wrz 07 2024

#373_2E: Attributes of witnesses to the "subtractive"...

#373_2E: Attributes of witnesses to the "subtractive" harming by the "power of evil" are opposed to the attributes of witnesses to the adding "Acts of God" (Part 2)


(Continuation from the previous "part 1" of this post #373E)


{#G1c} Have I come in my life or research of God's methods, across cases that: (1) clearly illustrate when God uses His supernatural powers to achieve His superior goals; and also whether (2) there are goals of God with clearly "subtractive fruits" and whether their "subtractive" action is NOT accompanied by long-term "adding" fruits. My life and research are full of cases (1), but I have never come across an indisputable case (2). I will provide here examples for (1). When my father as a POW, or "Prisoner Of War", was locked up in the POW camp of German rocket Peenemunde (see https://www.google.com/search?q=Peenemunde ), and when the Allies have botched the night bombing of Peenemunde, Allies bombs fell so densely on barracks of that camp of war POW prisoners, that according to my father, not even a single brick or plank remained still whole in there and even the nearby water was burning. So my father jumped out of the barrack into the nearest bomb crater because he believed that bombs do NOT fall twice in the same spot. As a result, my father escaped from that botched Allies bombing without even a scratch, although he later believed all his life that everyone else had died in there - including all POW from prisoners’ barracks, as I described it in #B1 from my web page "pajak_jan_uk.htm". In next morning, when seeing that all the fences were destroyed and there was NO living person around, my father set off on foot to home in his pyjamas-like striped prisoner's clothes. But a German patrol stopped him on a nearby bridge over the river. Again, instead of shooting him immediately - as Germans usually did to escapees in striped pyjamas, something "told them" to find out what connection my father had with the Allies that they did NOT kill him with their bombs. So they took him for unforgettable interrogations, one of the "attractions" of which was that he was ordered to count in German how many times he got hit in the ass with a baton, bent upwards on a special "structure" for convenient beating prisoners with batons. However, my father had NO connection with the Allies, which fact helped him persist in his stubborn affirmation of his innocence. Then something "whispered" to them again that it would be detrimental to their economy if, "just in case", they immediately shot the previously suspected Allied collaborator tha was so technically good mechanic that he turned out to be useful even in the "rocket Peenemunde" - which they held in the highest regard. So they spared his life and sent him to work in a repair company in a nearby town that in Polish today is called "Świnoujście". Thanks to these two "whisperings" and several other equally extraordinary events, my father survived until the end of the war and I was able to be born. In turn due to watching and participating in my father's activities as a handyman usually called "golden hand" (in Polish: "złota rączka") who fixed everything in the neighbourhood (see item #D2 from the web page "wszewilki_uk.htm"), I managed to learn from him the technical (engineering) way of thinking.
I myself also had similar cases of (1) type above. For example, when after finishing the primary school in the village of Stawiec near Milicz, to which the educational authorities of that time referred in their opinion the most hopeless cases of students, I took the entrance exam to the Milicz High School of General Education (in Polish called "Liceum Ogólnokształcące") - see F1 from my book autobiography [17] distributed free of charge via the Polish web page named "tekst_17.htm". On the matter of the questions I drew to answer during that exam, I was able to say at most two sentences. And then a real miracle happened because there is NO other way to explain it - namely, my examiner suddenly fell asleep, hard as a rock. Immediately after he woke up, embarrassed, I, behaving as if I had NOT noticed his falling asleep, recited those two sentences without stuttering in a way that gave the examiner the impression that I had been answering the questions the whole time he was asleep. This resulted in me passing the exam and, surprisingly, later in graduating from the high school as one of the best students in my class. Then I also passed the exam for the Technical University of Wrocław - which provided me with the knowledge on which I base my current research. Also at that Technical University of Wrocław I had several incidents when the "powers of evil" sent me their minions to finish me off. I describe one of these incidents in the second paragraph of subchapter G1 of my aforementioned book-autobiography [17] in PDF (free of charge). So again, similar miracles occurred in there. As a result, I graduated without failing a single exam or semester credit. Later I even defended a doctorate there, which gave me a lot of knowledge on the border of Machine Building Technology and Computer Sciences.
To sum up the above {#G1c}, then YES, both in my own life, and practically in the life of every other person regarding whom I somehow managed to learn about their experiences during their efforts to perform "adding" actions, actually demonstrate the existence of many miraculous interventions by God. I have often noted this in conversations with my fellow men, even those with atheistic worldviews, and even when for some reason they themselves were unable to recognize that what they were experiencing was in fact miraculous interventions by God. Our problem however is that most people have already been blinded by the atheism that surrounds them from all sides. Hence, they simply are NOT able to identify, note, and recognize miracles that happen to them for what these miracles are - that is, for interventions by God when their lives are in danger of being pushed by the "powers of evil" into a dangerously "subtractive" direction. However, if only they act "adding" in their lives and have NOT previously lost the "privilege" required for a given miracle because of their behaviour breaking God's commandments, then miracles still help them in this "adding" acting. (For an example of "how" the Bible formulates these "privileges" see verse 54:17 from "Isaiah" quoted above.) However, I hope that my publications will in time help them acquire this unique ability to identify events that are miraculous Acts of God leading them back to the "adding" path, and to distinguish them from events secretly caused by the "powers of evil" and trying to push them onto the "subtracting" path of fall, greed, harm, injustice, and final self-destruction.

