paź 16 2024

#374_1E: Caution - do not choose to follow...

#374_1E: Caution - do not choose to follow the "way of Satan" causing the deletion of soul, which in the Bible is called the "second death" (part 1)

Introduction to the post #374E for blogs of totalizm and to items #M1 to #M3 of the web pages named "god.htm" and "iam.htm" from which the post #374E is adapted. The Earth is full of so-called "false prophets" announced in the Bible. In turn their hidden goal is to invent ways in which they can scare humanity and gain some benefits from this. After all, we have NOT yet recovered from the fear they sowed before the year 2012, which these "false prophets" announced as the "year of the end of the world" - see item #B8 from the web page named "seismograph.htm" or see my blog #185E or item #N1 from the totaliztic web page named "quake.htm". We have also NOT recovered from the fear sown just before the year 2000 - because it was supposed to be destroyed by a computer virus called Y2K. Meanwhile, once again, this time many "knowledge-rejecting" priests of various religions (see the Bible, 4:4-9 from the "Book of Hosea") are already announcing another "end of the world", claiming that supposedly all signs on Earth and in the sky indicate that we are living in the "last days", i.e. just before the second coming of Jesus to Earth and the so-called "end of the world". However, if we look at what is currently happening objectively and from the perspective of the "adding" truths of the Bible, then these are NOT signs of the "last days", but signs of the almost total destruction of the earth by people described in the Bible as "destroyers of the earth". For quotes from the Bible describing both what these "destroyers" did to the earth (and hence allowing us to be sure that the time has come to punish them for this destruction) and describing what fate awaits them for this "destruction of the earth", it is worth looking at item #T1 from my web page named "woda_uk.htm" or to my entire web page named "2030_uk.htm" - on the content of which is also based our half-hour video (in the Polish language but with English subtitles enabled by clicking on "cc") entitled "Zagłada ludzkości 2030" disseminated for free at the address . So in order to reassure readers that as for now there will be NO "end of the world" in this century, and that only the 2030s will occur with their the "great cleansing of the earth" from those "destroyers" of which the Bible has been warning for over 2000 years what fate awaits them, and which the Hopi Indians' prophecies about the so-called "white brother Pahana" also warned, I have prepared the following items #M1 to #M3. And so, in item #M1 I mainly explained "what requirements" specified in the Bible we have NOT yet learned to fulfil, in order to be ready to finish our education and improve ourselves, hence to be also ready for the arrival of the "end of the world" and for God to give us immortal bodies. In item #M2 I explained "who" and "why" is very interested in people being convinced that the "end of the world" is coming - because it will make it easier for them to obtain many different "subtractive" benefits from this human belief and from the actions caused by this belief, devoid of prudence, logic and faith in God, which will cause these people to be exposed to never-ending exploitation by our satanic relatives from the Orion planets. In turn, in #M3 I described the individual defence that each person can personally undertake because there is already indisputable evidence that humanity as a whole will never undertake any defence as a group because it is secretly managed, occupied and exterminated by the descendants of our ancestors from the Orion planets practicing the "subtractive" "philosophy of "satanic parasitism of 1985" while arriving to Earth in infinitely fast UFO starships. Undertaking the "individual defence" described here allows NOT to panic when the years of cleansing the Earth from the "destroyers" announced in the Bible come and to NOT undertake those actions devoid of prudence and logic on which our secret occupiers and destroyers from Orion are counting. Everything that I am explaining both in these items #M1 to #M3 as well as in the entirety of the web page "god.htm", is written in accordance with the "adding" statements of the Bible and is also based on the "adding" principles of the philosophy of totalizm created in 1985 and described in more detail on the web page named "totalizm.htm". In turn additional engineering explanations on "how" exactly should be understood the emphasised with the term "adding" the deserving content of the inexpressibly wisely formulated Bible, and also the content of implementing this "adding" in practice my "philosophy of totalizm from 1985", are provided in posts #373E and #372E to blogs of totalizm (see addresses of blogs of totalizm from item #Z3 of the web page "god.htm"), and also are provided in items #G1 to #G3 of my web page named "rok_uk.htm" and items #I1 to #I5 of the web page named "parasitism.htm".

