mar 17 2022

#344_2E: What indicates the supernatural...

(Continuation of the previous "part 1" of this post #344E)


#344_2E: What indicates the supernatural sensing of "moral energy" by "snake pearls" (part 2)


It is also worth knowing that in Chinese folklore there are repeated beliefs about a special kind of huge flying snake (serpent) with supernatural or magical powers - by the Chinese called "dragon". However, this Chinese "dragon" is different from e.g. the Polish dragon, because according to legends its supernatural power came from a huge "pearl" glowing with white light, which this dragon always had to carry in its mouth. If the reader has ever seen the so-called "Dragon Dance" (see ) traditionally danced during the Chinese Lunar New Year, then probably noticed that according to legends this "flying serpent" by Chinese called "dragon" always in such dance "follows" the glowing "pearl" carried by one of the dancers close to its nose to symbolize that the dragon is carrying it in its mouth. How looks like this snake-like Chinese "dragon" and its huge glowing pearl described by the Chinese folklore, is best illustrated by the Australian Youth Film (with dialogues in English and Chinese) from 2011 entitled "The Dragon Pearl" - full versions of which with the length of about an hour and a half, can be found on YouTube, for example at , while a short, only 2:22 minutes long "trailer", also illustrating the appearance of the Chinese "dragon" and its pearl glowing with white light, is available, for example, at the following internet address: . With this around two-minute "trailer" of this film is also connected a discovery that highly intrigued me. It shocked me on the fifth day after the publishing on 1st March 2022 the Polish content of the entirety of this items #J2 to #J2c as my entry number #344 to blogs of totalizm. Namely, I noticed then, that several regular readers, who since a long time attract my attention because while acting in a group they always attentively analyse for many hours each of my posts to blogs of totalizm, watched with particular interest this around two-minute long "trailer" at the address . Thus, in order to check what they found so interesting in it, I looked at it again - although I knew its content perfectly well, because I had already viewed it several times a week earlier. This re-viewing shocked me immensely. From the scenes that were repeated many times in the original "trailer" and that show this huge, white-glowing pearl of the Chinese serpent-like dragon, almost all segments illustrating the pearl were cut out, while the "trailer" itself was hidden beyond the end of an advertisement - the extreme length of which discouraged the viewing of this trailer. At the time of this shocking discovery, I was just working on items #I2 to #I5 from another my web page named "1985_theory_of_everything.htm" in which I reported my latest important discovery documenting the evidence that because of the lack of "elapse of time" in the counter-world, the so-called "time couriers" can change in an unnoticeable way the human past which in future was to harm the occupational interests of "God's adversary" that exploits and ruins humanity. Note that who are these time couriers, I explained it in publications indicated and linked via the Polish web page named "skorowidz.htm" - search it in there with Polish keywords: kurierzy czasowi . Thus it immediately became clear to me, that this strange group of readers who spend many hours studying in depth each of my posts to blogs of totalizm, do it in order to determine which facts and achievements must be secretly cancelled from my and from our past, so that "God's adversary" could block the scientific and technical development of humanity with greater efficiency. Therefore immediately after the discovery of this next proof how "God's adversary" and his helpers secretly and cleverly push humanity down in the development through the elimination of the knowledge-generating truths about our past, the essence of it I described in item #I1 from the web page "1985_theory_of_everything.htm" (see in there the explanations accompanying the description of changes in the "trailer" for this movie), and I also report it here by adding the information on this shocking finding. Other facts highly intriguing in this Chinese "flying snake" in English called "dragon" is that the legends almost identical to Chinese have also Aztecs and Mayans from America - as their god called "Quetzalcoatl" was too a "feathered flying snake" possessing supernatural powers - see . The multi-headed serpent flying in the air with magical powers and the ability to speak human language is also widely described in the Cambodian mythology - see its illustration and explanation below in Fig. #J2c. The Bible in verses 3:1-5 from the "Book of Genesis" also describes the snake speaking with Eve and displaying much higher intelligence than humans. What is even more interesting, in other parts of the Bible one can find information which reveals that our Earth, and thus the entire humanity, until today is ruled and under the oppression of this anti-human serpent and his helpers, who seek our destruction. There exists also the evidence for the existence and present activities on Earth of this anti-human snake capable of flying, and also - for existence of its helpers who can change their shapes. This easy to verify evidence, is indicated, linked and discussed in item #A5 from my Polish web page named "totalizm_pl.htm" and in item #G3 from my web page named "wroclaw_uk.htm". In turn in item #I5 of my web page named "sw_andrzej_bobola_uk.htm" and in the linked in there Video #I5a and Video #I5b, it is explained and illustrated how this serpent with supernatural powers described in the Bible, capable of communicating with people and currently managing the Earth and humanity, is able to effectively hide from people together with his regular helpers, for example through the so-called "shapeshifting" (see ) - means by changing their shape and appearance, for example, from human to animal or reptile, and sometimes even to machines or objects such as cars, motorbikes, bicycles, ball lightning glowing with white light, or the deceiving people the so-called "jack-o'-lanterns". The incomparably higher intelligence of this "snake" is NOT its only "advantage". He also developed excellent methods of cheating people - some of which are described in more detail in item #A5 from my web Polish page named "totalizm_pl.htm", while others in #A2 to #A2ab from my Polish web page named "ufo_pl.htm". Moreover, his power extends over the entire Earth, and his helpers usually are perfectly organized, disciplined, professional, competent, and wisely and effectively fulfil all the tasks assigned to them.

