#336_1E: Previously unknown truths about God and life established due to my "Theory of Life from 2020"
Motto of this post #336E: "Let us transform beliefs - which only fuel in people irrational speculations, wandering, and sometimes even lying, into the knowledge confirmed by the "three witnesses" described here - which leads to the learning of a reliable truth. (The most rational human behaviour recommended by my "Theory of Everything of 1985" and the "philosophy of totalizm" resulting from this theory - the practicing both of which led me to establish numerous truths previously unknown to people, while disseminated, amongst others, in this publication.)
#V1. Why, after about 2,000 human years of spreading Christianity, our civilization is still as barbaric as it was in the time of Jesus:
From the very beginning, when God created humans, He hoped that they would become His helpers in achieving God's supreme goals, as well as His companions and friends. However, He soon became disappointed. In spite of the inexpressible power of God, which makes Him the only source of everything that we experience, and also the source of everything supernatural (see "Video #V1" below), instead of obeying and being faithful to His commandments, people chose to satisfy their selfish desires and aspirations. So in order to be able to somehow manage the outcomes of their further actions, God reprogrammed their souls and bodies, while during the biblical flood He introduced the so-called "reversible software time" described in items #C4 and #C4.1 from my web page named "immortality.htm", and pre-programmed the controlled by this "reversible software time" method of managing of the effects of human activities - the scheme of which is discussed in item #J5 from another my web page named "petone.htm". However, also these actions did NOT cause that people started to voluntarily and strictly obey the commands and requirements of God.
So in order to make it clearer what exactly God requires from people, when leading the Jewish nation out of Egypt, God gave them the famous two stone tablets on which He wrote 10 commandments that people should obey. Unfortunately, despite the fact that breaking these commandments induced various punishments, also these soon began to be commonly broken. So around the time of Jesus' arrival on Earth, God again reprogrammed human souls and bodies, giving each person an organ of the so-called "conscience" - which always tells him/her whether a given intention or action is in accordance with the commandments and requirements of God. Giving to people the organ of "conscience" (described in the Bible under the still incompletely understood name "New Covenant") is explained in item #A1 from my web page named "evolution.htm". However, also this move did NOT stop people from actions that are contrary to the commandments and requirements of God. Again people quickly and en-masse began to deafen the voice of conscience in themselves, ignoring the fulfilment of what God requires from them. So in order to somehow maintain the compliance of the path of humanity with God's plans, it turned out necessary to let people be troubled by whatever they deserved. This in turn caused exterminations ("purges") of the most disobedient people every several hundred years, today on the Internet illustrated and described under the evasive name of "population resets". My research predicts that the next of these "purges" will be the "Great Purification of Humanity of 2030s" (see https://www.google.com/search?q=Great+Purification+of+Humanity+Hopi ) - although in order NOT to confirm my research results nor to refer to them, many "repeating" people claim that the reset will come earlier (e.g. in 2024). In present times we can clearly see this impending next "return of fruits" that the humanity again deserved. After all, the maintenance by humanity of the use of "money", which fuel "greed" and cause people to live in "fear" of losing their earnings or savings, resulted in humanity almost completely polluted the cultivated soil, poisoned oceans and rivers, and destroyed nature. But our civilisation does NOT even try to change this behaviour nor change this destructive "human laws" that are so contradictory to God's laws, although the level of poisoning and destruction of the natural environment and surroundings already now begins to threaten with the impossibility of continuing life on Earth, while the present level of ignoring God's commandments and requirements is close to the one that prevailed right before the "Biblical Flood".
The present situation on Earth has become so distorted that practically every action of Jesus described in the Bible would break some present human law, exposing Him to the possibility of punishment by earthly authorities - which fact I am trying to explain and illustrate jokingly on examples e.g. in item #G3 from the web page named "prophecies.htm" or in the INTRODUCTION to another web page named "petone.htm".
In total, thousands of years of breaking God’s laws, practicing lies and making errors have led humanity to the present situation, when the whole world is dominated by: forcing work with "money" and "fear" instead of voluntarily performing productive "moral work" for accumulating "moral energy" and prolonging one's experiences of happiness from "earned nirvana"; egoism and greed instead of caring for one's "neighbour" and for nature; competition to accumulate wealth instead of love and concern for one's "neighbour", corruption, rejection of knowledge, and distortion of religious institutions instead of deepening the knowledge of God and loving our creator and God; spreading stagnant lies instead of progressive truth; etc., etc. Although for many it probably turns out to be too late, it is high time to start learning the most recently discovered truths about God, about the tragic situation into which we pushed ourselves by ignoring the knowledge of God, and to undertake vigorous efforts to correct this situation. In turn to start such getting to know God and repairing this situation it is best to familiarise ourselves with newly discovered truths about the nature of God and His role in the emergence and formation of life.
