paź 17 2020

#327_2E: Authentic photo of giant's skull...

(Continuation of the previous part of this post #327E)


#327_2E: Authentic photo of giant's skull and filmed chronicle of over 4 meters tall last of the former human-looking giants (part 2)


Unfortunately for human knowledge, only the section of knowledge discovered through the findings of my scientific "Theory of Everything of 1985" (see ) concerns the changes during the biblical flood of both the dimensions of human bodies and the dimensions of all other creatures created by God, as well as reveals the principle of the passage of "time of humans" and other creatures. But that section of knowledge has an immensely significant influence on the civilizational advancement of humanity (e.g. on the construction by humanity of Time Vehicles and generators of pure free energy of my invention - see web pages "immortality.htm" and "fe_cell.htm"). In turn because of the enormous importance of this knowledge, according to the operation of the moral field and moral laws, the humanity must firstly put in a proportionately large amount of work in order to "earn" the learning of this priceless knowledge. But as so-far none of people (apart from only the doctor of engineering named Jan Pajak - means me), somehow is eager to put the required workload into earning of this knowledge. Hence, God allows some omnipotent "powers" (e.g. inhabitants of Agharta) to block this knowledge from disseminating it among people - until the entire humanity earns the right to learn about it. In turn one of the forms of this blocking the access to the knowledge about the existence of two kinds of elapse of time, and the change during the biblical deluge of the type of time in which age people and all other living creatures - the possession of which knowledge must be earned by the entire humanity, may be a mysterious permission for the elimination of evidence which would lead to the prohibition of quick learning of this knowledge by those who do NOT deserve it (including this mysterious elimination of skeletons of giants accidentally discovered by people, or e.g. their two rows of teeth and genetics from before the biblical deluge). More about my findings that antediluvian people had the size of giants, one can also read in #A4 from item #C4.1 of the web page named "immortality.htm". Questions related to the explanation described here, which also bother me significantly, are (1) "whether these giants had to die out, because the aging of their bodies, as well as all other life functions - e.g. the speed of their running, still proceeded as it was before the biblical deluge, i.e. according to the irreversible absolute time of the universe?", (2) "whether having the bones of a relatively recently deceased one of these human giants, present official science already has the capability of scientific confirmation that the aging of these giants followed the irreversible absolute time of the universe, and NOT - as in today's people, according to the reversible software time?" and also (3) "whether the Maori name meaning the 'key to omniscience' for the New Zealand "tuatara lizard" (see ) reveals to us another creature, the examination of which slowly leads people to confirm the existence and operation on Earth these two types of time which I discovered and the elapse of which occurs with significantly different from each other speeds?". At this point it is worth adding that a situation identical to the skeletons of human giants also exists in the case of disappearing mummies from America and Egypt, which have elongated, egg-shaped skulls, identical to the skulls of one of the races of UFOnauts seen on Earth - about which I write in more detail e.g. in item #M1 from my web page named "antichrist.htm".


Independently from giants and antediluvian people of huge height, large people can also grow for several other reasons, e.g. because of living and growing up in a telekinetised environment. Of course, even if the skulls of the giants had two rows of teeth each, the skulls of humans of large sizes would only have one row of teeth. The present medicine also recognizes several different reasons why people can grow up to huge sizes. Unfortunately, among these, the permanent telekinetisation of their bodies is still NOT recognized - in spite of the existence of a huge body of evidence, which confirms this reason. However, there is one kind of empirical evidence, which indicates permanent telekinetisation as the main reason for mutating in New Zealand also descendants of ordinary people to the size of giants. This proof is the empirical discovery of ancient Maoris (passed on to us in the form of their verbal tradition), that if the remains of a human giant are buried in vegetable gardens, then vegetables also grow to enormous sizes in there. (It is because of this empirical discovery that in old times Maoris used to bury fragments of human giants in their vegetable gardens.) The most important in this discovery is the mechanism with the use of which the ability to grow up to huge sizes is transferred from the remains of human giants to vegetables. If a given human giant grew up because of some disease, then its remnants would not be able to induce the growth of giant vegetables. But if a given human giant achieved its growth because of permanent telekinetisation, or because of life in a different time than human, then the telekinetised elements contained in its body (and perhaps also their susceptibility to the action of a different time), would be absorbed by vegetables, inducing in them also growth to enormous sizes - on the same principle as the enormous growth of vegetables (e.g. a colossal pumpkin - see ), is caused after planting them in Alaska in the area telekinetised by the migration of the Earth's magnetic pole, or as in telekinetic UFO landing sites, all plants grow up to several times of higher sizes (see "Fig. #I3" on the web page named "newzealand.htm"). This in turn means that there is empirical evidence, which indicates the growth of human giants also because of the permanent telekinetisation of their bodies. More on the subject of permanent telekinetisation can be found in subsections KB1 and KB2 from volume 9 of monograph [1/5].


The conclusions from my short but fruitful research on the NZ giants are unambiguous. Namely, they confirm that: (1) colossal giants-man-eaters in fact and for sure prowled in NZ until the historic times of the 18th century, (2) some "power" operating on Earth until today with huge influence and reach, mysteriously, highly skilfully and indescribably fiercely removes, falsifies and "disgusts" all evidence found by people for the existence of giants - e.g. see "Film #I2c" below, (3) people who research giants are secretly persecuted and actively destroyed by this "power", (4) descendants of ordinary people also grow up to the growth of giants if they are bred in telekinetised surroundings, (5) actual antediluvian giants were genetically different from people, because they were born as a result of mixing the seed of "sons" of God and human women - as it is described in the Bible and the so-called "The Book of Enoch" (texts of which are already available in Polish - see and ), (6) giants displayed an innate hostility towards ordinary people instinctively inherited from their otherworldly "fathers" and thus treated people only as a source of "food", and (7) the bones of these giants buried in vegetable gardens had the formerly widely known by the local population of the South Pacific ability to pass on to the vegetables growing along with them a "growth program" which caused that these vegetables also grew to gigantic sizes.

