wrz 21 2023

#363_2E: How UFOnauts carry out "demonic...

(Continuation of the previous "part 1" of this post #363E)


#363_2E: How UFOnauts carry out "demonic possessions" of people, and how to defend oneself against these "possessions" (part 2)


(1) In fact, the only and absolutely sure way would be to somehow document that a UFOnaut actually resides in a given person. But so far we do NOT have reliable devices for such documentation. This is because the most reliable manner of documenting this would be if humanity implemented (i.e. built) devices for revealing objects hidden in the state of telekinetic flickering. The design of the simplest out of such devices was given to humanity many years ago by the totaliztic civilization from stars that was sorry to see our fate. This design was published in 1998, means already over a quarter of century ago, what certifies how efficient are the truth-hiding and suppressing methods of UFOnauts. This extremely simple device is shown below in Fig. #M2a and its donation is described in our free Polish treatise [7b] disseminated for free from the web page "tekst_7b.htm". Its principle of operation and design is also summarized in K5.1.1 and in Fig. K4 from volume 9 of monograph [1/5].


(2) Through the so-called "accident" (or more strictly: thanks to the help of God) UFOnauts that penetrated into bodies of people sometimes can be documented on videos or photographs - especially if they leave the body of a given person or stick out of it with some part of their body. After all, bodies of UFOnauts oscillate with a specific frequency between states of matter and energy. So if every frame of the video is captured in synchronization with the frequency of their telekinetic flickering, this UFOnaut is going to be visible on the video as a kind of shadow or a greyish cloud. The same is with photographs - also by "accident" sometimes they can capture when this UFOnaut is in the state of matter. This is where situations are recorded and described in English as manifesting in some people the so-called shapeshifting (i.e. "changing one's shape", see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=shapeshifting+caught+on+camera ) - e.g. see the video at the address https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UCLykdar_k .


(3) Demonstrating for long periods of two different personalities (or even more than two personalities), one of which demonstrates good intentions, while the other or others definitely do evil - means as if containing in one person the famous couple Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde from English literature (see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=dr+jekyll+and+hyde+themes ). These two personalities can also be demonstrated by people who are NOT aware, nor officially stated e.g. by psychiatrists, as having e.g. double personalities, while their behaviours result only from being secretly "possessed" by UFOnauts. Because these "possessing-UFOnauts" received from their superiors specific tasks to be completed and guidelines as to the methods with which they are supposed to accomplish them, the evil personality always has a specific goal to accomplish, and thus it will appear mainly in situations that require accomplishing this goal - e.g. consider corporate psychopaths (see https://www.google.com/search?q=corporate+psychopaths ) secretly acting to the detriment of achieving the goals by their institutions. In order to be able to keep humanity enslaved for an infinitely long time, UFOnauts are forced to implement on Earth a whole range of their parasitic goals. Hence, "possessions" affect various categories of people. However, due to natural inclinations, women seem to be more susceptible than men to becoming "possessed" - e.g. consider the prevalence of the female so-called "demon of narcissism" (see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=demon+of+narcisist ). Until recently, possession occurred only at a mature age, e.g. 30+ years (i.e. only when, in accordance with the principle of "termination of privileges" discussed in post #362E to blogs of totalizm and in #I1 to #I5 of my web page "bandits.htm", for failure to keep the 10 Commandments, God deprived a given person of the privilege of providing him/her with His care and defence). However, recently, i.e. since the so-called "anti-smacking law" described e.g. in #B5.1 from my web page named "will.htm" or e.g. in {5} from item #I5 in blog #362E and on my web page "bandits.htm", probably even teenagers, i.e. still almost children, begin to frequently break God's commandments - which breaking deprives them of divine defence and protection, and thus they can become "possessed" in their early "teenage-years" (i.e. sometimes starting already in ages 10+). Until recently, people coming mainly from wealthy homes were most often "possessed" by UFOnauts. However, today's "modern" human laws prohibiting children from doing work have changed this - after all, people who in their lives have NOT received the right and opportunity to experience the educational benefits of performing productive physical work, have also NOT received the chance to learn, among other things, that one needs to listen and to obey his/hers organ of conscience which urges him/her to fulfil God's commandments, and thus they are NOT able to distinguish good from evil - as I explained it in #G3 to #G5 of the web page "wroclaw_uk.htm" and in post #341E to the blogs of totalizm.


(4) Negativity and aggressive destruction of some activities or goals. Permanently UFOnauts penetrate into someone, causing "possession" only because this was ordered to them by their superiors. So their task is to accomplish some parasitic goal. This is best confirmed by the location of footprints of UFOnauts on streets of the township of Petone in NZ - the easiest to spot out of which I described and illustrated in #K5 to #K5d from the web page named "petone.htm". As it stems from numerous such footprints, an astonishing multitude of which can be seen on streets of this township just being reprogrammed by UFOnauts, predominantly these footprints are grouped by expensive and high-quality residential houses. Because in these houses live social elites that have the greatest influence on the rest of people, this means that UFOnauts choose the most influential people for reprogramming. Thus, for example, if so "possessed" by a UFOnaut is the wife of someone who implements something vital - which is to harm the occupational goals of UFOnauts, this wife is going to dissuade her husband from doing this something on hundreds of different ways. And women have unique ways to accomplish their goals. After all, women have power over their husbands (the definition of "having power over someone" states: "to have something that this someone either much needs or much is afraid of"). While in case of a woman being "possessed" by an UFOnaut, these ways will always be highly negative, this is why in today's world people talk more and more openly about the so-called demon of a narcissist (see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=demon+of+narcisist ) which uses the ease of causing "possessions" of present "modern" women and uses the negative influence of these women for attacking people that are inconvenient for UFOnauts. Also not without a significant reason an old Polish proverb states "where a devil cannot do, send a woman".


