#373_3E: Examples of "subtractive" harming of people through the camouflaged actions of "forces of evil" (Part 3)
(Continuation from the previous "part 2" of this post #373E)
"Pentagram" is a very mysterious geometric star-like figure, which is created by one continuous, i.e. made without lifting the pen from the paper, connecting with five straight lines only five (i.e. the smallest possible number) almost opposite points on the circumference of a circle, spaced from each other at equal distances. The mysteriousness of this star has caused that since ancient times the pentagram has been used as a symbol and tool of unknown and usually dark powers and secret rites. Knowing about such purposes of its use, the creators of, for example, five-pointed stars - see https://www.google.com/search?q=five+pointed+star&tbm=isch , tried to distinguish the appearance of their star from the "pentagram", deviating the course of the edges of their opposite arms from being a straight line, and often also connecting the tip of the star with its centre with a line. As a result, what was given the name "five-pointed star" instead of "pentagram" was deliberately assigned the shape and appearance that on today's Internet is described, for example, under the English names nautical star - https://www.google.com/search?q=nautical+star&tbm=isch , or flat star https://www.google.com/search?q=flat+star&tbm=isch , and which clearly distinguished their shapes from the mystical "pentagram". The best example of such stars is the five-pointed star of the Soviet army - see https://www.google.com/search?q=soviet+star&tbm=isch used during World War II, or today's star from the flag of China. Unfortunately, there have always been various "artists" who either did not know about the historical symbolism of the "pentagram", or tried to give the symbol of their country a mystical meaning. However, their creations were rarely widely accepted. The pentagram is therefore used almost exclusively as a symbol of "dark powers" to this day - unless its bearer or creator did NOT take the trouble to find out what it means and uses it unconsciously. The most famous of its bearers today are followers of the "cult of Satan" - see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=inverted+pentagram+symbol . What worries me most is how many young people from Petone, means from this God-blessed "town of miracles", do not realize the seriousness of the consequences of having such a dark symbol either tattooed somewhere on their skin or clearly visible on their outer clothing or footwear (e.g. see at 2:29 of 8:54-minute video "Famous atheists last words before dying.." from the address https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdfkUrLchOg ). Apparently they were NOT informed that even the name of the town "Petone" has a highly praiseworthy and God-intended origin. After all, it arose from the adaptation by Europeans of the sound of an honourable Maori chieftaincy initiative called "Peto-One" (meaning as if "Peto-the-First") to be the name of the town of Petone. For the history and future of the upcoming birth of a new country of New Zealand, this welcoming, highly helpful and exceptionally peaceful towards settlers just arriving from England such leader's initiative coming from the Maori known for their warriors’ spirits, over time proved to be as revolutionary and far-sighted as the actions of "Peter the First" for Russia or of "Alexander the Great" for Macedonia.
Notice that the above photos #G2b to #G2d of plaques and the cross commemorating that historically one of the newest (and perhaps the newest) "miracle of God's birthday gift to the newborn and then Christian New Zealand", fruiting in raising from under the sea level a flat and dry land for convenient development of the industrial town of Petone and the capital city of Wellington, are also illustrated and discussed in Fig. #F1ab from the web page named pigs.htm and in Fig. #1a, #J3b and #J3d from the INTRODUCTION and content of my web page named petone.htm.
#G3. Several examples of "subtractive" events experienced after the publication of the truths of the blog of totalizm numbers #371 to #372E which hurt me the most, and an analysis of "attributes" of these events which documents that they were served to me by the "powers of evil" as the revenge of these powers for publishing that blogs #371 to #372E (see also the summary of explanations in {23} from item #B8.2 on the Polish web page "rok.htm"):
In blog #372E and in items #I1 to #I5 of the web page parasitism.htm from which that blog #372E was adapted, I explained my discovery that in the entire universe there can only be two most general categories of actions, namely (1) "addition", and (2) "subtraction". Examples of the action (1) "addition" are everything that: creates, increases, multiplies, builds, gives, produces, invents, discovers, formulates, explains, teaches, beautifies, amuses, etc., etc. However, "addition" is NOT able to be carried out by the so-called "stupid nature", because similarly to the formulation or creation of a new language, code, program, invention, etc., it requires that it be performed either by some intelligent beings, or by machines designed and built by intelligent beings (e.g. to be performed by computers). On Earth, the people who are currently best taught on "how" to correctly perform this (1) "addition" are the so-called "engineers" - in which honourable profession I was also trained. In turn, examples of action (2) of "subtraction" are everything that: ruins, diminishes, reduces, divides, destroys, robs, kills, steals, hides, makes impossible, erases, conceals, disgusts, saddens, etc., etc. "Subtraction" can already be realized by "stupid nature" - for example causing an automatic explosion, fire, hurricane, tornado, flooding, landslide or cloudburst, etc. It can also be realized by the actions of malicious, destructive or ignorant people or other similar intelligent beings made of matter, e.g. those described in the Bible as "fallen angels", devils, demons, snakes, serpents, dragons, etc., and which today's people popularly see and describe under the names of "UFOnauts" or "UFOs".
