#267_1E: Seven superior phenomena of the counter-world that our failure to recognize is harmful to humanity because of their superiority to our world of matter (part 1)
Summary: If one uses the "method of contrasts" described in #D1 from blog #366E and from the web page "wtc.htm", then one will discover that long ago before the Biblical flood, there was already an advanced culture and a human-like civilization on Earth covering the entire planet. This culture and civilization was the first which, thanks to the inspiration and generosity of God, perfectly mastered the superior phenomena of the counter-world and left on Earth evidence of use of advanced technologies. Unfortunately, members and rulers of this culture ignored God's orders, as it started to use these phenomena for actions inconsistent with God's intentions - e.g. to secretly occupy, exploit and destroy the population of the planet Earth. This is why, according to the Bible, being then the first, by God's judgment this ancient culture and civilization became (or will become) the last, while those who were last because of its persecution, will become the first. This item #G1 reviews the primary phenomena of the counter-world already known by the author, as well as examples of evidence of their use on Earth. Disclosing them here to interested people should serve NOT only as an inspiration to search, verify, improve and morally correct dissemination of truth and knowledge, and also to learn the pedantic fulfilment of God's commandments, but also as a warning that doing anything that goes against the 10 commandments of God will never end well for those who break these commandments.
#G1. In order to forge a better future for people and the universe, let us learn and promote the most important of the superior phenomena of the counter-world and the evidence for their existence, which have so far been ignored by the monopoly of the "official atheistic science":
Motto: "Regardless of what the monopoly of the 'official atheistic science' managed by the 'powers of evil' will tell us, the 'universe' will still consist of three worlds, i.e. (1) the '<u>counter-world</u>' fully populated by 'God Drobinas' - originally existing from eternity and having unlimited size, (2) the 'virtual world' - contained in the memories of 'God Drobinas' continually moving along the spaces of entire counter-world, and (3) our 'world of matter' which God created from the 'God Drobinas' through appropriate programming of their previously chaotic movements." (The above absolute truths confirmed by the Bible, after "contrasting" them with intentionally false speculations disseminated by the monopoly of the "official atheistic science", reveal how cleverly and deceptively the "absolute truths" defined in blog #366E and in #D1 to #D1a of the web page named "wtc.htm" are distorted and hidden by these secretly occupying, exploiting and persecuting us human relatives from UFOs with almost identical appearance to inhabitants of people from Earth.)
Both, this web page named "artefact.htm" about replicas of the so-called "Zhang Heng Seismograph", as well as the related web page named "seismograph.htm", revealed to us that "telepathy" is only one among many of these superior phenomena of the counter-world. An open and detailed description of these phenomena probably was omitted deliberately from the Bible in order to teach people to independently develop the truth and knowledge they need, and to protect the Bible from being declared a "forbidden book". Nevertheless, the Bible contains wisely and far-sightedly encoded in its verses confirmations that these superior phenomena of the counter-world actually do exist. In this item #G1 I will briefly discuss the seven in my opinion the most important among these superior phenomena, and I will indicate where the reader can deepen his/her knowledge about them. After all, many of these phenomena the author of this post #367E to blogs of totalizm has been describing in his publications since 1985. But these morally fallen creatures (UFOnauts) from the planets of Orion, as well as their human helpers who consciously chose to help the "powers of evil" and thus deserve to experience God's wrath and punishment for spreading evil, they unite their efforts to disgust and block the reading of publications revealing the truth as much as they can. So let's get to know the list and description of seven among these superior phenomena, which are the most important for us. To facilitate their identification, I numbered them from (1#G1) to (7#G1) - notice that the order in which they are described here is different from the order in which I discovered them and explained them historically in my publications. So here are these 7 most important phenomena of the counter-world:
(1#G1) Self-programmable male and female "God Drobinas", which in present times enable human minds, accustomed to considering everything to be identical to objects of our "world of matter" that is the only world known to us, to embrace and to understand the three-world universe. After all, the problem with our understanding of the reality that surrounds us is that NOT only our "official atheistic science", but also all religions, considered everything as a kind of copy with characteristics similar to what exists in the "world of matter" in which we live. This is why the monopoly of the official atheistic science to this day wrongly claims that the entire universe consists of only one "world of matter". This is also why, for example, Christianity, the Bible of which teaches about the existence of the Holy Spirit, God the Father and the Son of God, compares all these three God’s components to phenomena, substances and people from one (our) world of matter. (The religion of Hinduism does the same with its Holy Trinity.) However, in reality each component of the Universe, which is also component of God, has different structure, principles of operation, and laws that govern over its behaviours. Meanwhile, my discovery of the existence and description of the structure and operation of God Drobinas creates in our minds a kind of "key" or "bridge" providing us with the understanding of the three-world universe as similar in structure and operation to today's computers. As we know, to fulfil their roles, computers need as many as three main components with unique and mutually different principles of operation, i.e. they need: programs, processors, and peripherals. At the same time, in order for the universe to work in the way that we humans see, it must also have: algorithms of the laws of nature, a substance such as God Drobinas with the help of which these laws of nature are implemented, and our "world of matter" in which the goals of the intelligent universe are implemented. In the universe, all this is achieved due to its formation from three different worlds, each of which operates on completely different principles. And all these three different worlds are formed from the unique structure and operation of living and thinking God Drobinas.
