#345_1E: The natural "elapse of time" and "time" does NOT exist - in February 2022 I discovered a proof that confirms this amazing truth (part 1)
Abstract: This publication presents the evidence in support of the thesis that in the original world of our universe called here the "counter-world" neither exists the "elapse of time" nor "ageing work of time" so that in there all movements and all events occur with the infinitive speed, while ageing does NOT exists, thus the establishing of this fact lead us to the conclusion that the "elapse of time" and the "ageing work of time" was invented by God and pre-programmed only into our secondary "world of matter" that God created from continually moving so-called "God Drobinas" that naturally exist in the counter-world. The evidence that represents unanimous confirmations from all the most important and reliable "three witnesses", which I present here in support of the truth of this thesis, includes: (a) the lack of errors originating from the so-called "data redundancy" that should be manifested in our "world of matter" if the "time elapse" existed in the "counter-world"; (b) the clear information encoded into two verses of the Bible quoted and interpreted in the text below that confirm the non-existence of "time elapse" in the counter-world where God lives (these verses represent a kind of the "[Ω] God Stamp"); (c) the most vital empirical evidence that confirms the non-existence of "time elapse" in the counter-world, such as: (c1) the so-called "Tunnel Effect", (c2) quantum organization of energy conversion in the behaviour of elementary particles of matter, (c3) the existence of the so-called "energy levels" in the orbits and movements of electrons around atomic nuclei, (@c3) the "[@A3] God Clocks", (c4) the actual existence of the "continuous mobility" of God Drobinas, the movements of which form in the counter-world what ancient Greeks called "chaos", (c5) infinite speeds of all movements in the counter-world - e.g. (c5a) infinite speed of propagation of telepathic waves, (c5b) infinitive speed of telekinetic motion, (c6) the jumping shifts of telekinetic UFOs - see Fig. #I3a below, (c7) the existence and principle of operation of the so-called "state of telekinetic flickering" which (among others) allows people's bodies to pass through solid matter (e.g. through walls), and yet several further phenomena.
Motto of this post #345E to blogs of totalizm: 'How we can trust that the "official atheistic science" does NOT mislead us in the matter of existence of God, if this science does NOT recognise nor acknowledge the truth of such vast body of evidence and so many formal scientific proofs for the existence of God, the only of those which developed the author of this publication include the formal proof for the existence of God carried out with the scientifically-irrefutable method of mathematical logic - presented in item #G2 (and explained with other proofs by item #G3 in there) from his web page named "god_proof.htm", the personal for everyone proof for the existence of God that everyone carries with himself/herself and is presented in items #D1 to #D3 from the web page named "2020life.htm", as well as the other evidence from this publication.' (Bitter truth about the incompetence of the present "official atheistic science" in rational and effective research concerning thinking and creative beings other that humans the intelligence of which is significantly more superior than that of the human scientists.)
#I1. What is this error from "data redundancy" and why the lack of it manifested in all events that change something in our past is so important that it should cause changes in our present, while changes of past caused either by God or by other beings travelling through time, provide us with a definite confirmation that in the "counter-world" there is NO "elapse of time" and there is NO ageing work of "time" manifested to us (i.e. that the technically measurable "elapse of time" is an invention of God wisely pre-programmed by God only into our "world of matter" and into living creatures that God created from the ever-moving building material called "God Drobinas"):
I hereby have the pleasure to report a very important news, which I would like to share with my readers via this post #345E for blogs of totalizm. Namely, at the end of February 2022, I finally discovered and I am describing here the evidence that I was seeking for a long time and which definitely confirms that in the counter-world the "elapse of time" does NOT exist, so that over there everything happens instantly. On the other hand, since such a physical and measurable "elapse of time" does NOT exist in the counter-world, then all changes introduced to our past both by God or by other technically advanced creatures capable of travelling through time, would have to cause the phenomenon of errors resulting from the so-called "data redundancy" - see https://www.google.com/search?q=data+redundancy . However, the consequences of causing errors by this phenomenon, in our world of matter cannot be noticed technically - although they are registered by our erasable memory. In turn the accepting of the proving value of the lack of such "data redundancy" errors in cases when something important in our past was changed, opens a wide window to the counter-world (i.e. to a world different from and opposite to ours, which in the religious context in my youth was referred to as that "other world"). In turn through this window we can now get to know our God much more effectively, and thanks to a better knowledge of Him we will be able to better fulfil God's commandments and requirements - thus improving NOT only the lives of ourselves, our fellow humans, and the fate of the nature that surrounds us; but also the entire human knowledge and advanced technology of the future (including building of time vehicles described at "immortality.htm" that will save future people from death), and also gradually working out for us the future participation and cooperation with God in the difficult task of eliminating from the entire universe the "sources of evil" that exist in it (e.g. by eliminating "money" through the implementation of the "Nirvana System" illustrated in our movie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9YFI6Fer9E ) - as I explained this in items #C8 to #C8bc from my web page named "nirvana.htm" and in the post #343 to blogs of totalizm based on these items. Therefore, in spite that like every present person, also you (the reader) probably suffer from the so-called information overload (see https://www.google.com/search?q=information+overload ) due to the avalanche of propaganda of "evil powers" telling you that God supposedly does NOT exist, I still assure you - believe my experience and knowledge that it is really worth learning about previously unknown truths about God, including those that I am describing here.
