paź 16 2024

#374_2E: Examples of "subtractive"...

#374_2E: Examples of "subtractive" actions and behaviours of UFOnauts that mortify humanity (part 2)


(Continuation from the previous "part 1" of this post #374E)


#M2 of blog #374E. The "forces of evil" secretly occupying our planet - means descendants of our ancestors from the planets of Orion (i.e. human-looking UFOnauts), use of so advanced technologies of programming us with technical hypnosis and also continually are bombarding the Earth with telepathic commands, as well as use the proven in action during thousands years of secretive occupation and exploitation of humanity the "subtracting" methods of lying, cheating, extorting, robbing and bribing, that NO people who DO NOT believe in the existence of (as the Bible calls them) "fallen angels", devils, hordes of Satan, snakes, dragons, or in the existence of (as reliable UFO researchers call them) UFOnauts practicing parasitic philosophies, are able to resist them:

Motto: "Whenever someone hides from us, it means that they have something particularly important to hide and they are very keen that we do NOT find out about it." (And so it happens that so-called "UFOnauts" carefully hide from people. Furthermore, UFOnauts are strenuously helped in hiding from us by Earth's decision-makers, elites, rulers, military and authorities from a large number of today's countries - while in influential individuals from those countries it can often also be seen anatomical features that are particularly rare in people, which are almost impossible to see among passers-by on the streets, and whose existence we know mainly from reports of people abducted to UFOs and described e.g. #G3 to #G2f from the web page "evil.htm".)

There are several reasons why UFOnauts hide from people on Earth. For example, to make it easier to rule and rob us, they do NOT want people to realize that their leading race actually also constitutes the ancestors of people from Earth, and many of them look almost identical to people. Hence, it is necessary to learn the knowledge gathered by objective UFOlogists and also about the devices whose usefulness in UFO research these human researchers managed to identify, in order to learn how to distinguish UFOnauts from people of Earth. Or, for example, UFOnauts do NOT want people to learn that from the dawn of time many leaders of humanity have actually been, and probably still are, UFOnauts, who only impersonate people. As an example, learn the story of Romulus from Rome, who, seen in a space suit, admitted to senator Julius Proculus that he is now the god Quirinus and has already returned to heaven - for descriptions see #F1 of the web page "changelings.htm". UFOnauts also do NOT want people to obtain empirical confirmation that humanity has been secretly occupied, exploited and tormented for thousands of years by the descendants of their ancestors from the Orion planets, who can also be defined as "blood of our blood", but this does NOT stop them, for example, from repeatedly murdering people just to transplant human organs obtained in this way in order to heal someone important from their civilization. As an example of countless abductions of Earth people to rob them from their internal organs, learn about the abduction to a cubical UFO of a hunter named Carl Higdon, well described in many publications, among others, in {#G2c} of blog #373E and the web page named "rok_uk.htm", who was almost certainly taken to a planet of Orion precisely for the purpose of harvesting his internal organs. Just such robbery of his organs as the true reason and goal of his abduction is indirectly confirmed by current efforts of the "propaganda of UFOnauts", which in a typical for their parasitic practices is currently trying to cover up mischievously the true goal of his abduction by changing most important details. For example, with disregard to truth published in original reports of Higdon's case, this UFO propaganda started now to lie e.g. that he was taken by UFOnauts for his lungs to be healed and that his gun bullet was smashed by invisible barrier instead of being slowed down and thus stopped - e.g. by change in speed of time elapse that propelling devices of UFOnauts can cause - see episode S2E2 of probably controlled by UFOnauts TV serial "Mysteries at the Monument". Etc., etc.