Because of the existence of only these two basic categories of actions, in their lives people as well as all other God’s creations made of matter can also practice only one of the two possible philosophies of life, namely the (1) "adding philosophy of life", or the (2) "subtracting philosophy of life". However, because the correct practice of (1) the "adding philosophy of life" requires knowledge as deep as, for example, creating or constructing something completely new that is to work correctly in the long term without causing irreparable damage, most people themselves are NOT able to figure out "how" to practice it correctly every day and in every situation. Therefore, God who knows everything prepared for us a written instruction for practicing the "adding philosophy" and called it the "Bible". The Bible is still the only book on Earth that contains correct guidelines on "how" to practice this (1) "adding philosophy of life". Meanwhile, unfortunately, if anyone does NOT recognize the commandments and recommendations of that written instruction (the Bible), and starts to invent their own rules of conduct, then because of our innate imperfections, gaps in knowledge, ignorance of the whole truth, tendency to make mistakes, etc., over time the "fruits" of their actions always turn out to be "subtraction" and NOT "addition". Because at the same time God has his enemies, which I usually call "powers of evil" or UFOnauts, who believe that they "know better" and at the same time secretly impersonate all the most important leaders and decision-makers on Earth, in order to confuse and discourage people from doing what the Bible commands us to do, these enemies have created a whole bunch of life philosophies and ideologies with various names and details of conduct, all of which, however, are in fact just different versions of that (2) "subtractive philosophy of life". Hence, practicing any of these philosophies or ideologies of "subtraction" always leads to decline, poverty, injustice, wars, destruction, and finally to self-destruction. If these enemies of God (i.e. "powers of evil" or UFOnauts) discover that someone is spreading this God’s (1) "adding philosophy of life", e.g. by confirming its truth and correctness, assuring about its positive "fruits", teaching "how" to best practice it, etc., etc., then these "powers of evil" take revenge on such someone and try to destroy him/her and make it impossible for him/her to carry out such "adding" actions. I have been experiencing dangerous attacks of "powers of evil" throughout my entire life. They have "time vehicles", hence their so-called "couriers through time" (descriptions of which is linked on the Polish web page "skorowidz.htm" come to our times from the future and report to them 'who', 'how' and 'with what' from among today's researchers is the most harmful to their "subtractive" activities and parasitic interests. Recently, I experienced the strongest such stunning revenge of these "powers of evil" after publishing my blogs #371 to #372E which explain and confirm several truths about that (1) "adding philosophy of life". This revenge turned out to be so destructive and overwhelming that I began to fear that the blogs #372 and #372E would turn out to be for me a kind of my "swan song" (see "https://www.google.com/search?q=swan+song" - to the occurrence of which tragic possibility for me I admit in {23} from the point of view of #B8.2 of the Polish web page "rok.htm". Below I will try to describe in numbered items several examples of the most painful for me elements of this revenge that are suitable for publication here (there were more of them, but the modest size of this publication does NOT allow describing all of them).
{#G3a} An unspeakably painful attack with the UFOnaut weapon described in {6#K3} from blog #371E and from item #K3 of the web page "aliens.htm" under the name: [@H3] New Zealand Syndrome. I experienced this attack on myself repeatedly exactly in the evenings on the days of publishing both versions of blogs #371 to #372E. The most warningly and terribly it affected me in the evening on Saturday, July 20, 2024, i.e. on the day of publishing blog #372, starting at about 7 pm and lasting about 7 hours, and ending only after vomiting the entire contents of my stomach. It was terribly painful, in fact it was so painful that I believe that people can die from the intensity of this pain. Because the next morning my urine looked like blood, I registered with a doctor to check what damage it caused me. The doctor, seeing the photo of my urine that I took, urgently referred me for a "CT scan". This scan detected that I have stones in my gallbladder, which also cause the same symptoms - about which supposed "coincidence" am I NOT surprised. After all, I know that UFOnauts have an advanced technology which in blog #363E and in {b} from item #M2 of the web page "evil.htm" and also in #M5 to #M5e of the web page "petone.htm" I describe under the name "state of telekinetic flickering", and which allows them to unnoticeably penetrate into the interior of any material objects, including human bodies (e.g. to cause so-called "demonic possessions" or to damage these bodies). Using this technology, they can perform any actions on human bodies, including, after hypnotization, undetectable insertion of stones into the human "gallbladder", etc. One of the mysteries of the thousands of years of secrecy and success of our relatives from Orion who use the "powers of evil" in the undetectable occupation of Earth and the destruction of humanity, is that whatever harm they do, they always simultaneously fabricate false evidence that diverts people's official attention from them as the perpetrators of this destruction. For example, when their starship hijacks a human plane with passengers - see #I2 from blog #362E and #A6.2 from blog #284E, they always plant its fragments or some documents somewhere, or plant the passengers' luggage, to blame this hijacking on the so-called "accident". Thus, for example, also putting stones in my gall bladder immediately prevents them from being charged with carrying out this attack with their secret weapon which I describe in blog #371E under the name [@H3] New Zealand Syndrome, and which I know that they used to murder my acquaintance, the builder of the "N-machine" for generation of clean free energy, the Late Bruce De Palma.