(5) Telekinetic vibrations sometimes felt by possessed people as a kind of "itching". After all, people abducted to UFOs feel the same "itching" in moments when UFOnauts drag them telekinetically through material objects of large thickness, e.g. through walls. So it is reported in the UFO literature as a harbinger of vibrations of the "state of telekinetic flickering". In humans, the most sensitive to this "itching" is the skin. Thus, in places where a fragment of an UFOnaut's body is going to protrude through the skin from the body of a given person, this person may experience a chronic "itching" in there, and e.g. will be constantly scratching that area.


(6) The behaviour of "possessed" bodies caused by UFOnauts. For example, feeling cold and being slim. After all, the energy that sustains telekinetic motions is spontaneously obtained from the environment of an object that moves on principles of telekinesis. This is explained by the so-called "Telekinetic Effect" - the existence of which I have discovered, and which I have described in my publications since around 1985, e.g. in H6.1 to H6.2.1 from volume 4 of my monograph [1/5] free available from "text_1_5.htm". Empirically this is known as a "breath of coolness" whenever someone finds himself in the place of some "supernatural" phenomena (i.e. telekinesis). Thus, the "possessed" person hosting in his/her body a UFOnaut, is going to easily feel cold, even when other people are NOT cold in there. After all, this person is "cooled from inside" by this "Telekinetic Effect" exploited by an UFOnaut. In turn, when such a "possession" lasts for a long period of years, this person is going to be thin and slim - in spite that he/she is going to eat a lot and well. After all, his/her body needs energy to compensate for this loss of heat caused by the telekinesis of the UFOnaut residing inside of him/her. This thinness of people who do evil because they are secretly possessed by "UFOnauts", was noted a long time ago by folk wisdom and by folklore of many nations, and thus it is expressed in various sayings linking someone's "slimness" with doing evil, e.g. in the Polish saying meaning: "skinny because evil dries him/her up". The consequence of "possessions" is also the ability to fall asleep immediately and to sleep in practically all conditions. This is because such a person easily falls asleep in any place and situation, as their UFOnaut can hypnotize them to sleep whenever they wish. UFOnauts also have a full control over what a given person has the permission to hear, and also over what they are allowed to visually notice in the world around them - which allows UFOnauts e.g. to NOT let the person to see an approaching car that supposed to hit him/her or a train that is going to kill him/her. Furthermore, "possessed" seem to NOT like, and for some reasons they instinctively try to avoid being in places illuminated by the strong light of our Sun - in this way they resemble behaviours of nocturnal creatures, e.g. cats.


(7) Practicing "radical" behaviours which break commandments and requirements of God (although they can be accompanied by words and assurances uttered by a given person, which are the exact opposite of these behaviours). For example, a given person talks about respect, love, and helping people, but in practice he or she exploits, deceives, humiliates, torments, corrupts, etc. Not without a vital reason it is increasingly common to talk about "demons" that dissuade people from obeying God's commandments - e.g. consider demon of murderers (see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=murderers+demon ), an excellent example of which is the case discussed on the YouTube video "Beware of Angels" (see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=beware+of+angels+documentary ) that on 1989/11/5 in Grants Pass, USA, a someone named Sharon Halstead murdered of a married couple David and Lynnann Greene (see https://www.google.com/search?q=Halstead+murder+case+supernatural ) which murder was ordered by an UFOnaut-giant claiming to be an "Angel" - as this is described in (6c) from item #A2 of the web page named "ufo_pl.htm"; and there is also talk of "demons" dissuading people from heeding the Bible's warnings and advice - for example, consider the "demon" helping to break the warning of verse 6:10 in the "1 Timothy" from the Bible - about money and greed (see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=mammon+the+demon+of+greed ).


Learning the engineering knowledge "how" with their advanced technical devices UFOnauts are able to carry out "possessions" of people, which then help our morally decadent cosmic relatives in accomplishing their parasitic goals, allows us to start the engineering explanation "how" for many other previously mysterious phenomena, the existence of which was indicated by folklores of many nations, but which the human "official atheistic science" was unable to explain, nor its employees were able to gather the courage and competence to research them objectively. So in the next item #M3 I am going to explain this "how" for the most important out of these mysterious phenomena.


Fig. #M2a:


Fig. #M2a: Here is the design and components of the device that reveals objects hidden from people in the so-called "state of telekinetic flickering". The above sketch, showing the design, components, and appearance of this revealing device, is adapted from Fig. 1 in free Polish treatise [7b]. This sketch was prepared by Mr. Szewczyk on 15 May 1998. It shows the components of this device, which include the following elements: 1 - cylinder or drum made of transparent material filled with some obvious substance; 2 - magnetic field source (e.g. electromagnet) placed in front of the frontal wall of the cylinder; 3 - two electrodes positioned on both sides of the cylinder; 4 - electrode power supply (U = electrode power supply voltage); 5 - another electromagnet placed outside the back wall of the cylinder (the same magnetic poles N of both electromagnets 1 and 5 are to be directed towards each other, they should produce a magnetic field of the same value, and their north poles N should point towards the inside of the cylinder).


