lut 25 2021

#331_1E: "Three witnesses" confirming...

#331_1E: "Three witnesses" confirming the truth of the "Theory of Life of 2020" (part 1)


Motto of this post number #331E for blogs of totalizm: "The less we know about God and life or the more what we think that we already know but instead on the reliable truth confirmed by the '3 witnesses' recommended in the Bible is based only on humanly erroneous interpretations or on ignorant beliefs, the more we break God's commandments and requirements thus exposing ourselves to punishments served by karma, Boomerang Principle, and by the foretold in the Bible judgment of God Himself." (The justification why it is in the interest of our own good, that instead of believing in the interpretations of "rejecting knowledge" priests - see verses 4:4-9 from the biblical "Book of Hosea", we should rather build our knowledge of God and His requirements for our lives by studying reliable results of research on God, the compliance with the truth of which is constantly and unanimously confirmed by the three independent "witnesses" described here, namely by (a) a logical theoretical deduction or a scientific theory based on facts, (b) the essence of the Bible verses also confirming the truth of the results of this research, and (c) the concord of these results with the manifestations of the reality that surrounds us.)



#H1. "Theory of Life of 2020" as a specializing in explaining the mysteries of life sub-component of my scientific "Theory of Everything of 1985":


The described in this post number #331E my newest theory that I developed and named the "Theory of Life of 2020", can be defined as a fragment of the scientific Theory of Everything of 1985 (see ) separated from it in order to explain in detail with the use of today's terminology the mechanisms and secrets that govern the phenomenon of life. In other words, until now various fragments of the phenomenon of life have been described randomly and fragmentarily by a number of sources from separate areas of human knowledge. For example, they were described by various mythologies - most broadly, e.g. by the mythologies of ancient Greece and the pre-Christian religion of NZ Maoris on their superior God "Io" (see ), also practically by all religions, and by philosophies, folk knowledge, occult, biological sciences, and even by latest medical research - which almost "accidentally" revealed completely contradicting their atheistic philosophy the phenomenon of "pre-death experiences" in the literature described under the name "NDE" (near-death experience - see ) as well as revealed similarly contradicting "death flash" descriptions of which I recommend to read below in (e) from item #H3 of this post #331E. While learning about this huge variety of sources referring to fragments of the phenomenon of life, so far one had the impression that there is NO logical connection between them, and thus that probably most of them are wrong, and only one of them (unfortunately, it was NOT known which one) expresses the truth. But in 2020 my "Theory of Everything of 1985" led to the discovery that the ancient Jewish Book of Kabbalah portrays male and female "God Drobinas" description of which I am discussing more extensively in items #K1 and #K2 from the web page named "god_exists.htm" and in item #I2 from my autobiographical web page "pajak_jan_uk.htm". It turned out that these God Drobinas are the living miniature immortal beings that have own self-awareness, personality, ambitions, and also the ability to assume forms of humans or other living creatures (see (g) in item #H3 of this post #331E). Thus they are precursors of "gods" from religions of Ancient Greece and India. Their existence and capabilities provided the important "key" that allows to unravel gradually all the secrets of "life". This discovery, plus another extremely vital information (on the management location of the living program of God in 12th "brain" of God Drobinas) provided to us by the pre-Christian religion of NZ Maoris on "Io" superior God, suddenly put all those previously known fragments of knowledge about the phenomenon of "life" into one logical whole. It turned out then, that there is a complex mechanism of life, individual elements of which are correctly described by practically all of the above-mentioned sources. Only that each of these fragments describes only a small section of the complex mechanism of life, using for this purpose a different and usually already wrongly understood terminology, and considering it from a different point of view. (As an example, consider the term "Word" from verses 1:1-5 of "John" in the Bible - which mainly transfers today's meanings of "program" and "information" but which e.g. priests and religions still misinterpret, e.g. with the term "speech", or consider the biblical meaning of the name "Holy Spirit" meaning "a living program of God" but which, however, often is explained as an immaterial flame.) Describing this with an example, the sources known to us explain life in a way that could be compared to different parents who, in order to explain to kids how works the "internal combustion engine" they show kids a fragment of this engine that actually they have in their garage, e.g. some show a piston, others a crankshaft, still others a spark plug or a carburetor, then on the basis of this single part shown they try to explain with unprofessional and often very old-fashioned language how this whole engine works. Of course, these kids still will have proverbial "NO idea" how this engine works until on some film they suddenly see a working model of such an engine, made e.g. of transparent material - see the English video: or watch a just illustrative animation of the operation of such an engine at . This is because in such a working engine they will be amazed then to recognize the parts that their parent previously showed them, and then they will realize that combined with other parts of which they also heard once, all this together creates a perfectly synchronized one working mechanism, the full version of which in addition to the mechanical parts already known by them, also contains the electronic parts that require completely different learning (i.e. contains the computer "hardware" that controls this engine) as well as the "software" components. The above analogy of getting to know the work of a modern "internal combustion engine" illustrates well how the previously mentioned sources of knowledge about the phenomenon of life, suddenly the "Theory of Life of 2020" discussed here translates to the terminology used today and shows all together as perfectly cooperating fragments of one extremely comprehensively operating mechanism of life.


