#370_2E: Three situations and two philosophies...
(Continuation from the previous "part 1" of this post #370E)
#370_2E: Three situations and two philosophies of marriages, the collapses of which can be avoided through "moral energy" generation (part 2)
The learning "how" to generate the "moral energy" absolutely necessary for marital happiness and durability, now is exceptionally urgent because, unfortunately, the biblically defined operation of marriages only lasted until machines became more and more widespread. After all, machines gradually eliminated the "physical work" necessary for any human action to be classified as the so-called "moral work". Moreover, machines have also eliminated the moral motivations of "giving and volunteering" when performing any "jobs", replacing them with the monotony of unmotivated activities serving only to earn and to take "money" - in today's humanity desperately needed to live and to pay bills. Meanwhile, meeting both requirements: "voluntary physical effort" and "motivations of 'giving' aimed at the good of others", is absolutely necessary for programming the intelligent moral energy that has just been generated to bring happiness to us - as I explain it in detail in items #D1 and #D2 from the web page named "nirvana.htm" and in publications linked there. Unfortunately nowadays, the majority of married couples living in cities do NOT perform almost any voluntary physical work motivated by selflessly "giving" something to others, thus programmed by such motivation to induce someone's happiness with the product of these works - i.e. works of the type that I described in the INTRODUCTION and in "part #L" of my web page named "smart_tvs.htm" and partly also in blog #335E. As a result, when for any reason after the wedding, a married couple stops regular sexual intercourse (e.g. because the husband or wife goes on a multi-month contract to a distant town), the level of moral energy in both of them, pre-programmed to induce happiness, suddenly begins to drop rapidly. This drop can easily reach the harmful level when "mu" coefficient amounts to µ=0.3 (i.e. "provocativeness"), about which I warn in blog #318E and in item #D3 of the page "nirvana.htm" that after "mu" falling to it or even below it, people become "opposite to normal", i.e. they fall victims of the illness of the soul called "depression", they lie, and in accordance with their "free will" they always make conscious decisions to act immorally and in whatever they do to listen only to their own whims and ignore the whispers conscience. Wives excel in such behaviour, because they begin to strongly feel the lack of something in their lives, NOT KNOWING that it is the "moral energy" pre-programmed for happiness, which they themselves are able to, and should, constantly replenish in themselves by also performing other "moral works" than voluntarily helping the husband or, for example, do works other than marritial sexual intercourse - an example of one of such different works that generates moral energy pre-programmed to bring pleasure or happiness is described in "Problem 1" from item #D2 of my web page "nirvana.htm", while a whole series of similar works I discuss in subsection JE9 from volume 8 of my monograph [1/5]. Because by that time wives usually already knew almost all the imperfections of their husbands, which imperfections are "normal" and consistent with the statement in the Bible that each person is imperfect (e.g. see verse 3:23-24 from the "Letter to the Romans" explained in more detail in #F2 of blog #368E and the web page "pigs.htm", or see Truth (#1) from #V1 in blog #365E and in the web page "humanity.htm", or see the well-known quote which warns wives about the existence of a set of vices and imperfections in each person, expressing it with a wise warning "beware of illusions it has NO flaws" - see https://www.google.com/search?q=beware+of+illusion+it+has+no+flaws ), and at the same time because today's rapid spread of the addiction to hookups (in English "hookup culture"), described in more detail in #V2 of my web page "humanity.htm", and addiction to hand-phones, usually convince wives that it is their husbands (and NOT they themselves) who are obliged to make up for any deficiencies in anything felt by women. (Interestingly, it is the addiction to hand-phones and multimedia that creates both a way and a compulsion that leads to emotional affairs.) So these wives begin to blame their husbands for the feeling of "lacking something" (i.e. for lacking in their "souls" the "moral energy" that causes a feeling of happiness). Thus, having hand-phones or computers with access to multimedia, in order to make up for these mysterious deficiencies, wives usually begin to break the requirements of the biblical definition of marriage by re-establishing or rekindling their initially innocent-looking contact with supposedly "platonic friends", that is, usually with unmarried "men from their past or work" (see https:/ /www.youtube.com/results?search_query=unmarried+male+friends+pf+wifes, i.e. with men usually called "just friend" by these wives, see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=just+friend+of+wife) - as it is best described by the approximately 11-minute English-language video "Married women can't have male friends" at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= qLR-OtcbCsc . Over time, these contacts turn first into "emotional affairs" (see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=emotional+affair ), and then into extramarital "intimacy" and secretly repeated "erotic infidelities". It is common that these betrayals are lasting for years - after all, their "platonic friends", being men in today's immoral times, usually see NO reason NOT to enjoy these "free plums of sexual pleasure" presented to them without any requirements, effort, or risk. Since all sexual, intimate and emotional needs of these wives are usually met in this way, these wives "close their legs" to access by their husbands, and if these husbands demand sexual relations, the wives start to refuse, nag, complain, and call them insultingly, ignore, and treat them in a way that is completely stripped of respect. Ultimately, such treatments typically lead to divorce, which in 2024 was initiated in around 80% by wives who were often emotionally and erotically unfaithful to their husbands. Unfortunately, after the divorce, these wives suddenly discover that their "platonic friends" do NOT want them anymore - after all, the saying goes "why buy a cow if one can drink fresh milk for free everywhere?" In English, what happens after a divorce to many of these probably previously unfaithful ex-wives is called: hitting a wall hard (see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=hitting+wall+hard ). Research presented in the 9:09 minute English-language video titled "The 4 stage addiction of an affair" and at the address https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5SrqpdRlME shows that only about 10% of such divorced due to their wives' adultery, marries her lover, and out of this number of weddings, as many as 75% to 80% end in divorce again (probably again due to the wife's betrayal - after all, "a leopard does NOT change its spots").
