mar 17 2022

#344_1E: What among attributes that God gave...

#344_1E: What among attributes that God gave to "snake pearls" implies how to measure the density of "moral energy" (part 1)


Motto of this post #344E to blogs of totalizm: "The so-called 'snake pearls' growing naturally in the bodies of snakes similarly like real pearls grow in the bodies of mussels, display so many supernatural features of miraculous nature that probably either they themselves can be used as sensors enabling precise measurements of the density of the so-called 'moral energy' flowing out of a given person, or they are able to indicate to us the principles of operation and requirements for engineering development of such sensors of density of 'moral energy' - thus indicating the scientific premises 'how' to practically measure the level of moral energy already accumulated in this person, and thus 'how' to objectively determine whether this person is already in the state of 'earned nirvana' or 'how' to quantitatively measure the distance of the current level of moral energy of this person from the level required for him/her to earn the nirvana happiness, and thus 'how' to quantify his/her moral state, or the requirements and shortcomings in the advancement in his/her process of earning nirvana." (In turn, because the density of moral energy flowing through a given area of the earth determines the moral orientation and the quality of life of people living in this area - and probably also vice versa, after building instruments for measuring the flow-density of this moral energy, it will be possible to estimate the experimentally defined for thousands of years by so-called "Feng Shui" and by "chi" the usefulness of this area to stimulate the growth of operational efficiency, wealth, and quality of life of the inhabitants of this area.)

#J2. Why the principles of operation of instruments for measuring the flow-density of "moral energy" and thus for determining the proximity of the arrival of "earned nirvana", are probably indicated by "snake pearls" from which are gushing luminous "drobinas of counter-matter" (since 2020 also called "God Drobinas") - the glowing of which describes the Bible while in engineering manner it is also documented by the "Kirlian photography" and illustrated by the telekinetic so-called "extraction glow":

In folklore of the so-called "Far East" (i.e. China, India, Malaysia, etc.) there are numerous folk tales as well as historical evidence about supernatural attributes given by God to the so-called "snake pearls". These miraculous precious stones are known by various names in different countries. For example in Malaysia they are known by the name "Cobra Pearl" (see ). In India, these pearls are called "Nagamani" (see ). In turn in English - some call them "Snake's Pearl" because they grow in bodies of snakes similarly like actual "pearls" grow in bodies of mussels. These pearls are the size of a typical bean seed with an elongated, rounded shape without any sharp edges. I heard the claim that supposedly they are always pitch black and have a wet, light-reflecting surface. But on the Internet also some stones are shown of different colours with claims that they are "snake pearls". Unfortunately, in today's times of the universal pursuit after "profit", when for a large proportion of people "money" represents the idol they worship, it is very difficult to know whether such "snake pearls" of other colours than black that are shown on the Internet are used to try to sell for considerable sums any stones found in a given area which are suitable for pretending that they are "snake pearls" extracted from bodies of snakes, or that they actually come from bodies of some snakes. After all, looking only at whatever someone decides to voluntarily reveal to us in the present times of forgetting about the 10 Commandments of God, it is difficult to discern which information about them is true, and which e.g. only a form of cheating - in this case e.g. by trying to convince potential buyers that ordinary stones of different colours are supposed to be these mythical "snake pearls" with truly miraculous properties.

