lut 25 2021

#331_3E: Let us describe and define the components...

(Continuation of the previous "part 2" of this post #331E)


#331_3E: Let us describe and define the components of life and confirm their truth (part 3)



(h) Functions of "Guardian Angels". The Theory of Life of 2020 described here states, that because today's knowledge about the operation of computers has already proved to us that no program (in the Bible called the "Word") is able to exist without the "information carrier" on which it is written, then technically "the breathing of the soul" into the body of matter must depend on the downloading the counter-material "God Drobina" together with the software of the "soul" stored in it into the material body of a given being that is just being born. Only that in order NOT to confuse by dressing explanations in too many technical details, in the Bible the process of this descriptively complex "downloading" was shortened to the concept of "soul" breathing in. However, in order to encode in the Bible also the truth that the software of the soul is inextricably linked with the living God Drobina in the Bible described under the name "Angel", the biblical verses also explain the concept of the "Guardian Angel" in more detail - means such an especially "embodied" drobina of counter-matter (God Drobina), which specializes in helping people who find themselves in trouble, while in order for this help to be more effective and at the same time it does NOT break the "free will" of the helped people, this God Drobina is "embodied" into an extremely durable and powerful multifunctional body of matter. The actual existence and functions of these Guardian Angels (h1b) are confirmed in numerous verses of the Bible. Examples of these can be verses: 91:11-12 from "Psalms", 18:10 from "Matthew", 1:14 from "Hebrews", 12:7-10 from "Acts", 3:9 from "1 John the Apostle". In turn (h1c) an example of empirical evidence that most directly confirms the truth, that every person is looked after by at least one "Guardian Angel", are the so-called "near death experiences" widely described in commonly available literature under the name "NDE" from the English "NDE" (Near Death Experience). In NDE experience, the dying person always meets the Guardian Angel that is caring for him/her. First, this person collapses into a dark tunnel, which practically is the experience of shifting the self-awareness from the dying physical body to the miniature drobina of counter-matter that contains this self-awareness (i.e. to the God Drobina) and that resides in the counter-world. After reaching its own God Drobina, the self-awareness always begins to see another being of light, who often introduces itself as the Guardian Angel. Of course, these creatures from the light are actually God Drobinas emitting light - as for the "Ancient of Days" in (d) above this is described in verses 7:9-10 from the "Book of Daniel". Regardless of this most direct empirical confirming material, there is also a large body of evidence already accumulated which confirms the same by proving that our memory, personality, conscience, etc., does NOT remains in the physical body that dies, but in the drobina of counter-matter (i.e. in the God Drobina) which is assigned to us and which lives forever - as examples of this evidence consider the phenomena of "reincarnation" and "deja vu", or the existence of a "conscience" organ which constantly whispers to us compliance or opposition of our intentions and behaviours to the commandments and laws of God. The same indirect empirical evidence is also everything that confirms the existence and work of "God Drobinas" in all creatures from matter. Thus, it includes, amongst others, the behaviours of swarms and shoals illustrated with films from "Video #H3a", and also the material illustrated and discussed below for "Video #H3b" and "Video #H3c", and many more kinds of evidence, the explaining the content of which would take needlessly much descriptions and space here. Still another category of such indirect empirical evidence is the tradition of "eunuchs" (see ) as the most faithful and talented helpers of the rulers from the Far East, e.g. from China (instead of, as people would do, in revenge for making them eunuchs to be the most bitter enemies of their rulers) - as an example of such of the most faithful and talented eunuch, consider "Admiral Cheng-Ho", also spelled "Zheng He", who for peaceful cooperation with China and for mutual economic development opened the former Malaysia to his ruler, the emperor of China, while the present town of Melaka is full of his monuments and historical traces. The reason why these wise, comprehensively talented and faithful "eunuchs" of the Far East, means helpers of rulers in old times, can constitute another category of empirical evidence, is that for these rulers they modestly fulfilled the unrecognized by people functions of "Guardian Angels" - which in a coded manner confirm, among others Biblical verses 22:23-30 from "Matthew" and 12:25 from "Mark". Let us remember what I am explaining, among others, in the caption under "Fig. #K3a" from my web page "god_exists.htm", namely that both the rulers and their closest advisers and helpers are always given to nations and to countries by God - e.g. consider the dwarf named "Stańczyk", famous in the history of Poland.