In order to make the reader aware here of how satanic and parasitic the life philosophy of these UFOnauts is, let us now list in items numbered from {1#M2} to {7#M2} seven examples of features of their "subtractive" actions and behaviours - although the moral bankruptcy of these descendants of our ancestors from the stars is already so extensive that these seven examples are only the beginning of descriptions of the depth of their distortions and fall, and so great that no human description is able to faithfully express this depth. Getting to know each of the features of these "subtractive" actions and behaviours of UFOnauts described here, I also suggest noting "how" drastically opposite they are to the "adding" actions and behaviours that God tries to teach people through the commandments and requirements described in the Bible. After all, only the "adding" nature of human actions persuaded to us in the Bible by God enables a pleasant, creative, peaceful and happy life to be led by beings exposed to the effects of their actions. This is why, for example, everything that God does is public, announced in advance by the Bible and focused on growing "adding" fruits - see the descriptions of this from item #M3 below. At the same time, everything that UFOnauts do (and at the enforced by UFOnauts orders also do human rulers, elites, decision-makers, etc.) is hidden, classified, and designed in such a way as to be able to deceive and harm people as much as possible - so that at present everything that is officially announced actually hides some "subtracting" lies, hidden robbery, destruction, announcing of getting worse, etc. Furthermore, when everything that God does is in accordance with the consequences of observing or breaking God's commandments and requirements announced thousands of years ago in the Bible, everything that UFOnauts do is hidden under the excuse of the so-called. "accidents", "coincidences", "convergences of circumstances", etc., and additionally it is also framed onto innocent people by planting false evidence aimed at blaming someone or something else for what UFOnauts did, and by escalating expensive campaigns on television, mass media, and publications that distort the truth by persuading humanity of the origin of all events caused by UFOnauts in a false and opposite to the truth way, completely deprived of taking into account influences that are higher than the laws of our "world of matter". Here are examples of these 7 features of UFOnauts' actions:

{1#M2} The life of UFOnauts based on robbing those weaker than themselves and on doing evil - for example, ordering to constantly increase the number of their slaves, who will do all the dirty physical work for the masters, while the "fruits" of the slaves' work will be robbed by the masters in order to lead a pleasant and effortless lifestyle. The final conclusion that just such predatory relationships and robberies on weaker is characterising the activities of other than humans creatures (today called UFOnauts) which secretly co-inhabit our Earth, is independently described by the Bible, by folklore of all nations, as well as by various rational researchers whom since centuries analyse empirical evidence accumulated by the humanity in this matter - e.g. see around 20 minutes long video entitled "The Secret Commonwealth: The Hidden World They Don’t Want You to Know", from the address . I also for years have been warning about this in my publications that the Earth and humanity are for the UFOnauts that secretly occupy us, exploit, mortify and destruct, just one of numerous sources of materials and such slaves which are easy to lie to, and to control. In most of my publications, numerous evidence and examples are provided for this sad truth. One of these numerous pieces of evidence is the abduction to a gigantic UFO of a New Zealander nicknamed Miss Nosbocaj. I researched this abduction in more detail and described it, among others, in subsection UB1 from volume 16 of my monograph [1/5], distributed free of charge through the web page "text_1_5.htm", and I also briefly summarized them in item #F9 on the web page "god.htm". Miss Nosbocaj was abducted to a UFO in order to take her ovule, from which then after fertilization with male sperm and cutting into many smaller pieces, UFOnauts raised hundreds of her children in a manner that was also practiced in ancient India about 5,000 years ago, and which is described in the Mahabharata and illustrated on the Internet by dozens of videos searched for e.g. with the command: - the shortest, 58-second version of which is shown in the video . After taking the ovule from Miss Nosbocaj, the UFOnauts also showed her a gigantic hall on their huge UFO, all filled with what looked like large "test tubes" with human children in various stages of development. One can guess that these children, after growing up, were to populate a new planet, which these UFOnauts were creating as another colony for easily submissive human slaves. However, when I learned the details of Miss Nosbocaj's abduction and published them in my publications, they probably caused reactions in future generations of people that were unfavourable to the UFOnauts' presence on Earth. Probably that is why future generations of UFOnauts sent to today's Earth in their "time vehicles" so-called "time couriers", to the descriptions of which links the Polish web page "skorowidz.htm". They ordered present MIB from UFOs (i.e. so called "Men in Black") to change the truth of the details of that abduction. While changing this truth, the UFOnauts removed from the written abduction report the descriptions of that huge hall with human children in test tubes, to describing which Miss Nosbocaj originally used the words "baby business". Fortunately, I had great difficulty translating these words into Polish in 1982, because at that time this expression was NOT used in Poland in its English form. Hence, this secretive removal of descriptions from the written abduction report let me know that the actual goals of their abductions of people, UFOnauts tried to hide and make secret - which motivated me to research and discover these goals. Note that in addition to murdering people and to robbing human organs, and also in addition to "milking" human sperm and ovule to grow so-called "biorobots" from them and to populate new planets with easy-to-control human slaves, my research also revealed that UFOnauts also rob from humanity many other resources - including ideas for new inventions and knowledge the truth of which has already been scientifically proven (at the same time blocking the dissemination of these inventions and knowledge on Earth). An example of another, also extremely important material resource robbed from people is the so-called "moral energy" absolutely necessary for life - as I explained it in #D3 from blog #318E and from my web page named "nirvana.htm". Because to generate this "moral energy" one needs to do some heavy physical work - as I explained it in item #I1 from blog #370E and from my web page "bible.htm", highly lazy UFOnauts do NOT generate it themselves, but simply rob it from people using the so-called "cold chambers" (in Polish named: "komory zimna") and then saturate their bodies with it in the so-called "recreational chambers" (in Polish: "komory rekreacyjne") described in more detail in our free Polish treatise [3b] (see the web page "tekst_3b.htm"). The life that lead the inhabitants of this civilization of our relatives from the planets of Orion, which follows the "path of Satan", their habits of merciless robbery, enslaving those weaker than themselves, doing evil, and even killing people to obtain their organs for transplants for important UFOnauts, and in addition their practice of the parasitic (2) "philosophy of subtraction", which automatically imposes itself on all those who do NOT practice the Divine (1) "philosophy of addition" and which is also secretly forced upon people under various names by means of deception, fear, bribery, etc., by the "powers of evil" that keep us under control, and which is also easier and seemingly more pleasant to practice because it is in accordance with the lazy and egoistic human nature, all this taken together in the final effect always irrevocably leads to deception, decline, exploitation, injustice, etc., and then irrevocably to self-destruction. This is why the ancestors of our relatives from Orion left behind a trail of destruction, where numerous planets they once inhabited were blown up and all their inhabitants died - as described in our Polish-language treatise [3b] (see the web page "tekst_3b.htm").