{#G3b} Throwing me to the ground together with the ladder on the steps of which I was standing. It so strangely happens that whenever I get on a ladder, something almost always happens that it is knocked out from under my feet and I fall off it. The circumstances of this falling always also imply that I was thrown off the ladder by some invisible force in a way that made it look like an "accident". I usually feel the action of this force - after all, having lectured engineering and mechanics at universities, I know mechanics perfectly well and I can set up a ladder stably and climb and stand on it stably, as well as distinguish what can happen accidentally and naturally from what was forced by the action of some invisible force. Another related example of using a similar invisible force to also throw me on the pavement and injure both my hands as a punishment for publishing post #347E to blogs of totalizm, I described in the caption under Fig. #K2b from my web page named "petone.htm". Another similar case I experienced during my professorship in Kuala Lumpur, where while walking on the sidewalk in the area of the campus where the Japanese were executing locals during the worl war 2, such an invisible force threw me under the wheels of an oncoming truck - fortunately, I managed to quickly roll back to the sidewalk. I know about this systematic throwing of me from ladders and sidewalks, which is why I avoid using a ladder anymore. However, on Tuesday, August 6, 2024, while cutting branches on fruit trees in my apartment's garden, I noticed one branch that needed cutting, but it was already just out of reach from the ground. So I decided to cut it off. Since using a telescopic cutter is difficult and laborious, and the branch was relatively low, I decided to carefully use a stably placed A-shaped ladder with four widely spaced legs. However, when I started cutting the branch, some invisible force threw the ladder backwards. I fell backwards onto the concrete driveway to my apartment, and the ladder fell on me with a flourish - which also contradicts the action of mechanical forces, because my fall should have thrown it away from me by force of reaction. Slowing down the force of the fall with my right hand, I painfully tore the skin on my hand, making it impossible for me to continue working in the garden for the healing period. Since it is common knowledge that people fall from ladders, and humanity has still NOT built the "revealing device" described in our treatise [7b] disseminated for free from "tekst_7b.htm", therefore, even knowing that my fall was NOT an accident, but a harming or assassination attempt, I still have NO currently recognized grounds for accusing our relatives from Orion of secretly causing it. I also understand "why" millions of people on Earth experience similar persecution through alleged "accidents", but they are unable to mobilize their governments controlled by the "powers of evil" or the decision-makers of monopoly of "official atheistic science" to finally take any real defensive actions.
{#G3c} Stopping and burning my electronic clocks. For a long time now, incredible things have been happening in my flat. One of their manifestations is stopping for several hours my clocks, next to which telekinetic propulsion devices of UFOs are placed, and sometimes even burning these clocks. I described this phenomenon of temporary stopping or even complete burning of clocks, in more detail in the caption under Fig. #J3b of the page "petone.htm". After publishing blog #372E it intensified, and the electronic alarm clock that stands closest to my computer for some time looked as if it was completely burned out. (Fortunately, it was only telekinetized, and after its field diminished it started to work again.) Since they know these effects, they probably do such burnings on purpose. Again, however, as a civilisation we do NOT have the technology that would allow documenting the actual culprits of such deterioration and burning.