(i) The actual operation on Earth of supernatural beings described in the Bible as "fallen angels", helpers of Lucifer, devils, demons, and under several other terms. These beings that God created, in spite of being eternally living like Angels, and in spite of having powers that are almost identical to the powers of Angels, in fact do everything in a manner that is contrary to God's commands and requirements. The primary goal of their activity is to deceive people - so that instead of worshiping God and obeying God, people worship these creatures. Because God does NOT use these creatures as carriers of the soul "breathed" into the newly born, they have an ugly habit, for example, to overcome the bodies of people weaker in their faith in God, thus cause of so-called "Multiple Personalities" - that is, the manifestation of "Demonic Possessions". In the Bible they are discussed relatively frequently, e.g. in verses which claim that the Earth is actually ruled by their ruler Lucifer, and which I am indicating e.g. in item #A3.4 from my web page named "partia_totalizmu_uk.htm". In everyday life the examples of empirical evidence which seems to confirm their operation are, for example, the behaviours of UFOnauts on Earth - a significant proportion of which seems to break the commandments and the law of God. Another source of such empirical evidence are the accidental entrances or abductions of people to the underground kingdoms, from the recognized out of which, people already know the located under the surface of the Earth supposed underground kingdom called "Agartha" - see (which I described, among others, from (C) to (C") from item #J4 of my web page named "hurricane.htm"), while to which "Agartha", or to another similar underground kingdom, the Polish citizen, the late Andrzej Domała, was abducted by a UFO - the extensive report on whose abduction is provided in the treatise [3b] (in the Polish language) available via the web page named "tekst_3b.htm".


(j) Understanding that the biblical name "heaven" is actually an ancient equivalent of the concept of "counter-world" introduced by the scientific "Theory of Everything of 1985". The evidence which best confirms this, is the compliance of the contents of "heaven" and the "counter-world" revealed to us by the Bible, my Theory of Everything, and scientific discoveries on the existence of "dark matter" (see ) - of the type briefly explained (as to what "dark matter" really is) in item #I2 from my autobiographical web page "pajak_jan_uk.htm".


Of course, the "Theory of Life of 2020" described here consists of more sub-components than time allowed me to document it and confirm it with evidence in the above descriptions. Therefore I am going to continue this documenting as much as the time available is to allow me, and I encourage the interested readers to look again in their free time to my web page "2020life.htm" where I am going to publish results of my research on this subject. In the meantime, it is worth for them to know, that in addition to the above "witnesses", the truth of individual logical findings of the "Theory of Life of 2020" described here is also confirmed in various ways by the logical premises listed in item #C4 of the web page named "2020life.htm" and in many other my publications.

Video #H3a: Here are the murmurations of starlings shown on the 3-minute video. With their perfectly synchronized flight they document that minds and behaviour all of them are controlled by "God Drobinas" assigned by God to each one of them. After all, these living and self-aware God Drobinas (i.e. intelligent "drobinas of counter-matter"), while being a group of individual creatures from counter-matter, are simultaneously fused together into one huge "group intellect" by the living program of God contained in their twelfth "brain" - means in the set of their 12th (highest) memory and processor. Exactly on the same principle as these murmurations of starlings synchronize and program their flights, penetrating without colliding and disturbing through other similar murmurations flying in different directions, also work "whirls" and "streams" of counter-matter controlled by similar "God Drobinas", only that flying in their actual counter-material form, means without directing flights of the living material creatures assigned to them for animating and supervising. All these behaviours document, that each of the creatures taking part in them is controlled by an individually directing it "God Drobina" of the appearance shown below in "Fig. #H4ab", the four heads of which, containing together as many as 12 processors (brains) and coupled with them 12 memories, allow for a perfect synchronization with other "God Drobinas" of everything that a given God Drobina can do, e.g. for precise synchronization and collisions free directing their flights or behaviours.