Countries of the Far East have many stories and claims about the miraculous features of these "snake pearls". I believe that all of them should be the subject of rational and objective research and checking, NOT like nowadays - scepticism, mockery, unjustified criticism, as well as increasingly more intrusive frauds and attempts to extort money from naive buyers. After all, an old Polish proverb states that "in every story there is a seed of truth". Furthermore, while carrying out various research, which was inspired first by just hearing a folk tale, many times in my life I found out myself that each of these stories contained a "seed" of priceless scientific knowledge - unfortunately typically for centuries ignored by professional scientists who for the good of themselves and also for us have NOT managed to learn the procedure "how" for the required researching "what", and thus are NOT able to distinguish truth from lies, facts from fiction, good from evil, and so are also NOT able to find correct and effective solutions to problems bothering people, as they originate from a group of people who throughout entire their lives avoid performing any so-called "physical works". (The cause-effect link between avoidance of "physical work" and inability to effectively develop "how" I demonstrated with the logical cause-effect chain in items #G3 and #G5 from my other web page named "wroclaw_uk.htm" and I also summarized it briefly in item #J1 from the web page "stawczyk_uk.htm", as well as in item #A5 from my Polish web page named "totalizm_pl.htm".) In order to give here several examples of my own discoveries inspired by just such folk tales, the most important of them include, amongst others: the discovery of the Tapanui Crater described on the entire web page named "tapanui.htm"; the discovery of "God Drobinas" described in items #K1 and #K2 from the web page named "god_exists.htm"; and also the inspired by the records of myths of isolated from the rest of the world New Zealand Maoris regarding their pre-Christian beliefs in the superior God "Io" - my discovery that each "God Drobina", i.e. each "drobina of counter-matter", have 12 brains and 12 levels of memory - as described among others in item #D3 from my web page named "god_proof.htm" (notice that the Polish word "drobina" means: "extremely small but much loved thing"). It was the discovery of these 12 brains and 12 levels of memory in the "drobinas of counter-matter" - since 2020 also called "God Drobinas", that later became the inspiration and foundation for the research that resulted in the creation of my scientific "Theory of Life of 2020" explained in more detail on the web page named "2020life.htm". In turn from this Theory of Life of 2020 resulted the research, the results of which are described in this item #J2 of post #344E, in which I would like to draw the attention of the reader, that no matter how naive and contradictory to whatever they teach us in schools and at universities may seem to be what some folk tales tell us, still every fragment of them should be scientifically researched and checked, because well hidden beyond their naivety and contradictions may be the most valuable "seeds" of future human knowledge!

So first I am going to provide here brief summaries of the most important out of the most rational sounding such folk tales and claims about these "snake pearls". Out of these, here I am reporting only those stories that I either heard from a person whose truthfulness I knew personally and who used to have such a snake pearl, or whose possibility of truthfulness is confirmed by some kind of facts known to me. And so these rational folk tales confirmed by facts known to me state that:

(A) Similarly like human kings on official occasions put a crown on their heads, these snakes which are kings of a given "snake den" (sometimes also called "snake pit" - see or see ) at the time of gathering of their subjects have just such a "snake pearl" in their mouths. Thus every "snake den" ("snake pit"), contains its "king" in the very centre of it. In turn the "snake pearl" held in its mouth is to cause the summoning of a given gathering of snakes in a given place (see ). So folk stories tell that whenever there is such an assembly of snakes popularly called "snake den" ("snake pit"), one of these snakes, always located in the middle of a bundle of snakes, is going to hold this stone in its mouth.

(B) It is this "snake pearl" from the mouth of "snake king" that has the power to summon the "snake den" in the place chosen by the king. So it is some radiation (or perhaps a subtle smell) emitted or concentrated by this pearl, that are summoning gatherings of all snakes of a given type that consider themselves subjects of this "snake king".

(C) The places where "kings of snakes" call such "snake dens" are always locations of one of the local so-called "chakras of the Earth" (see ). Because from such chakras the intelligent energy is bursting by the Chinese called "chi" (see ) - this means that the snake kings have the ability to detect the density and places of strong bursts of this intelligent energy. There is a very high probability that their detection of such places is facilitated by this "snake pearl", which seems to have the ability to sense density or to catch and concentrate streams of this "chi", while holding it in the mouth with the highest concentration of snake senses and counter-organs, allows the king of given snakes to recognize the position of the Earth chakra on the same principle as described in item #F4.1.2 of the web page named "stawczyk_uk.htm", that wild bears recognize in the same manner whether what they are holding in their mouths is edible or poisonous. The existence of such a chakra of the Earth in the vicinity of my native hamlet called "Stawczyk" is described in INTRODUCTION to two Polish web pages named "wszewilki.htm" and "milicz.htm", and also in the INTRODUCTION to the web page named "stawczyk_uk.htm". No wonder that in the times when I lived in the hamlet of Stawczyk, I heard a lot of stories that local people stumbled upon snake pits in the area of this chakra by the dam on the Barycz river. Unfortunately, I personally did NOT see the "snake den" ("snake pit") reported by other people at the chakra from the dam on the Barycz river. But my brother Czesław saw one of these "snake dens" - thus I have full confidence in truthfulness and the matter-of-factness of the information he provided me with. He described to me the visually shocking multitude of snakes that formed this "snake den". Of course, there is similarly many of such energy chakras on Earth from which "chi" bursts, as there is "chi" bursts from so-called "acupuncture points" on the human body - visually revealed to people, among others, by the so-called "Kirlian photography" (see ), which photography stimulates to glow the streams of "God Drobinas" escaping at these "acupuncture points", thus making it possible to photograph and see them. Unfortunately people usually know only about the existence of several most powerful out of these "chakras of the Earth" located in most famous places. But because "snake kings" are able to sense each of these chakras that exist in the area of their power and action, and it is only in these detected chakras that they call annual gatherings of snakes, the appearance of such snake dens in some area also means that this is the place where the chakra of the Earth is bursting with "chi" energy. Thus, although so far no dowser has confirmed this, I personally believe that a similar chakra of the Earth is probably also located in the place where in 1571 a wooden church was built in Trzebicko near Milicz, Poland. This is because I know three confirmations of the probable existence of this chakra in there, namely: (I) because in the basement of this wooden church "snake den" was also seen - about which I am trying to inform since a long time e.g. in the caption under Fot. #D23 from my Polish web page named "milicz.htm"; (II) because in the basement of this church I myself saw a non-perishable corpse of a young girl "Anna" lying in there for several hundred years - which is also described in that "Fot. #D23" from my Polish web page "milicz.htm" and in item #J2 from my Polish web page named "malbork.htm"; and also (III) because it is known, that in every place where an old church or a significant religious event is located, an area is also formed by God with the characteristics of the "Earth chakra" - for examples of just such an area see my descriptions in #J3 to #J3z from the web page (in English) named "petone.htm", or take an interest in the claims about the "place of power" existing on the right side of the entrance to the basilica in the Polish city of miracles named "Częstochowa" (see ).

