mar 15 2024

#369_1E: Nature and inanimate objects always...

#369_1E: Nature and inanimate objects always repeat and manifest the moral essence of the behaviour of people living at their mercy (part 1)


Summary of items #N1 to #N3 below from this blog #369E: Let us remind ourselves the totaliztic definition of "morality" developed from the philosophical approach called "a priori" and stated in the INTRODUCTION and in items #A2 and #B5 of my web page named "morals.htm". It informs that: "morality is the level of 'obedience' with which people fulfil the commandments and requirements of God who gave them life." In other words: "morality is the level of obedience in fulfilling all the commandments of God detailed in verses 20:3-17 from the 'Book of Exodus' in the Bible and all the remaining requirements also described in the Bible." Let us note that according to my discovery described in #K1 and #K2 of the web page named "god_exists.htm" and in posts #325 and #326 to blogs of totalizm, all matter from our "world of matter" (including our bodies) was created from living, thinking, and absolutely obedient to God elementary components ("cells") of God’s Body called "God Drobinas". Notice here that my "Philosophy of Totalizm from 1985" emphasizes that it is highly inappropriate to call "God Drobinas" e.g. with the name "particles". After all, these Drobinas are kinds of elementary "cells" of God's body in the image and likeness of which people were created. Moreover, just like us humans, they are also living, thinking, self-learning and constantly performing tasks ordered to them by the mind of God that rules over them. Hence, it is best to call these cells of God's body with the Polish word "Drobinas", because typically this word has the meaning: "something very small but extremely loved". We all are created entirely from these "God Drobinas", and at the same time the carrying-life programs of both our "soul" and also the living programs of the component of the Trinity of God in Christianity called the "Holy Spirit" are all stored and transferred in the memories of these "God Drobinas". Moreover, for us people, the primary requirement and command of God, repeated many times with emphasis in the Bible, is that in our actions we obey these 10 commandments of God. Thus, putting together the above definition, discovery and facts allows us to formulate the "thesis" of items #N1 to #N3 from this blog #369E. This thesis states: 'strong cause-and-effect relationships link people with nature (or with any inanimate objects), typically causing a direct flow of initiative from people to nature - in which the flow of the behaviour of God-created the so-called "nature" (or any inanimate objects) from a given area, symbolically copy and reflect the behaviour of people living in there resulting from current moral state of these people, but moral failures of these people cause a reversed flow of this initiative - in which these people in their actions resulting from their current state of immorality imitate the essence of behaviour of this "nature" or objects among which they live'. Let us also express this thesis in other words: between people and nature (or any inanimate objects) among which these people live, there is a close cause-and-effect relationship that is susceptible to being reversed by immorality, which in situations of fall turns the cause into an effect and the effect into a cause, while which causes either the granted to people by God direct flow of initiative in which the behaviours of that God-created so-called "nature" (or any inanimate objects) from a given area typically reflects symbolically the reaction of living and thinking "God Drobinas" (from which this nature was created) to the current level of fulfilment of the 10 commandments of God (i.e. to the level of morality) by individual people or the entire group population (i.e. by the so-called "group intellects") inhabiting this area, while after a moral fall of people, a reverse flow of initiative takes place in there thus people symbolically copy the essence of behaviour of this nature or these inanimate objects with their human behaviour'. The existence of this cause-and-effect relationship between inanimate nature and everything that lives (including people) was intuitively felt by the folklores of practically almost all nations and emphasized in almost all religions - only that due to the lack of knowledge about the "God Drobinas" it was NOT described from the point of view of engineering "how". In a highly atheistic way and from the point of view of the dictionary "what", the existence of this relationship is even included in the claims of today's "official atheistic science" - in which its operation is described, among others, as the so-called "Butterfly Effect" - see (in the Polish language called "Efekt Motyla" - seełady ). The above thesis also represents the empirically confirmed by life extension of one of my first discoveries of the mechanism of morality, widely described in my publications (see links at Polish web page "skorowidz.htm"), which states that: each nation receives a leader from God who is an exact reflection of the average level of morality and the resultant behaviours and reactions of that nation (in Polish: "każdy naród otrzymuje takiego przywódcę od Boga, jaki jest dokładnym odzwierciedleniem średniego poziomu moralności oraz wypadkowych zachowań i reakcji owego narodu"). The truth of the above "thesis" of items #N1 to #N3 has been theoretically postulated for a long time to me by the finding of my "Philosophy of Totalizm from 1985" (see web page "totalizm.htm") stating that in His actions 'God uses only "self-regulating" mechanisms and laws that He built into everything He created' - I also included descriptions of this finding in my publications linked to with the Polish web page "skorowidz.htm". In following items #N1 to #N3 of this blog #369E, the theoretically established truth of my "thesis" discussed here is additionally confirmed by providing the most important of its empirical confirmations, obtained due to my observations of changes in the fate of the "birthday gift of God to New Zealand" served in 1840 through the implementation of an "Act of God" in form of a series of mild earthquakes described, among others, in the caption under Fig. #F1ab from blog #368 and from item #F1 of my web page named "pigs.htm". My empirical research on the fate of this "birthday gift of God to NZ" has confirmed that the behaviour of nature always symbolically reflects both the most important moral trends of people living in a given area, and also reflects a possible warning about the emergence of an unnoticeable to human senses trend that depends on moving away from fulfilling God's commandments - which in an unnoticeable manner secretly takes place within the people population living in that area. This empirical research is also a continuation and descriptive presentation of the relationships between the behaviour of nature and trends in the behaviour of people inhabiting this nature, recorded in Poland in my youth, the essence of which was then additionally confirmed by my subsequent research, already carried out in New Zealand, on the methods of God's action, aimed at revealing mechanisms, principles and laws that God implements in His dealings with people.


