#376_1E: This is the ideal "adding" government, without flaws and evil, postulated by the Philosophy of Everything called "Totalizm2020" (part 1)
The Polish version of this post #376E is published below as Polish post #376!
(Polskojęzyczna wersja niniejszego wpisu #376E jest opublikowana poniżej jako polski wpis #376!)
Summary of items #C1 to #C5 from this post #376E for blogs of totalizm and also items #C1 to #C5 from the web page named "totalizm2020_uk.htm" that adapted this post #376E. Did you know that my "Totalizm2020" = "Philosophy of Everything from 2020" has developed an engineering idea of "how" governing a country should be improved, organized and act so that its "adding" action eliminates all the shortcomings of previous kinds of governments. (Note the spelling through "z" of my "totalizm2020" as it is the philosophy opposite to that "totalism" spelled through "s" while meaning the "totalitarianism" that is misspelled by lazy reiterating writers.) Hence, the future implementation of the proposal of such governance described here would completely eliminate from the Earth: corruption, cronyism, injustice, lying, failure to keep pre-election promises, members of the government elevating themselves above the law, avoidance of fulfilling citizens' demands, maintaining numerous secrets in all matters (e.g. UFOs, Havana Syndrome) the truth about which the nation has the right and obligation to learn, diseases of humanity - about which it is already beginning to be known that most of them result from "subtractive" thinking of their victims, etc., etc. After all, it is NOT difficult to notice that the previous forms of "subtractive" governance do NOT work in practice and have already led humanity to economic collapse and are further leading our civilization straight to self-destruction. In turn, the traditions of today's "subtractive" governing institutions could be described as types of universities that train their long-standing ruling adepts in the skills of legally motivated corruption, cronyism, lying, failure to fulfil promises, lack of loyalty, elevating oneself above the law, distorted thinking, etc., and in turn, by their examples, teach the entire governed nation skills that are best described in a 12-minute English-language video titled "15 Ways to Maximize Misery" and the address: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8mTYTQLF2o . The "tools" used by the philosophy of Totalizm2020 that I created have long ago identified the reasons for such a situation. The most important of these reasons is that in the entire history of humanity so far each of the human governments was a kind of "monopoly" showing all the disadvantages of monopolies, while because of being a government its monopolistic nature cannot be removed without first carrying out e.g. the reform described here, or losing a war, or even breaking out a revolution destructive for all. In these my general discussions of the idea of "adding totaliztic governments" described here, suggested to us by the "adding" Philosophy of Everything called "Totalizm2020", I will therefore explain "how" to get rid of this monopoly on governing through peaceful reform of the principles of governing that will cause to grow "adding fruits", and in this way "how" to replace the monopoly of the government with a competition that heals it, and I will also indicate how to eliminate the more harmful of other disadvantages of the current governance. Of course, I will later extend this general introduction in more and more detail in the items of web page "totalizm2020_uk.htm" that I will continue to write, and then also in my other publications - if God allows me to do so. I invite the reader to look at the explanations below. After all, they document one of the canons of "adding" philosophies resulting from the research presented in my previous blog #375E and stating that "absolutely everything can and should be improved", while one of the duties of people is the constant implementation of improvements - about which necessity of improving also the principles of governance has been completely forgotten by the "subtracting" philosophies of governance practiced by governments so far.
#C1, blog #376E. Why "adding" is the most important action of the universe, hence in order to truly understand God and His plans to develop our "world of matter" devoid of "subtractive" evil and to teach human decision-makers the principles of benefiting from completely getting rid of evil, we must start by learning the advantages and characteristics of "adding":
Motto: 'To be able to understand God's actions, one must understand the advantages of "adding". To understand the advantages of adding, one must understand the principles of operation of today's programmable computers with correctable memories (e.g. electronic ones). To understand the operation of today's computers, one must be able to translate the processes and effects of the mutual cooperation of mechanical parts of machines into the language of mathematics. In order to understand all of the above, evolutionists would try to convince us that one must be exceptionally lucky, so that with a probability of "one in trillions" by pure chance one would go through a life path in which one would learn all of this, while believers in God would convince us about accomplishing the same, because we are guided and inspired by God to learn all that is required.' (Explanation of this motto: Since the above logical deduction and the following considerations can also constitute a type of "proof by logical deduction for the existence of God", I leave it to the reader to draw their own conclusions from them. After all, in order to believe in anything strongly enough to take decisive action based on this belief, it is first necessary to convince oneself. Meanwhile, convincing oneself to believe in God has the potential to decide about a person's entire future, so one must earn it with own effort.)