(D) The snake pearl is to grow in the body of the snake king just as pearls grow in the bodies of the clams. This is why some of the names of this stone are "Snake Pearl" or "Snake's Pearl" or "Cobra Pearl". Except that normally this stone is to be hidden deeply in the body of the snake king. So it requires researching whether during the summoning of the next "snake gathering" the stone automatically moves to the mouth of the king of snakes - just like during childbirth or laying eggs, human children or bird eggs move, or whether the king of snakes keeps well hidden somewhere in his hole such a stone, found for example, in the place of the death of the previous king? However, according to the folk stories, when the snakes of a given king gather for another "snake den", the king keeps this stone in its mouth. And it is known that almost every species of snakes gathers in a snake den at least once a year, while some snakes living in tropics even more than once a year.

(E) Such a snake pearl is said to have the miraculous ability to heal the bites of venomous snakes. Apparently, it is enough to rub with it the place of the bite, or to put a snake pearl on this place for a long time, for the venom of the snake to lose its destructive abilities and effect on the bitten person, or to be neutralised in the wound. This claim has historical evidence in the form of "snake temples". One of such "snake temples" still exists in Malaysia on the Penang Island - see my photos shown below as Fig. #J2a or see . In old times, in such temples, snake bites were effectively treated with the use of "snake pearls". However, in present times of persecution and even punishment of adherents of traditional methods of healing, treatment with this pearl has been abandoned, and snake bites are now treated almost everywhere only with methods of modern medicine (e.g. with "antitoxins"). Only on the website (see ) on 2021/8/28 I read an article about the use of herbal absorbers to treat venomous snake or scorpion bites. In Borneo, someone from the local tribe of Dayak gave me a piece of jungle tree claiming that it drives snakes away from the house where such wood is. However, I did NOT take this wood with me when I returned to the snake-free NZ - customs regulations of which clearly forbid bringing wood or wooden objects from abroad.

In addition to the above folk tales which I have heard and to me which sound credible as for them it is possible to find various evidence supporting the possibility that they express the truth, on the Internet also stories are disseminated which seem to be either myths, or attempts of unjustified advertise in order to tempt someone to buy such a stone. About one of them (i.e. about the colourful "snake pearls" - i.e. other than black) I already mentioned. Others, in my opinion, also sounding quite doubtful (although still for the scientific reliability requiring to be checked by objective research) include, among others:

(a) That every "cobra" snake has such a pearl inside. Since we know that NOT every clam has a pearl, this is a very dangerous claim NOT only because approaching a cobra can be deadly when someone has NO experience of dealing with it. Another harmfulness of this claim depends on killing these snakes only to try to search for their "pearls", while cobras are vital for health and functioning of nature, and in some countries they are even under protection from law. Their killing contributes to causing a situation similar to the "plague of mice" which I described below, that prevailed in Australia in 2021.