So let us start from explaining what this "data redundancy" is (see https://www.google.com/search?q=data+redundancy ) and why it provides us with such a vital evidence about the non-existence of "elapse of time" in so-called "nature". Well, in computer sciences, especially in the area of software engineering and the formation and use of "databases", the concept of this "data redundancy" (in Polish called "nadmiarowość danych" - see https://www.google.pl/search?q=nadmiarowo%C5%9B%C4%87+danych ) is widely known and described in professional literature. I lectured on it to my students practically at almost each of these professorships that I held in my life in Cyprus (i.e. in Famagusta), in Malaysia (in Kuala Lumpur), in Borneo (Kuching) and in Korea (Suwon) - for the experiencing of which I am very grateful to God, because it was thanks to this lecturing that I gained in depth knowledge on the subject. Also immensely helped the life-long training in finding correct solutions to problems that bother us, which I acquired due to learning to work out "how" on the basis of solving problems during personal performance of productive "physical works" practically throughout almost my entire life, i.e. until the time when my aged body began to refuse to obey me. Both these taken together allowed me to discover the confirmative importance of the evidence that I am describing here. Notice, that in items #G5 and #G3 from the web page named "wroclaw_uk.htm" I explained in more detail this "how" and the huge importance of learning it through voluntary performance of productive "physical work" with moral motivations - the acquisition of which motivations are explained in item #A2.12 from the web page "totalizm.htm". After all, only the teaching power of performing such productive "physical works" is able to teach the accomplishment of the true wisdom in life. In turn only such true wisdom, and NOT e.g. just the education, allows to correctly distinguish evil from good, truth from lies, facts from fiction, and thus also to effectively solve difficult problems that bother people.
The concept of "data redundancy" means that the same "data" is stored in more than one file which collects it, and then is used from each of these files by a different application. This in turn causes that when in real life the content of such data changes, the omission of updating it in all these files, creates and multiplies sources of various errors. For example, if someone's date of employment at a given position or advancement to a better position is duplicated with separate data files used by various programs or documents of the same company, then if any such "date" for some reasons changes for this person, then the fallible people usually forget to change them also in all places from which the new data is to be used - causing falsehood and discrepancies in the information held and disseminated. In turn the more files store given data, the higher probability that their change will introduce various errors.
I have been researching and documenting in detail the methods and effects of God's actions since 1985. This is because in that year I developed the first in the world and still the only true "Theory of Everything of 1985" (see my web page "dipolar_gravity.htm"), which in scientifically irrefutable manner proved to me that "God does exist". My special interest in researching God’s methods was intensified by previously unknown to people changes made in our past by God or by other beings capable of travelling through time - the possibility and explanation of the existence of which my theory postulated for the first time in the world, and then detected and described them with the concept of the so-called "reversible software time" developed only by that my "Theory of Everything of 1985" and described at "dipolar_gravity.htm" . In my research I encountered a huge number of such changes made in our past, the later consequences of which for our present situation, however, also caused changes in a large number of observable facts, the occurrence of which my memory and scientific perceptiveness allowed me to notice personally. For example, my habit to scientifically decode with the help of the findings of both my "Theory of Everything of 1985" and with my newest "Theory of Life of 2020", the knowledge that God wisely, precisely and skilfully encrypted into individual verses of the Bible, has already shown me that even the content of some words and expressions of the Bible are constantly changing - probably this is a reason why the content of the Bible is called "living word". (As examples of my decryption of knowledge encrypted in verses of the Bible and until today overlooked by other researchers - consider e.g. the analyzes of verse 2:7 from the biblical "Book of Genesis" provided in (e1b) from (e) in item #H3 and in item #L2 of the web page named "2020life.htm", or consider my analyzes of the commandment of God "Do not covet your neighbour's wife" which I publish in item #L1 from the same web page named "2020life.htm", and also in post #342E to blogs of totalizm.) The earliest premises that someone stubbornly changes our past I discovered when analyzing authentic UFO photographs. It struck me that practically all of them are either published by anonymous photographers, or by people whose with great publicity the "official atheistic science" accused wrongly that their pictures are "fabrications" - for examples of such UFO photographs see item #C2 and Fig. #6ab from the web page named "memorial.htm" and see subsection P2.14.1 and Fig. P28 from volume 14 of my monograph [1/5] available at "text_1_5.htm". (In my opinion, these people, or their descendants, should now receive a formal apology from the institution of "official atheistic science".) In turn, the first of the most shocking change made in our past, the experiencing of which for me was a real eyes openning, and at the same time reassured me that someone making these changes of our past represent an objective fact aimed at maliciously sabotaging the increase in human knowledge - as I explained it in the 3. from "ad. 2." in subsection V5.1 of volume 16 of my monograph [1/4] available at "text_1_4.htm". This my first sure change in our past that I painfully noted, depended on removing in one night the book about the historic dates of blooming of cherries in Japan, which I was browsing in the NZ library of the University of Otago in the evening, and which the next morning this library did NOT have any more because in the meantime someone travelled to the past and removed the order for its copy from the list of orders for new books brought to this library (which removal of book order was the next morning confirmed by checking the documentation of this library).
