each other and actively manifest evidence of their love to all others.
Of course, God has much more such general goals of His existence and activities, but for the purposes of this presentation, knowing the above is already enough.
In order to achieve the above and other goals, God uses a variety of methods of action, which I gradually identify using the indications resulting from my Theory of Everything from 1985, which has been proving its highest usefulness for almost 40 years (see the web page "1985_theory_of_everything.htm"), and also resulting from my slightly newer Theory of Life from 2020 (see the web page "2020life.htm"). After identifying these methods of God's action, I describe them in my publications of the philosophy of totalizm from 1985 - while the newest of them I publish also in "blogs of totalizm" with addresses e.g. from item #Z5 of the web page "rok_uk.htm". (As an example of one of such method of God's action, consider the one typically called the "carrot and stick method" that is described, among others, in (i) from item #D1 of my web page named "god.htm".) Unfortunately, if individual people, or even entire human institutions, analyze the "fruits" of God's Acts, typically without having access to knowledge about the future, they are NOT able to assess whether these "fruits" are "adding" or "subtracting". (However, this will change when humanity begins to build "time vehicles" of my invention, because then people will be able to send so-called "time couriers", which are currently commonly used by UFOnauts secretly occupying, exploiting and destroying humanity, to check in future whether in there the given today's actions or decisions will cause "adding" or "subtracting" changes and consequences.) On the other hand, subjective assessment of these "fruits" only by our personal feeling or perception of them is very unreliable. After all, as the findings of my philosophy of totalizm from 1985 teach us, "There is NO such evil that would not turn out to bring some good, and there is NO such good that would NOT generate some form of evil" (in the Polish language: "NIE ma takiego złego co by na dobre nie wyszło i NIE ma takiego dobra, co by NIE wygenerowało sobą też jakiejś formy zła" - see links to this finding from the Polish web page "skorowidz.htm"). Hence, what many people may currently perceive as "adding" fruits, in the long term may turn out to be "subtractive" and highly harmful fruits, and vice versa. Fortunately, my research indicates that there are still indicators that allow us to distinguish "adding" fruits of God's Acts from "subtractive" fruits of the destructive "power of evil". These indicators are "attributes" demonstrated by so-called "witnesses" of given events.
My research reveals that the "witnesses" confirming the "adding" fruits of Acts of God demonstrate a number of unique "attributes" that cannot be found in the "witnesses" confirming the "subtracting" fruits of the actions of the "powers of evil". I will indicate examples of these "attributes" to the reader in descriptions of actually true cases, which I personally experienced and researched thus which I can describe below in items #G2 and #G3. For the "witnesses" confirming Acts of God, these "attributes" include:
[a#G1] consistency and unanimity with the statements of Bible verses;
[b#G1] the existence of at least those most important "3 witnesses" who confirm that given "fruits" originate from an Act of God;
[c#G1] mutual agreement of each "witness" with the confirmations of the other "witnesses" for the same Act of God - i.e. as if expressed in differently formulated sentences, the unanimity of the confirmations of all of them;
[d#G1] frequent appearance in pairs that may testify two or more simultaneously occurring events (i.e. the equal timing of two or more groups of events), with the opposition of their natures, both of which in the future serve God to obtain His "adding" goals (e.g. consider: taking a land away from the destroyers of the earth and simultaneously giving the land to those who deserve to have and use this land; or loosing a war by one side and simultaneous winning a war by the opposite side);
[e#G1] the existence of normally hidden from people indirect connections between the confirmations of individual witnesses, of the type described in [2#G1] below the use of the "burning bush" as a logo for the place where I later saw a living, telepathically talking to me and dancing "burning bush";
plus several other similarly identifying attributes.
Since it is known that the "powers of evil" typically attempt to mimic the production of the fruits of the Acts of God, but by giving them opposite, "subtractive" goals and consequences, if we learn those "attributes" indicating "how" to recognize the "adding" actions of Acts of God, then by "reversing" these "attributes" into their opposites, we will also be able to define the "attributes" that will reveal to us the "subtractive" actions of the "powers of evil".