The salvation from the above development of today's marital situation is to start increasing the "moral energy" pre-programmed to cause happiness - starting as early as possible, preferably from the very beginning of sexual intercourse or from the beginning of marriage, i.e. when both parties are still enthusiastic in every matter and when this increasing is early enough so that in the case of some random events, or the arrival of e.g. the "time of karma return to one of the spouses" (see the web page "karma.htm") which according to my research typically comes after about 7 years from the wedding date, the level of this moral energy in neither of the spouses did NOT pose a danger of its "mu" falling below µ=0.3. More precisely "how" to generate this moral energy, I described in detail in engineering terms, among others: in items #D1 to #D3 and #C6 from the web page "nirvana.htm", and in my blogs and other publications linked in there. Extremely important in this generation of moral energy is that it is caused only by voluntary physical work that use our own muscles (including, among others, work performed during e.g. marital sexual intercourse). It is also best if this work depends on postulated by the Bible "giving" to other people something that they need and that will bring them pleasure or happiness, i.e. work that is NOT motivated only by obtaining benefits from it mainly for oneself. This is because only such physical work of "giving" pleasure or happiness causes pre-programming of the generated moral energy to induce a feeling of happiness in the person in whose soul this moral energy is accumulated. This is also why, for example, the work of a prostitute, or the sport effort of building one's own muscles in gymnasiums, do NOT generate moral energy that causes happiness - although they pre-program the moral energy generated then to cause effects that were defined by the motivations and feelings with which a given person performed these works (e.g. in the case of work prostitutes - earning money or e.g. hating specific clients, in the case of working in a gym - muscle growth or a more muscular appearance of the body). Therefore, people who believe in God and read the Bible, long before the wedding (e.g. right after the engagement) should conclude some kind of written covenant in which both sides will agree with each other at least on the most controversial aspects of fulfilling the biblical definition of marriage in their marriage - see item #I2 below.
I am to illustrate the descriptions of this blog #370E with videos from youtube.com that expand the information discussed here. (Unfortunately, I have yet to find well-prepared such videos in other than English languages that would precisely discuss the problems of married life solved here - if I find them, I will provide links to them.) In May 2024, I found mainly English-language (good) videos on this topic, to which I am linking here. This causes, among other things, that watching these videos requires at least a minimum knowledge of English, although it will also increase the viewer's English knowledge. After all, almost all of these videos have the so-called "closed captions", i.e. narrative subtitles, activated by clicking the "cc" icon. Moreover, all videos can be stopped at any time by clicking, and then again restarted with clicks. This allows one to translate all their words into own language from the "cc" narration subtitles after a short pause, and thus additionally train in understanding English.