Learning the above will probably induce the question "why" in the minds of some readers? As in everything, the answer to this "why" depends on whether it is given by (1) someone convinced by God and the Bible to implement in his/her life the "adding" behaviour and philosophy, or by (2) someone pre-programmed by the "powers of evil" to implement "subtractive" behaviour and philosophy. And so, (1) God helps all people from whom, because of their previous bad deeds, He was NOT obliged to justly take away the "privilege" of defense or help. God does this because He sees their efforts to follow the "adding" path of life, and because He created each one of the people and feels a purely fatherly love towards each one of them, and also knows the future and therefore knows perfectly well which of the human actions will later bear "adding" fruits, and which will soon turn out to be a slipping onto the "subtractive" path. At the same time, the omniscient God always sees when the "powers of evil" use some tricks against someone in order to push him/her onto the "subtractive" path of parasitism. Hence, simply to fairly equalize the chances of a given person, whose lack of knowledge about the future or some other reasons do not allow them to see these perverse actions of the "powers of evil" and therefore become indefensible by the forces of people themselves, God miraculously nullifies the efforts of the "powers of evil". So this is God's standard action towards everyone, which does NOT mean special treatment of only some "chosen" person. Meanwhile, (2) the "powers of evil" mainly attack only those people "chosen" by them, about whom they have a "denunciation" from the so-called "couriers through time" - i.e. from "UFOnauts’ special service" the descriptions of which are linked from the Polish web page named "skorowidz.htm" with keywords "kurierzy czasowi". These "couriers through time" shuttle in their "time vehicles" between e.g. our times (or between any given other times) and the distant future. When their "denunciation" warns "powers of evil" that specific actions of a particular person will act in the future to the detriment of their "subtractive" philosophy and parasitic occupation, exploitation and persecution of humanity, then these "powers of evil" try to prevent the actions of this person that hinder their parasitism. (This is why, for example, the acts of taking all photographs that precisely reveal the exact shapes and actions of UFOs originally taken and then published in a manner that to these "couriers through time" reveals "who", "where" and "when" took them, are later prevented thanks to the "denunciations" of these alien "couriers through time". So the only UFO photos correctly showing these alien starships that humanity has, are those taken by someone anonymous and then published anonymously.) Unfortunately, during UFO aggression against such "selected" people, other people who were nearby, and whom God had previously justly deprived of the "privilege of defence" are often also hit. Note that this habit of "selecting" and attacking only selected people by the "powers of evil" causes these "powers of evil" to frequently use the word "chosen" or "selected" everywhere in their "propaganda". So if you, the reader, encounter the word "chosen" or "selected" somewhere in the title or content, then listen very sceptically and carefully to what is being claimed, regardless of how nicely and convincingly a given message was formulated and sounds, because there is a very high chance that it is "propaganda of the power of evil" trying to persuade people to "subtractive" behaviour. On the other hand our God is absolutely just, while justice requires that there be NO "chosen", and that only people can exist who, by fulfilling God's commandments and requirements described in the Bible, deserve to justly obtain a kind of "reward" in the form of "privileges" described in the Bible (e.g. see the above quoted verse 54:17 from "Isaiah").