#M1 of blog #374E. Why is it highly illogical and contrary to the requirements imposed on us by God and described in the Bible, to believe the globally spread agitation and propaganda of the so-called "false prophets" counting on impure benefits, who try to convince people that the "end of the world" and the second coming of Jesus are coming, because instead of inspiring us to take "adding" actions of improvement, it actually forces into us the "subtractive" behaviour of passivity and expectation that God would send to us again His son Jesus, whom we cruelly crucified only 2000 years ago, and that Jesus would do the work of repairing everything that we voluntarily, thoughtlessly and against God's commandments and requirements have just destroyed, thus turning the Earth into the "vestibule of hell" and a kind of altar for Satan's worshippers:

Motto: "The only choice we have to improve our situation and build instead of tearing down is to actively adopt and implement in our lives the 'philosophy of addition' described in the Ten Commandments of God and the requirements of the Bible, which will lead us to truth, goodness, growth and eternal life, while simultaneously resolutely rejecting the passive acceptance and widespread practice of the 'philosophy of subtraction' forced upon humanity by the 'powers of evil' and leading us to lies, evil, decline and self-destruction." (These two mutually opposing philosophies of life that are wrestling with each other on Earth, i.e. (1) the "adding" one taught by God in the Bible, which is very difficult to follow but highly fruitful, hence which in accordance with the quoted in #M1 verses 7:13-14 from "Matthew" in the Bible can also be called "following God's way in life" or in short "God's way", and also (2) the "subtracting" one forced upon humanity by deception or bribery by the "powers of evil", which is very easy to follow but always ending in self-destruction, hence which can also be called "the way of succumbing to the devil's temptations" or in short "Satan's way", while I explained it in more detail, among others, in item #I1 from my web page named "parasitism.htm", in items #K1, #K2 and #K5 from the web page named "aliens.htm", and in items #G1 to #G3 from the web page named "rok_uk.htm", and also in entries #373E, #372E and #371E to blogs of totalizm.)

In the publications indicated in the above "motto", e.g. in item #I1 of my web page "parasitism.htm" and in post #372E to blogs of totalizm, I explained that practically in our "world of matter" there are really only two philosophies of conduct in our lives. The most important of them is: (1) the "philosophy of addition" developed by God and fully described only in the Bible. There exist engineering procedures "how", which formulate the principles of operation of this "adding" philosophy of God, however which are NOT included into the Bible, or are explained in the Bible only very briefly. Therefore starting since 1985 these engineering procedures "how", has been trying to scientifically derive or discover as the first on Earth my "philosophy of totalizm from 1985" - see the web page "totalizm_pl.htm". Their derivation totalizm carries out as the creative tools using my "Theory of Everything from 1985" (see the web page "1985_theory_of_everything.htm") and my "Theory of Life from 2020" (see the web page "2020life.htm"), or totalizm also empirically discovers them and formulates in today's modern language. This "adding" philosophy of God is very difficult in its implementation, but effective and very good because it leads people practicing it to life, growth, truth, prosperity, justice, peace, improvement of oneself and everything around, protection by God from repetitive experiencing of evil undeserved by karma, happy existence for all eternity, etc., etc. As I also explain it in the "motto" above, this God’s philosophy can also be briefly called, for example, (1) "the way of God". The tools that it uses to achieve its goals are the same ones that my "philosophy of totalizm from 1985" has been using since its inception, i.e.: truth in informing, optimism and positive thinking in motivating, voluntary giving in doing, and love of God, neighbours and nature in life and in coexistence. The second of this only two existing of mutually opposite and truly different philosophies of life is (2) the highly parasitic philosophy of "subtraction" that automatically imposes itself on all those who do NOT practice this God's (1) "philosophy of addition", and in addition it is also secretly forced upon us under various names by the "powers of evil" through the use of deception, or fear and bribery. This is easy and pleasant to practice, but it always leads inevitably to lies and deception, downfall, exploitation, injustice, etc., while in the final effect to self-destruction. Hence it can also be briefly called the (2) "way of Satan". All currently officially disseminated and taught philosophies on Earth, in spite of bearing various names and having minor differences in the details of their descriptions, are in fact only different versions of this philosophy of "subtraction" following the "way of Satan". I empirically identified and described this philosophy back in 1985 as the exact opposite of my "philosophy of totalizm from 1985", describing and disseminating it under the name of "philosophy of parasitism from 1985" on the web page "parasitism.htm". The tools which to achieve its "subtractive" goals are used by this philosophy following the (2) "way of Satan" are: lies in informing, pessimism and negative thinking in motivating, robbing and coercion in realization, and hostility, jealousy and deception in coexistence and in life. The essences of both of the above life philosophies or "ways of life" are wisely and briefly described in verses 7:13-14 from the biblical "Gospel of St. Matthew" - here is the quote from the Polish Catholic "Millennium Bible" (in Polish named: Biblia Tysiąclecia). "Enter through the narrow gate! For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many go in through it. How narrow is the gate and straitened the way that leads to life, and few find it!" It is also not difficult to notice that we are living in times when this destructive philosophy of "subtraction" is beginning to win, gradually turning our Earth into a kind of "garbage dump" in front of the gates of hell waiting to be filled with people. How approximately the life of humanity may look soon, i.e. when the forced following of this parasitic philosophy of "subtraction" will be globally completed on the entire Earth, in my opinion well illustrates 2-hour-long English movie of 2002 entitled "Equilibrium" (see ).

