#375_2E: Definition of "adding"...
#375_2E: Definition of "adding" philosophy "Totalizm2020 = Philosophy of Everything of 2020"
(Continuation from the previous "part 1" of this post #375E)
The "tools" that this philosophy following (2) the "way of Satan" uses to achieve its "subtractive" fruits are the exact opposite of the tools from (1) the "way of God". They also exist in great numbers and can also be divided into different categories, e.g. requirements ('), choices ("), laws ("'), etc. But notice that destroying (subtracting) is many times easier then building (adding). Thus, the destructive power of each one of these "subtracting" tools is so significant, that if in the philosophy which attempts to be "adding" (e.g. in the philosophy of science) even just single one of the "subtracting" tools has silent permission to be used (e.g. lying), then this one tool completely converts into "subtracting" and destroys the "adding" fruits of the entire such a philosophy. Therefore in order any philosophy truly be "adding", then it must continually repeat its verifications whether absolutely all tools that it uses are really "adding".
The most frequently used examples of these "subtractive tools" from the group of requirements (') include, among others:
(a') using lies in reporting and informing;
(b') allowing fear, greed, pessimism and negative thinking in motivating;
(c') resorting to robbery, extortion, bribery, and corruption in activities;
(d') intentional maintaining stupidity and poverty (especially in other people over whom power is to be maintained), combined with encouraging "laziness" causing a loss of motivation to increase one's knowledge (i.e. to learn) appearing immediately when someone practicing parasitism is NOT forced to learn, "discrimination" of sources in which knowledge can be sought - e.g. discriminatory indication by the government or leaders of which textbooks can or CANNOT be used in schools and life (e.g. bans on using the Bible), strict censorship of the press, radio and television, laws taking away the freedom to publicly express one's views, etc., etc.;
(e') forcing money payment for everything while at the same time considering to be shameful every voluntary "adding" physical work that helps us and our neighbours and increases human experience and "moral energy" (e.g. carrying coal to the basement), or even prohibiting their performance, while promoting useless works - e.g. exercising on machines in gyms, etc., etc.;
(f') hostility, jealousy and deception in coexistence and in life, which among others (f'1) denies the existence of God and universal justice, (f'2) shows every neighbour as a competitor and opponent or even a slave for those who practice this philosophy - thus whom must be exploited, and (f'3) recognizes nature solely as a source for accumulating wealth and obtaining the raw materials to be consumed.
Here are the choices (") as examples of "subtractive tools":
(a") Choosing only that which serves ambition, wealth, power, pleasure, etc., only for ourselves and/or Satan, and avoids serving, for example, our neighbours, nature, or even the spreading of the truth about God.
(b") How long it is to serve us, preferably until the end of our lives, or at least immediately;
(c") Is it possible to extort or steal the energy, resources and means required to accomplish this;
(d") Do we have access to slaves whose labour will accomplish this for us (the more slaves the better);
(e") Whoever opposes this will have to be bribed, cheated, coerced, etc. (e.g. wife/husband, neighbour, nature, God);
(f") How much does it increase my access to wealth, fame, power, opposite sex, pleasure, etc.;
(g") If my luck changes, will I be able to somehow withdraw from this and turn it into something else without losing my legacy; etc.
Here are the laws ("') as examples of "subtractive tools":
(a"') Denial of the existence of the "Boomerang Principle", karma, and punishments for doing evil. Subtractive philosophies either convince everyone that doing evil pays off and that punishment for it never comes - contrary to empirical and theoretical evidence that this is NOT true, and contrary to the claims of UFOnauts themselves. Or they simply omit mentioning the issue of punishments for doing evil. Incidentally, UFOnauts know that the "Boomerang Principle" really works, except that they explain it as if it is a biological action of the human brain, and NOT karma programs created and executed by God. (Note that in reality our biological brain would NOT be able to make the "Boomerang Principle" to work.) The proof that UFOnauts know about the "Boomerang Principle" is the description of its operation by an UFOnaut, repeated by the NZ abductee Miss Nosbocaj, in N-116 from subsection UB1 in volume 16 of my "monograph [1/5]". Here is a quote from that description told by an UFOnaut: "Your brain works in a certain way and when it sends out the product of its work, it is so built that the pattern it sends out sets the brain in a certain arrangement or order which makes it open to receiving back the same type of things that you caused your brain to send out. Hence, if you cause your brain to send out good things, you are setting the brain in a certain pattern to receive those same good things."