Independently of changes made in our past by God, such changes are able to be carried out by all beings whose level of science and technology achieved the ability to build time vehicles and the ability to travel through time - see "immortality.htm". Another important such change, which shook me equally strongly, is described in the 4. from that "ad. 2." in the same subsection V5.1 of volume 16 in my monograph [1/4] available at "text_1_4.htm". Namely, in 1983 my friends researched under hypnosis a New Zealand woman previously abducted to a UFO, to whom in my publications I refer under the pseudonym Miss Nosbocaj - while a copy of her report from the entire hypnotic session, immediately after hypnosis copied from a tape recording and printed and then handed over to me, I later analyzed in detail while after being translated from English into Polish, I published, among others, in subsection UB1 from volume 16 of my monograph [1/5]. In the written report on the course of this hypnotic session, changes took place as I explained and published in my works the key significance of their meanings. The most significant of these changes was the replacement in 1994, literally in front of my eyes, of one English keyword "business" that originally was used in this written report, by another English word "thing". The point was that originally Miss Nosbocaj reported about a business of breeding of human children on UFO decks (i.e. about "baby business"), the existence of which breeding revealed that we people are secretly sexually and biologically exploited by UFOnauts. Still another perfect example of a change made in our past (in this case probably by God to make me aware and add another witness that the past can actually be changed) is the described more comprehensively in item #D6 from my web page named "timevehicle.htm" and in subsection V5.3 from volume 16 of my monograph [1/4] change in the past of the architecture of the "Megamall" shopping complex in the centre of the Malaysian city of Kuala Lumpur, which was caused by the complete disappearance of the Häagen-Dazs ice cream shop from the next (changed) version of the architecture of this complex. But it happened that in that particular ice cream shop which disappeared from the Megamall, my future wife and I ate our favourite ice cream four days earlier. The most recent change noted was on 2022/3/5 to a film produced in the past. Namely, I was struck by the fact that a group of the same beings, who systematically very carefully and repeatedly review each of the entries to blogs of totalizm, in my post number #344 to blogs of totalizm published on 2022/3/1 viewed with great attention the "trailer" to the film from the year 2011 with the title "The Dragon Pearl" (this trailer can be viewed by the reader at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJv7qJLDDyM ). Because I finished writing that post #344 only a week earlier, I remembered perfectly well, that originally the majority of pictures of this trailer repeatedly showed the "pearl" of the Chinese "dragon" glowing with white light (about which pearl in my research I determined that it is most probably the sighting by ancient people who did not know machines, the invented by me, the healingly and supernaturally shining with a white telekinetic "extraction glow" the Oscillatory Chamber of the second or third generation - see "oscillatory_chamber_pl.htm"). But when on 2022/3/5 I viewed this trailer again to check why these beings were so interested in it, I was shocked to notice that the majority of film sections that repetitively showed this glowing "pearl of the dragon" were "cut out" from it. Most clearly the information about this "pearl" is in some way vital for the future and development of our civilization, thus cutting out and removing of the images of this pearl from the trailer additionally lowers the evidence and credibility of my research and reports, and discourages people from watching this film.
If one thinks about it, each of the above cases of changing the past should generate a huge number of errors in the duplicate data that is described by the concept of "data redundancy" - see https://www.google.com/search?q=data+redundancy . For example, only in the case of the above-described disappearance of the entire ice cream shop from the huge "Megamall" shopping complex, that mysterious "someone" who changed the architecture and development of this complex in the past, in order to keep from people this change as a secret, would have to systematically change a whole lot of data - which would almost certainly lead to some mistakes. After all, without changing these data - especially without updating the memory of many people and the human documentation related to the architecture of this "Megamall", all people working in this complex, as well as all those associated with the establishment of the Häagen-Dazs ice cream shop in there, would know about the change. However, the efforts made at that time by both me and my partner, showed that, apart from us, NOBODY else was aware of that change. I should also add here, that in my research to-date I noticed a lot of various cases of changing the past similar to these listed above. This in turn means that there is in the counter-world some perfectly working mechanism which causes that in spite that in our world of matter there are numerous groups of data which should display errors in manifesting the consequences of "data redundancy", but in every case of changing something in our past, this mechanism is working so perfectly that the change of the past is NOT causing any consequences manifested in the form of different repetitions of data resulting from this change. In the next paragraph - briefly, and in the next item #I2 - more thoroughly, I am going to explain how the operation of this mechanism that eliminates the appearance of such erroneous differences in "data", is explained by my Theory of Everything of 1985 using the principles of the operation of time, or more strictly with the consequences of the lack of "elapse of time" in the counter-world.