(b) That these stones glow in the dark. Their illumination shown on the Internet in many cases displays features which do NOT exclude or even reduce the possibility of its "fabrication". However, it is also worth to notice, that one of the components of the Chinese "chi" energy - which the snake pearls are supposed to emit, are the bursts of the "God Drobinas" described earlier. In turn, the Bible clearly writes about these God Drobinas that they glow with white light, while their heads emit a red kind of "flames" all the time (e.g. see the Bible, verses 7:9-10 from the "Book of Daniel" describing "The Ancient of Days" - which is the Biblical name for God Drobinas and which I interpreted in (d) from item #H3 of my web page named "2020life.htm"). In addition, these jets and streams of energized God Drobinas are just what is revealed as strongly glowing streams of light on the so-called "Kirlian photographs", and also what, after telekinetic stimulation of God Drobinas from telekinetically displaced objects, forms around these objects the so-called "extraction glow" illustrated and described in Fig. #1 from my web page named "dipolar_gravity.htm".

(@b) Intriguingly, this cold, chalky-white light of the "extraction glow" emitted by streams of God Drobinas energized to shine, finally provides us with a scientific explanation for the mechanism "how" the bombardment of solid matter (e.g. soil, leaves, plants, etc.) by impacts of streams God Drobinas that forms just such a cold, chalky-white light of the Moon, executes in these God Drobinas the work of the "temperature programs" contained in them in the role of carriers of "rays of cold" - which I described more comprehensively e.g. in (3) from item #K2 on my web page named "god_exists.htm" or in (9) from item #A3 on my Polish web page named "klasa.htm". Notice here that the impact of these streams of God Drobinas from the Moon's light onto solid matter causes them to slow down rapidly (means do the opposite of "acceleration") and simultaneously to "accelerate" by them the God Drobinas that form the solid matter with which they collide. The action of the so-called "Telekinetic Effect" caused by the acceleration and deceleration of the magnetic field (when about the magnetic field we already know that it is formed by the circulation of streams of "God Drobinas" until the year 2020 called "drobinas of counter-matter") proves that the phenomenon of accelerating or decelerating of God Drobinas (i.e. drobinas of counter-matter) somehow triggers the exchange of information between the programs from God Drobinas activated in that way. Since one of the types of programs reaching the surface of the Earth with the cold light of the Moon, are "temperature programs" which carry information about the surface temperature of the Moon, exchanging information from these lunar "temperature programs" which convey the coldness of surface of the Moon, with the "temperature programs" contained in God Drobinas forming the Earth's matter bombarded with such cold moonlight, it causes the temperature information in both of them to equalize. This in turn manifests itself on Earth in the form of lowering the temperature of matter bombarded with these "rays of cold" coming from the Moon. So in spite that the "official atheistic science" falsely denies the existence of "rays of cold", still such an exchange of information between their "temperature programs" stimulated by slowing down and accelerating the colliding God Drobinas, causes that the software contained in these God Drobinas gives e.g. to the moonlight the ability to act as actual "rays of cold". In turn carrying cold inside and being the opposite to "rays of heat" emitted by the Sun, these lunar "rays of cold" are clearly noticed by farmers and fruit growers when on a full Moon night they lower the ambient temperature that is already close to zero, causing e.g. disturbance of sensitive for the cold crops with frost "wilting" of plants, flowers and fruits illuminated by this cold Moon light, as well as the appearance of frost on the ground and plants and ground frosts in the times of spring and autumn moonlit nights.

(c) That the authenticity of the snake pearls can be checked by the so-called "hibiscus test". This test depends on cutting off the still NOT blooming buds from tropical flower called "hibiscus" (the Polish name of which is "kwiat poślubnik"). Folk stories claim that "snake pearls" cause the blooming of such NOT yet fully formed buds of these flowers. However, this bloom is usually filmed in a way that conceals a possible cinematic "trick". Furthermore, it is NOT commonly known what actually causes the blooming of this flower's buds - for example it can be caused by some factor completely independent of the positioning of a candidate for a "snake pearl" in its vicinity. Thus, I propose to carefully watch one of the most rational methods of filming this "hibiscus test", disseminated in 2:50 minutes long video entitled "Orjinan nag mani" (see ), and then consider what may mean intriguing details that can still be noticed in this film.

During my professorship in tropical countries, I get acquainted with my professional colleague who travelled a lot - for example I remember that he travelled to South Korea in which he lived for a considerable period of time. He had a wealth of knowledge on various topics - including those that interested me the most. Hence, I spent a lot of time listening to his stories from which I learned a lot. One of his stories was about his personal experiences with the "snake pearl". At that time tropics still were full of snakes. For example, on one day I almost stepped on a venomous snake on the threshold of my office building. On another day I saw through the window a different venomous snake climbing up the ledges of the outer wall of the staircase from my office building. Returning from work, near my apartment I also saw a large black cobra (see ) crawling right next to a narrow sidewalk. Then I found out about this snake that when irritated it spits a stream of venom at a distance of up to four meters straight into the eyes of the opponent, causing them to burn out from venom. As for me, I walked by, and then stood to get a good look at it, less than one meter from that cobra. Although I did not start writing down the story of this colleague in this item #J2 until 2021/8/27 (i.e. after elapsing almost 30 years since I heard it), and hence a lot of details have disappeared from my memory, in the next paragraph I will try to summarize what I still remember from his experiences.