(b"') Ignoring the "Law of Gratitude". That is, the complete lack of any form of showing gratitude, thus proving one's "ungratefulness" - as if the contribution of others into whatever we are currently experiencing did NOT count at all.
It is not difficult to note from the features of the above tools and their "fruits" that we are living in times when this destructive philosophy of "subtraction" has gotten out of balance and is starting to win, gradually turning our Earth into a kind of "garbage dump" in front of the gates of hell.
Both of the above philosophies of life or "ways of life" very wisely and briefly describe verses 7:13-14 from the biblical "Gospel of St. Matthew" - here is their quote from the Polish Catholic "Millennium Bible" from which all my quotes are taken, if I do NOT provide their source Bible. "Enter through the narrow gate! For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many there are who go in through it. How narrow is the gate and strait the way that leads to life, and few there are who find it!" It is worth noting how wisely the way in which the Bible describes both philosophies in these verses 7:13-14, by avoiding calling them "adding" or "subtracting", softens the sensitivity toward them of the "powers of evil" who could declare the Bible to be a "forbidden book" - means declare something that earthly elites are only beginning to do right now. After all, one must first use life experience and be able to deduce in the engineering way "how" the cause-and-effect relationship between the "narrow gate and the narrow way" and the additional "fruits" that choosing to follow them will bring, in order to understand how much this so-called "way" brings to those people who find it.
Let us emphasize the wisdom of "choice" of NOT inspiring the use of words e.g. "adding way or philosophy" instead of "narrow gate and narrow way", or the words e.g. "subtracting way or philosophy" instead of "wide gate and wide way" in the above verses 7:13-14 from "Matthew". They show that God knew today's future and hence deliberately encoded such statements of the Bible in order to avoid the currently undertaken condemnation of this holy book to be recognised as "forbidden" by the "powers of evil" ruling over the Earth. For in order to be able to disseminate on Earth the "adding philosophy" through written disclosure of restrictions imposed on the "tools" that philosophy practiced by people should exclusively use, the book (Bible) which informs about these restrictions in writing, until today's times of the Internet could NOT risk becoming a "forbidden book". Fortunately, in today's times the reasons that previously induced such risk have disappeared. Now, it only depends on the courage and motivation of "good people" to where they will direct the further fate of humanity - as described in videos, e.g. in the 8 minute one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAvemcgLa-8 - which at minute 7:12 reminds the viewer "All it takes for bad things to happen is for good people to do nothing" (meaning that "for evil to prevail, it is enough for good people to stop reacting to evil"); and e.g. in the approximately 13-minute video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61AevhqKvvs - which reminds us the Hopi Indian from USA prophecy about the so-called "white brother Pahana". This prophecy warns that humanity and the Earth have just reached the so-called "point of NO return" in which people have only two ways and their "fruits" to choose from (i.e. the "adding" or "subtracting" way and its fruits) while the entire future of the Earth and its inhabitants will be decided, depending which of these two ways we all choose now. (Note that the true God never forces people, but always leaves them a choice in accordance with their conscience and their "free will", the essence of which I explain on the web page "will.htm".)