Video #V1: Here is a 12-minute long English-language video which documents, that contrary to what the institution of "official atheistic science" falsely tells us, supernatural phenomena do exist, while because the source of all supernatural is God - which also indirectly confirms that God does exist. A whole range of other videos which also document the existence of the supernatural, are shown on the web page "2020life.htm" as "Video #H3b" and "Video #H3c".
An interesting form of the supernatural is also shown in an approximately 17-minute long English-language video entitled MAN IS LIVING IN 2027 & HUMAN RACE IS GONE! (VIDEO PROOF) from the address https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvsCisbzT9s . It illustrates the making invisible of any existing objects, caused by the "bending of light". As a result, it is possible to show in daylight e.g. completely deprived of people (i.e. completely empty) streets and premises of a highly populated Spanish city, in which crowds of people can actually reside, but the bending of the light path eliminates them from the view and from being shown with cameras. In a theoretical manner the principle of "light bending" through appropriate programming of counter-matter is described in connection with the future building by people of propelling devices of the "sixth technical era" discussed in item #J4.6 from my web page named "propulsion.htm", while which "bending of light", together with my friend, we illustrated it from 22:58 to 23:45 minutes of our free movie entitled "Future Propulsions" published at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxSWDbFopak . In turn, the empirical case of encountering by a Polish citizen, the late Andrzej Domała, a UFO vehicle hidden from the sight of people just by such "bending of light" is described in the paragraph that begins with the Polish words "Mając czternaście lat, jesienią 1965 roku wracałem z lasu w Chrcynnie ..." (meaning: "At the age of fourteen, in the fall of 1965 I was returning from the forest in Chrcynno ...") while contained in subsection B5.1 from our joint Polish treatise [3b] available via my web page "tekst_3b.htm".
#V2. So let us summarize the truths that only my "Theory of Life from 2020" established about God and life:
Fortunately, my "Theory of Life from 2020" described on the web page "2020life.htm" managed to establish and explain a number of further, still unknown to people, fundamental truths about our God, and about life in the world of matter - which life our God created and which He currently manages with an iron consistency. Confirmations of these truths have been recorded for thousands of years in the Bible and in other religious publications (e.g. in Kabbalah books - for examples of them see #K1 from the web page "god_exists.htm"). But in order to understand them, first one needed to have the "key" - which was provided to the humanity only by my "Theory of Everything from 1985" (also called the "Concept of Dipolar Gravity" - see the web page "dipolar_gravity.htm"). In turn the learning and understanding of these fundamental truths indicates to the interested people the way, by following of which will be possible to correct lies, distortions, and speculations that spread around the world the thousand-year reign of "money", "fear" and "greed" on Earth. This is why in (1) to (7) from item #H7 of the web page "2020life.htm", I already briefly explained these ones among the fundamental truths, the learning of which was already possible thanks to my human imperfect knowledge and the ability to confirm the truth, while the correct (I hope) interpretation of the confirmations of which allowed me evidence that I managed to collect until (and in) 2020. So let us now expand their number and descriptions with the results of my newest analysis and checks, summarizing below in items at least the most important out of these newly established fundamental truths about God and life, then let us also indicate where exactly interested readers can learn more important details and confirmations on each of them. Here are the truths:
(1) My discovery, that in the Bible God inspired the encoding of confirmations for all absolutely truthful scientific discoveries obtained in results of undistorted research of people. The method of this encoding (encryption) is truly brilliant. For example, only in the one-sentence-long verse 1:27 from the biblical "Book of Genesis" (quoted in the description of truth number (4) below and in (a) from item #H3 of the web page "2020life.htm"), apart from the commonly known truth number (4) that it is God, NOT natural evolution, which created man, there are also coded confirmations of at least 3 further truths so far overlooked by Christianity and thus unknown to humanity. Namely, also confirmed in there is: the unknown truth (5) stating that God is a "group intellect" which contains of opposite personalities of men and women; the truth (4) stating that the structure and operation of men's and women's bodies only copy two physically similar patterns of male and female God Drobinas; at the same time, the truth (4) also informs that the features of male and female God Drobinas, typically "breathed" respectively into men and women, and thus the features of men's and women's souls, diametrically differ from each other because of the opposite attributes of the positive male and negative female God Drobinas - as it is described in items #K1 and #K2 from the web page named "god_exists.htm". Similarly e.g. in verse 3:8 from "2 Peter" of the Bible encoded are