sie 01 2024

#372_1E: Confirmations that the entire universe...

#372_1E: Confirmations that the entire universe consists of three separate worlds described in the Bible under names "3 heavens" (Part 1)


Introduction to this blog #372E and items #I1 to #I5 of the web page "parasitism.htm" from which this blog #272E is adapted. As precisely as allow me to do so my human imperfections, the knowledge developed so far (which still contains a number of unknowns), and the knowledge of procedures of gradual arrival to the truths with engineering "how", in the following items #I1 to #I5 below I will try to present the history of the evolution and transformation of the universe from the infinite time of its previous existence as the only [1] "counter-world" and from the infinity of its 4-dimensions, through the creation by God of continually expanding [2] "virtual world", until the moment when God created in the universe also our presently existing [3] "world of matter" with the finiteness of its 3-dimensions and with its "reversible software time" in which is run the finite time of life of people and other living creatures sent to this world for gaining knowledge and for learning "how" to eliminate evil. Hence, using the engineering procedures "how", first in item #I1 below I describe the methods and the so-called "3 witnesses" which I repeatedly use to irrefutably confirm the truth of subsequent layers of knowledge in the process of my building a full picture of the formation of the current universe. Then in #I2 below I explain the process of evolution of the living and self-aware program of our God in initially the only existing so-called [1] "counter-world". (This living program of God in the Bible is described under the name "Holy Spirit", while the beginning of forming it started with "word" means with what we call now "information" and "algorithm".) This program was created as a result of some event unknown to me, about which I theoretically deduced although I cannot confirm it with the third (1c) of the required "3 witnesses", that most probably it was a collision of two male so-called "God Drobinas" - i.e. two elementary components of "counter-matter" from the [1] "counter-world" having the form of beings in the shape of miniature people which had the ability to self-learn and which moved "chaotically" with infinite speed throughout the infinitely sized universe, however, which were initially NOT characterized by having life or self-awareness. Then in #I3 below I explain "how" this then already self-aware and living program of God initiated the formation of the software [2] "virtual world". (In the Bible this [2] "virtual world" is described as a "word" - as over 2000 years ago the present understanding of differences between the "word" and the "information", "algorithm", "program", or "software" were yet unknown.) Further in #I4 below I explain "how" this program of God living in the [2] "virtual world" created the structure and operation in the four-dimensional [1] "counter-world" for the entire our [3] "world of matter" making it as having the finiteness of its 3-dimensions and time of existence (in the Bible this our [3] "world of matter" usually is called either "earth" or "first heaven"). This creation was carried out by the program of God while using as a building material properly pre-programmed "God Drobinas" in the most high priority (twelfth) memory of each of which the living program of God is residing that controls their behaviour. At the end, i.e. in item #I5 below, I mainly explain "why" it is extremely important for humanity to learn the truths about the history, components, structure and operation of such three-world-universe described here and confirmed-irrefutably by the most important "3 witnesses", and then to make efforts to further clarify these truths with the engineering "how", and gradually eliminate from them through further research the still existing imperfections typical of human research, such as unknown details, possible mental shortcuts, mistakes and omissions, as well as linguistic and expressive inaccuracies.


#I1. "How" and "why" knowing the truth about the structure and operation of the three-world-universe defines our consciousness, and thus defines also our fate:

Motto: "Everything that results from diligent 'addition' leads to goodness, growth and life, but everything that results from doing or passively approving 'subtractions' leads to evil, decay and self-destruction." (This is the truth for today's times of "subtraction", admonishing us to learn "how" to give instead of taking, help instead of fighting, inform instead of hiding truths, build instead of tearing down, love instead of hating, heal instead of making sick, etc., etc.)