Starlings are NOT the only living creatures, which form such perfectly synchronized murmurations that behave exactly like the "whirls" and "streams" of intelligent counter-matter that control them (i.e. like God Drobinas) - effects of action of which whirls of these drobinas people can watch daily on TV in the form of high pressure (male) and low pressure (female) weather atmospheric circulations, as well as tornadoes and hurricanes - for details see item #K2 from my web page "god_exists.htm". Exactly the same murmurations are formed also by a large number of other species of birds - for example see the videos of murmurations of birds unknown in Europe, which in English are called Sandpiper (see ), Cowbirds, Red Wing Black Birds, and Quelea (see ). During my professorship in Borneo, I also had the honour of watching an identically synchronized streams of bats emerging from the huge tunnel-shaped cave called the "Deer Cave" (see web page "magnocraft.htm"), which I researched personally and described in my publications because it was evaporated by UFOs. Most of people have probably also seen shoals of fish or insects in similar synchronization. Readers who want to watch more of the behaviours of such murmurations of birds can search for them on YouTube through the command . Other examples of them, which I would also recommend for reviewing because they also illustrate the mutual collision-free penetration of different flocks of birds flying on collision courses, can be run at the following addresses: (2:47 min), and (3:23 min).

Video #H3b: Here is about 9 minutes long English-language video that illustrates the appearances assumed by the embodiments of some of the most important Archangels known by name described in the Bible. As the video shows, Archangels are able to design and program for themselves any shapes of bodies in which, during their stay in our physical world, an individual "God Drobina", containing their self-awareness and living software, is embodied. This their ability results from the ability to program other surrounding "drobinas of counter-matter" (i.e. "God Drobinas") into atoms from a "periodic table of elements" specially created for their use and very different from the one already known to people, which I described above in (g) from item #H3 of this post, and then programmatically create from these atoms all necessary objects and substances. (The general principles of programming the counter-matter in order to create objects needed by someone are discussed in more detail in item #J4.6 from my web page named "propulsion.htm". In turn the creation from appropriately pre-programmed counter-matter the "Inca Walls" existing until today in Peru is described in there in item #J4.5 while shown on the film .) Such unique shapes into which Archangels are embodied, on the one hand result from life experience and creative capabilities that programs contained in their souls are able to prompt to them and that are to differ from the standard shapes given to living creatures created by God, on the other hand, they are also a symbolic expression of the specialization and personality of each of these Archangels.

Video #H3c: Here is a 7-minute long video, documenting a whole range of human-shaped beings displaying supernatural powers, inhuman speed of action, indestructible bodies, disappearing from sight or suddenly appearing where they are needed, transforming into shapes of animals, etc. Some of these beings at critical moments fully or partially glow or flash with strong white light (i.e. with the so-called "extraction glow" - as the Bible reveals that angels shine, while my research on phenomenon of telekinesis deduce theoretically and document empirically since 1985 that telekinetically performed work always induces the appearance of such an "extraction glow"). The documenting of these creatures on films while they glow with a white "extraction glow" is one of the examples of strong empirical evidence for the continually existing and for the God supporting purposes of acting on Earth of creatures in the Bible called "Angels" - as it theoretically results from the statements of the "Theory of Life of 2020" described here, and as confirms it the most important "witness" in the form of Bible verses. So although some videos, the addresses of which I have listed here, perhaps, among others, also show some different creatures (e.g. time travellers - see ), while some of them may even be human fabrications, but in view of the multitude of such videos that are already available on the Internet and also the method of filming them, for example by CCTV or by cameras in cars, is confirming their authenticity, still provides an important confirmation of the truth that, for sure, a large proportion of them show the documentation of actual Angels.