And so, in order to simply mention to the reader how these changes made in the past cause the elimination of errors of "data redundancy" in the reality that surrounds us today, I am going to use two hypothetical examples of robots that think and remember their lives, which display all human characteristics (e.g. they reproduce and they can also die) - only that one of them lives in our world of matter having the "elapse of time", while the other robot lives in the counter-world where there is "NO elapse of time". The first of these two robots, male, let's call him for example "Mack", lives in some country of the world in which there is an "elapse of time" - just like such elapse also prevails in the world of matter in which we live. At some point in his life, Mack went on a trip to another country in his world, where he met a female robot, called, for example, "Fiona" - whom he married and had a son, named for example, "John", and then also many other children. After John was born, they snapped a picture of him, which the cousin of Fiona later published in the book that he wrote, and which all schools of that country immediately adopted for compulsory reading, teaching from it children of other robots. Unfortunately, this son John discovered that their world is secretly occupied and exploited by malicious robots-UFOnauts - which dangerous discovery he announced throughout his world. Thus, these malicious UFOnauts-robots able to travel through time decided that they would send their "time couriers" to the time moment when "Mack" was going onto his journey and they would make impossible for him to leave his country - so that he could NOT meet Fiona and could NOT marry her, thus they do NOT have a son John nor his siblings. In result, the passage of time caused that Fiona married someone else and had a daughter who, however, led a typical life, so in fact no book was written about her. However, the information about John and his life achievements was already permanently stored in the sequential memories of a large number of robots because a lot of time had elapsed from Mack's original journey until the moment when John was born and when the book about him was disseminated around the world, and also when schools were teaching already about his discoveries. So without the lack of some mechanism, which would automatically eliminate errors caused by the "data redundancy", in order to completely erase from the entire world of these robots all memory of the existence of John and his achievements, these robot-UFOnauts would need NOT only to change the original event (i.e. to prevent "Mack" from his departure to trip that allowed him to meet "Fiona"), but also without committing any "data redundancy" error, they would also have to laboriously destroy all copies of the book about John, and all translations of this book, and furthermore they would also have to change the curriculum in the schools of the world and wipe out sequential memories all those numerous robots who learned about John's achievements. So practically it would be impossible that they could accomplish all this without committing any error which would reveal to others that the birth of John was secretly erased.
But let us now consider another hypothetical counter-world, almost identical to the previous world of matter, but which differed from it only that in it the "elapse of time" would NOT exist. In such a counter-world everything would happen at exactly the same moment of time. Hence, if the journey of "Mack" was somehow cancelled by malicious robots-UFOnauts, at the same moment "Fiona" would marry someone else and also at the same moment would give birth to a daughter. So there would be no "elapse of time" in which the book about John could be prepared, spread, be translated and adopted for reading in schools. Means, only one move of making the travel of "Mack" impossible would eliminate in there simultaneously all previously existing duplications of data about "John", who unmasked the existence of malicious robots-UFOnauts - which in the previous example formed errors originating from "data redundancy" that spoiled the aspirations of robots-UFOnauts to completely erase the achievements of John. As it turns out, what happens on Earth and can be checked after detecting that a change was made in the past of the world of matter in which we live, exactly coincides with the consequences of changes in such a hypothetical counter-world without the "elapse of time".
#I2. Two possible alternatives to the action of time in the counter-world, logically allowed by my Theory of Everything of 1985, namely: alternative [A] - in the counter-world the "elapse of time" does NOT exist, thus God is the inventor of the "elapse of time" and of the phenomenon of "time" which He pre-programmed only into the operation of our world of matter; or alternative [B] - in the counter-world there is an "irreversible absolute time of the universe" which elapses at least 365x1000 times faster than the "reversible software time" that God invented and in which He pre-programmed the course of our aging and the life of all creatures from our world of matter:
It was my "Theory of Everything of 1985" that allowed me to discover the working procedure "how" which defines the operation of "elapse of time" and also allowed me to increasingly more precisely explain the ageing work of time. It was also this theory that so far revealed to us so many previously unknown truths about the reality that surrounds us. For understanding the working of counter-world, this theory allowed to consider that there exist and are consistent with the previously identified evidence only the two alternatives of the "time elapse" indicated in the title of this item #I2, both of which initially had the same potential to explain the operation of time mechanisms in the entire universe. But at the same time this theory make me to search for some decisive evidence, which becoming one of the required confirmations of the most important "3 witnesses" would indicate to me which one out of these two alternatives represents the truth. I identified this decisive evidence only during my discovery made in second half of February 2022, although its individual samples I started collecting and publishing while still living in Poland, means as early as at beginning of 1980s. So in its initial explanation of "time", which lasted until that February 2022, this theory saw "time" and the mechanism of operation of time in a manner somewhat similar to way the "official atheistic science" still sees to-date two parallel acceptable and currently used explanations for nature of light, i.e. as it sees: (1) wave and (2) corpuscular explanations and theories of light (the actual truth about light, however, we also can establish only through the use of my Theory of Everything of 1985). So it is highly fortunate, that in the second half of February 2022 the author of this report found this long-searched decisive evidence, which indicated that out of both alternatives, only alternative [A] represents the absolute truth - which fact I will try to explain to the reader in more detail herewith in this post #345E to blogs of totalizm. In turn, because there is always a danger that the "evil forces" will find a way to permanently stop the further disclosure of the absolute truths discovered by the author, almost immediately after the discovery and starting the gradual describing of this truth, which I believe is extremely important for humanity (means starting from 2022/2/27) I also started to publish its essence as it is described in this post #345E.