In item #I2 of this blog #370E, as well as in three items #I2 to #I4 of the web page "biblia.htm", I provide in engineering terms, i.e. "step by step", examples of engineering procedures "how exactly" and "why", from the first moment of making a decision about directing one's future towards a wisely defined by the philosophy of traditional marriage designed by God and described in Bible verses, it is worth and should be build solid foundations that will make this marriage consistent with the biblical definition of marriage, thus also filled with love and durable. In these three provided examples, I indicate methods of preventing marriage from completely departing from its biblical definition in as many as three typical situations of today's humanity. I will also describe in more detail the engineering guidelines for these three situations, providing for them the phases (or steps) of building the foundations of a future marriage on the principles of the Bible, which, in my opinion, will be a source of "how" and "why" guidelines for almost all situations one may encounter in real life. For each of these situations, I will also indicate English-language videos that expand and provide empirical material confirming the correctness of the engineering procedures recommended for a given situation. Because, like every human being, I am also highly imperfect and, moreover, a male, whatever I write here is probably, like everything human, NOT absolutely objective, and probably in a completely unintentional, accidental and unconscious way it has been saturated with some shades of "male bias" - this is why, and also to shorten these descriptions, I am to use almost exclusively the words "wife" or "woman", although what I write about her here will typically refer to both partners of the marriage, i.e. both to the husband and to the wife (if it refers only to one of them, then I will specify it, e.g. with the words: husband or wife). Here are the three marital situations discussed here:
See item #I2 below: advice addressed to young people who believe in the truth of the Bible and are planning their first marriage. (After all, about the Bible it is already scientifically proven that it was in fact inspired by the undeniably existing and omnipotent God, who created each one of us and constantly takes care of us - e.g. see blogs #135E and #228E, or see the 6:08 minute video "Jesus found in ancient records of China" at the address: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRqumsGuFo8 .) Meanwhile, life confirms that getting married is typically the most important decision we ever make and which can either make us happy, or break us and destroy. Therefore, the advice can be very helpful if two young people of the opposite sex who believe in God, i.e. a man and a woman, have recently met and they are both wondering "how" to best lay the philosophical foundations for a biblically consistent marriage in today's times of lack of faith. This is because today's "modern" marriages are based on a philosophy that violates the definition of marriages from the Bible - see {#I2b} from #I2 below. In today's world of "feminism", "hookup culture", "emotional betrayals" with supposedly "platonic friends" of the opposite sex, lack of actual communication between young people, and young women sometimes "accounting" dozens or even hundreds of nights spent in beds with different men, marriages have a very high chance of quickly ending in bitterness, losses and the madness of divorce - after all, the principles of most of them are against God and NOT with God. Therefore, based on the results of the research I have carried out so far, the advice listed in #I2 below provides young people who believe in God with guidelines written in an engineering style and indicating the main stages or steps of a detailed procedure "how" a candidate for a future wife who has been already met, liked, and her character preliminary learned, to convince, discern, or make sure during occasional conversations whether it is possible to jointly develop consensus on the correctness and goodness of the need to base marriage on wise and timeless guidelines from the Bible. During such casual and occasional conversations, special attention can be paid to determining whether, on the basis of procedural and empirical warnings in English called "red flags", the candidate for a wife or candidate for a future husband just met, meets or does NOT meet the basic requirements that the Bible and empiricism indicate that they are absolutely necessary to build a happy married life, and which I have detailed in {#I2a} from item #I2 below. It should also include the formulation and mutually accepting of a voluntary but written as a kind of "covenant" document, by human laws in English atheistically called "prenup", discussed in {#I2e} below that describe engagement. This document may contain a mutual agreement that will be binding for both of them, detailing the voluntary and mutual rules of conduct of both young people who believe in God and study the Bible and plan to become future spouses, and which will be binding for them from the first day after the wedding. However, the most important item of these preliminary conversations should be the promise to each other that both participants of this couple are ready to voluntarily undertake the "moral works" described in {#I2f} from item #I2 below with the motivation of "giving" prescribed in the Bible, aimed at constant maintaining the level of their moral energy within "mu" between µ=0.4 and µ=0.5, and then followed by undertaking immediate, mutual, decisive and continuous implementation of this promise in real life - which will guarantee them a long and happy married life.