truths' confirmations regarding the "reversible software time" in which we are ageing, just a brief descriptions of which occupy whole item #G4 and a part of INTRODUCTION to my web page named "dipolar_gravity.htm". Thus, in order to be absolutely sure that a new discovery is an absolute truth, then it should be confirmed by all "three witnesses" whose statements guarantee its truth. Namely, independently of its (1a) compliance with correctly deduced and proven cause-effect relationships with other truths (see item #V7 below), the same discovery should also be (1b) confirmed by one of the verses from the Bible, and (1c) must also be confirmed with the existing empirical evidence manifested by the reality that surrounds us. The truth of this my discovery and principles of research used, is explained in item #I2 of my autobiographical web page named "pajak_jan_uk.htm", while I extend it and clarify it in (1) to (1c) from item #H1 of the web page named "2020life.htm". Interestingly, initially following only my intuition, I myself implemented this principle in practice, starting from the time of formulating my "Theory of Everything from 1985" - always trying to confirm each of my discoveries with the statements of the above "3 witnesses" (1a) to (1c). To my professional colleagues (other scientists) drowning in destructive untruths, I also recommend that they should confirm their discoveries and theories with the above "three witnesses". This is because until the truth of any significant new scientific knowledge is confirmed by these "3 witnesses", it represents only someone's opinion which may be completely wrong, or even may constitute someone's anti-humanly disseminated lie.
(2) Findings of my "Theory of Everything from 1985" indicated numerous ways in which formally scientifically, and also empirically, the existence of God can be irrefutably proven. As a result of indications by this theory, in 2007 the author developed a scientifically irrefutable formal proof that God does exist, the presentation of which he published, amongst others, in item #G2 from my web page named "god_proof.htm". Furthermore, in 2020 the author of this post #336E also developed a second, similarly scientifically irrefutable way of proving by every person to oneself that "since a given person lives, this alone is already scientifically irrefutable evidence that God exists" - presented in "part #D" (especially in item #D1) from the web page named "2020life.htm". Independently from the formal proving, much earlier the author of this post #336E developed a whole range of other scientific proofs for the existence of God, some of which he links from item #G3 of the abovementioned web page "god_proof.htm" - e.g. see subsections from I3.3.1 to I3.3.4 from volume 5 of monograph [1/5] available via the web page "text_1_5.htm". Furthermore, thanks to the Theory of Everything from 1985, the author also managed to identify a whole range of phenomena and occurrences manifested in the reality that surrounds us, and thus available to be scientifically verified objectively, which could NOT appear if God did NOT design and create them in a supernatural manner. In my opinion, the most important of them that introduced the most good on Earth and was confirmed by many historians and even scientists, is the fact that Jesus was a living historical figure which carried out many miracles. (In my opinion, this fact is presented in the most pleasant way to watch, in the English-language movie "God's Not Dead 2".) After all, the fact that Jesus was a living and doing miracles historical figure causes that the only difference between e.g. (a) "atheists", and (b) "believing" in God (or even (c) "knowing for certain that God exists") comes down to the number of categories of knowledge and truths that their worldviews, attitudes and personalities allow them to accept, implement and disseminate (which truth I explained more comprehensively in items #V4 and #V5 below), thus which categories do NOT need to represent the entire objectively identified truth or knowledge about God, but can only result from limitations introduced by the consequences of their personal upbringing, acquired attributes of their characters, views and habits forced upon them, etc. Regardless of Jesus as a historical figure, a large number of other such phenomena and occurrences are also published in the literature - all of which only one link of their "chain of truth" from #V7 below separates from God. In my opinion, another perfect their example can be the phenomenon of earned nirvana (see the web page "nirvana.htm"), the pre-programming of which by God into the bodies and souls of all people is described in item #A1 from my web page named "evolution.htm", while the operation of which allows humanity to work out the miraculous "nirvana political system" discussed in "Video #V2", the implementation of which by humanity will allow the phenomenon of nirvana to permanently eliminate from the use: "money", "fear" and human "greed" - which are the primary source of all evil on Earth. Why the phenomenon of "earned nirvana" in itself is a proof for the existence of God, I am explaining it in (b') from item #C1.1, and in item #E1, from my web page named "nirvana.htm", and also in (L) from item #A3 and in item #F5 from the web page named "partia_totalizmu_uk.htm". Another example of a truly revolutionary appearance, which in itself is also an empirical proof for the existence of God, also distant from God by only one link in the "chain of truth" from #V7 below, is the fact of building