Each one of the "God Drobinas" has as many as 12 brains and as many as 12 memories similar to those in human bodies or in today's computers, arranged in threes in each from their four heads. (It is from the knowledge of their four heads that ancient beliefs in gods with four faces or four heads originate, e.g. these from the Slavic god "Światowid" or in some gods from ancient India.) I gave the name "God Drobinas" in June 2020 to these elementary components of the so-called "counter-matter" which populate the entire most ancient out of the three worlds of the universe, called the "counter-world". I insist we have given this full of love name because the Polish word "Drobina" in folklore and in everyday Polish language means "something living and very small that is extremely loved". Thus the Polish name Drobina is much more appropriate than the scientific word "particle" to describe the primary "cell" of God’s Body and the most important elementary component of the Universe. The discovery of "God Drobinas" also gave me the inspiration to create another, oriented towards revealing the engineering "how", the new "Theory of Life from 2020" - described on my web page "2020life.htm". I gave to the God Drobinas this very special name (which they uniquely deserve) immediately after my discovery that these "drobinas" of counter-matter (which science would probably call "particles"), the existence and roles of which I had laboriously and thoroughly researched many years earlier, are eternally mobile small humanoids with the appearance of miniature men and women that live in the counter-world and are described in detail for us in the book of Kabbalah. The counter-matter, the elementary components of which are these self-programming "God Drobinas", is a substance which for an infinite period of time prevails in the original universe that currently consists of three separate worlds, i.e. that consists of (1) the counter-material so-called "counter-world" having four linear dimensions each of them with infinite length in both its directions, (2) the "virtual world" contained in these 12 memories of all "God Drobinas" (it is in the memory of this "virtual world" that all programs are located that control the operation of the universe currently managed by God's intelligence, including God's master program (i.e. Christian "Holy Spirit") and the programs of human souls and souls of other living beings), and (3) our "world of matter" having only three linear dimensions (i.e. dimensions X, Y and Z). This our "world of matter" originally did NOT exist. Only God created it programmatically by appropriately programming the almost continuous movements of these "God Drobinas". He actually created our "world of matter" especially in order to place us humans in it, whom He also created as self-programming beings that in appearance, function and action, are an image and likeness reproduction of these male adding and female subtracting "God Drobinas". I have known since 1985 about the existence of these elementary components of counter-matter, which only in June 2020 I named "God Drobinas". I.e. I know about their existence from the moment I formulated my "Concept of Dipolar Gravity of 1985" described on the web page named "dipolar_gravity.htm", which soon afterwards I also named the "Theory of Everything of 1985" described on the web page "1985_theory_of_everything.htm". It was thanks to my prior knowledge about these elementary "Drobinas" (or particles) of counter-matter, that when in June 2020 I accidentally came across a distorted interpretation of descriptions from the book of Kabbalah that probably on purpose was programmed into humanity by the "powers of evil", I immediately understood that these interpretations actually describe the God Drobinas. This caused me to make a second breakthrough discovery which also concerned these drobinas (or particles) of counter-matter, namely that in the counter-world there are two groups of these "drobinas" of counter-matter that look like miniature people, one of which has the appearance of miniature men and is characterized by adding (+) behaviours, the other group have the appearance of little women and are characterized by subtractive (-) behaviours, and both of them are already described in detail in the book of Kabbalah - only that the "powers of evil" have spread deceptive distortions of the interpretation of what this book of Kabbalah actually describes. I reported this discovery most extensively in items #K1 and #K2 from the web page named "god_exists.htm" and in posts #325E and #326E to blogs of totalizm. In turn from my previous research I already knew that both of these components of counter-matter carry in their "virtual world" memories the living program of God, as well as the programs of the souls of all living creatures.
