sty 14 2025

#377_1E: "Moral Energy" (Chi) transmitted...

#377_1E: "Moral Energy" (Chi) transmitted intelligently by "God Drobinas" and allowing people to perform almost miracles (Part 1)

As always, the Polish version of this English post #377E is published below as Polish post #377
(Jak zawsze, polskojęzyczna wersja tego angielskiego wpisu #377E jest opublikowana poniżej jako polski wpis #377)

Summary of items #D1 to #D3 from both, this post #377E for blogs of totalizm as well as the web page "totalizm2020_uk.htm" that provided text for this post #377E. Do you know that you carry within yourself and have around you unlimited amounts of intelligent "moral energy", which - if you learn to use it in accordance with God's commandments, it is able to give you almost supernatural ability and power. The following items #D1 to #D3 are to provide you with fundamental knowledge about this "moral energy", known and used by the Chinese under the name "Chi" since the times of the "Yellow Emperor Wong Di" (i.e. for about 4700 years - see my blog #368E). It is probably because of the in-depth knowledge and practical use of supernatural powers of this intelligent "Chi" energy that "China" has been known as the "Chi-Country", while Koreans until today ritually eat fermented cabbage "Kim-Chi" that maintains health of their bodies (see #B1 to #B2.1 and #J1 to #J3 from the web page "korea.htm" or see blog #356E). Here is a 42-second video [a#D] with the address . It illustrates how a Chinese Kung Fu master who knows how to use this "moral energy" (Chi) splits stones with its power by striking them with the side of his hand - just as in Poland did also a stonemason from the town of Jarocin described in item #D3 of my web page called "cielcza_uk.htm".


#D1, blog #377E: Although the "powers of evil" that secretly are ruling over humanity and the Earth, block desperately people from learning the truth and knowledge about the programs of intelligent "moral energy" carried in the memories of the cells of God's body called "God Drobinas" by "Totalizm2020", it is this intelligent "moral energy" that performs all the actions that decide about the fate of each person and everything that surrounds us, while to those who know how to use it correctly, the moral energy gives almost supernatural power similar to the power of God:

Motto: "We are in God and God is in us." (Explanations of this motto: in several of my publications I am revealing to interested readers that only the intelligent and living so-called "God Drobinas" described in items #K1 and #K2 of the web page "god_exists.htm", has been available to God for the use as "building material" when He created the third of the worlds of the universe, which is our "world of matter" and everything contained in it, including us humans (for more details on this God’s "building material" see item #I2 from the autobiographical web page named "pajak_jan_uk.htm" or from post #330E to blogs of totalizm). For the living body of God, these "God Drobinas" are like equivalents of individual cells from our own physical bodies. Since it is from these God Drobinas that not only our bodies are created, but also everything that surrounds us, this practically means that God exists and lives in every fragment and place of our bodies and in everything that surrounds us. This fact is also confirmed unanimously by all three of these most important "three witnesses" - the absolute reliability of the testimonies of which I explained in (1) to (1c) from item #H1 of my web page named "2020life.htm" and in post #331E to blogs of totalizm (means to blogs the addresses of which are provided e.g. in item #Z5 of the web page named "totalizm2020_uk.htm"). Namely that God exists and lives in every fragment and place of our bodies and in everything that surrounds us is confirmed, among others, by: (1a) my "Theory of Everything from 1985" (e.g. see my blog #345E or SUMMARY and item #I2 of the web page named "1985_theory_of_everything.htm"); (1b) Bible verses (e.g. see verses: John 14:20, Romans 8:9, Galatians 2:20); and also by (1c) extensive empirical evidence. As an example of this empirical evidence, consider the so-called "dark matter" and "dark energy" - the existence of which atheistic physicists are NOT able to explain without recognizing the existence of invisible "God Drobinas" from which everything visible was created (see the Bible, verse 11:3 from "Hebrews"), or consider forming tornadoes and hurricanes by swirling the air with whirls of these "God Drobinas" - as I described it e.g. in blog #326E and in item #K2 of my web page "god_exists.htm" plus also in subsection LB1 from volume 10 my monograph [1/5] as well as in blog #322E and in items #J1 to #J5 of the web page "hurricane.htm". In turn, having intelligent "God Drobinas" and hence the power of the living God both in ourselves and all around us, if by improving our own morality and by making correctly "adding" our physical actions we learn to use for the good of others and ourselves this omnipresence of God's power in ourselves and around us, then there are NO limits to what we can achieve in our lives. And the key to achieving these unlimited possibilities is to learn the engineering procedures "how" to properly program this intelligent "moral energy". The producing "adding fruits" programs with these "how" procedures are recorded and stored in the memories of "God Drobinas". I describe and define these "how" programs in more detail in these items #D1 to #D3. It was just such my accidental discovery and release of the supernatural power of this "moral energy" during my professorship on the tropical island of Borneo, which gave me over half a year of simply indescribable "happiness of earned nirvana", (see the web page "nirvana.htm"), which later allowed me to develop the concept of a truly perfect political "Nirvana System" (see INTRODUCTION and Part #L of the web page "smart_tvs.htm"). This Nirvana Political System is able to completely eliminate "money" from the Earth - "the greed of which money is the root of all evil" (see verse 6:10 from "1 Timothy" in the Bible). That political Nirvana System my friend and I we illustrated together in our half-hour free video [a#D1] at the address . It was also the learning "how" to release a beam of this "moral energy", while simultaneously forming a supra-threshold level of my feelings, that allowed me in my youth to hit with a stone practically anything I wanted to - just like does the Kung Fu master shown in the video [a5#D1] from {5#D1} below. The procedure "how" of accomplishing these my reliable hits from times of my youth, I described in publications that are linked by the Polish-language web page named "skorowidz.htm" with the Polish phrase: uczuciowe powodowanie moich trafień kamieniem (which phrase means: emotional causing of my hits with a stone.)