{2#M2} Rewarding for every evil done and punishing for every good done. This sign of UFOnauts' behaviour (and generally of all "powers of evil") is documented by descriptions both from the Bible and from a number of my publications. The latest examples of descriptions of such behaviour, which I personally painfully experienced, are given in item #G3 of my blog #373E and the web page named "rok_uk.htm". I should emphasize here that in spite of the fact that the changes in humanity for which I am fighting probably constitute the last chance also for the UFOnaut's civilization to undertake reforms of their own political and moral systems, I have been persistently (or one might say: annoyingly) experiencing from them continuous and highly painful persecution throughout my life. For example, I have always had difficulties in obtaining and keeping a job, although in every place where I worked I became the most exemplary employee. In each of my workplaces there was a mysterious person whom I never identified (I suspect he was a UFOnaut impersonating a human being), who, as they say, was constantly "putting a spanner in my works" and undermined my authority and good name. For example, when I started working at the Polytechnic in Invercargill, NZ, although at that time I did NOT know yet how to call Poland from any phone in NZ, this mysterious person called Poland from a phone in the lift of that Polytechnic in which I worked, talked to Poland for half of the night and racked up an astronomical bill. Then someone repeated a similar trick of calling New Zealand from the phone of my superior's office at the University in Borneo - fortunately I did NOT receive a key to my dean's office in there. Both of these "putting pigs in my way" by UFOnauts I also described in #4 from subsection V8.3 in volume 16 of monograph [1/4] distributed free of charge on the web page "text_1_4.htm", and in item #L2 from blog #361E and from my web page named "evil.htm". Even people closest to me were telepathically or hypnotically reprogrammed with the passage of time to be hostile towards me, or for example to be jealous, and then they suddenly started behaving in an unfriendly manner. All of my wife's cats, which I also grew to love with time, did not live long because to make me sad they were mysteriously killed - for details see the caption under Fig. #M2abc below. In my flat everything that was expensive was (and still is) subject to mysterious damage or putting out of order. Trees and structures in my garden are mysteriously broken or destroyed repetitively by some top-down pressure or a column of energy acting from above. If I recover from one illness, almost immediately while going to bed healthy I wake up sick in the morning, and on top of that in morning I have bruises on my body in the shape of three finger prints with claws, popularly called "ghost pinch" and shown in Fig. #G1ab from blog #367E and from #G1 to #G1a of the web page "artefact.htm". On the tips of my fingers, or on the edges of my nails, sometimes deep cuts appear at night, to cause me pain when I write something on my computer. One night during sleep something in my right knee was broken badly and to this day it has NOT been healed. If I do NOT hide well the copy of what I write on my computer during the day, it may turn out to be deleted the next day. Access to my web pages is repeatedly blocked or sabotaged - while to make my testing more difficult whenever I run any of my web pages, an unwanted code ?i=1 is automatically added to the end of my running command. The electronic clocks I have set up around in my apartment to notify me of invisible presences, suddenly keep stopping (sometimes for many days) and then start up by themselves, or one of them unexpectedly shows a completely different time than the other clocks in my apartment. On the asphalted footpaths and streets around the house I live in, there are constantly appearing footprints and traces that I know from UFO research and that I described in part #K of my web page named "petone.htm". Etc., etc.