Each of the primary and primeval phenomena of the counter-world described in this item #G1 generates numerous phenomena that are derivative from it. An example of such phenomena derived from the existence of these "God Drobinas" is (1a#G1) the existence of everything that prevails in the above-mentioned three worlds of the universe and that our senses, minds, and equipment were, are, or will ever be able to detect, describe and define in a manner similar to the definition of "absolute truths" that I discussed in blog #366E and in #D1 to #D1a from the web page "wtc.htm".
One amongst the specific phenomena derived from the above (1#G1), which deserves a more detailed addressing here, because it would bring many benefits to people who learn about it, but unfortunately the monopoly of our "official atheistic science" has been deliberately hiding and ignoring it for almost 40 years, is our (1b#G1) memory constantly recorded in "virtual world" from God Drobinas in the counter-world. This memory also located in God Drobinas timelessly stores all our knowledge and all our life experiences. Out of all phenomena derived from the existence of "God Drobinas", this one is the most surprising and terrifying for the UFOnauts who occupy us. Its description is wisely encoded in the Bible, and I have also described it in my publications. Some of these descriptions, which also take into account my later engineering discoveries of "how" our memory is organized and works, were described, for example, in the above-mentioned publications describing God Drobinas, as well as on the web page named "2020life.htm". This memory of everything that has already been experienced - i.e. both what we humans have experienced and what all other creatures inhabiting the universe have already experienced and what in the software-indestructibly way was recorded in God Drobinas forming souls, in the case of people our brains search almost constantly every time we want to recall something that we have already experienced but we have forgotten because our brain and programs of soul have removed it from our biological short-term memory. (Our three most important memories, including our biological short-term memory, I briefly described in item #F1 of web page "klasa.htm".) The most important our eternal memory, protected from destruction in the God Drobinas, can also be viewed during hypnosis, and our souls have special programs that allow us to view it - e.g. as a form of "intuition", "deja-vu", and also during dreams, at the moment of dying, and in several other situations. Meanwhile, the monopoly of the "official atheistic science" controlled by UFOnauts that are secretly occupying us, tells us that our memory is located only in the biological brain. Fortunately, my "Concept of Dipolar Gravity from 1985" led me to a discovery initiated in 1985 and refined into its present form in 1987. In my publications this discovery is described under the name "model of the brain as a transmitting and receiving device" (see its descriptions given in #35 from subsection W4 in volume 18, and in subsection I5.4 from volume 5 of my monograph [1/5] disseminated for free via the web page "text_1_5.htm".) According to this model, the course of our entire lives, i.e. all our knowledge, everything we have seen and felt, and all our life experiences, are constantly recorded in the memory of the counter-matter from the counter-world (or more precisely in the memories of "God Drobinas" already described above which constitute our "software immortal" soul explained on my web page "soul_proof.htm"). Our biological brain, although it also has its own "short-term memory", in order to recall all long-term memory records, works like a "computer search engine" to find and to transfer from our counter-material memory to our biological short-term memory any information that we need. More information about the actual search of memory and the functioning of the brain is shown, starting at 12:40 minute, in our approximately half-hour-long free video that we prepared together with my friend, Mr. Dominik Myrcik, entitled "Dr Jan Pajak portfolio" - the English-language version of which can be viewed at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXr2OzVsMp4 (this video also has a German and Polish version at addresses https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RX-FwUXOs98 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3MuZec4jGM ). By the way, this video briefly illustrates and discusses practically almost all the super-ordinate phenomena of the counter-world discussed in this item #G1.