{#G3d} Temporary blocking of my computer's access to YouTube.com and to my own web pages. For years, UFOnauts have been increasingly restricting the access of interested people to my web pages. In the attack on me described here, UFOnauts completely cut me off from my own web pages for some time. In order to limit and cut me off, they use a whole range of ingenious methods. For example, if I call up my web pages, then either with the system of their programs that they have introduced to my computer, or with the help of the so-called "sabotage loop" which I describe in more detail in blog #359E and in #J3 to #J3a of the web page "faq.htm", to the end of my calling command they add their secret code, e.g.: /?bpli=1 (unfortunately, they often change this code). The presence of this code causes that opening my own web pages from my computer normally occurred without any problems. However, if I try to check my own web pages from a computer other than my own, then this code is NOT added in there, hence these web pages do NOT show up for me, and instead some misleading information about an alleged error is displayed. In the meantime, I have learned from the methods of God's actions that if you want to know your enemies thoroughly, then you can NOT fight them, but you only have to observe them and "turn your other cheek" to them. That is why I previously tolerated, and at the same time noted, everything that I managed to notice that they themselves or their human helpers did on my computer. And they did a lot. For example, if I tried to read about any topic in Google, then my search query was always accompanied by a list of encoded links informing the institutions secretly supported by them and interested in my activities, telling them what I am asking about. As a result, for example, to my query only about the "Cult of Mary", which I asked when writing #G2 above on 2024/8/13, this software observing me added the following list of secret institutions that were tracking my actions:
Tu: Ichnie oczy
(e.g. see http://pajak.org.nz/ichnie/oczy.jpg ). This list was created automatically by software that, against my knowledge and will, was secretly forced onto my computer in addition to the equally unwanted so-called "cookies" - which also serve mainly to keep an eye on users of the global internet monopoly - under the excuse forced upon these users that it is supposedly for their own good. No wonder that under such intense interference from the global internet monopoly about which the Bible warns us under the name 666 described in my blog #353E, immediately after I published my blog #372E UFOnauts were able to completely cut me off even from access to my own web pages. Although later on 2024/8/9 a 2-minute YouTube video appeared on my screen of the author unknown to me, with the address https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17uHTalj5Lc - informing me that "the block has just been removed", and when I checked it, the access to my web pages was actually restored to me. At the same time, I discovered that on the same day an important event for the Internet also has occurred. However, for example, my small mistake in blog #372 from the web page https://totalizm.wordpress.com depending on providing the wrong video code "Ib7qjc1hOtw" in there instead of the video code WdCkFi4XO6w , to this day I have NOT been able to fix it with the standard update procedure that recently still was working there for me. This in turn means that after publishing that blog #372, even there I was also stripped of some rights related to the freedom to express my own opinion, e.g. the right to update my blogs - the reading of which has been monopolized for years by some "chosen ones". So the only thing left for me (and us) to count on is that, as always, in this matter God will also keep his promise from the verse in 4:22 "Mark" and 10:26 "Matthew" in the Bible - I quote: "For nothing is hidden, that will not be brought to light."
{#G3e} A severe case of kidney disease (i.e. the so-called "renal" - see https://www.google.com/search?q=renal ) in my wife Sue's cat "Pedro". UFOnauts parasitizing on humanity also have a nasty habit that is best described by a rather funny-sounding, although tragic in its consequences, Turkish proverb "if you can't beat up your neighbour, beat up his donkey". It so happens that my wife Sue likes having cats, and I can't resist the charm of cat behaviour. Over time, I also become highly attached to each of Sue's cats. The newest Sue's cat named "Pedro" has also won my heart. Unfortunately, our cats die quickly because UFOnauts often attack them too. For example, our first cat in NZ, called "Teesee", very much loved by both of us (me and Sue), was irradiated in the prime of life with a "UFOnauts' cancer-causing machine" and died soon after - as I described it in #B3 and illustrate under Fig. #B1 from the "bandits.htm" web page. Our other cats died similarly quickly - several of which I illustrate on an internet "playlist" called "p_c.htm" with Sue's favourite songs. So in parallel with the vengeful attacks on me described in this #G3, Pedro also became very ill with the so-called "renal". So his days are numbered, which additionally breaks my heart. No wonder that probably because of such multi-front attacks by the forces of evil, people have coined the proverb that "misfortunes come in droves" (in Polish: "nieszczęścia nadchodzą stadami"). After all, one can (and should) defend oneself against the attack of single evil, but defense against the aggression of the entire herd of evils is practically impossible and the only thing that one can and should do is to "turn the other cheek" (e.g. 5:39 "Matthew", 6:29 "Luke").
{#G3f} Of course, there were many more elements of this revenge of the "power of evil" for publishing posts #371 to #372E that all were highly painful to me. However, publishing all of them in this #G3 would unnecessarily extend this already long report. One of these elements of revenge is so strongly affecting my future life that in order to fully describe and document it I would have to write a separate report as long as these #G1 to #G3. And that's a pity because it is highly eye-opening. It shows "how" still unknown to human scientists and not researched by them, highly advanced technical devices secretly harm our civilization, "subtractively" destroying it and being able to harm practically every person, family, and every home and country on Earth. Hence, if God keeps me alive long enough, then I will devote the entirety of a new research similar to this one to reveal this truth unknown to people - thus fulfilling another fragment of the promise from the verse 4:22 of "Mark" and 10:26 of "Matthew" quoted in {#G3d}.
All of the above events are accompanied by circumstances that allow them to be described as "accidents", coincidences, natural events, etc. However, they all share common attributes, for example the cause-effect relationship of the precise time of their occurrence with the days of publishing my subsequent posts to blogs of totalizm, or demonstrating the possession of the same hidden goal, which in the above events turns out to be punishing me for this publishing to scare me and making it difficult or impossible for me to continue it. This in turn allows us to develop a method of detecting their intentional initiation and distinguishing them from actual "accidents", "accidents", "coincidences", etc. As usual, learning the guidelines on "how" and "by means of what" to seek and put together such a method of detection, is best learned from what God's actions suggest to us.