The greed of elites supported and encouraged by the moral passivity of most people, has caused that life on Earth becomes increasingly difficult, while the filth, micro-organisms, poisons and micro-plastics penetrating our food, water and air from that pre-hellish "garbage dump" are making our bodies increasingly sick and shortening the lifespan of people. At the same time, nature controlled by God is increasingly and with growing precision returning previously deserved karma to those people, families, institutions and countries that have earned this return of karma through their previous "destruction of the earth" (e.g. see #F2 of the web page "karma_pl.htm" or the Polish blog #288). After all, verse 34:7 from the "Book of Exodus" in the Bible states - I quote: "...[God], who keeps his steadfast love for a thousand generations, forgiving iniquity, unfaithfulness and sin, but not leaving it unpunished, ...". This rapidly deteriorating situation of humanity is most fully expressed by someone's quote given from minute 7:12 of an 8-minute English-language video with the address , and stating "All it takes for bad things to happen is for good people to do nothing!" (which well emphasizes the present passivity of good people who claim to believe in God thus are supposed to practice religious living). Unfortunately, what we have voluntarily spoiled, the "powers of evil" use in their covert campaign against God and the Bible. As a result, by numerous alleged "priests" - who unfortunately "reject knowledge" (see verse 4:4-9 from the "Book of Hosea" in the Bible), as well as in numerous mass media, claims are being made more and more insistently that supposedly "we are living in the last times" before the second coming of Jesus. These claims try to convince people that Jesus is supposedly coming to Earth soon to laboriously fix everything we have voluntarily ruined, and to restore the Earth to the form we knew not long ago, but which we have passively allowed to be ruined at will by greedy politicians and elites who, with the wealth they have accumulated thanks to this ruining, can now feed their dogs and cats delicacies so expensive that most of people will NEVER be able to even try them in their entire lives.

So it is high time to realize the truth to those who, instead of personally mobilizing themselves to work on improving their own and their neighbours' situation, rather sit passively and expect Jesus to come and do all the work for them to fix what they themselves have ruined. After all, sending Jesus by God for the purpose of fixing the results of our laziness, passivity, lack of faith, lies, etc., contradicts what the Bible, inspired by God Himself, teaches us. For the current arrival of Jesus on Earth, causing that today's situation of people getting bogged down in the "subtractive" philosophy of satanic parasitism, Jesus would change with His miracles into a situation of giving birth to "adding" fruits for humanity, instead of teaching us wise and God-fearing behaviour, would rather only deepen human laziness, passivity, lack of care for the daily practice of faith and for spreading the truth, moral behaviour, justice and also love of God, neighbours and nature. So let us list here at least a few of the most important reasons why such a performance by Jesus of the work of repairing what we have ruined with our greed, lack of faith, breaking God's commandments and requirements, laziness, passive acceptance of evil, etc., would result in "subtractive" consequences instead of producing "adding" fruits that all the actions of our God actually serve. Here are these reasons:

{1#M1} God still cannot in an unquestionably open way reveal his existence to people (e.g. atheists) - after all, this would take away their so-called "free will". The reason is that such open arrival of Jesus to Earth and the miracles that Jesus would have to cause in order to "additionally" repair the current situation of the fall of humanity, for sure would completely take away people's "free will". In turn without having "free will", humanity would turn into a kind of police regime similar to the one that our "parasitic" relatives from the Orion planets have implemented a long time ago in civilisations that they subdued, and are currently implementing it on Earth. For example, even atheists would then probably start praying out of fear, while at the same time, for example, their old habits would still cause them to neglect fulfilling God's commandments and requirements - which are absolutely necessary for causing their actions to grow any "adding" fruits. This is why, until the time when moral perfection and character traits of people on Earth reach the level when it will be possible to give immortal bodies to a sufficient number of people, no-one from the components of Holy Trinity (i.e. neither God the Father, nor the Holy Spirit, nor Jesus) will reveal their existence in an indisputably unambiguous way for all. Instead, while maintaining the fulfilment in the previous ambiguous way the so-called "canon of ambiguity" (i.e. the canon, the descriptions of which are summarized in #B9 of the web page "god.htm" and also are linked from the Polish web page "skorowidz.htm"), God will continue to use the powers He has over living beings, matter and nature, in order to implement individual phases of eliminating the increasingly refined forms of evil and to neutralize the "powers of evil" (e.g. UFOnauts) in the entire our "world of matter". This remote and ambiguous way of God's action is encoded in the verses of the Bible. Only that the people who are NOT able to think in engineering terms of "how" procedures from blog #341E, are also NOT able to decipher this God's way from the Bible or to understand it. For example, verse 37:29 from "Psalms" states - I quote: "The righteous will possess the earth, and they will dwell on it forever". This verse, as well as several others assuring us of the same way in slightly different words, clearly reveal to us that in spite of the constant scaring of humanity by the "powers of evil", people who trust God can live in peace that the Earth will exist forever and will always be inhabited by people. Only that Earth itself, its nature, and the characteristics of its inhabitants, will be continually improved on it with the passage of time by God's discreet methods. In turn, verse 1:4 from "Ecclesiastes" assures us - I quote: "A generation comes and a generation goes, but the earth endures forever". This verse, among others, confirms indirectly that the Earth will NOT be inhabited by people to whom God will give eternal (indestructible) bodies after their final judgment. After all, these who graduated from God's education on Earth will live in the starship called the "New Jerusalem" (in an engineering way interpreted in #J3 of blog #233E or the web page "malbork_uk.htm"). But there will always be mortal people living on Earth who are just learning in the "world of matter" the principles of "adding life", i.e. such people as we are today. So what examples of stages in their learning of elimination of evil and the ignoring of the temptations of "power of evil" does the Bible announce to us and describe in detail? The stage that we see now that is already coming to Earth, and that I described in more detail on the entire web page "2030_uk.htm" while which my friend and I illustrated in the above-mentioned half-hour video in Polish but with "cc" entitled "Zagłada ludzkości 2030" (which title means: "The Great Purification of Humanity in 2030s"), is just one (i.e. the closest to the present times) out of the phases of this elimination of evil, which in the Bible is described under the name of the destruction of the "destroyers of the earth". However, the process of God's improvement of the universe, Earth and people, will continue infinitely, just similar as engineers always improve the machines they build (e.g. currently they are improving, among others: clocks, telephones, computers and cars) - which process I explain in more detail e.g. in #I1 of blog #372E and the page "parasitism.htm", while I summarize it in the introduction to blog #373E. Of course, those people who did NOT destroy the Earth will survive this nearest phase - as described in verses 37:9-38 of "Psalms" in the Bible. From other phases of improvement of human morality pre-planned by God, e.g. verse 55:1 from the "Book of Isaiah" has encrypted in itself a description of the phase when the so-called "Nirvana Political System" that completely eliminates evil-sowing "money" from the use will be implemented on Earth (see my blogs #104E, #318E, #320E, #328E, #343E). Very interesting will also be the phase of elimination evil, when the Earth in some "remotely" or "non-obvious" manner that is NOT taking away people's "free will", will be ruled by the Messiah. How safe these times will be for people of Earth is described, for example, in verses 11:3-9 and 65:20-25 from the "Book of Isaiah" in the Bible. Etc., etc.

{2#M1} In turn, the lack of "free will" would destroy human creativity - that is, the source that generates the "increase of knowledge" for which God created people (for more information on this subject see items #B2 and #B3 from my web page "antichrist.htm"). After all, in order to be creative, people must have "free will" to generate, profess and express different views, including even the most imperfect (i.e. "stupid") ones. Only the clash of such different views leading to learning how to distinguish views that are consistent with truth from false views, causes the establishment of knowledge, which in turn creates the foundations for the growth of "adding" fruits of progress.