Both of these theoretically permissible and possible alternatives of the operation of time in the counter-world are already indicated in the title of this item #I2. The first of them, which I initially rejected from recognising it to be correct due to my earlier interpretation of biblical verses 3:8 from "2 Peter the Apostle" and 90:4 from the biblical "Book of Psalms", is the alternative [A] stating that in the counter-world such things as the measurable "elapse of time" and the aging effect of "time" do NOT exist at all, and thus the "elapse of time" and "time" itself were "invented" by God and then pre-programmed only into the operation of our world of matter. This alternative immediately comes to mind and is the most obvious. But I was forced to postpone its accepting and publishing in order to be able to think more deeply about its rather unusual consequences for the reality that surrounds us, and also to search whether for the dictionary description of "what" defining the phenomenon expressed by words "the lack of elapse of time in the counter-world" I will be able to develop the engineering procedure "how" explaining principles and consequences of the action of that "what" and to find also examples of confirmations of the remaining two most important and reliable "witnesses" described in (1) to (1c) from item #H1 of my web page named "2020life.htm" - in addition to previously found by myself verses of the Bible that constitute only one from the required "3 witnesses" (the testimonial meaning of which verses on truth of the lack of "elapse of time" in counter-world, interpreted without knowing the existence and operation of "God Drobinas" which are the building material, or cells of God, in the creation of our world of matter, does not necessarily allow for a decisive determining of "how" the mechanism of time works).
The "[Ω] God's seal". Understanding that the verses of the Bible are one of these "three witnesses", the unanimous and consensual confirmations of which are indisputably required to give us absolute certainty that any scientific discovery is important and expresses a timeless truth, I intuitively implement in my research starting from 1985, i.e. since the formulation of my Theory of Everything of 1985 which showed me the scientific foundations for obtaining the certainty that God does exist, and also provided me with premises for proving the existence of God in scientifically irrefutable manner. But only in 2020 I started to formalize in my publication from item #I2 of the autobiographical web page named "pajak_jan_uk.htm" the requirement stating that NO scientific discovery considered important by authorities, does provide certainty that it expresses the truth until it obtains unanimous confirmations that it expresses the truth from all these most important "three witnesses" - among which the confirmation encrypted in the verses of the Bible is the "[Ω] God's seal" crowning timeless truth of this discovery! In turn this my quite revolutionary discovery about the role of the Bible verses as the bearer of the "[Ω] God's seal" that stamps the confirmation of the truth of significant scientific discoveries, soon after it was formalized I additionally published in descriptions of my "Theory of Life of 2020" available at "2020life.htm"- with the defining form contained in (1) to (1c) from item #H1 on the web page named "2020life.htm". So if we try to express in the form of a verbal definition what is the "[Ω] God's seal" described here, then it could be described, for example, with the following words. The "[Ω] God's seal" is a prophetic confirmation of the truth of a significant scientific discovery which is to be made only in the future, but the confirmation of which skilfully and far-sightedly from the very beginning is already encoded into the Bible verses and referring to the essence of this discovery thus providing the discoverer with the reassurance as to the breakthrough significance of his/her discovery, while other people who acknowledge and understand this discovery providing with the certainty that this discovery is an absolute truth extremely important for the progress of humanity, and furthermore informing them also about the level of significance of this discovery by repeating in the Bible the references to its essence in such a number of separate verses as is proportional to the "degree of significance" that this discovery holds for the fate of human civilization. Notice that the "[Ω] God's seal" has this extraordinary feature, that its existence and meaning remains hidden for all other people except for the discoverer of a given truth, and for those people who understand, acknowledge and accept his/her discovery as a truth. (More details on this subject can be found e.g. in (1b) from item #H1 and in (5) from item #H7 of the web page named "2020life.htm".) What is most interesting, the fact that such numerous "God's seals" are actually encoded into the Bible for each one out of important future scientific discoveries, was confirmed to me additionally in February 2022 when for some time in a row I re-analyzed these biblical verses 3:8 from "2 Letter of St. Peter the Apostle "and 90:4 from the biblical "Book of Psalms", the content of which I am quoting below and also the meaning hidden in them from our understanding until that February 2022, I interpret below close to place of quoting them - underlining in there their role as the stamping with the "[Ω] God's seal" the truth of my discovery about the non-existence of "elapse of time" and the work of "time" in the counter-world reported in this post #345E. In turn this additional confirmation that the "[Ω] God's seal" is actually encoded in the Bible for each future significant scientific discovery which reveals the truth, also represents a warning for us stating that "none of the scientific discoveries express the truth nor are essential for humanity, if for these discoveries the "[Ω] God's seal" described here was NOT encoded into the Bible - even if they may seem significant for the authorities who are unable to understand the errors hiding in their procedure 'how', therefore official awarding for them a recognition as containing truth and being significant, with the elapse of time turns out to be highly destructive for the progress of humanity". Hence, no matter how many authorities, politicians and institutions that think only on the dictionary level of "what" but are unable to work out the engineering procedure "how", will glorify a given discovery and invest their authority in its support and dissemination, in fact the lack of the "[Ω] God's seal" for it, is communicating to us that such a discovery should be treated only as a passing rain, which although will form some mud on the surface of the soil, but will NOT be able to penetrate into the roots to revive what is dried up.