The reader probably noticed my belief, NOT hidden in this item #J2, that undertaking by rational researchers the pursuit of knowledge and the search for truth about "snake pearls" could become a source of numerous benefits for humanity. After all, for example, from what we already know, these pearls will probably reveal the knowledge which will additionally broaden for us the knowledge on the influence on human life of fluxes of so-called "moral energy" - programs of which are carried by "drobinas of counter-matter" since 2020 in my publications also called "God Drobinas", while the essence of the influence of which moral energy on people is explained in item #D3 from my web page named "nirvana.htm". Although a long time ago very strong outflows of "drobinas of counter-matter" electrically excited to shine with white light and escaping from selected by them points of their escape professionally called "chakras", people learned to visually reveal with the use of so-called "Kirlian photography" and also instrumentally detect with electronic sensors for so called "acupuncture points" (see ), but still people do NOT know how to measure the density or amount of "moral energy" of such fluxes. In other words, "snake pearls" probably can indicate to the humanity the "key" to the principles of operation and construction of "moral energy" measuring instruments. In turn the capability to measure of "moral energy" is going to be very helpful to people in: processes of achieving the happiness of earned nirvana and thus in implementation of the "Nirvana System" that is absolutely necessary for the survival of humanity; for detecting the operation of chakras and discharges of "moral energy"; and for researching the influences that on the fate of people are exerted by the flows of this moral energy - or more strictly for checking or confirming the claims of Chinese knowledge about "Feng Shui" and "chi" energy. After all, what is already known about "snake pearls" suggests that out of all minerals known to people, it is them that generate or intercept more intense flows (whirls) of gravitationally inactive so-called "drobinas of counter-matter" about which in 2020 I discovered that they are also "God Drobinas" capable of emitting white light or a fiery glow - the origin of light of which I described, amongst others, in items #K1 and #K2 from the web page named "god_exists.htm". The Chinese call "chi" these "drobinas of counter-matter" that are always mobile and capable of shining. In turn the old "official atheistic science" calls them "dark matter" (see ) or "dark energy". On the other hand, my research reveals that these "drobinas of counter-matter" are carriers of intelligent "moral energy" programs, learning to measure the amount of which is extremely vital for the future of the entire humanity - e.g. see descriptions of the phenomenon of the miraculous happiness of earned nirvana and the "Nirvana System". Let us summarize here in the numbered items the most important information that results from what about these snake pearls we already know from folk tales, and what reveals to us the relationship between "snake pearls" and "moral energy" - programs of which are carried by "drobinas of counter-matter", means by "God Drbinas" (i.e. by intelligent and ever mobile drobinas, flows of which the Chinese call "chi"). And so, according to the results of my research described above, and also according to folklore claims and stories which also seem to be confirmed with the already known large body of evidence (including Bible verses that confirm them):