The lines of force of the electric field and the magnetic field must cross in the cylinder, and the lines of force of the electric field must cross the entire diameter of the cylinder. The carrier of the image of the invisible UFO enters the cylinder from the front. Through the ring 2 it penetrates into the cylinder. We direct the cylinder, similarly to the telescope, towards from where the image can arrive. We observe the inside of the cylinder through the hole in the rear electromagnet 5. The image of e.g. a UFO vehicle or an UFOnaut hiding from our sight should be noticed in the device viewer as a pulsating splotch of light.


The correct construction of the above device, its testing, and making it available for purchase to anyone who is willing, will introduce a breakthrough in the situation of humanity being tormented by UFOnauts. After all, then it will allow NOT only to reveal in which of people the UFOnaut that causes his/her possession is hiding, but also will allow to detect currently invisible UFO vehicles, to check which of the rulers is in fact an emissary of UFOnauts, and in addition to identify even which of the people walking on the sidewalk actually is a UFOnaut and NOT a human being, who to NOT be attacked by bullets or any human weapon, for his safety has the state of telekinetic flickering switched on.


#M3. The conclusion of the comparison of attributes from #M1 and #M2 above, which confirms that the "demons" from the Bible that "possess" people, are material creatures today called "UFOnauts", together with the summary of the most important possibilities that opens for UFOnauts their ability to "possess" these people who are NOT protected from them by God (because they do NOT obey God's commandments), confirmed by the evidence also indicated here:


The fact that each of the attributes of "demonic possessions" listed in #M1 and wisely described in the Bible perfectly coincides with the appropriate attribute documented in #M2 that describes the capabilities of UFOnauts secretly occupying the Earth, in connection with the number of these attributes and the variety of possible manifestations that takes each of them in real life, from the point of view of mathematical probability forms so huge number of possible combinations, that the perfect matching of these attributes actually represents the essence of an engineering proof which confirms the mathematical impossibility of just a coincidence in identity of all these attributes. In other words, the comparison of attributes presented in #M1 and #M2 represents the foundation of the formal engineering and scientific proof which confirms that "demonic possessions described in the Bible do exist and are telekinetic penetrations of morally decadent UFOnauts into bodies of individual people, aimed at the telepathic and hypnotic reprogramming of philosophy and conduct of such possessed people and of other nearby persons under the power or influence of these possessed persons". So it is high time that people who especially often fall victims of these "possessions", and then are "rewarded" in the "evil manner of UFOnauts" by being treated with some form of evil which I am describing below in (1) to (7) of this item #M3, wake up from the to-date lethargy and started to lead the humanity out of the situation of tolerating this secretive occupation, exploitation, and destruction of people by material like us UFOnauts.


The acceptance of this proof even only by already harmed people, or by future potential victims of "possessions" of UFOnauts, opens a whole ocean of knowledge with a highly practical meaning. For example, it shows "how" UFOnauts reprogram humanity into their philosophy of evil parasitism (see web page "parasitism.htm"), using for this purpose their advanced telepathic and hypnotic weapons. Thus, it indicates methods "how" one can defend oneself against such reprogramming (see #M4 below), and "how" one can disturb its effectiveness. It also indicates direct threats that result from the hidden existence of such "possessions" - several examples of which threats I am going to describe below.


Since the comparisons of attributes from previous items #M1 and #M2 allowed to prove that UFOnauts have the required technical devices (e.g. telekinetic personal propulsion and telepathic and hypnotic personal weapon), which allow them to enter bodies of other people or to enter other objects made of matter, and to subordinate these to their telepathic, hypnotic, and motional commands, here we can now summarize in numbered items the theoretically deduced "how" this penetration into human bodies opens the most important possibilities that to UFOnauts in their intentions of prolonging infinitively the hidden occupation and exploitation of humanity - indicating at the same time literature, video sources, or empirical evidence (if any also exist), which additionally extend our knowledge of these possibilities and confirm their actual occurrence on Earth. When reading the following descriptions, it is worth remembering that some of them represent logical predictions, hypotheses and theoretical deductions based on the so-called circumstantial evidence (see https://www.google.com/search?q=circumstantial+evidence ) or clues, which in order to give humanity an absolute certainty of their frequent implementation by UFOnauts, it would be good to constructively confirm empirically by other reliable researchers who have the courage to reveal the truth, because currently we do NOT have devices which would provide absolute certainty to all deductions presented here. Here is their list and summary:


(1) So-called "possessions" also manifested as "haunting". But in order to NOT make people aware of their link with verses of the Bible by such naming, in present times possessed people are officially recognized only under other names - most often as someone with double or even so-called "multiple personality" (see https://www.google.com/search?q=multiple+personality ). Their today's brief summary in English is provided in #6I5.4 from subsection I5.4.2 in volume 5 of my monograph [1/5]. Only religions still use for them the biblical name "possession". On the other hand, "possessions" are still the most frequent manner of using the advanced technology of UFOnauts in order to utilise the "state of telekinetic flickering" for entering an UFOnaut into the body of a selected person, and then with the use of telepathic and hypnotic "coupling" of the UFOnaut's mind with the mind of the person "possessed" by UFOnaut to impose on this person such behaviours and reactions, which help our morally decadent cosmic relatives for the most effective accomplishing of their parasitic goals. On the other hand, goals of these "possessions" are mainly aimed at dissuading people from obeying commandments and requirements of the Bible (after all, UFOnauts try to eliminate from humanity the philosophy of Christianity taught by the content of the Bible) and at the most effective hindering the scientific and technical development of humanity. This is why e.g. the most effective implementation of the so-called "sabotage loop" explained in post #359E to blogs of totalizm and in #J3 to #J3a from the web page "faq.htm" is implemented just through the "possession" of a given person by a computer-skilled UFOnaut - who constantly and directly observes what this person does. As a rule, most frequently UFOnauts try to penetrate directly into the person whom they intend to control for harming of humanity with this person's actions. This is where these so-called "corporate psychopaths" (see https://www.google.com/search?q=corporate+psychopaths ) highly harmful for all institutions come from. Only that sometimes this targeted person is protected by God - in such a case they usually enter bodies of their wives - see e.g. the concept of "female narcissists" (see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=female+narcissist ). This is because wives know how to manipulate their husbands - especially if husbands fulfil the definition of "good husbands" from the Chinese proverb: "bad husbands always have good wives, while good husbands always have bad wives" discussed in item #B2 from my web page named "antichrist.htm" and in the post #211E to blogs of totalizm. Thus, the majority of victims of "possessions" by UFOnauts are rulers, politicians, decision makers, financiers, owners of enterprises, scientists, etc., or their wives.


(2) So-called "multiple personalities" described above in (1) and in the abovementioned #6I5.4 from subsection I5.4.2 in volume 5 of my English monograph [1/5]. Information about them can also be searched on the Internet, e.g. with keywords: multiple personalities . These multiple personalities are results of the capability of UFOnauts to enter objects already in the "state of telekinetic flickering" through the use of different frequencies of vibrations of their "state of telekinetic flickering", means the penetration of many UFOnauts into one human person.


(3) So-called "corpse walking in Chinese tradition". I describe them in more detail in #H2 from the web page named "sw_andrzej_bobola_uk.htm". The principle of operation of such "corpse walkers" is also described in #1I5.7.1 from subsection I5.7.1 in volume 5 of my English monograph [1/5], while in Internet one can also find some information about them, e.g. with English key words: Chinese tradition of corpse walking (see https://www.google.com/search?q=Chinese+tradition+of+corpse+walking ). In turn the use by "people" of principles of "animation" of other inanimate objects is described in subsection NG5 from volume 12 of the abovementioned monograph [1/5]. Generally speaking, this walking of corpses depends on the fact that an UFOnaut in the "state of telekinetic flickering" enters the corpse of a dead person, while the technical telekinesis generated by his "personal propulsion" envelopes also the entire corpse. The technical telekinesis depends on the fact, that in a pulsating manner it changes objects affected by it from matter into clouds of energy (i.e. into clouds of so-called "God Drobinas" described in #K1 and #K2 of web page "god_exists.htm"). In turn when they are energy, NOT rigid matter, the UFOnaut residing inside them can freely change their shape - e.g. by causing legs of these corpses to perform the same movements as legs of this UFOnaut. In the result, "walking corpses of dead" boils down to marching done by a UFOnaut residing in this corpse, because all movements of this UFOnaut are automatically repeated by the corpse. So whatever this UFOnaut does with his/her body, corpses "possessed" by him/her also do precisely.


(4) So-called Caribbean "Zombies". I describe them in more detail in #H3 from the web page "sw_andrzej_bobola_uk.htm". The principle of operation of "zombies" is also described in #2I5.7.1 from subsection I5.7.1 in volume 5 of my English monograph [1/5]. In general, this principle in a slightly different region of the world repeats exactly what in China these "walking corpses of dead" do. More information can be found on the Internet, e.g. with English keywords: real zombies caught on camera (see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=real+zombies+caught+on+camera ).


(5) So-called "marching statues or sculptures" from ancient India. I describe them in more detail in #H4 from the web page "sw_andrzej_bobola_uk.htm". The principle of operation of "marching statues" from India is also described in #3I5.7.1 from subsection I5.7.1 in volume 5 of my monograph [1/5]. You can also try to get a little more information about them by searching for it on the Internet, e.g. with English keywords: walking statues myths in ancient India (see https://www.google.com/search?q=walking+statues+myths+in+ancient+india ). Myths of ancient India describe statues, which then "gods" (at that time living among people) as if "animated" - means cause that these statues NOT only walked on the ground, but even used weapons and fought with people. The principle of this reviving of statues in India is the same as described above in (3) and (4) principle which UFOnauts use to "walk corpses of dead" or to form "zombies". Only that instead of entering bodies of dead people, UFOnauts then enter the matter of the statue. This matter is later manipulated by UFOnauts telekinetically by moving parts of their bodies - which motions are transferred by the phenomenon of technical telekinesis to the motions of matter of subsequent elements of statues.