The easiest way to understand my new "Theory of Life of 2020" explained in detail in this post #331E, is if it is considered as the fragment of my scientific "Theory of Everything of 1985" separated from it in order to specialize in explaining the secrets and mechanisms of life, in which fragment especially strong emphasis is placed on the highlighted in item #A0 from my web page named "god_proof.htm" avoidance of vague, ambiguous and imprecise expressions, and on possibly the most detailed and most specific defining the used names with the present terminology providing the highest possible unambiguousness of understanding, as well as explaining and documenting: "what", "exactly from what", "how", "in what manner", "exactly why", "what evidence confirms that it is truth on which one can rely", etc. Hence, for example, the names and definitions of the basic concepts of the "Theory of Life of 2020" remain the same as those developed by my "Theory of Everything of 1985". Also, the research methods used by these two theories are exactly the same. The main difference between them boils down to just the level of specialization - i.e. the "Theory of Life of 2020" specializes only in searching for the truth of whatever concerns the phenomenon of life as the most mysterious process so far, which cannot be scientifically investigated or explained with atheistic tools and methods that are at the disposal of the old, monopolistic "official atheistic science". In turn the "Theory of Everything of 1985" deals with explaining practically everything about which someone has a so-far an unexplained question or doubt. In addition, the "Theory of Life of 2020" places a particularly strong emphasis on the practical implementation in its descriptions previously developed during the nearly half-century of using my "Theory of Everything of 1985" of these already well-developed research tools, rules of conduct, and philosophical foundations, which allow NOT only that something is stated, but they also allow scientifically irrefutable confirmation that this something stated is an absolute truth on which one can and should rely completely. These highly specialized rules of conduct and research tools, which was developed and used only by the "Theory of Everything of 1985", while the particular emphasis on the most effective use of which is introduced by the "Theory of Life of 2020" described here, include for example:


(1) The earliest possible ascertainment as to the truth of each of its findings by comparing the essence of findings that it accomplished with the already existing confirmations from these "three witnesses" - the need to be confirmed by which "3 witnesses" is explained in more detail in item #I2 from my autobiographical web page named "pajak_jan_uk.htm", while which in this post #331E to blogs of totalizm I remind again when revealing almost every new finding. So in order NOT to leave the reader here without explaining what is this finding and documenting of such "3 witnesses" that confirm the correctness and reliability of the results derived from the "Theory of Life of 2020" described here, I am going to briefly explain of what all of them are about and provide a simple example of them. And so, in item #C5 of my web page named "bible.htm" I am quoting and interpreting verses of the Bible which order to rely on testimonies of more than one witness (preferably on "three witnesses") in order to confirm the truth. In turn, in item #I2 from my autobiographical web page named "pajak_jan_uk.htm", on the basis of my research experience to-date I would like to draw the attention of the reader, that if he/she intends to make sure about the absolute truth of some previously unconfirmed essential finding logically derived from any theoretical deductions or scientific theory, then the confirmation of this truth should be revealed to him/her accordingly and unanimously by at least the following "three witnesses", i.e.:


(1a) The result and way of the deriving of this finding from a given theoretical deduction or theory using a logically correct cause-effect chain. For example, the Theory of Life of 2020 discussed here allowed me to derive a finding that in all air breathing beings, life begins at the moment of catching the first breath, i.e. just before breaking the umbilical cord, because at that moment to these creatures is "breathed" (uploaded) the "God Drobina" containing their "soul" - for more information see (e) in item #H3 below in this post #331E.