Although in today's times we are only a small step away from starting a nuclear self-destruction to which the "powers of evil" are pushing us, but at the same time we are also a small step away from entering on the "way of God" leading to an infinite life of happiness, prosperity, self-fulfilment and access to powers almost equal to the powers of God. It is only up to us, therefore, which one of these two fates we will allow our governments to choose, or either we will choose ourselves through our active actions, or we will continue our current tolerance of evil and the excesses of ambition and lust for power of some elites and rulers. There is also NOT only hope, but there is already concrete scientific evidence for this, that if we choose the "way of God" to happiness, prosperity and self-fulfilment, then these will be available to every person. I will present some of this evidence in this item. Of course, I realize that for people with narrow minds and pessimistic habits of "subtraction" it sounds too good to be true, but as a foretaste of what can be achieved I suggest watching the 12-second English-language video [b#D1] "The old man performed Chinese Kung Fu Qigong and split a beer bottle in the air" at the address: . Looking at it, dear reader, before you read these items #D1 to #D3, ask yourself: does the Chinese man shown there have an intelligent power in his hand that remotely exploded the bottle on his command, or - as most Europeans probably still believe, it is the above video just a clever filmed deception e.g. "fabricated" by AI (Artificial Intelligence), as it is accused by the "subtractive-minded" readers who write comments under it? The comments below that video may help you, dear reader, to find your own answer. The path to feats like those shown in the video above leads through understanding: what really is the "moral energy" described here? The Chinese have been using this "moral energy" (Chi) since around 4700 years ago, means since they were ruled by the arrived from stars, the all-knowing "Yellow Emperor Wong Di", whom I described in blog #368E and in #7 from items #B5.1 and in #F2 of the web page named "pigs.htm". They use this intelligent energy for a variety of purposes, starting from healing, through splitting stones, concrete slabs and steel objects with it, and finishing on killing their enemies that attacked them. Also they utilised the intelligence of the moral energy for building in 132 AD the detecting device for warning of impending earthquakes - which excellent ancient earthquake detector I described and illustrated on my web page named "seismograph.htm" using its slightly misleading Western name the "Zhang Heng Seismograph" (the correct Chinese name for it was: "houfeng didongy yi" - that means the "instrument for inquiring into the flow of fluid and earth movement"). Honestly speaking, it is a great pity that these tens of institutions with decision makers pre-programmed by "forces of evil", to which in years 2003 to 2011 I kept applying (see #A2 from above web page "seismograph.htm") that on the bases of my knowledge and engineering experience they allowed me and helped to construct a working prototype of this earthquake warning device, stubbornly refused to allow. If this device is already constructed, then in times of approaching the destruction of 2030s (see the web page "2030_uk.htm" or see our Polish free video with English subtitles "cc" at: ) probably it would save from diminishing many descendants of these decision makers. Depending on dialect used and intended application, this "moral energy" Chinese most often call "Chi" or "Qigong". Also, it is this "moral energy" that gives Buddhist monks from Tibet almost supernatural powers, which are described, for example, in the videos discussed in the motto of the blog #375E and item #A2 of the web named page "totalizm2020_uk.htm". So humanity already has blueprints on how to learn to use this "moral energy". Furthermore, since 1985, humanity has had access to descriptions of my philosophy of totalizm from 1985, (see the web page named "totalizm.htm"), which from the very beginning of its existence implied with its deductions and procedures that there must be also an intelligent version or equivalent to the stupid "physical energy" about which we learn in schools and universities. This implying by totalizm urged me to search for the intelligent version of energy so that it can be discovered and researched. It were also the indications and prompts contained in this philosophy of "Totalizm1985" that led me toward discovery what this "moral energy" actually is, "how" it is generated, controlled, and used, and what almost supernatural powers it puts at people's disposal. In addition, they also revealed to me additional secrets that allowed this energy to be precisely defined and described here. It was also the completion of this research and its detailed description that created an improved version of the philosophy "Totalizm2020", i.e. created the "Philosophy of Everything from 2020", which already disseminates the definition, origin and full descriptions of intelligent "moral energy" that elevates humanity to a higher level of truth, civilization and morality.