It should be added here that in today's world there is spreading an "epidemic" of movements of statues and their behaviour. Many of these movements of sculptures and statues are caused by UFOnauts in order to divert the attention from the influence of the Bible and Christianity that generates the progress of humanity, e.g. with statues of supposedly also demonstrating "supernatural" behaviours (see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=moving+religious+statues ) from non-Christian religions that were created by evil UFOnauts. But practically each of these behaviours can be explained by the principle described here of causing "possessions" of statues by UFOnauts, and of causing everything that is required by their intention of infinitively prolonging their secretive occupation and exploitation of humanity.


(6) So-called "nymphomania", "sexoholism", "addiction to sex", etc. These are caused by the gratification of UFOnauts during the "group intercourse" of the "possessed" person and of a male UFOnaut or female UFOnaut who possesses this person. After all, if e.g. a UFOnaut resides in a woman when a woman has a sexual intercourse, then because of the physical coupling of their bodies and the simultaneous telepathic coupling of their minds, all forms of sexual gratification that this woman feels simultaneously also feel the UFOnaut residing in the body of this woman. Because UFOnauts who secretly occupy humanity have an absolute freedom to do with people whatever they wish, with the elapse of time they acquire habits which among people are characterizing the so-called "sex maniacs". So in order to maximally increase their sexual gratification when on the order of their superiors they perform certain tasks that are probably "boring" for them, for long periods of time residing inside of someone among people, for "entertainment" relatively often these male UFOnauts or female UFOnauts will telepathically and hypnotically force their human "host" to have sexual intercourse as often as possible. In this way they form in the person in which they reside a kind of "addiction to sex" (see https://www.google.com/search?q=sex+addiction+what+is+it ). Because in real life there is a great variety of situations when either female UFOnauts or male UFOnauts cause "possessions" of both human males and females, depending on what is the resultant combination of gender of the possessing UFOnaut and possessed person, and also depending on how perverted are UFOnauts already possessing people, such "possessions" by UFOnauts can form a whole range of sexual deviations which human "experts" call with different terminologies - although in reality all of them are products of similar demonic "possessions" by evil UFOnauts. And so, most frequently out of them will be described with, for example, names of nymphomania (i.e. when a female UFOnaut "possessed" a human woman - see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=nymphomania ) or e.g. sexoholism (i.e. when a male UFOnaut "possessed" a human male - see https://www.google.com/search?q=sexoholism ). However, when the possessed and the possessing are of a different gender, then the products are perversions of homosexuals of demonic origin (see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=homosexuals ), called by various terms, e.g. lesbians, gays, etc. This demonic possession by enemies of God cunningly creating a source for phenomenon of "homosexualism" explains why the Bible so decisively warns against following this perversion. After all, it is always connected with many additional activities which are NOT approved by the philosophy of Christianity, such as breaking God's commandments, atheism, ruining traditions of humanity, setting a negative example to next generations of people, etc., etc.


(7) Causing the burial of still living people. In old times, including in years of my youth, the folk wisdom and folklore repeated many macabre stories about people that doctors considered dead, while in fact they were still alive and were buried alive. The psychosis of those stories is well reported in the last 10 minutes of episode S22E10 from the English-language series "Mysteries at the Museum" (see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=mysteries+at+the+museum+S22E10 ). So after waking up from a kind of "sleep paralysis" (see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=sleep+paralysis ) which overpowered them, they discovered that they were in a coffin buried deep underground. So they desperately tried to get out, trying to scratch the wood of the coffin with their fingers until the lack of air ended their agony. Interestingly, I had an opportunity to talk to a person who was employed in the exhumation of corpses, and this person confirmed that after opening coffins, in spite that typically people are buried in a comfortable lying position, a significant proportion of bodies were found in positions as if they were trying to get out of the coffin and the coffins themselves had signs of scratching and attempts to break their lids. These rumours about such waking up were so common in past that even attempts were made to invent and construct "safe coffins" from which supposedly "dead" people could get out. The most famous of these inventions was the "security coffin" developed in 1829 by Dr Johann Gottfried Taberger (see https://www.google.com/search?q=Dr+Johann+Gottfried+Taberger+invention+of+security+coffin+in+1829 ). It alerted the cemetery night watchman by means of a bell activated by a rope connected to strings attached to the hands, feet and head of the "corpse". The bell housing prevented wind or birds landing on it from triggering the alarm. (In present times, the same role as a "security coffin" probably can be performed by modern mobile phones of the latest generation with well-charged batteries, or microwave radio transmitters - "just in case" placed by loved ones into the hand of a dead person.) Another invention was developed by a certain Timothy Clark Smith in 1893 (see https://www.google.com/search?q=Timothy+Clark+Smith+burial+window+1893 ). His coffin had a window and air supply, and also allowed to get out of it to the surface. However, until today these stories seem to have disappeared, although still sometimes one can hear about people who were supposed to be buried, but at the last moment managed to wake up from their paralysis (see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=dead+people+awaking+just+before+their+burial ). Furthermore, in some countries dead people are injected with chemicals into veins, under the excuse that they supposedly look better at the time of the funeral, but most probably that they do NOT wake up in a coffin. Of course, the existence of so many of these cases raises the question of whether the popular claim is correct that these coffin awakenings are really the fault of the fatal errors of the death-declaration doctors? This is because the knowledge of UFOnauts suggests that: UFOnauts have not only a motive and a sufficiently deviated nature, but also a required technology, to intentionally cause such "supposed deaths" ending with waking up in an already buried coffin. For example, their "motive" may be that when they finish their "possessions" they may NOT want people to start to investigate why a given person suddenly became "normal", so they condemn him/her to be buried alive. Also the distortions of their nature - which allow UFOnauts to do all these atrocities to people, will NOT cause in them any Christian remorse if they cause to bury someone alive. In addition, their technology allows them to easily cause such burials. After all, their personal weapon allows them to hypnotically paralyze the person that they "possessed". (This weapon of UFOnauts for the remote hypnotic incapacitation of selected people is discussed more comprehensively in item #K2 from the web page "petone.htm" and in post #348E to blogs of totalizm.) In turn their "personal propulsion system of the third generation" allows them to slow down the elapse of time of this person so that e.g. his/her heart will beat extremely rarely - as demonstrated by the magician David Copperfield while crossing the Great Wall of China (see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=David+Copperfield+-+Walking+through+The+Great+Wall+of+China ). Their personal propulsion system also allows them to telekinetically get out of the already buried coffin, if they wish to make sure that everything goes according to their plans and that the person "possessed" by them is buried alive. In other words, in this (7) I am trying to prove that it is in the vital interest of people to undertake research on "possessions" starting from the knowledge presented here that "possessions" and a huge number of human behaviours that are contrary to God's commandments but result from these demonic possesions, are all caused NOT by spiritual beings, but by UFOnauts equally material as us people - only that they are completely morally decadent and have at their disposal technology much more advanced than human .