For this my colleague it all started when he saw two snakes (two cobras) fighting each other. I don't remember if he saw this fight in his garden or somewhere in the jungle. Because these cobras do NOT have a habit to fight with each other, he was interested in finding out why they fight. Then he noticed that one of them was holding a black stone in its mouth, while the other was trying to wrest the stone from it. Because he had heard about this black stone (i.e. snake pearl) before, he decided to take away the stone from these snakes. How he took this black pearl away from these dangerous snakes, I do NOT remember the details. I only remember that after getting it, he took the stone to his home. The very next day a surprise awaited him - namely, he saw that a lot of snakes had gathered around his house, all of which were trying to crawl inside in various ways. Warding them off was NOT helping at all. After some time one of them managed to somehow get inside of the house and in front of my colleague’s eyes it was going straight to the place where this black snake pearl was lying. My colleague then already tired and discouraged by his previous continuous but unsuccessful attempts to drive away all these dangerous snakes, decided NOT to intervene, but he only watched what the snake would do. The snake gently and solemnly took the snake pearl into its mouth, and quickly crawled with it to where it had come from. Soon also disappeared all the other snakes previously gathered around his house and trying to get inside.


I personally completely forgot about that story of this my colleague. Fortunately, on 2021/8/25 searching on YouTube for films about "rains of snakes falling from the sky", of the kind I discuss in Video #I5b from my web page (in English) named "sw_andrzej_bobola_uk.htm", while which the reader can find for himself e.g. with the English keywords: , my attention was drawn to a photo of a snake and a black stone, which was shown on the starting page of a 28-minute English YouTube video entitled "AMAZING Stones In the World" at the address . On its length from 23:27 to 24:29 minutes, this video briefly summarized the highly sceptical view among Europeans about such "snake pearls", and most importantly it also quoted their English name "SUS SNAKE PEARL", and other names used for them. This reminded me of an adventure with such a stone, heard from my former colleague. In turn, knowing the names of these stones given in that video, I looked for them on the Internet and discovered that there is a huge amount of information and videos on this subject - for example look for them with the keyword: . But I was shocked how much of these information and videos as a target probably have an attempt to "sell" these "snake pearls" - which in turn can be a source of various kinds of evil. After all, according to what I am explaining e.g. in [2] from item #L1 from my web page named "2020life.htm", our Earth for thousands of years in fact is a field of an invisible battle fought between "good" directly managed by God Himself, and "God's adversary" and his helpers, called by various names. We are informed about this battle by practically all religions, including Christianity and its Bible, as well as by secretly suppressed research results of some "UFOlogists" - the evidence of which suppression can be verified by almost everyone, see e.g. #A5 to #A5bc from the Polish web page named "totalizm_pl.htm" or from #A2 to #A2ab from the Polish web page named "ufo_pl.htm". One of the weapons used in this invisible battle is "money". After all, it was God who initially ruled over money, by creating the precious metals, such as "gold" and "silver", then fairly, deservingly and selectively making them available to people, so these could be used for minting coins, while the amounts of these elements were so selectively and precisely made available to people by God that they best represented the amount of productive "manual labour" generated e.g. in each country. (This productive "manual labour", which in the past was symbolically represented by coins minted from gold and silver or by reserves of gold of a given country, Karl Marx called the "workers' labour". He was also the first to discover and to explain still in times preceding the "degolding of money" that the "money" or "capital" formed by the stock of these coins or gold reserves, in fact, is a symbolic representation of the amount of productive "workers' labour" generated in a given country by its workers and farmers.) Unfortunately, with the passage of time the "God's adversary" gradually intercepted from God the rule over "money", in order to be able to non-selectively and corruptably pay for all profit-oriented actions of people - as from several different points of view it is also explained in item #C8 from the web page named "nirvana.htm", in item #G5 from the web page named "wroclaw_uk.htm", or in [2] from item #L1 from the web page named "2020life.htm" (all of which my web pages are most easily found using the Polish linking web page "skorowidz.htm" while seeking them in there with the Polish keywords: pieniądze bezwybiorczo which keywords mean: "money non-selectively"). A breakthrough in this tearing away from God by the "God's adversary" of the management over the rewarding role of "money" was firstly the "invention" of paid with money the so-called "mental work" (also called "office work" or "white collar work"). Then came the removal of the balancing of the amount of printed money with the value of the gold owned by the government, i.e. its "degolding" (see ) - which completely destroyed the role of money as a symbolic representative of the productive "workers' labour" justly administered by God, and thus opened it to manipulation and abuse by corruptible people. This removal was first carried out by the communist countries (with the exception of the lev of the then Bulgaria, which was the only country in Eastern Europe which until 1989 kept its lev covered with a gold equivalent). Then capitalist countries also introduced it. (For example, the USA gave up on balancing the dollar with gold in 1971 - when it made a hazardous "degolding" of dollar.) After "God's adversary" took power over money, the goal of every "sale" and transaction in the world was to increase and extend of use on Earth the paper (and now also computer) "money" created in quantities governed only by the "whim" of corruptible people and various politicians, speculators or criminals, that is "money" non-selectively rewarding any kind of human behaviour aimed at generating profit (including the use of "money" for rewarding also these people who are working to a detriment of humanity and fellow humans, thus who should be punished instead of rewarded), so that with this massive use of such "paper money" it is impossible the implementation of God's plans aimed at restoring the just and selective remuneration when people do only productive "physical works" performed in accordance with God's commandments. Furthermore, such degolded money, and with this degolding also "devalued" in the understanding of the amount of productive physical labour that money represent, in the humanity a majority of which members performs only mental work, "money" also became our ruler, owner, and idol. After all, "money" made us dependent on the material goods we have - all of which are created mainly due to productive "physical labour" of workers and farmers. Thus, because of such a devalued money, presently we are NOT owners of these goods, but these material goods have us as their slaves. After all, even if we wanted to change these goods into other goods, usually we would NOT be able to do it, because each change of ownership would cost us the loss of a significant part of their monetary value, while such life losses the majority of present people cannot afford economically.