{3#M2} Chronic lying in practically everything that is stated or reported, pessimism and negative thinking in motivation, robbing and coercion in implementation, and hostility, jealousy and cheating in coexistence and in life. In other words, using exactly the same tools of the "way of Satan" that I am mentioning in the first paragraph of the above item #M1. Note also the persistent forcing of all these tools into wide use on Earth by politicians, elites, decision-makers and so-called corporate psychopaths (e.g. see ) causing an ocean of harm to all of humanity and suffering to individual people - e.g. see #C6 of blog #318E and the web page "nirvana.htm". As a result of this forcing of lies and tools of the "way of Satan", the situation on Earth is becoming more and more similar to the one described in the last paragraph of this #M2. For example, because of the lack of truth is killing progress, more and more earthly scientists who chase fame and recognition but unable to generate new creativity, in their claims and publications begin to resort to plagiarism and criticism of the creativity of those who, thanks to seeking and revealing the truth, remain creative. A telling example of the creation of just such a situation on Earth is the famous dispute over the authorship of the English-language children's story known as "The Night Before Christmas" - see . I personally have been confronted with this type of situations practically constantly since I began publishing my discoveries and inventions. The methods of this confrontation can sometimes be quite strange and mysterious. For example, its mysterious manifestation took place when, while writing these items #M1 to #M3, and thus the content of blog #374E, someone, or something, mysteriously planted in my apartment a book [3#M2] by Stephen Hawking entitled "Brief Answers to the Big Questions" (John Murray Publishers, London 2018, ISBN 978-1-473-69598-6, Hardback, 232 pages) - putting it in such a way that it could NOT be possible for me to NOT see it when it appeared in there. My wife is absolutely NOT interested in the subject matter of that book, hence she certainly could NOT have unknowingly use it or plant it for me - anyway she was just absent for a long time. In turn I have ceased to be interested in the publications of this author since the incident with the cunning use by the "powers of evil" of his leading in the world scientific position to block and hide my authorship, and to implicate of his supposed authorship of the "Theory of Everything" (see my web page "dipolar_gravity.htm") by the expensive propaganda movie entitled "The Theory of Everything" described in more detail in the fourth from the end paragraph of item #A5 and in item #B2 from my web page "totalizm_pl.htm". I suspect that behind dropping this book in my flat at the same time when I was expanding the web pages "god_pl.htm" and "god.htm" with items #M1 to #M3, and I was expanding the blogs of totalizm with new posts #374 and #374E, are hidden the same powers that are also hidden behind that expensive movie "The Theory of Everything". After all, the essence of my web pages "god_pl.htm" and "god.htm" and the essence of this book [3#M2] are exactly opposite to each other. So even just a rough look at both of them encourages the viewer to take or seek his/her own position on the matter of "where the truth is hidden?" And it is precisely such taking of a position that generates progress and becomes a driving force to undertake the search for truth. So I encourage the reader to look at both of them and decide on his/her own stand on the matters they raise.

