Motto: "One oral assurance of someone well known to us is worth more than bookshelves full of certified guarantees from experts or authorities."
I dedicate the content of this post to seekers of treasures, to hunters of the "Polish Eldorado" from the Babia Góra undergrounds, to finders of grains of truth even in legends about strange habits of old dragons that accumulate huge treasures in their lairs and then love to recline on these valuables, to followers of legends about the land of Shambhala, Agartha and the underground city of Shangri-La, to hunters and visitors of glassy underground tunnels that cover the entire earth, to UFO researchers, to admirers of the Indiana Jones adventures, etc. All these adventurous threads are contained in an unusual tradition - the beginning of which was revealed to me in times of my high-school, while many years later which I published under the name of Wincenty's story. (Wincenty is the Polish spelling of the Christian name "Vincent".)
Wincenty told me his story when I still were too young and too inexperienced to be able to distinguish the crucial from the unimportant, and to know the role of the passage of time as the greatest waster of human knowledge. After all, only as an experienced scientist I developed my current habit, that if in my life I come across "something" extremely important for many people (such as seeing the "burning bush" described in item #J3 from the web page named "petone.htm") - then in accordance to the old Polish saying about "forging iron while hot" I immediately try to document it, get to know all the details and secrets related to it, and publish it for the benefit of other people. This is because now I know that if I do NOT do it immediately, the passage of time will cause irreversible wasting of the essential knowledge contained in this "something". After all, as a result of my youthful lack of action in the matter of Wincenty's story, I never went with him to the Polish mountain "Babia Góra" so that he could lead me to the "rock" that hid the "gate" to undergrounds, and to demonstrate to me the secret of opening this gate both from the outside, as well as from the inside. Thus, when Wincenty died, his knowledge on this subject has perished. On the other hand, only later, as a scientist, I discovered that all this knowledge about the tunnel under the Babia Góra was offered to me for a very important reason. Later I gradually confirmed the truth of almost every key element in Wincenty's story. The almost only key element, which still remains as an unproven mystery until this day, is the location of the "rock" with hidden "gates" to undergrounds, and the secret of manual opening of the locking mechanism of these "gates". As a proof that the element of his story about a rock and the gate hidden in it, is also true, can serve the following 2:21-minute long video showing a similar stony gate documented in Northern Ireland (a link to this video is provided in (3) below):
Various findings indicate that interested in finding the tunnel under the Polish mountain Babia Góra was the same Hitler's special service, which was also looking for the underground world of Shambhala and Agartha. However, we do not know the answer to the questions: did this special service enter the tunnels under Babia Góra, did it empty the goods stored in there or did it add own spoils to these goods? We also do not know whether it was this special service that has destroyed the known entrances to these tunnels? However, regardless what would be the answer to these questions it is still worth looking for the entrance to these tunnels. After all, if special service destroyed the entrance to these tunnels then it may mean that there is still something enough valuable in the tunnels, that it was worth protecting it against access of unauthorized people. In turn, if the special service has NOT managed to enter these tunnels, then it may mean that the goods and treasures accumulated in tunnels for centuries can still be in there. Moreover, if the entrance to these tunnels is once again rediscovered, then due to the world-wide publicity that the UFO tunnels from Babia Góra are already enjoying, this entrance will become a "gold mine" for the finder and for the enterprise and the state that will make available to tourists this mysterious (and probably also beautiful) system of underground UFO tunnels and chambers. Location of the rock with the "gate" to the Babia Góra tunnels can be discovered, for example, by accident - as it has happened with the gate documented in the above video. Since many readers of my publications visit Babia Góra every year, I would like to encourage them to look in there for everything that is unusual, and perhaps accidentally "something" shows the gate to them. In turn if someone accidentally finds the gate, then please remember that there is a significant reason why all the knowledge about Babia Góra tunnels and about their meaning and content was given to me first. (Only that, as I believe, the power that stands behind the transfer of this knowledge to me clearly wishes that the implementation of the goals with which these tunnels are symbolically connected, has been done with NOT my own hands.) Nevertheless, it is also almost certain that this power would NOT be willing to forgive (without incurring consequences) to those people, institutions, or states whom, knowing about the connections of the tunnels from Babia Góra with my inventions and research outcomes, in the future would start to draw profits that arise from the discovery of the entrance to these tunnels and from their existence, however, they would NOT allocate the traditional "tithing" from these profits toward the development, research and implementation of my inventions and research outcomes. Therefore, the punishing potential of this power, human decency, and my clear wishes, require that every person, institution and state that will ever make any profit from the UFO tunnel under Babia Góra, would donate the "tithe" from these profits, toward financing the construction, further research, and implementation in real life, the products of my creative achievements and inventions, especially my: "Oscillatory Chamber", "Magnocraft", "Time Vehicle", "perpetual motion" machines and generators of free energy, and "Concept of Dipolar Gravity".