And so, this second stage of the transformation of the philosophy of "Totalizm1985" into the philosophy of "Totalizm2020" was initiated in February 2020 by my discovery of the existence of miniature thinking beings, which I named "God Drobinas" and described in more detail in items #K1 and #K2 of the web page called "god_exists.htm" and in posts #325E and #326E to the blogs of totalizm. This is because the Polish word "drobina" means "something very small but especially deeply loved". That's why only the name "God Drobinas" fully honours the elementary cells of the body of the living God. After all, it is NOT appropriate to call elementary components of God's body with e.g. the name "particles" that was established and spread a long time ago by atheistically motivated scientists who neither discovered the existence of "God Drobinas" nor named the "God Drobinas". Thus, the stubborn continuation of the use of the atheistic words of "particles" or "corpuscles" to name so "God Drobinas" in present situation in the world, when the existence of God is scientifically and formally proven since 2007 (this proof is in #G2 from my web page "god_proof.htm") and when the humans are increasingly aware that UFOs are the same as the Biblical devils, demons, serpents, snakes, dragons, etc., becomes an intentional manifestation of the lack of respect and also the lack of the required by 10 commandments love to both, God, as well as to the neighbours, means also to the author of these publications - who after all is the researcher that as the first in the world he formally and scientifically has proven the existence of God (see blog #135E or item #G2 from the web page named "god_proof.htm"). Therefore the stubborn continuation of naming "God Drobinas" with these atheistic names "particles", breaks also God commandments and thus according to verse 34:7 from the "Book of Exodus" in the Bible (quoted in {2#D1} below) represents the sin punishable by God - NOT mentioning that probably it also breaks some of copyright laws that concern products of human creativity (or plagiarism). Furthermore, the versatile roles that these intelligent "God Drobinas" fulfil in all three worlds of the universe, constituting among others, the elementary components of body of every object (including e.g. bread and wine), every human (including body of Jesus) and every living and thinking creature, also qualify these God Drobinas for such a name full of human love and respect. The inexpressibly important role fulfilled by these "God Drobinas" in everything that manifests itself to us, caused that my original "adding" philosophy of totalizm from 1985 - described on the web page "totalizm.htm" (the findings of which still remain correct and valid), I decided to additionally make more precise, clarified, and expanded with truths and descriptions resulting from learning about these "God Drobinas". This additionally expanded and make more precise "philosophy of totalizm" is published on my web page named "totalizm2020_uk.htm - which originally contains these items #D1 to #D3.

Since these intelligent and living "God Drobinas" are infinitely fast deliverers of programs, while in brains and memories of these God Drobinas reside and are transferred, among others, programs of "moral energy", I will begin my descriptions of truths about them here by explaining what this "moral energy" is for us humans. It would be best if I formulated my explanations in the form of an engineering procedure "how" defined in a series of numbered sub-items describing it. Here they are:

{1#D1} Learning "how" to correctly generate "moral energy" until reaching its "above-threshold" accumulation - the relative level of which according to my research is µ=0.6 or 60% (see item #D2 from the web page "nirvana.htm"), and then learn "how" to control and steer the effects of its action, gives us truly supernatural powers or abilities, e.g. almost equal to the powers of God Himself. This is because, according to the confirmations by all the most important "three witnesses", namely by (1) the Bible; by (2) empirical evidence; as well as by (3) my "Theory of Everything from 1985" from the web page "1985_theory_of_everything.htm" and also by my "Theory of Life from 2020" from the web page "2020life.htm": "we are in God, and God is in us" - as I have already explained in the "motto" of this item #D1. Because this knowledge of the omnipresence of God is very important for learning "how" to correctly generate, control, and aim the effects of "moral energy" unleashing, in the sub-items of this #D1 that follow I will describe it in more detail, and additionally I will strengthen these descriptions in #D2 and #D3 below. In turn here in this {1#D1} I will focus mainly on illustrating examples of these supernatural powers or abilities that will be given to us by generating to a supra-threshold level, and then by controlling, steering and aiming, the effects of work of this intelligent moral energy. And so, one of the examples of these extraordinary powers is that directing the action of this moral energy at any object allows us to obtain the effects to which we reprogram it with our supra-threshold feelings at the moment of its release. This, for example, allows humans to split stones, concrete, glass and even the most hard steel objects, either by hitting them with their bare hand which aims and bursts the beam of "moral energy" - as did the Polish stonemason from the town of Jarocin described in #D3 of the web page named "cielcza_uk.htm", as shown for example in the 47-second video [a1#D1] "Shaolin monk destroying stones with his powerful Qi Gong" from the address: (note that it does NOT have to be done so theatrically), or as shown in the 2:10-minute video [b1#D1] "Shifu Liu Xingbo - Hard Qigong Demonstration" with the address , or splitting them by remotely directing at them a stream of own "moral energy" either by looking at them, talking to them, or thinking about them. Remotely directing intelligent moral energy allows also, for example, precise cutting of objects - as shown in the 9-second video [c1#D1] "Shaolin hard Qigong" at and this even can be done if the object being cut is covered by some obstacle (e.g. a glass container) - see the 53-second video [d1#D1] "Mind Power Breaking Glass" at . "Moral energy" allows also overcome gravity by making weightless or much lighten those ones who know how to do it, thus allowing them to leap at walls and roofs of buildings, fly in the air or walk on the water - for an example see the 26 seconds video [e1#D1] "leap onto roofs and vault over walls" at , or 30 second video "The old man shows off his light skill again" at - in which he appears to glide through the air slowly like a weightless balloon and he does in his gliding what is almost impossible to do in a normally fast jump, as he demonstrates this in different ways on his other videos. Chinese masters of the martial art called "Kung Fu" specialize in this type of use of "moral energy". I observed it with my own eyes when I was invited to one of their demonstrations during my professorship in Kuala Lumpur. Other supernatural abilities that the use of moral energy gives include "healing". A good example of this is illustrated in the 10:28 minute video [f1#D1] "Chi Kung Master Burns Paper With His Hand - John Chang" about a healer from Indonesia shown at the address . Controlling animals with "moral energy" is also somewhat similar to healing. It is best demonstrated by a master from Japan who can put any animal to sleep with his moral energy (Chi) - e.g. see the 9:56 minute video [g1#D1] "Chi master puts animals to sleep" from the address: . (No wonder that UFOnauts can so easily put all of us - you and me included, into sleep with their advanced devices, when there is our turn for a next abduction during each month to be robbed from our "moral energy".) In turn, for example, a Buddhist monk can command his "moral energy" (Chi) to pick up a fallen cardboard cup from the floor and hand it to him - as illustrated in the 26-second video [h1#D1] "Magic monk" with the address . Of course, the above are just a few initial examples. Moral energy allows people who can control it to e.g. make own body hard like steel, withstand freezing temperatures or lack of air, self-heal, do bloodless operations, levitate, overcome any obstacle, run hundreds of kilometres in one day, lift huge boulders, make their body invisible or turn it into a kind of rainbow, etc., etc. - practically nothing is impossible for this intelligent moral energy. In confirmation of this, there is already significant filmed documentation and eyewitness testimonies, which interested readers can search for themselves on, e.g. starting with the command: - e.g. see the "motto" to item #A2 of blog #375E and the web page "totalizm2020_uk.htm". In order NOT to excessively increase the length of this description, I will NOT link here to further such videos. I should only add here that the above confirms that old original finding of the philosophy of totalizm, assuring us that " everything that is possible to think about, is also possible to implement - only that with work and wisdom one must find a way 'how' to do it" (links to this information in Polish stating 'wszystko co jest możliwe do pomyślenia, jest też możliwe do urzeczywistnienia - tyle że pracą i mądrością trzeba znaleźć sposób "jak" tego dokonać' provides my web page named "skorowidz.htm"). As it turns out, all this can be done in two different ways. The first of them is the described herein diligent learning "how" to use the unlimited capabilities of our miraculous bodies, to which the "moral energy" accumulated in us can give supernatural powers almost equal to the power of God. It has the additional advantage that by learning to manage the "moral energy", people simultaneously learn to live morally and improve their character, actions, motivations, etc. This in turn means that after acquiring these almost God-like powers, their morality is already at such a high level that they will NOT abuse these powers for actions and purposes forbidden by God. The second way is to build technical devices that will do this for us, e.g. with one push of a button or by issuing a telepathic mental command. Unfortunately, this way of acting through machines also requires paying a high price for it. Only that it is paid later by the entire civilization that uses it, sometimes even paying the price of complete self-destruction of this civilization. After all, since once built, mindless machines that operate at the proverbial "push of a button" can later fall into the hands of someone whose ambitions, power and brutality exceed the level of his/her morality - as we are made aware of by machines called "nuclear bombs" see {2#D1} below (but this is already the subject of my other publications, some of which I already published several decades ago).