(1b) The correct interpretation of the confirmation of the essence of the same finding, encrypted in specifically indicated, quoted and interpreted verses of the Bible (i.e. in the verses for which specific verse numbers and book names from the Bible are indicated from which they come). As the collected since 1985 confirmations by Bible verses of the essence of practically every one of my significant scientific discoveries allowed me to discover, while in 2020 enabled me to gain certainty about it during the redrafting of the above-indicated item #I2 from my autobiographical web page named "pajak_jan_uk.htm", the essence of practically every future discovery important for all mankind, for about 2,000 years it has already been encoded in Bible verses. For example, from the very beginning of the Bible's existence e.g. the information is encoded in it, that the "breathing" of the soul into the body takes place at the moment of catching the first breath, means usually just before breaking the umbilical cord - only that "rejecting knowledge" priests (see verses 4:4-9 from the Biblical "The Book of Hosea") have either overlooked it all this time, or they have deliberately ignored it. Similarly, verses of the Bible express the essence of practically every other truth that is important but still unknown to people. For example, until the times of the Second World War, humanity knew nothing about computers, while for around 2000 years the verses of the Bible had encoded information that humanity will build computers that will be composed of their (I) hardware means bodies, and their (II) software means programs in the Bible called the "Word", and that (III) computer software cannot exist without first being saved on some "information carrier" of the hardware nature - the truth of which until today many people are still NOT aware of. The essence of this truth is expressed e.g. in verse 2:7 from the Biblical "Book of Genesis" discussed below in (e) from item #H3 of this post #331E. Similarly, the principle of operation of "Time Vehicles" I discovered only after creating my "Theory of Everything of 1985", but verses 20:1-11 from the biblical "Second Book of Kings" confirm its truth already for 2000 years - for my interpretation of these verses see items #B4 and #D5 to #D5.2 from the web page named "immortality.htm". However, the essence of these truths about the future discoveries in the Bible is deliberately, especially wisely, and in an inconspicuous way coded to prevent all kinds of lazy people, idlers, ignoramuses, doubters, careerists, etc., from effortless guessing of the essence of most significant future discoveries and from usurping for themselves the authorship of supposed achieving this. Thus, in order to understand what such wisely encoded essences of future discoveries and inventions really express, they must first be laboriously discovered by oneself, and only then can be found their confirmation in the Bible. Because of the existence of this wise coding in the Bible every significant theoretical discovery, theory, or invention, which, however, does NOT yet indicate the Bible verse in which its essence is coded, in fact either hides a serious error and is an ordinary lie, or is still underdeveloped in its support by evidence - thus in both these cases it is NOT worth taking it seriously and risking our soul by accepting it as the truth. (If the reader wishes to find out how skilfully and wisely future discoveries important for humanity are encoded in the Bible, I suggest that he/she have a look at these items #B4 and #D5 to #D5.2 and also #B4.1 from my web page named "immortality.htm", in which I interpreted and explained the verses 20:1-11 from the "Second Book of Kings" of the Bible - then re-confirmed by verses 38:1-8 from the "Book of Isaiah" and also by verses 33:25-30 from the "Book of Job" - which confirm the firstly discovered by me and described on that web page "immortality.htm" the extremely important for future humanity the principle of operation of the simplest to build "Time Vehicles", which principle depends on shifting the resonance point in human DNA: these Time Vehicles allow for infinite extension of life through repetitive shifting back to the years of youth after each reaching the old age - but it will only work and make people happy if the humanity firstly introduces my "nirvana political system" summarised in item #C7 from the web page named "nirvana.htm".)


(1c) Confirmation of this finding with empirical evidence fully documented with correct interpretations of phenomena manifested and registered in the reality that surrounds us. An example which confirms that the "breathing" of the soul into the body from matter depends on "breathing in" (uploading) of the entire counter-material God Drobina containing this soul, is the above-mentioned "NDE" (near-death experience), about which an extensive documentation is already available in the literature and on the Internet. This is because the phenomenon of NDE displays attributes that can appear only when the soul of a living being made of matter still resides in the counter-material God Drobina assigned to this creature to coexist in symbiosis.

How practically the documenting of existence of these "3 witnesses" for specific findings derived by my "Theory of Everything of 1985" looks like, is best explained by examples of documenting these "3 witnesses", which I discuss in that item #I2 from my autobiographical web page named "pajak_jan_uk.htm". In the case of the "Theory of Life of 2020" described here, their identification and written (and if possible, also photographic and/or filmed) documentation allows for undeniable proving that the statements of this theory supported by such "three witnesses" express the absolute truth on which one can and should rely, and which in the future can be scientifically irrefutably proven by a formal scientific proof.