For the full clarity of the above alternative [A], I am obliged to explain here the content of the dictionary concept of "what" stating the lack of elapse of time". For this, I will use the analogy of a human runner who as a form of training every day performs a long run around some closed circuit - for example along a circular path encircling a park in his/her city. He/she always takes his/her watch and stopwatch with him/her to check the progress of that run. With a stopwatch is measured the time that elapses from leaving the house until reaching the "resting point", i.e. at the favourite bench in the park, where he/she usually rests. In turn, because on Earth the "elapse of time" does exist, always after reaching there, his/her stopwatch shows how long took this section of the run. But while sitting on a bench, he/she keeps checking on his/her watch to NOT rest for more than e.g. 15 minutes, then he/she starts the stopwatch again and measures the elapsed time while continuing the run to home. In other words, this runner, similarly to each of the people living in our world of matter, collected two different records of the past, one of which typically has the form of the technically (e.g. with a stopwatch) measured and recorded "elapse of time" that took us to perform specific activities, the other one having the form of records in his/her/our memory.
But if (purely hypothetically speaking) something similar was attempted to be done e.g. by one of these miniature intelligent beings similar to humans - the existence of which I discovered and then called them "God Drobinas", then such measurable elapses of time would turn out to be impossible to register because, like this I am going to show, in the counter-world (where God Drobinas live) "elapse of time" does NOT exist at all. Thus, after embarking on the road and reaching the stopping point, the "elapse of time" of such God Drobina would be zero, means no stopwatch would be able to measure it. Also the length of the stop during the rest also could NOT be measured with any watch because it would always be zero. Thus, the only information confirming that given God Drobina performed its running and the accompanying stops, would be the records in its sequential erasable memory, and also in the memories of these other God Drobinas that would see it in action - because in their erasable sequential memories the program records which contained the design of the run would be stored and also would remain the memories of what already have been done. The curiosity and the unusualness of such a run of "God Drobina" along a closed circular path in the counter-world in which there is no "elapse of time" is that hypothetically speaking, if we could watch the run from our world of matter in which exists "time elapse", then at the same moment of time we would saw that God Drobina would be simultaneously at every point of its circulation path, because in the absence of the passage of time all its movements and activities would be made with infinite speed.
In turn the second "alternative [B]", which hypothetically can also explain how our concept of time may reveal itself in the work of the counter-world, assumes that similarly to our world of matter, the elapse of time also exists in the counter-world. But the kind of time that exists and elapses in there naturally and continuously, which I named the "irreversible absolute time of the universe", elapses in there thousands of times faster than our "reversible software time" technically pre-programmed by God, which elapses in leaps in our world of matter. After all, this naturally elapsing time of the universe could NOT, logically speaking, have a jumpy character, as has it our "reversible software time" because of the way "how" it was pre-programmed by God. Because of my previous interpretation of the above-mentioned biblical verses 3:8 from "2 Peter the Apostle" and 90:4 from the biblical "Book of Psalms", I initially assumed that the "alternative [B]" expresses the truth, and then I documented its explanation and consequences in my publications. But I did NOT stop searching for the remaining "3 witnesses", who, in addition to the Bible verses (already known to me and previously interpreted by me) would confirm the truth and correctness of this "alternative [B]". (Notice that from the information encoded in these verses of the Bible it appears that if the "elapse of time" existed on the counter-world then the speed of this "irreversible absolute time of the universe" in there would be over 365x1000 times greater than the speed of elapse of our "human time" in the world of matter.)
I have been describing and maintaining the second "alternative [B]" in my publications for about 14 years, as the first deductions on this subject were published already in 2008. This is because it is less shocking on first consideration and more close to our understanding of the passage of time. Moreover, only this alternative seemingly had a valid "witness" in the form of my first interpretation of these biblical verses 3:8 from "2 Peter the Apostle" and 90:4 from the biblical "Book of Psalms". Unfortunately, that my previous interpretation of these verses of the Bible was NOT underpinned by the later immensely important discoveries of "God Drobinas" in 2020, initially implying "how" the lack of "elapse of time" in the counter-world would be manifested in our world of matter, nor was reinforced by the results of my newest considerations based on the explanation "how" in the previous "alternative [A]" the problem of the lack of errors resulting from the "data redundancy" is caused by the lack of "elapse of time" in the counter-world. I personally know the computer problem of "data redundancy" very well thanks to many years of teaching it as a component of "Software Engineering" at the advanced levels of university specialization in computer sciences. Furthermore, in times preceding the formulation of my newest "Theory of Life of 2020", for some time in a row I found another confirmation of my finding that the Bible contains encoded into its verses confirmation of the truth of every important scientific discovery - which finding I expressed in the form described above under the name "[Ω] God's seal". Only that to prevent all kinds of fools, lazy people, unbelievers, careerists, cheaters, etc., from effortlessly guessing the essence of the most important future scientific discoveries and usurping the authorship of their achievements because they are encoded in the Bible, God formulated this encoding so wisely that in order to understand the essence of any of these discoveries and truths, one must first discover their full and correct content, and only then one can find their coded description in the Bible - see verse 25:2 from the biblical "Book of Proverbs", quote: "With the glory of God - secret, the glory of kings - research." In other words, because at the time of my first interpretation of these verses 3:8 from "2 Peter the Apostle "and 90:4 from the biblical "Book of Psalms" I did not know yet about the existence or features of "God Drobinas" - which I discovered only in 2020 and described in items #K1 and #K2 from the web page named "god_exists.htm", nor I have accomplished yet the cause-effect connection and understanding on the significance of these errors originating from the "data redundancy" for the concept of the lack of "elapse of time" in the counter-world, thus during my first interpretation of these verses of the Bible I could NOT take into account any of my later discoveries which turned out to be enormously important for the correct interpretation of these verses. Meanwhile, after taking them into account, it turns out that these verses try to confirm to us the discoveries described here, the essence of which can be expressed in clumsy human language, e.g. with the following words of my own definition: "aging and other phenomena displayed by components of inanimate matter from our world of matter such as elementary particles and atoms, are governed by the skilful flow of the pre-programmed by God 'irreversible absolute time of the universe' which elapses continuously with a speed over 365x1000 times greater than the elapse of 'reversible software time' which God pre-programmed to rule over the aging and fate of people and all living creatures, while for 'God Drobinas' themselves constituting the building material and information carriers with the use of which God created all the matter and all living creatures of our world of matter, neither the "elapse of time" nor "time" and its work do NOT exist, while all behaviours of these God Drobinas and all consequences of their actions take place in one and the same moment of time, means completely without the participation of the physical 'elapse of time', although in the memories of 'God Drobinas' they leave records of their existence". In order to verify the correctness of the interpretation of both these verses, which is already based on my present level of knowledge, compare the above definition of the essence of the discovery described here regarding time, with the following words of both these verses and the symbolic meanings of the contexts in which these verses were given - I quote both of these verses here from the KJV Bible. (3:8 from "2 Peter the Apostle") "But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." (90:4 from the biblical "Book of Psalms") "For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night."