I initially repeated the Wincenty's story in chapter A - "Wprowadzenie" from the treatise [4b] (available in Polish only) entitled "Tunele NOL spod Babiej Góry" (i.e. "UFO tunnels from Babia Góra", while later also (already in English) in subsection V5.3.2 from volume 17 of my monograph [1/5]. Because since its publication, the truth of the information provided in this story has been confirmed by a lot of additional items of evidence, I will report here the key elements of this evidence. However, before I list them in items below, firstly to spare the reader's laborious search I am to repeat the whole Wincenty's story. Here it is:
As this was usually the case in winters of Poland in 1950s, this evening an electric blackout happened again. So we were sitting by the fire from the wood burner, listening to cracks of the flames and observing flashes of lights moving on ceiling and on walls. Wincenty ignited his pipe, sat comfortably, and looked at me long with some strange attention, hesitation, and a puzzling expression on his face. I felt that he thinks intensely about something and that perhaps I am going to hear one more of his extraordinary stories. After some time he started:
"When I was in your age, one evening my father proclaimed that the next day we are going into a long trip. However, in the morning I was surprised that instead of usual preparations for a market, my father only packed a kerosene lamp, matches, and food. My curiosity grew even more, when we went on foot, instead as usually - in a horse wagon. But I did not say a word, because I knew that my father will tell me at a right time whatever I should know. When we left the boundaries of our village, my father who was leading in silence, called me with a sign of his hand to walk next to him. "Wicek" he said, "a right time just come, that you learn the secret of our ancestors. This secret we pass from father to son since the oldest times. We keep it in family for the "black hour". Apart from me, about this secret knows one person per several families spread over other villages. This secret is a hidden underground passage. So watch now the path, as I am going to show it to you only once. You must remember it for the rest of your life." The remaining way we walked again in silence. We walked so until the footsteps of Babia Góra from the Slovakian side. My father stopped again and pointed to me a small rock at around one-third of height of this mountain. "Wicek" he said, "notice this rock, as it hides the entrance to the underground". When we climbed to the rock, I was surprised that no entrance is visible. My father lined on a corner of it with his shoulder-blades and started to push. I stood surprised, because from a close distance the rock looked too large for a single person being able to push it. "Bloody ..." my father swore, "long unopened and must be stagnated - do not just look but help me to push". I jumped to it and pushed - the rock jerked and after an initial resistance started to move surprisingly lightly. An opening was exposed sufficiently large to ride a horse wagon through it. My father ignited the kerosene lamp then pushed the rock on the previous place. It shut completely the entrance opening. Then my father started to walk along a straight tunnel that started from this rock and led quite steeply downwards. I was chocked with the surprise, because something like this I never saw in my whole life before. The tunnel was huge and it would easily accommodate not only a horse wagon, but even an entire train. It led straight like a bullet. The cross-section of it was circular, but slightly flattened from the top. The surface of it was slightly wavy, like etched with the edge of a huge drill. Walls and floor were shiny, like poured with glass. Although it rapidly descended down, it was surprisingly dry. No trace of water leaking from walls or flowing along the floor. I also noticed that our shoes walking on this glassy floor did not produce any sharp sound which one would expect during walking on rock; the sound of steps was silenced like the floor of this tunnel was covered with some sort of lining.
