cze 01 2024


#370_1E: "Moral energy" as a source of love and durability in God defined marriages (part 1)

Introduction to the following items #I1 to #I2 of blog #370E and #I1 to #I4 of the web page "bible.htm": Almost all of us already know that a "pandemic of marital illnesses of the soul" is raging on Earth. It causes divorces, i.e. the death of the role given by God to marriage and the family formed by marrying. In addition to the two parents, its victims are often innocent children whose mental health may be affected by divorce for the rest of their lives. It is about time to look past the conspiracy of silence surrounding this pandemic and start treating it as a threat to the future of our entire civilization, i.e. as a dangerous global pandemic devastating marriage and family, which form the foundations of every country and society. So, to be sure that this is the actual most devastating pandemic, it is enough to compare, for example, the percentage of marriages ending in divorce with the percentage of people dying from the recent "covid-19 pandemic". After all, in the case of divorces, it is already said that about 40% of marriages are affected by this pandemic and are to be divorced, and it must be remembered that this percentage is constantly growing. Meanwhile, about the "covid-19" pandemic I have NOT found yet a publication stating that died because of it more than about 4% of people - even from the most affected country of the world. (So in the "pandemic of marital illnesses of the soul" dies around 10 times more marriages than in covid-18 pandemic.) Unfortunately, there are many reasons why the dangerous "pandemic of marital illnesses of the soul" is still not officially heard at all, e.g. consider the role of the creative impotence of the expensive monopoly of the "official atheistic science", which, while advising and motivating the authorities and politicians, is still NOT able to recommend a truly effective method of preventing divorce and healing this pandemic. Simultaneously we also know, because the today's life has already revealed this to all of us, that if any behaviour of people is contrary to the commandments and requirements - the voluntary fulfilment of which God wisely requires from us, constantly checks, and precisely describes in the Bible, then this behaviour certainly does NOT pass the life test, and thus it will catastrophically harm those who implement it and the situation will improve only if it is replaced by another one. Therefore, only actions that fulfil all the commandments and requirements of God wisely described in the Bible turn out to be lasting, beneficial for people and effective in life. Examples of actions that are already revealing to us their catastrophic consequences for people, turn out to be practically everything that today's elites and decision-makers, ruled by the "powers of evil", forcefully impose on humanity and maintain in force. So only from the most common problems of humanity which the author has already researched, these examples include e.g.: the continuation of the use of money (instead of "nirvana" - see ) to reward work by today's political systems; research results disseminated by the monopoly of the "official atheistic science" and rewarding departure from the truth and lying to general public; space exploration with primitive rockets that destroy the Earth's resources while blocking knowledge about the construction and operation of infinitely fast starships "Magnocraft" of my invention - see ; the justice system that sentences people to prison or executions instead of practicing the "deprivation of privileges" that effectively rehabilitates criminals and that is used by God for thousands of years while described in the Bible - see #I5 of the web page "bandits.htm"; current robbery of husbands by wives, among others, from the assigned to men by God authority of being the head of the family; etc., etc. The most harmful to humanity among these actions, in my opinion, are today's marriages ruled by wives, which have catastrophically deviated from their definition in the Bible, thus also from the requirements of God that they are supposed to meet. Instead of being a base of true love lasting until death, and providing the foundations for building a future increasingly moral and happier humanity, the growing number of today's married couples practicing "modern cohabitation distorted by claims of today's official atheistic science". This, due to departure of such marriages from the definition in the Bible, encourages wives to take the power over husbands by denying of intimacy - in which power taking the wives body serve as weapons and as tools for torturing husbands (see ) thus forcing celibacy on husbands. This turns the intimacy of married life into cohabitation only on the terms roommates (see ), and thereby inducing today's global pandemic of emotional and bodily infidelities and divorces (see ?search_query=emotional+affair ). Subsequently the intended loving lives of two people created by God as "living souls" of representatives of opposite sexes, such behaviour of wives turns into a kind of vestibule of hell and a school of mutual deception, lying, complaining, chaos, fighting, betrayal, jealousy, uncertainty, living on principles alien to each other (or even hostile) asexual roommates, etc. What is even worse, today's "luminaries of science", who for almost 30 years have been rejecting my discovery and knowledge about the existence and operation of intelligent "moral energy" that can heal this catastrophic situation of marital pandemic, are NOT able to indicate an effectively operating methods to prevent the breakdown of today's marriages and to hold back the increasing number of divorces. Meanwhile such a method was developed by me and already exists while below in engineering way of step by step I describe my advice on "how" one can try to implement it in his/her life and marriage. It is based on the generation of intelligent "moral energy", most widely known for millennia under its Chinese name "chi". About my completely independent from "chi" accomplishment of the scientific discovery of the actual existence and operation of this miraculous energy, the human "official atheistic science" controlled by the "powers of evil" does NOT want to know, and thus secretly sabotages my publications describing this intelligent energy and methods of generating it, as well as ways of using the effects of its operation that border on miracles. Meanwhile, for thousands of years, the Bible with divine foresight and precision has defined what the marriage of two software-immortal human "living souls" is, breathed into the bodies of a man and a woman for a period of at most 120 years - e.g. see verses 7:3-5 from "1 Corinthians" in the Bible. After all, being our creator and teacher, God knows the best that this announced in verses 2:18-20 from the biblical "Book of Genesis" the marriage of the "male living soul" – the goal of which is adding to the perfection of the world, with the subtracting "female living soul" which supposed to serve as a helper and companion of male soul, will require acquiring a moral habit of resisting a whole range of various temptations and overcoming many encountered obstacles - see e.g. verse 10:13 from "1 Corinthians" in the Bible. So for very important reasons described in blog #211E and in #B2 of the web page "antichrist.htm", women's souls have subtractive natures, which are the exact opposite to the adding nature of male souls - just as this is explained to us by the features of "God Drobinas" in memories of which are stored living programs of human souls, described in items #K2 and #K1 from my web page named "god_exists.htm" and from posts #326E and #325E to blogs of totalizm at addresses given in item #Z5 of the web page "bible.htm" (all posts to blogs totalizm, available in Polish and English, are also published in my book-like publication [13] distributed for free in PDF via the web page "tekst_13.htm"). My research also suggests that after the first period of the first marriage lasting about 7 years, the subtractive nature of souls of today's wives and by then already increased the "emptiness" in their souls caused by the lack of intelligent "moral energy" which is not generated by present women but is constantly circulating through and out of their souls, initiates "illnesses of souls" which cause various mentally immature actions aimed at destroying and punishing their husbands. Nowadays these actions usually lead to the first divorce - e.g. see 9:24 minute video "Women: it's our emptiness" distributed from . This first divorce in turn destroys the further lives of such women. Meanwhile, the powerful monopolies of the Internet and the "official atheistic science", managed by the "powers of evil", still stubbornly hide from people that for over a quarter of a century there has been known a method of filling this "emptiness in souls" with "moral energy" and thus eliminating the consequences of the devastating behaviour of wives with the subtractive nature of their souls. This method in engineering terms "how" is described below in items #I1 to #I2, while further elaborated in #I1 to #I4 from the web page named "bible.htm". Unfortunately, due to the to-date and also current blocking of human access to the truth about this method, the actions of wives in 2024 led to more and more divorces, approximately as many as 80% of which were initiated by women at that time. Notice that the descriptions from items #I1 to #I4 of the web page "bible.htm" and in #I1 to #I2 of this blog #370E, are a continuation of a longer series of my research, as well as blogs that I systematically prepare on the basis of the results of my research, in order to make interested readers aware of the existence of a whole range of methods for repairing problems of humanity causing the constantly deteriorating situation of our civilization and the Earth, i.e. methods that I have personally developed and disseminated. After all, unfortunately, the monopoly of the "official atheistic science" secretly managed by the "powers of evil" stubbornly refuses to find an effective solution to these problems. All my methods are based on the truths of the Bible and scientifically and philosophically their correctness is confirmed by the findings of my Theory of Everything from 1985 (see the web page "1985_theory_of_everything.htm") and my Philosophy of Totalizm from 1985 (see the web page "totalizm.htm"). Also empirically their correctness is confirmed by publicly available evidence, which I diligently cite in each of my research and which readers can check for themselves. Examples of this evidence confirming the correctness of my method of saving marriages by generating "moral energy" can also be found in the ATTENTION note from the almost final paragraph before Videos #I1xyz below. This research, which explains my method of "moral energy" for saving spiritually oriented marriages from collapse and divorce, is the latest in a long list of solutions to the problems with which the "powers of evil" plague and destroy today's marriages. I initiated the topic of the "destruction of marriages" back in July 2011 with my publication explaining the devastating consequences of the "women's marriage monopoly" - described in item #J2.2.2 from the web page "morals.htm", and partly also in the old post #203E to blogs of totalizm. After several other such publications to which links my web page "skorowidz.htm" and the "table of contents" to my book-like collection [13] distributed free of charge in PDF format via "tekst_13.htm", in November 2023, for the topic of "destruction of marriages" I also published post #365E to the blogs of totalizm and items #V1 to #V3 of the web page "humanity.htm" - which opens your eyes to the "destructive trends of today's marriages", for example to: hookup culture, narcissism, etc.

