wrz 21 2023

#363_1E: Engineering proof that these are...

#363_1E: Engineering proof that these are UFOnauts who carry out the "demonic possessions" of people described in the Bible (part 1)


Summary: I hope that the reader had an opportunity to see my formal engineering and scientific proof, published continuously since 1981 and technically NOT challenged by anyone for these over 40 years, which was carried out with the reliable method of "matching attributes" and confirming that 'UFOs do exist and are starships of my invention called "Magnocrafts" (see web page "magnocraft_pl.htm") already built on planets other than Earth'. That formal proof of mine is explained and irrefutably documented, amongst others, on the web page named "ufo_proof.htm" and in subsections P1 to P2.15 from volume 14 of my monograph [1/5] disseminated for free via web page "text_1_5.htm". The knowledge of that formal proof is helpful here, because it allows for the better understanding of the irrefutability and the knowledge-creative value of another engineering and scientific proof presented here - which I carried out with the same reliable method of "matching attributes", although the essence of the logical structure of which I present here after its deliberate shortening so that in items #M1 to #M4 below I can explain it more understandably to readers NOT familiar with formal scientific presentations. This presented here another formal proof in an equally undeniable manner as the previous one confirms to us that 'the described in the Bible the so-called "demonic possessions" do exist and are carried out by UFOnauts that are material like us people only that are morally decadent but also highly technically advanced, thus they use technical telekinesis to penetrate into bodies of individual inhabitants of Earth that are to act as hosts for these UFOnauts and therefore can be telepathically and hypnotically reprogrammed into followers of philosophy and behaviours of these UFOnauts'. The main "motive" why UFOnauts try to reprogram humanity into their own philosophy and behaviours is that these are completely opposite to whispers of our organ of conscience as well as to commandments and requirements of the philosophy of Christianity described in the Bible and authorized by our God. Therefore philosophy of UFOnauts encourages exploitation of others, especially humans, for selfish benefits. In order to carry out this next proof, in {A} to {L} from item #M1 below I list 12 most important attributes of biblical "demons" together with an indication of verses of the Bible where these attributes are revealed. Then in {a} to {l} from item #M2 below I am listing 12 attributes of UFOnauts, confirmed by the existing empirical and engineering evidence, which exactly correspond to the previously described attributes of biblical demons - explaining on this occasion how it is possible to recognize if a person is secretly "possessed" by UFOnauts. Then, assuming that from the above publications the reader already learned the reliability of the methodology of engineering proving with the method of "comparing attributes", in next item #M3 I just very briefly justify "why" the confirmation of the identity of each attribute from item #M1 with the corresponding attribute from item #M2 actually represents the irrefutable engineering and scientific proof, the presentation of which is the goal of this post #363E and also "part #M" of the web page "evil.htm" from which it was adapted. I also added in there the explaining in sub-items (1) to (7) the most important possibilities which the carrying out of these "possessions" creates for UFOnauts in their intentions of infinitively prolonging the secretive occupation and exploiting of humanity. Finally, in item #M4 below I indicate the most important methods with the aid of which individual people and the humanity as a whole can effectively defend themselves against falling victims of effects of continuation of these hidden "possessions" and parasitic reprogramming of philosophies of people. I also remind readers that the formal proving of the materiality of truths described in the Bible, is simultaneously the proof of the realism and materiality of warnings from the Bible that those people who allow to be reprogrammed into the parasitic philosophy of UFOnauts await the "deletion of programs of souls" described in the Bible as the "second death" (after all, such reprogramming is equal to receiving the biblical "mark of beast" - similarly like this mark is also received for doing with own hands whatever this parasitic philosophy of UFOnauts forces us to do).


#M1. Let us define here with today's language 12 precisely described in the Bible attributes of creatures that cause in people the so-called "demonic possessions", so that later attributes from this #M1 can be compared below in #M2 with the corresponding components of behaviours and capabilities of UFOnauts, the existence of which rational UFO researchers have already detected and report in UFO literature, because the comparison of both groups of attributes from this #M1 and #M2 below provides us with a confirmation and a formal engineering proof, reinforced with the authority of the Bible, that the "possessions" described in the Bible are in fact telepathic and hypnotic subordination of people to orders of morally decadent UFOnauts that dissuade humanity from obeying God's commandments and requirements:


Motto: "Only the recognition, dissemination, and implementation in everyday life of timeless truths expressed in verses of the Bible and confirmed with an increasing number of formal engineering and scientific evidence, is able to correct lies forced onto humanity by the official atheistic science, by some politicians, and by elites that grow ever richer, as well as to counteract evil that is pre-programmed into inhabitants of Earth by UFOnauts secretly occupying them, thus causing a gradual relief of suffering of the majority of people, stopping the moral decline of the entire human civilisation, and the fulfilment of verse 8:32 from 'Ev. st. John' in the Bible promising that learning the truth will set us free."