#N1. "River spit" (in Polish "mierzeja rzeczna"), and most unique features of its creation, behaviour and history:


My discussions with professional scientists and my former university colleagues revealed to me quite intriguing behaviour of employees of the monopoly of the "official atheistic science". Namely, these discussions revealed that most of them react sharply, typically unfavourably and as if personally feeling offended by any manifestation of views different from those contained in official academic textbooks, especially if these views reveal to them errors and imperfections contained in the views from these textbooks that also are held by themselves. A good example of such behaviour is the 24:27-minute English-language video titled "physics crackpots: a 'theory' " available at: . As a result of the domination of such reactions, the expression of views different from the textbook ones has been practically "silenced" within the body of "official atheistic science" itself, while the sporadic appearances of such different views outside the "official atheistic science" itself, are stubbornly and completely ignored by this science. This is why an increased number of truth searching people realizes that official science lies and is rotten from the core (check it at: ) - e.g. see 26:34 minute video entitled "The Embarrassing Nonsense of Particle Physicists - No, we do not need a New Collider " at: . This, among others, is also the reason for my calls expressed e.g. in blog #368E and in #F4 and #F5 from the web page "pigs.htm", as well as e.g. in item #C6 of the web page "telekinetics.htm", that for the good of all humanity, the monopoly of today's "official "atheistic science" needs to be urgently reformed and a philosophically opposed competition (e.g. just as my new "totaliztic science" is philosophically opposed to official science) should be created, which will proverbially "keep an eye on hands of this corruptible monopoly of science". From life experiences of myself and those of the entire humanity, it is quite clear that where, for any reason, the right to express different views is "silenced", progress stops and an increasingly accelerated period of decline begins, of the type that we are currently experiencing globally in today's human civilization.


I am reporting the above because in this item #N1 I will share results of my life observations and research, which are different from the official ones, regarding the almost "explosive" formation of thin, long areas of "river spit" land that form some rivers along the shores of seas or oceans. Its English name is "river spit" - see , while in Polish we call such a thin strip of land "mierzeja rzeczna" - see . I emphasize here its unique English name for two reasons. Firstly, because the English name "river spit" perfectly reflects their origin (i.e. much better than e.g. the Polish name "mierzeja rzeczna"). After all, the English word "spit" means "to spit", or "the result of spitting". Hence the name "river spit" means "whatever was suddenly created after being spit out by the river", or briefly "the spitting of the river". Secondly, because I observed these land formations in English-speaking New Zealand, and here I will describe - while referring to their English names, the most important evidence that all these "river spits" are like human "rapid spats". I.e. that they were created dynamically in a very short-lived and violent cataclysmic event. This means that they were created within days rather than hundreds or thousands of years - which the monopoly of the "official atheistic science" increasingly mired in errors, incompetence, corruption and self-destruction, invariably attributes to the mechanisms of formation of almost every permanent and large in terms of area and volume land configuration.