There is a huge amount of evidence that our long-term memory is in fact a superior phenomenon of the counter-world, and that it is constantly recorded in the updatable memory of counter-matter. Thus, this huge body of evidence contradicts the false views forced into us by the monopoly of the "official atheistic science" that supposedly our memory is recorded exclusively in the biological brain from our body, while the truth is that our memory is NOT in our brain made of perishable matter, but it is in imperishable counter-matter which exists for eternity. All this enormous body of evidence actually comes from phenomena derived from the operation of the human brain described here as a kind of "computer search engine" that finds the information we need from the memory of the records of our entire life contained in the "God Drobinas" that form our soul. So here I will cite only the most widely known examples of this evidence that directly confirm this operation of our memory - while for more examples of them please refer to my publications. After all, these phenomena are also indirect evidence of, among others, for the actual existence of a software-immortal soul described e.g. on the web page "soul_proof.htm" (and hence also one of the countless proofs for the existence of God described on web page "god_proof.htm"), and it is also e.g. a provider of premises confirming that for important reasons some selected people can actually be sent by God again to Earth to experience the so-called "reincarnation" (see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=reincarnation+evidence ) - as it is suggested by e.g. events that I experienced and described e.g. in blog #233E and also from #J1 to #J4 from my web page "malbork_uk.htm". And so, for example, (1b1#G1) folk knowledge informs us that dying people experience a review of their entire life in which we see everything that we have experienced in life, and from which we see NOT only images, but also smells, sounds and even sensations and feelings such as heat, cold, pain, love, disappointment, etc. Since this pre-death review is carried out in the counter-world, where the "elapse of time" and time does NOT exist, the entire length of life of the dying person can in such a way be precisely reviewed, e.g. during a short period of time when his body e.g. falls off a roof or when his/her car has a head-on collision, e.g. with a wall or with another car. In my research, I met and asked for details many people who experienced this review and then still managed to survive. In turn, e.g. (1b2#G1), viewing previous life histories performed under hypnosis allows hypnotists who ask about some important detail from a given person's life (e.g. for the purpose of determining the truth), to e.g. command this person to enter a neighbouring room, where in his/her actual and physical life did NOT go in, and see what was going on in there, or e.g. order this person to determine what in real life they did NOT pay any attention to - e.g. to read the number from the license plate of a fast passing car, the time shown by a clock or watch, the exact appearance of the criminal's face and clothes, or to order him/her to open his/her eyes and see what was happening to him/her when his/her eyes were closed. No wonder that with the existence of such a powerful tool, which constantly records the absolute truth for each person and thus allows, according to verses 10:26 from "Matthew" and 4:22 from "Mark" in the Bible, for everyone to know that - I quote: "So do not be afraid of them! For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, and nothing secret that will not be found out", that these UFOnauts secretly occupying, exploiting and destroying humanity, as well as their morally fallen human helpers, so much are afraid of this powerful tool. This is why UFOnauts so fiercely disgust and block the recognition and research of the superior phenomena of the counter-world discussed here. After all, the moment humanity recognizes these phenomena and, after constructively researching them, begins to use them on a daily basis to determine the hidden truths, then it will become impossible for UFOnauts and for their human helpers the previous "doing nasty things to people" with which these "powers of evil" torment us and keep us in their enslavement for thousands of years.
(2#G1) The lack of time and the elapse of time in the counter-world. This phenomenon of the lack of time and the passage of time in the counter-world, confirmed in the Bible, is explained in more detail in blogs #345E and #346E and in items #I1 to #I5 from my web page named "1985_theory_of_everything.htm".
Phenomena related to (2#G1) include, for example, the lack of errors caused by the so-called "data redundancy" (see https://www.google.com/search?q=data+redundancy ), or the repeated below in (4#G1) explanation of the reason and evidence that in the counter-world every movement takes place with an infinite speed. This is why my telekinetic Magnocrafts of the second generation (see web page "magnocraft.htm") will be able to travel almost instantly to even the most distant galaxies - as I describe it under Fig. #D1a from the web page "wtc.htm" and from post #366E to blogs of totalizm.
(3#G1) Four linear dimensions in the infinite space of the universe, and their manifestations. About the fact that the space of the universe has at least four linear dimensions, that is, at least one linear dimension more than only these three dimensions prevailing in our "world of matter" (i.e. than only our: width "X", height "Y", and thickness " Z"), I started to be sure of it already in 1985, i.e. at the moment when I developed my most important theory, which I initially called the "Concept of Dipolar Gravity from 1985" (soon afterwards I also named it the "Theory of Everything from 1985" - because it has the power for prediction and for scientific explanation of virtually everything that exists). After all, according to this theory of mine, which for almost half a century has been stubbornly disgusted and blocked by "evil powers" and by their human helpers from being disseminated among people, the gravitational field is a concentric dipolar field which causes all matter to be sucked inwards into it. This means that gravity is a dynamic dipolar field somewhat similar to a stream of water from a fountain which, thanks to the action of dynamic pressure described by the so-called the "Bernoulli equation" also sucks inwards into it, for example, ping-pong balls. Therefore, if such gravity concentrically sucks matter into its centre, it means that it has two poles, just like a magnetic field, or like the flow of water in the fountain, or like the flow of air through a fan. (In other words, it is a scientific lie that it is officially claimed until today that gravity is a static monopolar field inversely imitating, for example, the field of air pressure in a car tire.) Out of both poles of such dynamic dipolar gravity, the pole prevailing in our "world of matter" causes suction/attraction (just like a stream of water from a fountain attracts and sucks in a ping-pong ball). In turn the second pole of gravity causes compression/repulsion (just as a pump supplying water to a fountain compresses and pushes this water away from itself and towards the fountain, or as wings of a fan cause the flow of air). But for gravity, this second "repelling" pole disappears somewhere from our "world of matter", i.e. penetrates into some different system of dimensions - which fact automatically proves that dimensions other than those from our "world of matter" actually do exist hidden somewhere beyond the normally impassable for people barrier. These my earliest investigations I described in more detail in almost all of my most important monographs. For example, in the newest of them, i.e. in volume 5 of monograph [1/5], I described these investigations there in #1A1 from subsection H1.1.1, as well as in subsections H2 and H3. In slightly later times I also determined beyond any doubt that in this counter-world, regardless of the four linear dimensions X, Y and Z already known to us, in fact there must also exist at least a fourth linear dimension pointing towards "depth - G". I described this my important discovery in more detail, e.g. in blog #294E and in item #D3 of my web page named "god_proof.htm", and also in my free Polish monograph [12] disseminated for free via the web page "tekst_12.htm".