If we carefully and objectively consider the evidential power and value of the events presented above and the features of the confirmations of their truth by the "witnesses" discussed here, then it turns out that they have the power of formal scientific proof that God do exist, e.g. the one I presented in #G2 of the web page "god_proof.htm". So when events confirmed in this way by the required witnesses happen to a reader familiar with this my report, then he/she should treat it as an honourable receipt of his/her intimate proof addressed personally to him/her by God that "God actually do exist". In turn, having such proof, he/she should start living like a person who has just been promoted from "faith in God" to the "knowledge of God's existence". After all, only people who use the "powers of evil", in spite of receiving proof addressed personally to them by which God proved to them the repeated in the Bible "I am" and also in spite of hearing about scientific proof that "God does exist", still do NOT want to recognize the "I am" and proof and hence in their lives they still consciously break God's commandments.

The above examples of the essence of "witnesses" testimonies have shown us to what differences we should pay attention in the set of "attributes" characterizing any events in order to be able to determine whether these events are (1) "adding" Acts of God, or (2) "subtracting" actions of the "powers of evil" aimed at endlessly prolonging the hidden destruction, occupation, and exploitation of humanity and our entire planet Earth. Let us now reverse our view of the whole problem of distinguishing and consider how the situation would look like if we made our analyses with the initial assumption that we were considering examples of "fruits" of hidden actions and behaviours of the "powers of evil".

#G2. Let us now learn to distinguish fruits of Acts of God from the "fruits" of actions carried out by the "powers of evil", starting this time from the assumption that a given action was carried out by the "powers of evil" and analyzing the "attributes" of the available evidence from reports on this action provided by "witnesses" and checking whether these "attributes" are "subtractive" and opposite to the attributes of "Acts of God", i.e. mutually inconsistent with each other and inconsistent with the Bible, show a lack of mutual time connections with each other and do NOT have "adding" purposes for their occurrence, and also whether they secretly hide "subtractive purposes" of actions fabricated by the "powers of evil" and pretending that these actions are just "coincidences", "accidents", "convergence of circumstances", etc.:

The so-called "powers of evil" for many reasons are fond of impersonating their own actions as the actions of God, or of showing themselves as manifestations of God or Mother of God after appropriately "beautifying" their appearances with the actions of advanced technology that they have at their disposal, but about the existence of which advanced technology the monopolistic institution of "official atheistic science" ruled by the servants of these "powers of evil" does NOT want to learn, for example, from the research of persecuted UFOlogists who factually investigate this technology or from my publications (e.g. see the web page "immortality.htm"). No wonder that thanks to this impersonation, the "powers of evil" have already managed to distort even the most important canons clearly described in the Bible, and also to force many people to believe in the lies that they spread on Earth and which are often exactly opposite to what God commands us in the verses of the Bible. An example of such lies can be forcing many people to believe in "salvation by faith", i.e. in distorting the truth of the Bible from verses 2:14-26 of the "Epistle of St. James" stating that we are obligated to constantly prove to God our faith in Him, just as the content of these verses 2:14-26 is factually explained, for example, in the English-language 18-minute video "Does James 2:24 Contradict Faith Alone?" with the address https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdCkFi4XO6w . This distorted interpretation of the Bible called "salvation through faith alone" tries to convince the faithful that in order to be saved, it is enough to simply believe in the existence of God without the need to constantly fulfil God's commandments and requirements - which distortion I explain in more detail, for example, in #I5 of my blog #372E and of the web page named parasitism.htm and which contradicts, for example, verse 4:17 from the "Letter of St. James the Apostle" - I quote: "But he who knows how to do good and does not do it, commits sin". Another example of distortion is the forced onto people the so-called "Cult of Mary" (because she can be easily impersonated by female UFOnauts - see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Cult+of+Mary ). This cult is spreading in spite of the "subtractive" persecutions about which it has been known for centuries that they are served e.g. by the hostile towards Polish citizens the Teutonic idol of Madonna from the castle in Malbork - which "subtractive" persecution I personally experienced from her and described it, among others, in #C5, #E2 and in #F4 to #F5 of the web page "malbork_uk.htm" and partly also in posts #181E and #143E to blogs of totalizm. A favourite way of religious deception of people by the "powers of evil" (or more precisely by UFOnauts) is also the use of still unknown to people capabilities of their telekinetic propulsion devices, which are able to convert "solid matter" into volatile energy. After all these telekinetic propulsion devices are able to give e.g. solid and rigid statues the ability to perform movements, and e.g. to leak fluids. Thus atheistic UFOnauts capable of penetrating such statues can therefore have a proverbial "a lot of fun" and can also gain the ability to "milk" the "moral energy" that fills them with happiness bcause is pre-programmed with human adoration and worship, if after penetrating some religious statue from a church or temple they caused the statue to e.g. blink, move its hands, change its posture, or speak, cry, or leak milk. One of the possible latest such cases is described in the 6:51-minute video "MIRACULOUSLY JESUS MOVES on the Cross in Cordoba, Spain" disseminated at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDqbKJ5Uceg . About the possibility of such a way of deceiving people by the "powers of evil" I warn, for example, in (5) from #M3 of blog #363E and of the web page "evil.htm", as well as in #H4 of the web page "sw_andrzej_bobola_uk.htm". Therefore, in order to make people much more resistant to being deceived by the "powers of evil", it is quite important that as soon as possible the readers of my publications learn the method described here for distinguishing the actions of the "powers of evil" from Acts of God. After all, it will probably take a long time before the leaders and decision-makers of humanity controlled by UFOnauts will allow to build and disseminate a properly functioning "device for detecting objects in a state of telekinetic flickering" which visually shows normally invisible to human eyes beings and their starships, and which is described in the treatise [7b] disseminated free of charge via the Polish web page "tekst_7b.htm" since 1998 (i.e. for almost 30 years), because it was remotely given to us via telepathy by a totaliztic civilization from distant stars which sympathizes with our tragic fate and favours us, but no one on Earth with the required means and implementation capabilities wants to implement their gifts and help.

In the previous item #G1 I explained the results of my theoretical research that the "attributes" of the testimonies of all "witnesses" of any "subtracting" event realized by the "powers of evil" must be the reversal and opposite of the "attributes" of the testimonies of all "witnesses" of any "adding" Act of God. From the content of that item #G1 we also already know that the most important "attributes" of Acts of God include: [a#G1] the agreement and like the unanimity with the statements of Bible verses; [b#G1] the existence of at least those most important "3 witnesses" who confirm that given "fruits" originate from an Act of God; [c#G1] mutual agreement of each "witness" with the confirmations of the other "witnesses" for the same Act of God - i.e. as if the unanimity of the confirmations of all of them; [d#G1] frequent appearance of pairs of evidence that confirm simultaneously occurring events (i.e. time correspondence of two or more groups of events), with their natures being opposed, both of which in the future serve to achieve God's "adding" goals (e.g. taking the land away from the destroyers of earth and simultaneously giving it to those who deserve to use it); [e#G1] existence of normally hidden from people connections between the confirmations of individual witnesses, such as the use of the "burning bush" as a logo for the place where I later saw a living "burning bush" that was telepathically talking to me and dancing.
Thus, after reversing these "attributes" into their opposites, the summary of the most important "attributes" that should prove that the action under consideration is a "subtractive" act secretly carried out by the "powers of evil" and only faked by those powers to make it look like either an "accident", "coincidence", "convergence of circumstances", or an Act of God, should be as follows: [a#G2] inconsistency and often even complete contradiction to the statements of the Bible verses; [b#G2] lack of confirmation or complete inconsistency with the statements of those most important "3 witnesses" who only confirm the "fruits" deriving from an actual Act of God; [c#G2] mutual inconsistency or even contradiction of each "witness" with the confirmations of the other "witnesses" for the same event or action - i.e. proverbially "every witness scratches his/her own turnip" (in Polish: "każdy sobie swoją rzepkę skrobie"); [d#G2] lack of appearance of the second of the pair of confirmations of the simultaneously occurring opposition of this event, i.e. lack of a temporally consistent second or even a whole group of events showing the opposition of their nature to a given event - which, for example, if it is formed by an Act of God, then both of their natures in the future would serve God to obtain His "adding" purposes (e.g. if this event was the taking away of the land from its destroyer by God, then would occur its simultaneous giving to someone whose life would prove that he/she deserves to use this land - note, however, that the powers of evil would only do the opposite, i.e. they would cause both events of a given pair to cause "subtraction", e.g. they would take away from someone who made good use of it, and give it to someone who had already proven its destruction); [e#G2] there are no even hidden connections between the confirmations of individual witnesses, such as the one described in [2#G1] above, using the "burning bush" as a logo for the place where I later saw a living "burning bush" telepathically talking to me and dancing.