The fact that in the entire universe there are only the above two philosophies of life, i.e. (1) "adding" and (2) "subtracting", was revealed to me thanks to my discovery from 2020 described in blogs #325E and #326E and in items #K1 and #K2 from the web page "god_exists.htm", and stating that everything that can be described by the same "group name" always exists in two mutually opposite versions, i.e. male "adding" and female "subtracting". Such existence in these two versions of everything that represents a larger group, results from the fact that everything in the universe was either created from, or is formed by, the so-called "God Drobinas" described in the above-mentioned items #K1 and #K2 and blogs #325E and #326E. The original version of the philosophy Totalizm1985 from the Polish web page "totalizm_pl.htm" described these "God Drobinas" under a different name "drobinas of counter-matter". In both versions of totalizm presented here, the descriptions of the features of these two subjects named with the word "drobina" remain valid. Moreover, as probably everyone born in Poland knows, the word "drobina" in the Polish language means: "something extremely small but very much loved". Therefore the Polish word "drobina" is the most appropriate "adding" name for God's building material elementary components, which atheistic scientists unsuccessfully attempted to discover in CERN and call it with "subtractive" (atheistic) name "particles of God". Fortunately, God and the extended version of "Totalizm2020" allowed me to discover "God Drobinas" as the first researcher on Earth, name them with the Polish word "drobina" - which is the most appropriate word to express what they are and what they mean for us, to learn engineering "how" about them, and now (e.g. in this publication) to communicate to people the unanimously confirmed by all "3 witnesses" truths regarding them, e.g.:
that (I) everything that exists in our "world of matter" was created from "God Drobinas", as they are the only building material that God has. For example, because their bodies look like miniature men or women, this is probably also why the very appearance of these male and female "God Drobinas" that God had in mind when in verse 1:27 from the "Book of Genesis" in the Bible, he stated - I quote: "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them" - see (a) from #H3 of blog #331E and the web page "2020life.htm";
that (II) when they are excited, they can emit a fiery light like the Sun, or a white light like the cold of snow or the Moon - which emission under the symbolisms of the Ancient of Days, the chariot and the eyes, as well as the garment, hair and head, after wise encoding, is revealed, among others, by verses Daniel 7:9, Revelation 1:14-17, or Psalms 97(96):3 from the Bible, and which emission I have already started to explain in a totaliztic way, e.g. in the second paragraph of item #J3 from the web page "1985_theory_of_everything.htm" and blog #349E - while describing in there the so-called "rays of cold";
that (III) they have had their "adding" or "subtracting" nature built into them from time immemorial, which nature governs the processes in their brains (i.e. their thinking) and their behaviours; and
that (IV) they have always loved flying around the counter-world at infinite speeds; and also
that (V) for them neither "time" nor "elapse of time" exist - hence they exist eternally;
that (VI) they have as many as 4 heads each - like the ancient god called "Światowid" of Slavs from Poland and also one of gods of India. Apart from the location of the most important of the heads, the one with the living program of God, in the place of a human head, the three remaining heads are located in the places of both breasts, as well as the belly with the foetus, in a pregnant woman. Each of these 4 heads has 3 brains and 3 memories (i.e. in total, together every God Drobina has as many as 12 separate brains and memories). In the highest (twelfth) of their brain and memory resides the living and self-aware program of God, operating all superior functions of "God Drobinas". This in turn causes that practically everything that God created from them as from his building material (i.e. everything that exists in the universe) has in itself the intelligence and the living program of God and can be instructed by God to execute God's superior orders for it, just "as" I explain this in blog #299E and in item #J5 of the web page "petone.htm", and as the Bible implies, among others, in verses stating that we are temples in which the Holy Spirit dwells (e.g. see "1 Corinthians" 6:19-20 and 3:16-17), and that God is in us and we are in God (e.g. see John 14:20, Romans 8:9, Galatians 2:20).
that (VII) they are naturally intelligent, self-learning and communicating with each other by means of telepathy and light signals, and God shares His self-awareness with them, which, combined with the possession of memories and experiences, also gives them unique personalities;
etc., etc. - in practice, their characteristics are almost as numerous as those of men and women, so it will probably take human professional researchers millions of years to learn most of these characteristics - unless God decides to reveal them faster through his prophets.
Note that the Bible verses and the philosophy of totalizm are still the only written sources on Earth that explain the requirements of "what", "how" and "why" that must be fulfilled by those who wish to practice "adding philosophy", and who also set for themselves the goal of explaining the "tools" of adding philosophy and the "fruits" it produces, along with emphasizing the difference (contrast) between the "tools" and "fruits" of a philosophy that produces "adding" fruits from a philosophy that produces "subtracting" fruits. Furthermore, they are also the only written publications that clarify the details of people's "adding" behaviours, and that teach the methods by which their postulates can be implemented in one's life. The fact that they are the only ones will be scientifically proven in one of the parts of the web page "totalizm2020_uk.htm" – many of which I have formulated only in my mind for now, but I will gradually write them down as God, as my time, health and processing capacity allow me to do so.