#I1. So while knowing that on Earth just rages the socially extremely destructive "pandemic of marriage soul illnesses", let us explain here in an engineering way "how and why" to married couples who believe in God and the truth of the Bible, which couples in today's times of sexual exploitation and debauchery are looking for a method of remaining in mutual love and fidelity ordered by God, that the intentional generation of "moral energy" also by the wife creates a method of saving from divorce or from marital life without intimacy and intercourses (i.e. from the marriage that ruins the health of the bodies and souls of both spouses, in which the wife usually "closes her legs for her husband" and thus, instead of the full coexistence of a timelessly loving married couple, she turns the marriage into just living together with each other as if two complete strangers or even hostile roommates) - which method adapts to their situation and personal characteristics and at the same time allows them to fulfil the biblical definition of "marriage", both through the actions of the wife and the actions of the husband, and which also illustrates to husband and wife the method of achieving even a higher level of happiness resulting from their knowledge of ways of earning for themselves the wonderful phenomenon of totaliztic nirvana:

Motto: "True and timeless love between a man and a woman really does exist - although like everything else it is also burdened with typical human imperfections - but experiencing such true and timeless love is only possible in the first marriage in which both spouses pedantically fulfil the commandments, requirements and definition of marriage given in verses of the Bible" (this is why it is worth opposing the temptations and lies with which the "powers of evil" using bribery, fraud and violence are already openly fighting the truths disseminated by God in the Bible, forcefully blocking these truths from people who are submissive to them, with the use money and advanced devices of telepathy and remote hypnosis - as I have been describing it for a long time in blogs #359E to #369E and in the results of research to which these blogs refer).