Of course, the above list is just the most common examples of evil that is generated because of the telekinetic penetration of UFOnauts into bodies of people, and the telepathic and hypnotic reprogramming of given people. There is much more evil then all the above - e.g. consider consequences of cases similar to my experience with the "crying girl" in an empty "morgue" described in #G2 of the web page "wroclaw_uk.htm" and in post #340E to blogs of totalizm, or meetings with material but already dead people described in literature, or manifestation of so-called poltergeist (see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=poltergeist ), or haunted homes (see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=haunted+homes ), or even for example bigfoot world of mystery (see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=bigfoot+world+of+mystery ) or Yeti sightings (see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=yeti+sightings ) in NZ and Australia - all of which actually are manifestations of UFOnauts which later are skilfully suppressed from learning by people the truth about them. Unfortunately, a full description of all forms of this evil would NOT fit on this post #363E nor on the web page "evil.htm". Anyway, through the approximation of the above examples, the reader is able to work out for himself/herself explanations for many of these other forms of evil formed by evil UFOnauts either with the same mechanism of "possessions", or with some other related use of their technique for causing evil.


The main reason why it is worth to learn consequences of "possessions" by UFOnauts described here, is that they openly name types of evil that people experience because of falling victims of this type of "possessions". In turn the learning of this evil has the potential to indicate also the manner "how" one can try to prevent "possessions", defend oneself against them, and heal effects of this type of "possessions". For a brief explanation of also these - see the next item #M4.


#M4. So how to defend ourselves from falling a victim of "demonic possession" by evil UFOnauts who secretly occupy Earth:


Due to the existence and power of God, and the "free will" given to us by Him, the defence is always possible - no matter in what situation we find ourselves. Thus, we should NOT be discouraged from undertaking a defence against UFOnauts, because so-far humanity does NOT have yet devices for detecting beings and objects in the "state of telekinetic flickering", i.e. devices of which an example is this simple device given to us by the totaliztic civilization from stars, shown in Fig. #M2a above and described in our Polish treatise [7b] disseminated free of charge via my web page (in Polish) named "tekst_7b.htm", and also briefly presented (in English) with descriptions of its principle of operation and design in K5.1.1 and in Fig. K4 from volume 9 of monograph [1/5]. So let us describe here firstly the most important points of individual defence which at our present level of knowledge and technology we can undertake. Here they are:


[1] Undertaking the voluntary, decisive and pedantic fulfilment of God's commandments and requirements described in the Bible, while simultaneously learning to motivate this fulfilment with our love for God, neighbours and nature - as this is explained in #A2.12 from my web page "totalizm.htm" and from the post #339E to blogs of totalizm. After all, it is such NOT obeying of commandments that typically causes that, according to what I am explaining in post #362E to blogs of totalizm and in #I1 to #I5 from the web page "bandits.htm", for some people God "terminates the privilege" of His protection and defence against attacks of UFOnauts. Thus, returning to, or undertaking, such a voluntary and love-motivated fulfilment of these commandments and requirements of God, and thus creating in this way an example of correct behaviours for our neighbours, has a chance to restore to us this privilege of being protected and defended by God. Please note here also, How highly appropriate is the use of name "God Drobina" for the elementary component of Body of God - After all in the old Polish language the word "Drobina" carries the meaning: "something very small but much loved".


[2] Acquisition of the habit to learn to eat raw garlic and onion on days when it does NOT interfere with our lifestyle or work that we do. And whenever we have access to the gall, liver, and heart of a fish, let us burn them on a hot stovetop, coals, or hot pan, complementing the burning with a prayer for protection and defence - as described in verses 6:4 and 8:2-3 of "Book of Tobit" in the Bible.