{2#D1} We always generate "moral energy" by the effort of our muscles when we do any physical work, which do NOT break any commandments of God. The spiritual symbolism of Korean "kimchi" mentioned e.g. in above my blog #356E, implies that "moral energy" already pre-programmed on restoring health is also generated e.g. by eating food recommended by the Bible (although this topic still requires much more research before it can be integrated into "Totalizm2020"). However, in order to be able to release with "moral energy" the full powers of these supernatural abilities described above, its amount accumulated in our soul must exceed the so-called "above-threshold value" which according to my research discussed in #D2 of the web page named "nirvana.htm" e.g. for the phenomenon of earned nirvana amounts to µ=0.6 or 60%. I described the generation of "moral energy" in the best way in my blog #370E and in items #I1 and #I2 of the web page named "bible.htm", as well as in #D1 to #D3 and #C6 of my web page "nirvana.htm", and in my publications linked there. There I also recommend reading about its generation to those who wish to increase their resources of this energy, e.g. people who don’t do enough physical work. Here I will only draw the reader's attention to the moral side of generating this intelligent energy. Namely, the required level of its accumulation in anyone's soul, God has secured with a strict moral requirement that "moral energy" must NOT be used to cause "evil" and therefore it cannot be generated with the intention of causing "evil". At the same time, however, it must be understood that by God, who rewards with this "moral energy" the physical work performed individually by each person, "evil" is understood as carrying out actions that bear "subtractive" fruits. As it resulted from the findings of my philosophy of totalizm, from God's perspective "evil" is understood slightly differently than from the perspective of people. Namely, by people, "evil" is most often understood as "everything that is unpleasant, painful, or causes some loss for them" - even if in the final effect it will certainly bear "adding" fruits, and thus that for God, for other people, and for the entire universe it is defining "good" not "evil" (for details see my blog #375E). For example, for many people, "evil" is even the removal from the land of nations previously described in the Bible as the "destroyers of earth" hence whom definitely generate "subtractive fruits" - about which I remind and comment, for example, in Part #T from my web page named "woda_uk.htm", or among others in Part #H from my web page named "2030_uk.htm". Strangely, some nations consider NOT to be "evil" the situation that they previously sacrificed own citizens to their idols (or even ate them), but call "evil" the situation that in order to end these practices God was forced to send an external "conqueror" or "destroyer" to conquer them and for their own good to force them to change their sacrifice or eating behaviours - as I explain it, for example, in blogs #289 and #368E. Or for some people, "evil" are also the "pains of birth-labour" in women, although these are the ones that teach women, among other things, to love and to take particularly good care of their children. It is therefore in order to warn people that they will be punished if they act in a way that breaks the commandments from the Bible (thus causing the birth of "subtractive fruits"), God clearly informs that although He can forgive sins, but also will punish every sin committed (e.g. see verse 34:7 from the "Book of Exodus" in the Bible - I quote: "... [God], who keeps his mercy for a thousand generations, forgiving iniquity, unfaithfulness, and sin, but does not leave it unpunished, ..."). In an analogous way, the Hindu religion warns that "karma does NOT forgive" - (see descriptions searched for e.g. with the command: ) - in which it uses only slightly differently words that eliminate the name God, to practically express exactly the same warning as the above verse 34:7 from the "Book of Exodus" in the Bible. This requirement of exclusively moral use of the above-threshold accumulation of the intelligent moral energy is even emphasized by the video [f1#D1] about the healer from Indonesia from item {1#D1} above. The requirement of only moral use of this energy was introduced by God on purpose to separate "adding" civilizations from "subtractive" civilizations. The point is that "subtractive" civilizations, such as UFOnauts secretly occupying the Earth and humanity, chose technical progress over and above the moral progress. But wise upbringing by God tries to produce "adding civilizations" which choose moral progress to be leading in front and above technical progress. Reasons are foresightedly encoded e.g. in verses 7:13-14 of "Matthew" from the Bible, i.e. the verse about the symbolic "wide gate and spacious way" leading to destruction - because this spacious way leads straight to pressing buttons that drop "nuclear bombs" on neighbours who also have own nuclear bombs and will retaliate. Therefore, when machines of the type "atomic bomb" are first built in a given civilisation, then with just one push of a button their power can completely destroy or annihilate an entire given civilization - the proof of which on Earth was the nuclear destruction of the ancient civilization from "Mohenjo Daro in Pakistan" - e.g. the one searched e.g. by the command . Note that similarly powerful like a nuclear bomb is a starship of my invention which is also a kind of super-weapon called "Magnocraft" (described e.g. on the web page "military_magnocraft.htm"). The problem with such destructive machines is that in every parasitic civilization the morality of which does NOT keep up with its technology, there can always be some individuals who will decide to press that "red button of total destruction" - as I explain it in item #D3 below.