That the philosophy of human life encoded in the verses of the Bible is in fact a decisively "adding" philosophy is confirmed by numerous verses showing that the "tools" which it describes and exclusively recommends to choose in one's actions are the same ones which decide whether a given philosophy, knowledge, science or any other path of human action is an "adding way". Examples of such verses include 14:6 from "John" - I quote "... I am the way and the truth and the life. ...", as well as verse 23:19 from "The Book of Numbers" and verse 6:17-18 from "Hebrews" - both quoted below in {1#A2} from the descriptions of the advantages of "Totalizm 2020"
#A2, blog #375E. So let us define the "Totalizm2020" philosophy described here, based on the above descriptions of the "tools" it uses and the "fruits" it produces, as well as let us summarize the essence of its extensions and refinements in relation to the original version of "Totalizm1985":
Motto: 'Each of the two already existing "adding" philosophies (i.e. both the Divine from the Bible verses, and the totalizm) in its own way proves to us that, without even knowing it, each person has access to benefiting from the supernatural powers of God, because he/she carries God within himself/herself in every God Drobina of his/her body and mind, and also lives tightly surrounded by "God Dobinas" from which everything that exists in our "world of matter" was created.' (Explanations of this motto: Unfortunately, practicing "subtractive" philosophies caused that over the centuries humanity lost the engineering knowledge "how" one can use the powers of God that are residing within us or that are waiting around us for us to use them. But the phenomena described on this web page reveal to us the existence of these powers and the keys to their use. After all, the fact that e.g. our mind has hidden such powers of God is already indicated by phenomena identified by my totalizm, as an example consider the God's "principle of physical confirmation of each of our strong beliefs" discussed below in {4#A2} and in {9#A2}, as well as the existence of totaliztic "karma" that requires the power of God for its fulfilment (the action of karma with a truly iron consequence, is verifiable by each open minded person), or miracles that some strongly believing in God people, places, or nations repeatedly experience - e.g. consider the "birthday gift of God to New Zealand" described in the introduction to my web page "petone.htm", or miracles that I personally experienced and described in #F3 of the web page "wszewilki_uk.htm". So if the majority of people start practicing the "adding" philosophy of the true God or the "adding" philosophy of totalizm, then over time more capable people will develop engineering procedures "how" to use our minds, which will be able to give each person the selected powers of God currently considered supernatural. After all, for example in Tibet there were, and still are, monks who discovered the secrets of access to some of these powers of God. The essence of keys to this access coincides with what I have been teaching for years with my philosophy of "Totalizm2020": namely a modest moral life combined with unpaid repetition of voluntary physical work for the good of neighbours in which our "motivations" program "moral energy" to perform for us supernatural effects in the implementation of which we intend to specialize. And there are huge numbers of these effects - for example, in Florida US there is an entire "Coral Castle" built alone at night by a sickly Latvian stonemason, Edward Leedskalnin - described for example in (H) from item #J4.5 of my web page "propulsion.htm" or blog #311E. In order to learn about these supernatural effects from the Internet, you need to search for information about them, for example, with the English keywords: supernatural powers monks tibet - for example, see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=supernatural+powers+monks+tibet . (E.g., one my own such effect that I managed to implement instinctively during my professorship in Borneo without even knowing yet about the powers of the monks from Tibet, was for about half a year experiencing the happiness of "totaliztic nirvana" - see my web page "nirvana_pl.htm".) Even if you only know a little English, it is still worth watching videos on this topic, because they have the so-called "cc" (i.e. "closed caption" i.e. subtitles with narration texts), and moreover, the videos can be stopped after each sentence in order to translate the subtitles, while learning English. I recommend starting, for example, from the 8:22 minute video "The Mystery of Tibetan Monks Paranormal Abilities" with the address: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvjO2shAR5g , and then watching, for example, the 6:34 minute video "10 Superpowers That Monks Have In Real Life" with the address https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SWVojCmEbI . Furthermore, humanity can also learn to build machines that release the supernatural powers of God, like my telekinetic "Magnocraft" that instantly reaches even the most distant galaxies, or like the so-called "telepathic pyramid" given to us by a totaliztic civilization from stars that is favourable to the tormented humanity and enables immediate communication with them. Unfortunately, having God-like enormous capabilities also gives enormous e.g. political power. The possessors of this power can use it for "adding", means for good, but they can also be corrupted by it and use it in the "subtractive" way for evil - to which misuse some "subtractive" philosophies practiced on Earth so far encourage everyone in political power and susceptible to corruption. Therefore, God has now given us, as a test, the first machines with the powers of God, capable of destroying all of humanity if we use them in a "subtractive" way. Probably God did this to see whether, while also enjoying given to us by God the "free will" to even self-destruct if we so wish, we will be able to use these machines "additively" for the good of our civilization, or in a "subtractive" way to cause our own self-destruction. These machines are "computers" with global internet and AI software (i.e. artificial intelligence) about which warns us 666 from the Bible and, among others, my blog #353E. Soon God and we will see whether as a civilization we are capable to chose taking responsibility and harnessing them in an "adding" use for the good of humanity, or whether we will turn them into a "subtracting" destroyer who will annihilate all mankind.)