on Earth devices working on principles of so-called "perpetual motion machines" - which devices according to the "official atheistic science" supposedly can NOT be built, but already functioning prototypes of which I described more extensively and illustrated with videos, amongst others, in item #B3 from my web page named "fe_cell.htm". In turn why "perpetual motion" devices constitute another empirical proof for the existence of God, I am explaining more comprehensively on my web page named "god_proof.htm" - see in there e.g. item #D3 and several items that precede it, also referring to the role of "perpetual motion" as an whistleblower regarding lies and efforts to block the truth and progress by the already highly corrupt, and thus operating to the detriment of humanity and requiring reform, the "official atheistic science". Empirical evidence for the existence of God is also the fact that all living creatures, including us humans, age in the "reversible software time" which elapses with speed of several hundred thousand faster than the "irreversible absolute time of the universe" in which age atoms, isotopes, fossils and all inanimate matter. This reversible software time is briefly described in INTRODUCTION and in item #G4 from my web page named "dipolar_gravity.htm", while with more details - in publications indicated and linked in there. In turn the principle of its pre-programming by God - in item #D3 of the web page named "god_proof.htm". In turn, because the repetitive shifting people back in this "reversible software time" carried out by God causes a phenomenon called "deja vu" (see https://www.google.com/search?q=deja+vu ), this phenomenon is also one of the empirical evidence for the existence of God. Another empirical evidence is the operation of some UFOs as "time vehicles" - for descriptions of evidence see e.g. item #D3 from the web page "timevehicle.htm". A whole range of other phenomena and occurrences which constitute direct empirical evidence for the existence of God are also described in "part #E" and in "part #F" of the web page "god_proof.htm", while some of them I repeated in items #F1 and #F2 of the web page named "bible.htm". It is worth noting here, that since this scientifically indisputable evidence for the existence of God, I am constantly publishing for several dozen years, hence the repetition by internet search engines of lies disseminated by employees of the "official atheistic science" on principles of "broken record" and stating that God's existence is NOT scientifically and formally proven, it is NOT only deceiving humanity, but also taking on their consciences a huge sin by people who force this repetition - which sin is discussed in more detail in item #I6 from my other web page named "sw_andrzej_bobola_uk.htm" (see verse 20:16 from the Biblical "Exodus" about "telling a lie as a witness") and which sin may turn out to be responsible for diverting many people from God, and thus for losing their chances for "eternal life".
(3) In the counter-world there are male positive and female negative, eternally alive and constantly mobile intelligent and self-aware "God Drobinas", which are the building blocks from which God created our world of matter and everything that exists in it. Unfortunately, our "official atheistic science", wrongly focused solely on matter, believes that the most elementary components of matter are "elementary particles" formed from matter. On the other hand, my "Theory of Everything from 1985" (which because of the constant persecution and silencing is still disseminated mainly under a different name of the "Concept of Dipolar Gravity") already established, and confirmed this finding with the significant body of evidence which represents all three above-mentioned "3 witnesses" (1a) to (1c), that these material "elementary particles" were created from indescribably smaller components, which until 2020 I called "drobinas of counter-matter" - but about which in 2020 I discovered that they are individual, living, intelligent, self-contained, and self-conscious creatures which I named then the "God Drobinas". So as it turns out, our entire world of matter, and everything that we perceive with our senses, are simply various manifestations of these male and female "God Drobinas" that are obedient to God. More information about "God Drobinas" and about the manner in which our matter and our entire physical world is formed from them, the reader can find in items #K1 and #K2 from my web page named "god_exists.htm", and in item #I2 of my autobiographical web page named "pajak_jan_uk.htm".
(4) When in verse 1:27 from the biblical "Book of Genesis" God inspired the statement, I quote from NIV: "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them", He skilfully coded into this verse the confirmation that human males and females were created by accurately copying the patterns and similarities from the positive male and negative female "God Drobinas" - both of which drobinas are physically similar in structure, but display drastically opposing features of motivations and behaviours. This truth is also explained in items #K1 and #K2 from my web page named "god_exists.htm". Notice from the descriptions of male and female "God Drobinas" the opposite attributes and behaviours that they display - and that are discussed in those items #K1 and #K2. These opposite attributes cause that even the essence of characters and behaviours of men and women defined by their souls, exactly coincides with those manifested by the male and female God Drobinas.