{3#D1} What possibilities the "moral energy" generated in us gives us, initially depends on how we program it with our motivations, which we had at the time of its generation with our physical work, but at the moment of need we can also reprogram it for another action through the use of our above-threshold feelings. How the programming of moral energy is carried out with our motivations, I described it in a bit more detail in {#I1a} to {#I1n} from item #I1 of my web page named "bible.htm" and blog #370E. How in turn we can reprogram it with our above-threshold feelings I explain in {5#D1} below.

{4#D1} The generation of "moral energy" is spoiled when we do physical work while envious and unfriendly people are watching us. This is best reflected by the equation (2JE8) from item #D2 of my web page named "nirvana.htm" and from the monograph [1/5] which originally published it. With this equation I captured the empirically researched by myself during my personal experience of earned nirvana the influence of "subtracting" action of unfriendly people observing us while we perform "moral work" that generates "moral energy" for us.

{5#D1} We can reprogram the moral energy already accumulated in us with our above-threshold feelings. The fact that we can reprogram the "moral energy" accumulated in us with above-threshold feelings to cause any other effects from these initially pre-programmed by our motivations, I empirically discovered and later mentally noted during my childhood. Namely, I learned at that time instinctively "how" to always hit the target that I intend to hunt with a stone. I described my method of reliably hitting with a stone in publications which are linked by the Polish-language web page "skorowidz.htm" with the Polish keywords: uczuciowe powodowanie moich trafień kamieniem (which expression means the: emotional causing of my hits with a stone). In turn, the existence of evidence confirming hits so assured with "moral energy" I discuss in the "motto" of this #D1, and their example is the 24-second video [a5#D1] "A kung fu master has a lot of skill. He can fight wherever he wants" with the address .

{6#D1} The "moral energy" stored in us can be robbed (energy vampirism) by evil people who lack it, and even by UFOnauts who rob us of it with devices called "cold chambers" (in Polish: "komory zimna") to saturate themselves with it in the "renewal rooms" (in Polish: "pomieszczenia odnowy"), thus avoiding the need to generate it with own physical work. The problem here is that "moral energy" is equally necessary for our soul to keep us alive, just as oxygen is necessary for our body. Therefore, people, as well as entire so-called "group intellects", i.e. institutions, nations, countries, civilizations, etc., which allow their moral energy level to drop to near zero, die from the so-called "moral suffocation" - which is simply a self-induced death through various self-harming misbehaviours. The "moral suffocation" is described, among others, in #D3 and #C4.3 from the web page "nirvana.htm" and from the blog #318E. Meanwhile, in today's humanity, most people (especially women) have either completely stopped, or almost stopped, doing the "adding" physical work that generates moral energy. After all, for example, sitting at a desk and playing with a computer generates almost NO such energy. As a result, the level of moral energy in both individual people and in entire nations of today is rapidly dropping, causing more and more people to become victims of "moral suffocation" e.g. by committing a suicide, while countries are showing signs of an approaching "moral suffocation" - which also will result in them dying in various ways. This lack of moral energy in entire countries can already be felt with our own body when one arrives in there, for example, by plane from a country where the level of moral energy is still relatively high - for an example, see the description from the final paragraph in item #E1 of my web page named "newzealand_visit.htm". So in order to supplement their lack of "moral energy" without performing the required physical work, individual people usually resort to "energy vampirism" (see ) which most often consists in persuading others to transfer to these people, with their feelings of "pity" or "anger", a part of their own "moral energy". In turn, for example, UFOnauts, who almost never generate moral energy through the required "moral work", have built technical devices with which they every month at night, under hypnosis rob "moral energy" from each person on Earth. I mention these devices in my blog #350E and in {2a} and {2b} from the caption under Fig. #A1c from my web page "tapanui.htm". However, the original descriptions of their "cold chambers" for robbing moral energy from people, and their "renewal rooms" in which UFOnauts saturate themselves with the moral energy robbed from people, were reported to us by a Polish citizen abducted by UFOnauts to the planet Nea, in our joint treatise [3b] entitled "Kosmiczna układanka" (meaning: [3b] "Cosmic puzzle") disseminated free of charge in PDF format by my web page named "tekst_3b.htm".