{3#M1} The second coming of Jesus is to end the current period of mortal humanity and after the final judgment is to bring about the coming of a period when those deserving of eternal life will be given immortal bodies. However, such eternally living people must meet many requirements. For example, their characters and thus also behaviours must already be close to perfection and of "adding" nature - after all, if they had the "subtracting" philosophies of life and character traits of today's people, then they would turn heaven into yet another hell. In addition, eternally living people must be deprived of the rights to marry the opposite sex and to have children. After all, having children would lead to an endless multiplication of highly imperfect immortal beings and giants similar to the "fallen angels" described in the Bible. Those deserving of eternal life must also meet the requirements of "soldiers of God" with the characteristics described below in {4#M1}.

{4#M1} The current arrival of Jesus would also make it impossible to train people to be effective "soldiers of God" - the descriptions of which are linked on the Polish web page "skorowidz.htm". These soldiers need to go through highly demanding service and long training, among others, to acquire the personal characteristics which I described for example in #A3 and in Table #A1 from my web page "humanity.htm". God needs to train them in this way for many reasons, for example in case if in the unlimited universe in the future some other destructive god evolves which our God supported by His soldiers will have to "confront" - see the Bible, "Second Letter to Timothy", verse 2:3, I quote: "Take part in hardships and adversities as a good soldier of Christ Jesus!"

{5#M1} Sending Jesus would also require that God repair everything that people have messed up because of their laziness, passivity and lack of faith. In this way, it would change the effectively currently operating educational methods of God into the behaviours practiced today by jealously "loving" mothers, the products of which are, for example, sons who live comfortably all their lives with mothers who do everything for them. As a result, it would be drastically stripped of educational values for people, because it would NOT teach them the habit that everything they mess up they must then repair simply in order to survive.

{6#M1} If humanity was brought up in the habit that someone else (e.g. God) should repair what it has broken, and then acquired infinitely fast telekinetic vehicles such as my Magnocrafts (for their description see the web page "magnocraft_pl.htm"), then by spreading throughout the universe it would leave behind a long "trail of destruction" - similar to that left behind by our relatives from the planets of Orion, and which is described in the Polish treatise [3b] distributed free of charge from the web page "tekst_3b.htm". Each of the planets of this "trail of destruction" would be so much poisoned, radiating, and destroying all life, that it would NOT be suitable for habitation for millions of years to come.

{7#M1} Jesus' repairing what bad people have ruined would also take away the motivation of living human souls to continue to voluntarily improve their characters. After all, developing such motivations is one of the main goals of giving life to all of God's creatures. It was for the constant learning and improvement of these creatures that God created our complicated "world of matter". After all, the reason we live is to learn "how" to help God improve the universe, and NOT to ruin what God created and intends to gradually improve with our help. However, in order for us to help God, we must first acquire the traits of our characters required for giving such help.

To sum up the above, these numerous claims about the supposedly coming "end of the world" and the second coming of Jesus, are only "propaganda" of the "powers of evil" preparing humanity for the spectacular arrival on Earth of their "Antichrist" - whom most people are supposed to take for the arrival of Jesus. So if you see someone persuading people of this type of "propaganda", you can be sure that he/she is either a servant of the "powers of evil", or has been hypnotically or telepathically programmed by the "powers of evil" to spread their "propaganda" and to "agitate" humanity to start practicing their "subtractive" philosophy of robbing and destroying those weaker than themselves.

The parasitic "subtraction philosophy" instilled in today's people by the "powers of evil" is now so advanced on Earth that if we do NOT stop it with a joint effort, then it will lead humanity straight to self-destruction. For example, everything we see around us today is now focused solely on causing the effects of "subtraction". As an example, consider our food, water and air. These are already so devastated by the "subtractive" behaviours of all humanity and so degraded by life-damaging distortions - e.g. in their case by chemicals, micro-plastics, dust, pollution, radioactivity, etc., that everything around us now simply serves to encourage disease and death. Similarly degraded by equally harmful attributes of evil are also truth, official information, science, research, governments, politics, economics, health care, morality, justice, etc., etc. So if we do NOT come to our senses quickly, God will have NO other choice than to allow the descendants of our parasitic ancestors from the Orion planets to officially include us into their confederacy that satanically parasitizes on own relatives, and when we become completely diabolical, then He will also allow us to blow ourselves up and cease to exist.

(This entire post #374E would NOT fit into the memory of this blog - hence the next part of it will be continued below as post #374_2E)

kodig : :