Below I will list three examples of events for which I personally researched the "attributes" displayed by their "witnesses", to identify what to look for in these attributes to check whether these events are to produce "adding" fruits of Acts of God in long-term action to serve the good of people and humanity, or generate "subtracting" persecutions of individuals, humanity and our planet by "powers of evil" aimed at prolonging the hidden destruction, occupation and exploitation of humanity by these our parasitic relatives from the Orion planets currently called "UFOnauts". Here are these three examples:
{#G1a} "God's birthday gift to the newly emerging Christian country of New Zealand" that created a flat area of land raised up from below sea level for the construction of the capital city Wellington and the industrial township of Petone described on the web page named "petone.htm". This historically rather recent "adding" miracle caused by God, which took place in 1840, i.e. less than 200 years ago on the current beach of the New Zealand town of Petone, I described in a whole series of my publications. Unfortunately, most residents even of that township of Petone and the whole of New Zealand, still do NOT know about the occurrence of this miracle, because knowledge about it is telepathically and hypnotically erased from their memories by the "powers of evil". Fortunately, there are still secularly formulated written documents reporting on it, including even permanent stone tablets, the photos of which are linked from Fig. #G2abcd below. Although this miracle was on a huge scale that has been given to only the greatest miracles described in the Bible, and thus although it was most likely the latest "adding" miraculous Act of God to be performed on Earth on such a large scale, in over 40 years of my residence in New Zealand, that is, until my personal discovery of its occurrence, I had NOT met a single New Zealander or priest who knew about it and told me about it.
The truth that it was in fact an authentic miracle allowed me to establish, and also describe its course and consequences, only my long-term research that continues to this day. Up until the time of writing this item #G1, this research had been ongoing for over 6 years. It was slowed down by its conduct on the basis of a scientific "hobby" struggling with many obstacles and, like everything I research, deprived of any official support. Meanwhile, for me, this research lay beyond the scope of my knowledge, culture and Catholic religion - only which I knew from my native Poland. After all, it consisted of a personal search for religious data built into a different than mine, because built into the English-speaking culture and Presbyterian religion, and on research into the history of the so-called "Celtic cross" (see "Fig. #G2d" below) commemorating this extraordinary miracle in Petone. I began this research immediately after I saw right next to this cross the so-called "Burning Bush" described in verses 3:1-5 from the "Book of Exodus" in the Bible - see my descriptions of the circumstances and course of seeing it reported in my blog #296E and in #J3 to #J3v from the web page "petone.htm". So in order to reveal to those interested that New Zealand has its own miracle on a scale that only the greatest miracles described in the Bible have received, except that it has so far been hidden even from inhabitants of that country with an effectiveness equal to the hiding from them also of the existence and "subtractive" activities of parasitic UFOs, and also that to this day NZ has an area marked by miracles that meets the definition of a "miraculous place under the open sky", I have described this miracle in several of my publications - e.g. in the caption under Fig. #F1ab from blog #368E and from item #F1 of the web page "pigs.htm", as well as at the beginning of the INTRODUCTION and in item #L1 of the web page named "petone.htm". With the elapse of time I also discovered that my seeing this "Burning Bush" by the Petonean Celtic cross only served to persuade me to undertake research into the miraculous event that took place there in 1840. However, the actual purpose for which this burning bush was shown to me was to reveal the miracle of creation, which has been persistently concealed from New Zealanders, and "adding" fruits of which was "God's birthday gift to the newly-formed Christian state of New Zealand" manifested through the deliberate raising of flat land from below sea level for the construction of the NZ capital city of Wellington and the industrial township of Petone.