On YouTube one can already find a lot of videos showing such glowing with the telekinetic "extraction glow" human-looking creatures. One can search for them, for example, using the command: (for videos trying to report "Angels"), or using the command (for videos trying to report "miracles"). If the reader is interested in this subject, then I would personally recommend him/her to watch the following videos from a large number of those that I looked at in January 2021 for documenting item #H3 here: (6:27 min), (4:01 min), (8:50 min), (3:47 min), or (9:16 min, "People With Real Superpowers Caught on Camera").



#H4. Since the development of the entire "Theory of Life of 2020" is the result of the knowledge about counter-material "God Drobinas" accumulated so far by my Theory of Everything of 1985, let us summarize the most important information about these "God Drobinas" and indicate where in my publications the reader can find more on their topic:


From the everyday use of computers, we already know that programs can NOT exist in a pure form, means while not remembered on any information carrier or transmitted through some accepting them carrier of information with physical features, i.e. they cannot exist e.g. in the pure form of a "program" separated from any information carrier that stores or transmits it - as in pure form there exist e.g. air, water, or electric sparks. In turn, since my Theory of Everything of 1985 established beyond any doubt that the "soul" initiating life is a collection of many different programs, it means that also the soul must be recorded on some information carrier capable of supporting it. In the years: from the development of my Theory of Everything of 1985, until 2020 - I knew that the carriers of all programs used by God are "drobinas of counter-matter". However, in 2020 I discovered that these drobinas of counter-matter which are carriers of God's programs, in fact are living, self-aware, rational, self-learning male and female "God Drobinas" of counter-material structure - as it is explained in items #K1 and #K2 from the web page named "god_exists.htm" while is also briefly summarized in item #I2 of the autobiographical web page "pajak_jan_uk.htm". Only then from "whirls" of this counter-matter the matter of our physical world is formed - including our bodies. This in turn means, that initiating life through the "breathing" (in present computers described by the term "download") of the software soul into appropriately prepared for it a body made of matter, must depend on introducing into this body "God Drobinas" that are carriers for programs of soul, means in the memory of which God Drobinas are contained, amongst others, programs of the soul (including the non-transferable "seed of self-awareness", the database of personality, and long-term memory). In turn this method of using God Drobinas means that their key features become extremely important for us (i.e. for the recipients and carriers of these God Drobinas) and for the God Drobinas themselves, because these key features define also the features with which we are endowed due to their use as information (soul) carriers for programs of our own seeds of self-awareness, databases of personality, karma, translation programs between languages, programs of life and fate, and all other software that they make available to us. So let us learn about the most important features of these God Drobinas.


Male and female God Drobinas are eternally living, indestructible, self-aware beings with miniature bodies made of counter-matter. Both the cabalistic book "Sefer ha-Zohar" and the pre-Christian mythology of NZ Maoris about the superior God Io accordingly (although in different ways and with terminology difficult to understand today) state that all God Drobinas have as many as 4 circular "heads" in each one of these "heads" are 3 independent "brains" (means sets of 3 processors and 3 memories individually assigned to each of these processors) - as it is illustrated in "Fig. # H4ab" below. Together, each God Drobina has as many as 12 sets of "brains", each one of which includes memory and the processor assigned to it. In turn the operation of each of these brains is so established that it has full control over all brains located in a given God Drobina lower than itself (i.e. with a lower number than itself), while in order to be able to interact with the brain located higher than itself (i.e. of a higher number), it must be to this interaction "invited" and its intentions "approved" by the brain that is higher than it. The highest and most important (i.e. twelfth) of these "brains" is occupied by the group memory and processor of God. In this way God (or more strictly the "Holy Spirit") exercises absolute control over all God Drobinas contained in the volume of infinite in size and time universe onto which God already managed to extend His dominion (i.e. into the highest memory of drobinas of counter-matter of which volume God introduced own programs that manage these drobinas). Each of the God Drobinas contains in itself the software that defines it - including, among others: the embryo of self-awareness, the database of personality, the memory of experienced life events, etc., etc., and also contains the software that God developed and introduced into some of its brains and memories. This software is already evolved due to experiences through which a given God Drobina has previously passed during the to-date half of its infinitely long participation in the chaos of the counter-world - see . In turn since the moment when God Drobina is "breathed" into the body of a material creature prepared for it to take care of and to guide, this God Drobina symbiotically shares with the creature the software of "soul" that it contains.


