Archiwum czerwiec 2024, strona 1

cze 01 2024 #370_3E: "How" to organize the...

(Continuation from the previous "part 2" of this post #370E)

#370_3E: "How" to organize the generation of "moral energy" in the first marriage of a young husband and wife (part 3)

{#I2c} Empirical checking whether it is possible to achieve mutual agreement on the need to create a kind of philosophical foundations of future life together based on God's commandments and requirements given in the Bible, which will then be expressed in the written form of a "covenant". This check consists in thoroughly discussing the attitude of both partners to everything discussed here in #I1 and #I2, with particular emphasis on continuing to expand one's knowledge of the truths of life encoded in Bible verses by undertaking joint study of the Bible (and NOT only fragments regarding marriages) - i.e. NOT only those that I indicate and discuss in this blog #370E and in #I1 to #I4 of the page "biblia.htm") and other sources (e.g. videos from YouTube interpreting problems discussed in the most important verses of the Bible), as well as learning about her opinions about the subsequent voluntary and joint increase of the accumulation of "moral energy" with her husband through purposeful actions described in {#I2f} below. The most urgent in this step, however, is to formulate and conclude as early as possible a voluntary "covenant" written down as a kind of marital document by human laws called "prenup" in English - see prenup . In this voluntary, willful, legally prepared in writing, and mutualy obliging "covenant" of future spouses for the first wedding of two relatively naive young people who believe in God and study the Bible, there should be at least an opinion on "how" a given marriage intends to harmoniously and mutually implement each of the these subitems {#I2a} to (#I2n}. However, it is good to also include in it some important data about the finances and ownership of goods and the achievements of the marriage. The reason for preparing it in writing is that if for some reasons the marriage is distorted in the future, this document of "covenant" will easily allow them to detect this distortion and make mutual efforts to repair it. Moreover, if something begins to break down in the marriage, the person who is responsible for this breakdown may suddenly "lose memory" and deny every previous verbal only agreement. This is because the life shows that the subtractive nature encoded in women's psyche may encourage wives to deny any prior arrangements that were NOT written down and that are NOT in their favour, especially in later times, when after experiencing a decrease in the amount of her moral energy, a given wife will make so much liked by women the review of pedantically accumulated in her memory all the things that she already known are faults of her husband and she will discover that like all people (but NOT recognizing that also like all wives) this husband is an imperfect human who also does NOT show full compliance with her unrealistic dreams, or what even worse, when the wife is tempted by another man because of the so-called emotional infidelity in English called "emotional affair" while described in {#I2i} below. However, if the agreement of opinions exists at a level satisfactory to both parties (real people always have different opinions on every matter), then one can start writing and legally registering the "covenant". After editing and writing it down, one can proceed to the next steps in preparing a traditional marriage.

{#I2d} An in-depth discussion of "why" and "how", as well as discerning the views of the candidate for wife, regarding the Bible-ordered voluntary "submission of wives to the authority of husbands" - see . Nowadays, this is a problem whose resolution already at this stage will prove to be the most important for the future fate of the marriage. After all, most of today's women refuse to acknowledge the fact that men were created by God to be the head of the entire family. Meanwhile, in practice, the man as the head of the family turns out to be the most important element in building the compliance of the planned marriage with the commandments and requirements of the Bible. So if later it turns out that the wife, in a typical women's way, deep down, does not intend to implement this subordination and changes her views after the wedding, then the marriage has a high chance of NOT standing the test of time and ending in divorce, or the husband's life will become a kind of the "vestibule of hell" discussed in item #I4 of the web page "biblia.htm". (Let's remember the old Polish proverb "bad things happen to a house when a cow feeds the bull" - in Polish "źle dzieje się domowi, gdzie krowa przybodzie bykowi".) In order to resolve this key issue, I would advise you to start by jointly and carefully viewing the English-language videos about the so-called "submission of wives' bodies to the authority of husbands" - in English usually entitled: "submission of women to their husbands" (and also videos in your own language - if such can be found). Then, an in-depth discussion needs to be undertaken to make sure that both husband and wife agree in their views regarding the engineering "why" and "how" of this matter.