The Bible in many of its verses provides us with information about attributes, capabilities, and consequences of actions of creatures described in it, which cause the so-called "demonic possessions". For example, in spite that from the official publication of Polish "Concordance to the Millennium Bible" (4th edition from 2004, "Vocatio" Warsaw, ISBN 83-85435-01-8) someone either deliberately removed references to the most vital verses about demons that cause "possessions", or deliberately replaced the unambiguous calling them "demons" by calling them with more misleading names, e.g. "evil spirits", still there are indicated as many as 13 verses in which the word "demon" is used. On the other hand, the use of the name "demon" in there is vital, because from the attributes of "demon" provided in the Bible, the engineering definition of "demon" can be expressed e.g. with words: a living being in the shape of a human, manifesting the possession of "free will", reason, speech, the ability to think logically, and material body - only that it is able to somehow (e.g. technologically) provide its body with the ability to remain invisible for people and to enter or penetrate other living bodies, including the bodies of demons, and also to enter or penetrate into any solid matter. In turn, a completely different being named "spirit" - both defined as "evil spirit" or "good spirit", in the engineering (unambiguous) way can be defined, for example, with words: a deprived of material "life" being of any shape, NOT having a body, ability to think, nor "free will", but only controlled by natural tendencies, which in action resemble the behaviour of positive or negative charges. Fortunately, e.g. English-language Bibles still use the name "demon" everywhere where the Polish-language Bible replaced it with names more confusing for people. In turn, if one finds in the Bible and puts together information about creatures that cause "demonic possessions", which information God wisely inspired to be scattered throughout various verses and books of the Bible (which protects them from being censored and deleted) - including also verses NOT indicated in the Polish Concordance, then a highly intriguing picture begins to emerge. From this picture it appears that "demons" have all attributes which also appear in e.g. living people. For example, demons have sexual relations with people - means they also have material bodies (except that they can make their bodies invisible), moreover they also have sexual organs similar to that in people, and in addition they can experience human feelings - e.g. sexual pleasure. Simultaneously, from the research of numerous UFOlogists we already know, that exactly the same attributes that the Bible describes for "demons" have cosmic relatives of people living on planets of Orion, who for thousands of years secretly arrive to Earth in UFO starships to occupy people, exploit them, and continually keep them enslaved. Thus, comparing all attributes, capabilities, and motivations of these two categories of creatures, i.e. biblical "demons" and present "UFOnauts", it is easy to come to a shocking discovery that in fact both of them are the same creatures, only that they are called using concepts from two different epochs of existence humanity. In other words, the biblical name "demon" in present terminology should be translated with the name "UFOnaut". Because on the Earth an official conspiracy is stubbornly implemented to cover up the existence of a hidden occupation and exploitation of humanity by UFOnauts - as this is documented with the extensive evidence in my posts to blogs of totalizm numbered #362E, #361E, #360E, #359E, #355E, #354E, #347E, and several others, and also as documented by source publications from which these posts were adapted - e.g. see #L2 to #L3a on the web page "evil.htm", hence today's engineering "how" in researching "UFOnauts" and in research on "demons" provide us with additional evidence for this occupation and exploitation of humanity. For example, these "how" explain to us "motives" of demons and UFOnauts. i.e. explain to us why UFOnauts and demons are so hostile, destructive, and anti-human towards people and humanity (after all, in order to be able to exploit people indefinitely, they must constantly push us down in development, destroy us, incite us to wars, etc.), or why, for example, they intentionally make difficult access of people to the verses in the Bible that describe them, e.g. by NOT providing in the Polish Concordance all of these verses (after all, their special servicemen in Polish called "kurierzy czasowi" - which name means: couriers through time (see web page "skorowidz.htm"), that travel between the future and the present time with the use of their "time vehicles", constantly report to them every research on Earth and every researcher whom their secret services must block and silence, because the completion of this research and its dissemination threatens them with the disclosure of their hidden occupation and exploitation of humanity).