After quite a long march, the tunnel joined a huge chamber shaped like a barrel standing slightly slanted. The walls of this chamber were glossy like walls of the tunnel by which we arrived. But they were not waved. In turn the floor and ceiling were formed in some strange spiral pattern looking like a solidified whirl on water. Outlets of several tunnels converged in this chamber. Some of them had circular cross-section, other - triangular. My father placed the lamp on the floor and sit for a moment to rest. In turn I started to look around of this chamber. Under walls far from tunnels the floor was covered with various objects, chests, barrels, and various weapon. I saw parts of knight armours, various axes, clubs, swords, bayonets, and also ancient firearms. My attention was attracted to an unusually beautiful shotgun, with very long and richly incrusted barrel, and a white butt. I took this shotgun to my hands and started to look at it, but my father yelled at me "do not touch - we do not have oil to preserve it again". "But we can take it with us" I replied. "No" my father said, "all this must wait here in case of the arrival of difficult times". So I sat next to father. He started to explain. "Tunnels that you see here lead to every country and to every continent. You can walk through them wherever you wish, of course if you know how to move in them. This tunnel from left leads to Germany, then to England, and further to America, where it joins the tunnel from the right side. In turn the tunnel to the right leads to Russia, then to Caucus, and China, further to Japan, and finally to America. To America you can also walk through remaining tunnels, which run under poles of Earth. Each one of these tunnels every now and again has branching chambers similar to the one in which we are just now, where it joins with tunnels leading in different directions. In this labyrinth it is easily to get lost. Therefore our ancestors used signs, which informed which tunnel is to be chosen. Come now I show you how these signs look like". We approached one of these tunnels and then I noticed at the entrance to it several primitive drawings made with some black paint or dried blood. My father show me one drawing after other and explained their meaning. One of them indicated the dragon lair under the king's castle in Wawel from former Polish capital Cracow.
When he was explaining these drawings to me, unexpectedly a sound of far rambling, hissing, and squeak started to be heard. It resembled me an arriving steam train, which changes rails on slip points, and breaks. My father stopped talking and said "the rest I will explain to you in the return way, now we must leave fast". We started to climb hastily along the arrival tunnel, chased by the increasingly loud rambling and metallic squeak. My father visibly was worrying and frequently looked behind. When we run to the rock at the entrance, the hissing and squeak was so loud as if the train was breaking just behind our back. After we left outside, and shut the rock behind us, my father fell exhausted. After quite a long rest he started to explain to me. "Tunnels that you saw were not caved by people, but by omnipotent creatures that live underground. These creatures use such tunnels for travelling from one side of the world to other sides. They use fiery flying machines for this purpose. If such a machine hits us, we would get cooked from the heat it creates. Fortunately in the tunnel voice goes far, so there is enough time to get out of way of these machines when one hears them. Besides, these creatures live in other parts of the world and in our areas they fly very rarely. So our ancestors used their tunnels to hide from invaders and to march fast to other areas." During the return path my father explained to me the meaning of remaining drawings. He also ordered that - when the right time comes - I show the entrance to this tunnel to someone trusted, so that the secret knowledge of ancestors is not lost."
The fire in the wood burner and the pipe of Wincenty almost burned out completely. I knew that this is the end of story.
Wincenty's story contains a lot of extremely important information, the truth of which I slowly and gradually confirmed during the course of my life. Below in points I will now list the results of my subsequent inventions, research and findings, all of which confirm the truth of whatever Wincenty told me.
(1) My invention of the starship called Magnocraft - which starship is able to evaporate underground long and glassy tunnels, wells, and chambers that Wincenty described in his story. Some time after inventing the construction and operation of my Magnocraft, I was also surprised to discover that Magnocraft-like starships have been operating on Earth for millennia. Nowadays, they are popularly called "UFO vehicles". My formal scientific proof, that UFO vehicles are already constructed and functioning Magnocrafts, is published, among others, on the web page named "ufo_proof.htm" and in other publications indicated in there. One of the technical capabilities of my Magnocrafts and UFOs is, that the plasma vortex, which (if needed) they are capable of producing around their shell, very quickly and effectively is able to evaporate long and glassy tunnels, with exactly the same features that the Wincenty's story revealed to us - while the illustrations of which are shown in "Fig. #G3abc" below.