These "river spits" are also connected to a strange phenomenon which I will describe in item #N2 below, and which is directly related to the confirmation of "I Am" from Bible verses, e.g. from 3:14 of the "Book of Exodus", 41:10 of "Isaiah ", or 11:25-27 "Gospel according to St. John". This phenomenon is illustrated in more detail in Fig. #F1ab from blog #368E and from items #F1 to #F5 of the web page "pigs.htm", as well as in the INTRODUCTION and in Fig. 1ab from the web page "petone.htm". Namely, "river spits" symbolically manifest the history and essence of the most important events related to changes in the level of morality manifested by the people living in the territory affected by that river at the mouth of which a given spit was created, and the territory of the tributaries of that river. For example, in blog #327E and in item #I2 of my web page named "newzealand.htm" I explain that in the river spit called "Otipua/Saltwater Creek Spit" near the town of Timaru in NZ, an approximately 8-meter-high skeleton of a human giant from a local tribe of man-eating giants called "Te Kahui Tipua" was discovered. These NZ cannibal giants became completely extinct as a result of some "Act of God", shortly before the arrival of Europeans to NZ. Unfortunately, if anywhere in the world, someone finds or obtains evidence of the previous existence of such giants, this evidence mysteriously disappears. "How" and "why" this disappearance of giant skeletons is continually taking place, the global and local elites deliberately hide, while the local population typically ignores and does NOT try to find out, thus maintaining ignorance of the given population in this matter - although for many years I have been trying to reveal the importance of knowing the truth on this subject matter. In turn, in blog #368E and in #F1 to #F5 of the page "pigs.htm" I described another "Act of God", which took place in 1840 in the city of Wellington and just on the river spit representing the "Hutt River spit" - which today is the beach of the town of Petone in New Zealand. With that Act of God from 1840, God created a "birthday gift" for the entire New Zealand, the inhabitants of which, in the years of receiving this gift from God, showed exceptional religiosity, morality and diligence - e.g. in Petone, probably with a population of less than 6,000, building as many as 11 churches. In turn in Poland, the most famous one is the "Vistula Spit" - see (in Polish called "Mierzeja Wiślana" - see ). To this day, there are buildings of one of the first Nazi concentration camp "Stutthof" - see , which horrifying buildings are symbolically supposed to "deter" us from repeating the times of barbarism and moral decline that the Nazis demonstrated to Polish nation during World War II - as we see it today, this "deterrence" unfortunately DOES NOT work, e.g. see item #F6 from the web page named "malbork.htm". Through the same "Vistula Spit", Poland recently built an expensive and controversial ship canal, about which there is even a single video in YT explaining also very important engineering "how" regarding it - thus for those who are interested in engineering side of river spits I am providing here a link to this 8:49 minute English video at . But because, as I explained it in #N2 and #N3 below: all "river spits" receive a special status and treatment from God, which always moves human souls, hearts and minds as well as inspires the search for truth, hence also this Polish channel from the "Vistula spit" induced various speculations with dictionary "what", of the type which, together with the engineering "how", I described in blog #341E and in items #G3 to #G5 from my web page named "wroclaw_uk.htm".


In my research on the curiosities of New Zealand and Poland, I came across a number of facts confirming that the deposit of all the matter and materials forming every river spit along a given area of the former seabed occurs as a result of a rapid and short cataclysmic event (i.e. an event very similar to a "flash flood"). These events e.g. in NZ and Poland, were related to the very sudden melting of a huge glacier. They caused a rapid (i.e. almost explosive) flow through the valley of a given river of huge amounts of water released after the rapid melting of the mass of this glacier. Only later, i.e. already after such a sudden deposition of all the material forming a given river spit, is it subjected to long-term modifications by sea waves, tides and currents, by being washed with the water of a given river, and by possible movements of the Earth's crust - altogether causing additional slow mixing and gradual displacement of the material of given river spit.