The transition of mankind to non-selective rewarding with money all kinds of human behaviour (including actions that should be punished instead of rewarded) completely destroyed also human moral standards. Thus, for example in the case of the "snake pearls" discussed here, this causes that in numerous cases the information presented about them NOT only looks like "fabrications" prepared with the intention of persuading to buy, but in fact can represent frauds. Furthermore, by causing the "gold rush" which in some people is induced by the prices of snake pearls, and simultaneously claiming that these pearls are allegedly contained in the heads of snakes, they cause more intensive killing of snakes. But snakes are a very important component of natural eco-systems. Furthermore, snakes are carriers of extraordinary abilities which for future humanity can be sources of irreplaceable knowledge - for example consider the abilities of snakes to remotely hypnotize or to change the speed of the elapse of time described in items #F2 and #F3 of the web page named "stawczyk_uk.htm" (perhaps accomplished due to the miraculous properties of their snake pearls). Hence, the destruction of snakes can bring a whole range of misfortunes. The farmers of Australia have learned about it perfectly well, the future of which is repeatedly threatened by a whole series of overseas creatures which kill their snakes. For example, at present the calamity of a dangerous fish called "climbing perch" (see ) is coming to Australia more and more intensely - because this fish likes to walk on land. Its fatality is illustrated by a 9-minute English video entitled "This Is Why Animals Die When This Fish Is Walking on Land" and the address . The sharp thorns of this little "perch" (or "stickleback") kill all creatures that ate it. In turn some time ago, a cultivator of sugar cane imported into Australia a highly poisonous so-called "sugarcane toad" (see - in Polish named: "ropucha trzcinowa") that also causes the death of everything that ate it - including Australian snakes. In turn the rapid decrease in the number of snakes caused by it, in 2021 started the appearance of the plague of mice in there - which truly biblical plague on YouTube is illustrated by numerous videos searched e.g. with keywords: . This plague of mice caused astronomical economic losses. So the action of a sugar cane grower, who forgot about the lessons previously given to Australia by rabbits (see ) and did NOT understand that Australia even without this toad had enough poisonous and venomous creatures, induced a huge ecological catastrophe. In other words, the temptations caused by the non-selective rewarding by "money", in combination with human greed and the possibility of obtaining a high price from the sale of various illegal, forbidden or harmful goods, including these alleged "snake pearls" with characteristics that prove to be miraculous, are other forms of "wrong doing" which adds to the evil caused on Earth by the use of "money" that cause "greed" and human "fear" of the lack of this money - about which the Bible for a long time warns us in verse 6:10 from the "First Letter to Timothy" - quote: "For the greed of money is the root of all evil." For example, it is added to the multitude of other types of evil caused by "money", such as the present situation with nature when this greed for money warned by the Bible caused, amongst others, that in the oceans there is probably more plastic and waste generated by the industry than fish, or the situation that one of the nations with the poorest levels of life is ruled by the king probably richest in the world. In turn the most perfect method of eliminating this source of almost all evil, which is "money", is the complete removal of "money" from the Earth, as such removal would prevent the destruction of the entire humanity and nature by money. In turn this removal of "money" can be accomplished by replacing non-selective rewarding with "money" of all human actions (including those that deserve punishment), by selectively rewarding only productive "physical work" performed by people, with the use of the phenomenon of the happiness of the earned nirvana that is designed and managed for this purpose by God Himself, and explained from the "how" point of view with the idea of a new and more perfect than all existing (i.e. incomparably more perfect, amongst others, than today's "capitalism" and "communism") political system called the political "Nirvana System". The operation of this Nirvana System I described in more detail and justified with its advantages in INTRODUCTION and in "part #L" from my web page named "smart_tvs.htm" and in items #A1 to #A4 from my web page named "partia_totalizmu_uk.htm". The advantages and results of rewarding productive "manual work" in this political Nirvana System, with the help of the phenomenon of "earned nirvana" is also illustrated by our half-hour movie with narration in Polish and with subtitles in English, entitled "Świat bez pieniędzy: Ustrój Nirwany" (the title of which means: "The Nirvana System: World that Rid of Money") available for free viewing at the internet address (notice that the English subtitles of its narrative can be "turned on" or "turned off" by clicking on the icon "cc" from the lower-right part of this movie). Unfortunately, as the reactions to the above movie show it so far, in the present times of universal worship of money and wealth, while the abandonment of truth and progress but the implementation of convenience, greed, lies, immorality and destruction, the majority of people completely ignore, or even ridicule, the need for the implementation of the "Nirvana System" which would completely eliminate "money". On the other hand, the implementation of the "Nirvana System" by people would deprive the "God's adversary" and corruptible people of capabilities to rule over matters of remuneration for work, returning the rule over selectively remunerating only productive "manual labour" into the righteous hands of God. As a result, as it is clear from my calculations, from currently spending at least about 11 months of the year on work, and despite of this inability to experience many pleasures in life, the "Nirvana System" would require "manual work" for only a few months a year (in the case of even these least efficient productive "physical works" for less than 7 months a year) for the remaining time, enabling everyone to experience, for free, the abundance unknown today, and all pleasant and learning experiences consistent with principles of morality, which the then constantly growing standard of humanity's life will be offered to everyone. In turn in the case of rejection by the humanity of the Nirvana System, the only thing that awaits everyone is the tightening of the rule of the "God's adversary" and the "massive cleansing of the Earth" caused by this rule and repeated every several hundred years, the soon-to-be-coming version of which stubbornly pulled on humanity by greedy actions of helpers of "God's adversary" is illustrated by our half-hour Polish-language film but with subtitles in English, entitled "Zagłada ludzkości 2030" at (which title means "The Massive Purification of Humanity in 2030s) - note that its English subtitles can be "turned on" or "turned off" by clicking on the "cc" icon, i.e. on "subtitles/closed captions", from the bottom-right part of this video. (It is interesting whether, as a result of the experience of this purification in the 2030s, the remnants of people who survived from it will have memory, reasons and motivations to eliminate "money" from use once and for all and yet to implement the most perfect "System of Nirvana" designed by God.)