Realizing that this identity of attributes of biblical creatures that cause "demonic possessions" and present so-called "UFOnauts" is too precise and too extensively empirically documented to be just an ordinary "coincidence", let us now carry out a formal engineering comparison as to "how" mutually match to each other 12 known to us attributes, capabilities, and consequences of actions of both these categories of creatures. In this item #M1 we start this comparison from listing attributes of biblical "demons". So in sub-items {A} to {L} below let us summarize in my own words and expressed with today's terminology the most important attributes, capabilities, and consequences of actions that the Bible attributes to "demons". For each of them let us also indicate at least one verse in which the Polish Catholic "Millennium Bible" has encoded given attribute. So here they are:


{A} The attributes described in the Bible which testify about the material (means: NOT spiritual) nature of "demons", thus these also are the same attributes that originate from the materiality of bodies of almost all people and human-like UFOnauts who secretly arrive to Earth from the planet Orion. And so, for example, verse 17:7 from the "Book of Leviticus" informs that demons practice sexual relationships with some people - which also means that demons have bodily senses like people that allow them to feel e.g. sexual pleasure, and have sexual organs with a material composition similar to that of people. In turn verses 8:28-31 from "Matthew", 1:34 from "Mark", and 4:41 and 8:28 from "Luke" reveal that they can: communicate with speech like people, ask, and also think and make use of their "free will" to seek ways of escaping from threats - similarly as people do.


{B} Normally demons remain invisible to people's eyes, although they can be made visible - which God does with His power, e.g. see verses 9:33 from "Matthew" and 4:35-36 and 11:14-15 from "Luke".


{C} Demons, similarly like UFOnauts, are able to penetrate into, and through, solid matter (including into bodies of people, and even into bodies of other demons) without causing any harm to this matter or themselves. This is why they most willingly reside inside bodies of people "possessed" by them - e.g. see verses 8:32 from "Matthew", 7:29-30 from "Mark", and 8:32-33 from "Luke". This ability to penetrate through solid matter also allows them to free a person possessed by demons from all kinds of shackles, chains, and closures, enabling this person to continue the anti-human activities - e.g. see verses 5:3-4 from "Mark", or 8:29 from "Luke". It also allows them to enter closed tombs, e.g. to hide in there - see verse 8:28 from "Matthew". In addition, some demons can also enter bodies of other demons which already entered into the body of a person chosen by them - this is why in the Bible there are described also cases when one person had several demons inside - e.g. from Mary Magdalene Jesus cast out 7 demons (e.g. see verse 16:9 from "Mark"), while from the body of Possessed Man from Gadar or from Gerasa Jesus threw out a whole "legion" of demons (e.g. see verses 5:9 and 5:15 from "Mark"). Note that the Roman "legion" could then count up to 6,000 soldiers.


{D} Demons can walk on the ground like humans, but prefer to fly through the air at high speeds. Their ability to fly in biblical times was so obvious and known that in the Bible it is automatically understood that they flew and did NOT pass by walking practically in all these verses about them in which it was NOT specifically confirmed and emphasized that they were passing by walking from somewhere to somewhere instead of flying over there in the air - e.g. see verse 8:3 from the "Book of Tobit".


{E} Demons have absolute control over the body and life of the person "possessed" by them. So this person says and does everything that demons order him or her - e.g. see verses 9:32-33 from "Matthew".


{F} Demons practically always act anti-human, destroying also the person which they "possessed" - thus sometimes they even may kill this person or someone close to him/her (e.g. see verses 9:18-27 from "Mark", or verses 6:14-15, 7:11 i 8:10-14 from the "Book of Tobit").


{G} Demons deceptively "teach" people, which in today's words can be expressed that they carry out telepathic and hypnotic reprogramming of people's philosophy into one which demons practice, i.e. into a philosophy opposite to that of God (see Bible, verses 4:1-2 from "1 Letter to Timothy").


{H} Demons rule over humanity "going for kings", which in today's language can be expressed that telepathically and hypnotically they reprogram rulers and decision makers so that these implement what lies in interests of demons - (see Bible, verse 16:14 from "Revelation of St. John").