(2) Positive translation of old names (terminology) appearing in verses of the Bible, in order to understand these names as they are intended to mean. These translations of the biblical names to which a given theory refers are to replace ambiguous or difficult to comprehend today old terminology from the Bible with either commonly and unambiguously understood or strictly defined names from today's common language, or replace with new names that I introduced for the newly discovered scientific findings "Theory of Everything of 1985". Moreover, for the sake of clarity, the original names used in the Bible should always be quoted with the first uses of translations of biblical names, just after the translations of these names are appearing in a given publication - so that the translations would explain what this name means at the present level of our civilization, in turn the biblical names given next to them would indicate what words from the Bible these names are replacing in the descriptions of a given theory. It is worth noting, that the actual intention of meaning contained in some old biblical names, much more accurately than through the analysis of the ancient meaning of a given name used by today's priests, can be determined by analyzing the resultant meaning of all uses of this name in the Bible, and then by comparing the outcomes of such analysis of the resultant meaning, with the language spoken today. It must be remembered that in ancient times human knowledge and language used old and imprecise words, while in order for today's level of civilization to work properly, words must acquire increasingly more precise and unambiguously defined meaning. Hence, only analyzing old languages does NOT allow for the precise understanding of old biblical concepts, but it is also necessary to use the newest theories and discoveries which explain these concepts much better than the Bible, and then find today's equivalents for naming such explained meanings. Here are examples of the agreeable with present their meaning translation of old names from the Bible. The first is "God Drobina" (in the Bible called "Angel") - as I described it below in (g) from item #H3 of this post. Another is the "living program of God" - which is the translation of the meaning of old and inaccurately understood biblical name "Word" (i.e. the Biblical "Word" we should understand as: information, algorithm, program). Here in turn is an example of a positive name: "God Drobina" instead of the atheistic and thus unsuitable for associating it with God the name "God particle" - see .


(3) Taking into account the nature of God as a unique "group intellect" in explanations of confirmations supported by quoted from the Bible the essence of a given theoretical deduction or theory - i.e. confirmations by "witnesses" from (1b) above: as more comprehensively this group nature of God is described in (a) from item #H3 of this post #331E. The point is that due to the fact that "God Drobinas" are components of everything, thus every group of people, creatures, or objects is linked through these God Drobinas into one bigger so-called "group intellect". In turn all members of such a "group intellect" are always connected together through common motivations, interests, goals, intentions, methods of action, relating to each other, friendliness, the group responsibility before God for whatever as a group it has done - see #F2 in web page "karma.htm", etc. (Notice that the concept of human "group intellect" I defined more broadly in item #E2 from the web page named "totalizm.htm".) However, God is a more unique "group intellect" than all other such group intellects with which people deal. The reason for the uniqueness of the group intellect of God is that independently from the common motivations, interests and other factors that bind together all "group intellects", these immortal "God Drobinas" that form the group intellect of God are linked together through one huge "living program of God" that is common to all of them and is contained in all of them in the highest and the most superior, twelfth "brain" of every God Drobina. So in all matters significant for God, this common "living program of God" is able to change into agreeable with God's plans all intentions and actions that other "brains" from a given God Drobina will have in these matters - as I emphasized it in (i) from item #H3 of this post #331E while discussing "Fallen Angels", and to which change refers the phrase "and do NOT lead us into temptation" from the prayer "Our Father ..." contained in verses 6:9-13 from the biblical "Gospel according to St. Matthew".


(4) Defining every concept and terminology introduced by a given theoretical deduction or theory, which is NOT yet a part of a commonly used language, nor which was defined in another publication by the author of this deduction or theory indicated at the place of its use.


(5) Historical documentation of the process of refining a given theoretical deduction or theory. As it turns out, none of the theory or theoretical deduction stating the truth and confirmed by the "witnesses" indicated in (1) above gives fully refined and complete results from the very beginning, but it needs to be diligently developed and improved over many years. (It is precisely with what these truthful theories differ from the deceptive theories based on lies, which, after the initial elaboration, cannot be changed or improved, because it would reveal the lies contained in them.) To such a person as myself, means to a professor of mechanical engineering and a professor of computer software development by occupation, training, practice as well as by creative activities and inventions, the work on development of a new theory is similar to work on prototypes of new machines and new software. Their first prototypes also always contain a lot of imperfections and unfriendly behaviours towards users, and thus they need to be refined and improved for years. Therefore, in order to be "fair" for the readers of a given theory, the moral duty of its creator, which I always try to fulfil, is to inform about the history of what is being done, i.e. about dates, about the essence of changes and improvements that were introduced on specific dates, about goals that are intended to be achieved through these changes (or which already are achieved), etc., etc.



#H2. Let us explain more precisely what states the "Theory of Life of 2020" described here:


The "Theory of Life of 2020" described here states that the mere synthesis of a "hardware" component of a creature made of "matter" from our physical world for the use by any creature that requires animating, means the creating a "body" for this creature, is NOT enough for that creature to experience "life" - because for "life" to come into existence mainly numerous "software" components of this creature are absolutely necessary, such as the seeds of "self-awareness" and personality, initial knowledge (e.g. how to eat or breathe), the ability to learn, programs servicing the senses, and also a whole range of other initial software procedures necessary for life, contained in the entire collection of highly specialized software which in the Bible is described under the name of "soul" while the basic components of which have already been described by my "Theory of Everything of 1985". In turn all these "software" components that are absolutely necessary for life, self-evolved in miniature, immortal and already living for around half of eternity creatures from counter-matter called "God Drobinas" - my discovery of the existence of which I described extensively in items #K1 and #K2 from my web page named "god_exists.htm". Unfortunately, the self-evolution of this specialized software of the "soul" in the hardware-intelligent "God Drobinas" with tiny counter-material bodies described more comprehensively in those items #K1 and #K2 of the web page "god_exists.htm", took the length of time that is currently impossible to survive and experience by living creatures with bodies made of matter. My intuition tells me that probably this self-evolution took around half of infinity - as this is explained more comprehensively in "part #C" of the web page "2020life.htm". Therefore, instead of trying to generate or evolve this software in creatures living with bodies made of matter, God accelerates its acquisition by these creatures from matter through "breathing" into every newly born such creature the entire "God Drobina" which already have "soul" in its counter-material miniature body, and which makes this "soul" available to the creature from matter on principles of mutually beneficial "symbiosis". In turn after this "breathing" (downloading) of soul, the counter-material God Drobina begins to share with a given being from matter the programs of the "soul" contained in it (i.e. share its "seed of self-awareness", its memory, etc.), due to which their symbiosis, both sides gain many benefits. After all, for a creature made of matter this God Drobina also becomes a link with God and with "Guardian Angels", who through the organ of "conscience" help it to go safely and profitably for it through full of dangers process of living. At the same time, for the "God Drobina" the creature made of matter and led by it, is a source of numerous experiences which better shape its personality and develop its character, accelerate the increase of its knowledge and life experience, etc. Hence, to understand what "life" is and how it arises first one needs to be aware that life has mainly a "spiritual" character of intelligent and self-learning processes occurring in the self-conscious program, which processes have been initiated and continue in the counter-world in the immortal "God Drobinas" living in there, but for many practical reasons (the most important out of which reasons I am going to describe at the end of this item #H2 of herewith post #331E) were also transferred to creatures from matter, including to people to whom "God Drobinas" make available the software of the "soul" developed in themselves. Furthermore, one must also learn the most important "attributes" and capabilities of the counter-material God Drobinas that the scientific "Theory of Everything of 1985" already established about them. Namely, one needs to learn at least the following information about these "God Drobinas", which I am only briefly indicating here in the list numbered with capital letters, while the more detailed descriptions of which, including these required "3 witnesses" confirming their truth and compliance with the reality that surrounds us, are provided in the list from item #H3 of this post #331E numbered with lowercase letters corresponding to the following capital letters of markings of the list provided here. Here is this information:


(A) Let us accept that the nature and work of God represent the so-called "group intellect" - i.e. the intellect which in fact is NOT just one being, but a whole group of different counter-material creatures managed by a single, superior, living program of God. A brief description of what makes God such a "group intellect" (more broadly defined e.g. in item #E2 from my web page named "totalizm.htm") is provided in (a) from item #H3 below in this post #331E.


(B) Let us learn what is a "soul" - see (b) from item #H3 below in this post.


(C) Let us learn to distinguish the term "soul" described in the Bible from the term "living soul" also used in there - see (c) from item #H3 below in this post.


(D) At the moment of birth, the entire software of the "soul" required for life (i.e. the embryo of self-awareness, personality programs, access to its long-term memory, etc.), the newly-born being receives through "breathed" into its body an already alive "God Drobina" who shares with this creature its own software and memory resources. This sharing takes place on the mutually beneficial principles of "symbiosis".


(E) The moment that the "God Drobina" containing the "soul" is "breathed in" cannot precede the full formation of the body that this soul will take, hence the "soul" is "breathed" (downloaded) into the body of a newly-born air breathing creature only at the moment of catching the first breath, i.e. usually just before the moment of breaking or cutting the umbilical cord - which, however, does NOT discourage some "souls" knowing much earlier into what bodies they will be "breathed", from communicating with their future mothers during sleep (especially if these souls notice that their future mothers are in a difficult life situation). It is also worth noting here, that any earlier attempt for "soul" to be "breathed" would be like an attempt to install software on a computer that has NOT been built yet, or like an attempt to send an email before it was typed in. In other words, the new life begins only from that moment of catching the first breath (i.e. close to the umbilical cord rupture), NOT from the moment of fertilization (as it is wrongly, means contrary to the truth confirmed in the Bible verses, and despite the explanations of this fact that have been disseminated in my publications for a long time, still believed by many irresponsibly acting people who lack of this vital knowledge). This important moment of initiation of life is explained and confirmed with evidence in the descriptions marked (e) from item #H3 below in this post #331E. About this beginning of life at the moment of catching the first breath (i.e. close to the moment of breaking the umbilical cord), item #C6 from my web page named "soul_proof.htm" informs interested readers since 2011/2/1 - only that the absolute certainty that it is determined undeniably correctly it got only during its re-derivation by the "Theory of Life of 2020" described here, which this time supports it irrefutably with the required confirmations of the "3 witnesses" indicated by this theory.