{#I2e} Engagement. If the above postulates are accepted by the future wife, she can be offered an engagement ring. His acceptance is to begin the engagement period, which is traditionally expected to last about one year. This period can be used for mutually undertaken practice of implementing the legally binding guidelines for both of them, written down in {#I2c}, as to the principles that both spouses will unanimously follow in their future cohabitation. After all, these rules will probably be new for both of them, and no one is born with the knowledge of how to apply something completely new. It is worth emphasizing here, however, that a given couple who believes in God should NOT start their sexual relations at least until the engagement has been accepted by the future wife. But if the future wife is still a virgin, which should still be a strict rule for couples who believe in God, then it is best if the first, i.e. the most important for both of them in their entire lives, sexual intercourse traditionally took place on their wedding night. Virginity, as well as the circumstances of its "consummation", are the most important matters in the life of every woman. For example, since ancient times it has been known that a woman retains in her ovaries (ovule) fragments of the DNA from each partner with whom she had sexual intercourse. These preserved DNA fragments mean that a child born by a woman who had intercourse with more than one sexual partner (i.e. has a so-called "body count") is NOT entirely the child of the "father" who fathered it, but the child of all men with with whom this woman had sex. When knowing this, which husband will willingly be wishing to "co-father" his own child? Unfortunately, this ancient knowledge was cleverly blocked in the 1970s, along with other truths that I could freely learn in times of my youth - e.g. with the knowledge that there are "rays of cold" and how they work (see their descriptions linked from my web page "skorowidz.htm"), "telepathy" which I described on the web page "telepathy.htm" - the operation of which was utilised already in 132 AD in a more perfect than the present the ancient so-called the "Zhang Heng seismograph" described in web page "seismograph.htm", or "remote hypnotizing", e.g. during "possession" of people by UFOnauts penetrating someone's bodies - see blog #363E or #M1 to #M4 of the web page "evil.htm". After all, since the beginning of the 1970s, the most important truths began to be fiercely blocked, criticized and denied by the corrupt monopoly of the "official atheistic science" secretly ruled by our relatives from the planets of Orion who occupy us for millenia. Fortunately, there is God who promised in the Bible (e.g. see "Luke" 12:2-3 and 8:17, or "Matthew" 10:26-28) that no truth will be hidden from us, only that we must look for it between the lies of God's enemies who try to deceive us. As a result, both I and supporters of truth like me are doing everything in our power to make the knowledge of these truths available to everyone again - e.g. see 11:19 and 4:44 minute videos titled "Women retain the DNA of everyone man they have sex with" and "Women retain DNA of all sexual partners" disseminated at and . In turn, my publications on the modification of the software of a woman's ovaries by the sperm of each of her sexual partners, I made available e.g. in blogs #342E and #365E, and in publications linked in there - e.g. in {7} of the web page "evil.htm" or {7d} from #V2 of the page "humanity.htm". Since the engagement is also a spiritual event known and checked by God as well as by human tradition, it is from this moment that it is worth starting the observance of biblical definition of marriage by both parties, especially that from the verse 7:3-5 of "1 Corinthians". This observance requires increasing one's knowledge of the Bible continued at all times. Nowadays, however, it is becoming easier and easier, because there is a growing number of videos available on YouTube discussing marriage through interpretations of the words of the Bible, and more and more people have phones with the Internet, computers, and even the so-called smart TVs. All these devices in turn allow to search for and view such videos with pleasure by searching for them with the right keywords, e.g.: submissive wife . Examples of videos for the issues discussed here, available in English in April 2024, may be: ("God's Design" biblical role of woman as wife, approx. 12:15 minutes), ("You should fire your wife", approx. 4 minutes), ("There is only one reason mariages fail", approx. 8 minutes), or ("Why I decided to initiate sex every day for 4 weeks", approx. 9 minutes ). It is worth adding here that the latest research, the results of which are already widely disseminated on the Internet, state that nowadays young married couples have on average three sexual intercourses a week - so it is best for the couple to make an agreement that all of them will be initiated by the wife. After all, the lack of initiation of relations by the wife, additionally increased by the typically incorrect interpretation of the wife's mood by the husband who is confused by her female behaviour, usually over time becomes a source of numerous problems - if they are NOT eliminated in harmony, e.g. by such a mutual agreement implemented from the day of the engagement or wedding.