(5) My discovery, that the nature and actions of God in fact do NOT represent the so-called "individual intellect" (e.g. of a single person), but the so-called "group intellect" which is the result of group thinking and group knowledge possessed and already accumulated by all "God Drobinas" that store and process programs of our God. But this group God in fact is a single gigantic program, only that it is stored and run simultaneously in brains of many God Drobinas at once. Hence, He clearly identifies Himself as a single whole, and moreover He is also able to create individual persons, whose minds have a direct link with the "group" mind of God and thus are one with Him, therefore which for people are e.g. bodily representations of God. (One example of these representations was, and still is, Jesus - this is why the statement of Jesus repeated in the biblical verse 10:30 from the biblical "Gospel according to St. John" is true - I quote: "I and the Father are one" - which is best illustrated on an example of a computer terminal at the lengths from 13:13 to 13:30 minutes of our film "Dr Jan Pajak portfolio" - see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXr2OzVsMp4 ). This discovery about the "group nature" of God is most comprehensively described in (a) from item #H3 of the web page named "2020life.htm". This discovery practically means that God is a gigantic program described in item #A0 from the web page named "god_proof.htm" - fragments of which program are spread (means stored and processed) in the most advanced, because 12-th "brains" and memories of each one out of countless "God Drobinas". (But this mind of a group program of God is able to connect directly into unity with the mind of a single person, e.g. Jesus, so that for people this person becomes a bodily representation of a group God.) In turn, because in every God Drobina his "twelfth brain" has superiority over all other brains of this drobina that God manages, God has absolute power over every God Drobina - including also over God Drobinas in which the programs of souls of the so-called "Fallen Angels" are contained. After all, according to the descriptions in (g) and (i) from item #H3 of the web page "2020life.htm", all Angels, including these so-called "Fallen" are simply "embodied" God Drobinas which are controlled by souls that are more perfect than human souls, while bodies of which are programmed from improved chemical elements described in items #I1 to #I7 from the web page named "sw_andrzej_bobola_uk.htm".
(6) The finding of my "Theory of Life from 2020" that two disciplines of today's science, i.e. Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering, taken together, reveal scientifically indisputable reasons which conclusively prove that the evolution of life only in the matter that is NOT managed by self-modifiable software, is absolutely impossible. In turn this finding is tantamount to the scientific proving, that life could NOT have evolved in matter from our physical world, but must have evolved in the thinking "God Drobinas" from the counter-world - as it is explained in more detail in item #D2 from the web page "2020life.htm". After all, as on principles of "common sense" I justified it more comprehensively in item #B2 from my web page named "evolution.htm", the self-evolution of the conscious and "living" program in the self-learning God Drobina is so simple that it could be caused by eternal mobility of "chaos" from the counter-world (see https://www.google.com/search?q=Greek+chaos+as+disorderly+motion ), while the self-evolution of life in matter exceeds the ability to occur in the world of matter. Thus matter, our physical world, and living creatures made of matter only could (and must) have been created by God (who lives in the counter-world) and only after life self-evolved in God Drobinas (which drobinas are like individual thinking cells of the "body of God"). The origins of life in "God Drobinas" from the counter-world are described more comprehensively in item #C5 from the web page named "2020life.htm". In turn, into the bodies of creatures from the matter of our world of matter, the seeds of life and self-awareness are introduced through "breathing" into them just those "God Drobinas" which contained inside the programs of "souls" that animate the bodies of these creatures.
(7) The "soul" in which is contained the self-awareness, personality, memory, knowledge, etc., of every living being having a body of matter, is physically stored in the God Drobina that God will "breathe" into the body of a given being at the moment of its revival (i.e. in the case of air-breathing beings - at the moment of "catching the first breath"). In the sense of its role, "God Drobina" containing "soul" performs a function similar to the role of microprocessors (e.g. Intel) from present computers. This truth is described in (d) and (e) from item #H3 of the web page named "2020life.htm". In turn, because every God Drobina in its leading, twelfth "brain", contains the software of God, this means that each one of us people is actually simultaneously a "temple" in which lives also God. Notice that God's software contain also the highest (i.e. 12th) brains, of the so-called "Fallen Angels" - this is where God's power over their fate comes from. Furthermore, whenever only God wishes, then with his superior (12th) "brain" can command the creature the soul of which is contained in a given God Drobina to have specific thoughts or actions, which are consistent with the long-term plans of God - which situation I am also explaining, among others , in item #J5 from the web page named "petone.htm". Therefore, although God tries NOT to manifest this in order to NOT take away the "free will" from people or from other living creatures, in fact God has absolute control over everything that happens in the part of the universe that is ruled by Him. He also has the absolute power of life and death over everything that lives in the counter-world and in our world of matter.