Perhaps the most important example of this empirical evidence for the sudden and almost explosive deposition of materials forming a given river spit, is the exceptional hardness of the soil in all flat areas of New Zealand. The original soil of New Zealand in all its plain areas was (and still is) so hard that it can be compared to a soft rock called "sandstone". The first NZ settlers from Europe, who were first to plow this soil, had an incredible problem. After all, in order to pull the plow and be able to plow it for the first time, they usually had to use the power of several dozen oxen or powerful horses to pull just one plow. Even after my arrival to NZ in 1982, I remember that when I ever tried to dig a deeper hole in the NZ soil with a shovel (e.g. to plant a new tree in there), especially in the area of the so-called "Canterbury Plain", and even in the area of the present city of "Lower Hutt" that is neighbouring town of Petone (especially in district of Lower Hutt called "Ipuni"), then it turned out to be almost impossible without the use of a pickaxe, or the use of a durable tool with a pickaxe strength, most aptly called "changkol" in Malaysia, and less accurately "hoe" in English and "motyka" in Polish. Such highly compacted soil of NZ plain areas means that until relatively recently soil from the entire country of this islands nation was compressed by a huge and heavy glacier - comparable to that in Antarctica. In turn glaciers are famous for the fact that their ice contains a lot of sand and gravel formed when the growing ice of the moving glacier rubs against rocks and mountains - of which there is quite a lot in volcanic New Zealand. At the same time, it is known that the Earth's crust is relatively susceptible to shifts and rotations. After all, the shift of this crust by about 7 degrees in 1178 AD, was caused by the deliberate explosion by hostile towards people UFOnauts, just seven UFO starships of the K6 type near the present-day town of Tapanui in New Zealand - described e.g. on my web page named "tapanui.htm". Because the same aggressive towards humanity civilizations, which intentionally exploded these 7 UFOs near Tapanui, have been ruling our planet since before the Biblical Great Flood (e.g. see blog #368E, or items #F1 to #F5 from the web page "pigs.htm"), it is certain that similar explosive displacements of the Earth's crust were made technically by these civilizations several times before the Tapanui explosion. There is a lot of evidence for such deliberate explosions in past. For example, consider the almost flash-freezing of northern Siberia in the past (where suddenly frozen mammoths, together with the contents of their stomachs, had been entombed to this day). Other evidence for the same includes the freezing of the once tropical Antarctica, and also the equally sudden and explosive change of fertile areas of the Earth into the present Sahara - discussed e.g. in (D) to (D3) from item #J4 of blog #322E and from the web page named "hurricane.htm". All the above, and many other, cases of such freezing and destructions, prove that UFOnauts repeatedly carried out destructions of Earth and humanity through causing explosive changes in the configuration of the entire our planet. (Unfortunately, these are UFOnauts who have been the "power of evil" that for thousands of years hide behind all conspiracies aimned at tormenting humanity also in all other possible ways. One of the best evidence of a conspiracy that fits extremely well into the methods of operation of UFOnauts and was directly aimed at the merciless destruction of humanity, was discovered by a certain Edwin Jenyss Quinby (1895-1981). Descriptions of that conspiracy aimed at the secret destruction of humanity, can be found on the Internet, e.g. using the keywords: Quinby Los Angeles electric cars conspiracy - see . It was the conspiracy that Quinby discovered that literally "ruined cities all over the Earth", as it stopped the natural trend in cars manufacturing aimed at developing human means of transport that were based on the use of clean electric motors. That conspiracy discovered by Quinby eliminated the taxpayers funded use and development and of electric tramways as a clean and healthy means of urban transport of people, and replaced these trams with development of taxpayers funded combustion buses that benefited also the production of combustion cars and which later created massive pollution of the air with fumes and lead contamination, thus poisoning people's health, causing diseases and shortening human life. It is also the parasitic UFOnauts who secretly rule humanity and reprogram people while hiding behind conspiracies aimed at the destruction of humanity, that are to blame why the so-called "conspiracy theories" - see , are so vigorously opposed, mocked, disgusted, silenced and hidden all over the Earth. After all, most of these conspiracy theories directly or indirectly reveal the truth about the hidden activities of UFOnauts secretly occupying the Earth, which truth these UFOnauts try hard to hide from the inhabitants of the Earth by destroying these people and eliminating the effects of actions of people who discovered whatever actually is the truth. It is also the absolute power that the envoys of the civilizations of UFOnauts secretly exercise over humanity, causes that none of the fundamental scientific theories recognized by the monopoly of the "official atheistic science" is supported by similarly massive body of empirical evidence as the body of evidence which confirms the truth of my alleged "conspiracy theory" about the secret occupation, exploitation and the destruction of humanity by parasitic UFOnauts. This concealment of the truth about themselves by UFOnauts also explains why it is so difficult to find my publications on the Internet and why my results of research are so fiercely slandered and criticized by anonymous individuals. This is also why the truth of my alleged "conspiracy theory" revealing the secret occupation, exploitation and destruction of the entire planet Earth by our parasitic relatives from the Orion planets will never be officially confirmed even after people actually build my "Magnocraft" described at the web page "magnocraft_pl.htm" - thus after UFOnauts will have NO other option than to officially reveal their existence and formally force the entire humanity to include the Earth into their parasitic confederation which will continue its exploitation of subsequent planets currently populated with descendants of people from our planet.) So when subsequent actions of this UFO civilization hostile to humans explosively arranged another equally rapid change in Earth’s climate, causing a rapid melting of the glaciers that covered the present New Zealand, then suddenly appeared the phenomenon of huge amounts of water flowing down to the sea, carrying sand and gravel from these glaciers. However, when such rush of water reached the sea, its further flow was opposed by currents, waves and sea tides, which dynamically retained it, causing sand and gravel to fall to the sea bottom and the rapid formation of river spits. Due to the great depth of water that flowed down a given river valley, the fall of sand and gravel exceeded sea level, causing the land of the river spits thus formed to still significantly protrude above sea level after the rapid disappearance of a given cataclysmic glacier meltdown. My research indicates that this is how the spit of the "Hutt River" in NZ was created, which today's is the beach in the town of Petone. The same findings also imply that this is exactly how the "Vistula Spit" and the "Hel Spit" (also known under the second name "Hel Peninsula") were created in Poland.