{#I2f} Practical undertaking of previously planned and then systematically repeated joint "moral works" of voluntary "giving" that generate "moral energy" pre-programmed with motivations to induce the feeling of happiness. The day of the week chosen to perform these works should be a day free from other obligations of both of them, and should be mutually recognized as a "day without multimedia", i.e. a day during which one does NOT watch TV (even the news), does NOT open a computer, while the use of phones are limited to the absolutely necessary minimum (e.g. to call the person to whom you are taking the product of your volunteer work, e.g. to say "we are on our way and we will be there around 5 p.m.", while in case of answering the phone calls, to apologize "sorry, but I'm in the middle of something urgent - so let me call you tomorrow"). Such deliberate observance of the "day without multimedia" helps to prevent falling into the addiction of using them, which nowadays is becoming a nightmare for most people who forget that all multimedia are only "tools" intended to help, and NOT hinder, in our real lives. Moreover, it helps to revitalize family bonds. Since all works undertaken as part of this increase of "moral energy" meet the biblical definition of a "good deed", the day of their completion may also be, for example, Saturday. Whatever you choose to do your "moral work" should be NOT conspicuous to other people, and to look, or be done, in accordance with prevailing trends or traditions - e.g. in the morning going for a walk on the beach, river bank, or rarely frequented part of the park with an opaque garbage bag and rubber gloves to protect your hands and pick up there and then ecologically dispose of all the garbage you encounter, or fill a pothole in a rarely used road through the wilderness, or clear snow from the entrance to the house of a physically incapacitated friend or relative or a single mother with a child or someone completely unknown to us, etc. Around the evening, visiting someone, e.g. an older and lonely aunt or a friend of our parents on some occasion or anniversary known to her and us, combined with bringing her a cake or a cake that we previously as the couple personally baked it and then ate it together with her, at the same time offering her something the young couple had brought that they believe the visited person had NOT tried before, e.g. black fermented Chinese tea, mango juice, durian ice cream, or even the ancient liqueur "Dom" of the Dominicans - which, due to its health benefits, is used for healing purposes in south-east Asia. It is also a good idea to read in advance about what you are bringing with you, so that you have something to tell the person(s) you are visiting and take his/her mind off of everyday problems. Since this day should be about "giving" and NOT "taking", everything you need should be prepared in advance and taken with you - even paper plates for cake and cups for drinking (in case they are missing on site). Because "the devil does NOT sleep" and always tries to spoil every good deed, at the end of the day you should discuss with your partner what did NOT work out that day as expected and then consider how this type of activities can be organized better in the future. When implementing your moral work, you should remember that nowadays men naturally do a lot of physical work. Therefore, their joint organization and implementation discussed here is extremely important. Thus, it should emphasize the fullest possible acquisition of the habit of doing them by the woman. However, DO NOT cause to her an overload of responsibilities so as NOT to break down the morally or physically delicate nature of women. After all, today's women living in cities are NOT used to doing physical work. At the same time, supplementing the dissipation of moral energy resources only with voluntary "giving" sexual intercourse is NOT enough to constantly replenish and increase the losses of the amount of this energy - and thus to make wives feel family happiness and satisfaction with their lives. After all, for example, typically performed by current wives, opening several cans and heating their contents on gas to prepare a meal for today's husband, or sitting at work at the computer or telephone, does NOT create the required amount of physical effort to replenish women's daily dissipated amounts of this energy. Therefore, the first and most important action of every couple is to organize and practically implement some way of increasing the amount of moral energy in both spouses, especially in the wives. I believe that the best way to do this would be to have and jointly cultivate your own and safely located garden (e.g. allotment garden) with the pre-adopted and systematically implemented goal that about 90% of the products of this garden will be distributed honestly and without regrets and completely free of charge to those complete strangers (means not only to our own family) who chronically lack these products (however, in order NOT to make them dependent on you or encourage them to be lazy, you have to change the recipients from time to time and to choose every year different such candidates for your "giving"), especially those who visibly will be grateful to donors for receiving them. For example, the author of this blog #370E has a garden next to his apartment, and every year he carefully tries to plant and nurture sought-after fruit trees (peaches, grapes, and recently also walnuts) to the final planting size, which after growing for about two years he gives away for free along with the offer of planting them personally for someone, to those garden owners from the town of Petone, whose visual discernment allows to recognize them as the most needy for such seedlings. The author also allows birds to eat most of the fruits growing in his garden or gives them to other people. Other city residents who do NOT have their own garden can probably rent one or buy one in some place that is safe even for women working there alone. Another possibility is to undertake some production that is needed by many elderly, disabled, or people without resources, for example the one described in the above-mentioned "Problem 1" from item #D2 of the web page "nirvana.htm". The personal generation of "moral energy" is greatly needed by today's women, hence organizing it as quickly as possible with the aim of serving for the good of future wife, should have one of the highest priorities. In order to increase the marital bond while implementing it, it is advisable for the husband to also increase his energy as often as he can by physically working together with his wife on the same final product intended for altruistic distribution.