I wonder whether the reader has noticed from today's life that surrounds him/her, that with the passage of time increasingly more destruction instead of benefits is caused on Earth by absolutely all the human actions that violate the commandments and requirements of God most precisely defined and explained in verses from the Bible. Have the reader also noticed that these actions are invented and persistently implemented by these human elites who cooperate with the "powers of evil" in order to achieve various immediate benefits. This gradual increase in destruction instead of benefits, is always turning against countries, nations, cities, influential families and individual people who invented these actions and despite warnings from the Bible, persistently implement them in order to serve the "powers of evil" instead of remaining obedient to God, as a final result irrevocably causing the fall and disappearance of these countries, nations, cities, influential families and individual people turning against God - just as this turning against its human creators of all the effects of anti-God's actions I explained in more detail in post #369E to the blogs of totalizm and in #N1 to #N3 from the web page named "newzealand_visit.htm". The reason for this decline and disappearance is that everything that does NOT include the timeless and unambiguously expressed in the Bible commandments and requirements of God, with the passage of time grows into more and more imperfections, distortions, evil and interpretations that are contrary to the content of the Bible. These, in turn, cause that as the greed of people increases and they derive selfish benefits from it, these actions cause more and more harm and destruction, instead of good. Hence either they must be replaced by something based on different principles (at best based on God's commandments and requirements), or they completely collapse, die and cease to exist.

Examples of what I only have so far carefully examined in order to detect the reasons and mechanisms for its growth into evil, and then I have developed and I indicate for them in my research results of the empirically proven methods of this repair and improvement (searched for using the index from my Polish web page named "skorowidz.htm"), include, among others: [1] political systems and states forgetting God's commandments; [2] the "official atheistic science" which lies to humanity and with its monopoly on universal education also keeps convincing people that there is NO God (in spite of the fact that since 1985 I have developed and published a whole series of scientifically irrefutable formal proofs that God undeniably exists and has a truly "iron hand" in managing our entire "world of matter" - these formal proofs are indicated e.g. in blog #135E and in #G2 and #G3 from the web page "god_proof.htm"), while the effects of the current lies of the "official atheistic science" hidden in the skin of alleged its "achievements" thus increasingly more devastating to those who believed in this science and disobeyed God, now are increasingly manifesting themselves in murderous wars, droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, landslides, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc.; [3] the monopolistic "institution of the Internet" which is already leading humanity to implement the "mark of the beast 666" with its concealment of the truth and support for lies - as I described it in my blog #353E and in #H4 to #H4b of the web page "will.htm"; [4] "money" - which for a very long time has been causing humanity’s sufferings and economic collapses, exploitation, poverty, hunger, economic inequality, destruction of nature and the Earth's resources, chemicals and plastics that poison people, etc. - although this "money" could easily be replaced with the happiness of earned nirvana, as I explain it in blogs #328E, #343E and #351E and in items #C7 to #C9 of the web page "nirvana.htm"; [5] human legislation and the justice system - although the Bible has been showing us for thousands of years how the justice system can be reformed following the example of the method of "depriving privileges" used by God, described in blog #362E and in #I5 of the web page "bandits.htm", which exceptionally effectively rehabilitates people who stray from truth and morality; [6] space exploration using rockets that deplete the Earth's resources and litter the orbit of our planet, instead of my infinitely fast Magnocraft - see the web page "magnocraft.htm"; [7] the marital monopoly of women - who using their bodies as weapons and tools for torturing husbands, forcibly wrest from today's husbands the role of heads of families given to men by God, destroying with such robbery the entire future of humanity; and a multitude of yet other failed actions unwisely invented by people and stubbornly and destructively implemented by the rulers and decision-makers secretly controlled by the "powers of evil".