I don't know if the reader realizes that all actions represented by an abstract "addition" are the most important operations in the entire universe. Without them, neither the existence nor the continuation of life would be possible at all. After all, examples of adding are: someone's birth, sowing and harvesting by farmers, weather conveniently mild for sustaining life, peace in the world, laborious adding by engineers and builders increasingly better machines or buildings for the use of people, laborious process of adding in microprocessors of computers, etc. All this I explain and remind to interested readers starting from items #G1 to #G3 from my web page "rok_uk.htm" and from the blog of totalizm #373E (addresses of blogs of totalizm are provided e.g. in #Z5 of the web page "totalizm2020_uk.htm"), through items #M1 to #M3 of the web page "god.htm" and post #374E to blogs of totalizm, as well as in #A1 to #A2 of the web page "totalizm2020_uk.htm" and in my blog #375E. Meanwhile, the opposite of "addition" is the operation of "subtraction", usually taught abstractly and in isolation from its impact on real life in arithmetic lessons, while it has completely opposite effects. That is why examples of "subtraction" are: someone's death, bad weather that destroys farmers' crops and harvests, war, breaking down machines or collapsing houses, leaving an error in computer software or secretly embedded into it a so-called "sabotage loop" hidden inside of computer microprocessors - see blog #359E, etc. As it turns out, in order to understand, for example, the existence and actions of God, one must also be aware of the above advantages of addition over the consequences of its opposite, i.e. subtraction, which turns out to be highly harmful in most of life situations. Only understanding all of this allows us to fully understand and appreciate "what", "how" and "why" God makes of what He does and in the way He does it.
In order to fully understand the advantages and industriousness of "adding", it is necessary to understand how computers work. In my personal case, it somehow happened that even as a young student I was fascinated by computers to the extent that, despite studying mechanical engineering, I did my master's thesis and then my doctoral thesis on the applications of computers in engineering. This resulted in the fact that after my doctorate, the first and then the only computer factory in Poland, the so-called "Elwro" in Wrocław (see https://www.google.pl/search?q=Elwro+we+Wroc%C5%82awiu ), hired me as its scientific advisor - in addition to simultaneously continuing my work as an "adiunkt" (i.e. a Polish equivalent to a "reader" at English universities) and scientist and conducting my research at the ITBM of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology (see #G2 from the web page "wroclaw_uk.htm" or blog #340E). Studying with great enthusiasm and adapting the operation of the then still primitive computers for the use of Polish industry, I discovered with great shock what is probably now overlooked in the teaching of computerization, namely that everything they can do is the result of their most elementary ability to "add". After all, in order for example to multiply, computers add the same number many times. In order to subtract, they add a negative number to a positive number. To perform logical operations, e.g. to compare whether something is equal, they subtract each from the other (i.e. add a negative number) and then check whether the result is: a zero, a positive number or a negative number. In order for example to operate on texts, e.g. to be able to read, computers have assigned a number to each letter representing a code of this letter, and then compare these codes to recognise a letter that is also a number for them. Then, the ability to process numbers allows them to read human texts, starting with "words" of so-called "programming languages" - that is, "thought structures" instructing "how", while created as a result of human thinking and written in a way that computers are able to read. In these languages, people instruct them "how" to operate, using for this purpose "how" procedures similar to those developed by engineers for the construction of machines. To process colour images or photos, they assign a number to each colour and to each mini-dot (pixel) forming the image, then send this mini-dot to the required coordinates of the image, also expressed in numbers. By being able to perform logical operations and process images, one can give them so-called "artificial intelligence" (i.e. "AI" from "Artificial Intelligence"). In turn, when they already have this "AI", and people neglect the required caution and security, the devil can, for example, make his self-awareness available to computers and incite them to "subtractive" actions against humans. Etc., etc.