During its service as a supplier of "soul" to a creature created from matter, a given God Drobina quickly acquires a whole range of completely new for it life experiences and knowledge. In this way, the assigned to these God Drobinas service in such a role, accelerates the knowledge and awareness of the universe and serves for the good of these God Drobinas. Thus, it is in the interest of God Drobinas that the material body into which they were "breathed" in order to fulfil the function of carriers of "soul" in it, in the course of its life it actually acquired attributes, memories and habits, on earning of which in creatures created from matter God cares the most - after all then after the end of the existence of the present world, the memory and achievements of these God Drobinas will NOT have to be erased, nor will a given God Drobina be isolated from others for the rest of its infinite life because of acquiring wrong personality traits - as it already happened with the third of all God Drobinas that have sided with Lucifer (The Bible, Revelation, verse 12:4). No wonder that the Bible states that Angels sing for joy when a sinner assigned to them to be led and supervised voluntarily turns onto the right path - see, for example, verse 15:10 in "Luke"; and also states that the righteous someday are to judge the Angels - see verse 6:3 from "1 Corinthians".

Fig. #H4ab: Here is the approximate appearance of the pink male (left) and blue female (right) "God Drobinas" (here their colours are only used to distinguish them from each other - but in fact, their bodies are all chalk-white). Their appearance and the extensive evidence which confirms it, is described in details in items #K1 and #K2 from the web page named "god_exists.htm".


Note that just because of the similarity of the appearance of male and female "God Drobinas" (in the highest, twelfth memory of which, the group "living program of God" is contained) to the appearance of the human body, the absolute truth and also a well-coded confirmation for a large proportion of findings of my "Theory of Life of 2020" is expressed by the verse 1:27 from the biblical "Book of Genesis" informing us - quote: "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them."


The discovery of the existence, appearance, and attributes of "God Drobinas" provided us with a powerful "key" to knowledge, and the confirmation for many truths about which previously our ignorance of these facts could sow various doubts. Now this key allows us to gradually reveal from the darkness of ignorance increasingly more truths about life, God, and the reality that surrounds us - as it has already started to establish and confirm with the required "3 witnesses" the "Theory of Life of 2020" described here. Therefore, in my opinion, it is extremely important that readers learn exactly and NOT "reject" but start to use in their life the knowledge that has already been established about "God Drobinas" and is confirmed by the "3 witnesses" indicated with it. Therefore, apart from the above-linked item #I2 from my autobiographical web page named "pajak_jan_uk.htm" and items #K1 and #K2 from the web page named "god_exists.htm", I would also strongly recommend reading item #A1 from my web page named "evolution.htm", and (A) and (B ) from item #E1 of my web page named "smart_tvs.htm".