In a number of my publications, e.g. my blog #371E (distributed for free at the addresses from item #Z3 of the web page "parasitism.htm") and also in items #K1 to #K5 of my web page "aliens.htm" from which this blog #371E was adapted, I have explained the truth with highly significant consequences for each of us humans. It states that: in all the three worlds that make up our three-world's "universe", everything is constantly changing. Notice here that already since 1985 (i.e. for almost 40 years) my "Theory of Everything from 1985" formulated then and repeatedly published (see the page "1985_theory_of_everything.htm") has been constantly revealing to all interested parties the truth that the entire "universe" consists of the following three separate worlds: the original [1] "counter-world" existing since eternity and filled with self-learning "counter-matter" which is an eternally mobile fluid formed from streams and whirls of the so-called "God Drobinas"; plus also two further worlds created and now managed by our omniscient God, namely the [2] "virtual world" existing in 12 memories and 12 brains of these "God Drobinas" - in which the program of our God lives and our "souls" are stored in there; and our [3] "world of matter" in which we live. Regardless of the (1a) indications of my theories and of the (1c) empirical evidence the examples of which I indicate in descriptions below, this important truth that the "universe" consists of as many as three separate worlds is wisely confirmed by "code" from the (1b) verses of Bible. After all, from these verses it follows that: just the name "heaven" which in the Bible describes the realities of these three separate worlds, can refer to up to 3 different concepts and meanings explaining the features of each of these 3 worlds. Numerous English-language videos about these "3 heavens" or about the three meanings of the name "heaven" assigned to these three worlds can be found, among others, with keywords: The Three Heavens - e.g. see or see approx. 20-minute English-language video at or a short 2-minute video at . The first of these three consecutive meanings of the name heaven in the Bible, is the "heaven" of our [3] "world of matter", populated by sky in day and luminous or light-reflecting moons, planets, stars and galaxies at nights that we can see, sometimes easily, with our eyes or with telescopes. However, in order to make us understand that there is more than just one "heaven", to this "first heaven" from our [3] "world of matter" in a coded way refers already the ninth verse of the Bible, i.e. the verse 1:9 from the "Book of Genesis". It is because the verse describes "waters from under the sky" the collection of which reveals a dry surface, i.e. the earth. On the other hand the fact that there are also two higher heavens, here called the [1] "counter-world" and the [2] "virtual world", informs, among others, the verse 12:2-4 from "2 Corinthians" in the Bible. There are more similar verses in the Bible, so I leave them to the reader to learn from the above-mentioned videos and my blog #354E, where the Bible describes them, and then understand how wisely God encoded their truth-revealing formulations into the Bible verses. A more extensive discussion of the biblical name of "heaven" for the three worlds of the universe is provided in {1} from item #H2 in blog #354E and on my web page "bible.htm".

However, returning to the discussion of the constant changes of everything in the entire universe, they cause that what is currently happening in it has either the features of (1) a wise "adding" made by the effort of someone's intelligence, motivation, power, work input, and previously acquired wisdom and life experience, or has the features of (2) natural "subtraction" occurring automatically and without the need to put any effort, knowledge, skills, wisdom, foresight, etc. Confirmations of the importance of this truth about the existence of only two directions of changes, i.e. laborious addition or involuntary subtraction, there is practically everything that is happening around us, e.g. consider these two directions of changes from two approximately 7-minute English-language videos with the addresses: or https:// .

The existence and continuous occurrence of these two basic processes (1) "adding" or (2) "subtraction" causes that in our [3] "world of matter" there are only two philosophies of life. Out of both of them, practically we only have a conscious choice of the first one, i.e. the choice of (1) adding philosophy. In turn, if we do NOT consciously choose this (1) and implement it in our actions, then the other existing (2) philosophy of subtraction will impose itself on us. In other words, in our short learning-stay in our [3] "world of matter" we only have the opportunity to consciously choose that (1) "philosophy of addition" that leads us to growth, improvement, love, peace, building, existing and eternal life , etc. The recommendation to lead one's life according to this (1) "philosophy of addition" is wisely encoded by God into Bible verses and God uses them also to examine our sense of discipline and soldierly obedience to God by giving us "free will" whether we choose it voluntarily. Examples of decoding some of these verses and explaining them in the current language, are made possible by the advancement of development of my "philosophy of totalizm from 1985" (see the web page "totizm.htm") and also my theories - especially the "Theory of Everything from 1985" (see web pages "1985_theory_of_everything.htm" or "dipolar_gravity.htm"). These examples of decoding some of Bible verses are presented in the publications of this philosophy of totalizm, the details of which I developed thanks to my engineering knowledge of "how" procedures, and therefore which probably are showing a very high compatibility with the Bible - although still requiring the expansion and removal of these human imperfections always hidden in the formulation of anything by us people. Notice here also that if in #I1 to #I5 of this blog #372E, or in my other publications - e.g. on the web page "parasitism.htm", I quote a verse of the Bible, then if I do NOT emphasize it with the name of the Bible from which it comes, I always quote the translation to English of this verse from the official Catholic Bible named "Biblia Tysiąclecia" (meaning: "Millennium Bible") published in Poland and originally translated into Polish (only then its verses I translate into English), available in Polish online to everyone on the Internet - see its web page .