#N2. "A birthday gift from God to New Zealand in 1840", the event initiating of which gift took place on the "river spit" currently constituting a sea beach in the town of Petone - and the connection of this "gift from God" to the confirmation of the principle that nature always reflects the current level of morality in behaviour of human population living in a given area:


Today's beach in the town of Petone from New Zealand has unusual features and an extraordinary history. For example, before 1840 this beach existed only as a "spit of the river that today is called Hutt River" - thus constituting the only strip of flat dry land existing there and separating the waters of the sea from the swamps previously covering the area of today's buildings of the town of Petone - as I summarised it in the above item #N1 and described e.g. in the caption under photo from Fig. #F1ab of blog #368E and from the web page "pigs.htm". Then, after these swamps were raised in 1840 by a gentle "Act of God" to the present level, the present town of Petone was built right next to this beach. For me, learning about the extraordinary history of this beach in Petone began in 2001, when I moved to this town because I got a job as a software lecturer in there at the: Wellington Institute of Technology (Weltec) - see . From the very beginning, something mysterious attracted me to this beach. I didn't know then that it had the ability to attract people and other living creatures to itself. This is because it is located on the so-called "energy czakra of the Earth" - see . So every day of good weather, I liked to go for a walk on this beach - having NO idea at all about its extraordinary history and features. Only many years later I discovered that this beach was the source and reason for such "God's birthday gift to New Zealand" which I described, among others, above in the summary of these items #N1 to #N3. While researching this gift of God, I also discovered that the extension of this thin-long beach towards the east, by some strange coincidence, points like with a finger at a well-hidden in secluded place the location of entrance gate to a mysterious tunnel connecting two neighbouring towns, namely Petone and Wainuiomata. This tunnel was built in 1932, but to this day, for mysterious reasons, strong steel grates make it closed to people. These gates force the population of both neighbouring urban areas to travel through the steep slopes of the mountain range that separates them, thus burning an entire sea of fuel and adding a lot of unnecessary car exhaust fumes to the natural environment. I showed the Petone gate of this tunnel and highlighted its numerous secrets in Fig. #D1ab from the page named "pajak_for_mp_2014.htm". The evidence confirming that a tunnel barred with such a steel gates can also be secretly used by UFOnauts and by telekinetic UFOs, is indicated in the caption under the above Fig. #D1ab, and also here below when writing about hidden gates to UFO tunnels - e.g. from Hamelin in Germany or from Causeway in Ireland. Intriguingly, on the sides of both locked gates to this Petone tunnel, events are taking place that are somewhat similar to those from the so-called "Bermuda Triangle" famous because of secretive UFO activity. For example, how many people mysteriously disappear in just one of the forests surrounding the town of Wainuiomata from the other end of this tunnel (e.g. in the forest called "Rimutaka Forest Park") can be searched for, for example, with the keywords: Rimutaka disappearances - see . In turn the invasion that UFOnauts are secretly unleashing on Petone, can be realised from the web page "petone.htm" - e.g. see there items #K1 to #K6, #I3 and #H2. During my walks on the Petone beach, I also noticed that there are many lovers of this beach living in Petone who take care of it as if it was their own garden. For example, around 2003 I noticed numerous older participants of a local group of volunteers taking care of this beach, as they have planted some plants on this previously completely devoid of plants and as if constantly transformed by the sea Petone beach covered with black sand and gravel. Then I discovered that in order to bind the loose sand and gravel on this beach, which is constantly moved by waves and sea currents, these volunteers laboriously planted a whole range of special dune plants on it. From the range of these plants, I was able to recognize only one, i.e. rushes - so in order to select them properly, surely a volunteer had to put a lot of work into research and finding the right plant species. Then it turned out that it was also necessary to collect and remove numerous garbage that careless people threw into the growth of these plants. So again and again I saw volunteers with garbage bags in their hands, walking along in the "line formation" and collecting all the garbage that accumulated in there. Unfortunately, as the years passed, the average age of these volunteers became younger, but their numbers decreased. Just before the Covid-19 pandemic, their groups dwindled to three or two young volunteers. After disappeared the elites' panic over the Covid-19 pandemic (see ) and normality returned, in 2023 I was still impressed by the behaviour in accordance with the spirit of, for example, verses 6:9-10 of "Galatians" and 6:3-4 of "Matthew" in the Bible, of a young, elegantly dressed girl at the age of about 20, already walking alone on a part of the Petone beach covered with dune vegetation, carrying a garbage