So let's check now on three examples that actually happened in real life, which I have intensively researched, whether this reversal of "characteristics" actually happens and is detectable for people analyzing these events. Here are these three examples, about which we initially assume that they were implemented by the "powers of evil":

{#G2a} Hypothetical consideration of whether miracles occurring around the Celtic cross at the beach of the town of Petone in New Zealand, shown in Fig. #G2d" below, could have been secretly simulated by "powers of evil" in order to trick people into giving them admiration and worship. All beings secretly occupying and mortifying humanity, with various methods available to them, try to persuade people to admire and adore them. Because when beings made of matter are admired and adored, then to them are sent so-called "moral energies" pre-programmed by the motivations of admirers to cause highly pleasant consequences. (This pre-programming and sending of "moral energy" is explained in more detail in blog #372E, as well as in #D1 and #D2 of the web page "malbork_uk.htm" and empirically proven by e.g. my experiences described on the entire web page named "nirvana.htm". It is for this reason that e.g. Satan tried to "buy" from Jesus the worshipping him - as revealed e.g. in verse 4:9 from "Matthew" in the Bible.) So in order to deceive people into admiring and worshiping them by some kind of fraud, bribery, or trick, so that the worshiped ones could literally "milk" the "moral energy" generated by the worshipers, UFOnauts invented various methods, and people often fall for them. So when I discovered that the area on the beach of the town of Petone near the Celtic cross discussed here exhibits all the attributes of a "holy area under the open sky", then I also realized that hypothetically it could also be a kind of "trick" of UFOnauts aimed at milking "moral energy" from human admiration and adoration. After all - for example, only about 700 meters to the west of the "Celtic cross" from Petone, embedded in the same pavement by which this cross is located, is the so-called "pentagram" (see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=inverted+pentagram+symbol ), i.e. a five-pointed star-like symbol that Satan worshippers have recognized as their logo - see Fig. #G2abcd below. In addition, it is known that there are already many places on Earth with figures of various idols, for which the "powers of evil" imitate with their devices invisible to people, e.g. supposedly supernatural healings, and hence in which, e.g. in exchange for bringing temporary relief to sick people by, e.g. irradiating them with healing telepathic or telekinetic radiation, in return they receive from these people the dose of desired programmed "moral energy" - see e.g. my alleged healing by the Teutonic Madonna idol described on the above-mentioned web page "malbork_uk.htm". So caution dictated that I should make sure through my own research whether the sanctity of the area in Petone was NOT intentionally fabricated by UFOnauts just so that people there would send them "moral energy" programmed with such motivations - which intended research I announced in #I5 from blog #372E with a paragraph starting with the words: "The next (second) hypothetically also possible ..." Of course, I carried out such verification research to reassure me, and I summarized the report of their results in {#G1a} from Polish blog #373 and from this English blog #373E (as well as from the Polish web page "rok.htm" and the English version of it named "rok_uk.htm"). All the attributes of the "witnesses" confirming the holiness of the area in Petone document that the executor of the "adding" events that took place in Petone is definitely an Act of God and that the "powers of evil" would NOT be able to fabricate a similar act with their technical devices, nor would their perverse parasitic nature allow them to carry it out with the permanence, foresight and compliance with which the verses of the Bible describe Acts of God.