{I} Demonic possession can be eliminated by causing an unbearable stench (especially if demon sits in the person's bowels) e.g. by burning the fish liver and heart in front of the "possessed" person - see Bible verses 6:8, 6:17, 8:2-3 from the "Book of Tobit" (in Polish Book of Tobit is called the "Księga Tobiasza"). In turn, if by the same method it is also possible to eliminate the so-called "evil spirits", this means that the Bible encoded for us the useful message that "evil spirits" also have bodies like demons and e.g. similar senses of smell.


{J} The Bible forbids to have anything to do with demons, because they are opposites of God (see Bible, verses 10:20-21 from "1 Corinthians", 11:23 in context of 11:14-15 from "Luke", and 12:30 in the context of Matthew 12:22-24).


{K} Those who do NOT worship demons and obey what God commands them to do, will be protected from falling victims of cataclysms - see the Bible, verses 9:20-21 from "Revelation of St. John".


{L} The time of the fall of human power on the Earth is coming as announced in the Bible, also is coming the takeover of this power by UFOnauts in the Bible called "demons" - (see the Bible, verse 18:2 from the "Revelation of Saint John") Note that demons are known and recognised also by practically all major religions of the world - therefore the power of demons over people extends to the whole Earth.


All the above attributes and capabilities of biblical "demons" UFO researchers observed also in present UFOnauts who secretly occupy and exploit humanity. In the result, this provides us with the formal engineering proof that what the Bible describes as "demonic possession" in fact is one of methods of programming and controlling human behaviour by evil UFOnauts. The model for such a proof can be the "method of matching attributes", with which I formally have proven the existence of UFOs and the technical similarity of UFOs and Magnocrafts that I invented, presented on the web page named "ufo_proof.htm" and in "chapter P" from volume 14 of my monograph [1/5]. This reprogramming and control of people, UFOnauts accomplish due to the extremely advanced technology that they have at their disposal. What is even more vital, UFOnauts have the so-called "motive" to strictly control people. This motive is to continue infinitively profiting due to parasitic benefits from their secretive occupation and exploitation of humanity. Therefore, in the next item #M2 I am going to explain to readers "how" UFOnauts obtain and manifest all the attributes and capabilities described in the Bible and listed above, which allow them to carry out "demonic possessions" of inhabitants of the Earth. Furthermore, I am going to indicate the empirical evidence confirming that in fact whatever the Bible describes as "demonic "possession" in reality is a telepathic and hypnotic subordination to UFOnauts of people whom UFOnauts select to help them in accomplishing their parasitic goals, means people for whom God "terminated the privilege" of God's defence against e.g. such "possession". (The principle of "termination of the privilege" of being defended by God, because given people do NOT obey properly all 10 commandments of God, is described more comprehensively in blog #362E.)


#M2. What technical capabilities of UFOnauts allow them to cause the so-called "demonic possessions" of selected people needed for carrying out their evil commands, and what evidence confirms this:


The existence on Earth of this conspiracy described in the previous item #M1, with the use of which UFOnauts and their human helpers hide for several thousands of years the secret occupation and exploitation of humanity, causes a kind of open challenge to God by powers of evil. After all, the maintenance of this conspiracy on Earth requires that creatures and people who implement it break with their behaviour 10 commandments of God (about which breaking God warns in the Bible that there is the punishment of the "second death", means the deletion of programs of souls). Furthermore, to maintain this conspiracy UFOnauts and their human helpers must also do everything in their power to hinder the fulfilment of God's promise from verse 10:26 of "Matthew" in the Bible - stating, quote: "For there is nothing concealed that will not be revealed, and nothing hidden that will not be known. But God is NOT going to ignore His own promises. No wonder that God carefully prepared the procedure of keeping also these His promises, while current droughts, fires, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, freezes, volcanic eruptions, and other cataclysms that we currently see them spread increasingly intensively on Earth while omitted only these people or communities which deserved it, e.g. by diligently fulfilling 10 commandments, by praying, showing repent and regret, and by trying to eliminate their human imperfections - this is just the beginning of the gradual implementation of this promise. The implementation of this promise by God Himself, UFOnauts are unable to prevent anymore in spite of their advanced technology, which allows them e.g. to send to the future in "time vehicles" which they already have, agents of their special services in the Polish language called the: kurierzy czasowi (meaning: couriers through time or MIB or "Men In Black), so that in the future these agents are to seek these among present discoveries that work towards the revealing of their secret occupation and exploitation of humanity, and then after return, these agents can "neutralize" people who accomplished these discoveries (if these people are NOT protected by God).