(F) At the moment of death, the "God Drobina" containing the soul's software (i.e. the seed of self-awareness, the memory of the entire life of this creature, etc.), simply flies out of the body and joins the huge number of other miniature God Drobinas that carry out next tasks assigned to them by God.


(G) The explanation of the coded into the Bible concept of "Angels" states that under this Biblical name one should understand single "embodied" God Drobinas (i.e. drobinas of counter-matter). Only that in order to be able to decipher the truth about these Angels, which truth in order to NOT provide easy solutions for lazy people, ignoramuses, idlers, careerists and doubters of all kinds that I described in (1b) from item #H1 above in this post #331E, it was coded in the Bible very wisely, skilfully, far-sightedly and unobtrusively - so this truth can become fully understandable and acceptable only when one first work out (like the author of this post), or get to know (like the reader of this post) the essence of the "Theory of Life of 2020".


(H) Findings of the Theory of Life of 2020 described here regarding functions performed by the so-called "Guardian Angels" means by the "embodied" counter-material God Drobinas that specialize in helping selected people or group intellects. And so, because today's knowledge about the operation of computers has already proved to us that no program (in the Bible called "Word") is able to exist without a "carrier of information" on which it is written, programs (e.g. "soul") "breathed" into the body made of matter technically must be "breathed" (downloaded) into these bodies of matter together with the entire counter-material "God Drobinas" which are carriers of these programs (i.e. which God Drobinas store the software of "soul"). Only that in order to NOT introduce an unnecessary confusion by expanding the explanations into too many technical details, in the Bible the description of this "breathed" programs was simplified to the concept of "breathing the soul". But in order to still inform in verses of the Bible that "breathed" are whole living drobinas of counter-matter (i.e. whole God Drobinas), there were also skilfully encoded into the Bible explanations of the concepts of so-called "Guardian Angels" (i.e. God Drobinas looking after selected people and helping them in critical situations, therefore embodied in all-powerful bodies specially created for them), perfectly distinguished from the so-called "Angels" (i.e. from God Drobinas embodied with especially pre-programmed for them counter-matter into an extraordinary substance visually similar to matter) and from the so-called "The Ancient of Days" (i.e. from non-embodied counter-material God Drobinas).


(I) The actual operation on Earth of supernatural beings described in the Bible as "Fallen Angels", assistants of Lucifer, devils, demons, and under several other terms. These creatures also turn out to be embodied God Drobinas, which (unfortunately) in their immortal life to-date developed software that works on principles destructive to the progress and development of the universe, and thus which God tries to eliminate from the God Drobinas that are managed by His programs. (I have already a long time ago encountered in the literature reporting details of the mythology of the pre-Christian religion of NZ Maoris about their superior God Io, the information which later turned out to be extremely important for the results of the research described here, and which while describing in detail the process of self-evolution of self-awareness and other software of God, stated (only that using more imprecise language than mine) that in the most superior, because in the 12th memory of every God Drobina, there is a fragment of the living program of God guiding the life and behaviour of that tiny God Drobina. Some elements of this Maori mythology concerning "chaos", I have summarized together with providing their sources, in item #E1 from my web page named "will.htm" and in subsection A1.1 from volume 1 of my monograph [1/5] available via the web page "text_1_5.htm".)


(J) Understanding that the biblical name "heaven" is actually an ancient equivalent of the term "counter-world" introduced by the scientific "Theory of Everything of 1985".


If we tried to define with a descriptive sentence what the "Theory of Life of 2020" discussed here says about "life" and about the most important for "life" procedure of "life initiation", then such sentence could take the form, for example, that: The life of a creature created by God from matter, is a process of acquiring knowledge and experiences providing the maximally beneficial consequences for all creatures who use the achievements of this life; initiated WHEN to the ready "hardware" body that meets all the requirements which guarantee the correct work of allocated to it the living, self-aware, self-learning, creatively thinking, knowledge-accumulating programs of "soul" prepared in the used by God Drobinas the ULT format and language, "breathed" is the "God Drobina" containing the programs of "soul" and intended for this particular body because this drobina has such a history specially selected by God to assign to this "hardware body" that by making available to this body the stored in it programs of "soul", i.e. the programs such as the embryo of self-awareness, personality database, experience analysing and self-learning programs, long-term memory, karma software, life and fate programs, translation programs between ULT and spoken language, and a whole host of other life "applications", it makes possible for this body to effectively complete life goals and tasks imposed onto it by God; means WHEN the "breathed" is so specially selected "God Drobina" that it is also able to fulfil effectively for this ready "hardware" (i.e. for the body) and for the life goals designed for it by God, the role of an effective provider of the necessary software, advice, guidelines and executive capabilities that as safely as possible will improve its personality, raise its knowledge, and gather life experiences helpful for it in the future.