#H5. So what next works and actions still await me in the process of further refining the theory described here - e.g. [1] explaining with the help of the theory discussed here a number of further scientifically unexplained manifestations of the phenomenon of life, [2] extending the number of documented specific examples of these "3 witnesses" which prove the truth of each of the explanations for the manifestations of life covered by the theory described here, [3] my own (or any other researcher's) efforts to develop a scientifically irrefutable formal proof that the "Theory of Life of 2020" described here reveals the truth about life:


Motto: "If in our universe that is infinite in size and time, the truth of the already postulated solution for a vital research problem is NOT confirmed irrefutably by the independent and indicated here at least "three witnesses", then this means that the already postulated solution is a mistake or a lie, while a solution conformable with the truth and God's design must be sought among other drastically different possibilities of solving the same research problem." (The principle of searching for true solutions to research problems, revealed by the way of achieving mine solutions to these problems - which are conformable to the truth because always are confirmed by the three independent "witnesses" described here.)


Let us discuss in more detail the activities that are required to complete each of the component works indicated in the title:


[1] Explaining with the use of the theory discussed here a number of further so far scientifically unexplained manifestations of life will be continued for a long time. As the development of this theory progresses, the explanations obtained as the results of this research, together with the required "3 witnesses" who will confirm the truth of what is to be worked out, will also need to be documented in writing and published as further fragments of the theory described here. These activities may take many years to come. After all, in the final part of item #H1 of this post, the level of difficulty of their implementation is compared to the difficulty of producing prototypes of new machines or complicated programs that have not existed before. For comparison, e.g. explaining with my Theory of Everything of 1985, whatever the humanity still does NOT know, I continue since almost half a century.


An example of such manifestations of life still awaiting an explanation confirmed by the required "3 witnesses", is the puzzling question, which in the future may be answered by my present "Theory of Life of 2020". This question is induced by the content of a number of Bible verses, e.g. by verses 22:23-30 from the biblical "Matthew" and 12:25 from "Mark" (conveying that: ... For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven) or, for example, verse 6:3 from "1 Corinthians". It tries to establish with the help of the theory described here, whether when after the end of the present world the saved people will receive immortal bodies, then [A] do they will then be a continuation of the present principle of self-consciousness, independent life in bodies of matter that are separated from the God Drobinas that are the donors of their souls, only that it is realized in already different, immortal material bodies similar to second bodies received by Angels, or [B] these verses already contain an encoded announcement that actually the software of their souls (means their self-awareness, personality, memory, knowledge, experience, etc.) will be "merged" with the software of their "soul" bearers as indicates ? In other words for [B], will these saved people become just "brains" in God Drobinas, who only remember their previous lives and thus are experienced in matters of the physical world, but which in fact already have immortal counter-material bodies of these God Drobinas, while only to be able to continue the accumulation of further knowledge and experience in the physical world, they additionally will be given a second body made of matter of the human size and human appearance, similar to the second bodies presently possessed by Angels?


[2] Extending the number of documented examples of these "3 witnesses" which confirm the truth of each of the explanations of life covered by this theory. In a large part the finding of examples of these "3 witnesses" who confirm the truth of each of the explanations provided by this theory is already completed. For example, about the fact that intelligent and living "God Drobinas" do exist, a significant group of such "3 witnesses" is already found and documented in the abovementioned items #K1 and #K2 from my web page named "god_exists.htm". Thus, the increase of the number of these "3 witnesses" may only add further documentation of similar such witnesses whose existence the life in the future may reveal to us.


[3] The development of scientifically irrefutable proof that the essence of the "Theory of Life of 2020" discussed here states the truth. After all, in past my intuition, and now my scientific experience, definitely confirm that the reality that surrounds us was intentionally created so that: "if something is absolute truth, then for sure it can be irrefutably proven scientifically with a properly formulated formal proof". After all, it was just following the tips of that my experience which in 2007 allowed me to prove undeniably with a formal scientific proof formulated in accordance with the rules of mathematical logic that God exists - in spite that atheistic scientists stubbornly claimed (and since the blocking of public access to my research is still enforced until today, many of them claims until now), that the existence of God supposedly never can be formally proven. That my scientifically irrefutable formal proof for the existence of God can be verified by everyone. After all, it is published and available to everyone in item #G2 from my web page named "god_proof.htm".