So let us carry out here an engineering review "how" the advanced technology of UFOnauts, and "in what ways", helps them to carry out "demonic possessions" of selected people, so that these people later help UFOnauts in prolonging their hidden occupation, exploitation, management, and mortification of humanity. For this purpose, for each sub-item {A} to {L} from the above item #M1, let us now explain below in sub-items {a} to {l} of this item #M2 "how" practically and with what technical devices or selfish tendencies of their bodies UFOnauts implement a given demonic attribute and goal. Here are these explanations:


{a} Attributes confirming the material nature of "UFOnauts" (i.e. NOT spiritual nature), which for UFOs and UFOnauts were detected and confirmed with the newest research that are the same attributes as those of people that originate from the materiality of human bodies. After all, all UFOnauts are relatives of people. Only that some races of UFOnauts were genetically changed in order to adapt them to conditions of planets on which they live (e.g. consider so called "sightings of Yeti or Bigfoot", about which the knowledge is silenced that they also arrive to Earth in UFO starships, as documented e.g. in #E6 from the web page "newzealand.htm"). And so, the research on UFOs and UFOnauts, and also the knowledge contained in the folklore that describes UFOnauts with old names, e.g. "nightmares" (in Polish called "zmora"), informs that UFOnauts are as if addicted to raping people. Reports from UFO abductions almost always mention these rapes - especially in cases of female abductions, although human males are also raped by female UFOnauts (e.g. consider the UFO abduction of a Brazilian, Antonio Villa Boas (see https://www.google.com/search?&q=Antonio+Villas+Boas+ufo+gel ) briefly mentioned in item #L2 of the web page "evil.htm" and in post #361E to blogs of totalizm). Also, the behaviours of UFOnauts by folklore called "nightmares" (in the West also called: incubus and succubus) almost always is oriented towards raping people selected by them. These rapes are described in more detail in posts #347E and #348E and in items #K1 and #K2 from my web page named "petone.htm".


{b} The so-called "state of telekinetic flickering" which, amongst others, makes UFOnauts invisible to human eyes and allows them to pass through walls, windows, and other objects made of matter, without causing any damage to the UFOnaut's body or to these objects made of matter. This state results from the use of advanced propelling devices of UFOnauts that operate on principles of telekinesis. A particularly useful form of telekinetic propulsion of UFOnauts is the so-called "personal propulsion" described and illustrated in more details in #L2 to #L3a of the web page "evil.htm" and in post #361E to blogs of totalizm. This is because the possession and use of it is NOT yet noticeable to people. Simultaneously, the "state of telekinetic flickering" formed by such a "personal propulsion system" allows UFOnauts to silently fly in the air and imperceptibly enter people's homes through walls, without the use of devices visible to people (e.g. see the photo of a footstep of a UFOnaut walking through a wall shown in Fig. #K3f22 from item #K3 of my web page "petone.htm" and also discussed in post #355E to blogs of totalizm). Similarly to the ability to invisibly enter human homes through walls, this "personal propulsion" also gives UFOnauts the ability to remain invisible to human eyes and the ability to enter bodies of these people who are NOT defended by God (this entering does NOT damage bodies of people nor it damages bodies of UFOnauts). This "state of telekinetic flickering" and its capabilities are described in detail in item #C1 from my web page named "dipolar_gravity.htm". Fortunately, in case of photographing or filming the area where there is something hiding in this state, or hiding inside of the so-called "magnetic lens", sometimes creatures or objects hidden in this way are recorded on a photograph or on a video. An example of such a photograph of a UFO invisible to eyes (together with its description) is shown in Fig. #R2c from my web page named "quake.htm". In turn a video of such a UFOnaut leaving the body in which it stayed shows e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ahhhDBQHxg . (Unfortunately, today's common lack of knowledge in people about the existence, attributes, and operation of the "state of telekinetic flickering" causes that e.g. comments from the above video claim that it is a "soul" leaving the body, or a demon, but these comments are written by people who do NOT know that souls have too high frequency of vibrations to be able to be captured on video, meanwhile UFOnauts have sufficiently low vibrations that allow them to be captured on video). More similar videos which captured UFOnauts in the "state of telekinetic flickering" emerging from bodies of people whom aliens previously "possessed" can be searched in youtube.com, e.g. with English keywords: demon caught on camera leaving body (see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=demon+caught+on+camera+leaving+body ).