ATTENTION. Here I am pointing out numbered examples of numerous irrefutable historical confirmations that the increase of "moral energy" pre-programmed with the motivation of "giving" is to generate happiness, strengthens such biblically compatible marriages for living together forever in mutual respect, harmony, love and happiness, and that the present unanimous within almost the entire humanity, the departure of wives with "mu" coefficient below µ=0.3 from this compatibility of marriages with the Bible, is the proof that this departure was secretly forced upon us with an advanced technology (e.g. telepathy or hypnosis) by our fierce enemies and relatives existing outside humanity, praying for the future of which enemies the Bible also commands us to do. (1) The first historically verifiable group of these confirmations is the life of love and happiness of most married couples from my parents' generation in a poor, war-ravaged, starved, abandoned, and persecuted by the rest of the world, and completely deprived of almost all today's machines and home appliances, post-war Poland from 1946 to 1964, in which absolutely everything was made mainly with one's own hands. During this period, I had the honour and pleasure of living in the house of my parents, and for one year in my grandmother's house, both of them living in the small suburban Polish villages of Wszewilki (see the web page "wszewilki.htm") and Cielcza (see the web page "cielcza.htm"). The rules of life in both of these villages were then drastically different from the rules of life in the fortresses-apartments of today's cities, barricaded against their neighbours. Suffice to jokingly say it here, for example, that women from one end of these villages knew even what the wives from the other end were cooking for their husbands and children for dinner. So if a wife (like do today's urban wives) would force then her husband into celibacy by closing her legs for him, or if she lived with her husband on the currently popular principles of a completely alien roommates, and spoiled her reputation by satisfying all her intimate needs with a "just friend" that was NOT her husband, then the whole village would immediately know about it. Of course we, the young generation of these villages, would also know about it - after all, then everyone quickly learned the truth and there were NO so-called "privacy laws". However, until the fall of communism in Poland, I never heard of any such case (just as I did NOT hear of anyone taking drugs at that time). At the same time, however, I know that the wives of these villages then lovingly performed a lot of voluntary "moral work" motivated by the "giving" recommended in the Bible. For example, let's just consider the job of cooking dinner for a really loved family. For today's city wives, it comes down to effortlessly opening a few cans and flipping a gas or electric switch to heat up for their husband's the ready-made contents of those cans - the food of which is packed with industrial chemicals inducing countless illnesses. Meanwhile, for example, my own mother, when she wanted to, for example, lovingly cook our favourite "chicken broth with noodles" for dinner (eating which was a real treat for us at that time), she firstly had to chase the hen to catch it (unless we did this for her), then cut off the hen head, then "scald" it with hot water, pluck the feathers and singe the down, gut and remove the contents of the stomach and bile from the liver, then "season" it so that the meat tastes good and only then the hen was ready to prepare the broth. In total, with one hen, the mother lovingly performed more physical "moral work" than today's wives do in their entire day. It was similar with noodles - I do NOT remember that in those days anyone bought ready-made noodles in the store, and everyone laboriously and lovingly made it personally from flour, eggs and other primary ingredients according to their unique (and extremely tasty) recipes. Cooking was NOT easy either, because the mother first had to saw the logs and chop wood for the fire. Back then, husbands engaged in hard work all day long in the field and/or industry usually limited themselves to bringing whole trees home, which their wives (or their children) then cut, chopped or broke into smaller pieces to be burned. Cooking was also fun, because wife had to light the fire in the stove, wait for the hob to heat up, and then cook, watch over, season and lovingly perform other cooking secrets that have been known for generations to make the cooked meal delicious and loved by husband and children. In addition, there was home-making of cheese, butter, preserves and all other food items. For example, in order for the butter to separate from the cream carefully scraped from the surface of many pots of stagnant milk, it was necessary to shake the jug containing the cream vigorously in the hands for about an hour. During the seasons, there were additional tasks performed manually, mainly by wives: feeding and tending the flock, planting, among others, potatoes, drying hay, receiving and tying into sheaves of grain hand-cut by the husband, harvesting, threshing grain during which wives spent hours in dust and noise collecting straw from the threshing machine and tying it into sheaves, digging potatoes, making sousages and seasoning meat after slaughtering a pig in the autumn, smoking, and, of course, baking and preparing home-made dishes and drinks for gatherings of the whole large family on several holidays and other celebrations. It is easy to estimate that today's urban wives perform even less than the equivalent of 1% of those purely physical jobs of old times done solely with the power of muscles. This in turn means that today the level of "moral energy" of the entire humanity is constantly decreasing. In the years to come, this value will probably drop to practically zero. This means that a lot of people and all "group intellects" will then attract the so-called "death by moral suffocation" due to the complete lack of moral energy absolutely necessary for life. This death is, after all, an inevitable consequence of the drop in "mu" factor to the value µ=0. This extraordinary type of death, as if attacking and eradicating all those who do NOT listen to their conscience and refuse to acknowledge the correctly documented truth or have NOT learned to look for the truth and distinguish it from lies, I described in more detail in blog #318E and in #D3 of the web page "nirvana.htm". What is most interesting, it occurs in all possible ways that today's "disbelievers" are NOT able to associate with the lack of "moral energy", i.e. it occurs e.g. due to suicides, strange "accidents", "accidental" infections, the accumulation of poisons in the bodies, the so-called "being in the wrong place at the wrong time", etc., etc. Hence, the decrease in the level of "moral energy" is also a kind of warning for all those who avoid any physical work - because to them applies this sarcastic saying recently fashionable on the Internet: "already dead just doesn't know it yet" - see https://www.google.com/search?q=already+dead+just+do+not+know+it+yet . I, of course, do NOT describe all of the above here in order to convince to the return of the customs of old times (although this return will irrevocably come when our civilization completely collapses in 2030s - see the page "2030_uk.htm"), but only to illustrate that wives in those old times did a lot of "moral works" motivated by giving with love, and that it was the "moral energy" generated and pre-programmed for happiness by loving motivations of these works that made them happy. In