{#I2g} Selecting or preparing words expressing a wedding oath in English called "vows". This oath is extremely important because although today's people manipulate its content, God demands that the essence of the above-mentioned Bible verses be included in them, i.e.: 7:3-5 from "1 Corinthians", 5:21-33 from Ephesians, 3:1-7 from "1 Peter", 9:9 from "Kohelet or Ecclesiastes", and 2:18-20 from "The Book of Genesis". After all, the future wife swears the God-given to her the role as her husband's companion and helper and the creator for her husband an atmosphere of respect, peace, love, truth, trust, help, and actual recognition of him as the head of the family with authority over her body, in turn the future husband swears the same recognizing his wife's authority over his body and her role as his companion and helper. Meanwhile, in many religious and secular institutions, this oath has been distorted and deprived of the most important details consistent with the Bible. Hence, for the wedding and taking the oath, one should choose an institution that has all the traditional components contained in the Bible, and if it is NOT found, then one must demand that in the institution chosen for the wedding the vaws be taken according to the words that the newlyweds formulate for themselves and that contain all this key information from the Bible - which is becoming an increasingly common trend nowadays.

{#I2h} Wedding and honeymoon. It is important to organize it in a way that creates a very pleasant romantic memory for both partners, but in today's life realities it is as modest and economical as possible - after all, it is important to spend the funds on improving the future life of the young couple rather than, for example, on getting drunk and feeding numerous friends and family members.

{#I2i} Solution to the growing problem of "emotional betrayals" (see caused by these alleged "platonic friends" of the opposite sex in English by wives called "just friends" ( see - who in practice almost never turn out to be "platonic"). According to the latest research, these "friends" are the source of most divorces, and moreover, they often turn the husband's marriage into a kind of constant danger, a source of suspicion and the entrance to hell. Therefore, more and more researchers recommend that in Bible-based marriages all "unmarried friends" of the opposite sex should be eliminated by both spouses from any further contacts (including deleting their contacts from their cell phones, which should also be available for viewing by both spouses at all times, because it has been known for centuries that "opportunity makes a thief", and "the master's eye fattens the horse" - this is where the famous wisdom "believe people, but take money as collateral" by Lenin himself comes from) - for more details, see YT videos and their comments, which in May 2024 were available e.g. at: ("Married women can't have male friends", 11:20 minutes), com/watch?v=gE4tDLm-HwM ("Just friends", approx. 5 minutes), ("Why opposite sex friends may be dangerous", approx. 7 minutes), or ("Cheating one time thing", approx. 7 minutes). Notice that there are a lot of these videos, because nowadays there are more and more alleged "platonic friends", and by sending secret text messages and constantly hanging around today's wives who fiercely fight for the rights to have them, they create more and more problems and divorces, as well as losses of reputation by the wives and shame and disappointment for the children who, over time, discover that the "father" is NOT their father at all - just like in this song "Trini Lopez - Scandale Dans La Famille", which was funny in the 1960s, but is now painfully real: https:/ / (2:20 minutes). Moreover, more and more divorces reveal that they are the emotional and often sexual sources of a large proportion of today's divorces. This is why laws are starting to introduce mandatory paternity testing when awarding child support. So although the growing infidelity of wives and current laws allow their irresponsible behaviour to be tolerated for now, my personal opinion is that both participants in a marriage that meets the definition from the Bible should voluntarily stop all private contacts with unmarried people of the opposite sex (unless always they both, husband and wife, participate in the increasingly rare such contacts and contacts never take place without the knowledge and consent of both spouses). After all, trust is easy to lose and then extremely difficult to regain. In turn, professional working conditions should be such that unwitnessed contacts of this type are necessarily eliminated - e.g. during professional conversations, the door should always be left open for inspection by all passers-by (as university lecturers have long been obliged to do). Moreover, in my opinion, human legislation should follow the example of the Philippines and burden such "friends" with financial responsibility for the consequences of what may result from their succumbing to temptations (e.g. if after a divorce alimony has to be paid and they do NOT prove their innocence, it is them and NOT husband should pay alimony).