It is worth learning how to make this distinguishing. The reason is that at the time when I was still researching the consequences of the secretive activities of UFOnauts (i.e. researching those aliens who make living from the exploitation of humanity thus who cause the most of evil on Earth), I estimated, for example, that well over 50% of all the deaths of individual people are caused by UFOnauts. So UFOnauts have a lot of human blood on their hands. After all, the evil that humanity already knows that is caused by UFOnauts, includes, for example, the secretive murder of objective UFO researchers - consider, for example, the case of the late Professor John E. Mack (author of the groundbreaking book with evidence for systematic abductions of people to UFOs, entitled "Abduction - human encounters with aliens") - which case I described, among others, in T1 from volume 15 of my monograph [1/5] disseminated for free via the web page "tekst_1_5.htm", as well as in a number of my web pages describing the murdering by UFOnauts of famous researchers, while linked from my Polish web page named "skorowidz.htm". The killing by UFOnauts of a number of, among others, other objective UFO researchers, and also inventors of devices that would be groundbreaking for humanity (e.g. inventors of "clean free energy generators"), as well as people inconvenient for UFOnauts for other reasons, I described in #77 and #78 from item W4 in volume 18 of the above-mentioned monograph [1/5]. Some UFO abductees are also murdered, especially if they are of an age and health condition that allows their organs to be harvested for the above-mentioned transplanting into sick inhabitants of UFO planets - e.g. consider the truth implied in the content of the movie "Fires in the sky" - searched in youtube.com e.g. with command: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=movie+fires+in+the+sky . The same truth is hidden in the videos discussing the abduction by UFO of three lighthouse keepers on the island of Eilean-More in the Scottish Flannan Isles. The evidence that these three were abducted by a UFO includes, for example: (1a) the stubborn elimination (probably silencing) from the reports of this case of all conclusions and research results indicating that this was a classic case of UFO abductions, typical for UFO methods of acting, (2a) the sudden stopping of all the clocks from the lighthouse at exactly the same time of the occurrence of UFO abduction, or, for example, (3a) the unleashing by the UFO of a kind of powerful storm located right by to the island with this lighthouse, but which kind of storm was NOT recorded by weather stations in nearby Scotland itself. After all, the same type of evidence is manifested by the reactions to the results of my research of the UFOnauts secretly ruling over the Earth. For example: (1b) the results of my research are also constantly being silenced, (2b) the clocks at nights chronically stop working in my NZ flat by which new footprints of UFOnauts frequently appear - as described in "Part #K" of the web page "petone.htm", and also (3b) e.g. on my web pages "tornado.htm" and "hurricane.htm" as well as in my blogs #200E, #216E, #152E and #322E is described the ability of UFO starships to control the weather and to start tornadoes and storms. Videos about this permanent disappearance of the staff from that Scottish lighthouse can be searched for e.g. with the keywords: flannan isles lighthouse mystery - see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=flannan+isles+lighthouse+mystery . Of course, by carefully watching the videos with news appearing on present internet, it becomes clear that passengers from entire passenger airliners, entire crews of ocean ships, people visiting alone national parks, hunters and berry pickers in forests, and many other humans whom UFOnauts are able to abduct without any outside witnesses noticing, are also abducted to UFOs most probably for the purpose of organ harvesting, as they never return home. An enormous "harvest of death" is also reaped on Earth by plagues and diseases intentionally but secretly spread by the advanced medicine of UFOnauts. There is also a lot of officially suppressed evidence for this spreading of diseases and plagues. In addition, the show of a "machine for inducing and treating cancer" was also reported to me by an UFO abductee. It probably explains why cancer is reaping a large harvest of death these days. Although there is also evidence that practically every inhabitant of Earth is abducted to UFOs every month to "milk" from him/her of the so-called "moral energy" and sperm or ovule - see Fig. #B4a from the web page "ufo.htm", somehow in spite of having this machine that cures cancer, UFOnauts do NOT use this machine to eliminate such common disease in people today as is cancer. So this in itself is also a kind of proof, after all, being able to and having a monthly opportunity to cure cancer, but NOT curing people, indirectly proves that one has a hidden reason for it. Of course, out of individual killing by UFOnauts, the most significant is crucifixion of Jesus by the UFOnaut Pontius Pilate, explained in blog #366E and in item #D1 from the web page "wtc.htm", However, probably the greatest number of human deaths are caused by the repetitive wars that UFOnauts constantly unleash on Earth with the help of their agents impersonating human rulers, and also through hypnotic and telepathic programming of the nations of humanity to be hostile towards each other (consider the famous principle of UFOnauts: "divide and rule") and to persecute ideologies now practiced by carious nations while previously persecute followers of different religions - all of which UFOnauts also secretly telepathically and hypnotically pre-programmed into nations and their rulers selected for this purpose.