bag in one hand and wearing a plastic glove on the other and carefully collecting all the garbage she found there into her bag. She was the last volunteer that I saw on this beach before translating to English this item #N2 in March 2024. Around 2003 in the place where through the former spit and the current beach breaks the local river called "Hutt River" and it flows into the sea, I came across the area of the so-called "quicksand" - see (in Polish called "lotne piaski" - see ). So I stopped going to that area of that beach, because previously I drowned twice in just such "quick sands" - only that in completely different places. (I.e. the first time on the beach from Tioman Island in Malaysia, and the second time on the beach in Timaru, NZ.) Then came this breakthrough day of April 25, 2018 - when on that beach from Petone I saw the "burning bush" (see ) arguing with me telepathically - as I described it in #J3 to #J3xyz from the web page named "petone.htm" and in post #296E to blogs of totalizm. That sighting made me realize the uniqueness of this beach and changed almost my entire subsequent life. After all, after the descriptions of my sighting of that "burning bush" were disseminated, evidence of a massive but hidden "invasion of UFOnauts" suddenly appeared throughout Petone. I describe this invasion in more detail on a number of my blogs, e.g. on #347E, #348E, #355E, #359E, #364E and several others, and e.g. in items #K1 to #K6 from my web page "petone.htm". As my research has shown, UFOnauts have been conducting a campaign of telepathic and hypnotic reprogramming of people on Earth for thousands of years, aimed at forcing people to abandon the fulfilment of the recommendations of the Bible, especially the fulfilment of 10 commandments of God, and also reprogramming to switch people to the principles of life forced upon us by the philosophy of evil parasitism from 1985 (see my web page "parasitism.htm") that these UFOnauts practice. The fact that hard-core atheistic UFOnauts have been telepathically and hypnotically reprogramming people for thousands of years to lead them away from God, is evidenced by many facts, e.g. by a sudden change in the attitudes of Jews towards Jesus, who on Palm Sunday treated Jesus as their king, and just a few days later they shouted to UFOnaut Pontius Pilate "Out!", "Crucify Him!" - for details, see e.g. the caption under photo from Fig. #J1a of my web page named "bandits_pl.htm", or (5#G1) from blog #367E and from item #G1 of my web page "artefact_pl.htm". The secret use by UFOnauts of remotely hypnotizing people in order to force behaviours that are beneficial for UFOnauts, is also indicated by the descriptions of the rat catcher called "Pied Piper of Hamelin" (see ), who from the German city of Hamelin led all the healthy and physically fit children to the "UFO tunnel" opening in the rock - probably to secretly abduct these children to a planet other than Earth but also enslaved and exploited by the same parasitic UFOnauts. (In turn, that on Earth, e.g. in Poland on "Babia Góra" mountain, there are rock gates to UFO tunnels that according to folk stories are constructed by devils-UFOnauts, is illustrated by the video from item #G3 of blog #298E and from my web page named "aliens.htm" - e.g. see there the explanation of the 11-second video "Amazing footage captured by visitor at Giant's Causeway", from the address . Knowing the hidden methods of operation of UFOnauts on Earth, we cannot exclude the possibility that they also use for their destructive goals that road tunnel between the towns of Petone and Wainuiomata in New Zealand, mysteriously held closed for so long. After all, this tunnel was built in 1932, but it has NOT been put into use by people until today. The steel gate closing the entrance to this tunnel from the Petone side is shown in Fig. #D1ab from the mentioned already above the web page named "pajak_for_mp_2014.htm".) To this day, UFOnauts have already achieved significant success in this telepathic and hypnotic reprogramming of humanity, the results of which are situations reported e.g. in videos , , or . As in the rest of the world, this reprogramming is already becoming visible also in NZ. Especially in Petone, which is experiencing this "invasion of UFOnauts", which has already secretly reprogrammed the religious beliefs of a large proportion of the inhabitants of that town. For example, some of the 11 churches of recent Petone, which I listed and described in the caption under Videos #J3xyz from the web page "petone.htm", and in post #303E to blogs of totalizm, have become significantly deserted. I also noticed that when I currently try to discuss God with randomly met inhabitants of Petone, their obvious embarrassment is immediately visible, even just due to use of the word God loudly. In parallel with the progress of this reprogramming, at the same time from the beginning of summer 2019, in the western part of the beach in Petone, I started seeing more and more balls of rolled by winds a NZ version of the weed in English called "tumbleweed" (see ) - which into Polish can be translated as "toczony wiatrem chwast". What such rolling balls of this NZ weed look like is quite well illustrated by the 11-second video titled "New Zealand 'tumbleweed' rolling" available at the address . In turn what exactly this weed currently attacking beach in Petone looks like, and what are the consequences of its "invasion" - I described and illustrated it in Fig. #N2abc below on this blog #369E.