{#I2j} Practical development of the most convenient procedures for a given marriage of what the Bible calls "submission of wives' bodies to the authority of husbands", while on today's Internet they deceptively call in English: "submission of women to their husbands", and what has already been briefly discussed in subsection {#I2d} above. For this purpose, it is best to watch videos on the Internet about wives' voluntary submission to their husband's authority, and then try to implement the best advice from these videos. And there are more and more of these videos and they are better and better developed - for examples see ("What it means submit to your husband", 8:41 minutes), https:/ / ("How to be a submissive wife", 5:50 minutes), ("15 practical ways to submit to your husband", 12:41 minutes).

{#I2k} Preventing the initiation of the so-called marital emotional infidelity, also known as "emotional affair". There are many situations in life when marital consent and love are suddenly disturbed by someone's parasitic behaviour. An example here may be the temporary separation of a marriage because one of the partners goes on a several-month contract to a distant town or country, or a child is born, which causes a huge number of new responsibilities while at the same time lulling rational thinking due to lack of sleep caused by the child. Videos from YT provide good information about such situations: ("The 6 stages of emotional affairs", 9:13 minutes), com/watch?v=868diRya6Vc ("6 triggers that cause emotional affairs", 10:52 minutes), ("Stages of an emotional affair", 10:06 minutes), or ("Women: don't be ignorant", 6:34 minutes). We must remember that if a marriage does NOT prevent such "emotional infidelity", which always innocently begins with some conversation, then it quickly leads to an "emotional divorce" (i.e. a marriage without sex), and then to an "expensive legal divorce" - see "The emotional divorce happens first" from (9:38 minutes).

{#I2l} Learning and practicing the biblical roles of both parents in raising children. Nothing has a worse impact on someone's future than a child growing up "without a father". Due to the father's lack of example and the lack of his strict fatherly upbringing methods, the child grows into the previously discussed "damaged goods" - e.g. see the 14:17 minute video at the address "Pumped by chad and damaged forever". Therefore, after the birth of children, a woman must remember that her husband is the head of the family also in matters of raising children, and she is just his companion and helper. Therefore, a wife must NOT question her husband's decisions in the presence of her children - even if she does not agree with them (which women do too often). We must also remember that God, who created us and knows us better than all the wise men of humanity put together, orders in the verses of the Bible "corporal punishment" of children, regardless of what laws for such punishment have been adopted by the parliaments of today's humanity governed by the "powers of evil" - just as on the example of the so-called "anti-smacking law", karma for which is already currently devastating the security of every country, several years earlier the parliament of which imprudently and short-sightedly established some anti-smacking laws, as I explain it in more detail in #B5.1 and #G4 of the web page "will.htm".