However, returning to the discussion of these only two truly existing philosophies of life, the opposite possibility to consciously choosing to act in our lives according to the principles of this (1) "adding philosophy", is passivity, i.e. avoiding its selection and application in our actions. This passivity means that we will automatically implement this (2) "philosophy of subtraction", which will lead us to decline, deterioration, hatred, wars, destruction, extinction through suicidal self-annihilation, etc. This is also this (2) "philosophy of subtraction", that is additionally forced upon us through use of power, bribery, or deception, by the so-called "forces of evil". To push into us this (2) "philosophy of subtraction" the "forces of evil" use countless other "subtracting" philosophies which due to be only ones recognised and lectured at universities by the monopole of "official atheistic science" persuade people to do opposite to whatever the Bible tell us, and what my "philosophy of totalizm from 1985" scientifically established and is absolutely consistent with the Bible. Thus, all these other existing philosophies, laws, as well as decisions of the rulers of our [3] "world of matter", unfortunately for us people, are created just to secretly reinforce implementations of only the versions of that second (2) "philosophy of subtraction" described by the web page "parasitism.htm" - means the versions of the fallen "philosophy of parasitism from 1985"). In these items #I1 to #I5 of this blog #372E and the web page "parasitism.htm" from which this blog was adapted, I would like to convince the reader to the truth about the structure and operation of the universe (i.e. to the truth which is the opposite of the lies officially sown on this subject), using the example of confirmations by the most important "3 witnesses" described below, that only this (1) "philosophy of addition" is worth practicing in your life, while it is worth strenuously avoiding in our life everything that leads people to hell created on Earth by "subtraction" effects of: today's use of money, lies based research results, teachings and laws bought with money, decisions forced by money, and recently also the new untested traditions. After all, they all lead humanity to the fall and self-destruction, being cleverly obedient to numerous versions of the (2) "philosophy of subtraction". The commands of all (2) "philosophies of subtraction" come down to practicing various forms of subtraction instead of addition, forced taking (which is also subtraction) instead of voluntary giving, parasitism on our neighbours and nature instead of loving and caring for them, concealing the truth instead of revealing it and implementing the resulting from the truth motivations to maintain peace, love and cooperation, and also opposing (instead of fulfilling) God's commandments and requirements wisely encoded in the Bible verses. In other words, for your own good, the reader, as much as avoid hell, I advise you to avoid also these philosophies of "subtraction" currently practiced by almost all official institutions on Earth, that are financing and then implementing the results of monopoly of the "official atheistic science" which is telling lies to humanity. Therefore, in order to help the reader in this choice to avoid the hell of practicing subtractive philosophies or teachings, I will start here with an engineering explanation of "how" to distinguish truths derived from any "adding philosophy or teaching" from lies forced on people by "subtractive philosophies or teachings".

And so, a reliable method of distinguishing between them both has been available for a long time. This reliable method of confirming truths and distinguishing them from lies is indicated, described and illustrated with examples, in the publications of my "philosophy of totalizm from 1985". This method involves finding 3 consistent confirmations of the truth by all 3 reliable and most important "three witnesses". These "3 witnesses" for every existing and important truth are always provided to us by God. After all, for example, in verses 10:26 from "Matthew" or 4:22 from "Mark" in the Bible, God promises and reminds us: "For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, nor anything secret that will not be informed." In other words, only if the confirmations from all these three most important "3 witnesses" in agreement with each other confirm some truth expressed in any highly important for people someone's statement, teaching, decision, behaviour, etc., then with this confirmation we receive from God the perfectly reliable assurance that this is what they express is the absolute truth on which we can rely with full confidence and on it we can in "adding" way build subsequent layers of a given truth in an engineering manner.

This totaliztic method of the most important "three witnesses" turns out to be an important tool in our creation of truth and knowledge in the present times of increasingly frequent lies and deceptions. "How" to distinguish truth from lies with it is already taught by many examples described in the publications of my "philosophy of totalizm from 1985". This method states that: "there is a reliable group of the most important 'three witnesses', always present for everything that is important for humanity, but in order to confirm each individual truth it is necessary to carefully search for them and put together their statements, and if all three of them agree and unanimously confirm or state something, then it is absolute truth coming from God and confirmed to us by God, hence we can and should completely rely and build on this truth". I described these absolutely reliable "three witnesses" in more detail in (1) to (1c) from item #H1 of my web page named "2020zycie.htm" and from blog #331E. I also briefly describe them in blog #330E. For each significant statement, typically the first one coming to awareness of its author of these three most important witnesses will be a carefully documented (1a) "logical deduction" - that is, the result of a logically correct chain of cause and effect deriving the essence of this statement made available to others, resulting from a logically carried out theoretical deduction or theory. The obvious second most important witness, who, after deducing something new that we suspect to be true, and thus in present times when there is already a formal proof that God certainly exists (see the web page "god_proof.htm"), the witness that we must look for confirmation of the truth of the just completed deduction, the compulsory should be (1b) the correct interpretation of the confirmation of this theoretically deduced truth encoded in the Bible verses (or several such Bible confirmations - as for the most important truths, God encoded as many as several of their confirmations in the Bible verses). Of course, in publications that permanently reveal this truth in writing or in any other way, it is absolutely necessary to state which specific, quoted, deciphered and interpreted Bible verses that contain confirmation of the essence of a given statement, and if this confirmation is encoded in the Bible, then it is also necessary to cite your description of code’s decryption. The third most important witness is (1c) confirmation of the same statement with empirical evidence fully documented by correct interpretations of phenomena manifested and registered in the reality surrounding us. Hence, in order to confirm any truth to all people, including even those who commit suicide of implementing the temptations of "subtractive philosophy", i.e. the so-called atheists, sceptics, scientists, rulers, elites, etc., it is enough to find consistent confirmations for the truth by these "three witnesses".