In the above quotations note how wisely, precisely and timelessly, for example, the formulation of the phrase from the verse (3:8) "one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day", due to this apparent logical contradiction deliberately inscribed into it, we obtained a very wisely coded information that "with the Lord" the action of the "elapse of time" practically does NOT exist and does NOT reveal itself - which I realized only as a result of my repeated analyzes of this verse caused by the discovery from February 2022 which due to lack of errors type "data redundancy" confirmed to me just that "elapse of time" does NOT exist in the counter-world. After all, remembering about the precision of God's words and knowing that the words of the Bible can never mislead us, if the "elapse of time" existed "with the Lord", then only one of both parts of this expression could be the logical truth, i.e. true then it would be either that "one day is with the Lord as a thousand years" which would mean that it would be untrue that "a thousand years as one day", or the logical truth would be that "a thousand years as one day" which would also mean that it would be untrue that "one day is with the Lord as a thousand years". On the other hand, if in the counter-world (i.e. "with the Lord") neither "elapse of time" nor "time" exists, then both parts of this expression are logically true!
In turn verse (90:4) supplements phrases from that (3:8) with several additional pieces of vital information. I am going to analyse these extensively in #I5 from the web page "1985_theory_of_everything.htm". Here I only draw attention of reader to most important among them. So, for example, the phrase "a watch in the night" contained in it ensures that the truth about "time" was intentionally hidden from theft and is guarded. The phrase "in thy sight" informs that the phenomenon of "time" pre-programmed by God is located in our world of matter, NOT in the counter-world. After all, it is our world of matter that God only "looks" at - while place where He lives is "with the Lord", means in the counter-world. In turn the phrase "as yesterday when it is past" informs that the disclosure of this truth about "time" by a human discoverer of it, changes the era on Earth, causing that the old era of misunderstanding of time by people has just passed "in thy sight" (means in the "eyes of God"), while the new era of knowledge of the truth about time has just begun. Thus, incredibly wisely and far-sightedly, already over 2000 years ago, God made a wise encryption into the Bible of "rubber stamping" with the "[Ω] Seal of God" my discovery of the "second level of significance" for humanity (as this discovery is confirmed by two verses of the Bible) - describing the lack of "elapse of time" in the counter-world and thus also in the nature and explaining "how" phenomenon of "time" works in our world of matter (i.e. the discovery truths of which I previously accomplished but confirmed as a timeless truth only in February 2022).
If one analyzes the above definition of mine, which in the light of discoveries discussed here already more correctly interprets the confirming role of these verses of the Bible, then it turns out that this present interpretation still leaves valid and standing the everything that previously about the influence of this "irreversible absolute time of the universe" and "reversible software time" onto our life and knowledge I already explained in my publications. Only that instead of applying to the counter-world, the pre-programming by God of the "irreversible absolute time of the universe" shifts its operation and consequences to the level of elementary particles and atoms from our world of matter. Furthermore, this present explaining do NOT request any changes to my previously identified actions and consequences of the "elapse of time" occurring in jumps, which God pre-programmed only and exclusively into the operation of bodies of all living creatures from our world of matter. In turn what is the mechanism of these actions, it is explained in more details in a number of my publications. Examples of these explanations are INTRODUCTION and item #G4 from the web page named "dipolar_gravity.htm" or item #D3 from the web page named "god_proof.htm", and also my entire separate Polish monograph [12] available via "tekst_12.htm". In turn when it comes to the consequences of the situation, which can be described with the following dictionary expression of the type "what": in the counter-world does NOT exist and therefore does NOT cause any physical consequences, neither the "elapse of time" nor "time", therefore all movements, stops and communications carried out in there by "God Drobinas" that inhabit the counter-world, are carried out instantly, means these actions have elapse time equal to zero, although they are registered in erasable sequential memories of God Drobinas; and also can be described with the following dictionary expression "what": into the operation of our world of matter God wisely pre-programmed the "reversible software time" described in my publications and pre-programmed of the existence of "God’s Clocks" described in [@A3] below, which created the appearance of the "irreversible absolute time of the universe" - consequences of which for our world of matter are consistent with the above definition and logic, and at the same time are consistent with what most important out of the operation of both these times I have long ago described in my publications while summarized below in [A1] to [a10], and in item #I3. In other words, for the situation described here these consequences for our world of matter are the same as for alternative [B] - only that the engineering pre-programming of "how" for some mechanisms of operation of the "irreversible absolute time of the universe" God formulated in a manner slightly different than I previously thought.