{#I2m} Gradual recognition and carried out exclusively within the marriage, the mutual healing of the symptoms of being a "damaged good" that each person exhibits to some extent. After all, the Bible repeatedly emphasizes that each of us is imperfect (e.g. see Bible 3:23-24 Romans, 51:5 Psalms, 2:1-5 Ephesians, 5:8 Romans). In turn, psychiatrists and psychologists have invented so many different illnesses that, according to them, nowadays there is NOT even a single "healthy person". In a marriage based on the definition of the Bible, it is necessary to understand and accept in advance that both the husband and the wife, just like every other real person on Earth (including the author of this presentation of the results of his research), have and carry within themselves various imperfections, which, for spiritual growth, must be identified and tried to be eliminated, and if this is NOT possible, then one must learn to tolerate them, and for the most destructive of them, find ways to prevent their manifestation (as in this procedure I indicate it in {#I2b}, {#I2f}, {#I2i}, or {#I2j} ). This need to be treated or tolerated is well expressed by the English proverb "what cannot be cured must be endured". In this marital and mutual recognition and healing of the symptoms of being a "damaged good", several rules and requirements should be applied, the most important of which include: (1) doing it without the participation of anyone other than the husband and wife, i.e. without the participation of, for example, paid so-called "experts", psychologists, doctors, etc. (the reasons for avoiding experts are explained at the beginning of #I4 and #I3 from the web page "biblia.htm"), (2) remembering that all symptoms of being a "damaged good" are actually "illnesses of the soul" which are never treated with "pills" from the pharmacy, but for their treatment is used of honest conversations, review of memory, understanding and forgiveness of the actions of ancestors or neighbours as ordered by the Bible, and the generation of intelligent "moral energy" appropriately pre-programmed with our motivations with which we generate this energy (after all our motivations, when generating this intelligent energy, program it into the type of task its subsequent passage is to accomplish), and (3) during conversations that heal it, the carrier of a given "illness of soul" must be somehow directed to discover in his memory and life history what event, tragedy, experience , etc., a given "illness of the soul" has arisen, and then, together with the spouse, finding an explanation, forgiveness, and justification of the innocence of those who caused it (usually the parents of a given person). If the symptoms persist, these (3) must be repeated until they reach the true roots of a given "illness of the soul" and neutralize their harmfulness with justification. Regardless of improving the characters of the spouses, treating these "illnesses of the soul" increases the mutual communication skills of both spouses, which is extremely important for the good of every marriage.

{#I2n} Together with wife, increasing throughout my life the correct knowledge about marriage, women, men, wives and husbands, timeless truths, human features and qualities, etc., but obtaining this knowledge NOT from the subordinated to the "powers of evil" and therefore lying to humanity the "official atheistic science", but through reading the Bible, learning proverbs, sayings, experiences of one's ancestors, and life wisdom inspired by God and collected, e.g. in proverbs, through lasting millennia observation and condensed expression of truths about real life. Examples of such proverbs include the Japanese repeated in the 7:06 minute video "100 Japanese proverbs" at, e.g. stating "beat your wife on the wedding day, and your married life will be happy") from 7:06 minutes of this video, or stating "all married women are NOT wives" from 6:50 minutes of the video. Proverbs of this type make us realize that almost all women voluntarily do NOT intend to submit to their husband's authority, hence special procedures or situations are necessary to overcome their recalcitrance, as in the case of an unridden wild horse. A similar meaning has a Chinese proverb discussed in blog #211E and item #B2 of my web page "antichrist.htm" and stating "bad husbands always have good wives, while good husbands always have bad wives" (typically due to the enforcement or lack of control over these wives by male authority of the actual head of the family). It is worth adding here that nowadays wives are still "ridden" like wild horses, but by life, NOT by their husbands - because if they do NOT submit to their husband, then after divorce, which is becoming more and more frequent these days, they will spend a long and bitter old age alone, full of remorse and illnesses.

To the above {#I2a} to {#I2n} it is worth adding that women and some wives do NOT stop in their efforts to invent new ways to "subtract" everything that supports the biblical role of the husband as the head of the family. Therefore, the husband should never, from the very beginning of his relationship, allow any woman, especially his wife, to question his authority and thus confirm his lack of respect and atheistic tendencies. There are many wise publications on this subject on the Internet, an example of which could be the 3:35-minute video "7 things a man should never tolerate from a woman" from the address: . Personally, I really feel sorry for women, because they are the biggest enemies who harm themselves. In a situation when the existence of God is unquestionably proven scientifically (see the web page "god_proof.htm" - but the dissemination of knowledge about this undeniable evidence is fiercely blocked), the Bible is quite clear what will happen to those people who do NOT pass the "exam in morality" which important exam deciding about our ethernity the present life os us in the "world of matter" actually is.

Copyrights © 2024 by Dr Eng. Jan Pająk

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The above post #370E is an adaptation of the content of #I1 and #I2 from my English web page named "bible.htm" (update of 25 May 2024, or later) and is available, among others, at the following addresses:

Notice that the above web pages are my main publications updated many times later. On the other hand, this post #369E to blogs of totalizm is only a "harbinger" of publishing the presented here results of my research - which later is NOT updated. Therefore, these web pages typically contain texts that are more improved than this post to blogs of totalizm, with the elapse of time they collect more evidence and fewer research mistakes or writing errors, and because of their repeated updating they also contain the latest findings of my continuously carried out research.