In turn, for people who truly believe in God and know that the Bible contains the "Words of God", such confirmation of any truth comes much easier. After all, the "Words of God" given in correctly translated official Bibles (1b) always express the absolute truth and only the truth, which (1c) always has its reflection in the events of nature surrounding us and real life, and thus which will also be reflected in (1a) theories and theoretical logical deductions based on correctly identified truth. Knowing this, for believers it is enough to just point out and quote or explain only the verse from the precisely translated official Bible that confirms this truth, replacing all these "3 witnesses" with this verse. (At the same time, we must remember that the "powers of evil" are already disseminating their fabricated false entire Bibles, or fabricated alleged books of the Bible.) After all, if a truth is confirmed by the (1b) official Bible verse, it is also confirmed by (1a) correct theory and by (1c) empirical evidence displayed by the reality which surround us and which is governed by the same our God Whom inspired the Bible verses that encode the principles of work of this reality. Almost every major statement contained in the publications of my "philosophy of totalizm from 1985" indicates examples of these "three witnesses" who unanimously confirm the truths given in there. For example, as for illustrations of their examples, I suggest you look at my major statement describing "wrap of light" in blog #349E or in #J1 to #J3 from the page "1985_theory_of_everything.htm".

However, the situation is slightly different with those who believe in God and know, e.g. from my blog #370E or from #I1 and #I2 of the web page "bible.htm", that contrary to the adding nature of men, women have the built into them a "subtracting nature" of the female "God Drobinas", memories of which store female "souls" that control their behaviours. So only both participants of marriages who deeply believe in God and regularly read the Bible do NOT need to be scientifically and secularly translated into developed theoretical findings of "how" to prevent the subtracting and distracting behaviours of today's wives in whom appeared the behaviour described in {#I1f} and {#I2f} from that blog #370E caused by the lack of "moral energy", or how both spouses can put the physical effort into an increase amount of this intelligent "moral energy" also in the wife to repair with this energy the already existing behaviours of the type discussed in the 7:56 minute video "10 Ways Women EMOTIONALLY ABUSE THEIR HUSBANDS" from the address , or shown in the 6:49 minute video "He Went From Never Having Sex To Turning It Down - True Story!" from the address , or in the 6:27 minute video "Did Your Wife Bait And Switch?" from . Only such marriages do NOT have to empirically try unsuccessfully to make such a repair on their own when about the need for it convinces them the third of these most important "three witnesses" (which is the (1c) empirical evidence from marital life, which is now more and more often ending with divorce in 80% of cases initiated by the "subtractive" actions of wives today typically by their behaviour rejecting faith in God and refusing to learn the content of the Bible). For believing couples, in order to have a long and happy married life, it is enough that either before the wedding or immediately after the wedding (i.e. before the wives are convinced to practice atheism and the "subtracting" philosophy forced on women by today's multimedia and by the propaganda of the "power of evil" disseminated through these multimedia) these wives who sincerely believe in God have somehow been convinced that in the name of happiness, permanence and defence of marriage by God, they are obliged to fulfil the definition of marriage given in the Bible and contained e.g. in the verses: 7:3-5 from "1 Corinthians", 5:21-33 from Ephesians, 3:1-7 from "1 Peter", 9:9 from "Kohelet or Ecclesiastes", and 2:18-20 from the "Book of Genesis", i.e. fulfilling the definition of marriage, which I interpreted more precisely in the above-mentioned blog #370E.

In turn, for unmarried women, who nowadays are pushed into practicing the (2) "subtractive philosophy" both by their subtractive nature and by the addiction to use multimedia that is ubiquitous today, as well as by the "powers of evil" actively operating on Earth, practically there is NO escape from acquiring what was once called "old-spinster behaviours" (in Polish: "staropanieńskie zagrania") - unless, at a young age, they acquired deep faith in God and the habit of repetitive Bible study in their family home. (For more information, see my blogs #370E and #365E.)

Due to the existence of these two opposing processes taking place in the constantly changing universe, i.e. (1) laborious "adding" or (2) automatic "subtraction", implementing which (1) or yielding to which (2) in one's life leads to acquiring one out of both above philosophies, and also due to the fact that, unlike our God, we people are highly imperfect and have limited knowledge and cognitive capabilities, every absolute and final truth cannot be fully and finally established in one move, just as unfortunately, the monopoly of our "official atheistic science" is trying to convince us of this. After all, every truth is NOT only true for itself, but together with other related truths it also forms "chains of interconnected knowledge and truth" described in #B3 from blog #337 (complete version in Polish only) and from my web page "will_pl.htm". These chains bond together over time, forming the so-called "skeleton of knowledge and truth" - also described in that blog #337 (complete version in Polish only). So although any theory or scientific discovery, or the first technical solution of a new device, considered as a "separate system" detached from the rest of the universe, may initially give the impression of a good performance of the functions assigned to it, with the passage of time it usually turns out that they are only an "approximation of the truth", because together with other truths learned in the meantime, they do NOT form these "chains of interconnected knowledge and truth" nor are parts of the "skeleton of knowledge and truth".