{4#M2} Adhering to the ideology of superiority, perfection, and innate leadership of given group of people, which all other groups are obliged to serve in order to obtain in return the laws, requirements and duties that these others will have to obey. How opposite is the above "subtractive" belief of the followers of the "way of Satan" to the commandments and requirements of the Bible described in {4#M3} from item #M3 below, and how terrifying it is that the growth in the number of various groups, races and cults or religions in humanity adhering to such an ideology did NOT end in Hitler's times, but practically continues to grow incessantly in today's times - which is proof of how great is the influence on humanity of this "subtractive" philosophy of UFOnauts disseminated on Earth by means of telepathic and hypnotic programming and propaganda coercion.

{5#M2} If you are a member of the superior ideology and group, then never physically do anything yourself, and always order all work and activities to be performed by your slaves. This way of thinking and behaviour is also popularized by examples of the actions of human elites and the rich, whose lifestyle, untarnished by physical work, is widely advertised today in films, television, books, and all news about the lives of "those who already have everything", i.e. the rich and in power. The important fact that such a lazy lifestyle does NOT generate "moral energy" absolutely necessary for life, the lack of which manifests itself, among other things, in "mental depression" still incurable today otherwise than by undertaking the generation of moral energy, is carefully hidden from people - in spite of the fact that my publications have been explaining this extremely important truth since 1999 (i.e. for the last 25 years) - see #D3 from blog #318E and from the web page "nirvana.htm".

{6#M2} Implement the principle that the doers of any form of doing good should be severely punished, hence whenever you come across a person doing good, do to him/her all forms of evil, harassing, harming, destroying, etc., that you are able to secretly inflict on him/her without drawing his/her attention to yourself. An example of such behaviour of UFOnauts is my entire life. Blog #373E (especially see there descriptions from item #G3) indicates the most recently experienced forms of this way of doing evil, including the use of murderous "UFOnaut weapons" with which they murdered my acquaintance the late Bruce De Palma (the builder of "N-Machine"), and which in {6#K3} from my blog #371E and from item #K3 of the web page "aliens.htm" is described under the name "[@H3] New Zealand Syndrome" hidden from getting to be known by people through telekinetic inserting of "gallstones" which can cause symptoms similarly painful as this deadly weapon. One of the evidences that I was attacked with this weapon [@H3] as a kind of revenge and scaring (means that I did NOT get sick only with gallstones), was that I experienced as many as 4 painful attacks of it in the evenings on the same days in which I published posts to blogs of totalizm.

{7#M2} Always aggressively attack, rob and destroy anyone weaker than yourself in all ways available to you, because in order to lead a prosperous, comfortable and lazy life, you need many slaves, and an ever-increasing sphere of your influence, and by conquering others and causing them evil and harm, you make them defenceless and gradually turn them into your slaves. The fact that the leaders of our civilization have already adopted in their actions this feature of the behaviour of satanic UFOnauts is proven by the constant aggressive wars that are waged in various parts of the Earth practically without interruption. It is interesting that the population of countries that become aggressors attacking others, and whom the Bible warns that they will be severely punished for this, passively accepts the aggressive behaviour of their leaders. But when the time comes of return the karma for the harm done to others, they raise a great cry and instead of themselves, they accuse God, still believing that they are the ones who are being harmed.

After learning the above characteristics of the actions of the UFOnauts occupying us, it is becoming clear to us that the Earth and humanity are already under the complete control of their parasitic philosophy of "subtraction" that follows the "way of Satan". Seeing how every aspect of our lives is beginning to be controlled by monopoly of Internet, it is also obvious that we live in times when as a civilization we have the last chance to defend ourselves against their complete takeover of absolute control over humanity, from which there will be NO possibility of liberation in the future. Furthermore, these characteristics disclose why human-looking UFOnauts are so reluctant to reveal their rule over people until the times when they will have absolute control over all of humanity. After all, if they were to reveal themselves now, demonstrating to these people how identical their appearance is to the appearance of people, then most of the inhabitants of the Earth would suddenly realize that almost all former kings, leaders of humanity, rulers, and national heroes with whose monuments our planet is packed, were in fact agents of UFOnauts sent to the Earth to govern and destroy it - consider the descriptions of the UFOnaut Pontius Pilate who crucified Jesus given e.g. in #D1 to #D1a of the blog #366E and the web page "wtc.htm". This in turn would reveal to the nations of the Earth that the secretive occupation, exploitation, wars, plagues, cataclysms, periods of famine, interpersonal hatred, etc., etc., all of this was secretly sown on Earth by these agents from UFOs only in order to absolutely dominate us over time and take full control over every aspect of human life on Earth.