At each of the addresses provided above, I also try to make available the most recently updated versions of all my web pages. Therefore, if the reader wishes to learn from "first hand" the truths explained on any of my web pages, then either at the above addresses he/she may start the web page "menu2.htm" that contains green links to names and topics of all web pages that I developed so-far, then in this web page "menu2.htm" can select the link to the web page that he/she wishes to view, and through clicking the "mouse" start that web page. For example, in order to start this "menu2.htm" from the above-indicated address , it is enough if in that address the name of the web page "bible.htm" is replaced with the name of the web page "menu2.htm" - then to the search engine will be entered the new address obtained in this way. In a similar manner as starting this "menu2.htm", the reader can also start instantly any of my web pages, the name of which he/she already knows, because e.g. I provided it in the above post or because it appears in the "menu2.htm". For example, in order to run any other web page of mine, the physical name of which I have already given anywhere - e.g. to run a web page named "2020life.htm", let's say from a web page with the address , it is enough that instead of the previous web page address, he/she entered the following new address in the address box of a search engine.

It is also worth knowing that almost every NEW topic which I already researched for the "a priori" approach of the new "totaliztic science" and presented on this blog, including the topic from this post #370E (i.e. my own translation to English from the Polish post #370), I intended to publish on all mirror blogs of totalizm which until now remain accessible by me and on which I am still able to publish my posts. Until 2022/10/30, as many as 8 such blogs of totalizm were established and maintained for a short time, out of which only following 3 out of these 8 blogs of totalizm still remain working, accessible, updatable and possible to use for publishing my posts. These 3 blogs of totalizm still accessible for me can be found at the following addresses: (in "Small Print" 12pt: posts starting from #89 = i.e. since 2006/11/11) (in "Large Print" 24pt: posts starting from #293 = since 2018/2/23) (in "Large Print" 24pt: posts starting from #293 = i.e. since 2018/3/16) also available via NZ address
Fortunately, the impossibility to further publish my posts on 5 of these blogs of totalizm did NOT cause the loss of their posts. This is because after complementing with illustrations, colours, underlining and working links of all my posts that I published so far on blogs of totalizm, including this post, I systematically make them available also in my free electronic publication [13] in a safe PDF format and in normal size 12pt (formerly up to the post #360E in two sizes of print, i.e. also in large size 20pt) - which everyone can download for free, e.g. through the web page named "tekst_13.htm" available on all the web sites indicated above, including, for example, at . Almost all posts to blogs of totalizm published in Polish are also published in this [13] after my translation of them to the English language, and thus I hope they should be understandable for inhabitants of countries other than Poland.