It so happens that there is still no such thing as an "official definition of philosophy" - although governments of many countries already seem to secretly work on laws prohibiting the use of the words: Bible and God in it. This lack of official definition is an advantage, because it allows philosophies to be improved, which would be almost impossible if there were some "subtractively" formulated official definition of them that all of them would have to meet - just as more and more countries currently define medicines and illnesses treatments. Therefore, I will quote here an extension of the popular definition of philosophy adapted to totalizm, which the reader can probably find in the Google search engine, and which in English states - I quote "a theory or attitude that acts as a guiding principle for behaviour". In addition, I will also cite here the advantages (or features) of new version of "Totalizm2020" resulting from its "tools" and "fruits". After all, comparing these advantages (features) to the descriptions of the original version of "totalizm1985" will allow the reader to understand why both versions are the same "adding" philosophy, and why the statements of both their versions are valid and still remain true, except that the newer version of "Totalizm2020" has been additionally expanded and refined with "how to" details developed in engineering way, which make it the actual Philosophy of Everything from 2020.
So here is a popular definition of the "philosophy of totalizm" that already contains elements confirming its "adding" nature and role as a tool and guide through life, because its more precise statements specify it as "Totalizm2020" or as the "Philosophy of Everything from 2020". "The philosophy of totalizm is a set of written "adding" truths, guidelines, tools, scientific theories, knowledge, experiences, logical directions, motivations, and statements of "3 witnesses" confirming truths, the effects of appropriate implementation of which in human thinking, feelings, actions, attitudes and motivations, can so direct the principles of human behaviour and actions that in every situation of a practitioner of totalizm they can give birth to the maximum number of "adding fruits", from the use of which both the person practicing totalizm and all his/her neighbours, as well as God and the whole of nature can draw benefits."
The above defined extended and precise version of the "philosophy of totalizm from 1985", which I have marked with the appropriate symbol for today's times "Totalizm2020 = Philosophy of Everything from 2020", expands with details and clarifies all the advantages and features of totalizm the makings of which already had the original version of this philosophy, supplementing them with modern names appropriate to their role and an additional explanation of "where these features come from". Being, like the philosophy of the Bible, an "adding" philosophy, totalizm has many advantages and features that no other philosophy formulated by man can display so far. So let us now discuss in a little more detailed way in separate numbered sub-items {1#A2} to {9#A2} several examples of advantages of totalizm, because they are these advantages that make it true that "Totalizm2020 = Philosophy of Everything from 2020". (Of course, totalizm has much more of these advantages.) Here are some their examples:
{1#A2} Totalizm tries to improve everything in the direction of giving birth to only "adding fruits", including also constantly improving itself - which is in accordance with the most general principle of "adding" behaviour. One of the threads that the reader will find often repeated in my totaliztic publications, is that for a number of important reasons God created our (3) "world of matter" as a world completely separate from the rest of the "universe" (i.e. from the "universe" unlimited in size and time, which also includes two other worlds, i.e. (1) the "counter-world", which is inhabited by "God Drobinas", and (2) the "virtual world" contained in the memories and brains of "God Drobinas" in which the living program of God lives). Our "world of matter" is also characterized by drastically different laws and principles of operation from these two other worlds. Namely, our limited in size "world of matter" was created, among other things, for generating new knowledge and truth, and as a place where "living souls" are to learn e.g. truth, morality, justice, "adding" behaviour, gratitude, modesty, compassion, respect and love for God, neighbours and nature, etc., etc. - that is, everything that constitutes the "tools" and "fruits" of the "adding behaviour" that we learn in our "world of matter". Examples of my research informing readers about such a goal of creating our "world of matter" and people, can be e.g. items #B1, #B1.1, #B2, #B3 from the web page "antichrist.htm" (and blogs #210E, #211E), or e.g. item #I6 and Tab. #I6 from the web page "mozajski_uk.htm". In order to fulfil the reasons and purposes for which God created us, it is necessary for us to always learn and "additively" improve ourselves and everything around us. If we carefully analyze the Bible, then it turns out that learning to only display the behaviour that always is "adding" is a fundamental requirement of God, without which no one receives an eternal body, but is either directed back to life on some planet to continue their learning (some religions call this "reincarnation"), or their soul is "deleted" (which in the Bible is called the "second death"). Such effective learning is only possible if whatever we use in life, i.e. truth, knowledge, life experience, families, states, politics, system, machines, computers, software, etc., is also constantly being improved. Since, for example, scientific theories or philosophies and ideologies should also be improved after the death of their authors, I have given my "philosophy of totalizm" several features over time, which cause it to indicate to people "what" in it and "how" it requires improvement over time. These features, I hope, will cause that over time it will be constantly "improving itself", by encouraging people who use it so that they "additively" improve it. However, since it is NOT a living being, therefore - unfortunately, its self-improvement will only be possible if it is practiced by living people who know it.