turn the happiness of wives causes the happiness of their husbands - see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=happy+wife+happy+life . I also know perfectly well that nowadays there are still many areas of life where people can perform their "moral works" without drawing unwanted attention to themselves - e.g. those that I described in my blog #369E. After all, e.g. beaches, parks, roadsides and streams, and all other public places are littered and overgrown with weeds, but everyone waits for the government or the city to employ e.g. "emigrants" (because the locals believe that the life of "unemployed people with depression" is "better" than any job) and will pay these emigrants so that those with "taking" motivations will start cleaning it up. Likewise is with trees. When I was young, cherries, plums, pears, and sometimes even walnuts were planted along almost every Polish road. By now they are extinct and no one is planting new ones. Similarly, trees grew on the banks of rivers, streams, lakes and ponds, purifying the water and providing shelter for fish and crayfish - today they are no longer there. Also a lot of problems today are caused by various disasters, e.g. floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, landslides, etc. But with removal of their consequences everyone is waiting for the government to give money so that with the motivation of "taking" some workers could eliminate their effects. But when money disappears e.g. due to corruption, nothing is done. So, due to the "money" and "greed" secretly forced upon us, our civilization has turned into the opposite of what God expects from us. Such a change in turn will have very painful consequences. (2) The second and also verifiable group of confirmations that the lack of "moral energy" in wives is the reason for the current global pandemic of wives depriving husbands of sex and that the life of many married couples is on the basis of strangers' roommates, is the fact that the symptoms of this pandemic are identical in all continents and countries of the world. Regardless of whether it is the USA, UK, Korea, Japan, NZ, etc., wives with "mu" factor smaller than µ=0.3 from all these countries currently behave exactly identically. This means that they all stop being intimate with their husband and live with him only as if they were a stranger-roommate, they show no respect for their husbands, they become aggressive, dictatorial, quarrelsome, pointing out and accusing, they secretly satisfy their needs with male "friends", etc., etc. So in combination with (2a) the ferocity with which everything I publish on the subject of "moral energy", nirvana, replacing money with nirvana, healing depression with moral energy, saving marriages with the generation of moral energy, etc., has been fought and blocked on Earth for almost 30 years, and in connection with (2b) the knowledge about the secret occupation of the Earth by our morally bankrupt relatives from the planets of Orion described in blogs #369E to #359E, it becomes obvious that these parasitic relatives from Orion, who have time vehicles and therefore know the future, desperately prevent humanity from learning the truth about the operation of "moral energy" through, among others, reprogramming wives with commands of technical telepathy and hypnosis that force these wives into exactly such behaviours. It is only such global reprogramming of wives that explains why in all countries of the world the marital pandemic discussed here manifests itself with identical symptoms. If these symptoms were generated by the wives themselves, each of whom has a different personality, life experiences and attitude towards her husband, as well as a continent, culture and living conditions, then this pandemic would manifest itself in a completely different way in each of the wives. (3) The third group of confirmations indicated here are all the still hidden or ignored by governments, by the monopoly of the "official atheistic science", by religions, etc., the huge body of evidence of the currently intense, deliberate, and massive, although carefully hidden, reprogramming of people with technical telepathy and hypnosis (including reprogramming of wives with "mu" factor below µ=0.3). Although I have been describing and publishing this material evidence for a long time, e.g. in blogs #359E to #369E, and illustrating it with photographs in "part #K" of the web page named "petone.htm", yet still cooperating with "powers of evil" our governments, official atheistic science, decision-makers, the Internet, religions, etc., stubbornly refuse their acknowledgement, recognition, and open disclosure of the truth about them. (4) Another group of existing confirmations is the extraordinary durability of telepathic and hypnotic reprogramming of wives for actions that violate the commandments of the Bible. For example, in numerous reports of husbands about their attempts to save the marriage by persuading their wives to return to their previous behaviours or to those consistent with the Bible, it is always emphasized that no matter what the husbands do and explain, the wives stubbornly persist in their newly acquired (i.e. technically programmed by telepathic and hypnotic commands) destructive personalities. This in turn confirms that an advanced technique is used to reprogram wives, higher than known to humanity, means it is NOT just a frequent changes of views typical for women. Moreover, it confirms that what is at stake here is the eradication of faith in God from the Earth, while the tragedies of wives and husbands involved in this war between evil and good are just one of the "collateral damage" consistent with the Polish proverb "where the wood is chopped, chips are flying" (in Polish: "gdzie drwa rąbią tam wióry lecą"). (5) The next group of existing confirmations is the fact of the existence of devices that can secretly and harmfully reprogram humanity with various types of technical telepathy and hypnosis, which, according to all existing circumstantial evidence, our morally fallen relatives from Orion have already flooded our civilisation since the times shown in the scene of the crucifixion of Jesus from Fig. #J1a on the web page "bandits.htm", and are definitely still flooding humanity and the Earth until today. An example of an intelligently behaving "satellite" capable of implementing such telepathic and hypnotic reprogramming may be, among others, the so-called "oumuamua" featured on google and youtube. See what is already known about this alleged "satellite" from the descriptions at https://www.google.com/search?q=oumuamua+2024 or from the videos disseminated by https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=oumuamua +2024 . Unfortunately, almost no one still has the knowledge and courage to officially explain "how" this object can harm humanity, e.g. through telepathic and hypnotic reprogramming of wives, among others, to deny their husbands intimacy and to practice adultery, thereby accelerating the decay of humanity. It is also worth noting that there may be many devices similar to "oumuamua" that telepathically and hypnotically sabotage humanity, e.g. in Earth's orbit, on the Moon, on nearby planets, and even on the Earth itself (consider what can still be hidden, e.g. in pyramids, or in underground UFO tunnels of the type of those from the Polish Babia Góra - described in blog #298E or in #G3 of the web page "aliens.htm"). In turn almost the only personal defense against them that is possible for us and available right now, is to increase the level of "mu" factor for our "moral energy", as described in {#I2f} below.