[1] At present, all mankind and each individual person have only two paths to choose from. Namely, either to choose the path of evil, i.e. {1} to continue to succumb to the temptations of "God's adversary" and march through the "wide gate and convenient path" leading to self-destruction and death - as it is described in verses 7:13-14 from the biblical "Matthew", links to the interpretation of which verses can be found on my Polish web page named "skorowidz.htm" by using Polish keywords: szeroka droga i brama (meaning "wide road and gate". Or to choose the path of good, that is, {2} the path leading to: {2a} the implementation of the "Nirvana System", {2b} getting rid of "money" that force everyone and all of us to continue the suicidal path of evil leading to the abyss and death, as well as to choose {2c} the building of instruments that allow for the measurement of the level of "moral energy" in each individual person and in entire nations or areas - which will allow individual people and the entire humanity to properly manage their lives and activities. In turn one of the hints on how to build these meters for measuring of "moral energy" can be revealed to us by the "snake pearls" described in this item #J2. Notice here that according to verse 22:11 in the biblical "Apocalypse of St. John" - explaining to us that the righteous should continue to act righteously and let the sinner continue to sin, everyone can individually choose to follow the path of good {2} even if the rest of his countrymen or even of the entire civilization will choose to continue the current path of evil {1}.

[2] Everyone's future will look drastically different, depending on which of both of the above paths (i.e. evil {1} or good {2}) choose both the entire humanity and a specific nation or even each individual person who will inevitably be exposed to the experience of purification that is coming. After all, if the humanity chooses the path of evil {1} that continues the present succumbing to the deceptive temptations of "God's adversary" and its wealth, greed and rewarding with "money" even activities that should be punished, then every person who performs productive "physical work" will be falsely fed with the proverbial "scraps from the elite table". After all, the majority of what this person manages to earn by himself, will be taken from him/her by this huge "pyramid of forcing" which includes, amongst others, all the so-called "white-collar workers" described in #E1 and #L2 from the web page named "smart_tvs.htm". These "intellectuals" are going to pass laws that will more and more suffocate human freedom - which only ordinary people will have to obey (which we have already experienced in the times of "covid-19"), they will also count earnings for everyone, print and close in banks his/her money, look for various cleverly or even criminal ways how to additionally rob from resources both this person and his/her nation, or even our entire mother Earth, etc. But if people choose the path of good {2} through the implementation of the ideal Nirvana System, then they will begin to experience the unlimited generosity of God, which was already demonstrated to us by the perfect creation of everything that already existed, but what we destroyed with our greed, and what generosity in the future God promises to create for us again and make it available to us in - e.g. see verse 2:9 from the biblical "1 Corinthians" quoted and interpreted in (17) from item #V2 of the web page named "2020life.htm" and in item #G5 of the web page named "wroclaw_uk.htm". As a result, for his/her productive "physical work" every person doing physical work will then receive a remuneration many times higher than the present monetary value of this work. After all (firstly) then 100% of the contribution of productive "physical labour" will be fully and with God's justice rewarded to every person with the miraculous phenomenon of happiness earned nirvana. In addition to this (secondly), the present huge pyramid of "white-collar workers" will disappear then, while these presently countless managers, directors, calculators, etc., will also be directed to produce material goods with productive "physical labour". This redirection in turn will cause a fast and unimaginably high increase in the wealth and well-being of all people. As a result, in addition to the remuneration with the happiness of nirvana for his/her work done, for everyone this increase in welfare will double the amount of his contribution to physical labour by receiving NOT only nirvana, but also (for free) everything that he/she needs to live, work, rest, entertain and educate. In turn, thirdly, the amount of productive "physical work" that must be done in order to keep one in the state of nirvana, even in the initial period after the implementation of the Nirvana System, with some types of work can be earned for a period shorter than half a year - after all when the first earning of nirvana with the productive "physical labour" is accomplished, the one needs only to cover the dispersion of moral energy, which decreases with the elapse of time. As a result, the increasingly longer time free from work, in which everyone will be able to rest, travel, enjoy entertainment, devote oneself to his/her hobby or invention, raise his/her knowledge, etc., will also be added to nirvana and to receive all goods for free, rewarding each person with at least threefold for the physical work performed by them. Furthermore, in the world without "money" that causes evil, there will be NO greed, crimes, lies, inequality, injustice, exploitation, hostility, wars, etc. A happy life in such a paradise-like world will be yet another way of being rewarded for productive physical work, which will be added to the remunerations mentioned previously. Etc., etc. The world similar to paradise, which a correctly implemented "System of Nirvana" is able to create for humanity, cannot even be described with today's concepts and manners of thinking.