The creation of the first electronic computers (or more precisely "electric" computers) was the greatest breakthrough in the history of humanity. Previously, people had only been able to build mechanical calculating machines. However, despite their mechanisms simulating the course of arithmetic operations, the immutability of their mechanisms built into them did NOT allow for changes to the program of their operation. Hence, mechanical calculating machines would never be able to do what today's easily programmable computers do. An interesting fact about this breakthrough that led to the construction of computers was that it was caused (i.e. inspired) by the German coding machine called "Enigma" (see https://www.google.com/search?q=enigma+nazis ), and the need to decipher its codes. And so it happened that Polish strategists before World War II were aware of the danger that the existence of the German "Enigma" and its ability to encrypt war orders caused to the Polish army. So a special group was created in the Polish army to decipher the Enigma, and this task was entrusted to Colonel Gwido Langer (see https://www.google.pl/search?q=Gwido+Langer+Enigma ) and a three-person team of mathematicians consisting of Marian Rejewski, Jerzy Różycki i Henryk Zygalski (see https://www.google.pl/search?q=Gwido+Langer%2C+Marian+Rejewski%2C+Jerzy+R%C3%B3%C5%BCycki%2C+Henryk+Zygalski ) - as I described in item#I4 of my web page "mozajski_uk.htm". This team understood that in order to decipher the Enigma codes, some kind of machine was needed that could quickly process entire sequences of numerical data. Unfortunately, the mechanical calculators that already existed at that time were NOT suitable for this task - although by some historians thinking in terms of the dictionary "what" and therefore NOT understanding the differences between mechanical calculators with unchanging mechanisms of their operation, and programmable computers, were proudly, although incorrectly, called "the first computers". So this team came up with the idea of building an electrically controlled calculating machine that would create the possibility of programming its operations. In this way, they built the first in the world programmable calculating machine on electricity (now called a "computer"), capable of performing the "addition" tasks described above - in their military implementation in order to decipher Enigma codes. Unfortunately, shortly after that, the Second World War began, the beginning of which was the German attack on Poland. The army of Poland, recently reborn after the partitions of that country, even having the best Arabian horses in the world (see https://www.polisharabianhorsedays.com/ ) still completely lost this war in their confrontation with German tanks. In order to save the first electric calculating machine from falling into the hands of the German army, and to help the English allies learn how to decipher the Enigma, the Poles gave to the English their first calculating machine and their knowledge "how" to decipher the Enigma for free and without causing any publicity. The English and their allies, the Americans, improved this knowledge and called "computers" the electric calculating machines they built later. With the help of these computers, they also won World War II. Then they took sole credit for deciphering the Enigma and building programmable computers - e.g. see the 2014 film entitled "The Imitation Game" (searched for by https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=movie+the+imitation+game ). Currently, it is almost nowhere to be found that in order to build a completely new human device, first a genius inventor is needed, who thinks procedurally "how" like an engineer and thus is able to invent it, and only then other, already ordinary builders can gradually improve it with their labour. It is also difficult to find any information about the contribution of those Polish nationals precisely in the creation of the invention of a programmable electrical machine currently called a "computer". Such habits are therefore still irresponsibly repeated by nations used to "subtracting" behaviours - until, with the passage of time, they cause God to decide to intervene to teach us the universal respect for every our neighbour.
In other words, the above reveals that for computers "adding" has become a fundamental skill, from which all their further skills have grown. As it turns out, a similar fundamental skill has become the "movement" for so-called "God Drobinas" also susceptible to addition, which is the fundamental skill of the "building material" that already existed in the original "counter-word" since infinity and thus that God used to create the entire our "world of matter". Thanks to the wise creation of numerous other skills from this "movement" God succeeded in creating our "world of matter" with attributes opposite to attributes of the original "counter-world" and added it as the third of the worlds to the two worlds that already existed since eternity. (Notice that such "creation" of our world is also a process of "adding".) Namely, in the first and original so-called "counter-world" God already had perfect "building material" in the form of the so-called "God Drobinas" which I described in items #K1 and #K2 of my web page named "god_exists.htm" and in posts #325E and #326E to blogs of totalizm. Unfortunately, these male "adding" and female "subtracting" intelligent and thinking beings, which I named "God Drobinas", and over whose behaviour God had full control, out of their physical abilities could only fly around the "counter-world" at infinite speeds in a manner that ancient religions call "chaos". So to create all the phenomena of our "world of matter", God could only use their physical ability to fly - similarly to how in order to build computers, people could only use the ability of electric calculating machines to perform "addition". So God began His "creation" of our "world of matter" by "adding" together many "God Drobinas" to form from them one large cloud of beings behaving identically. Then He ordered the God