(2) My discovery that on Earth exist numerous underground tunnels evaporated by UFOs, which to the present times UFOnauts use for their underground bases and parking hangars, and often still inhabit them. About the fact that such tunnels exist until today, among others at Babia Góra in Poland, only that all entrances to them are hidden and buried, certifies a huge body of evidence - a large proportion of which is described in detail in the above-mentioned Polish treatise [4b], while several further examples of which evidence are discussed in item #G4 from my web page named "magnocraft.htm". It is worth adding here that very old people, who did NOT know machines yet, considered UFO starships to be a kind of wonderful flying creatures, which they called "dragons" and "phoenixes" - see subsection V6 from volume 17 of my monograph [1/5]. In turn highly intriguing on the subject of "dragons" are the myths of many different nations, which all state unanimously that these dangerous creatures displayed a habit of accumulating treasures in their underground lairs, and loved to recline on their valuables. The best illustration of these myths about dragons' treasures is the so-called "dragon scene" from the movie "The Hobbit - The Desolation of Smaug 2013". (Chinese dragons were even known for holding pearls in their mouths - see item #F2 on the web page named "seismograph.htm".) Wincenty's story indirectly seems to confirm (and rationally explain) myths about the relationship of "dragons" and treasures.
(3) My finding of videos and descriptions documenting that UFOnauts deliberately hide main "gates" to UFO tunnels, transforming these gates into a form of natural "rocks" - means into the same form that Wincenty described to me in his story. The most famous out of the videos that documented such hidden hangar "gates" to UFO tunnels, is, among others, the following about 5-minute long video that captured closing of one of such "gates" leading to the UFO tunnel existing in Northern Ireland. (In that tunnel, to this day, there is a base of UFOnauts-giants, imprints of shoes of which reveal the size of 47, while behaviours reveal a huge sense of humour.) This video is best viewed in its Spanish-language version, because there it is shown in the most detailed manner. Here is the link to this video - which on February 28, 2017 was published on YouTube at the address . In the English language version you can also view this video, for example, at addresses , or . Due to the sensational nature of this video, both its authenticity, as well as the rock itself which hides the entrance to a UFO tunnel from Ireland, have been (and still are) the subject of intense scrutiny by interested researchers from around the world. (But, of course, as usual, the official atheistic science does NOT participate in this research.) None of these researchers has questioned the authenticity of the video. Unfortunately, the entrance to the UFO tunnel shown on this video so-far has NOT been opened yet. Regardless of the above-mentioned extremely valuable video, since June 30, 2017 there is in internet available another almost 10-minute long English-language video at the address , which documents a stationary photograph of already open "hangar gate" to a UFO tunnel - which gate typically is closed and invisible to people. There is also a descriptive evidence about the existence of such hidden "hangar gates" to UFO tunnels. One among the most easily available examples of them are the famous German legends about the ratcatcher of Hamelin, whom the German city of Hamelin refused to pay for the eradication of their rats, hence who abducted all the children of this city to the UFO tunnel through the normally invisible "gate", which gate he opened in the slope of the mountain next to that city. (By the way, in item #D1 from the web page named "cielcza_uk.htm" I described the action of a similar Polish ratcatcher, seen and repeated to me by my parents and grandparents - which Polish ratcatcher, however, was lavishly paid for his services, so he was NOT forced to abduct children from the village Cielcza.) It is also worth to add here that a lot of scared people, who became accidental witnesses of opening of such rock gates to UFO tunnels, sometimes also take these gates for "portals" to a different time or to another reality - while the actual formation and operation of the phenomenon of time "portals" is described in more detail in item #J2 from my web page named "immortality.htm". Thus, a lot of information provided on the internet about "time portals" or "portals to other realities" can actually represent reports about the locations of "gates" to UFO tunnels.
(4) From the information provided by Wincenty stemed that the Babia Góra system of UFO tunnels still had many entrances in the 1920s, while its main "gate" had the form of a "rock" looking like a natural fragment of a native rock but opening like a "gate". In addition to the possibility of its remote opening and closing by UFOs, this "gate" also had something like a manually operated "lock" - means a locking mechanism that allowed people to manually open it both from the outside and from the inside. However, its opening could only be made by people who knew the secret of unlocking this mechanism. Unfortunately, I missed an opportunity in my youth to let Wincenty show me this rock and teach me how to open it.