[3] Certainly NOT all "pearls" displayed on the Internet or offered for sale as alleged "snake pearls" have features of real "snake pearls". This is evidenced by the above-described Buddhist traditions concerning the so-called "sarira" (see ), "sari", or "beads" appearing only in the heads of their most distinguished spiritual masters and leaders. After all, these "sarira" are NOT found in the postmortem ashes of ordinary people - which means that the honour of growing them in someone's head must be earned. Since "snake kings" carrying in their mouths real "snake pearls" for their tribes of snakes perform the same functions as these "sarira" perform for the most outstanding spiritual masters of Buddhism, by analogy it can be stated that real "snake pearls" showing powers and abilities described by the folk tradition, can grow only in individuals carefully selected by God. Probably because in order to prove that they deserve the dignity of carrying such true "snake pearls" in their mouths, candidates for snake kings must fight for them among themselves. Even if in ordinary snakes also grow something similar to these real pearls, almost for sure it will NOT display supernatural attributes of real such pearls. Furthermore, probably there are also "moral laws" which will guarantee that real such pearls cannot be purchased for "money", but only the fate will choose these people who deserve the honour of having them and using them. Therefore, on the basis of my to-date knowledge of laws governing the supernatural, I believe that these people who buy something that someone offers to them under the name of "snake pearls" will only obtain poor imitations of these mysterious gems, the real versions of which display actual supernatural powers. So my readers are NOT advised to even consider the purchase of these imitations.

[4] Research of the "snake pearls" described in this item #J2 can lead to finding the principle of operation and the technology of making of future measuring instruments for "moral energy". After all, these pearls cause, amongst others, the annual mass gatherings of snakes in "snake dens". In turn there are indications which suggest that the gatherings of snakes are initiated by "snake kings", who then keep these pearls in their mouths. In turn places of such an accumulation of snakes always display features of the so-called "Earth chakras".

[5] The location of "Earth chakras" so far could only be detected by so-called "dowsers" with quite subjective and rather unreliable and inaccurate methods of dowsing. Other people only instinctively perceive them as places of peace, relaxation, recharging with life energy, etc. - which, for example, is clearly felt near the "Celtic Cross" from the NZ seafront of the town of Petone, which the cross is described and illustrated in #J3 to #J3x from my web page (in English) named "petone.htm" and in #A3 to #A3de for my Polish web page named "klasa.htm". Unfortunately, the difficulty of detecting chakras caused that people know only the most important of these extraordinary areas, located in the most famous places on Earth. On the other hand, in fact on Earth these chakras are probably even more numerous than this huge number of "acupuncture points" is located on the human body that already can be detected electronically (these acupuncture points are human equivalents of "Earth chakras" - from which also streams "God Drobinas"). In turn, getting to know their location by local people makes it possible to study and use them for the benefit of local residents. Therefore, places where "snake dens" appear, as well as places where old churches and areas of significant religious significance (e.g. such as the area described from #J3 to #J3x from my web page named "petone.htm" - where appeared a "burning bush" (see ) from the Petone beach, the non-accidental and high religious significance of which is also confirmed by the strange connections with Jesus of the name "Arawa" in Petone with the name "Arava" in Israel - which I described from #A3 to #A3de from the Polish web page named "klasa.htm" while I am also briefly mentioning in item #L3 of the web page "2030life.htm"), reveal to us another of these extraordinary areas. For example, most citizens of Poland probably already know that such a chakra of the Earth is located in Kraków near Wawel. So it should NOT be surprising that under this Wawel there was also a lair of a "dragon" which in old times was described as a snake that flew in the air - now this place is widely known as a tourist attraction of Kraków (as I have already reported about it above, e.g. a Chinese mythology states that "dragons" were kinds of "snakes capable of flying through the air"). Furthermore, in this item #J2 I am also describing, that near the dam by the Polish town of Milicz there is the chakra of the Earth, and also "snake dens" were seen in there. Since it is also known that the strong chakra is in Polish Częstochowa - see , where the place of its greatest power is located on the right side of the entrance to the basilica with the famous Black Madonna, in my opinion it would be worth checking the undergrounds lying exactly under this place, whether there are also hidden places of annual snake gatherings unknown to people - which, after all, can get to this place e.g. through old tunnels spreading from there. (A fragment of these crypts and tunnels available for visiting under the place of the greatest power of the Częstochowa chakra of the Earth, one can see on the films searched - for example, with the command: .) It would also be worth checking the old descriptions of the undergrounds of the basilica in Częstochowa, whether they mention past encounters with "snake dens" in there, or whether there were any old legends about the dragon told there. In addition, it is worth knowing that the ancient Aztecs and Mayans of America also worshiped the god "Quetzalcoatl", whom they described as "feathered serpent", this means also as "a snake that could fly like a bird". So I am willing to bet that the former places of worship to this god also represent the strong chakras of the Earth.