Probably the reader already knows that in the original text of the Bible, a living person is repeatedly called a "living soul" - e.g. see the wording of verse 2:7 from the "Book of Genesis" provided in correctly translated versions of the divinely inspired content of the Bible. (Notice that in order to undermine the truths, goals, and orientation towards inducing human research and inquiry, regardless of the version of the Bible actually inspired by God, the "powers of evil" currently began to generate and disseminate numerous false Bibles and alleged biblical books.) The reason for calling man a "living soul" is that "man is actually a 'software-immortal' soul to which God temporarily added a mortal body to allow this soul to personally experience another portion of his/her absolutely necessary and specially designed lessons in the 'school of life' that is created by God as our world of matter" (for more details see my web pages: "soul_proof.htm", "2020life.htm", and see blog #299E and #J5 to #J5g from my web page called "petone.htm"). Therefore, the spiritual requirements imposed on the marriage of such a "living male soul" with a "living female soul" were also far-sighted and wisely defined by God in many verses of the Bible. Unfortunately, currently a lot of people reclassify them to this gigantic group of truths and knowledge fought by the "powers of evil" for the detriment of humanity and to the already disappearing progressive human behaviour defined by the Bible. There is a phenomenon called "epigenetic inheritance of trauma" which I described in blog #358E and in #F13 to #F13ab of my web page "soul_proof.htm" - which causes that practically everyone in their reincarnation memories stored in the soul has "rescue programs", ordering him or her to secretly look or prepare for himself/herself a way of safe escape from unpleasant situations and from dangers or problems, in spite that just such a quick escape route God prepares in advance for everyone in trouble - I describe this God’s escape path under the name: law of highway through the sea (in Polish: "prawo autostrady przez morze" - e.g. see publications linked to in my Polish web page "skorowidz.htm"). In turn, today's situation on Earth caused that these "rescue programs" are launched in practically almost every person - especially if the faith in God of this person is unstable because he/she does NOT study the Bible, or belongs to some religion that does NOT adhere to the truths of the Bible, and moreover if he/she DOES NOT observes carefully and does NOT draw conclusions, e.g. from comparing Bible verses with what is currently happening in real life (e.g. conclusions of the type described in my blog #369E and #N1 to #N3 of the page "newzealand_visit.htm"). This growing uncertainty of the future caused that around the middle of the previous 20th century, people began to modify marriage, gradually eliminating its spiritual nature and compliance with the definitions of the Bible, and bringing it closer to exclusively corporeal, material behaviours - just as representatives of "fallen angels" (i.e. UFOnauts), including "demons of desire" who are best described by myths about Adam's first wife called "Lilith". (The nymphomaniac "fallen angel" named Lilith is mentioned in verse 34:14 of "Isaiah" in the Bible. However, the descendants of her 3+1 fingered race, in some folklores described as "succubus" and "incubus" - see blog #347E, who, similarly as Lilith did in biblical times, they today also take advantage of their secret occupation of the Earth lasting to this day by carrying out roaming and raping people at nights - in Poland are well known under the name of "nightmare", i.e. "zmora" in Polish. I published material evidence in form of photos of footprints proving the actual physical presence of such "nightmares" with 3+1 toes embedded in the asphalt of the sidewalk near my apartment in NZ showing these footprints in blog #347E and in K1 to #K1e of the web page "petone.htm". In turn, the beautiful Maori folk sculpture of this 3+1-fingered creature that I know under the names of "nightmare" or "incubus", is exhibited in the Petone museum, less than a kilometre away from my apartment, and only a stone's throw away from the Petone Celtic cross. The rape of women of an entire Maori village by a large gang of these "nightmares" with 3+1 toes were formerly recorded with a 5-panel sculpture - a fragment reduced to 3-panels of which I showed in Fig. #D1 described in detail on my web page "newzealand_visit.htm" - where I revealed the secret removal of as many as 2 panels from this sculpture that was secretly carried out by UFOnauts somewhere between the years 2012 and 2017 by method of going back in time - which eliminated the data redundancy error caused by this deletion of 2 panels and which I described in blogs #345E and #346E and in #I1, #I4 and #I5 of the page "1985_theory_of_everything.htm".) The effects of this gradual departure of today's marriages from the spiritually based definition of "marriage" in the Bible requiring voluntary "giving", and then replacing this definition with an animal-like corporeal gratification of forced "taking" currently implemented on Earth by the "powers of evil" (i.e. by secretive powers today deceptively called by their modern name "UFOnauts"), I have already described in greater detail in a number of my publications. For examples of these descriptions, see e.g. blogs #203E or #365E and my web pages from which these blogs are adapted. In turn, for the content of the biblical definition of marriage based on spirituality, see in the Bible, for example, verses: 7:3-5 from "1 Corinthians", 5:21-33 from Ephesians, 3:1-7 from "1 Peter", 9:9 from "Kohelet or Ecclesiastes", 2:18-20 from the "Book of Genesis", and a whole range of others also referred to in the videos linked here in items #I1 and #I2. The most important spiritual requirement of God from spouses is that every marriage should operate on the principle of mutually voluntary "giving" instead of forced "taking" from the spouse - as I explain it in more detail, among others, in blog #365E and in #V1 to #V1a of my web page "humanity.htm". In order to wisely cause this voluntary giving, God very far-sightedly specifies in the Bible his requirement that the wife is to be a helper and life partner of her husband (see verses 2:18-20 from the biblical "Book of Genesis"), because it is the husband who receives from God a specially designed for him a mission to accomplish on Earth (for the execution of which he is directed by God by the events of fate and destiny, although usually he consciously does NOT know about the existence of his mission), and hence this husband also receives from God the power of the head of the family and the authority over his helper, whom is his wife and her body to help him accomplish this mission. (After all, no mission will be successful with two heads - as warned by numerous proverbs of practically every nation, e.g. the Polish "woe to that house where the cow bullies the bull" - in Polish "biada temu domowi gdzie krowa przybodzie bykowi".) However, in order for the husband NOT to abuse or neglect his authority, for the sake of balance, his wife wisely receives authority from God over her husband's body. Such specification of the rules of coexistence in accordance with the definition of marriage in the Bible means that each married couple can arrange all aspects of their life (including sexual, intimate, emotional, spiritual, economic, etc.) in their own way, so that neither the husband nor the wife suffer from deficiencies e.g. in sexual relations which provide them with a lot of moral energy which is so necessary for health and life, or suffer from lack of intimacy or awareness of being loved and respected, etc. I once watched a video about the curiosities of the female body, in which, based on some research, it was claimed that having one sexual intercourse burns in a woman the same number of calories as 7 hours of physical exercise - if I remember correctly, exercise performed in a gym. Since the number of calories burned is a measure of the amount of "physical work" performed by people, this means that even if my unit of work that generates moral energy named "1 [hour of physical struggle]" marked as 1 [hps] that I used to quantify the amount of physical work needed to earn nirvana, burns the same amount of calories as at least two hours of female physical exercise in the gym, still one sexual intercourse could be for a woman the equivalent of generating of up to three [hps] of moral energy. (Note that my unit of "moral work" and "moral energy" called "1 [hps]", as well as the concept of the "relative level of moral energy" marked with the Greek letter "µ", i.e. "mu", I explained in #D2 from my web page named "nirvana.htm". I introduced my unit [hps] during quantitative research on nirvana in the humble conditions and my limited situation of a professorship in tropical Borneo, in order to measure with it the amount of "moral work" put into obtaining and maintaining the "earned nirvana".) This is why young married couples who have around one sexual intercourse a day with the motivation of "voluntary giving" prescribed by the Bible, they can increase a woman's "mu" even to above µ=0.5, making her exceptionally happy in the initial period of marriage. If both of them were then able to maintain their motivations on "giving" instead of "taking", and in addition they also found some additional source of moral energy pre-programmed to induce happiness, then they should be able to achieve totaliztic nirvana within about a year, and then maintain it at themselves for as long as they do NOT change their behaviour. This is also why these young married couples, after the cessation of their regular sexual intercourses, experience an excessively rapid loss of moral energy discussed here - especially when these and all other physical works of a given wife lack proper motivations for "voluntary giving" - which lack is to pre-program the moral energy generated by these works to perform effects other than inducing happiness. After all, "moral work" motivated in this way only appears in the sexual relations of married couples in accordance with the recommendations of the Bible, because it results from the purity of their spiritual motivation of "giving" aimed at inducing happiness in the other person, and from the considerable physical "moral work" put into these sexual relations. (However, the "moral energy" pre-programmed to cause happiness is NOT able to be generated by animal-like corporeal sexual relations aimed at "taking", i.e. by e.g. lust, adultery, one-night stand, "hookup culture", visit to a prostitute, etc. - because spiritually they are motivated by the somehow forced "taking" of pleasure, instead of the "voluntary giving" of happiness recommended by the Bible. The way in which any physical work is spiritually motivated, depends on how is pre-programmed the intelligent moral energy then injected by this "moral work" into the soul of the person performing that physical work. This is why, for example, the moral energy of kung-fu adepts who try to develop for themselves some unique ability, then realizes this ability for them upon request.) Moreover, sexual relations themselves, even in the most loving and most frequently intimate marriage, generate an amount of "moral energy" that only barely covers in everyday life its loss to natural dissipation. Therefore, in order to increase faster the amount of this energy in their souls needed for a happy life, in addition to sexual relations, both husband and wife should also perform some other physical work motivated by the happiness of others, which will also generate this valuable moral energy.