(5) The fact of existence of a system of UFO tunnels at Babia Góra in Poland provides a continuous possibility that at some stage the "rock" hiding the main "hangar gate" to tunnels, and also the way it can be unlocked, will eventually be discovered by someone. For example, from the research described in treatise [4b] it appears that perhaps on the Slovakian side of Babia Góra there is still someone to whom the family tradition has also passed the secret of the location of this rock and the way it can be opened. There is also a possibility that the use of devices such as the Georadar (i.e. "ground-penetrating radar", or GPR), or someone's accidental sighting of the place of departure or inlet of UFOs, or accidental photographing of an open rock with a gate, or even just a future discovery of the different way of entering the UFO tunnels from Babia Góra (e.g. through the entrance, perhaps still existing in, or near, the church from Slovakia's Rabčice - see "Fig. #G3b"), will allow (e.g. "from the inside") to discover the location of this "rock" with the "gate" and find a way to open it. Therefore, I would like to cordially advise readers who are going to Babia Góra for recreational or for tourist purposes, that it is worth keeping their eyes and ears wide open - and their cameras ready for a quick use (to NOT miss an important life opportunity, as for my case I described this in item #J3 from my web page named "petone.htm").
(6) In the world, still entrances to UFO tunnels also exist that until today have not been hidden or buried. Unfortunately, these entrances are typically located in remote and hard to reach places. In addition, there is usually something "scary" in them, and people often disappear in there - for an example see . Increasingly more information, photos, and videos about them can now be found on the internet. As soon as I encounter this information, the most evidential, valuable and authentic elements of it I am going to report on my web pages, while links to the web pages describing these elements I will report on my web page (in Polish) named "skorowidz.htm".
(7) Most of the underground tunnels taken as "natural", actually are tunnels that are technically evaporated by UFOs. Only that UFO tunnels age disproportionately quickly, because rocks in which these tunnels are evaporated age in accordance with the so-called "irreversible absolute time of the universe" (briefly described, among others, in the introduction and in item #G1 from my web page named "dipolar_gravity.htm", while in detail explained in items #C3 to #C4.1 from my web page named "immortality.htm"), which the "time of rocks" is about 365 thousand times faster than the artificially created by God "reversible software time" according to which people are aging. This rapid aging of UFO tunnels causes their ceilings and walls to collapse, water that leaks from rocks to form stalactites and stalagmites, rain and winds to bring debris, sand and rubbish into their interior, etc. Thus disproportionately quickly in relation to their absolute age and to the hardness of their rock, these UFO tunnels lose their technological appearance and begin to take a devastated "natural" look. However, those among researchers, who have learned and accepted my discovery, that the most of tunnels and caves on Earth were evaporated by UFOs after the biblical "Big Deluge", and who from the explanations presented in item #C9.1 of my web page named "ufo_proof.htm", have learned how to distinguish technologically evaporated UFO tunnels from "natural" caves, are easily able to confirm the truth deceptively denied by official atheistic science. After all, when viewing any underground tunnels or caves, they can always apply mental corrections to tunnels' current appearance, thus - after applying these corrections and mentally developing image of their original appearance, the truth reveals itself to them that actually given tunnels or caves show all the attributes that prove their technological origin. In turn applying these mental corrections is simple, because these depend, for example, on the mental determination of how a tunnel or cave would look-like if the rocks lying on the floor that fallen from the ceiling were again glued to their original places, if fragments of their collapsed walls were again raised and set as they original stood, if rubble, sand, and rubbish carried in through water and winds were removed from them, etc. After this kind of mental corrections is carried out, it turns out that practically almost every today's cave or underground tunnel shows shape, orientation and features described in item #C9.1 from my web page named "ufo_proof.htm", which unambiguously reveal that they were technically evaporated by UFO starships.
Fig. #G3abc: Three illustrations which indirectly prove the actual existence of a system of UFO tunnels under the Polish Babia Góra, known in there for centuries and used by the locals as a hideout and a chest for treasures housing. One of the numerous entrances to this system of tunnels began in the former (old) church from the Slovakian Rabčice.