Knowing all of the above, we begin to understand why humanity has an obligation to defend itself by all available means and methods against being joined to the cosmic confederation of parasitic UFOnauts, and thus also against being subjected to the rule of our (UFOnaut) relatives from the Orion planets. This is because seeing the general direction currently taken on Earth by matters secretly forced upon humanity by the occupying, exploiting and destructing us UFOnauts, it is easy to forecast what life looks like on their planets. So let us try here to get a taste of life on the planets of UFOnauts. Since the same principles and fruits of life are forced upon humanity by them, this description of their life actually implies a forecast of what the future of humanity will look like if we are to increase our turning away from God in the present difficult years when it is still possible for humanity to change the direction of our civilization from today's "subtracting" way of Satan, to the future "adding" way of God. And so, life in a civilization practicing "subtractive" philosophical principles following the "way of Satan" described in this item #M2 in practice turns out to be life in a kind of "worst version of hell" created by our relatives from Orion in the "world of matter" that we all inhabit. After all, in such a civilization no one tells the truth, and everyone lies to everyone in absolutely all matters. In turn wherever there is NO truth, there is also NO progress. This is why on planets (and also countries) of parasitic UFOnauts all progress stops causing that by themselves they just are unable to discover any new truth or make any new invention - therefore all new knowledge they must steal from someone that they enslaved and secretly are spying on. The state of their progress resembles much more advanced situation discussed on 37-minute video and also addressed in {3#M2} above. For example, in such civilisations where everything is a lie, the authorities are forced expensively produce special films and information-entertainment programs, similar to the human series "The Unexplained with William Shatner" or "Mysteries at the Museum", that recently are vigorously promoted on Earth by UFOnauts. In these, all phenomena and facts will be falsely explained from the point of view of "materialistic reductionism" (see ), i.e. as effects of the operation of exclusively the laws of our "world of matter", implying that God supposedly does NOT exist. However, the effects of the laws of the timeless "counter-world" and the programs of the "virtual world" will either be hidden and proverbially "swept under the carpet" as if these two worlds did NOT exist in the universe at all in addition to our "world of matter" (see my blog #372E about the three worlds of the universe), or they will be distorted and explained as e.g. the actions of "spirits" or "witches" - which in practice are hidden actions of UFOnauts who, for example, in the case of performing "physical actions" make themselves invisible by turning on the so-called "state of telekinetic flickering", while in the case of forecasts and information UFOnauts simulate alleged "communication with spirits" - by repeating information provided to them e.g. by so-called "time couriers" or recorded in their computers that supervise individual people. There is also no justice in there, and the "law of the fist" of the strongest and richest rules. Because, just as in terrestrial agriculture, productive plants have become so accustomed to chemicals, hormones, fertilizers, machines and human interference that they do NOT want to grow naturally without these, in there also food, water, air and housing on UFOnauts' planets are becoming so polluted and industrially regulated over time that without special equipment and a technically regulated environment, the inhabitants of their planets are almost NOT able to survive. That is why everything in there is computer-controlled and controlled by the authorities. If someone becomes old and helpless, they are subjected to forced "euthanasia" - as we explain this in the final minute of our video (in Polish) entitled "Świat bez pieniędzy: Ustrój Nirwany" (meaning: "World Without Money: The Nirvana System") - distributed free of charge on the Internet at . People considered to be criminals by the authorities there are probably subject to "removal" like dead objects and NOT like people, and their organs are harvested for implants. Because the laws in there are already like ours on Earth, where anyone can be accused of breaking some law and where only those who have the money to pay the best lawyer win in court, if the authorities discover that one of the citizens has their own views that are inconsistent with the principles of the dictatorship of the system, then they are also accused of something by the authorities, and their organs are harvested for implants. In