See item #I3 on web page "bible.htm": preparing foundations that are consistent with the definition in the Bible, for the principles of operation of the second or subsequent marriage of a previously divorced, widowed, or unwanted wife (or husband). Notice that this building of foundations should implement the most crucial of the pieces of advice given below in {#I2a} to {#I2n}, while almost certainly it will NOT end in success if it does NOT implement the generation of "moral energy" by both partners, as advised in {#I2f} below.
See item #I4 on web page "bible.htm: saving a given marriage when it is clearly at risk of collapse and divorce - e.g. when it was based on the philosophy (2) from sub-item {#I2b} in #I2 and clearly goes astray or leads to divorce, or when the wife has already closed her legs against access by her husband, or when the marriage does NOT experience sexual relations that generate "moral energy" and are based on "giving", or when it has already become a kind of cohabitation of strangers and often mutually hostile roommates, etc., etc. As in both previous life situations, the absolute requirement for the success of this rescue is the implementation of at least the increase of "moral energy" from {#I2f} below. Since in this situation the wife is certainly already reprogrammed telepathically or hypnotically, I would advise the husband, that even without discussing with his wife the reason for working together, to find some method of persuading his wife to do any physical work every day (after all, any work will increase her "moral energy"), e.g. by working with her on some task using muscles that is also important to her (preferably for her children, family, or someone close to her but NOT male, so that it triggers her motivation to "give") and requires putting in significant effort.
Video #I1x (top):
("Emotional Abandonment is the betrayal", 8:15 min)
Video #I1y (middle):
("Are you aware of this surprising emotional killer" - loneliness)
Video #I1z (down):
(this last video reveals the inability of today's women to be happy - as indicated above, due to the chronic deficiency of "moral energy" in their souls, 12:28 min).
Videos #I1xyz - click on the links above to view these videos: Here are examples of videos documenting that women instinctively feel inside a lack of "moral energy" as a kind of "emptiness in their soul", feelinglessness, or "lack of connection with themselves". On the other hand, unfortunately, men do NOT feel at all a lack of moral energy, but can only infer this lack from the state of their personality. Meanwhile, truly "in a devilish way", taking advantage of the fact that, by being also intense physical work, each sexual intercourse generates moral energy for a woman the amount of which according to one of the videos corresponds to the generation of this energy during about 7 hours of exercise in the gym, the "powers of evil" secretly occupying the Earth deviated this truth and forced humanity to the "romantic lie" that women's "emptiness within themselves" is to be filled e.g. by spoiling them with special treatment and e.g. with male submission to them by their husbands or lovers. However the truth is that no one except women themselves can fill this "emptiness in their souls". After all the only way to fill this void in the soul is to perform physical work that generates "moral energy". Unfortunately, nowadays most of women almost do NOT do any physical work. At the same time, the situation of women putting the responsibility for this void onto their husbands leads to adultery, divorces, ruining the marital heritage, loss of reputation, lonely old age, and shame to their descendants. Therefore, this blog #370E, as well as items #I1 to #I4 of the page "bible.htm" indicate in engineering terms of "how" women can effectively fill such a void by volunteering to physical work, preferably in cooperation with their own husbands and while motivated by the "giving" commanded by Jesus (means NOT by "taking" - see blog #365E and #V1 to #V1a from the web page "humanity.htm") and for the good and happiness of other neighbours, which voluntary work will generate for them the necessary amount of "moral energy" pre-programmed into lasting happiness.