{#G2b} Let us now check whether the "attributes" of the testimonies of various "witnesses" of the events which I perceived as a "punishment" from the "powers of evil" for publishing from Polish blog #371 to English blog #372E, and which I described in {#G3a} to {#G3f} from item #G3 below, confirm that these events are in fact a kind of their parasitic revenge for publishing these blogs #371 to #372E, and represent only a tiny percentage of the huge number of such "subtractive" actions of these powers of evil on Earth, which have been secretly occupying, exploiting and destroying humanity for many millennia. As results of my verification are documenting it (see #G3 below), the "attributes" revealed by all "witnesses" of those events, undeniably prove that these events were in fact planned and implemented by the "powers of evil" as revenge and as a way to intimidate me into refraining from further revealing truths about God and about the tragedy of the current situation of humanity. Only the "subtractive" actions of the "powers of evil" carried out through advanced technical devices can display characteristics so opposite to the recommendations and methods of God's actions described in the Bible, and only through their similarity to "coincidences", "accidents", work of nature, etc., can so cleverly conceal their actual perpetrators and their motives for endlessly prolonging the secret occupation, exploitation and destruction of humanity.

{#G2c} Whether in my currently abandoned UFO research, I have come across any cases when "UFOnauts" used their highly advanced technology, about which the monopoly of "official atheistic science" still does NOT want to learn, so that this advanced technology is used to mimic supernatural powers by descendants of our relatives from the Orion planets to achieve their clearly "subtractive" goals, but which "subtractive" actions of theirs are never accompanied by long-term "adding" fruits. YES, I have come across such cases. Of these, I was particularly interested in cases of the use of "time vehicles" by UFOnauts (see the web page "timevehicle.htm"). After all, I myself have also done a lot of research and theoretical analyses on the operation of time and on the passage of the so-called "reversible software time" discovered by myself, in which we humans age. In addition, I am also the inventor of two different principles of operation of "time vehicles", which, once built, will allow us to go back in time, and thus to extend our lives indefinitely. So, in order to justify the use by UFOnauts of this highly advanced technology of manipulating on time solely to achieve their "subtractive" and parasitic goals, I will point out here one of the most interesting such cases. Since it is widely described in UFO literature, and even on the Internet, the readers can check for themselves every piece of information and conclusion that I provide here. This case is the abduction of a hunter named Carl Higdon (see https://www.google.com/search?q=carl+higdon+alien+abduction ) to one of the planets of Orion inhabited by descendants of our common ancestors who are identical to humans both genetically and in appearance. Descriptions of this case can be found on the internet by searching for them with the keywords: carl higdon alien abduction - e.g. see the video discussing this case at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGNRjfGEC_E . In this video, from its 3:25 to 3:55 minute mark, the female author talks about the slowing down of a bullet fired at a deer by the hunter Carl Higdon. At some point in the slowed down flight of this bullet, the UFOnaut changed the speed of its time elapse so much that the bullet even fell to the ground. However, the author of the video does NOT explain that the reason for this slowing down of the bullet's flight was the change in the speed of time's passage by the UFOnaut's devices - after all, today's human science still does NOT know that the speed of time elapse can be controlled. Note here that the video was made by a woman who, perhaps to make him more scary or attractive, or for example after being hypnotically pre-programmed by UFOnauts, slightly distorted the appearance of the UFOnaut that abducted Higdon, drawing him as a kind of "alien with