I will not hide here that the need for solitary conduct of my reliable research of the "adding" methods of God Acts, as well as accepting the unpleasant "fruits" of interferences of this research by "powers of evil", is constantly accompanied by a deep sadness and regret. After all, reliable and objective scientific research on such an important topic deciding about the fate of every person, institution, nation, and country on Earth, as the methods and truths characterizing our God, and also as the opposite to them methods characterizing the "powers of evil" secretly harmful to the truth and to this research, should actually be conducted by large institutions and government teams supported by entire nations, and NOT by a "hobbyist" who is strongly fought, blocked and ridiculed by even his fellow humans secretly serving to "powers of evil". Especially since the actual existence of God and these "powers of evil" has already been scientifically proven beyond doubt - it is just that the institutions governing the Earth and the monopoly of "official atheistic science" cleverly hide the truth of this proof from people. Unfortunately, we already know that these institutions and monopolies are secretly ruled by the same beings impersonating people who crucified Jesus. So the only thing they are capable of doing is spreading lies and accusations against God instead of the telling truth. As a result, my motivations result only from this strange internal compulsion or understanding that I should NOT abandon this research and that I should continue to conduct it, in spite of everything, because there really is NO ONE else on Earth who would undertake to conduct it, and therefore if I abandon it, then our civilization will never wake up from the paralyzing stagnation imposed on it by its telepathic, hypnotic and propaganda programming. So I continue this research in spite of the fact that: (a) my goal is to research our God, and NOT to research the "powers of evil", although, unfortunately, in order to stop me conducting this research, these "powers of evil" repeatedly interfere so that somehow it is impossible to separate them from the research on God, that (b) for now already about 40 years the results of this research have been blocked, ridiculed, silenced and hidden, hence they turn out to be my "cry in the wilderness" that does NOT bring any changes in the increasingly tragic situation of the Earth and humanity, that (c) the subject matter of this research causes members of my family and close friends pre-programmed by the "powers of evil" to turn away from me or even leave me, that (d) because of conducting this research I am plagued by increasing misfortunes, damages, problems and dangers - including those which I described above in this item #G3, and that (e) although UFOnauts are descendants of our ancestors, i.e. also "blood of our blood" for the good of whom I sometimes pray, by constantly seeing how overwhelming is the superiority, technology, medicine, advancement, and hostility of these anti-divine and anti-human "powers of evil", it has long been beginning to be apparent that for me personally the consequences of my research on "adding" methods of God, probably because of them, may also turn out to be like the proverbial bull entering the path of a heavy locomotive of a speeding train best expressed by the Polish proverb: walka byka z parowozem - patrz https://www.google.pl/search?q=walka+byka+z+parowozem+powiedzenie .
I personally many times have experienced empirically that every active standing for God and the Bible, including learning the method described here and acquiring the habit of categorizing every event we experience as a general "addition" or "subtraction", and thus learning whether this event comes from an Act of God or from the persecution by the "powers of evil", always brings upon us painful and real revenge and repression from the "powers of evil". On the other hand, however, it gives us an ever greater "certainty" that only following the "way of God" described in the Bible is right and required. In turn due to having such certainty, we find in ourselves increasingly more energy and will to fulfil the role that God has assigned to us and to make everything around us better and fulfilling the general "addition" philosophy described here. Thus, in spite of everything that we see then still happening around us, we are more determined to "take up the cross that God has assigned to us to bear" and to follow the Jesus path that God shows us in the verses of the Bible. This NOT only makes us better people, but also contributes to the improvement of the reality and to the universe around us, and sets an example for our neighbours to follow in their own lives.
So if you are convinced to the described here method for distinguishing "adding" actions recommended to us by God in the Bible, from parasitic "subtracting" actions of "powers of evil", which method is the product of my research concentrated on analyses of the "characteristics" of many "witnesses", and if you understand that truly standing by God and taking God's side will also direct at you the actual (and not just symbolic) although well-hidden revenge and highly painful harm from the "power of evil", plus if your philosophy of life, dear reader, is able to understand and appreciate the importance of practicing mainly "adding" philosophy and actions in human life while avoiding the "subtracting" countless philosophies produced by "powers of evil" that lead to the downfall, exploitation, injustice, and finally to the self-destruction of even entire civilizations, then I would advise you to continue learning more about outcomes of these my research, e.g. by also familiarizing yourself with "part #M" (especially with item #M1") e.g. from my web page named "god.htm".