#I2. Preparation of mutually accepted, as well as implementation, of "marital covenant" of both future spouses that are to set and to implement the foundations of marriage consistent with the Bible and with their personal characteristics, motivations and life goals in the situation of their first marriage intended to last until death and planned by two young believers in God that actively learn about life, among others, through studying the Bible and personal generation of moral energy:
Motto: "For every first partner and helper in our lives from all long-term relationships existing in our entire world of matter, God always first gives us a partner who is the most suitable and best matches the features of our character, the purpose of the moral lessons that God has assigned us to experience in our current material life, and to the previously unpaid karma that we have left to live through" (the same is the case with partners - this is why NOT only the first wife or first husband turn out to be the best of all we have experienced, but also the best are our first cat, dog, cow, horse and any other partners that we first received in our current lives - notice that when giving us the second and next of such partners, God uses the procedure described in more detail in #6C from subsection I4.1.1 in volume 5 my monograph [1/5] under the name of the moral "law of the partnership ladder", in which procedure this participant of a just fallen relationship, who is guilty of causing the fall, receives a worse partner than his/her previous partner, because according to the principle "deprivation of privileges" described in blog #362E and item #I5 of the web page "bandits.htm", God deprives him/her of the privileges that this someone broke causing a given breakup, in turn the one of the partners who is NOT guilty of the breakup of a previous relationship receives a better partner for his/her current situation than the one from the previous relationship, and moreover, the "privileges" which he/she demonstrated during the breakup are added to him/her by God - if he/she did NOT enjoy them before).
The care, foresight, predictability, and depth with which a given couple will prepare and practically implement in their further married life the foundations of the marital "covenant" suggested by the verses of the Bible and described in {#I2c}, which will set the course for their first marriage in their lives, will probably prove to be the most significant for their future lives. In an engineering manner, I have detailed in the following sub-items {#I2a} to {#I2n} my advice as to the most important steps and actions that could gradually implement this preparation and practical initiation of a common life. But, as the proverb reminds us, "everyone is the architect of his own fate." Also everyone is in a different situation. Therefore, the steps described below are only a summary and reminder of "what and how" could be done. However, it is up to the reader "whether" or "which" of them he/she would consider worth taking in his/her situation. These steps include, among others (note that to shorten the text I continue writing "she" announced in #I1, but actually meaning "both of them"):
{#I2a} Meeting and initial getting to know the candidate for her future spouse. In this step, during occasional conversations, one has opportunity to check discreetly whether there is consensus on the need to base marriage on wise and timeless guidelines from the Bible. In these casual and occasional conversations, special attention should be paid to behavioural and empirical warnings in English called "red flags" that the just met candidate for a wife or candidate for a future husband does NOT meet the basic requirements that the Bible and empiricism indicate as absolutely necessary for building a happy married life.
The most important among these "red flags" include determining whether: our candidate is an atheist or a liar with "narcissistic tendencies", and in the case of women, also a feminist with a high so-called "body count" (see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=body+count+in+sex ); her past qualifies her for the so-called "damaged goods" (see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=damaged+goods+women ); she tends to be controlling and aggressive like people called "narcissists" (see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=narcissist ); she has NO intention to constantly communicate with her partner on every matter in order to develop a common strategy of conduct with him (whereas where there is a lack of communication, hiding and secrets begin - and their existence is always a sign of betrayal); moreover, whether: money and material goods, as well as the physical aspect of the relationship and the partner's appearance, are his/her most important motivations; comes from a country, culture or religion different from ours. This preliminary discernment of the candidate for a wife also includes empirical checking whether there is mutual agreement on the need for foundations of future life based on the commandments and requirements of the Bible. This check involves a thorough discussion of the partner's attitude towards increasing her knowledge of life truths encoded in the Bible through systematic Bible study, as well as her opinion on voluntarily and jointly with her husband increasing the resources of "moral energy" pre-programmed for bringing pleasure or happiness with purposeful actions described in {#I2f} below. If this knowledge assures us that there are relatively few of these "red flags" (after all, each of us humans is imperfect) and that there is a mutual desire to eliminate their impact in later life, and that there are grounds for voluntary and mutual improvement of ourselves and growth during a given marriage, then one can proceed to the next step.