The most important primary consequences of the alternative [A], the occurrence of which immediately strikes and shocks our understanding of the surrounding reality, include the realization that in the situation of non-existence of "elapse of time" all movements and stops of "God Drobinas" in the counter-world must take place instantly - i.e. with infinite speed, and thus that every complex displacement taking place in the counter-world and acting on the principles of laws of the counter-world would have to occur in "jumps", and therefore e.g. God Drobinas moving abruptly along closed circuits will be at the same time (i.e. simultaneously) located in every point and place of their trajectory. (Notice that until 2020 I called these "God Drobinas" with the name "drobinas of counter-matter", while descriptions of my discovery of their existence and also attributes that they display are contained in items #K1 and #K2 from my web page named "god_exists.htm".) Still other primary consequence, which also immediately shocks and catches the eye, is that everything in such deprived of the elapse of time counter-world must be timeless, means it exists infinitely, has NO duration of lasting, nor aging phenomenon nor initial or final moments - what in a sense additionally confirms the findings which logically allowed me to develop the deductions in item #D4 from my web page named "dipolar_gravity.htm" and in based on that #D4 post number #273 to blogs of totalizm, namely the finding that the counter-world does NOT have boundaries in size, nor the beginning of its existence, that is, that it is infinitely vast in all its dimensions and that it exists infinitely long. But probably the most important out of these primary consequences is that they in themselves constitute scientifically irrefutable evidence for the existence of our God. After all, only the unfathomable knowledge, farsightedness and wisdom of our God in such a counter-world without the elapse of time by just using its elementary components "God Drobinas" was able to create our world of matter in which there is time elapse, and in addition for us humans it is the "reversible software time" in which we age and experience all the phenomena and events that teach us - for the educative appearance of which, our world of matter was far-sightedly and wisely created. In other words, the modest description of the lack of "time elapse" in the counter-world does NOT fully reflect the revolutionary concept of consciousness which the definitive determination that this alternative [A] represents truth introduces to our understanding of the reality that surrounds us. To be honest, after realizing the most important consequences of the truth of this alternative [A] documented here, I got scared of the consequences of the revolution in consciousness that this truth is capable of causing. This is why I postponed its publishing until I find for it confirmations from all these "three most important witnesses" which I described in (1) to (1c) from item #H1 of my web page named "2020life.htm".
Notice here, that in the descriptions from this post #345E, I have already indicated and described all these "3 witnesses". After all, the witness (1a) named "logical deductions" provide my considerations that derive the concept of "how" the lack of errors of the type "data redundancy" caused by any changes of the past, provides the mechanism of operation for the lack of elapsing of time in the counter-world. The witness (1b) named the "confirmation with the verses of the Bible" is my current interpretation of verses 3:8 from the "2 Peter" and 90:4 from "Psalms" presented above and prepared on the basis of my latest discoveries of the existence and operation of "God Drobinas" and the "how" mechanism of operation of the lack of "elapse of time" works in the counter-world that I also developed myself and only then I found that it is confirmed by verses of the Bible. In turn the third required witness (1c) named "empirical confirming evidence" provide all these cases of changes in our past which did NOT cause errors of the type "data redundancy", a large number of which changes I personally observed and documented in my publications, while only a few from which I indicate in item #I1 of this post, while links to the descriptions of most important among the rest of which the reader can find on my web page (in Polish) named "skorowidz.htm" using the Polish keywords: zmiany już zaistniałej przeszłości (which keywords in English mean: changes in the already shaped past). Another example of evidence (1c) is intentionally ignored by the "official atheistic science" evidence that elementary components of matter at the same time occupy every position along the entire length of their trajectory - means that these components practically contradict the truth of the theory of relativity because they move with infinite speed. Yet another example of evidence (1c) is (also overlooked by the "official atheistic science") the operation of "God Clocks" pre-programmed into components of inanimate matter, the operation of which is based on the unit of energy called "quantum" (due to its role also as a measure of the "elapse of time" - which is also an intermediate unit of elapse of time) - which "[@A3] God's Clocks" I described below in this item #I2, and also in [A1] to [@A3] from item #I3 below, while about the supernatural precision and usefulness of which it is worth to learn by browsing several videos from the Internet on the subject of people unknowingly using the precision of these "[@A3] Clocks of God" in the design and principle of operation of already being built on Earth, the so-called "atomic clocks" - see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=atomic+clock .
(This entire post #345E would NOT fit into the memory of this blog - hence the rest of it will be continued below as post #345_2E)