To this day, the residents of New Zealand simply walk on the commemorative plaques built into the pavements of Wellington city and shown below in "Fig. #G2b, that try to remind them the fact of raising flat land from under the sea by an "adding" Act of God in order to enable the inhabitants of New Zealand to build their new capital city. They do this every day and mostly without thinking about and without recognising the historical significance of these plaques. Another commemorative plaque cemented into the Petonean "Celtic cross" and shown in "Fig. #G2c" below, indicates the exact place where a holy mass was held on 23rd of February 1940, during which the settlers who had just arrived in there from England prayed for a suitable land for building their homes. Although no one in NZ talks about it and no one (apart from me) writes about it, it follows from the dates of those events that it was shortly after that prayer that a series of gentle earthquakes were initiated, which lasted less than 3 months with breaks, and which lifted above sea level the vast swamps that covered the area of today's township of Petone right next to the so-called "river spit", on which that holy mass and prayer for land to develop housing took place. That lifting of land from under the former swamp in turn created flat, dry land for the construction of today's industrial township of Petone. (The English name "river spit" means "spitted product of river" and is translated into Polish as "mierzeja rzeczna". It means a gravel formation (similar e.g. to the Polish so-called "Hel peninsular"), still existing in 1840 on the site of today's strip of beach of the township of Petone, NZ, and formed after gravel settled in there from an ancient glacier the front of which melted along that particular line. More information about this former "river spit" in Petone - means today's beach in the township of Petone, is given in blog #369E and in #N1 to #N3 from the web page "newzealand_visit.htm".)
My research on this miracle from Petone revealed that many diverse "witnesses" confirming its existence point to a whole range of its unusual "attributes". Let us comment here on the most important of these "witnesses" and on "attributes" of this miracle. And so:
[1#G1] The first of the most important of these "witnesses" confirming this miracle are the Bible verses describing the strange "burning bush" that I saw by the Petonean "Celtic cross" and which seemed to be arguing with me telepathically, which "argument" later mobilized me to examine its manifestation more carefully. Seeing this burning bush and the content of the verses describing it in the Bible caused me to initiate the long-term research on the place where I have seen it. For example, the verses 3:5 from the "Book of Exodus" in the Bible describing it explain it with a generally formulated assurance, i.e. an assurance valid for every place on Earth (and NOT only for the place indicated in that verse of the Bible), that, among other things - I quote: "... the place on which you are standing is holy ground". The essence of this verse was also expanded and specified in verse 7:33 from the biblical "Acts of the Apostles" - I quote: "Take off your sandals from your feet," the Lord said to him, "for the place on which you are standing is holy ground." We can also read from the Bible that if God blesses an area with the status of a "holy place," then the holiness of that place remains forever - e.g. see verse 3:14 from "The Book of Ecclesiastes" in the Bible - which I explain in more detail in #I5 of blog #372E and in #I5 of the web page "parasitism.htm". (This is probably why to this day "all destructive cataclysms omit the township of Petone and do NOT happen in there" - although they repeatedly plague all the nearby surrounding towns. Even in today's times of climate changed by people who help the "powers of evil", Petone also has one of the sunniest, if not the sunniest, weather in entire New Zealand - which I state based on my own observations at the scene, and NOT based on official scientific findings made remotely and "diplomatically" from comfortable armchairs in proverbial "ivory towers".) In other words, one of the features of the Act of God manifested in Petone which raised land from under the sea level for development of both Petone and nearby Wellington, is that through the next miracle that occurred in there, showing me the "burning bush", God confirms in Bible verses, among other things, that He is also the author of the miraculous events from Petone.
In New Zealand there is a very nice and wise tradition of giving towns and cities distinguished by some special feature additional nicknames describing this their distinguishing feature. For example, the largest city Auckland is additionally called the "City of Sails" and the capital Wellington is also called the "Windy City". However, the town of Petone still does NOT have an additional nickname - although its distinctive feature is the miracle of 1840. For historically indisputably documented reasons described here and on the web page "petone.htm" - the truth of which practically all interested should be able to confirm for themselves, and also as an expression of insisting on the emphasizing the "adding" historical truth (instead of insisting on the distortions of today's "subtracting" parasitic trends) for the good of its residents and of future generations, the residents and authorities of the township of Petone should in my opinion show the courage to officially add to it the name of the "Town of Miracles".