{#I2b} Discussing with this candidate the two currently existing and drastically opposite philosophies of operation of today's marriages. The goal here is to highlight the advantages and the need to work together to implement a traditional marriage based on the timeless definition from the Bible. The first and oldest of these two philosophies is best reflected by the name (1) the traditional philosophy of implementinh in marriage the observance of the commandments, requirements, and definitions given in correctly translated verses of the Bible inspired by God. One should NOT hide the fact that in one's marriage he/she is a supporter of practicing this first philosophy of marriage, because it is based on "voluntary giving" consistent with the Bible, which generates for both spouses a lot of "moral energy" pre-programmed on giving happiness. Moreover, it should NOT be hidden that the relatively new, extreme and destructive women's movement called "feminism" (see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=women+regret+own+feminizm), is intensely opposed to the practice of this traditional philosophy under an excuse (but actually because present women are secretly reprogrammed by "powers of evil") of the false interpretation by feminists of the verse 5:21-33 from "Ephesians" in the Bible that requires the wife (who is specially designed and created by God to fulfill the function of companion and helper of her husband) to show in marriage the subordination to the authority of her husband discussed in {#I2j} below (this subordination in English is intentionally called by the "powers of evil" with the incorrect word "submission" - see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query= submissive+wife ), because it is the husband who is recognized by God as the head of every family (after all, a family cannot have as many as two heads, because no decision would work in it - according to the Chinese proverb "if a boat has two owners, then it will leak", or Japanese "when a ship has two captains, it will land on the rocks"). We should later keep returning many times to an increasingly deeper discussion of this philosophy (1) so that both sides know well what it is and what it practically boils down to (i.e. returning to what I briefly discuss in this #I2). During these later discussions, one should even carefully plan what activities will be carried out together at the beginning as part of generating "moral energy" - see {#I2f}, and then prepare everything for the implementation of these activities in the future. Since the generation of moral energy pre-programmed for marital happiness is the key to a lasting and happy common future, in the entire series of subsequent conversations on this subject, one should definitely make sure that the candidate for a wife is ready to help preventing the effects of a dangerous decline in moral energy "mu" in today's wives below µ=0.3. This is because such preventing would require the wife's participation in performing various voluntary physical works of the type mentioned in {#I2f} below, while simultaneously maintaining the motivation to selflessly and sincerely "give" products of these works to other neighbours (i.e. giving without deriving any material benefits from this giving , but only spiritual benefits such as generation of "moral energy"). The decrease in moral energy in women leads to a huge number of mental and health problems, starting from increasingly stronger mental depression, through medical problems with the heart, blood pressure and everything related to these (see https://www.youtube.com/results? search_query=divorce+consequences ). Therefore, the man's task is NOT only to physically protect his wife from dangers and aggressors, but also from the causes of a rapid decline in moral energy. Both "how" to detect such a rapid decline in moral energy, as well as methods of rebuilding it, are described in numerous my publications. In turn, the second and newest philosophy of marriage, formed by "feminism" starting from around the 1960s, can be called (2) the philosophy of buying and selling marriage services. In this philosophy, the wife "buys" from her husband his earnings (or part of them), house, maintenance, gifts, treatment as she desires, protection from everything that may happen to her, raising her children, etc., in return "paying" for all these with her body (i.e. with marital sexual relations and her intimacy) and with some other services, e.g. cooking. Due to the motivation of "taking" which dominates everything that happens in this philosophy (2), e.g. sexual relations do NOT generate "moral energy" pre-programmed to cause happiness - because in terms of motivation they are very similar e.g. to two-sides "taking" in prostitution. Although this second philosophy has existed historically only very recently, to date it has managed to develop many trends focused on women's bodily pleasure that wives practice in them. Examples of these trends may be these called in English (note that each of these names hides more than the authors of their descriptions decide to explain in publications from the Internet practicing the so-called "political correctness"): hookup culture, Yoni massage, Swedish massage, Female Led Relationship, Submissive Men, Rom Coms, Open Marriage, Polyamory, Tantric Massage, Sex Clubs, and several others. How NOT to be surprised that nowadays some religious activists are beginning to warn that humanity, led by "feminists" (behind whose activity the "powers of evil" are secretly hiding), has become worse than the biblical Sodom and Gomorrah. (Notice the shocking truth that, according to the results of my research, these "powers of evil" that mercilessly destroy us, turn out to be "UFOnauts" secretly occupying us to this day, secretly flying to Earth from the planets of Orion, i.e. technically advanced but morally fallen descendants of our ancestors who originally settled us on Earth, and hence to whom the saying "blood from our blood" is still valid to us.) So if the candidate we met shows inclinations to accept work on giving her marriage the features of philosophy (1) based on the Bible, then you can continue to implement further subitems of the procedure below. However, if she shows a tendency to prefer philosophy (2) and is NOT convinced that (1) is better for the fate of marriage, for health and for our soul, and therefore more consistent with the reader's beliefs, then I would advise you to protect yourself from serious problems in the future and from a miserable life in the marriage that slowly is turning into a kind of "vestibule of hell" - by "breaking off" further contacts with her and looking for another candidate for a spouse.
(This entire post #370E would NOT fit into the memory of this blog - hence the rest of it will be continued below as post #370_3E)