{c} Penetration of UFOnauts through objects made of solid matter, or staying in such objects without causing any damage to these objects or to themselves, enabled by the so-called "state of telekinetic flickering" described in {b} above. For example in Fig. #G1ab from the web page "malbork_uk.htm" I am showing a photo of a UFOnaut from the miniature race in Polish called "zmora" (for description of "zmora" race see #K1 and #K1a from web page "petone.htm"), who flew to the underground UFO base through the brick walls of the Teutonic Knights castle from the Malbork town in Poland. In turn this capability to penetrate matter, in connection with their ability to telepathically "synchronise" their movements and actions with the body of the person in whom they reside, allows UFOnauts also to enter and to reside in bodies of people, and even in bodies of other UFOnauts who are already inside bodies of people. The evidence for the ability of remote telepathic synchronization of all movements and behaviours of creatures subordinated to the leader of a UFOnaut, is e.g. my observation of the synchronization of movements of a number of UFOnauts called "Man In Black" (MIB) from Suwon in Korea, walking in a row like a goose, which I personally observed and described in the caption under Fig. #G1c from my web page "sw_andrzej_bobola_uk.htm". In turn many other cases of such synchronous movements of an entire group of UFOnauts are reported in a large UFO literature. Furthermore the evidence for the ability of UFOnauts to penetrate solid objects, which I personally found, are footprints of a UFOnaut who penetrated through a wall - I showed and described them in Fig. #K3f and Fig. #K3f22 from my web page "petone.htm" and from post #355E to blogs of totalizm. In addition to this, in the reliable UFO literature there are many reports of people abducted to UFOs, that UFOnauts transported them through solid objects like walls or furniture, NOT trying to look for holes, doors, or open windows through which people NOT using telekinetic propulsion system would have to walk, get out, or get through. In post #361E and in #L2 of the web page "evil.htm" I also described the observation that the entrances of telekinetic UFO vehicles to my flat in Borneo caused that the steel nails supporting paintings on walls turned into energy, causing these paintings to fall to the floor. This explains "how" UFOnauts can release both themselves and the person "possessed" by them, e.g. from shackles or chains. Furthermore, because the "state of telekinetic flickering" is accomplished through telekinetic oscillations in one place, it causes that if a UFOnaut changes the frequency of this oscillation for himself, then he/she is able to enter the body of another UFOnaut in that state and stay in there. In the result, some UFOnauts can also enter bodies of other UFOnauts, who are already entered into the body of a human chosen by them. Means one person can be "possessed" by many UFOnauts sitting in it simultaneously - which phenomenon is also the reason for the so-called "multiple personalities" which I am describing below in #M3.


{d} UFOnauts can walk on the ground like people, but they prefer to fly in the air at high speeds. Their ability to fly is due to the use of the so-called "personal propulsion system" which is described more extensively in #L2 to #L3a of the web page "evil.htm" and in post #361E to blogs of totalizm. I personally through the window of my apartment in Petone NZ, saw a UFOnaut flying in the air - as I described in more detail in the penultimate paragraph from item #K3 of my web page named "petone.htm" and in post #355E to blogs of totalizm (in there I also provided links to videos of other people who documented such UFOnauts flying in the air).