[2#G1] Another "witness" confirming that God is the author of the events in Petone of 1840, as described here, is the logo of the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand. As I discovered only during later research, this church has a "burning bush" in its logo. That is, my seeing such a burning bush without even knowing that it is a symbol of the church that spiritually takes care of this place and the Celtic cross standing in there, is an additional "attribute" which in a way well hidden from many people connects the "burning bush" that manifested itself to me in there, with a typically unknown religious symbol assigned to this extraordinary area, and hence which confirms that the all-knowing God chose the most eloquent manifestation of the burning bush to draw my attention to the holiness of this place - which attribute additionally confirms the agreement and unanimity of all the "witnesses" confirming the holiness of this place.
[3#G1] The next "witness" is a "heart" burned in grass near the Celtic cross. I saw this "heart" during one of my walks in 2011. I believed then that it was one of the so-called "UFO landing sites". However, even then it looked relatively old so that my lack of knowledge of the speed at which it aged did not allow me to deduce when it was really formed. Because I considered this heart to be old and not very suitable for showing it to interested people, and because in 2007 I completely abandoned conducting further UFO research, and furthermore because I was NOT aware of the connection of this heart with the history of the Celtic cross in Petone and during that walk I did NOT have a camera with me, nothing encouraged me to go there again to photograph the heart. However, God does NOT cancel the intentions that He has planned - which we know best from the fate of the biblical Jonah and the city of Nineveh. So when again, as if "accidentally", I came across the heart some months later, returning from the beach in Petone after photographing something else in there and still holding my camera in my hand, somehow completely without any intention or purpose, only then I did photograph the heart, after which I almost immediately forgot about it. However, when a number of years later I saw the "burning bush" by the "Celtic cross" from Petone, I recalled that I had a photograph of this heart, and this made me realize the actual meaning and significance of its previous encounter and photographing. Hence, when reporting in item #J3 of the web page "petone.htm" about my seeing and initial results of research on the "burning bush" near the Celtic cross, I also attached to my report the photograph of this heart that I had, showing it there in Fig. #J3c from that web page "petone.htm". Currently, I suspect that God first showed me this heart in order to draw my attention to the cross standing next to it. However, seeing my complete lack of understanding and ignorance of the meaning of this heart, God probably decided to show me the "burning bush" in order to draw my attention to the Celtic cross and inspire my research into it.
[4#G1] Another witness confirming the holiness of this area is my seeing "living six-pointed Stars of David" washed up on the beach in there - which I briefly described under Fig. #J3g of my page "petone.htm", and which I discuss in more detail in blog #306E and in #B1.1 from the web page "woda_uk.htm". Those "Stars of David" were in fact sea creatures called "starfish" and scientifically named Patiriella Regularis. Such six-pointed "Stars of David" are also a symbol of the Holy Land and Israel - so showing them to me highlights the same attributes as all previous "witnesses" of this particular Act of God from NZ.
[5#G1] Another "witness" (this time empirical) confirming the holiness of the Act of God from Petone in NZ and revealing attributes of this Act, are numerous scientifically unexplainable events that take place in Petone, all the attributes of which confirm their holy nature. For example, the fact that the Kaikoura earthquake of NZ on the night of 13 to 14 November 2016 destroyed many solid buildings from closely located neighbouring towns surrounding Petone from all four directions of the world, but in Petone itself located exactly in the middle between these affected towns and surrounded by them, not even a single building was damaged or destroyed - which contradicts logic and the known laws of Mechanics. I am linking to the descriptions of this earthquake in (C2) from item #J2 and from the INTRODUCTION of the web page "petone_pl.htm".
[6#G1] Another kind of "witness" confirming the holiness of Petone is also the ferocity with which the "powers of evil" persecute Petone. As we know, these "powers of evil" always viciously attack whatever is the most holy. Examples of evidence documenting their attacks on Petone I described in my blogs - e.g. see #371E to #359E and also #347E, #355E, as well as on the web page "petone.htm" and in my other publications from which these blogs were adapted.