The breakthrough discovery of the existence of "moral energy", and the engineering research of "how" to generate this energy and how to release its action, I made in 1996 after taking up my professorship on the newly established University at that time having campus still surrounded by jungles of tropical island of Borneo. Hence the information that I present here about this intelligent energy comes from the so-called "first hand", i.e. from the discoverer and at the same time also a researcher who personally experienced everything described here about this energy. Initially I called this energy "zwow" (short from Polish "zasób wolnej woli" meaning the "capacity of free will") because I had previously noticed that it increases our capabilities and chances of actually achieving of what desires our so-called "free will" - see the web page "will.htm". Then I undertook further research on this then discovered "moral energy", which research, with small pauses, continues practically until today. So let us summarize in the following subitems {#I1a} to {#I1n} the most important so-called "milestones" that mark significant events in my research on intelligent "moral energy":

{#I1a} My first experiment confirming the actual existence and possibility of instrumental detection and quantification of "moral energy". In 1997, in Borneo, I undertook an extraordinary experiment of intentionally increasing the accumulation in my "soul" of the recently discovered "moral energy". I described this experiment in more detail in the INTRODUCTION and in "part #L" of my web page named "smart_tvs.htm", and partly also in my blog #335E. As a result of this experiment, I suddenly reached a state of overwhelming happiness that, because of its tenacity, completely surprised and even scared me. After all, that feeling of happiness was very long-lasting and much stronger than, for example, the strongest orgasm during sexual intercourse, and it is known how short-lived these orgasms are. Meanwhile, days and then weeks passed, and this overwhelming happiness would NOT leave me. However, since tropical Borneo is full of insects and unusual illnesses, this stubborn happiness reminded me contents of books I read in my youth about old-time travels around Africa. I knew from these books that in Africa there is a tropical fly called "Tse-Tse" (see ), the bite of which causes persistent coma and then death. So I started to wonder whether the indescribable happiness that came over me and was NOT going to leave me was not caused by being bitten by some Bornean relative of the Tse-Tse fly, which, however, instead of a coma, would cause a feeling of indescribable happiness. So I started feverishly studying books from the library of the University, where I was lecturing at that time, to find out where this extraordinary happiness came from. Finally, I found in some book that this is the happiness of an unique phenomenon called "nirvana", which later I described on my web page "nirvana.htm". In this way, empirically, and as the first scientist on Earth, I discovered how to earn a lasting feeling of "totaliztic nirvana". My nirvana lasted continuously for about 9 months and disappeared only after the end of my professorship in Borneo and my return to New Zealand - where I had NO opportunity to continue doing the physical and motivated by "voluntary giving" so-called "moral work", which first caused and then sustained this nirvana for me.

{#I1b} Empirical research on "moral energy" carried out during experiencing my 9-month "earned nirvana". Having a scientific mind from "birth" (as opposed to having a "scientific job for salary and prestige"), throughout the duration of my earned nirvana I also scientifically researched it and experimented with it, e.g. with the aim to determine how much of "moral work" is needed to generate the nirvana (e.g. by using my units [hps] of moral work), how the motivations and other factors cause a noticeable increase or reduction of nirvana intensity, etc. I then discovered, for example, that there are different levels of earned nirvana, and although the lowest level of it causes a feeling of spiritual happiness of a clearly higher intensity than, for example, the feeling of physical pleasure during sexual orgasm, there is still an even higher level of nirvana, which I called "Niagara", because it makes happiness so stunning that it bursts from inside our body and roars like the unstoppable waters of Niagara.