Therefore, over time, they must be replaced by other solutions to a given problem that cooperate better and better with other related truths. Therefore, every truth must be gradually and in an engineering manner developed by "how" procedures - just as engineers gradually develop more and more perfect construction and operation of e.g. cars, clocks, telephones, etc. This is why, for example, the current methods of the monopoly of the "official atheistic science" which believe that what was once established in the past remains forever the full and unchanging truth, in fact they represent a "subtractive" philosophy of life - which, over time, leads this monopoly of science to persist in lies and leads the entire humanity towards self-destruction. This is why below I once again remind those interested about the totaliztic description of the true structure and operation of the universe existing and published for almost 40 years, as a closer to truth alternative to the structure and operation of the universe disseminated by the present monopoly of the "official atheistic science" and based on the so-called "big bang". After all, the atheistic descriptions of the structure and operation of the universe have already been proven to be false for over 2000 years. Thus the "subtractive" their dissemination to this day by the monopoly of the "official atheistic science" cannot be explained otherwise than as putting their own interests of earning finances by this science above the truth, good and the future of all humanity. But, unfortunately, with the stubborn behaviour described in communist Poland in 1971 in a politically sarcastic song by Wojciech Młynarski, titled "Przyjdzie walec i wyrówna" (meaning: "the roller will come and level it") - see e.g. , this particular lie is still being forced onto the humanity even to this day - even though for almost 40 years the totaliztic and "adding" alternative described here, more consistent with the truths of the universe, has existed and been published. It is also worth noting that this false "subtractive" structure and operation of the universe forced on humanity by the monopoly of the "official atheistic science" and by the "powers of evil" is NOT clearly and fully confirmed even by one of the most important "three witnesses". However, the "adding" totaliztic alternative of the structure and operation of the universe provided here is repeatedly, openly and unanimously confirmed by each of these most important "3 witnesses".

This my alternative of the three-world universe explains its structure and operation as a long process constantly improved by God (see blog #316E or #A1 from the web page "evolution.htm"). Hence, we should also get to learn about this process constantly, just as humanity learns better and better in engineering way about the construction and operation of the latest cars, watches, telephones, computers, etc. These my established truths about the universe, which I hereby expose to interested researchers for their further refinement, improvement and confirmation, result from the achievements of my philosophy of "totalizm from 1985" (see the web page "totalizm.htm") supported by my two most important theories, i.e. the "Theory of Everything from 1985" (initially also called the "Concept of Dipolar Gravity" - web page "dipolar_gravity.htm") and the latest "Theory of Life from 2020" (see web page "2020life.htm").

Learning the truth about the structure and operation of the universe defines our awareness and the view of world. In turn, these define our further actions, and thus our future fate. Let us explain now "how" this happens.

So let us consider an example of the influence of some invention on our awareness and the view of world, e.g. the influence of the propulsor (i.e. the Oscillatory Chamber - see the web page "oscillatory_chamber.htm") for the Magnocraft of my invention, and the influence of the Magnocraft starship itself which uses this propulsor (see web page "magnocraft.htm"). It is understandable that the future fate of this propulsor and starship depends on whether there will be a progressive country and a nation open to new ideas that will decide to invest in the construction of this propulsor and starship. This is probably why such a country capable of building a Magnocraft starship has not been found so far, although in 2007 Korea showed a chance of becoming such a country - as I described it in #H1.1 of the web page "prophecies.htm" and in my blog #241E. However, since then there has been some departure from fulfilment of God commandments in Korea and other changes completing its so-called "Tytler Cycle" - see . So I do NOT think that it still has the so-called "motivations" to implement new ideas. In my opinion, also none of the three superpowers, which are currently struggling in a "competence" among themselves over which one of them will be the future leader of the Earth, will be able to decide to start building the Magnocraft. After all, the actions of their leaders, and also of nations, are still limited by traditions, way of thinking and worldview, which still remain identical to those of prisoners who are "trapped on Earth", and which is best expressed by the old Chinese proverb "frog in the well" - see . For example, their thinking still does NOT go beyond the level which on the scale of space represents the today's primitive human rocket propulsion. Their minds are also closed for new ideas that require hard work for their fruiting and do NOT promise immediate and easy financial and material benefits. Meanwhile, for our civilization quickly approached the so-called "point of NO return" - see . What this "point of NO return" is and why its time has come is best explained by the English-language video "The Unexpected Reason Why Time Is Speeding Up: The Ancient Map of Time" at describing the predictions of the Hopi Indians about the arrival of the so-called "white brother Pahana", who will provide humanity with the knowledge needed to choose, still before this "point of NO return", the most appropriate of the two existing paths that our civilization can follow, i.e. the "adding" path that leads to truth, progress, respect for God, people and nature (and NOT this "subtractive" path that will lead humanity to self-destruction). I believe that the "white brother Pahana" has already arrived to the East of Earth - just as the Hopi prophecy announced it, and that he even introduced himself to the Hopi leaders and let them know that he is already here and that he counts on joint efforts with the Hopi to save humanity - but similarly just as the Israelites' leaders of old time refused to recognize the Jesus foretold by their prophets, today's Hopi Indian leaders probably also refused to recognize the already arrived Pahana. Meanwhile, the arrival of Pahana means that humanity has very little time left to decide which of the above two paths people will choose - I believe that our time is limited only to the year 2030. So if by 2030 there is NO country on Earth that will build the Magnocraft, then humanity will probably never build this starship. After all, soon the current technical advancement of humanity will be destroyed by cataclysms, and humanity as a separate civilization will cease to exist (see blog #371E). However, if such a country is found, then God will probably delay the arrival of cataclysmic events that are to initiate in the 2030s, giving this country time to build the Magnocraft by 2036. This in turn, because of the military power of Magnocraft starship (e.g. consider subsection G14.2 and also G14 and #G14.1 from volume 3 of my monograph [1/5] - see the web page "text_1_5.htm") will immediately make this country the leader of the entire humanity. Since by then the efforts to build the Oscillatory Chamber and the Magnocraft will transform the thinking of its leaders and population into that of "co-inhabitants of the entire universe", this country will lead the rest of humanity towards the "adding" path to truth, progress, and respect for God, people and nature required by God, which is to make humanity one of the many nations of the vast universe and bring it closer to the totaliztic civilizations from outer space, which have been trying to remotely and peacefully help it for a long time (unfortunately, to no avail, because being ruled by the "powers of evil", so far humanity has always rejected the altruistic help of these our cosmic allies - see the fate of the "telepathic pyramid" from #E1 of the web page "telepathy.htm" and the "device for revealing objects in a state of telekinetic flickering" from the Polish web page "tekst_7b.htm").