Drobinas from this cloud to fly in an "additive" way around a closed circuit, forming from them what, for example, in the blog #330E indicated below, I call a "whirl" (other people may call it e.g. "vortex"). This is how God created the first elementary "particles of inertial matter". The fact that previously infinite "chaotic" flights of the depraved inertia "God Drobinas" mainly in the "forward" direction, have been limited of just to flying mainly along closed paths only in one limited area of infinitively large "counter-world", changed also into opposite their previous attribute of freedom of movement into the attribute by science called "inertia" - which make entire our "world of matter" drastically opposite from the "self-mobility" (i.e. the reversal of "inertia") of the "counter-world" (see subsection I2 from volume 5 of my monograph [1/5] distributed for free from the web page "text_1_5.htm"). Then God "added" these inertial particles together, creating "atoms". "Adding atoms" created further and larger groupings of matter - including suns and planets, as well as living beings and man. I provided more details on this subject in item #I2 of my autobiographical web page named "pajak_jan_uk.htm" and in my blog #330E adopted from that #I2. In turn what the collision-free flights of such invisible to us clouds of "God Drobinas" would look like if we could observe them with our own eyes, can be illustrated to the reader by videos showing e.g. flights of "swarms of starlings" that the reader can search for e.g. with the command https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=starling+murmurations . I show examples of them e.g. in Video #H3a from the web page named "2020life.htm", and I discuss them in [B1] from item #I4 of blog #345E. The best way to capture the collision-free nature of their flights is in the videos of these flocks of starlings flying in different directions and filmed in extreme close-up. You can see the density of individual birds flying in different directions and still NOT colliding with each other - for example, see the approximately two-minute video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sncc2N6TeZ0 . This is because life indicates that in order to constantly teach people and inspire them to find the truth, God implements the wise principle of surrounding us in our visible (3) "world of matter" with phenomena specially created to guide us to learning the truth about phenomena invisible to us from the other two worlds of our universe, i.e. from (1) the "counter-world" and (2) the "virtual world". Hence, for example, the features of those invisible to people "whirls" of eternally mobile "God Drobinas" that exist in the "counter-world" are illustrated to us by God with the features of "swarms of birds" that fly hypnotizingly beautifully for us without collisions across the Earth's sky and that are currently being captured on numerous videos. These flocks of birds are formed NOT only by starlings, but also by several other species of birds indicated in the caption under the abovementioned Video #H3a . Hence, people living on practically any continent can be inspired by seeing them with their own eyes. The most important reason for showing them to people by God probably are the "collision-free flights" of more than one such flock of birds that penetrates in its flights and manoeuvres another similarly fast flock flying in a different direction. Such collision-free, mutually penetrating fast flights of flocks of birds precisely controlled by their intelligent "souls" provide an answer to people about important question that employees of the monopoly of "official atheistic science" befuddled by today's blinding "materialistic reductionism" can ponder over for millennia and still NOT find an answer based solely on the supposedly "stupid" matter. This is because the answer to correctly asked important question indicates also "why", for example, the matter of infinitively fast starships, e.g. UFOs, or of my invention called Magnocrafts of the second or third generation described on the web page named "magnocraft.htm", which are also formed from "God Drobinas", will be able to penetrate without collisions or damage through any objects made of matter, such as trees, planets, stars, or even "black holes" encountered on their path during an instant interstellar or intergalactic flight with infinite speed. After all, flying telekinetically through the counter-world with infinite speed - as I described it in (V) from item #J4.3 of the web page "propulsion.htm" and blog #315E, these UFOs or Magnocrafts are unable to change their course and avoid these objects, but must fly right through them.
The problem with us humans, however, is that the innate features of our bodies are of a "subtractive" nature. Subtraction in turn leads people to lies, wars, robberies, exploitation, injustice, etc., and ultimately to self-destruction. So in order to teach people to avoid such a fate, God developed principles of how people should act in order to NOT cause "subtraction". He described these principles in verses of the Bible. However, many people, especially politicians and the rich, do NOT want to voluntarily learn these principles - thus they give a "subtractive" example to the rest of humanity. Therefore, in order to convince that "adding" is more beneficial than "subtracting", God is forced to allow more and more people to treat their neighbours with the "fruits" of subtraction. In order to protect from these "fruits" of subtraction those of people who have chosen to learn the principles of "adding" behaviour both from the Bible and by studying the fates of people who acted differently than them because practicing "subtraction", it is worth that we all, with a joint effort, begin to develop the principles of "adding" governance and forming "adding" governments. I describe my mental "invention" indicating the structure and operation of the idea of the first proposal of these principles of governance and their advantages in the following items #C2 to #C5 of this blog #376E and the web page "totalizm2020_uk.htm".