An example of such "hardware" from matter (i.e. a body) ready to be "breathed" into it the counter-material "God Drobina" containing the software of the "soul" needed by this body for life, is the fetus of a new child which to the state of readiness to start own life was shaped in the womb of its mother. But the counter-material "God Drobina" with its "soul" (containing the "seed of self-awareness" and other "software" required for life) for reasons which I explained in (e) from item #H3 below in this post, while previously for many years I was supporting these reasons with evidence and logical arguments in item #C6 from the web page named "soul_proof.htm", this fetus can receive at the time of catching the first breath, means near the moment of breaking umbilical cord. (The evidence confirming the moment when the soul is "breathed" (downloaded) into the body, include, amongst others, verses 21:22-23 from the Biblical "Book of Exodus" quoted and interpreted in that item #C6 from the separate web page "soul_proof.htm", and also include verse 2:7 from the biblical "Book of Genesis" quoted and interpreted in (e) from item #H3 below in this post #331E.)


I should also explain here, that because the carriers of programs of every "soul" are eternally living (immortal) God Drobinas, therefore logic suggests and some sources inform, that the existence of a soul does NOT begin only at the moment when it is "breathed" into the body together with the counter-material God Drobina containing this particular soul, nor does it end with the death of that body and the departure of the God Drobina together with this soul. This is because such existence of souls in states slightly different than "life" - the majority of the time-period of which the Bible describes as a kind of "sleep", practically lasts already for almost a half of eternity. Only that because the components of the soul include, among others, the "embryo of self-awareness" and personality programs that the soul shares with other "brains" contained in the same God Drobina, while these other "brains" are more superior than it, hence most of the time when the "soul" is NOT a "living soul", these superior programs "put it to sleep", means they deprive it of access to the seed of self-awareness and to programs of its personality, so that it is NOT aware of its existence. However, at moments important for it, when something is decided or something is happening for which its consent or participation is required, its self-awareness is restored and it begins to realize what is happening when it still exists apart from the physical body and actually is only a part of the God Drobina that stores it in one of its 12 "brains". Therefore, one must be aware of the fact that nothing arises suddenly and from nothing, and thus also the existence of every soul consists of at least three stages, namely [a] the history of this soul preceding the moment when it is "breathed" into a given body (most of the time of this history it probably spends dormant - although for moments important to it, it may be "awakened"), then [b] carrying out of a given conscious life as a "living soul", while after [c] death, the continuation of its existence (probably again in a "dormant state" from which it can also be "awakened" for reasons important to it). If the reader looks around the world, then he/she will notice that in fact the humanity has already accumulated quite a lot of information that originates from various sources, which explain what happens to the soul in all these three stages. Hence, it would be good if the "Theory of Life of 2020" described here, in the future could include at least brief descriptions of them. Only that the correct writing of a theory that includes a truth that is so difficult to find and to confirm it by well documented "3 witnesses", requires a huge amount of work and time. Therefore, it will be a great success if on the web page "2020life.htm" I manage to document in more detail at least the most important stage [b] of the soul's existence. After all, this stage [b] consists of three very vital processes, namely [b1] initiating a given life, [b2] carrying out life, and [b3] ending life. Out of these three, the process [b1] of initiating a given life is the least understood at present and the most important for undertaking the success of carrying out the "life". This is why I already defined it roughly above and partially described it in this post #331E. In the future, if I am able, then I would like to additionally extend the descriptions [b1] of the initiation of a given life with more detailed explanations in the next "part #I" of the web page "2020life.htm". Especially about those details concerning e.g. the topics of the selection of its future parents that are the most eligible for the realization of the life goals of a given soul, as well as those explaining the often occurring and relatively well documented processes of communication of a given soul with its future material mother. This communication can take place even before this soul is "breathed" into the body at the time of catching the first breath (i.e. just before the moment of breaking the umbilical cord), means when this soul still exists only as programs contained in one of the brains of the God Drobina residing in the counter-world and just chosen to be breathed in the approaching moment of future birth. Typically this communication takes place while the mother is asleep. It also seems that its goal is to establish a spiritual connection between a given soul and its future mother, and also to surround this mother with a sense of love, support and care. After all, it usually occurs when the mother is in a very difficult life situation and really needs spiritual support. If I could, then in the future I would like to additionally describe the process [b2] of carrying out life - the explanation of which I would devote yet another still awaiting writing "part #J" of the web page "2020life.htm". Its essence is already briefly summarized in item #J5 from my web page named "petone.htm". Of course, the web page "2020life.htm" also has a room to include in it descriptions of the process [b3] of ending life - which if I could, then I would explain in more detail in the "part #K" of it that is waiting for writing.