{7#D1} We can also donate to other people (as a kind of "gift") the "moral energy" that we have accumulated. This giving to others a part of our own "moral energy" occurs when we feel sorry for them or they have somehow aroused our pity, or when we admire them. This is why, for example, all beings practicing the philosophy of parasitism (see the web page named "parasitism.htm"), i.e. those who do NOT generate the "moral energy" required for their life, such as today's UFOnauts, as well as biblical demons and fallen angels, are extremely "greedy" to arouse admiration in people, because this transfers to them a lot of human moral energy pre-programmed with motivations of admiration that provides a great pleasure to them. However, I discuss this topic in publications devoted to the philosophy of parasitism, for example on the web page "parasitism.htm".

What a pity that the so-called "powers of evil" and their human helpers secretly governing over the Earth and humanity, stubbornly though secretly, block the truths and previously unknown knowledge that I am trying to disseminate with the results of my research, and discourage people in every way available to them from getting to know these truths and knowledge. Even more demoralizing is that many people help them in this blocking knowledge in spite that the Bible describes the definite punishment for this. After all, getting to know this truth and knowledge by people would elevate humanity to an incredibly high level of awareness and moral and technical advancement.


#D2, blog #377E. So let us define what "moral energy" is and how to learn to use its ability to give people almost God-like powers:

Motto: "People generate moral energy mainly by performing physical work, they program it with their motivations for which they perform this work, they release its effects by arousing above-threshold feelings in themselves, and they define the consequences of its use by the level of their morality." (Explanation of this motto: the actual existence of moral energy was proven to me by an experiment of performing for several months the physical so-called "moral work". This experiment I conducted during my professorship on the tropical island of Borneo. The "moral work" is hard and intensive physical work performed altruistically with motivations of doing good to other our neighbours, during the performance of which work one pedantically observes the "adding" commandments and recommendations of God described in the verses of the Bible. I described my experiment from Borneo most briefly in the INTRODUCTION to the web page "smart_tvs.htm". The result of conducting this experiment surprised me very much, as it caused in me the extraordinary "happiness of earned nirvana" lasting many months. Moreover, at the same time it allowed me to thoroughly investigate and describe the characteristics of both, the intelligent "moral energy", as well as the extraordinary phenomenon of " earned nirvana " - both of them briefly described on the web page named "nirvana.htm". Then in 2020 I discovered the existence of living and intelligent "God Drobinas", in the brains and memories of which, according to outcomes of my research, the programs of "moral energy" are residing and can be transferred to goals of the intended action done by this intelligent energy - as I described it in #I1 from blog #370E and from my web page named "bible.htm". So, all in all, I have been researching intelligent "moral energy" continuously and personally since 1996 until today. Below I am summarizing what I have already managed to determine about it.)

At the current stage of my research, I would describe the "moral energy" discovered and researched mainly by myself with the following totaliztic definition. 'Moral energy is the kind of specialized programs prepared by God and recorded in the memories and brains of flying "God Drobinas" to be transferred to an object or area indicated by the user of this energy, which due to the free flying and lack of gravitational attachment of these "God Drobinas" to the matter of our "world of matter" allow them to instantly fly to the destination indicated to them as the goal of aiming of the user of the moral energy and there order "how" must behave these other God Drobinas that have gravitational attachment and thus form matter, phenomena, objects, or areas mentally indicated as the goal of previously physically trained by the user behaviours of this energy.'