From that story of my tropical colleague and from other empirical premises described here, it follows quite clearly, that supernatural attributes of a "snake pearl" given to it by God cause that it emits "something" from itself, e.g. some telepathic commands, whispers of a counter-organ, taste, radiation, etc., which attracts snakes like a powerful magnet. In the result, whenever this stone produces its signals, because e.g. the "king of snakes" holds it in the mouth, it draws to itself all snakes of a given type from the entire vicinity, forming around it a "snake den" or "snake pit". So when I listened to this story, I already knew about the existence of a herb called "Catnip" (see ), which attracts cats to itself equally strongly. Scientists claim that this attraction of cats is caused by the "smell" of this herb that narcotise cats. This smell is so strong, that people also sense it with their noses. So I asked this friend whether when he had this "snake pearl" in his hand, he noticed that it emitted a smell. He replied NO. In fact, he even smelled it himself in order to check if it emitted any smell, but stated that it is odourless - just like any other gemstone or pearl. This in turn may mean, for example, that this stone attracts snakes to itself NOT by its smell, but by a factor yet unknown to people, which it e.g. absorbs, concentrates and processes, or emits - probably the same which in minerals is detectable with "Kirlian photography", while by some people it is used for "healing with crystals" (see ) - as I described it in the INTRODUCTION to my Polish web pages named "wszewilki.htm" and "milicz.htm". In such a case, the snake pearl would emit or concentrate energy of "chi" radiation similar to that emitted by energy of "chakras of the Earth". No wonder that "snake dens" ("snake pits") were seen by a lot of people near the Earth chakra located near the village of Stawczyk at the dam on Barycz river (this chakra at the dam is described in the caption under Fig. #D1 from the web page "Wszewilki_uk.htm").