{e} UFOnauts have an absolute control over the body and life of the person "possessed" by them. So this person thinks, says, does and feels everything that UFOnauts order him or her to do. After all, the telepathic and hypnotic personal weapon of UFOnauts allows them to subordinate every encountered person to commands of their mind, and to "couple" and "synchronize" the functioning of this person's body with the functioning of the body of a given UFOnaut - as this is explained in item #K2 from my web page named "petone.htm" and in the post #348E to blogs of totalizm. I personally saw perfectly well such a "synchronization" in Korea, when several so-called "Man In Black" (MIB) emerged there from a black van and marched down the sidewalk in a row, each of them following exactly the same movements as the others - this observation of mine is discussed in the caption under Fig. #G1c from my web page sw_andrzej_bobola_uk.htm. Similar "synchronous" cases of movements of UFOnauts are also described in reliable UFO literature. In the result, after "possessing" a given person, the UFOnaut residing in this person can control NOT only his/her thoughts, feelings, words, and movements, but also the direction of his/her eyes, the expression on his/her face, and can even completely freeze his/her muscles and movements. Beneficial for us is that in present times videos have already been recorded, which document a number of this type of behaviours of people controlled by UFOnauts. Only that without knowing that all this is caused by UFOnauts who "possess" these people, during the publication of these videos the behaviours documented on them are called in various "secular and scientific" ways, i.e. NOT with the terminology that tries to clearly call things by name, which I use in my publications. Therefore, videos documenting such an absolute control of UFOnauts over a person "possessed" by them, can be searched e.g. with the English keywords Mind Control Glitches (see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=mind+control+glitches ) - for an example of one of them see the video with the address: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yix3x1QR_3A . (Because of the complete lack, or small number, of video documentation on this subject matter published in languages other than English, I should inform my readers that a lot of videos in English, independently from the verbal narration, also have ON and OFF switched subtitles "CC" repeating the narration in writing - so that even people who are not very proficient in English can keep stopping these videos after each sentence and then use these written subtitles to easier than speech translate them to own language as quickly or slowly as it suits given person.) In the next item #M3 I also discuss other "feats" of UFOnauts accomplished due to such telepathic or hypnotic "coupling" and "synchronization" of movements with people possessed by them.


{f} UFOnauts practically always act anti-human, destroying humanity as a whole, and also every individual person whom they subordinated to themselves e.g. by abducting them to UFOs or by technically "possessing" them. An example of such acting can be a fragment of the film "Fire in the sky" based on a real abduction to a UFO. This fragment shows the video entitled "Alien Experiments" (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mO2W96NCiRc ) which I am discussing in #A2a from my Polish web page "ufo_pl.htm". Another example is the exploitation of human women from ovule while men from sperm. In the UFO literature some UFO abductees report seeing on UFOs huge halls filled with transparent cylinders, in which human foetuses multiplied from this semen and ovule robbed from people are technically grown. About seeing such a hall I was personally informed by NZ abducteee to a UFO, who saw with her own eyes such a "baby business" and then personally reported it to me, while the report of which I provided in subsection UB1 from volume 16 of my monograph [1/5]. After breeding these human children, UFOnauts amongst others, populate new planets with them, which they prepare for the exploitation of their inhabitants in the near future. This is because UFOnauts consider inhabitants of Earth to be best suited for exploitation because of our stupidity and the simultaneous efficient generation of "moral energy" which is one of the main raw materials robbed from people by UFOnauts. Such breeding of human children in test-tubes, UFOnauts started before the biblical flood. It is reported (using names other than here) in the video with the address https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NvU1ykL8Bk .


{g} UFOnauts use technical telepathy and hypnosis to reprogram both the entire humanity and individual people into the philosophy of evil parasitism that they practice (see web page "parasitism.htm"). Their philosophy is the exact opposite of the philosophy of Christianity described in the Bible. This is why the reprogramming of individual people into their philosophy places the greatest emphasis on dissuading from obeying God's commandments and requirements. After all, the goal of reprogramming humanity into their philosophy is to officially include humanity into their parasitic confederation and to officially take power over it in order to then be able to exploit humanity indefinitely on the basis of "membership obligations" (how well we know this from the history of humanity). Devices of UFOnauts for reprogramming people by remotely imposing on them with telepathy thoughts and commands of UFOnauts, are also frequently shown in operation to people abducted to UFOs. One of these devices has the form of a "cinema room" in which selected people are shown a kind of interactive film telepathically extracted from the mind of a given person and then transformed in such a way that this person is forced to absorb views that are favourable for UFOnauts. These "cinema rooms" are relatively frequently shown to UFO abductees who conversed with UFOnauts. Such a kind of "cinema hall or recreational cabin" from UFOs is briefly described in the 2nd paragraph from subsection UB1 in volume 16 of monograph [1/5]. In turn they are described more comprehensively under the name of Demonstration Chambers in Re. #3 from subsection T4 in volume 15 of monograph [1/5].


{h} UFOnauts rule over humanity starting from subordinating people who rule over subsequent countries, or from changing themselves into these people with their advanced medicine. In today's language, this subordination of rulers could be expressed that just telepathically and hypnotically they reprogram rulers and decision makers so that these ones implement whatever lies in interests of UFOnauts who occupy and exploit us. Intriguingly there are also historical chronicles which confirm incidents that UFOnauts changed themselves with rulers. One of them describes how Romulus (i.e. the founder of ancient Rome) was seen wearing a space suit and confessed to Senator Julius Proculus that he was now the god Quirinus and returned to heaven. The description of this incident is provided in subsection VB4.6.1 from volume 17 of my older monograph [1/4] also disseminated for free from the web page "text_1_4.htm", and in #F1 from my web page named "changelings.htm".