horns". Meanwhile, the alien was actually of the same race as us humans, he looked the same as a human, except that the telekinetic "propulsors" carried in his epaulettes (shoulder pads) caused his telekinetized hair to stand on end, while the stabilizing propulsors from the soles of his shoes pulled these soles towards themselves when he was hanging close to the surface of the earth, although they still correctly stabilized in the air the position of this UFOnaut, curving his legs in an arc. In turn, the telekinetic manipulators contained in his gloves covered the human-looking hands of this UFOnaut. The UFOnaut used these manipulators to perform any actions remotely with telekinesis, e.g. to move Higdon's car and whole live deer into the air and placing them wherever he wanted, and even - if he wanted to, he could uproot oaks, demolish buildings, etc. From the descriptions of Higdon's abduction it appears that his abduction was carried out because the UFOnauts intended to obtain his internal organs and use them to heal one of their own sick - that is, to perform a purely "subtractive" parasitic action of killing a human being in order to heal some UFOnaut/s in their opinion deserving to live. Fortunately for Higdon, the medical parameters of his body were NOT consistent with the parameters of UFOnaut/s. (UFOnauts relatively often abduct people from Earth to obtain their organs - that is why so many people disappear without a trace in forests and national parks on Earth, and sometimes even crews and passengers of entire planes and ships disappear - see my blog #362E or #I2 of the web page named "bandits.htm".) That particular UFOnaut was NOT the only one who changed the speed of passage of time in front of people's eyes. Another widely known changer of the speed of the passage of time on Earth was a human-like "magician-UFOnaut" called Houdini. On the Internet, you can search for his descriptions, for example, using the keywords: houdini bullet catch (see https://www.google.com/search?q=houdini+bullet+catch ). He changed the speed of the passage of time in order to "subtractively" gain wealth and fame for himself, by performing the famous trick of "catching with his teeth a bullet fired at him from a firearm". Unfortunately, this trick can only be performed by UFOnauts themselves who have devices (i.e. time vehicles) to change the speed of time elapse. (For safety reasons, every human-looking UFOnaut sent to Earth to manage people and keep us enslaved has such devices. That is why, for example, UFOnauts are NOT afraid of any human firearms or bladed weapons.) If, however, one of the human "illusionists" tries to perform the same trick according to the descriptions that these UFOnauts falsely disseminate, then he is simply shot dead. That is why so many human illusionists were shot trying to learn from the lying recipe of UFOnauts "how" the trick of "catching the bullet" is supposedly realized. Another case of manipulating time in the presence of a human observer that I know of was the abduction of a Polish citizen, the late Andrzej Domała, to a UFO - which we described together with him in our joint treatise [3b] entitled in Polish "Kosmiczna Układanka (uprowadzenie do NOL koło Nasielska z 13.VIII.1968 roku i jego interpretacja)" and which title means: "Cosmic Puzzle (abduction to UFO near Nasielsk from 13.VIII.1968 and its interpretation)", available for free in PDF, e.g. from the Polish web page "tekst_3b.htm" or directly from the PDF text of the treatise [3b]. There are also Polish videos about the late Domała abduction to a UFO, e.g. at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R86lKRd3ADQ , or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GuWpxFDEvE . In his case, the manipulation of time led to the situation that all sounds disappeared, because sound waves can then be changed into frequency beyond the range of hearing by human ears. He experienced all this during his first conversation with a UFOnaut in the forest where he was picking mushrooms. To sum up the "attributes" of these descriptions, practically all actions of UFOnauts secretly occupying and exploiting humanity give "subtractive" fruits because they depend on "taking away" and "robbing" instead of the "giving" recommended by God.