[3] Buying a video camera and filming with it relatively frequently both members of our family and friends, as well as ourselves. Then a careful review of the videos made for signs indicated in the internet with the "secular" name of so-called shapeshifting (see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=shapeshifting+caught+on+camera ) - for example changing the shape of the eye-pupil to look like a cat's or a snake's (i.e. in the shape of a vertical slit) - in accordance with the information of old Polish folklore, which claimed that "devils" and "witches" (i.e. present UFOnauts) have "cat eyes" or "snake eyes" - see links from Polish web page "skorowidz.htm".


[4] In turn, if we have any vital clues that someone close to us or ourselves is actually "possessed" by UFOnauts, then we can turn to priests of the religion that we practice for carrying out the so-called "exorcism" (see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=egzorcism ). (However, one should NOT turn to civilian "experts" in this matter, because it is NOT known whether they themselves are UFOnauts who infiltrate humanity, or are human helpers of UFOnauts.)


[5] Quietly and without attracting undesired attention undertake personal efforts to propagate or personally undertake the construction of these devices for detecting creatures or starships hiding in the "state of telekinetic flickering", i.e. devices as shown in Fig. #M2a above and given to us by the totaliztic civilization from stars that sympathizes with our tragic fate and is described in our Polish treatise [7b] and briefly summarized in English in K5.1.1 and in Fig. K4 from volume 9 of monograph [1/5]. So if we have an access to a workshop, and skills and inclinations for making devices, then without publicity we should firstly undertake the construction of a prototype of this device, and after building it we should test whether it works correctly by revealing beings or objects in the state of telekinetic flickering. The testing of each completed prototype we should NOT limit to just one being or one object which is suspected that they have secretly switched ON or for their safety they use the "state of telekinetic flickering", but we need to extend to as many of these beings or objects as possible. After all, currently we do NOT know whether the person, creature, or object on which this device is going to be tested, actually uses and has this state enabled. For testing, one must also choose to watch through this device e.g. real people who, according to descriptions from #M1 to #M4 provided here, can hide an UFOnaut "possessing" them (finding these e.g. in psychiatric institutions), or who according to our knowledge of the situation they themselves can be UFOnauts impersonating people (see web page "changelings_pl.htm") - i.e. someone who very cunningly acts to the detriment of human civilization and who secretly practice the philosophy of evil parasitism (see web page "parasitism.htm") which is completely opposite to the philosophy of Christianity recommended to us by the formulation of commandments and requirements encoded in the content of the Bible. In turn, if in the result of these tests it turns out that the constructed prototype correctly detects UFOnauts and/or UFOs in the "state of telekinetic flickering", then we need to organize its production and dissemination among people.


[6] Finding and disseminating methods of disrupting telepathic couplings used by UFOnauts for carrying out their demonic "possessions". For example, it is known that electric sparks cause a powerful "telepathic noise" which "clogs up" telepathic devices of UFOnauts - see the so-called "MIR test" described e.g. in (ii) from item #D3 of the web page "telepathy.htm", and also in subsection U3.2.1 from volume 16 of English monograph [1/5]. Simultaneously, electric sparks produce "ozone" which is healthy for us - and thus they are used in the construction of many devices.


[7] In turn both, the group defence, as well as also our individual defence, is to demand of official undertaking of the building of revealing device from treatise [7b]. This defence we should undertake in a situation when we ourselves do NOT have the possibility or ability to build this revealing device personally, but e.g. we work in services for protection or defence of people, or in the area of unconventional medicine, or in any religion - the practicing of which areas would be interested in a device able to show whether someone is, as the Bible calls it, "possessed by a demon or by demons". After all, it is also our patriotic duty to use our influence for quietly causing firstly to build, and then to test, and if this turns out to be a success also to start the production of this so needed by our civilization the revealing device mentioned here.


So let us wake up to the understanding of the tragic situation of our civilization - including also our neighbours and each one of us. After all, according to what I am trying to explain here and in items #M1 to #M3 above, absolutely all so-called "supernatural" phenomena of a negative nature, are carried out by our morally decadent relatives who persecute humanity and arrive to us in UFOs from the planets of Orion - regardless of how this is explained to us by the "official atheistic science", politicians, so-called "experts", priests, and anyone else. In turn, against the hidden aggression of these morally decadent creatures it is really worth to defend ourselves, even just because of warnings from the Bible that people who allow themselves to be reprogrammed into practicing of the philosophy of evil parasitism practiced by these creatures, await the deletion of soul programs, in the Bible described as the "second death". After all, as victims of aggression of these creatures, we also have a moral duty to "self-defence", means to undertake NOT only the defence of ourselves, but also of our loved ones, and of all our neighbours - both through undertaking group actions to merit the help and defence from God (who still has full control over everything what is happening in our "world of matter"), as well as through personally undertaking our own defence actions that lie within our capabilities. After all, the Bible warns us in verse 4:17 from the "Letter of St. James the Apostle", that: "Who knows how to do good, and does not do it, sins".


Copyrights © 2023 by Dr Eng. Jan Pająk

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The above post #363E constitutes an adaptation of the content of #I1 to #I5 from my English web page named "bandits.htm" (update of 30 July 2023, or later) and is available, among others, at the following addresses:


Notice that the above web pages are my main publications updated many times later. On the other hand, this post #363E to blogs of totalizm is only a "harbinger" of publishing the presented here results of my research - which later is NOT updated. Therefore, these web pages typically contain texts that are more improved than this post to blogs of totalizm, with the elapse of time they collect more evidence and fewer research mistakes or writing errors, and because of their repeated updating they also contain the latest findings of my continuously carried out research.