[6] "Earth chakras" are characterized by bursts of counter-matter that circulate around closed circuits and thus form what my Theory of Everything of 1985 described at the web page "dipolar_gravity.htm" calls "whirls of counter-matter" while since 2020 I call whirls or flows of "God Drobinas". Thus, the places where these chakras are located are simultaneously the places where one can test methods and instruments for detecting the flows of "God Drobinas" that are carriers of "moral energy". In turn any actions of redirecting the flows of these drobinas of "chi" undertaken by people in the vicinity of these chakras, of the type postulated in item #B4 and in "Fig. #B4" from my web page named "wszewilki_jutra_uk.htm" on the establishment of a circulating bus from Milicz around the road with the shape and name "orbiter" or "eight", provide us with knowledge which reveals the principles of using these flows to generate human wealth, growth, success, progress, happiness, etc.

[7] Studying the flows of streams of "God Drobinas" rushing from the chakras which are already revealed to us by "Kirlian photographs", allows to detect and define the laws governing the flow of these drobinas through various bodies and objects formed from matter. For example, Kirlian photographs of crystals or long metal objects such as railroad tracks or nails - which can be searched on the Internet with, for example, the command , reveal to us that in their constant motion "God Drobinas" penetrate into bodies and objects from matter in areas of their flat surfaces, especially in places where this surface has a conical or pyramidal indentation directed into it. In turn these drobinas disappear into the surrounding space at the sharpest ends of these bodies or objects. So it is in line with the findings of the Chinese experimental discipline of "Feng Shui". This is why the railroad tracks that in Poland cut off the hamlet of Stawczyk and the village of Sławoszewice from the village of Wszewilki and from the town of Milicz, intercept the flows of "God Drobinas" (called "chi" by Chinese) and then they yield these drobinas only at the ends of the tracks. This interception creates blockades of the "chi" flow, which prevents the proper functioning, means which block the prosperity, success, growth, well-being, happiness, etc., of all inhabitants of this entire urban-rural conglomerate (i.e. the "Milicz-Stawczyk" conglomerate) - similar to "chi" blockages which in human bodies cause illnesses the curing of which is possible only with the use of "acupuncture". So in the case of Polish Milicz, Wszewilki, Stawczyk and Sławoszewice, the elimination of these blockages requires forcing an increased flow of "chi" across what causes blockages (i.e. across the line of railway tracks) - which is easiest to achieve e.g. by starting a bus service that regularly runs along a trajectory of "orbiter" or properly designed "figure eight", as I described it in the introduction to web pages of the above-mentioned settlements and in item #B1 from my web page named "wszewilki_jutra_uk.htm".
Fig. #J2a: In June 1994 I had the pleasure to visit the "snake temple" on the island of Penang in Malaysia. I also talked then with its staff, learning many interesting things - some of them I was repeating in item #J2 from this post #344E to blogs of totalizm. I took the above photo after leaving the temple, so as to document the appearance of its main entrance gate - unfortunately, something prevented me from correctly framing the photo before I pressed the shutter, and I had no time to repeat the photo. But from its photos on Google the reader still can also see what this entry looks like - e.g. see at . (Click on the above photograph to see it enlarged.)