What is most interesting, the development of human awareness and world views will NOT end with the construction of the Oscillatory Chamber and the Magnocraft. After all, the future of human technology and knowledge tends equip single technically advanced devices, or single scientific theories (e.g. my "Theory of Everything from 1985") the abilities of all previous primitive devices or scientific theories. I have been describing in my publications this tendency in engineering to make everything more and more versatile and multifunctional since the invention of my Magnocraft, calling it the "omnibus trend" - for examples of these descriptions see B3 from volume 2 of my monograph [1/5]. As for technical devices, today's example of this "omnibus trend" of evolving towards versatility are the latest mobile phones, which replace the operation of old ones: telephones, telegraphs (SMS), clocks, calendars, cameras, film and video cameras, electronic calculators, some functions of today's computers, and several other devices. Similarly, my Oscillatory Chambers and Magnocrafts will also be developed in line with this "omnibus trend", fulfilling more and more further functions, e.g. the operation described above as Time Vehicles, but also as telekinetic elevators, lights beamers, telepathic telescopes, machines that heal the body with therapeutic telekinesis, deterrent telepathic weapons, destructive induction weapons, devices forming tornadoes and hurricanes, and several others described in my monograph [1/5]. Similarly, cities of the future that adopt the philosophy of "adding" will NOT only be inhabited by people, but will also produce everything they need - including "clean free energy" and food free from harmful chemicals, and will be able to communicate and exchange knowledge with similar cities, and will create a complex structure within their area of competence - e.g. ensure the proper functioning of nature and take care of the health and behaviour of creatures living in the area of their influence.

Let us now explain "how" all the above ideas and trends are contained and expressed by my "Theory of Everything from 1985" (initially also called the "Concept of Dipolar Gravity" - see also web page "dipolar_gravity.htm") and by my latest "Theory of Life from 2020" - parts of which also concentrate on the structure and operation of the universe - see web page "2020life.htm". It is also worth noting how drastically different my descriptions are from these disseminated by the "official atheistic science" which until today can officially adhere to such outdated views only because of its monopoly. After all, by today these old views are clearly revealing the fallacy and "subtracting" deception of humanity, as well as unforgivable by God tendency to formal dissemination by the "official atheistic science" of lies and shockingly nonsense speculation about the structure and operation of the universe in which we live. This official speculation of current form of science repeats the false beliefs that have long been forced on humanity by the "powers of evil" about the alleged occurrence of the "big bang" explosion and the belief that it was this explosion (and NOT God) that "out of nothing" through a series of improbable "accidents" formed our entire [3] "world of matter" - only of which third of the three actually existing worlds the decision-makers of the monopoly of the "official atheistic science" do recognize as the whole of the universe.