(8) In order for living creatures formed of matter to become alive and to be able to learn life, their bodies must be so constructed that they represent a hardware component of the "self-learning hardware-software system". Thus, after God provides these bodies with a software "soul" which is programmed to represent the software component of the "self-learning hardware-software system", the entire hardware-software system begins to "live" - means to act as a "self-learning hardware-software system" whose work is aimed at "pursue of knowledge". The operation of every living creature from matter, including people, as just such a "self-learning hardware-software system", is described more comprehensively in item #D3 of the web page "2020life.htm".
(9) God's program "nourishes itself" with knowledge (i.e. consumes knowledge). This is why the most important goal for which both people and all other living creatures were created, is the "pursue of knowledge" - as I explained it more comprehensively in items #B1 and #B1.1 from my other web page named "antichrist.htm". In turn the fact that the "knowledge" obtained by people and by other living creatures in fact constitutes "food" for God's programs, results from the cause-effect reasoning explained by the described in the so-called "Theory of Superior-Beings" of a genius Polish writer named Adam Wiśniewski (pseudonym "Snerg") - only that Adam Wiśniewski himself neither stated nor explained in his "Theory of Superior-Beings" the fact that God "nourishes Himself" with knowledge or "eats knowledge" (this fact was only deduced by me due to the findings and guidelines resulting from my "Theory of Everything from 1985"). This "Theory of Superior-Beings" by Wiśniewski is described in more detail in item #I6 from my other web page named "mozajski_uk.htm" - I recommend to read it from there - because it causes a kind of revolution and breakthrough in our knowledge of God.
(10) Despite the fact that God Drobinas are able to carry out the "pursue of knowledge" just by themselves while still residing in the counter-world, it takes very long periods of time and has a rather limited range of experiences. So in order to accelerate the "pursue of knowledge", and also to enable to God Drobinas the experiencing of situations and feelings impossible or difficult to occur in the counter-world (such as e.g. "killing" the software of the "soul" from some physically immortal God Drobina, or experiencing the happiness of "earned nirvana") and to enable God to design and to create increasingly new and increasingly extraordinary experiences that "souls" from God Drobinas are able to experience in our world, God created our world of matter susceptible to His improvements and created living material creatures into which then He "breathed" "souls" together with God Drobinas that store them, in order to let them experience the sensations of material life, which sensations then form increasingly advanced knowledge and increasingly more perfect character traits of the chosen God Drobinas. These superior reasons and goals for the creation of our "world of matter" and creatures from matter living in our world are described in more details in [I] to [VII] from item #H2 of the web page "2020life.htm". Their superior task is to improve the knowledge, characters, remembered experiences and courses of life of all living creatures of the entire universe, and thus to improve the entire universe - as I described and illustrated it in "Tab. O1" from "Chapter O" of my monograph [12] (in Polish - available via the web page "tekst_12.htm") entitled 'Jak działa czas w którym się starzejemy (tj. wyjaśnienie "Konceptu Dipolarnej Grawitacji" dla działania nawracalnego czasu i wehikułów czasu)' - meaning: 'How works the time in which we age (i.e. the explanation of the "Concept of Dipolar Gravity" for the operation of reversible time and time vehicles)', while as I briefly summarized it in the caption under "Tab. #J1b" from my web page named "propulsion.htm".
(11) Because the "philosophy of totalizm" confirmed that "Out of something bad there is always something good" and at the same time confirmed that "There is NO such good that would NOT generate some form of evil", the fact that God's program "feeds on knowledge" practically means that from God's point of view, "evil" is the same source of knowledge as "good". Simultaneously "evil", "good", and "free will to cause them" form a kind of motive force which drives the improvement of the rational universe with the mechanism described in item #V6 below. Because "evil" is the same source of knowledge as "good" and is also necessary for the formation of this motive force of progress, practically this also means that if people, or any other creatures living in our world of matter, or any "group intellects", decide to do "evil", God does NOT forbid them - but only directs their evil at these people or these intellects, who somehow beforehand deserved this evil - as I am explaining this more comprehensively e.g. in item #C7 from my web page named "god_exists.htm". Hence, if a nation e.g. destroys or poisons the land on which it lives, God allows that nation to later reap the fruits of the destruction or poisoning it caused. Similarly, e.g. the aggressor is later beaten by another aggressor (e.g. Hitler by Stalin) - etc., etc. In turn in order NOT to break other people's "free will", such receiving by evil people the fruits of their "evil" does NOT take place immediately after doing this evil, but typically only a few years later, i.e. after the lapse of the so-called "time of return" for karma - see the web page "karma.htm". In turn in cases of someone's irreparable practicing of evil - picking up these fruits usually takes place after shifting such someone back to his/her youth in the "reversible software time" and then experiencing him/her with the evil that he/she caused in the previous passage through time of his/her life.