Because each of the primary phenomena of the counter-world described in this item #G1 generates numerous phenomena derivative from it, also this (3#G1) fourth linear dimension causes a number of such derivative phenomena. Their best example for the phenomenon (3#G1), i.e. for the manifestation of the existence of the fourth linear dimension in the space of the universe, can be, for example, (3a#G1) the existence of the so-called "reversible software time" in our world of matter, in which reversible time everything, including us humans, can be moved back in time, e.g. by time vehicles - which were invented by me, and already are described in terms of engineering "how" on my web page "immortality.htm", while hopefully will be built in the near future by people - after all the structure and principle of operation of my "time vehicles" I describe in detail in many of my publications. How this "reversible software time works" due to the existence in the counter-world of an additional linear depth dimension "G" (from which "G" dimension God separated "pancakes" that act similarly to the passage of time as work individual frames from movies in our cinemas), I explained in more detail, e.g. in the above-mentioned blog #294E and in item #D3 of the web page named "god_proof.htm", as well as in my free Polish monograph [12].
(4#G1) Telekinesis. The phenomenon of telekinesis should be understood as the ability of self-programmable "God Drobinas" to carry out self-propelled moves within this at least four-dimensional space of the universe.
Similarly as in the counter-world every of the primary phenomena described here generates related secondary phenomena, also (4#G1) the phenomenon of telekinesis induces many phenomena related to it, requiring a lot of research in order to learn about them and carry out a long accumulation of knowledge related to them. An example of a phenomenon related to telekinesis can be my discovery revealing the (4a#G1) infinite speed of propagation of telekinesis (and also telepathy). In denial of the erroneous and costly for humanity statement of the "theory of relativity" that the highest speed in the universe is the speed of propagation of always the slowest transverse (surface) "waves of light" that exist only in our world of matter, my "hobby", completely free because spending NOT even one cent from taxpayer money, and completely altruistic research discovered that in the counter-world, all movements take place with infinite speed. This is why in the counter-world telekinesis propagates with an infinite speed - as I described it in [A5b] from blog #345E and from item #I3 of my web page named "1985_theory_of_everything.htm". The reason for this infinite speed of telekinesis is the previously discussed phenomenon (2#G1) of the lack of time and the elapse of time in the original universe. It means that this ancient Greek "chaos", i.e. the initially mindless movements of the elementary components of counter-matter (later named "God Drobinas") along the space of the universe, i.e. telekinesis, must always take place with an infinite speed. After all, the speed "v" is the ratio of the travelled distance "s", to the time interval "t" in which this distance "s" was travelled: v=s/t . So when, in the absence of the existence of time and the elapse of time in the counter-world, this time interval t=0, then the speed "v" must be infinity.
An important phenomenon related to (4#G1) telekinesis, the occurrence of which the telekinesis enables in our "world of matter", is the so-called (4b#G1) "state of telekinetic flickering" described in more detail, among others, in [A7] from blog #345E and from item #I3 of my web page "1985_theory_of_everything.htm" - and in item #C1 of the web page "dipolar_gravity.htm".