While visiting the above "temple of snakes" I also took a few photos of what is inside. And so, in its rooms, by the walls, there were several bushes in pots. Their branches were covered with snakes. These snakes were specially prepared (i.e. well fed, while their venomous teeth were removed) so that they were NOT threatening too inquisitive visitors - who come too close to them. This is because on some of these bushes the snakes camouflaged themselves so well that one has to put head inside of the bush to see them - e.g. click on the following "photo 2" to check whether you can distinguish snakes sitting on this bush from the background and surroundings (and believe me, several snakes are sitting on this bush): . Of course, like every temple, this one also has a main room for prayers - see "photo 3" with me posing for a photo in the middle of it: . The fact is that because it is a temple of snakes, everywhere these snakes can be seen - as examples of them see photos 4 and 5 below: , .

As this temple is usually visited by many foreign tourists, for their use, with a small fee, it also offers the service of taking a photo with a large constrictor snake wrapped, for example, around the neck of photographed person. I did NOT use this service in that temple, because in high school I had read too much about the habits of large tropical constrictor snakes. I was also right about it because on September 6, 1996, the Malaysian newspaper The Sun, on page 7, published a photo of a rubber plantation worker tapping resin from rubber trees, who was choked to death and was already starting to be swallowed by a huge constrictor python. That photo of him, along with a more detailed description, I published as Fig. #C1 from my web page named "newzealand.htm", and also as a photograph from Fig. #E1 from another web page named "predators.htm" . I should add here that with the passage of time I got a bit used to the constant danger posed by snakes in the tropics. Thus, in 1996 I also had the courage to take a photo with a large constrictor python hanging from my neck - click on the link to see it. But this photo with the python I took NOT in the above "snake temple", but while visiting the "snake farm" with the present name "Snake and Reptile Farm-Perlis" (see ). It is also worth knowing that although the constrictor snakes used to take such pictures are well fed beforehand, still knowing the lightning speed of the suffocation by these snakes and also being well aware of their wild and unpredictable behaviour, for safety after putting the snake on the neck of the photographed person, two strong and well-versed with these snakes employees of the snake farm stand on the both sides ready to help if, despite being well fed, the snake decides to show its ability to crush the bones of whomever else it has NOT tried to swallow yet, while who himself inserted his neck into deadly embrace of coils of powerful snake muscles. By the way, I once saw in tropics how a small and young constrictor snake, of the size of a typical Polish grass snake, caught and crushed a bird the size of a pigeon, wrapping around it so quickly that also the always fast-moving bird did NOT have time to escape.
Video #J2b: Here is an approximately 9-minute-long video presenting the collection of the so-called "Shariras" (also called "sarira", "sari", or "beads") - that is, resistant to melting at high temperatures ceramic secretions of miraculous pearl-like appearance that crystallize in the heads of the most venerable Buddhist monks (usually spiritual leaders of Buddhist temples considered to be their the greatest masters), and which are carefully collected and stored as Buddhist relics after the cremation of the bodies of these monks. These sarira are characterized by numerous miraculous properties that I described above in item #J2 of this post #344E, and information about which can be searched e.g. in Google or YouTube with the English keywords: cremation sharira . The "sarira" shown in this video are from a collection of over 10,000 such relics carefully preserved in the Buddhist temple "Lu Mountain Temple" from California, USA. (Click on the above movie starter to watch it.)