The greatest influence on what is a given idea, science, philosophy, etc., exert the "tools" that it uses. In order for any philosophy to be "adding", it must strictly adhere to the selective use of exclusively (i.e. only) appropriate to the situation "adding" tools, such as the examples which I have already listed in the second paragraph of item #A1 above. Hence, for example, it must NOT tolerate "lying" as its tool (just as lying is tolerated by e.g. "philosophy of today's science" under the excuse of obtaining financing, novelty, or just-undertaken searches for evidence of truth), and in all its informing statements it must use only "truth already proven" (e.g. by confirmations of at least the above-mentioned most important "three witnesses"). Meanwhile, "subtractive" philosophies, which (except for totalizm) are still all philosophies and their branches created by man and existing on Earth today, do NOT know or implement this restriction of using only "adding" tools. Since there are strict cause-effect relationships between all tools of a given (e.g. "adding") type that can be used in the entire universe, and these relationships also exist between the opposites of these tools (e.g. in tools of "subtracting" type) , the use of one of these tools links it to the next one, and hence as "fruits" gives birth to the next tools of the same type, for example "truth gives birth to further truths" and "lie gives birth to further lies". As a result, limiting the philosophy of totalizm, among others, to using only "adding tools", such as e.g. "proven truth", ultimately leads to constant progress. The exclusive use of truth is also emphasized in the Bible - e.g. see verse 23:19 in the "Book of Numbers" - I quote: "God is not as a man, that He should lie, nor as a son of man, that He should turn back."; or verses 6:17-18 in "Hebrews" - I quote: "Therefore God, wishing to show beyond all measure to the heirs of promise the immutability of his counsel, confirmed it with an oath, so that through two unchangeable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have taken refuge to lay hold on the hope set before us might have lasting consolation." On the other hand, for example, allowing the "philosophy of present-day science" to use a "lie" as an excuse, leads to the "murder of progress," and moreover makes "subtractive" every philosophy, science, and discipline of human life that does NOT implement exclusively "proven truth." No wonder that the increasingly more of courageous retired scientists are already starting to speak out like in that 37-minute video entitled "No Scientific Innovation Since the 1920s?" from the address: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guQIkV6yCik .
{2#A2} The truth of the statements of totalizm is confirmed by the most important so-called "three witnesses" described and used in many of my publications, among others, to identify the "absolute truth". These most important "three witnesses" have the authority to confirm with their statements of absolute truth of everything that all three of them unanimously confirm in agreement with each other, including the confirmation of the truth of philosophical statements proclaimed by my totalizm. I described these three witnesses in more detail in (1) to (1c) from item #H2 of my web page named "2020life.htm". In turn the best examples of using their confirmations of absolute truth are my discovery from 2022 "that" and "why" in the original world of the universe, called (1) the "counter-world" (see the description of the "counter-world" in blog #372E) neither "time" nor "passage of time" exist, hence, for example, in there every movement occurs with infinite speed, while "time" and "passage of time" were only created by God and pre-programmed into our (3) "world of matter" in which we live and learn "adding" behaviour. I provided a description of the discovery of the non-existence of "time" and "passage of time" in the "counter-world", in my blogs #346E and #345E, as well as in items #I5 and #I1 to #I4 from my web page named "1985_theory_of_everything.htm".
(This entire post #374E would NOT fit into the memory of this blog - hence the rest of it will be continued below as post #375_3E)