If one analyzes the identifying attributes of either the above examples of the effects of the "subtractive" actions of the "powers of evil", as well as other examples that each of us probably knows because they are constantly occurring around us, then it turns out that these attributes are the exact opposite of the attributes that characterize the actions performed by our God. For example, for the effects of God's actions, all of their "witnesses" (always including a witness in the form of a Bible verse) report in unison confirmation of their origin from God. Meanwhile, for the effects of the actions of the "powers of evil", each of their "witnesses" reports a completely different, and inconsistent with the reports of other witnesses, origins of these events from various "accidents", "coincidences", supposedly natural "causes", "phenomena" not yet known to people, etc., etc. Hence, knowing these fundamental differences between these two possible origins of what is happening around us (i.e. origins (1) from Act o God, or (2) from the "powers of evil") many readers so far easily deceived by various tricks and technically induced supposedly miraculous phenomena, may finally begin to defend themselves against further being deceived and therefore possibly leading to self-destruction and damnation.

If you look around, then it is easy to notice that the secretly occupying, exploiting and destructive powers of evil are increasingly tightening the proverbial "noose around the neck of humanity" using for this purpose lies and deception increasingly widespread by the global monopoly of the Internet, and also using the Internet as that noose. It is high time to wake up and start defending ourselves. After all, it is NOT difficult to recall what I explained in blog #353E and in #H4 to #H4b from my web page called "will.htm" that the Bible quite clearly warns us to prevent this on time, that it is this global monopoly of the Internet that can turn into that Biblical beast 666 that will be able to destroy anyone who tries to resist it, because it has the power to immediately cut off access to electronic funds and close all accounts that it wants, so that a given person or institution will NOT be able to sell or buy anything. If one looks around, the Internet is already rapidly taking monopolistic control over every aspect of our lives. But instead of remembering the Bible's warning and seeing the danger it brings us, most people are happy about it because they can jiggling to Internet music and watch effortlessly as various athletes destroy their bodies and cheat in order to rise above others and gain a moment of fame and short-term access to money and admirers.

Fig. #G2a (from this web page "rok_uk.htm"):

Fig. #G2b (also Fig. #1a of web page "petone.htm"):

Fig. #G2c (also Fig. #J3d (down) of web page "petone.htm"):

Fig. #G2d (also Fig. #J3b of web page "petone.htm"):

Fig. #G2abcd: Here are four photographs illustrating the topics discussed here. The top Fig. #G2a illustrates a "pentagram" - means a star-like five-pointed geometric form described in more detail in the next paragraph and embedded some 700 metres west of the Celtic cross in Petone, NZ, in exactly the same pavement running along the Petone beach, where the Celtic cross is also located that indicates the area fulfilling the characteristics of the "miracle in the open air" that occurred in Petone in 1840. Note, for example, from descriptions searched on the internet using the keywords: Satan's star - see https://www.google.com/search?q=satan+star , that such a "pentagram" is used by "Satan worshippers" as their symbol. This is because if one looks at it carefully, it imitates the appearance of a front view of triangular head of Satan similar to the head of a goat, with two horns sticking up above the forehead and two long pointed ears sticking out from the side of its face. So the embedding of this symbol of Satan in this particular pavement in Petone, and in a rather telling way that is completely UNrelated to the context of its embedding, tells us a lot about the ferocity with which the "powers of evil" fight the local knowledge about the miracle in Petone. (Fortunately, God allows the "powers of evil" to carry out only those actions that in the distant future will turn out to serve God's "adding" purposes.) In turn, the remaining three photographs #G2b to #G2d, shown here only after clicking on their links or addresses, are: Fig. #G2b (i.e. one of a long line of plaques embedded in the pavements of the capital city of Wellington, and indicating where before 1840 the seashore, or "shoreline", began, the bottom of which sea was miraculously raised up to create flat dry land for the construction of the New Zealand capital city of Wellington); Fig. #G2c (i.e. a commemorative plaque embedded in a Petone Celtic cross to indicate the exact place where prayers during Holy Mass on February 23, 1840 triggered the "miracle in the open air" described here); and Fig. #G2d (i.e. my photograph of the entire Celtic cross from Petone marking the exact spot where prayers initiated the miracle described here of raising a flat land for the construction of the town of Petone and the capital city of Wellington, New Zealand, carried out by an Act of God in 1840).


(This entire post #373E would NOT fit into the memory of this blog - hence the rest of it will be continued below as post #373_3E)

kodig : :