order their citizens in the solace of home-life do NOT find escape from cruel realities of their civilisation, such important traditions as marriage, family, love, fidelity, etc., are fought in there, similarly to what started to happen on Earth today, where sex and one-night stand relationships are promoted (of the "Lilith" type - e.g. Polish folklore knowledge on Lilith is briefly summarised in #I1 from my blog #370E, while review of videos on reasons why Lilith is a modern symbol of feminism and female empowerment can be searched with the keyword: Lilith , e.g. see around 15 minutes long video from the address ). There are also no features of life that some inhabitants of the Earth who believe in God still cherish, such as love, cordiality, brotherhood, helpfulness, faithfulness, trust, loyalty, etc., etc. Everyone there is controlled by one monopoly of a computer system similar to our Internet - as I describe it e.g. in #H4 of the web page "will.htm" and in blogs #353E, #371E and #373E. Everyone there also has and wears special glasses connected to that system managed by Artificial Intelligence, similar to these glasses having built in Internet which are today strongly promoted to be worn on Earth. These glasses are supposedly for help and information, but being connected to the ruling monopolistic computer system these additionally recognize each person from the surroundings by e.g. face recognition and also inform this system "who is who" in a given place, what they are doing there, and whether they are on the authorities' list of suspects. As a result, each person there is in every place and at every moment watched with these glasses by "thousands of eyes" of people surrounding him or her, and if the authorities are NOT satisfied with his/her thinking and behaviour, their life is short and the alleged "freedom" ends. This will also soon be the case on Earth. The authorities there also know everyone's thoughts, because they have devices that listen to telepathy broadcasting what one thinks - and these devices for telepathic eavesdropping will soon be built on Earth as well. If someone does NOT approve of the regime, then they are quietly removed there under some pretext, e.g. "accident" or "coincidence". The computer monopoly extends its absolute control over every aspect of the lives of its inhabitants - just as it will soon be on Earth. In order for the nations in there NO LONGER are able to distinguish good from evil, helpful from harmful, etc., they are secretly bombarded with telepathic propaganda from the authorities, similarly as the Earth is bombarded by the described at the end of blog #370E cosmic object called "oumuamua" - the descriptions of unnatural behaviours of which can be searched in Google e.g. with the command while in YouTube e.g. with the command . Most of the inhabitants in there is also hypnotically programmed to obey the orders of the authorities, regardless of how immoral or murderous these orders are. And all this in order to be able to live without the need to personally perform any physical work, because all physical work is there hailed as "dirty" and suitable only for slaves and so-called "biorobots" - and these are the children of the inhabitants of less developed planets (including currently the inhabitants of Earth) bred from sperm and ovule stolen from people. The bill for this lazy life without the need for physical work is the requirement to carry out the orders of the authorities, regardless of how immoral these orders are, and then for the rest of their lives under threat of mortal punishment to keep absolutely secret the truth about what evil was done on the orders of the authorities. Since the computer system governing the course of life on the UFOnauts' planets has built-in effective safeguards that prevent citizens from making changes or improvements, the situation on these planets only worsens over time. As a result, there comes a time when someone from the elites who have almost absolute power there, driven by despair or mental illness, blows up their entire planet, along with all its inhabitants. Our ancestors from Orion left in space such trails of blown-up planets poisoned to the point where life there is no longer possible - as described in our Polish-language treatise [3b]. Similar traces also exist on Earth to a lesser extent - they have already been discovered in the so-called "Mohenjo Daro" from Pakistan, discussed e.g. in the 11-minute video - but our decision-makers and scientists still avoid recognizing their eloquent truth. Such is the fate that awaits also our entire Earth if the majority of people remain passive and accept evil in these last years of the fulfilment of the Hopi Indian prophecy about the white brother "Pahana", when changing the behaviour of humanity to the "adding way of God" still remains possible, although it becomes increasingly difficult to implement.