[7#G1] The "witness" confirming the holiness of the discussed area in Petone and the events described here, is of course also the particularly wild and dangerous, although considered very beautiful, the so-called "Providence Canyon Georgia State Park" (see https://www.google.com/search?q=Providence+Canyon+Georgia+State+Park ) - which I describe in more detail in item #I5 of blog #372E and of the web page "parasitism.htm". The connection of the "attributes" of this canyon with the Petonean "miracle of the birthday gift of a flat area for the construction of very important city and town of New Zealand" is confirmed by the same year 1840 of their occurrence, as well as by achieving the same "adding" goals and fruits by means of two mutually opposite ways of God's acting. Both in the Bible and in real events, we can find confirmation that one of principles of God's actions is that when He rewards someone for keeping some commandment or requirement, He often punishes someone else for breaking the same commandment or requirement. For example, if God helps one army win a battle, then at the same time the army of its opponents loses that battle. If God gives someone an area of land, then that area is taken away from someone else. In the same way, when God rewarded the Christian actions of the first European settlers of the future New Zealand with the miracle described here, at the same time, in the place of the present "Providence Canyon" He punished the settlers in there for destroying the land. In turn for both of these actions to be connected in minds of people from both sides, both events occurred in the same year 1840 and God gave both of them worldwide fame so that future generations could learn about it. After all, despite the fact that Providence Canyon was formed as a punishment, it still produces "adding" fruits in the long term. For example, it serves nature, which European settlers destroyed in its present area, and also serves as a warning and example that strengthens faith in God, which over time will encourage people to gain respect for the land and nature and avoid actions that destroy the land and nature. The Bible warns us about God's use of such two mutually opposite methods of action in numerous verses admonishing the so-called "destroyers of the earth", some of which I quoted e.g. in #T1 of the web page "woda_uk.htm". For example, verses 24:4-6 from the "Book of Isaiah" admonish those "destroyers of the earth" - I quote: "The earth looks pitiful and withered; the world has lost its strength, it is wasting away, the heavens together with the earth have been exhausted. The earth has been defiled by its inhabitants, because they have transgressed the laws, transgressed the commandments, broken the everlasting covenant. Therefore the earth is devoured by a curse, and its inhabitants repent; therefore the inhabitants of the earth are thinning out, and few people are left." Also, for example, verse 11:18 from the biblical "Apocalypse of St. John" announces: "And the nations were angry, and Your wrath has come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, ..., and to destroy those who destroy the earth." In turn, verses 20:22-23 from the "Book of Leviticus" command, I quote: "You shall keep all My statutes and all My judgments, and do them, so that the land where I am bringing you to dwell in it will not vomit you out. You shall not walk in the customs of the nation that I am driving out from before you. Because they have done all these things, they have filled Me with disgust."
To sum up this sub-item {#G1a}, all the above witnesses unanimously, although in different ways, confirm that the most important "feature" of the Acts of God is that all their "witnesses" demonstrate is the compliance of these Acts with the consequences stated in the Bible for fulfilling or for breaking God's commandments and requirements, and hence that they actively implement the truths contained in the Bible, that they unanimously and repeatedly confirm that the author of these acts is God Himself, and that in the long-term operation all of them serve to implement God's "adding" goals.
{#G1b} Let us also consider hypothetically whether it is possible that events with the characteristics of "punishing me" described in {#G3a} to {#G3f} from item #G3 below could also be an example of these "adding" Acts of God, which I only perceived as a kind of "punishment" served to me by the "powers of evil". I.e. let us consider hypothetically whether it is possible that they were NOT, as I believe, revenge of the "powers of evil" for publishing blogs #371 to #372E, but were e.g. an Act of God confirmed by Bible verses. As it turns out, however, verse 54:17 from "Isaiah" states the exact opposite of the events described in {#G3a} to {#G3f} - I quote from the Polish "Millennium Bible": "Every weapon formed against you will have no effect. Every tongue that comes against you in judgment you will condemn. This will be the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their just reward from me, declares the Lord." I explained this verse in more detail in #I5 of blog #372E and of the web page "parasitism.htm". In fact, all the "attributes" of the events that I experienced after publishing from that Polish blog #371 to English blog #372E, show compliance with the methods of action of the "powers of evil" which are the exact opposite of the methods of action of God far-sightedly described in the Bible. This allows me to state that it was the "powers of evil" who were responsible for implementing those actions as a kind of their revenge and a method of intimidation used on people.
(This entire post #373E would NOT fit into the memory of this blog - hence the next part of it will be continued below as post #373_2E)