I became more scientifically and significantly interested in NZ version of these "tumbleweeds" balls rolling on the western part of the Petone beach only 5 years later, in the first days of February 2024. It was then that I noticed again this very strange-looking phenomenon of the mass appearance of these weed-seed balls quickly rolled by the wind. It was then that I also discovered that the appearance on the sea beach of the town of Petone in NZ, where I live, of a massive "attack" by this weed, which is a smaller imitator of "tumbleweeds" that are a nuisance to the agricultural situation of the United States, has a similarly sinister significance for NZ. Why these "tumbleweeds" are a nuisance also for the USA and for its largest economy in the world, is perfectly (and briefly with the dictionary "what") explained by the 6:41 minute long English-language animated video titled "The Trouble With Tumbleweed" disseminated on the Internet via the address: . Although small balls of the New Zealand (NZ) version of this weed-nuisance blown by the wind near (and on) the beach in Petone I used to see since 2019, previously it did NOT appear in such massive numbers as at the beginning of February 2024. Because it was at that time that I finished researching the effects of a series of historical events that can be called "birthday gift to NZ from God", and these events were initiated by the first official holy mass on the same sand and pebble beach in the town of Petone - as I described it in Fig. #F1ab from blog #368E and from #F1 to #F5 of the web page "pigs.htm" and from the INTRODUCTION to my web page named "petone.htm", this mass appearance of "tumbleweed" on that beach made me think about it and I decided to investigate the matter a little more deeply. This resulted in the formulation of the above "thesis", the truth of which I prove with the evidence from these items #N1 to #N3.


My research on that New Zealand version of "tumbleweeds" (see ) revealed a number of interesting facts. For example, although this weed is smaller than the one famous in America, it can be as destructive as that from America. It is also well established in NZ. For example, it already has the local Maori name "kowhangatara", which means that it came to NZ relatively long ago - perhaps from Australia where it is already quite common. Scientifically it is called "Spinifex Sericeus". It is also popularly called "silvery sand grass", which translates into Polish as "srebrna piaskowa trawa". It tolerates sea salt and beach sand devoid of organic matter, which is why it grows on an increasingly larger area of the sea coasts of NZ. It also has two local varieties. It is highly destructive. After settling in, it "suffocates" to death all the dune vegetation previously covering the beach - see photo from Fig. #N2b below. Moreover, neither its dry, hard and long leaves of a ball rolled by the wind, probably covered with mini-hooks or mini-spines, nor its spiny seeds, can be consumed by any animal living in NZ, because they would probably kill this animal. On the beach at Petone, it first appeared intelligently on the western end, thus consistently with the prevailing westerly winds that gradually spread its wind-blown seed balls across the rest of this long beach. However, what intrigues me is "how" it managed to break through the mountain range that tightly covers this beach, among others, also at its western end. So although the association of any facts with UFOs has been fiercely denied and deliberately mocked by various anonymous "individuals" with anatomic features reported by UFO abductees for a long time (e.g. see B. in #G3 and #G2a from web page "evil.htm"), we should NOT ignore in our considerations the possibility that such an "intelligent" arrival of this weed to the western end of the beach in Petone could have been intentional "planting" by the highly intelligent and devious UFOnauts who since 2018 have secretly started a campaign to reprogram the inhabitants and harm this town. By 2024, this weed has already taken over about half of the Petone beach and is gradually smothering the dune vegetation planted there). So soon the authorities and residents of Petone will be faced with a morally difficult decision "if" and possibly "how" to get rid of this weed, or maybe let it choke all the dune vegetation of the Petone beach, lovingly planted and then cared for by Petone volunteers. As you probably know, nowadays the too-long continuation of the use of corrupting people money in spite that the idea of a money-free "nirvana political system" has already been developed (for its details see #C7 to #C9 from the web page named "nirvana.htm" or see blogs of totalizm #328E, #343E and #351E), as well as human tendencies, order those in power to almost always choose the option that requires the least input of human intellectual effort and physical work - in the case of weeds the use of chemicals that poison almost everything. However, the self-regulating mechanisms established by God cause that 'everything that does NOT run steeply uphill in the so-called "moral field" is highly underdeveloped and imperfect, and thus in later times it reveals many hidden so-called "side effects" (see ) and thus later introduces many problems that will arise from it' - as, for example, it happened with "Covid-19" vaccines. In other words, these self-regulating mechanisms of God cause that: 'the less thoughts, work and checks one puts into achieving a certain goal, the less perfect the way in which this goal will be achieved, i.e. the more harmful "side effects" will be revealed after achieving this goal' - which fact I explain in more detail, among others: in blog #283E and item #A2.11 of the web page "totalizm.htm" or in blog #244E and item #I1 from the web page "pajak_for_mp_2014.htm". And so, if we acknowledge the existence of these moral self-regulating mechanisms, and also acknowledge the truth of the "thesis" expressed in the "summary" of these items #N1 to #N3, then the decisions made regarding this weed will have a strong spiritual impact on the fate of the entire NZ. The most beneficial decision for NZ would be to remove this weed from the Petone beach mechanically, e.g. by digging out each root of this weed with garden tools and thus preventing its re-growth. This would introduce the least so-called "side effects". Unfortunately, my estimate of the current amount of this weed reveals that to mechanically remove it even now by digging it out of the ground, it would require the effort and work of a number of volunteers equal to the number of all the inhabitants of Petone. And such a number of volunteers is practically impossible to mobilize - after all, for example, a large proportion of Petone are retirees. Much more "side effects" dangerous to human health would have the poisoning of this weed with chemicals - which is too popular way of doing things in NZ. Unfortunately, the thesis of these items #N1 to #N3 warns that it would symbolically fuel the spirit of NZ's addiction to chemicals (including drugs), and in addition, spraying it with poisonous chemicals would additionally poison the already causing too much diseases, sudden deaths, loss of sperm count, dangerous for health poisoning of local water, soil and food, as well as future difficulties with populating NZ - as we are warned about it by e.g. the true reasons for poisoning crocodiles in the "Kruger" National Park in South Africa described in 2. from item #B3 of the web page named "woda_uk.htm". The third option, i.e. avoiding solving this weed problem, would be the most fraught in consequences. Symbolically it would mean giving evil UFOnauts (about the "invasion" of which this weed warns us - being like their spiritual symbol) the permission to deepen their takeover of power over humanity and to win their "invasion", to continue their reprogramming of people to their parasitic anti-Godly philosophy, and to act even more boldly than now.