(12) If God directs the action of evil at an intellect that does evil, then the goal typically is to eliminate further evil of this intellect, but if God directs the action of evil at an intellect that does good, then the goal is to educate and improve this intellect. This is perfectly explained in the Bible in verse 10:13 of "1 Corinthians" - quote: "No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it." (Notice that in Polish translations of the Bible, the above words "except what is common to mankind" are usually translated as "which would be beyond human strength".) The English have a wise saying to this situation, i.e. "what does NOT kill you, make you stronger" (see https://www.google.com/search?q=what+does+not+kill+you+make+you+stronger ). In turn psychologists describe this phenomenon with the name "Post-traumatic growth (PTG)" - see https://www.google.com/search?q=PTG+Post-traumatic+growth . On the other hand the principles of God's help in the self-saving of intellects driven by "evil" into a situation that looks like having "no way out" is described below as truth (16). These principles are triggered by God even if a given evil is caused by the same intellects who later wish to save themselves from that evil - which is confirmed by verses 33:18-19 from the biblical "Book of Ezekiel", I quote from NIV: "If a righteous person turns from their righteousness and does evil, they will die for it. And if a wicked person turns away from their wickedness and does what is just and right, they will live by doing so."
(13) In order to make people aware of the action of evil and the need to avoid temptations of people and situations that do evil, God introduced the concept of "sin", to a precise explanation of which He devoted a lot of space in the Bible. And so, for example, verse 3:4 from the biblical "1 John" explains to us that sin is everything that represents breaking God's commandments, laws and requirements described in the Bible. In turn the verse 6:23 from the Biblical "Letter to the Romans" explains to us that the penalty for sin is death. In turn the verse 34:7 from the Biblical "Book of Exodus" explains to us that no sin goes unpunished. All of this is also confirmed in practice by these "3 witnesses" from real life - for example by the operation of the moral "Boomerang Law" and "karma" algorithms, or by the fact that every human being sins and thus everyone will die sooner or later.
(14) Because evil and human non-compliance with the requirements of morality spoils the results of every human activity, prevents the "pursue of knowledge", and ultimately destroys life, so in order to monitor the magnitude of the influence that immorality and evil exert on every researched action of people, it is necessary that in all research the level of morality governing the course of human activities was taken into account as one of the most important parameters of this research. This is because without checking how the results of given actions of people are affected by the level of morality or immorality, the obtained results are burdened with a huge and unknown error - for clarification of this matter see item #B3 on my web page named "portfolio.htm". Thus, when anyone reads any results of someone's research, in which morality was NOT considered as the most important of the parameters influencing the effects of the researched human activities, then one can be sure that these results are only a kind of lies or guessing, while their error can reach even several hundred percent.
(15) Because evil and immorality destroys life, and also prevents the "pursue of knowledge", therefore when the majority of our civilization refuses to serve good, God carries out another "cleansing of the Earth", which eliminates most or all those who entered the path of evil. The fact that another such "cleansing of the Earth" is just approaching is reported both by our free half-hour film in Polish entitled "Zagłada ludzkości 2030" (meaning "The Great Purification of Humanity of 2030s") available on the Internet at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o06UvHgahr8 , as well as other films and sources which I described e.g. in item #L4 from my web page named "smart_tvs.htm".