Since this definition contains many concepts that the reader will probably NOT be familiar with, because knowledge about them is still secretly blocked by the "powers of evil" from being known by people, I will explain in more detail what this definition is trying to make us realize. I start here by explaining the role of "God Drobinas". They are tiny beings in the shapes of human men and women. They are intelligent, have been flying since forever with infinite speed around the original world of the universe called the "counter-world", and contain 12 brains and memories each, absolutely obediently carrying out the orders of the living program of God residing in their highest (12th) brain and memory. A small proportion of these God Drobinas (approx. 10%) have been programmed by God so that with their "whirls" circulating around closed circuits they form the entire inertial matter of our "world of matter", and everything that exists in our "world of matter". At the beginning of the formulation in 1985 of my "Theory of Everything from 1985" (initially called the "Concept of Dipolar Gravity from 1985" - see the web page named "dipolar_gravity.htm") I called them "gravitationally bound drobinas of counter-matter". The rest of the God Drobinas remain flying, ephemeral and "gravitationally unbound", therefore they continue to fly at infinite speeds around both, the "counter-world" and our "world of matter" of the universe in the role of "God Couriers". They carry out there the commands given to them by God to be delivered wherever it is necessary. Today's atheistic scientists who do NOT want to learn or acknowledge my discoveries call these gravitationally unbound God Drobinas the "dark matter" or the "dark energy". Ordinary people can see them on photographs taken with so-called "Kirlian camera", where they are documented as white luminous streams emerging from almost every object - search for them e.g. with the command . The stimulated "God Drobinas" can emit two types of light and energy, namely white light and cooling energy (like that of the Moon) and red light and burning energy (like that of the Sun). We know the descriptions of this two types of glowing of God Drobinas not only from (1) my theories and from (2) body of empirical evidence, but they are also confirmed by the third of the most important "three witnesses" - namely they are (3) also encrypted in the Bible verses. The clearest example of this encoding in the Bible is verse 7:9 from the "Book of Daniel", which describes the white light emitted by the garment and hair of the "Ancient of Days", and the red light emitted by the "throne of God". (The name "Ancient of Days" is actually the biblical name for "God Drobinas" that exist since eternity.) After all, "God Drobinas" can be symbolically considered both the "garment" and the "throne" of God. This is because in their 12th brain and memory sits the living Program of God (see my web page "god_proof.htm"). In turn the white "hair of God", that is, the streams of eternally moving "God Drobinas" glowing with white cooling light, escaping from the photographed objects, are revealed to us by the above-mentioned Kirlian cameras documenting the white glow of the stimulated "God Drobinas". Other descriptions of the lights from the "God Drobinas" that are also contained in the Bible verses, include: 4:4-5 from "The Apocalypse of St. John", 1:27 from "Ezekiel", 3:2 from "The Book of Exodus", 12:29 from "Hebrews", 4:24 and 9:3 from "Deuteronomy". In fact, these two excited states of "God Drobinas" emitting either "heating" red light or "cooling" white light, explain the truth about the carrier of heating energy programs brought to Earth by our Sun and other stars, as well as the truth about the carrier of cooling energy programs constituting the so-called "Rays of Cold" (in Polish called "Promienie Zimna" - see links on the web page named "skorowidz.htm") and emanating from the Moon bombarded with the light of the Sun, and also emanating from objects moved telekinetically. (These "Rays of Cold" are described for the Moon e.g. in #J3 from the web page "1985_theory_of_everything.htm" and from post #349E to blogs of totalizm, while for telekinetic movements I am describing them e.g. in Fig. H1 and in subsection H6.1.3 from volume 4 of my "monograph [1/5]" distributed for free via the web page named "tekst_1_5.htm".) Both of these truths correct the misleading erroneousness of the monopoly of "official atheistic science", which stubbornly with shouting and repressions forces in people the lie that the hot red energy of the Sun comes from nuclear processes in Sun’s matter, while the cold white radiation of the Moon is simply the "reflected" light of the Sun - which claims, however, are NOT confirmed but are even denied by each of the above-mentioned most important "3 witnesses".

Another expression from the above definition of "moral energy" is the statement: a specialized "program ordering how must behave other God Drobinas that form matter and phenomena of our "world of matter". The point is that according to my research and hence also the philosophy of totalizm, what we call "energy" is in fact a "program" contained in the memory of "God Drobinas" and ordering other "God Drobinas" how they should behave. (I.e. "energy", similarly to God’s "Holy Spirit", is an intelligent living Program.) I also have known that "energy" is a program since 1985 - i.e. since I developed my "Theory of Everything of 1985" (initially called the "Concept of Dipolar Gravity of 1985"). I describe my understanding of "energy" as a "program" in more detail in subsection H9.2 (and partially also in #3A from subsection H4.1) from volume 4 of my monograph [1/5]. Since this energy program is contained in gravitationally unbound "God Drobinas", whenever the behaviour of an object is to be displayed in a strictly defined way, God sends these energy programs to it in the role of "Couriers with God's command". In turn, the object which they command how to behave strictly fulfils these God commands. This is where come from the behaviours of objects - so far incomprehensible to people, which behaviours I described in {1#D1} above. Hence, what the Chinese call with names "Chi" or "Qigong" (and also, depending on their multinational dialect, with several other names) are simply intelligent "God Drobinas" carrying the command how must behave an object which is the subject of the action of a given Kung Fu master who has mastered through his/her physical training and moral work one of those miraculous capabilities made available to people as a reward from God who lives both in us and in everything that surrounds us from all sides.

(This entire post #377E would NOT fit into the memory of this blog - hence the next part of it will be continued below as post #377_2E)

kodig : :