{i} UFOnauts have noses too sensitive to tolerate strong smells emitted by people. Thus, e.g. folk knowledge determined that one can get rid of them by e.g. eating a large amount of garlic or even onion. After all, after "possessing" someone, sitting the inside of such a "garlic eater", it is difficult for them to stay in there. The English even have this funny saying that (see https://www.google.com/search?q=one+apple+a+day+keeps+doctor+away ): "one apple a day will keep the doctor away, one onion a day will keep everyone away, one garlic a day will even keep Dracula away" (Notice that the one whom folklore stories call Dracula, probably was an UFOnaut - similarly as the UFOnaut probably was also Sapieha from the story in INTRODUCTION as well as in item #G1, and in captions under Fig. #G1 and Video #I5a from the web page named "sw_andrzej_bobola_uk.htm").


{j} From what we already know about UFOnauts, they are the source of the majority of evil on Earth. Therefore, these actions, teaching us of which UFOnauts force upon us, lead us towards self-destruction. This is why the Bible, calling them otherwise than here (i.e. "demons" instead of "UFOnauts"), forbids us to have anything in common with them, because they are adversaries of God.


{k} The Bible even promises that those who turn away from worshiping or admiring whatever originates from demons (i.e. from UFOnauts) and obey God's commandments, will be protected by God e.g. from falling victims of incoming cataclysms - (verses 9:20-21 from "Revelation of St. John"). These verses explain e.g. why many cataclysms (especially tornadoes and fires) can destroy entire cities, but often leave several single houses completely untouched. These verses also explain why heavily and repetitively damaged by cataclysms are cities and towns surrounding from all sides the NZ township of Petone (see my web page "petone.htm"), while the Petone itself having only about 7 thousands of people but 11 churches and one holy area (marked with its Celtic Cross), always is saved from experiencing such damages.


{l} Unfortunately, the humanity as a whole approves the reprogramming of its actions by UFOnauts, and in its majority already behaves like UFOnauts. This in turn leads the humanity directly to the imminent collapse of human power and the takeover of the entire human civilization by evil UFOnauts.


The above "comparison of attributes" that revealed the identity of biblical "demons" summarized in #M1 above, with attributes of present "UFOnauts" summarized in this item #M2, forms the essence of the formal proof that beings which the Bible describes as "demons" which "possess" individual people, are in fact present "UFOnauts" who entered the bodies of these people and then telepathically or hypnotically enforce actions that serve their interests and whims. Seeing from the above how precisely UFOnauts fulfil this comparison to demons in the Bible, readers probably will ask a question: why then our priests who specialize in analyzes of the Bible, did NOT notice the existence of this deep identity of both these groups of creatures. (After all, church is so powerful institution that if it noticed and acknowledged this truth, then by disclosing it to people just because of it would be able to strengthen for the good of humanity the significance of itself and the power of faith in God.) The answer to this question is also contained in the Bible, e.g. in verse 4:4-9 from the "Book of Hosea". This is because priests are also reprogrammed by UFOnauts to "reject the knowledge" which is revealed by events from present life happening around us. After all, in order to determine that "possessions" by biblical "demons" is the penetration of "UFOnauts" into bodies of present people, one needs to learn the actual capabilities of UFOnauts through reading reports of people abducted to UFOs and reports of reliable UFO researchers - but does anyone know priests who seek and read results of reliable UFO research?


So "how" to check or to know whether someone is actually "possessed" by an UFOnaut? After all, UFOnauts try to hide also this manner of harming the development of humanity and spread as much confusion around it as possible. So let's list here some examples of such "how" possibilities. However, it is worth to remember here that at the present level of knowledge and technology of humanity, each "how" listed below is NOT reliably certain, thus they are only able to provide the so-called circumstantial evidence (see https://www.google.com/search?q=circumstantial+evidence ), NOT certain evidence of "possession" on which one can absolutely rely.


(This entire post #363E would NOT fit into the memory of this blog - hence the rest of it will be continued below as post #363_2E)

kodig : :