Another phenomena related to (4#G1) telekinesis are the so-called (4c#G1) demonic "possessions". The fact that for the management and exploitation of humanity UFOnauts have been using demonic "possessions" for a long time (and still use it until today - especially aimed at women), is proven not only by the Bible, but also by the latest videos which documented the actions of these morally fallen opponents of God and fierce enemies of humanity. I explain these videos most extensively with the engineering "how" in (2) from item #M2 of my web page "evil.htm" and from post #363E to blogs of totalizm. However, in order NOT to disturb the reader's flow of reading, I will also briefly summarize them here. And so, either through the so-called "coincidence" (or more precisely, probably thanks to God's help), UFOnauts that penetrated into people's bodies can sometimes be documented on videos or photographs. This especially often happens when UFOnauts leave the body of a given person or stick out some part of themselves. After all, being in the "state of telekinetic flickering" described in {b} from that item #M2 of the web page "evil.htm", bodies of UFOnauts oscillate with a specific high frequency between the state of matter and the state of the stream of God Drobinas (called "chi" by the Chinese). So if every now and again a frame of a video recorded in synchronization with the frequency of their telekinetic flickering captures the moment when given UFOnaut is in the state of matter surrounded by a strong telekinetic field - then on the video this UFOnaut will be visible as a kind of dark shadow absorbing light or a gray human-shaped cloud. It is similar with photographs - either by accident or by God's will, sometimes videos or photos can capture when this UFOnaut, in his vibrational transition from the state of matter into the state of the stream of God Drobinas (or "chi"), has just entered the state of matter. This is from where situations recorded in photos, films, or videos come, when a part of the body of an UFOnaut that "possessed" a given person, still partially protrudes from the body of this person - especially with its eyes, in order to be able to see what is happening around. (This is why it was also discovered that when people possessed by a UFOnaut religiously described e.g. at https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=demon+of+narcissist as a "demon of narcissist", start attacking their human victims, the entire eyes of the possessed person turn black - see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dPNu_FBUWg .) These situations are named in English as manifested by some people the so-called shapeshifting (i.e. "changing one's shape", see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=shapeshifting+caught+on+camera ) - e.g. presented at the video with the address https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UCLykdar_k or in the situations that I tried to show, e.g. on my web page named "aliens.htm". However, there are also situations when UFOnauts decide to have direct physical contact with people or with some material object - e.g. when they want to beat up someone with their hands (just as sometimes angry people "get carried away" and e.g. they feel like hitting someone or pushing or throwing them away), or drag them on board of a UFO by force (thus impressing unique blue bruises on his/her body, e.g. in the shape of three clawed fingers - which bruises by Chinese are called "ghost pinches" - as shown in Fig. #G1a below), or e.g. to rape someone, and also when they want to e.g. take an object in their own hand. Fortunately for us, in order to be able to accomplish such direct physical contact, UFOnauts must reduce the frequency of vibrations of their "state of telekinetic flickering". After all, without reducing this frequency, their bodies would penetrate inside of a given person or object, instead of being able to materially grab it, drag it, push it away, hit it, or rape her/him. This reduction in the frequency of their vibration causes that human video or film cameras are then able to document these UFOnauts - on a captured video or film showing them as black shadows with human-like body outlines. A lot of such video documentation has already been done to this day. Their examples can be searched on YouTube, e.g. with English keywords: demon caught on camera attacking people (see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=demon+caught+on+camera+attacking+people ). Typically, however, UFOnauts wandering somewhere alone are captured in this way, who having their advanced technology thus feeling safe from the primitive capabilities of people, out of boredom and "for entertainment" decided to attack a person – as an example, see the 1-minute video titled GHOST ATTACK CAUGHT ON CAMERA from the address https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0lprruXP1Q . However, I also found a rare case when an UFOnaut was recorded on video and defended the person it was "possessing", saving this person from an attack and robbery by a criminal. In this extremely rare case documented certainly with the intervention of God, the video shows how this possessing UFOnaut emerges from the person it is possessing, attacks and drives away the criminal attacker, and then penetrates back into the body of the person it "possesses". This approximately 50-second video, which has multiple copies on the Internet, is titled "Jinn rescues man from being attacked" and has the address: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMBnsJpDvnU (examples of other presentations of the same video include: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jovBh0tJ5k0 and another one with the title "Oh My God" from the address: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wh8xZ0-_qKI ). Also very educational and interesting is the 40-second video Demonic Possession? discussed below in (5a#G1) and available at the address: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bez08KVi9_4 .
(5#G1) Telepathy - i.e. the ability of "God Drobinas" to communicate with each other using the "universal language of thoughts" (ULT) described in item #E4 from blog #307E and from the web page named "prophecies.htm". Personally, I am amazed that I discovered the engineering "how" exactly telepathy works at almost the same time when my Chinese colleague, also a professor from the University in Kuala Lumpur, described to me in more detail the history of the construction of the so-called "Zhang Heng Seismograph" (see https://www.google.com/search?q=Zhang+Heng+Seismograph&tbm=isch&source=lnms ). His description of this wonderful telepathic device caused me to devote a lot of attention to the "Zhang Heng Seismograph" in my research. Thus, to also try to see this wonderful device I considered going to China to look for it. However, the scarcity of my personal finances prevented me from doing so. Fortunately, God helped me and in 2003 caused the model of this "seismograph" to suddenly appear within a short city bus ride from my place of residence - i.e. to appear in the "Te Papa" museum in Wellington, New Zealand. My own discovery of "how" telepathy works, taking place at the same time as the above description of the existence of the "Zhang Heng Seismograph", I report in more detail in #60 from subsection W4 in volume 18 of my monograph [1/5] and in item #I3 from its web page "1985_theory_of_everything.htm". In turn, the story of the strange (almost miraculous) appearance in 2003 of the Zhang Heng Seismograph model within the reach of a city bus ride from my place of residence of that time, is described, for example, in Fig. #D1 of the web page "seismograph.htm", in item #E4 of the web page "telepathy.htm" and also under Fig. #B1 from the web page "artefact.htm".