{#I1c} The discovery of the constant circulation of "moral energy". One of the effects of the research on "moral energy" carried out during the time of experiencing my nirvana, was the discovery made then that "moral energy" constantly flows and escapes. Therefore, in the sense of its characteristics, this intelligent "moral energy" that causes nirvana, accumulated in the human "soul" through moral work, shows a great similarity to the circulation of life-giving "oxygen" through the human body. Just as with the work of our lungs, we obtain oxygen from the air and pump it into the blood, causing that, thanks to the work of the heart, this oxygen nourishes every cell of our body, and then its products are excreted in the urine and through the skin to the surroundings, so also physical work performed by any muscles of our body absorbs intelligent moral energy from the environment, pre-programs it with the motivations and feelings that prevail in us while performing this work, then the work of muscles pushes this moral energy into our "soul", from where it is then released through our numerous chakras and micro-chakras, realizing in our body a kind of physical effects that we have pre-programmed into it with our motivations.

{#I1d} The identity of the ever-moving "moral energy" to the Chinese "chi" energy and to the energies photographed with "Kirlian cameras" - see . When I scientifically discovered and researched "moral energy", I did not know yet that, once again, I was discovering something that, under completely different names and different scientific interpretations, has been known and described since ancient times. By scientifically analyzing the characteristics of the "moral energy" that I discovered, I realised its identity to the ever-moving energy called "chi" by the Chinese. Moreover, my analyzes have shown that the moral energy escaping from practically all living organisms and inanimate objects is also that eternally moving, glowing, intelligent energy that is shown to us by these so-called "Kirlian photographs". As I also described it in blog #368E and in #B5.1 and in #F1 to #F5 of the web page "pigs.htm", the Chinese have been using the benefits of this energy in their everyday life for over 4700 years under the names "chi" and "Feng Shui", while in ancient times to utilise technically its operation, they constructed the so-called "Zhang Heng seismograph" described on the web page "seismograph.htm" - which detected earthquakes over hundreds of kilometres and which to this day human scientists have NOT been able to build correctly. So after rediscovering it, I teach how to use this intelligent energy to repair many problems of humanity - calling it by its most appropriate name, "moral energy". The above allow us to deduce logically that phenomena currently considered to be "spiritual", as well as phenomena purely "material" (i.e. the only currently considered and researched by the monopole of "official atheistic science") have the same source and origins - which are "God Drobinas" used by God as a building material from which God created and with which God manifests everything that exists in the entire universe. Thus "moral energy", as well as all spiritual phenomena, all of them can be measured and registered with human build instruments. I already know that the flow of moral energy is shown on Kirlian Photography. Since I also know that the carriers of this moral energy are eternally moving "God Drobinas", who also are carriers for programs of human souls (see web page "2020life.htm"), and also source for other phenomena NOT considered to be worth researching by monopoly of "official atheistic science", it is about the time that the new "totaliztic science" (see #C6 from my web page "telekinetics.htm") starts to build devices for registering and measuring these spiritual phenomena - the first of such devices are already described in the Polish treatise [7b] (see web page "tekst_7b.htm") and on my web pages "telepathy.htm" (see "telepathic pyramid" in there), and "seismograph.htm" (see "Zhang Heng Seismograph" in there).

{#I1e} Pre-programming with our "motivations" and "feelings" the types of physical effects that the intelligent "moral energy" released from the soul is supposed to cause. This is why, for example, by doing physical work with the motivation to make our neighbours happy, we pre-program this intelligent moral energy to induce happiness also in ourselves when it is released from the chakras of our "soul".

{#I1f} My discovery that abundance of this intelligent moral energy influences the well-being of a given person, while the lack of it thereof initiates "illnesses of the soul" - e.g. "depression". While still in Borneo, I also discovered that the relative amount of "µ" (i.e. the "mu" coefficient) of moral energy accumulated in the "soul" drastically influences the well-being of a given person. The first descriptions of this discovery - that in my opinion represents a breakthrough for psychiatry and psychology, I published almost 30 years ago, in 1998, in subsection II3.1 from "volume 4ii" of my monograph [1/3], distributed free of charge via the web page "tekst_1_3.htm". Unfortunately, to this day my discovery, which can, for example, almost completely eliminate depression and suicides caused by depression, has NOT been accepted by the monopoly of "official atheistic science" and its medical, psychological and psychiatric disciplines. Like everything that is particularly heavenly, also this empirical phenomenon of "earned nirvana", which re-evaluated my entire life, disappeared for me some time after I finished my professorship in Borneo and returned to New Zealand. In New Zealand then I had NO conditions to discreetly continue any "moral work" that would maintain my nirvana. (The open continuation of such work risks the deletion of the generated moral energy caused by jealous, hostile, unfriendly, or angrily disposed viewers looking at our work and mentally condemning us or what we do in their sight.) However, the disappearance of my nirvana did NOT stop my research on this phenomenon, especially on its applications that can help other people to eliminate the problems that bother them. For example, the results of my watching of the impact on my own well-being of a decrease in my "mu" coefficient in New Zealand to a value well below µ=0.4, and noting how low the value of "mu" is there in a large number of people whose well-being and behaviour I was able to discreetly monitor, led me to clarify the extremely important discovery previously made in Borneo, that the amount of "moral energy" accumulated in our "soul" determines our everyday well-being, attitude towards ourselves, attitude towards other neighbours, attitude towards life, etc. Currently, the most extensive and systematic descriptions of this discovery are provided in item #D3 of my web page "nirvana.htm".