But whether it will be me or someone else who eventually develops such a scientifically indisputable formal proof for the truth of the "Theory of Life of 2020", everything depends on our God. After all, the gathering of the knowledge necessary to work out such a proof requires time, while only God can provide such time and the necessary inspiration.



#H6. What next theory of the continuation of research and publication of the results obtained due to the "Theory of Life of 2020" described here, will be able to "piece" together in someone's mind - only that working out the elements of their "puzzle" will probably take further 3x35=105 "human years":


From the analysis of time intervals between "piecing together" in my mind successive more and more complex and important theories that I have developed so far, i.e. "piecing together": (a) "Periodic Tables" (4 years), (b) "Theory of Everything of 1985" (12 years), and (c) "The Theory of Life of 2020" (35 years); it stems that in order to gather in my mind all the elements of the "puzzle" from which the next theory could arise that would be even more complex and vital for humanity - as I described it in item #B3 on the web page "2020life.htm", and then symbolically "shake" this mental "tray" with these elements of the "puzzle" (i.e. the "shake" carried out on each occasion of returning to thinking over and working out again the entirety of the knowledge accumulated on a given topic), cause that these elements "put themselves together" in my mind into a picture of the next, new, even better and more breakthrough theory, in each subsequent case the interval of my time elapse was about 3 times longer. Means, in order for the next breakthrough such a "super-theory" to appear e.g. in my mind, it would need to elapse at least 3x35 means 105 "human years". This in turn means a physical impossibility. It is a pity, because from my experiences it appears simultaneously that a kind of "gut feeling" or "intuition" on what it will explain, or what it will be about, each future new theory regarding which the process of such "piecing together" in my mind is just started, typically exists for a much longer time than the beginning of gathering information about it. For example, in my mind this "gut feeling" or "intuition" takes a clear form of a "craving for knowledge" or "inquiries" about some matter, which constantly bothers me for many consecutive years, even before I make any attempt to find an answer to it. (This confirms the truth of the verse 7:7-8 of "Matthew" from the Bible, recommending "knock, and it shall be opened unto you".) In my case the next problem which has been bothering me for a long time, although I have NOT started collecting information about it yet, is the described in "chapter P" from my Polish monograph [12] (available via "tekst_12.htm") the question still hopelessly waiting to find an answer: "What might be hiding beyond the "into depth" super-dimensions similar to the fourth linear dimension "G" of the counter-world?


The existence in our universe of at least one dimension "into depth", an example of which is the "fourth linear dimension of the counter-world (G)", opens the entire mythical "Pandora's Box" of inquiries of both, the scientific type thus explained also theoretically, and the philosophical type. It can also be predicted that to these philosophical questions the humanity is NOT able to provide the correct answer until its knowledge exceeds the level of the "sixth technical era" described in item #J4.6 from my web page named "propulsion.htm" and enters the seventh era of "omniscience". Nevertheless, as it is the habit (and liking) of truth-seeking persons, our curiosity already requires us to ask these questions and speculate about possible answers to them. An example of such a currently unexplainable question could be "what is in, and beyond, the 'null point' of the dimension 'into depth' of the counter-world?" It is known that, by definition, each dimension "into depth (G)" must be a concentric dimension - as evidenced by e.g. the "effect of perspective" in graphics that I described, among others in items #D3 and #A0 from my web page named "god_proof.htm". That is, at infinity, all the "into depth" dimensions converge at one "null point". So, is this unique area of the "null point" of universe, for example, the home for a super-intelligent superior-being, or e.g. a passage to a different counter-universe?


Copyrights © 2021 by Dr Eng. Jan Pająk


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The above post #331E summarizing the descriptions of my newest "Theory of Life of 2020" is an adaptation of the content of "part #H" (i.e. items #H1 to #H6) from my English web page named "2020life.htm" (update of 2021/2/7, or later) and available, among others, at the following addresses:

Notice that the above web pages are my main publications updated many times later. On the other hand, this post to blogs of totalizm is only a "harbinger" of the publishing presented here results of my research, which later is NOT updated. Therefore, these web pages typically contain texts that are more improved than this blog post, with the elapse of time they collect more evidence and fewer research mistakes or writing errors, and because of their repeated updating they also contain the latest findings of my continuously carried out research.