Similarly to the phenomenon of telekinesis, also this superior phenomenon (5#G1) of telepathy propagates throughout the counter-world with an infinite speed. My discovery of the existence of this infinitely fast movement of telepathic signals is described in more detail in [A5a] from blog #345E and from item #I3 of my web page "1985_theory_of_everything.htm".
My research shows that every living creature receives from God the innate ability to use telepathy. For example, there is already accumulated a lot of evidence that people communicate telepathically with UFOnauts. This communication is greatly helped by the fact that UFOnauts use devices to amplify sent and received telepathic signals - i.e. devices similar to the so-called the "telepathic pyramid" described e.g. in item #E1 of my web page named "telepathy.htm". However, telepathic communication can also take place without technical amplification of signals, but then it is subject to various requirements. For example, two people mutually receive and transmit telepathic signals received by the other of them only if: (a) they love each other, and (b) both of them strongly believe in God and avoid breaking the 10 commandments. A single person who strongly believes in God is also able to receive special type of warnings via telepathic signals if these warnings are the result of some danger or threat - such signals are often called "intuition". Plants are also able to receive the telepathic signal of emerging danger - e.g. there are famous experiments when plants connected to electronic detectors showed a panic attack when the researcher decided to set them on fire. My observations also show that telepathy can be used to communicate well with a loved cat, and it is also used by migratory birds - and even ordinary garden blackbirds. For example, if an owner who is loved by a cat gives it a complex command, speaking slowly, the cat will usually then obey it, NOT because it understood human speech, but because a telepathic transmission of this command was sent to cat simultaneously with the speech. In turn, the parents of blackbirds, e.g. remotely and telepathically command their children, without seeing them yet, where these children should fly and sit so that their parents can come and feed them in there. People have even managed to build a working device that receives strong telepathic signals, but the "powers of evil" ordered them to lie to their neighbours by claiming that this device supposedly receives "gravitational waves". (Of course institution of science knows that ordinary people or politicians are unable to determine that "gravitational waves" do NOT exist, while our monopoly of official science is never going even attempt to prove that what they named "gravitational waves" displays drastically different attributes from those of "telepathic waves" - thus institution of science can lie to humanity also in this matter practically forever.) This device is called LIGO (see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=gravitational+waves+LIGO ). I explain a bit more about it in item #E1.1 from my web page "telepathy.htm" and in post #268E to blogs of totalizm.
This superior phenomenon (5#G1) of telepathy also generated a whole range of other phenomena derived from it and still unrecognized by the costly monopoly of the "official atheistic science". My research shows that all these phenomena derived from telepathy were well known in ancient times - but then either forgotten, or more precisely (as I believe) deliberately and secretly "silenced" by the "powers of evil" that occupy and exploit the Earth and humanity, strenuously maintaining humanity in darkness and ignorance. Fortunately, I started researching them many years ago, gradually bringing them out of this "silencing". The results of this research have been carefully described for years in my publications - e.g. in items #J4.4, #J4.5 and #J4.6 of my web page "propulsion.htm" and in posts #313E, #311E and #309E to blogs of totalizm, as well as in items #B5.1 and #F1 from web page "pigs.htm". Such closest to telepathy secondary phenomenon of the counter-world, directly related to principles of operation of telepathy, is (5a#G1) "remote hypnosis" which I discuss extensively, e.g. in #D1 of the web page "wtc.htm", and also e.g. in posts #366E, #363E, or #348E to blogs of totalizm and in publications referred to in there. For a long time and practically until today, the "powers of evil" that occupy us secretly, often use the phenomenon of "remote hypnosis" to remotely hypnotize people and animals. In turn, devices that produce such "remote hypnotizing" are treated by these UFOnauts as "non-lethal hypnotizing weapons" used, among others, for "personal defence against people" and for forcing people to take actions that help in secretly achieving their evil goals. I discuss this weapon roughly in {1} from blog #348 and from item #K2 of my web page named "petone.htm". However, it is worth adding here that UFOnauts also have deadly weapons with which they secretly "eliminate" people who prevent them from maintaining their hidden rule over humanity. Most deaths from among the already possessed and already identified deadly weapons of UFOnauts are caused by the criminal "machine (apparatus) of UFOnauts for intentionally inducing (but also for treating) cancer". I described this machine in more detail from #B1 to #B4 of the web page "bandits.htm" and in the