#I2. "From where" and "what" we already know about the previous period of the universe which is described by the Greek and Maori name "chaos", and why the monopoly of the "official atheistic science" hides from people the truth about the features of that period of "chaos":

Motto: "If you have chosen to believe the lie forced on humanity about a one-world universe, then before you run out of time to do so, willingly and confidently change your motivations to actively accepting the truth about a three-world universe." (After all, even just these few truths indicated in this presentation and secretly fought, denied and ridiculed since 1985, already prove that the one-world universe which consists only of our "world of matter" is a deceptively invented lie, stubbornly told to us and intentionally harmful to humanity. So if you believe this foundation of today's official science that lies to you, then it will turn your entire worldview and knowledge into a lie. Meanwhile, even verses 21:8 and 22:15 from the "Apocalypse of St. John" in the Bible warn that sticking to lies is also an irrevocable action leading to death and permanent extinction.)

According to the findings of my theories and philosophies to date, originally the entire universe consisted of only one world which I call the [1] "counter-world". It had as many as 4 (i.e. four: X, Y, Z, G) linear dimensions, each of which extended infinitely in both directions of its courses. The most interesting of these four dimensions was the "depth G" dimension, which we do NOT know in our three-dimensional [3] "world of matter", because both directions of its courses penetrate to infinity into the interior of each point of space, and also diverge outside each such point as far as to infinity. I describe these four dimensions of the counter-world in more detail (although in Polish only) in my blog #294 and in item #D3 of my web page "god_proof_pl.htm", as well as in the content of my Polish-language monograph [12] - see the web page "tekst_12.htm".

This entire [1] "counter-world" with infinite volume and four linear dimensions X, Y, Z and G was filled with a type of highly mobile fluid in my publications called "counter-matter". I called the most elementary components of this counter-matter "God Drobinas" and described them in more detail in items #K1 and #K2 of the web page "god_exists.htm" and in my blogs #325E and #326E. This particular name I chose for them when I realized that they are in fact a kind of elementary cells of the living body of God. After all, in Polish the word "drobina" (singular) is used to mean "something very small, but especially dearly loved" - as an example of the use of this word, consider the typical expression of loving fathers addressing their tiny child "moja ty drobina" which in Polish is very love way of saying "my little thing". As I also learned from the book of Kabbalah (see blog #325E), "God Drobinas" have the appearance of unique little people with the shape of miniature men and women. These male "God Drobinas" are characterized by a tendency to "add". Empirically (1c) this their feature of "adding" is particularly strongly manifested in counter-matter "whirls", which cause the so-called "high pressure" atmospheric turbulences shown on TV e.g. in weather forecasts. One can notice that in the centres of these high pressures atmospheric turbulences, this "adding" feature always increases the pressure, causing the pressure in there to be higher than at their outskirts - see e.g. my blog #216E. In turn, female "God Drobinas" are characterized by a tendency to "subtract" - which they empirically (1c) manifest on Earth by forming "low" atmospheric turbulences, in the centres of which the pressure is always lower than at their peripheries - e.g. see also blog #216E. But regardless of whether they are male or female, in the [1] "counter-world" they always repel each other. With this repulsion, they dynamically form in the [1] "counter-world" the "repulsive" pole of the dynamic dipolar gravity field, i.e. the pole opposite to our "attractive" pole of the dynamic dipolar gravity field prevailing in our [3] "world of matter". It is because of this mutual repulsion that, in spite of the fact that "God Drobinas" often travel through the counter-world at infinite speeds, they practically never collide with each other in their instantaneous flights.

Even though these little like-people, means "God Drobinas", remained inanimate until the evolution of program of our God, each one of them already had (and still has) everything that humans also have, and which is required for self-learning and for accumulating knowledge, and for leading an independent life. I.e. each "God Drobina" has as many as four heads, and in each head as many as three independent brains and memories of this head. (These four heads are recognized in the mythologies of many nations, e.g. the Slavic "Światovid" or the gods of Hinduism.) In total, each "God Drobina" has as many as 12 independent, means independently and simultaneously operating brains and memories. Moreover, each one also has senses and the ability to telepathically communicate with other "God Drobinas", as well as a body capable of traveling through the infinite in size [1] "counter-world" with infinite speeds. It is probably this tendency of self-learning "God Drobinas" to wander infinitely fast through the [1] "counter-world", that caused the event that gave self-awareness to one or two of these "God Drobinas". This drastic and exceptionally rare event took place about 10 thousand "human years" ago in the still only then existing [1] "counter-world". At this particular timing of its occurrence indirectly and approximately leds me attempts to deduce it from the statements of the Bible and from mythology in detail describing "chaos" (e.g. from the mythology of New Zealand Maori about their superior God "Io" - see ). This event caused that one of the male "God Drobinas" gained self-awareness and hence came to life. So far, logic suggests that most likely this event was the "collision of two male God Drobinas" - which gave them both self-awareness and hence life. However, in order to obtain absolute certainty (given to us by these "three witnesses" from item #I1 above) that the "collision" represents the indisputable truth of this mysterious event, it still requires (1c) empirical confirmation. For my knowledge now, the collision is implied only by two witnesses, i.e. (1a) logical deduction and (1b) verses 10:1-3 from the "Book of Wisdom" in the "Millennium Bible" stating, and I quote: "It was it [i.e. wisdom] that saved the First Parent of the world - the first, solitary creature; it brought him out of his fall and gave him the power to rule over everything. And when the Wicked One fell away from it in his anger, he destroyed himself in his fratricidal frenzy." I interpreted these verses in publications linked from the web page "skorowidz.htm" - for example in #B1 from my web page "evolution.htm". Perhaps, however, this now lacking empirical confirmation (1c) will one day be accidentally provided by CERN's "Large Hadron Collider" located near Geneva, if, for example, with its collisions of elementary particles of matter, it accidentally "produces" a self-aware counterpart from matter for the above biblical "Wicked One" - while this material the "Wicked One" will begin to wreak havoc on Earth, starting at CERN.