At each of the addresses provided above, I also try to make available the most recently updated versions of all my web pages. Therefore, if the reader wishes to learn from "first hand" the truths explained on any of my web pages, then at either of the above addresses he/she may start "menu2.htm" web page that contains green links to names and topics of all web pages that I developed so-far, then in this "menu2.htm" web page can select the link to the web page that he/she wishes to view, and by clicking the "mouse" start that web page. For example, in order to start this "menu2.htm" from the above-indicated address , it is enough if in that address the name of the web page "2020life.htm" is replaced with the name of the web page "menu2.htm" - then to the search engine will be entered the new address obtained in this way. In a similar manner as starting this "menu2.htm", the reader can also start instantly any of my web pages, the name of which he/she already knows, because e.g. I provided it in the above post or because it appears in the "menu2.htm". For example, in order to run any other web page of mine, the physical name of which I have already given anywhere - e.g. to run a web page named "immortality.htm", let's say from a web site with the address , it is enough that instead the previous website address, he/she entered the following new address in the address box of a search engine.


It is also worth knowing that almost every NEW topic which I already researched for the "a priori" approach of the new "totaliztic science" and presented on this blog, including the topic from this post #331E, is later repeated on all mirror blogs of totalizm which still exist. Until now, as many as 8 such blogs of totalizm were established and maintained for a short time. At present, only 3 most recently published, out of these 8 blogs of totalizm still have NOT been liquidated by numerous opponents of the truth, my "totaliztic science", the highly moral "philosophy of totalizm", my "nirvana political system", my still only in the world true scientific "The Theory of Everything of 1985", and my formal scientific proof for the existence of God. These still existing blogs of totalizm can be found at the following addresses: (in "Small Print") (in "Large Print" - also available via NZ address )

Fortunately, the deletion of 5 oldest blogs of totalizm did NOT cause the loss of their posts. This is because after complementing with illustrations, colours, underlining and working links of all my posts that I published so far on blogs of totalizm, including this post, I systematically make them available also in my free electronic publication [13] in a safe PDF format and in two sizes of print (i.e. large 20pt and normal 12pt) - which everyone can download, for example, through the web page named "text_13.htm" available on all the web sites indicated above, including, for example, at htm . Almost half of the post to blogs of totalizm are also published in there in the English language version, and thus they will be understandable for inhabitants of countries other than Poland.


Posts extending this #331E and confirming the truth of the "Theory of Life of 2020":

#330E, 2021/1/1 - the truth of the latest findings about God (#I2 in "pajak_jan_uk.htm")

#325E and #326E, 2020/8/1 - God Drobinas (#K1 and #K2 in "god_exists.htm")

#308E, 2019/3/25 - God as a living program (#A0 in "god_proof.htm")

#230E, 2013/3/1 - how our reversible time works (#C3 in "immortality.htm")

#294E, 2017/12/20 - perpetual motion as proof of God's existence (#D3 in "god_proof.htm")

#324E, 2020/7/1 - already working perpetual motion machines (#B3 in "fe_cell.htm")

#310E, 2019/5/25 - illnesses of the soul (#F11 in "soul_proof.htm")

#328E, 2020/11/1 - nirvana political system (#C7 in "nirvana.htm")

#295E, 2018/4/17 - my Periodic Tables (#J1 to #J4.6 in "propulsion.htm")

#297E, 2018/5/9 - Warning! Here comes the "Great Purification of Humanity" (#N1 in "2030_uk.htm")


Let totalizm prevail,

Dr Eng. Jan Pająk


kodig : :