(16) All methods of God's action are designed in such a way that, on the one hand, in every difficult situation in which people may go (usually through their own fault), God creates a convenient way out of this situation - while leaving to people’s "free will" to choose not coming out and doing nothing, or to decide to look for this way out and to use it, and on the other hand giving simultaneously to them a clear lesson for the future, which educates them to be wise, resourceful, battle-hardened and morally acting "soldiers of God" - as these soldiers are described in a number of my publications, e.g. in item #A3 from the web page "humanity.htm". Just such and not other actions of God are confirmed by all "3 witnesses" which I describe with the truth (1) above. For example, the result of my logical deductions (1a) which confirm them, is the so-called the "law of the highway through the sea" described, amongst others, in #6A from subsection I4.1.1 in volume 5 of my monograph [1/5]. An example of the Bible verse (1b) which also confirms it, is the verse 10:13 from "1 Corinthians" quoted above in the descriptions of truth number (12). In turn, to numerous examples of empirical evidence (1c) which also confirms such a method of God's action, belongs e.g. the truth of the Polish proverb "bez pracy nie ma kołaczy" (an English equivalent close to it says "He that would have the fruit, must climb the tree"), discussed in item #L4 of the web page "smart_tvs.htm" which, similarly to the English proverb "God helps those who help themselves", informs that those who by their own fault got into a difficult situation, but avoid doing everything in their human power to get out of this situation on their own, they should understand that expecting from God to do everything for them thus proving that He rewards their human laziness, passivity, pushing their duties at someone else, limiting their actions to complaining and waiting for help, etc., is like deliberate testing God - which is forbidden by e.g. verse 4:7 from the biblical "Gospel of St. Matthew" - I quote from NIV: "Do not put the Lord your God to the test." Another type of such empirical evidence can be the creation for possible saving of humanity (if it wishes to save itself) from experiencing already impending the "Great Purification of Humanity of 2030s" (which human elites bring to themselves and to us with their highly destructive behaviour induced by "greed" and "money"), while a simple way of avoiding this purification depends on the voluntary implementation of the God-designed nirvana political system, which I described, amongst others, in "part #L" and the INTRODUCTION from my web page named "smart_tvs.htm" and in publications linked in there. The simplest way to learn the principle of operation, advantages, and the potential of this "nirvana political system" that can save humanity because it would allow to completely and permanently eliminate "money", "fear" and "greed" from the Earth (which are the sources of almost all evil on Earth - see verse 6:10 from the biblical "1 letter to Timothy", I quote from NIV: "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil") is watching the half-hour-long "Video #V2" shown below and entitled in Polish "Świat bez pieniędzy: Ustrój Nirwany" (meaning: "World Without Money: The Nirvana Political System") available at the Internet address https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9YFI6Fer9E .
(17) The impossible to quantify number of male and female "God Drobinas" under the control of our God (which can be defined as equal to infinity) causes that the need for passing "souls" contained in these God Drobinas through the accelerated "school of life" in the artificially created by God the world of matter - which school our Earth and our whole world of matter constitute, practically never ends. Thus some form of Earth, or other places in the world of matter similar to Earth, will probably be held by God practically for an infinite time. Only that with the passage of time God will continually expand and improve the span, the perfection, and the sophistication of experiences through which will go "souls" from successive God Drobinas, in order to provide them with increasingly more diverse and educational life experiences, which I mention above in (10) from this item #V2, and which I am describing more comprehensively in [I] to [VII] from item #H2 of the web page "2020life.htm". In turn, due to this passing, the knowledge, memories, and life experiences accumulated in the physical world by "souls" of subsequent among these God Drobinas will cause a quick and increasingly more advanced improvement of the course of life, and thus the increasingly interesting, diverse and worth experiencing course of fate experienced by all individual living beings throughout the universe. It is not for nothing that the verse 2:9 from the biblical "1 Corinthians" states - I quote from NIV: "What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived - the things God has prepared for those who love him" After all, even just the possible to experience by everyone still in this physical life, the miraculous phenomenon of the happiness of earned nirvana, prepared mainly to enable humanity to implement the "nirvana political system", already gives us an initial idea of what splendours God in His superior wisdom, knowledge, and creativity is able to design, to prepare and make available to those who deserve it.
Video #V2: Here is our about 33-minute long video in the Polish language, which summarizes the most important information about the "nirvana political system" that rewards the performance of productive "moral work" NOT with money, but with the miraculous happiness of the phenomenon of earned nirvana designed by God. Because the phenomenon of this "nirvana" was NOT able to appear in people e.g. as a result of an "accidental evolution", and its existence had to be designed and built into human bodies and souls by our Creator, means by God Himself, the fact of the existence of this phenomenon is one of a huge number of empirical evidence for the actual existence of God, on purpose blocked from our views by evil forces to NOT be learned by people.
The content of the above video (in Polish) entitled "Świat bez pieniędzy: Ustrój Nirwany" (meaning: "World without money: Nirvana Political System" is explained in detail in the English language "part #L" and in the INTRODUCTION of my web page (in English) named "smart_tvs.htm". I highly recommend you have a look at these explanations. After all, they reveal NOT only what the "nirvana political system" is, on what principles it works, why the phenomenon of nirvana is able to reward people better than money for the physical performance of so-called "moral work", what are its most important advantages in comparison with other systems already known to humanity (especially in comparison to capitalism and communism), etc., but these explanations also reveal in what are wrong and what were neglecting the to-date critics of this film and the nirvana political system. Moreover, they also explain the symbolism and content of this film so well that it can be watched and understood by people who do NOT know the Polish language.
(This entire post #336E did NOT fit into the memory of this blog - hence the rest of it will be continued below as post #336_2E)