{#I1g} A method of treating depression through the generating of "moral energy". The clarification of that discovery that it is the lack of moral energy that causes depression, allowed me to develop, I believe, the only possible, truly effective, and deprived side effects principle for a method of treating the "illness of the soul" called "mental depression", and for preventing suicides caused by this depression. I described this principle in blog #318E and in #C6 from the web page named "nirvana.htm".

{#I1h} The need to verify my previous belief that "moral energy" is generated only by voluntary "moral work". My previous finding, which I discreetly confirmed with empirical observations, that in fact every person whose level of moral energy "mu" falls below µ=0.3, falls into a state of depression, also directed my attention to the probable mistake in my previous belief that performing "physical work" with other motivations than "voluntary giving", does NOT generate "moral energy". This is because my later research revealed that works NOT motivated by "giving" do NOT generate "earned nirvana", but generate "moral energy" pre-programmed to induce physical phenomena other than the feeling of happiness. For example, by discreetly examining e.g. athletes and bodybuilders who, in gymnasiums or during sports training, perform the physical work of their training and exercises, typically motivated at "taking" as they do it mostly for themselves, I determined that they also do NOT fall into depression if they have NOT previously given up their regular efforts. It's just that the manifestations of releasing their intelligent energy are different than the manifestations of releasing energy generated with the motivation of "voluntary giving". So I started to believe that in fact absolutely every "physical work", regardless of whether it is voluntary or forced, generates moral energy and thus prevents falling into depression. By the way, because they motivate their training by "taking" contrary to God's commands, instead of "giving" in accordance with God's commands and requirements, these athletes and bodybuilders lose the unique opportunity to experience the happiness of earned nirvana while building their muscles and body appearance. To earn also nirvana it would be enough that instead of the unproductive work of physically overcoming the resistance of training machines in gymnasiums, they would do the same work altruistically for the good and happiness of some people - e.g. to carry in the winter supply of coal or potatoes to the cellar of some oldies who themselves would NOT be able to accomplish such carrying, thus then the change in the motivation of athletes and bodybuilders from "taking" into such "giving" would simultaneously bring them a "totaliztic nirvana" together with an increase in their muscularity and slenderness of the body. Even if these athletes do NOT put in as much muscle work in gyms as I did in my experiment in Borneo, they still probably generate an amount of moral energy that is higher than their daily dissipation of this energy. So over time, by changing their motivations to "giving", they would earn the happiness of nirvana. After all, even properly motivated nurses from hospitals can earn nirvana for themselves (see #B3 of the web page "nirvana.htm") - although their workload is probably much lower quantitatively than the work input in training e.g. bodybuilders or professional athletes.

{#I1i} My memory of participation in shows of "kun-fu" masters from Shaolin of China, providing me with data proving that each constantly repeated physical work generates moral energy. In my current recognition that in fact every physical work generates moral energy, initially induced by the empirical observation that athletes do NOT experience depression until they stop their training, I was finally confirmed by subsequent analyzes of the training of "kung-fu" masters from Shaolin in China. In shows of almost miraculous abilities of these masters I had the opportunity to participate in person during my professorship in Malaysia, and I described them in more detail in subsection B3.2 from volume 7 of monograph [1/5] distributed free of charge on the web page "text_1_5.htm", and partly also in (4) from the web page #K2 "god_exists.htm". As I found out, adepts of e.g. kung-fu, who train their bodies and muscles to learn some "superhuman" ability (e.g. breaking steel rods into fluff or into tiny fragments with their own heads), also generate a lot of intelligent moral energy for their souls with these physical exercises. However, with their motivations for performing these physical exercises, they pre-program the generated moral energy for a specific effect of their actions (e.g. for smashing steel rods into fluff when they come into contact with their heads).

{#I1j} Necessity of correction to my previous publications about "moral energy". In other words, my latest correction to the original discovery about the generation of moral energy, states: every physical work generates moral energy - but the difference in the motivations for "taking" or "giving" with which each physical work can be performed, as well as the feelings and situations that accompany this work during its implementation, can pre-program into the moral energy generated by this physical work a huge range of commands "what" final effects this energy is to produce during its subsequent release from the soul. This my publication here is the first in which, having already been certain of the above fact, I officially report, explain, and support with evidence this correction to my previous discovery. The consequence of this amendment is, among others: assuring the reader that every type of sexual intercourse, including even intercourse with a prostitute, also generates moral energy in large quantities - however, the action of this energy during its release from the soul will depend on the motivation and feelings with which it has been pre-programmed. This is a warning sign. After all, for example, in wives who practice adultery, incorrect pre-programming of their moral energy may cause disgust or even hatred towards their husband or numbness and feelinglessness in relations with their husbands. In addition, some types of work may also have highly harmful consequences, e.g. prostitution - venereal diseases, e.g. "kung-fu" fighting or crimes - bodily injury or confrontation with the justice system.