publications linked there. (Note that treatment with this machine is highly useful for UFOnauts if, after eliminating someone, they discover that they made a mistake, because eliminating someone carried out after going back in time will also eliminate the appearance of so-called data redundancy errors (see https://www.google.com/search?q=data+redundancy ), and this will also cause UFOnauts to lose the ability to exploit the input of knowledge or technology contributed by this person - means they will lose more than they will gain. After all, UFOnauts exploit NOT only all material resources of humanity (e.g. sperm and ovules used for breeding human slaves called "biorobots" and for populating subsequent planets which these UFOnauts intend to exploit in the future, just like they exploit humanity), but they also copy for themselves the knowledge newly discovered by people, which their civilization previously did NOT know. In order to bring back to life someone who has already been killed, UFOnauts send their "time couriers" to the past and order them to heal with this machine a given person suffering from cancer.) To be honest, I personally believe that most people die of cancer, especially those who disturb UFOnauts with their actions (e.g. UFO researchers reliably searching for truth), because they are secretly "liquidated" by UFOnauts with this very machine. Another version of the UFOnauts' machine, which is useful for mass and purposeful induction of cancer in a large number of people at once, is described in item #E19 from the web page named "military_magnocraft.htm".
To this day, more and more circumstantial evidence (see https://www.google.com/search?q=circumstantial+evidence ) is being collected that this non-lethal weapon of UFOnauts (i.e. (5a#G1) "remote hypnotizing" of people or animals) initially had an appearance similar to "handbags" worn by today's women. Ancient (i.e. made before the biblical flood - when the ancestors of today's UFOnauts still openly ruled and operated on Earth) sculptures of these "bags" are still discovered in all parts of the world - which should NOT be surprising, because this ancient parasitic culture that populated the Earth long before the biblical flood was the only one here and covered the entire Earth (after all, it had starships and devices for telepathic communication - and, moreover, it originated from one and the same planet in the Orion star system). One of such "handbags" quite recently was also documented in the hand of an "UFOnaut" who, due to being filmed in a "state of telekinetic flickering", had the appearance of a black shadow. This UFOnaut, after hypnotically immobilizing a man (who was cleaning his swimming pool) by shooting this man with such a "bag" containing this "non-lethal hypnotizing weapon", then it demonically "possessed" this man (i.e. telekinetically penetrated his body and telepathically synchronized his animal thoughts and feelings with the man). This handbag and the UFOnaut possessing it are documented in a 40-second video titled: Demonic Possession? and the address https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bez08KVi9_4 discussed in more detail in (2) from item #M2 of my web page "evil.htm". In turn, the fact that these "handbags" actually contained devices for remote hypnotization is proven by their symbolism on ancient sculptures, expressed by tying these bags to a snake and a pine cone. In folklores, the snake is a symbol of "remote hypnotization" - which I explain in more detail in blog #366E and in item #D1 from the web page "wtc.htm" and from blog #176E, and in item #F2 from the web page "stawczyk_uk.htm". In turn, the "pine cone" on ancient sculptures placed in these bags symbolizes spreading (just as a pine cone spreads its seeds) - that is, symbolizes "acting at a distance". The connection between both of these symbols (snake and pine cone) and such ancient handbags become obvious after watching the videos searched e.g. with the command https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=ancient+handbags - the shortest (only about 44 seconds) of which, disclosing this relationship, disseminates the address https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDFhrKp9gZE . Other 3:33 minutes long and titled "This is NOT just a Handbag!" is distributed from the address https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1edyuimZAM . Over time, however, some of the more advanced civilizations occupying humanity improved this weapon into the form of a miniature "implant" in the body of its owner. However, there are still less advanced parasitic civilizations (usually with subordinate functions in the occupation and exploitation of humanity) that still use this form of a "hand-carried bag". In the UFO confederation that occupies us, there is a parasitic principle that best describes the Polish proverb "każdy sobie rzepkę skrobie" (meaning: "everyone is grating their own turnip") and there is NO cooperation among them, but only mutual exploitation and ruling over those weaker than themselves (i.e. it is the same parasitic principle that UFOnauts have already managed to secretly implement also in international relations on Earth - in spite that Jesus strongly urges us to help each other to live in peace and prosperity and do NOT do evil).
(This entire post #367E would NOT fit into the memory of this blog - hence the rest of it will be continued below as post #367_2E)