Copyrights © 2024 by Dr Eng. Jan Pajak
* * *
The above post #373E is an adaptation of the content of #G1 to #G3 from my English web page named "rok_uk.htm" (update of 3 September 2024, or later) and is available, among others, at the following addresses:
Notice that the above web pages are my main publications updated many times later. On the other hand, this post #373E to blogs of totalizm is only a "harbinger" of publishing the presented here results of my research - which later is NOT updated. Therefore, these web pages typically contain texts that are more improved than this post to blogs of totalizm, with the elapse of time they collect more evidence and fewer research mistakes or writing errors, and because of their repeated updating they also contain the latest findings of my continuously carried out research.
At each of the addresses provided above, I also try to make available the most recently updated versions of all my web pages. Therefore, if the reader wishes to learn from "first hand" the truths explained on any of my web pages, then either at the above addresses he/she may start the web page "menu2.htm" that contains green links to names and topics of all web pages that I developed so-far, then in this web page "menu2.htm" can select the link to the web page that he/she wishes to view, and through clicking the "mouse" start that web page. For example, in order to start this "menu2.htm" from the above-indicated address http://pajak.org.nz/aliens.htm , it is enough if in that address the name of the web page "aliens.htm" is replaced with the name of the web page "menu2.htm" - then to the search engine will be entered the new address http://pajak.org.nz/menu2.htm obtained in this way. In a similar manner as starting this "menu2.htm", the reader can also start instantly any of my web pages, the name of which he/she already knows, because e.g. I provided it in the above post or because it appears in the "menu2.htm". For example, in order to run any other web page of mine, the physical name of which I have already given anywhere - e.g. to run a web page named "woda_uk.htm", let's say from a web page with the address http://totalizm.pl/rok_uk.htm , it is enough that instead of the previous web page address, he/she entered the following new address http://totalizm.pl/woda_uk.htm in the address box of a search engine.
It is also worth knowing that almost every NEW topic which I already researched for the "a priori" approach of the new "totaliztic science" and presented on this blog, including the topic from this post #373E (i.e. my own translation to English from the Polish post #373), I intended to publish on all mirror blogs of totalizm which until now remain accessible by me and on which I am still able to publish my posts. Until 2022/10/30, as many as 8 such blogs of totalizm were established and maintained for a short time, out of which only following 3 out of these 8 blogs of totalizm still remain working, accessible, updatable and possible to use for publishing my posts. These 3 blogs of totalizm still accessible for me can be found at the following addresses:
https://totalizm.wordpress.com (in "Small Print" 12pt: posts starting from #89 = i.e. since 2006/11/11)
https://kodig.blogi.pl (in "Large Print" 24pt: posts starting from #293 = since 2018/2/23)
https://drjanpajak.blogspot.com (in "Large Print" 24pt: posts starting from #293 = i.e. since 2018/3/16) also available via NZ address https://drjanpajak.blogspot.co.nz
Fortunately, the impossibility to further publish my posts on 5 of these blogs of totalizm did NOT cause the loss of their posts. This is because after complementing with illustrations, colours, underlining and working links of all my posts that I published so far on blogs of totalizm, including this post, I systematically make them available also in my free electronic publication [13] in a safe PDF format and in normal size 12pt (formerly up to the post #360E in two sizes of print, i.e. also in large size 20pt) - which everyone can download for free, e.g. through the web page named "tekst_13.htm" available on all the web sites indicated above, including, for example, at http://pajak.org.nz/tekst_13.htm . Almost all posts to blogs of totalizm published in Polish are also published in this [13] after my translation of them to the English language, and thus I hope they should be understandable for inhabitants of countries other than Poland.