In spite of long researching, still it is NOT known exactly "in who" these "shariras" materialize, nor "why" they can be found only in heads of highly spiritual monks, but NOT e.g. in every person. On the basis of the results of my own research described e.g. in item #A2.12 from the web page named "totalizm.htm", I am personally convinced that their emergence most strongly depends on the intentions and motivations of a given person. After all, the Bible, as well as the religion of Buddhism, unanimously recommend that in life one should be guided almost exclusively by the motivation to do everything in the intention of doing good for other fellow humans. For example, instead of cooking, baking, producing, building, researching, publishing, etc., because it is our duty, profession, or a source of income, power or fame, we need to switch to the motivation that everything we do is for the good of other fellow humans and in the service of God, means so that our religious "neighbours" could live in abundance, comfort, conditions of growth, truth, respect for the nature and love of God and their religious neighbours, etc. (For explanations of the method "how" to switch to such a motivation - see item #A2.12 from the web page named "totalizm.htm".) After all, exactly such a motivation is the requirement for the development of earned "nirvana" and the basis for the operation of the abovementioned political "Nirvana System" illustrated in our Polish-language movie but with subtitles in English, entitled "Świat bez pieniędzy: Ustrój Nirwany" (which title means: "The Nirvana System: the World that Rid of Money" disseminated for free at the internet address (notice that its English subtitles can be turned "on" or "off" by simply clicking on the "cc" icon in the lower-right part of these movie). The most spiritual Buddhist monks typically act with just such motivation. The findings of my philosophy of totalizm on this subject seem to be confirmed also, among others, by the statement that I found on the 8:26 minute long YouTube free video entitled How are sharira created and how does Buddhism view sharira?(GDD-410, Master Sheng Yen) - see . = our movie "Świat bez pieniędzy: Ustrój Nirwany" = our movie "Future Propulsions"
Fig. #J2c: Here is an illustration of a multi-headed "feathered serpent" (i.e. "flying serpent") derived from the folk mythology of ancient Cambodia. These Cambodian "flying snakes" could speak like people, and had human intelligence. What is even more interesting, to the above illustration is also included something that mythologies describe as a "pearl" glowing with light, which gives these snakes supernatural powers. (Could it be the telekinetic Oscillatory Chamber - ancient versions of which I am discussing in #H1 to #H3d from the web page "ufo_proof.htm"?) The above flying serpents with superhuman intelligence, knowledge and ability to "talk" with people on Earth, which are also characterized by supernatural powers, are derived from Cambodian mythology. However, practically every country and nation on Earth has some form of mythology about similar flying creatures (e.g. serpents). For example, multi-headed snakes (serpents) similar to the above are described in the mythology of ancient Greece, where the Hydra from the ancient city of Lerna in Argolis was known. In Poland, Europe, China, Korea, and several other areas, mythological snakes (serpents) that flew through the air were "dragons". Using Google, you can also search in there for more illustrations of such Southeast Asian dragons and their "pearls". (Click on the above photograph to see it enlarged.)

I originally found the above illustration in Korea. It was published in a calendar called "Ajou 2007". It showed mythological scenes describing the adventures of the Cambodian king Jayavaman who created the Great Khmer Empire. The above scene had an English caption "The Serpent described Queen Soma her previous life".

It is worth emphasizing here, that the same serpent which destroys humanity, knows human speech, has supernatural powers, as well as is definitely more intelligent than people, is also described in the Bible - for example see verses 3:1-5 from the biblical "Book of Genesis". More information so far unknown to people about it, e.g. descriptions of how in spite of the use of superior technology by his helpers, we are still able to recognize them, are presented in #A5 to #A5bc from the Polish web page named "totalizm_pl.htm" and in #G3 to #G5 from the web page named "wroclaw_uk.htm".

In past I used to research the methods with which this serpent described also in the Bible manages to torment and push down humans for so long without making us to react. I noted that its favourite method almost impossible to be detected by humans is described by the Polish proverb "if you wish to hide a tree, plant a large forest around it". One of numerous manifestations of this method the reader can also notice in multitude of names used by people to name the same objects or ideas - which names I use in the above item #J2. For example, ideas that my "Theory of Everything of 1985" and my "Theory of Life of 2020" describes as "God Drobinas" and its "programs of energy, the Chinese call "Feng Shui" and "chi" while the official atheistic science calls "dark matter" and "energy". So how in such "forest" of terminology Chinese and official atheistic science could see and accept that we all try to utilise for the benefit of humans the same truths but which we named differently just to emphasize their most important for us property.

Copyrights © 2022 by Dr Eng. Jan Pająk

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The above post #344E analyzes premises suggesting that the so-called "snake pearls" naturally growing in the bodies of snakes (similarly like pearls grow in the bodies of mussels) show so unusual features that either they already are ready-made sensors that allow quantitative measurements of the accumulated somewhere the so-called "moral energy" - the level of which represents the indicator of someone's moral state and advancement in the process of achieving "earned nirvana", or they are able to indicate to us the principles of operation of such sensors for measuring the level of "moral energy". This post constitutes an adaptation of the content of item #J2 from my web page (in English) named "stawczyk_uk.htm" (update of 2022/2/25, or later) and is available, among others, at the following addresses:
Notice that the above web pages are my main publications updated many times later. On the other hand, this post #344E to blogs of totalizm is only a "harbinger" of publishing the presented here results of my research - which later is NOT updated. Therefore, these web pages typically contain texts that are more improved than this post to blogs of totalizm, with the elapse of time they collect more evidence and fewer research mistakes or writing errors, and because of their repeated updating they also contain the latest findings of my continuously carried out research.