Fig. #M2a (from the web page "god.htm"):

Fig. #M2b (also at Fig. #2 from web page "p_c.htm"):

Fig. #M2c (also at Fig. #B1 from web page "bandits.htm"):

Fig. #M2abc: Above I am showing a photo of our cat with the official name "Pedro", who was with us from February 2012 to September 30, 2024. The name "Pedro" was assigned to it (him) before it came to us and adapted our family to be his own. However, he clearly ignored this name. That is why my wife Sue called him "MiniMoo" because the cat himself often repeated this name. I called it "Tiger", to which name it also responded and did what I told. It was an extremely active, witty, and intelligent cat like a large child. It was the only one of our cats who could say a few words in situations that proved that it knew what these words meant. For example, when it wanted to go out of the apartment to the garden, it would say "go out". When I called it to the apartment, but it did NOT want to go back yet, it was silent. However, when it agreed to came home, it would repeat "came". It also often repeated the names my wife and I called it. It was extremely protective of our family and garden. Even though it was the smallest cat we ever had, it would NOT allow any strange cats into our garden, immediately attacking and chasing them away, no matter how tall they were. Because of this, it often had to be stitched up by the vet, but this did NOT discourage it from defending the garden. At home, it was a cuddler, feeling best in someone's arms. So even when I was working on the computer, it would sit on my lap and watch what I was doing. It would also watch TV with me, sitting on my lap or collarbone. It would also sleep on my bed, snuggling up to my legs at night.

Fig. #M2a: Our cat "Pedro", like all three cats we had, was also murdered by UFOnauts. The premises that indicate this are that its alleged "illness" suddenly started precisely on the same days when I was attacked with the "UFOnauts weapon", which in blog #371E and in {#G3a} and {#G3e} from blog #373E and from item #G3 of my web page named "rok_uk.htm" is described under the name [@H3] New Zealand Syndrome . From a very active cat, it suddenly became lethargic and limiting its activities mainly to sleeping, eating and drinking. Its health was also quickly deteriorating and already on Sunday, 2024/9/29 around 4 a.m. it ate its last meal and drank water, after which its eyes closed, tears started to pour out, and it refused to take any more food or water. The next day, on Monday 2024/9/30, my wife Sue went to the vet with Pedro to undergo euthanasia and end its suffering. In that way, both my wife and I lost our furry friend, who taught us both what unconditional love and absolute trust are. Now all we have left is sadness, regret and the pain of its loss, which those who have experienced the loss of someone very dear say can last up to two years. Although the vet officially claimed that its illness was the so-called "renal" (also described on Google under the same name "renal"), this strange coincidence in time with the UFOnauts' attacks on me, as well as my knowledge of the medical and technical advancement of our parasitic relatives from the Orion planets, suggests that they also murdered this cat simply to increase the number of problems, sadness and pain I have been going through recently, while fabricating excuse for its death by blaming this supposedly incurable disease of cats called renal. The Bible in verses 3:1-5 from the "Book of Genesis" reveals how skilfully and effectively truth and untruth can be mixed to convince people to act in pursue of wrong goals. Knowing also that, for example, through the use of "time couriers" one can learn about every event in the life of every person, and knowing the expertise and scope with which, having the required resources, one can prepare, for example, YouTube videos reacting to events that move someone's feelings, I decided to check what videos can be a reaction to, for example, descriptions of the death of a cat. That's how I found a video that surprisingly was made public two days before my cat's death, with the address: . By comparing its agreement or deviation with the Bible, one can reveal its creators and their goals.

Fig. #M2b: My wife Sue with our cat "Szarak", photographed in 2010 at our first apartment in Petone which we rented from February 2001 to March 2012. From a different angle of view, I also showed this our old apartment in Fig. #B2b from the web page "petone.htm". Our Szarak apparently died of confusion with old age in July 2011. However, in 2023 and 2024, while investigating hypnotic programming by UFOnauts of today's women on Earth, I accidentally discovered that advanced devices UFOnauts for remote telepathic programming and enforcing post-hypnotic commands are capable to cause phenomena identical to those that killed the Szarak. In addition, I remember that a person I knew, and whom I believe to be a UFOnaut impersonating humans, tried to convince me to eat soil - which, of course, I ignored. Meanwhile, our Szarak (mens Grey in Polish) died because it suddenly became obsessed with eating soil - which clogged its entire digestive system. So now I believe that the Szarak/Grey was also murdered by UFOnauts through technically advanced pre-programming of a hypnotic command into it to eat soil.

Fig. #M2c: My wife Sue's favourite cat called "Teecee" (1998-2006). It was our first cat and the first to be murdered by a UFO - for more details about its murder see descriptions in #B3 and #B1 from the web page called "bandits.htm".

(This entire post #374E would NOT fit into the memory of this blog - hence the rest of it will be continued below as post #374_3E)

kodig : :