Fig. #G3a (upper): Here is an illustration which is one of the products of my long-term cooperation with the graphically talented Dominik Myrcik - a co-author of also some among videos about the results of my research, which videos can be run from the web page named "djp.htm". (Videos from the web page "djp.htm" I have programmed mainly to watch them on "smart" TVs of the Korean "LG" company, although they can also be viewed on PCs - if the web page "djp.htm" is run with the "Google Chrome" search engine.) The goal of above illustration "a (top)" was to show and highlight the most important features of tunnels with the shapes shown above in parts "a (top)" and "c (bottom)", which features are given to underground tunnels due to the unique work of magnetic propulsion systems - i.e. due to the work of propelling devices used by my Magnocraft and by UFO starships. The features of these tunnels are already described in more detail in items #G3 and #G4 as well as on "Fig. #G3 (bottom)" from another my web page named "magnocraft.htm" - hence I will NOT repeat these descriptions here. The only thing that I want to emphasize here is that the perfect compatibility of the shapes and features of the tunnels shown in the above illustrations "a" and "c", with the shape and features of the tunnel "b" drawn by a former priest from Slovakian settlement of Rabčice (in an old and no longer existing church of which Rabčice once supposedly existed an entrance to this tunnel), is one of the most evidential and important premises indicating that the UFO tunnel leading from the church in Rabčice to the Babia Góra undergrounds actually existed, and that its shape was relatively recently still remembered and described by the initiated inhabitants of Rabčice. (I wonder if the builders of the new church in Rabčice also hid in it the entrance to this tunnel, while the clue where to look for the entrance to the tunnel they encoded into the figure of the local "devil"?)

Fig. #G3b (middle): A freehand drawing of a local UFO tunnel that led to the undergrounds of Babia Góra, prepared by a former priest from the Slovakian settlement of Rabčice. This drawing is originally reproduced (and described) on page C-88 from the Polish treatise [4b], while some of its descriptions are also repeated in item #G4 from my web page named "magnocraft.htm". The compatibility of the rather unique shape of this tunnel with the actual shapes that can obtain UFO tunnels, is this indirect proof that in fact, in or by the old church in Rabčice, there was an entrance to a UFO tunnel connected with a system of UFO tunnels under the Polish mountain of Babia Góra.

Fig. #G3c (bottom): Here is a photograph of an underground tunnel, a comparison of features of which with the results of my research confirms that it is actually a tunnel that was technically evaporated by UFOs. The above tunnel once existed near the New Zealand city of Auckland - only that it was officially (and in my opinion incorrectly) called there the "Wiri lava cave". Unfortunately, as all UFO tunnels that were easily accessible to people, until today this tunnel has been completely destroyed. The above photograph of this tunnel originates from page 8 of the interesting book by Bruce W. Hayward, entitled "Precious Land" (Geological Society Of New Zealand Guidebook Number Twelve, Bush Press Communications Ltd., PO Box 33-029, Takapuna 1309, Auckland, New Zealand, 1996, ISBN 0-908678-60-6) - in which the copyrights relating to this photograph were also defined. (The author of that book was kind enough to personally give me the permission to show this illustrations in my publications, after adding to them a "disclaimer" which states e.g. that "the views expressed on this web page are NOT shared by owners other than my own photographs shown here, even if the owners of these photographs agreed that I use their pictures. Although photographs represent the most objective evidence, still the situations that they capture can be interpreted in several different ways.") I repeat here the above picture after "Fig. #F1" from my other web page named "newzealand.htm" - on which I described the history and the fate of the tunnel documented by it.
* * *
The above post is an adaptation of item #G3 from my web page (available in the English language) named "aliens.htm" - updated on 1st of June 2018, or later. Thus, the reading of the above descriptions would be even more effective from that web page, than from this post here - after all e.g. on the totaliztic web pages are working all (green) links to other related web pages with additional explanations, important texts are highlighted with colours, the content is supported with illustrations, the content is updated regularly, etc. The most recent update of the web page "aliens.htm" can be viewed, amongst others, through addresses:
(*) Notice that every address with totaliztic web pages, including all the above web addresses, should contain all totaliztic (my) web pages - including all the web pages indicated in this post. Thus, in order to see any totaliztic (my) web page that interests the reader, it suffices that in one amongst the above addresses, the web page name "aliens.htm" is changed into the name of web page which one wishes to see. For example, in order to see the web page named "ufo_proof.htm" e.g. from the totaliztic web site with the address , it is enough that instead of this address in the window of an internet browser one writes e.g. the address .
It is worth to know as well, that almost each new topic that I am researching on principles of my "scientific hobby" with "a priori" approach of the new "totaliztic science", including this one, is repeated in all mirror blogs of totalizm still in existence (the above topic is repeated in there as the post number #298E). In past there were 5 such blogs. At the moment only two blogs of totalizm still remain undeleted by adversaries of the new "totaliztic science" and of the moral philosophy of totalizm. These can be viewed at following internet addresses:
With the totaliztic salute,
Dr Eng. Jan Pająk