At each of the addresses provided above, I also try to make available the most recently updated versions of all my web pages. Therefore, if the reader wishes to learn from "first hand" the truths explained on any of my web pages, then at the above addresses he/she may start run of the web page "menu2.htm" that contains green links to names and topics of all web pages that I developed so-far, then in this web page "menu2.htm" can select the link to the web page that he/she wishes to view, and through clicking the "mouse" start that web page. For example, in order to start this "menu2.htm" from the above-indicated address , it is enough if in that address the name of the web page "stawczyk_uk.htm" is replaced with the name of the web page "menu2.htm" - then to the search engine will be entered the new address obtained in this way. In a similar manner as starting this "menu2.htm", the reader can also start instantly any of my web pages, the name of which he/she already knows, because e.g. I provided it in the above post or because it appears in the "menu2.htm". For example, in order to run any other web page of mine, the physical name of which I have already given anywhere - e.g. to run the web page named "god_exists.htm", let's say from a web site with the address , it is enough that instead the previous website address, he/she entered the following new address in the address box of a search engine.

It is also worth knowing that almost every NEW topic which I already researched for the "a priori" approach of the new "totaliztic science" and presented on this blog, including the topic from this post #344E, is later repeated on all mirror blogs of totalizm which still exist. Until now, as many as 8 such blogs of totalizm were established and maintained for a short time. At present, only 3 most recently published, out of these 8 blogs of totalizm still have NOT been deleted by numerous opponents of the truth, my "totaliztic science", the highly moral "philosophy of totalizm", my ideal political "Nirvana System", my still only in the world true scientific "Theory of Everything of 1985" and my newest "Theory of Life of 2020", as well as my formal scientific proof for the existence of God. These 3 still existing blogs of totalizm can be found at the following addresses: (in "Small Print" 12pt: posts starting from #89 = i.e. since 2006/11/11) (posts starting from #293 = since 2018/2/23) (in "Large Print" 24pt: posts starting from #293 = i.e. since 2018/3/16) also available via NZ address )
Fortunately, the deletion of 5 older blogs of totalizm did NOT cause the loss of their posts. This is because after complementing with illustrations, colours, underlining and working links of all my posts that I published so far on blogs of totalizm, including this post, I systematically make them available also in my free electronic publication [13] in a safe PDF format and in two sizes of print (i.e. large 20pt and normal 12pt) - which everyone can free download, for example, through the web page named "tekst_13.htm" available on all the web sites indicated above, including, for example, at htm . Almost half of the posts to blogs of totalizm are also published in there in the English language version, and thus they will be understandable for inhabitants of countries other than Poland.

Other posts extending and supplementing this #344E:
#343E 2022/2/20 - the roles of God and people in eliminating the sources of evil from the world of matter (#C8 from "nirvana.htm")
#335E, 2021/5/25 - Polish movie "World without money: Nirvana System" ("Part #L" in "smart_tvs.htm")
#334E, 2021/5/1 – chemical elements unknown to official science ("part #I" from "sw_andrzej_bobola_uk.htm")
#331E, 2021/1/25 - my "Theory of Life of 2020" (#H1 to #H6 in "2020life.htm")
#282E, 2017/3/27 - my "Theory of Everything of 1985" (#A0 in "dipolar_gravity.htm")
#216E, 2012/3/10 - contradictory to reality scientific explanations for tornadoes (#K1 to #K3 from "tornado_pl.htm")
#210E, 2011/8/11 - "the pursue of knowledge" as one of the goals of the creation of people (#B4 from "will.htm")
#176E, 2009/11/30 - supernatural abilities of Polish snakes (#F2 and #F3 from "stawczyk_uk.htm")

Let totalizm prevail,
Dr Eng. Jan Pająk

kodig : :