This extremely rare event caused self-awareness, i.e. life, to arise in the memory of one or two of the "God Drobinas", initiating in this memory the evolution of the program of a living, creative, and with time also all-knowing, our God.

(In the Bible this program of God is called "word" - see verses 1:1-4 from "John".) Logically, it can be deduced that the evolution of a self-aware, living, thinking and creative program in memory of some body capable of self-learning and a "chaotically" ever-moving, will take place much easier than the evolution from the passive matter of a present self-aware, living, thinking and creative human being - as I explain to those interested in #E1 of the web page "will.htm" and in A1.1 from volume 1 of my monograph [1/5] - see the web page "text_1_5.htm".

Over time, this God of ours expanded his self-aware program to other neighbouring "God Drobinas". Moreover, He gave a strict hierarchy to the 12 memories and brains contained within them. According to this hierarchy, in each "God Drobina" the highest, i.e. 12, brain and memory were used by God's own program, while subsequent lower brains and memories were used by classes of less and less conscious beings, which God also created from the same "God Drobinas". Moreover, this hierarchy caused that higher brains and memories had "view into" all memories and brains with lower numbers than them, but lower memories and brains had to first "ask" the higher brain and memory to listen to their "wishes" or to convey this wish up the hierarchical ladder.

In turn, their organization in this way, from the collection of these memories and brains in the "God Drobinas", God created a kind of much more perfectly functioning "Creation", which then became the prototype for the creation on Earth of our so-called "Internet". This much more perfect "Creation" with the passage of time grew in dimensions and formed the second world of the universe, which I describe in the publications of the "philosophy of totalizm from 1985" under the name [2] "virtual world". It is in this [2] "virtual world" that the self-aware program of our God lives, and the "souls" of all living beings, including us humans, are stored. The gradual evolution of our God in this [2] "virtual world" is also described in more detail in item #B1 from the web page "evolution.htm" and briefly in blog #117E. In turn, the creation by our God of the [2] "virtual world" in which God currently lives and from which he manages our [3] "world of matter" created by Him, I briefly summarize in the next item #I3.


#I3. "Why" and "how" our God make order from the "chaos" of the 4-dimensional [1] "counter-world" by creating functional software in the memories of "God Drobinas" managed by Himself, thus creating also a uniform [2] "virtual world" in them, and "from where" and "what" we already know about this second world of the universe, as well as why the monopoly of the "official atheistic science" rejects and hides from people the truth about the existence of that [2] "virtual world" in which God's program lives and reside our "souls":

There are many reasons why our God gradually ordered the "chaos" in the 4-dimensional [1] "counter-world" by creating a completely new [2] "virtual world" in the memories of the "God Drobinas". (The fact that this [2] "virtual world" created by God is in its structure and operation very similar to the group set of computers forming today's "Internet" - for the development of which later God inspired people, is confirmed by the descriptions from blog #331E and from item #H3 of the web page "2020life.htm".) The most important of these reasons for creating the [2] "virtual world" includes the desire and need to "increase knowledge", which, however, could NOT take place in a situation of "chaos". (After all, for God's programs "knowledge" is what "food" is for us people - see the beginning of #I4 below.) Another equally important reason is the need to create God's living partners and helpers in the "pursue of knowledge", i.e. creating people and other "living souls". Like any creative process, this ordering of the "chaos" and the creation of uniform software of the [2] "virtual world" was slow and, according to my estimates, it took as many as about 4,000 "human years" (please DO NOT confuse its duration with the process of creating ours [3] "world of matter", which lasted only 7 days because it took place when the formation of the [2] "virtual world" and the ordering of "chaos" had already been completed). "How" was carried out this change of "chaos" into the software of the [2] "virtual world" that chaos turned into order, and what basic stages it included (as there were many of these stages), are best described by pre-Christian religious myths of the isolated from the rest of the world New Zealand Maoris about their superior God "Io". Some information about these myths can be found in the publications of my "philosophy of totalizm from 1985" linked by the web page "skorowidz.htm" with the keywords: God "Io" - e.g. see item #E1 on my web page "will.htm" or see subsection A1.1 from volume 1 of my monograph [1/5].


(This entire post #372E would NOT fit into the memory of this blog - hence the next part of it will be continued below as post #372_2E)

kodig : :