Other posts extending and supplementing this #373E:
#373E: 2024/9/5 - how I engineeringly distinquish between "adding" Acts of God and "subtracting" harm done by hidden "powers of evil", e.g. when I perceived very painfully the "fruits" of whatever happened and hence I want to remember these teachings in the future by establishing the truth on "who", "how" and "why" so painfully experienced me (#G1 to #G3 of "rok_uk.htm")
#372E: 2024/8/1 - my discovery from 1985 secretly fought against, denied, ridiculed and covered up stating that only from "God Drobinas" and infinity of 4-dimensional [1] "counter-world" God wisely created: the timeless [2] "virtual world", finite 3-dimensional our [3] "world of matter", and the passage of "reversible software time" for people's travel through time (#I1 to #I5 of "parasitism.htm")
#371E: 2024/7/1 - how to defend ourselves against enslavement, rape, robbery and killing by UFOnauts parasitizing on people (#K1 to #K5 of "aliens.htm")
#370E: 2024/6/1 - the role of "moral energy" in methods of ensuring love and durability (or rescue from divorce) marriages threatened by divorce (#I1 and #I2 of "bible.htm")
#369E, 2024/3/15 - let us improve our fate and life by improving our morality to the one commanded by God in the Bible, which softens the behaviour of nature and inanimate objects that always copy the resultant morality of people who live at their mercy (#N1 to #N3 of "newzealand_visit.htm")
#368E, 2024/2/21 - historical examples of a "creator", and then a "destroyer" with the features of the second Genghis Khan, announcing to humanity the coming of pains of completion the Tytler Cycle to return to the era of truth and moral growth (#F1 to #F5 of "pigs.htm")
#367E, 2024/1/21 - seven superior phenomena of the counter-world the existence of which monopoly of the official atheistic science neither recognize nor research to the detriment of humanity (#G1 to #G1a from "artefact.htm")
#366E, 2023/12/24 - "evaporation of the WTC by UFOs" and "what is truth" by UFOnaut Pontius Pilate, contrast method, calculating the probability of truth, examples of truth and untruth (#D1 to #D1a of "wtc.htm")
#365E, 2023/11/20 - hidden invasion of UFOnauts on the institution of marriage, requirements of the defence strategy, symbolism of the baobab flower (#V1 to #V1a of "humanity.htm")
#364E, 2023/10/21 - evidence for a hidden invasion of UFOnauts-giants on Petone in NZ (#K5 to #K5e from "petone.htm")
#363E, 2023/9/21 - "how" people are possessed by material UFOnauts from Orion through synchronising minds by technical telepathy after telekinetic entering to their bodies (#M1 to #M4 of "evil.htm")
#362E, 2023/8/21 - the method of "depriving privileges" for reforming the human justice system, and four-propulsor UFOs hijacking our planes and ships (#I1 to #I6 from "bandits.htm")
#361E, 2023/7/21 - the dissemination of truth in the role of defence against raids by invisible UFOnauts on our flats (#L2 to #L3a of "evil.htm")
#360E, 2023/6/21 - my Magnocraft as a source of keys to knowledge and truth developed on Earth (#D1 to #D1cd from "military_magnocraft.htm")
#359E, 2023/5/21 - secret "sabotage loop" from microprocessors in our PCs (#J3 to #J3a from "faq.htm")
#355E, 2022/12/28 - a trail of telekinetic propulsors from the shoes of a 3-meter-tall UFOnaut telekinetized into the asphalt of a New Zealand sidewalk (#K3 do #K3i of "petone.htm")
#353E, 2022/11/25 - the compatibility of the Internet's attributes with the Bible's warnings on 666, which precisely confirm the Internet's threat to humanity with suffering or complete extinction (#H4 to #H4b of "will.htm")
#347E, 2022/6/10 - footprints of a 3+1 toed UFOnaut of "nightmare/zmora" race and about 80 cm tall, which were melted on a cold autumn night in the hard asphalt of the NZ sidewalk near my apartment (#K1 of "petone.htm")
#326E, 2020/9/17 - the existence of negative (subtracting/taking) female and positive (adding/giving) male versions of the "God Drobinas" means "drobinas of counter-matter" described in the Kabbalah book of Zohar and confirmed by all other categories of evidence, while used by God as the model for creating man and woman (#K2 of "god_exists.htm")
#325E, 2020/8/17 - why individual "drobinas of counter-matter" described in Kabbalah from the book Zohar confirm the truth of the Bible verse, that God created man and woman in His image and likeness, and confirm the benefits that humanity will derive from learning the structure and operation of these "God Drobinas" (#K1 of "god_exists.htm")
#316E, 2019/12/7 - information encoded in Bible verses and irrefutably confirmed by empirical evidence that after creating the human race, God repeatedly improved it (#A1 of "evolution.htm")
#306E, 2019/2/3 - could it be that a multitude of living "Stars of David", i.e. six-armed starfish, are warning against environmental poisoning, which could cause mutations in people into fingerlessess or armlessness or multi-fingered or multi-armed foetuses? (#B1.1 of "woda_uk.htm")
#296E, 2018/5/7 - an intelligent "burning bush" of seaweed emitting a "will-o'-the-wisp", which fascinated me with its "dance" and telepathy on a sunny day in 2018/4/25 (#J3 of "petone.htm")
#284 (only in Polish), 2017/6/1 - short videos from Kelantan, Malaysia, 2016, illustrating four-propulsor UFOs built uniquely to hijack human passenger airliners (#A6.2 of "portfolio_pl.htm")
#181E, 2010/5/2 - medieval idol of Madonna of Malbork's "Teutonic Knights" which do NOT like Polish people and troubles them with supernatural illnesses (#F5 of "malbork_uk.htm")
#143 (only in Polish), 2008/1/12 - beware of waking up the "serpent" - so instead of restoring the old prophetic idol of Madonna, it is wiser to symbolize the fate of the lands once supervised by this idol, with the scene of a statue newly designed for Polish rules (#C5 of "malbork.htm")
Let totalizm prevail,
Dr Eng. Jan Pająk