I should add here, that on the Malaysian island of Penang there is a "Snake Temple" which by some strange coincidence I also visited in times of the beginning of my tropical professorships - see Fig. #J2a below. Immediately after its construction, many snakes spontaneously entered this temple. Local rumours claim that in those old times it had just such a "snake pearl" which automatically attracted snakes to it, and which the monks of this temple used to heal venomous bites. However, later this snake pearl was lost. So now, keeping the snakes in this temple requires catching them and bringing them into it.

Snakes are NOT the only creatures that form their own kinds of "pearls" similar to "snake pearls". Everyone probably knows about the "pearls" formed in the bodies of mussels - including freshwater mussels from rivers and lakes famous for producing precious black pearls. Some fish, e.g. catfish, also form similar "pearls" in their heads - see . Unfortunately, from my searches it appears that none of these animal "pearls" are subjected to objective research, for example with Kirlian cameras, to determine their effect on "chi" flows, nor are they subjected to research on their impact on human health, well-being and behaviour. It's a pity, because they probably hide many interesting secrets. After all, the famous Chinese "Feng Shui" (see ) - for the village of Wszewilki and for the hamlet of Stawczyk described on my futuristic web page named "wszewilki_jutra_uk.htm", the work of which "Feng Shui" stands e.g. at the basis of the economic success of China, is based on the use of energy "chi". Fortunately, creations similar to "pearls" are also formed in the heads of some of the most spiritual people. (Unluckily, it is claimed that in the heads of ordinary people such "pearls" do NOT grow.) At the same time in Buddhism, after cremation of the corpses of spiritual leaders (masters), their ashes are intentionally searched, and after finding these pearl-like objects (of various sizes, starting from somewhat similar to rice grains, and ending with the size of glass balls for games called "marbles" - (i.e. about the size of a human eye) that are NOT digestible even by the hottest flames, are obtained and preserved as a kind of Buddhist relics - see Video #J2b below. In turn, because Buddhism is a religion practiced in a number of technically and scientifically advanced countries, such as Korea, Japan, or China, these Buddhist relics after the cremation of the most venerable Buddhist monks are carefully preserved in there, while under the names of "sarira", "sari", "beads", or "ringsels", made available for public viewing at least once a year (as I explained it in the caption under Fig. U1 from volume 16 of my monograph [1/5] available for free from the web page named "text_1_5.htm") - and most importantly they are subjected to their detailed research. I learned about some results of research on miraculous attributes of these "sarira" during my professorships in tropics and in Korea. On the Internet one can also watch them and read about them. For example on 1:34 minutes long English-language video entitled "LEGENDARY PEARLS Found in Cremated Bodies of Monks" (see ) it is explained that these "sarira": are NOT a form of a body or bones; they are known to have the miraculous ability to increase in number, grow or shrink; when placed on top of the head, they heal and cleanse the body; and they also give off some energy - the flow of which is felt through the heart chakra. In turn another 6:17-minute video entitled "Buddha’s tooth contains otherworldly matter – unbelievable close up image" (see ) that discusses the growth of new "sarira" for the still supernaturally growing over 2500 years old tooth of the Buddha himself, states that these miniature "sarira" are harder than diamonds and contain otherworldly matter - which additionally provides new confirmations regarding my own evidence from part #I of the web page "sw_andrzej_bobola_uk.htm" that God created also sets of chemical elements much more perfect than those already known by the "official atheistic science". Of course, since the results of research on such pearl-like creations of human origin show the possession of supernatural powers, by analogy this also implies that their authentic animal versions should be characterized by many miraculous abilities the research and learning of which is in the vital interest of humanity.


(This entire post #344E would NOT fit into the memory of this blog - hence the rest of it will be continued below as post #344_2E)


kodig : :