The knowledge that I previously gathered from the area later covered by the "Theory of Life of 2020" described here, allowed me to be able to objectively estimate its knowledge-generating potential immediately after this theory clarified in my mind. The estimation shows that this theory introduces the possibility of explaining practically everything that about the phenomenon of "life" so far remained for people beyond the possibility of explaining with the methods of atheistic science which recognized the existence of only matter, while completely ignoring the entirety of the knowledge about counter-matter which is already indisputably proven true - i.e. the knowledge accumulated in consequence of use of my "Theory of Everything of 1985" also called the "Concept of Dipolar Gravity" - see the web page "dipolar_gravity.htm". This is why I am in such a hurry to publish this latest "Theory of Life of 2020". Only that in order to explain everything with this theory, now it will be necessary to put into it many years of hard research work, efforts of logical deductions, gathering evidence (i.e. finding these "3 witnesses"), and painstaking publishing the results. As it results from the experience with my previously developed Theory of Everything of 1985, if I am NOT able to put this work myself, almost certainly NO other professional employee of the monopolistic and repressive "official atheistic science" will undertake it - unless in the meantime humanity is going to implement my "nirvana political system" summarized in item #C7 from the web page named "nirvana.htm". (After all, the implementation of the "nirvana political system" would eliminate the temptation hitherto dominating and paralyzing the monopoly of official science, that instead of seeking and promoting the truth, the entire monopolistic "official atheistic science" and many of its decision makers would continue to focus their efforts almost exclusively on the lucrative and effortless for them lying to humanity and maintaining atheism in the world.) So proverbially "let us keep our fingers crossed" that God would give me the time, health and energy required for this, so that the progressive component of humanity could start using this new ground-breaking my theory which opens access to the truth about the phenomenon of "life".


In the initial part of this item #H2 of the post I also promised that I am going to describe here the most important practical reasons for which God transfers life to creatures from matter and to our physical world, from the original location of life in the male and female immortal God Drobinas that live in the counter-world. I will therefore list here in the numbered list the most important of these reasons. Here they are:


[I] The acceleration of knowledge gathering. This is the most important of these reasons. The point is that in the counter-world all processes are long-lasting. For example, "whirls" of counter-matter from which firstly the elementary particles are formed, and then permanent atoms, etc., can exist and circulate the same God Drobinas literally for millions of years. So the God Drobinas that make up these "whirls" cannot learn much in such long-lasting processes of monotonous whirling. In turn the God Drobinas to which is assigned e.g. the task of serving as a carrier and supplier of the soul in some living creature made of matter, during even only a few days can accumulate much more knowledge and practical experiences than in the counter-world they will be provided during entire millennia.


[II] Expanding the types of knowledge and experience gathered. According to what we know so-far about the counter-world, it is inhabited only by two kinds of immortal living creatures, i.e. only by male and female immortal God Drobinas. Meanwhile, the creative mind of God created from matter an almost infinite number of mortal creatures. For the individual God Drobinas acting as soul bearers for all these creatures, it opens up a huge body of different kinds of knowledge and experience that they can accumulate.


[III] Multiplying the types of processes that can be experienced. In the counter-world, NOT every process can be experienced. The number of processes that may take place in there is very limited. We already know that most of the external sensations experienced in there by the God Drobinas come down mainly to movements and the formation of signals. So these God Drobinas are in a situation similar to the hardware of our computers, which so-far is only able to "experience" (implement) the addition of two binary numbers. However, similarly as in today's computers through various forms of using the manipulations of adding such two binary numbers we obtain all these countless activities that present computers are already able to carry out, also through various uses of God Drobinas’ motions and their signals, God managed to create entire our physical world and an infinity of forms and experiences that exist in our physical world. In turn experiencing these forms and experiences multiplies the types of processes which due to the existence of our physical world are available and possible to be sampled by God Drobinas.


[IV] Generating experiences and knowledge from disciplines that remain inaccessible in the counter-world. Life in our physical world is intense. In a short time of its duration, a great deal happens in a wide variety of matters. Thus, the God Drobinas participating in this process begin to accumulate experiences and learn knowledge from areas which could NOT be experienced in the counter-world (e.g. in there is NO "death" as we know it). For example, they can learn the beauty, types and meanings of feelings, distinguish between good and bad character traits, learn to distinguish different levels of perfection, to improve what requires improvement, on knowledge of life and knowledge of death, etc.


(This entire post #331E and the films of evidence illustrating it did NOT fit into the memory of this blog - hence the rest of it will be continued below as post #331_2E)


kodig : :