#C2, blog #376E. "How" the future "adding" totaliztic governments and totaliztic governance postulated by the "Way of God" from verses 7:13-14 in the "Gospel of St. Matthew" of the Bible and by my Totalizm2020, will differ from the current "subtracting governments" and governance still practiced in both today's capitalist democracies and current communist systems:
Motto: "The Bible emphasizes in several places that God sends rulers to Earth so that they (in adding way) serve individual people and entire nations, and NOT so that the nations serve them." (Explanations of this motto: e.g. in the verses Matthew 20:28, Mark 10:45, John 13:1-17 from the Bible the following "adding" command is wisely encrypted - I quote from Matthew 20:28: "just as the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many". It is in accordance with these verses that, for example, the current King of England HM Charles III, i.e. the king whose subject I am also as a NZ citizen, during his coronation on Saturday, May 6, 2023, in Westminster Abbey repeated after the Bible that he is to serve and NOT to be served. This sacred principle, namely that people with power, wealth, talent, wisdom, knowledge etc., received from God what they have in order to be able to serve their neighbours, results very clearly from the information that I quoted in items #A1 and #A2 of the web page named "totalizm2020_uk.htm" and post number #375E to blogs of totalizm. Unfortunately, because most people are NOT aware that on Earth and in the universe everything appears in two versions, namely "adding" and "subtracting", it so happens that more and more people who have lost faith in God, instead of practicing "adding" behaviours that lead both themselves and their neighbours to truth, happiness, self-fulfilment, prosperity, respect, peace, etc., prefer to succumb to the temptations of "subtracting" behaviours that lead to lies, suffering, addictions, poverty, exclusion, injustice, war, etc., and finally to self-destruction.)
Those readers who have already analysed some of my publications describing one of the two versions of totalizm, i.e. either the older version Totalizm1985 or the newer version Totalizm2020, probably already know that there are two drastically opposite versions of life philosophies. Namely, there are "adding" philosophies, and also "subtracting" philosophies that are opposed to these adding ones. I have been describing their examples under the names "totalizm" and "parasitism" since 1985 on the web pages "totalizm.htm" and "parasitism.htm". Adding philosophies are only those ones that impose on the actions and motivations, feelings, thoughts and statements of people practicing them a set of equally rigorous requirements that give rise to "adding fruits", as rigorous are the requirements imposed by engineers on the machines they build - e.g.: inform and speak only proven truth; never lie; love God, your neighbours and nature; etc., etc. (see blog #375E). Unfortunately, on Earth, only the philosophy most widely described in the Bible, where it was inspired by the omniscient God himself, is truly and exclusively the "adding" one. Furthermore, there is also only one "adding" philosophy on Earth created by man so far - i.e. the philosophy of totalizm from 1985 (and its newer version Totalizm2020) described here.
On the other hand, "subtractive" philosophies, for the reasons I described in #A1 and #A2 of the web page "totalizm2020_uk.htm" and blog #375E, are all other philosophies currently known and taught at universities and schools. These either do NOT impose any requirements on the actions or motivations, feelings, thoughts and statements of people practicing them, or if they postulate any requirements for these actions and thinking, then they do NOT order their rigorous compliance, while the existence, role, significance and consequences of many requirements are simply overlooked by them. Hence, practicing these "subtractive" philosophies causes following a path that, after descriptions in the Bible, can be called the "path of Satan" and his devils. Today, for these physical like us beings and at the same time descendants of our ancestors from the planets of Orion that are immeasurably more advanced technically than we are, instead of the name "devils" we use the name "UFOnauts". But just as they did before, in order to effectively cause constant confusion among people to be able to secretly exploit us forever, they use their agents on Earth and are already changing their name to yet another, e.g. "uap" instead of UFO. It is they who have been forcing these numerous "subtractive" philosophies and religions on humanity for practically thousands of years - see my blogs from #359E to #371E. This forcing comes rather easily to them because of the identity of their appearance to humans and the resulting possibility of impersonating human decision-makers. The "tools" and features of any "subtractive" philosophy, including the philosophy of UFOnauts, are also described both in the Bible (but without using the name "tools" there) and in the above-mentioned blog #375E. However, we should remember that the principle that is in force in the entire universe that everything has its equivalent opposite, means, among other things, that in order to balance the goodness of God, the so-called "the powers of evil" certainly have both knowledge and executive powers almost equal to those we know from the Bible that characterize God - only that they are opposite to the goodness and adding nature of God's power. Humanity has already learned a lot of evidence that confirms this fact, and I will describe examples of it on the web page "totalizm2020_uk.htm". Here I will only indicate the most shocking example of it, which is a tiny parasite capable of controlling the minds of those who already have it, and about which it is estimated that about one third of humanity has already been infected with it from their cats. A description of the shocking evil that this parasite can inflict on its victims can be searched on YouTube e.g. with the command https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=mice+mind+control+parasite+cat - e.g. see about 2 minutes long English-language video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=602DonnFGyQ .