{#I1k} The importance of the milestone age of 60. In 2006, I reached the age of 60 from the growth part of my life. I also knew then that the maximum of 120 years of human life consists of a cycle of 60 years of growth and a cycle of 60 years of decline described by the Chinese lunar calendar based on the animal zodiac, which about 4,700 years ago was developed and given to the Chinese by a friendly to humanity, superior intelligence much higher than that of humans - I explained the history of this calendar in blog #368E and in #B5.1 and in #F1 to #F5 of the page "pigs.htm". So starting from 2006, I initiated to empirically trace "how" in these next 60 years of the declining part of every person's life (described by the Chinese calendar) disappear the abilities and chances to earn a totaliztic nirvana. I discovered then that if, after building my "time vehicles" described on the web page "immortality.htm", the experiencing of the happiness of nirvana becomes an irrevocable requirement to be shifted back in time to the years of youth, this shifting back cannot be carried out later than in the 60th year of a given person's age. This is because after the age of 60, all human physical potentials (i.e. even the speed of passage of time) are significantly declined - see my blog #312E or item #L3 of the web page "oscillatory_chamber.htm".

{#I1l} The discovery that, unlike men, women somehow feel in themselves a "lack of moral energy", described by them as a kind of "inner emptiness" in their soul (I suspect that this feeling is somewhat similar to how indefinitely manifests itself in men e.g. a "hunger" for sexual intercourse). The group of the most interesting findings about moral energy also includes the discovery that during my research aimed at developing the method described here for saving the breakdown of today's marriages caused by a lack of moral energy, while reviewing videos on this subject distributed on the Internet, I discovered that most women physically feel a lack of amount of moral energy in their souls that is required for their happy life. Women describe this lack of moral energy felt in their "souls" as an "inner emptiness", void, numbness, a lack of relationship with themselves, and with several other descriptions. Unfortunately, the "powers of evil" have cleverly forced women into a "culture of illusion" and the belief that it is their husbands or lovers (and NOT themselves and the intelligent moral energy generated by them) who are responsible for filling the void in their "souls". This culture, supplemented by the effectiveness of the blockade with which the "powers of evil" prevent people from learning about my publications that have been disseminated since 1998 and which provide people with knowledge about the existence and operation of "moral energy", cause that firstly wives close their legs to their husbands. Then they start the so-called emotional marital betrayals - see (which, like every sexual intercourse, generates a lot of moral energy for them). Finally believing in the "delusion" that it is a lover (and not a return to practicing sexual relations that generate a lot of moral energy) who will restore happiness to their lives, they decide to divorce. After the divorce they end up alone - because who wants to marry a divorcee about whom he knows that she cheated on her previous husband. This "inner emptiness" of a woman's soul is best described in videos of a female marriage guide in my opinion currently the best in the world that is publishing her findings on the Internet - the eye-opening videos of who are collected in the "podcast" from YouTube with the address: . However, apart from this wise marriage guide, about the need to fill up the "emptiness in women souls", to eliminate sexual numbness and feelinglessness, and to "establish a relationship with oneself" - which are caused by the delusion that it is the husband or lover who should fill this missing element of the soul of women (means NOT women themselves through the personal generation of moral energy), are also emphasized by other researchers and sources - I have linked to videos containing them below, e.g. in Videos #I1xyz .

{#I1m} The nirvana political system. Let us return, however, to the "milestones" and history of discoveries related to moral energy and to the healing of "soul ilnesses" caused by the lack of this energy. Regardless of learning about the "world pandemic of wives closing their legs to their husbands and the resulting marriages based on the terms of living as stranger roommates" - the research and description of the proposed method of treating marriages devastated by it I have included here, also the same in-depth knowledge and experience of "earned nirvana" allowed me to undertake research work over the "nirvana political system". I presented this system, among others, in blogs #328E, #343E and #351E, and in #C7 to #C9 of the page "nirvana.htm". Together with a friend, we also created a 33:36-minute Polish-language video (but with English "cc"), available on YouTube from 2021/4/22, entitled "Świat bez pieniędzy: Ustrój Nirwany" (which title can be translated as: "World Without Money: Nirvana Political System"), and which is available for free at .

{#I1n} What's next in my plans for research on moral energy. The most recently undertaken topic of the application of the researched knowledge and truth about the existence and operation of intelligent "moral energy", is the engineering development of "how" to pre-program the moral energy generated by oneself, and "how" then to saturate with it inanimate objects and the nature surrounding us while simultaneously obeying the commandments and requirements of the Bible, so that the characteristics of moral energy then implement the intended supernatural effects for us. My latest work that I have already published on this subject is blog #369E and #N1 to #N3 from the web page "newzealand_visit.htm". However, in fact this research is based on observations made during my professorships in Malaysia, Borneo and Korea that revealed to me how "giving" strong feelings to any object saturates it with our moral energy pre-programmed with the motivations with which these feelings are directed to this object - e.g. see #D1 to #D3 from the web page "malbork .htm", and subsections I5.7 from volume 5, as well as JB3.2 from volume 7, of my monograph [1/5]. This, in turn, allows - if we, as a civilization, deserve that God gives to us such a chance, that humanity is to develop methods, e.g. "how" to give a steel sword the ability to drive it into a stone like into butter (see /results?search_query=galgano+sword+in+the+stone ) or even how to pierce the currently unmatched hard shells of UFOs with a sword, or "how" to make our steel tools resistant to rust and the effects of time (see ?search_query=mysterious+sword+that+defied+time ), or "how" to give some armor the ability that no bullet, explosion or weapon would be able to damage it, etc., etc. After all, there are archaeological discoveries, currently carefully hidden by the monopoly of the "official atheistic science" obedient to the "powers of evil", proving that all the above supposedly "supernatural" features of inanimate objects and nature are available to people who act in accordance with God's commandments.


(This entire post #370E would NOT fit into the memory of this blog - hence the next part of it will be continued below as post #370_2E)


kodig : :