Other posts extending and supplementing this #370E:
#369E, 2024/3/15 - let us improve our fate and life by improving our morality to the one commanded by God in the Bible, which softens the behaviour of nature and inanimate objects that always copy the resultant morality of people who live at their mercy (#N1 to #N3 of "newzealand_visit.htm")
#368E, 2024/2/21 - historical examples of a "creator", and then a "destroyer" with the features of the second Genghis Khan, announcing to humanity the coming of pains of completion the Tytler Cycle to return to the era of truth and moral growth (#F1 to #F5 of "pigs.htm")
#367E, 2024/1/21 - seven superior phenomena of the counter-world the existence of which monopoly of the official atheistic science neither recognize nor research to the detriment of humanity (#G1 to #G1a from "artefact.htm")
#366E, 2023/12/24 - "evaporation of the WTC by UFOs" and "what is truth" by UFOnaut Pontius Pilate, contrast method, calculating the probability of truth, examples of truth and untruth (#D1 to #D1a of "wtc.htm")
#365E, 2023/11/20 - hidden invasion of UFOnauts on the institution of marriage, requirements of the defence strategy, symbolism of the baobab flower (#V1 to #V1a of "humanity.htm")
#364E, 2023/10/21 - evidence for a hidden invasion of UFOnauts-giants on Petone in NZ (#K5 to #K5e from "petone.htm")
#363E, 2023/9/21 - "how" people are possessed by material UFOnauts from Orion through synchronising minds by technical telepathy after telekinetic entering to their bodies (#M1 to #M4 of "evil.htm")
#362E, 2023/8/21 - the method of "depriving privileges" for reforming the human justice system, and four-propulsor UFOs hijacking our planes and ships (#I1 to #I6 from "bandits.htm")
#361E, 2023/7/21 - the dissemination of truth in the role of defence against raids by invisible UFOnauts on our flats (#L2 to #L3a of "evil.htm")
#360E, 2023/6/21 - my Magnocraft as a source of keys to knowledge and truth developed on Earth (#D1 to #D1cd from "military_magnocraft.htm")
#359E, 2023/5/21 - secret "sabotage loop" from microprocessors in our PCs (#J3 to #J3a from "faq.htm")
#358E, 2023/4/1 - how warnings with phenomena of epigenetic inheritance of trauma are defined by God's promises, encoding of details, self-regulation mechanisms, canon of ambiguity, consequences of unpleasant form, etc. (#F13 to #F13ab from "soul_proof.htm")
#353E, 2022/11/1 - confirmation that the Internet is the carrier of the biblical numbers 666 (#H4 to #H4b from "will.htm")
#351E, 2022/8/27 - intelligent features of the laws of nature and those governing the solution of people's problems (#C9 to #C9a from "nirvana.htm")
#347E, 2022/6/1 - footprints of female UFOnaut with 3 toes and about 80 cm tall melted in asphalt of NZ footpath (#K1 from "petone.htm")
#346E, 2022/5/18 - how the Bible places "[Ω] Stamp of God" to correct the distortions of human official science (#I5 of "1985_theory_of_everything.htm")
#345E, 2022/3/21 - my discovery from February 2022 that it was God (i.e. NOT "nature") who created "elapse of time" (#I1 to #I4 from "1985_theory_of_everything.htm")
#343E, 2022/1/27 - the role of "what" God and "how" of people in the implementation of the ideal "Nirvana Political System" (#C8 to #C8bc from "nirvana.htm")
#335E, 2021/5/25 - let's replace money with the happiness of earned nirvana explained by our video so that all the evil and greed that destroys humanity and the Earth will turn into the growth and prosperity of every person (#L1 to #L7 from "smart_tvs.htm")
#328E, 2020/10/1 - "earned nirvana" and the "Nirvana Political System" eliminating money (#C7 from "nirvana.htm")
#326E, 2020/9/1 - the existence of subtracting female and adding male versions of "God Drobinas", i.e. "drobinas of counter-matter" described by the Kabbalah from book of Zohar and confirmed by all other categories of evidence, and used by God as patterns in the creation of man and woman (#K2 from "god_exists.htm ")
#325E, 2020/8/1 - features, appearance, structure and operation of male versions of "drobinas of counter-matter", which at the same time constitute "God Drobinas" (#K1 from "god_exists.htm")
#318E, 2020/1/4 - depression and its treatment postulated by the conclusions resulting from my research of "totaliztic nirvana" lasting approximately 9 months which I personally experienced during my professorship in Borneo and by the premises of my scientific Theory of Everything from 1985 (#C6 and #D3 from "nirvana.htm")
#312E, 2019/7/17 - my subjective evidence which empirically confirms to me the old folk theorems that time passes faster and faster in older people (#L3 from "oscillatory_chamber.htm")
#299E, 2018/7/1 - what and why the biblical Elijah made available to humanity under the name Kabbalah and its Tree of Life (#J5 from "petone.htm")
#298E, 2018/4/27 - if you are on Babia Góra, Poland, look out for everything unusual, and maybe something will point you to a "rock" that hides a "gate" to UFO tunnels with treasures accumulated in there for centuries (#G3 from "aliens.htm")
#228E, 2013/1/1 - formal scientific evidence regarding God, soul, creation of people, another world, etc. - which provide us with solid foundations for entire life (#G3 and #G4 from "god_proof.htm")
#211E, 2011/11/30 - to most effectively "pursue of knowledge", God created people as imperfect as possible (#B2 from "antichrist.htm")
#203E, 2011/7/15 - problems with the "marriage monopoly" in the Christian tradition of only one wife - as the opposite of the advantages of the legal "polygamy" approved in the Bible (#J2.2.2 from "morals.htm")
#135E, 2007/9/30 - formal scientific proof of totalizm that "God exists", formulated in accordance with the principles of mathematical logic (#B3 from "god.htm")

Let totalizm prevail,
Dr Eng. Jan Pająk

kodig : :