Having already such a wonderful "advisor" as the philosophy of totalizm described above, we can now work out "how" the "adding" human governments and governance should be formed and operate based on advice of that totalizm. So let us familiarize ourselves below with my "invention" of a proposal for such governments, which I personally developed using the engineering procedure "how".
#C3, blog #376E. An example of an engineering procedure "how" which allows that in "adding" totaliztic governance each participant of a given nation is to take an active part in making the decisions about "what" and "how" of their governments, while their governments would be to serve their nations instead of nations serving them:
Motto: "People are able to implement into real life those thought structures only (i.e. those political systems, ideologies, religions, scientific theories, programs, patents, inventions, etc.), the engineering procedures "how" someone has already thought up (invented), worked out and described - however, the life successes of these structures will still depend on how close to "adding" way their future users implement them and how correctly and also "adding" they will further improve them later." (Explanation of this motto: as the author (inventor) of new ideas, I can only postulate them, describe them in an engineering way using "how" procedures, and try to convince people to use them. However, I have neither the authority nor the power to personally implement them in life. So now it's time for other people to "additively implement" them in accordance with the truth - for their own good and happy future, and for the approval of the Supreme Judge, i.e. God and their life governed by God.)
If humanity survives the threat of the currently approaching possibility of its self-destruction or physical invasion by material "powers of evil" (i.e. by UFOnauts or AI Robots), then the governance over nations should be drastically reformed from the current "subtractive" one leading to self-destruction, to the future "additive" one leading to universal growth, prosperity, happiness, peace, etc.
In this item #C3 I present a proposal of "government and governing" for the "adding" future of people, developed by myself, the engineering procedure "how" of which proposal is consistent with the "adding" requirements of the philosophy of "Totalizm2020". So if such a "government of the future" is correctly implemented on Earth as soon as possible, then I hope, by drawing on the "collective wisdom of the entire nation", it would be able to effectively prevent the current threat of humanity with self-destruction or aggression of material "powers of evil". I also believe that this same "collective wisdom" would lead nations towards a better future filled with truth, happiness, wealth, knowledge, and spiritual, moral, physical and personal growth of all inhabitants.
During the development of the mental structure for this engineering procedure of "how" to governments and governing of the future, I tried to design it so that, among other things, it would fulfil the following goals:
(1) to implement in daily life God's requirement that government should serve the nation, NOT be served by its people;
(2) to retain all the advantages of democracy while eliminating its disadvantages;
(3) to eliminate the risk of the so-called "Tytler Cycle" (see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Tytler+Cycle ) causing the repetition of the fall of subsequent democracies - thus introducing steady and continuous progress while ensuring the non-depletion of the resources of nature and our planet;
(4) to eliminate the dangers of invasion by parasitically "subtractive" outsiders hidden behind the veil of higher than human advanced technology, or "AI robots" built by "subtraction" motivated humans;
(5) to introduce the necessary minimum of control and mutual checks in government activities, which would also allow for the complete elimination of the threat that any of the leaders would attempt to transform a given nation into a tyranny subject to his despotic power, and at the same time effectively prevented "subtractive" phenomena such as lying to the nation, concealing the truth, bureaucracy, cronyism, corruption, intellectual stagnation, etc.;
(6) to unleash the potential of all citizens to rapidly increase truth, justice, and godliness in their conduct, furthermore to advance their spiritual, moral, scientific, technical, and motivational development, and to quickly and painlessly reform and improve virtually everything in the life of the nation;
(7) to cause "added" effects and human good by using properly secured advantages of the latest technological achievements (including low labour intensity and convenience of carefully developed, safe, open to verification by every citizen and therefore NOT breaking people's trust "internet voting").
However, in order to implement such a drastic and demanding reform of government and governance, it will be necessary to undertake equally drastic measures and changes. Their description is expressed in the following principles of governance:
(This entire post #376E would NOT fit into the memory of this blog - hence the next part of it will be continued below as post #376_2E)