It is worth being aware that the possible reprogramming of people to the parasitic philosophy of UFOnauts will also have its additional "side effects". One of them is that instead of maintaining the initiative regarding "what" is done and "how" one behaves, people will give this initiative to the evil powers of "nature" and the inanimate objects among which they live. As a result, people will start to do what this "nature" or inanimate objects tell them to do - just as in the past the rulers of the Mayan or Aztec civilizations forced their nations to do so, thus prompting God to send the Spanish conquistadors in there (examples of which forced doing I described in #D1 from my web page "wtc.htm" and from post #366E to blogs of totalizm). One of the proofs that such a change of initiative will take place is the story of the Teutonic Madonna from the castle in Malbork, Poland, who "DOES NOT like Polish citizens". As a result of the Second World War, this Teutonic Madonna was destroyed by the explosion of the church in the niche of which it previously stood, and thus its power over the area, the fate of which it symbolically controlled, disappeared - just as the ancient prophecy about it I described in item #D1 of my web page "prophecies.htm". However, then a Polish foundation called "Mater Dei" (see web page , while actual information about it can currently be searched on the Internet with the keywords: fundacja mater dei malbork madonna - see ) contrary to, among others, my protests and warnings, rebuilt the Teutonic Madonna from Malbork - as I described it in items #C5 (and from blog #143E) to #C8 from my web page named "malbork_uk.htm". As a result, due to, among others, the supernatural influence of her evil habits, the whole of Poland is already beginning to divide into camps and perhaps a significant proportion of the Polish nation is already considering separation from Poland, causing the situation described by the ancient prophecy about this Madonna to be returned to the area supervised by this Madonna and reign there until this Madonna of the Teutonic Knights will once again be removed from its position of power - as warned by e.g. item #F6 from the web page named "malbork.htm". In turn one of the global consequences of the collapse of Poland would be, among others, that the whole of Western Europe would lose its protection from what is repeatedly coming from the East - which role of protection has for centuries been fulfilled by patriotic Poland and its hard-working, determined and dedicated to God inhabitants. This, in turn, would cause drastic and threatening changes throughout the Earth.


The above facts imply that just as the "birthday gift from God" for New Zealand of 1840 discussed previously in #N1 above was caused by the then high level of religiosity, fulfilment of God's commandments, and morality of its inhabitants, similarly the appearance of "tumbleweeds" described in this #N2 is also related to today's trends in changes in the level of religiosity and fulfilment of God's commandments, and the way of interpreting what "morality" is in the behaviour and situation of today's human population living in certain areas. So if we consider this matter from the engineering point of view of "how", then it is noted that there are premises and supporting evidence that the appearance of NZ tumbleweeds on the beach in Petone symbolically also reflects the secret "invasion" of UFOnauts on Petone and the general situation with the reaction of the inhabitants of Petone to this "invasion" of evil UFOnauts. This in turn leads to a much deeper philosophical observation which confirms with the recently discovered new evidence the truth of the thesis of these descriptions provided in the "summary" of items #N1 to #N3.


(This entire post #369E would NOT fit into the memory of this blog - hence the rest of it will be continued below as post #369_2E)

kodig : :