At each of the addresses provided above, I also try to make available the most recently updated versions of all my web pages. Therefore, if the reader wishes to learn from "first hand" the truths explained on any of my web pages, then either at the above addresses he/she may start the web page "menu2.htm" that contains green links to names and topics of all web pages that I developed so-far, then in this web page "menu2.htm" can select the link to the web page that he/she wishes to view, and through clicking the "mouse" start that web page. For example, in order to start this "menu2.htm" from the above-indicated address http://pajak.org.nz/bandits.htm , it is enough if in that address the name of the web page "bandits.htm" is replaced with the name of the web page "menu2.htm" - then to the search engine will be entered the new address http://pajak.org.nz/menu2.htm obtained in this way. In a similar manner as starting this "menu2.htm", the reader can also start instantly any of my web pages, the name of which he/she already knows, because e.g. I provided it in the above post or because it appears in the "menu2.htm". For example, in order to run any other web page of mine, the physical name of which I have already given anywhere - e.g. to run a web page named "ufo_proof.htm", let's say from a web page with the address http://pajak.org.nz/bandits.htm , it is enough that instead the previous web page address, he/she entered the following new address http://pajak.org.nz/ufo_proof.htm in the address box of a search engine.


It is also worth knowing that almost every NEW topic which I already researched for the "a priori" approach of the new "totaliztic science" and presented on this blog, including the topic from this post #363E (i.e. my own translation to English from the Polish post #363), I intended to publish on all mirror blogs of totalizm which until now remain accessible by me and on which I am still able to publish my posts. Until 2022/10/30, as many as 8 such blogs of totalizm were established and maintained for a short time, out of which only following 3 out of these 8 blogs of totalizm still were working, accessible, updatable and possible to use for publishing my posts. These 3 blogs of totalizm still accessible for me can be found at the following addresses:
https://totalizm.wordpress.com (in "Small Print" 12pt: posts starting from #89 = i.e. since 2006/11/11)
https://kodig.blogi.pl (in "Large Print" 24pt: posts starting from #293 = since 2018/2/23)
https://drjanpajak.blogspot.com (in "Large Print" 24pt: posts starting from #293 = i.e. since 2018/3/16) also available via NZ address https://drjanpajak.blogspot.co.nz
Fortunately, the impossibility to further publish my posts on 5 of these blogs of totalizm did NOT cause the loss of their posts. This is because after complementing with illustrations, colours, underlining and working links of all my posts that I published so far on blogs of totalizm, including this post, I systematically make them available also in my free electronic publication [13] in a safe PDF format and in normal size 12pt (formerly up to the post #360E in two sizes of print, i.e. also in large size 20pt) - which everyone can free download, for example, through the web page named "tekst_13.htm" available on all the web sites indicated above, including, for example, at http://pajak.org.nz/tekst_13.htm . Almost all posts to blogs of totalizm published in Polish are also published in there after my translation of them to the English language, and thus I hope they should be understandable for inhabitants of countries other than Poland.


Other posts extending and supplementing this #363E:
#362E, 2023/8/1 - the method of "termination of privileges" reforming the human administration of justice, and four-propulsor UFOs hijacking our planes and ships (#I1 to #I6 from "bandits.htm")
#361E, 2023/7/1 - the dissemination of truth in the role of defence against raids by invisible UFOnauts on our flats (#L2 to #L3a of "evil.htm")
#360E, 2023/6/20 - my Magnocraft as a source of keys to knowledge and truth worked out on Earth (#D1 to #D1cd from "military_magnocraft.htm")
#359E, 2023/5/21 - secret "sabotage loop" from the microprocessors in our PCs (#J3 to #J3a from "faq.htm")
#355E, 2021/1/1 - footprints of an over 3-meter UFOnaut in the asphalt of the NZ sidewalk (#K1 to #K4c z "petone.htm")
#354E, 2022/12/28 - how 12 "[Ω] God Stamps" from Bible confirms truth of my discoveries and corrects deviations of official science (#H1 and #H2 of "bible.htm")
#348E, 2022/6/20 - powers of a mini-UFOnaut from the "nightmare" race of Aceh in Indonesia (#K2 to #K2a of "petone.htm")
#347E, 2022/6/10 - footprints of female UFOnaut of about 80 cm tall melted in the asphalt (#K1 from "petone.htm")
#341E, 2021/11/7 - productive physical work teaching "how" as well as distinguishing truth from lies and good from evil (#G3 and #G4 from "wroclaw_uk.htm")
#340E, 2021/10/25 - the realism of a girl crying in the empty morgue of the Wrocław Medical Academy (#G1 and #G2 from "wroclaw_uk.htm")
#339E, 2021/10/1 - recipe of totalizm "how" to religiously love all our neighbours (#A2.12 of "totalizm.htm")
#211E, 2011/11/8 - imperfections of people as a driving mechanism for the process of effective "pursue of knowledge" (#B2 from "antichrist.htm")


Let totalizm prevail,
Dr Eng. Jan Pająk

kodig : :