Film #I2a: Typically people do NOT realize how huge and terrifying compared to us were former man-eating giants, and how extensive and reliable evidence confirms this (including the Bible). So in order to realize the size, power and lethality of the old giants, it is worth to look at 0:38 seconds from the 1:37-minute-long English-language film entitled 8 OCCASIONS WHEN GIANT HUMAN SKELETONS WERE FOUND, which in May 2020 I found on YouTube at the address . For the sake of scientific accuracy, however, I have to add here that despite the alleged origin from New Zealand of the giant skull shown on it, previously I did not encounter the existence of a find and a photograph of this NZ skull myself while conducting my effective, objective and reliable research of NZ giants (albeit forced to be just "hobby" research - because it was officially persecuted). I undertook the efforts to confirm the authenticity of this photograph only after watching the above film. At the same time, I am also aware that the currently existing graphic computer software, tools, materials and technical skills of today's props manufacturers allow relatively easy fabrication of skulls and photos of the type shown in the above film as well as in both films linked from the next "Film #I2b" below. Despite this, I am showing the above huge skull here because information about just so huge sizes of skulls found in NZ were most frequently reported by those who repeated previously heard stories about them, and also because it is worth for the reader to see and understand why the old folklore of NZ stubbornly claimed that these human eating giants (cannibals) were able to bite off the heads of normal people with one clap of their jaws and then nibble on those heads just as we crunch peanuts today.


Of course, after discovering the existence of the above photograph of a giant skull from NZ I immediately made an effort to find out more information on its subject. A search order for the keywords actually revealed quite a few references to this photo. But all of them originated from the first publication of it dated around 2013, which firstly appeared under the no longer existing address . The information that accompanied the first publication of this photograph stated - I quote: "This giant skeleton was found in Pitcairn Island, New Zealand in 1934. Local farmers are trying to hide pieces of a giant skeleton found near 'Christians cave'. Three of the men were later found dead under strange circumstances. The forth man disappeared soon after this photo was taken and was never found. The photographer's identity has never been revealed." As you can see, the origin of this photo has been described as very dramatic. Hence, if one went to NZ Pitcairn Islands (i.e. at: 25:04'S, 130:06'W) then it would be possible to clearly determine through conversations with the locals and through checking the data and configuration of the area known to us, whether the photo is real or fabricated. Unfortunately, the sub-tropical Pitcairn Island lies over 5,000 kilometres from NZ (i.e. from Auckland), and reaching it is expensive, difficult and involves bearing significant inconveniences. Thus, e.g. in my own case going there is NOT an option anymore. But it is worth adding here that historical sources describe how the first predecessors of present settlers, arriving onto the island of Pitcairn, discovered it was uninhabited, but filled with artifacts of ancient culture and with numerous bones of its former inhabitants that looked as if those ancient inhabitants of this island had been eaten by someone. Thus, it is possible to develop a speculative scenario of events that actually looks as if the skull shown in the photo discussed here is authentic and originated from a man-eater giant. According to this scenario: (a) the man-eater giant came from somewhere on this tiny island of Pitcairn (perhaps one of the "sons" of God whom governed the Earth, had another relationship with a Pitcairn local woman, like the Greek god Zeus used to do, and she also bore him a giant), (b) in order to satisfy his huge appetite, this giant ate all the original inhabitants of the Pitcairn island, (c) then he starved himself to death, (d) when this "power" blocking our learning the truth about giants discovered that new settlers in 1934 acted according to the island knowledge and faith that I described in post #327E above and they hid the giant bones that were just found so that after burying them in their vegetable gardens they could produce giant vegetables (read and view the article of the journalist Megan Sutherland from "Timaru Herald" dated 2017/5/12 about giant pumpkins from Timaru at - probably bones of another giant of the Timaru tribe are buried under the garden with these pumpkins), (e) this "power" sent to Pitcairn its "time couriers" and they annihilated (killed) all four eyewitnesses and (f) caused the "disappearance of the giant's bones", but (g) were unable to find and neutralize the anonymous photographer who took the above photo discussed here, (h) thus after the photo was published by the descendant of this photographer (i) the world can now view the giant's skull and learn the truth. (So it would be beneficial for truth if someone check in the future, how the above-mentioned my speculative scenario relates to reality.)


Today it is worth to know that this "power" that occupies and exploits us has a perfect tool (or "institution") with which it "neutralizes" everything that in the future turns out to be detrimental to its interests. This tool are the so-called "time couriers" which I described, among others, in item #D5 from the web page named "timevehicle.htm". Namely, having "time vehicles" at its disposal, this "power" continually sends its "time couriers" to the past in order to inform its companions living there which events that took place in there work against their interests, and thus which needs to be "cancelled". For example, when it turned out that the skull of a giant hidden by farmers from Pitcairn, in our present times provided the world with the proof that giants actually existed, these "time couriers" ordered their "relatives" living and acting in 1934 that this skull must disappear, while the eyewitnesses of it must die. So in the new passage of time we have a situation like the one described above. Thus, only the photo of this skull taken anonymously survived to our times, because these "relatives" who were NOT receiving information from the "time couriers" who actually took this photograph, were NOT able to find the photographer and to eliminate him while simultaneously destroy the photograph. NOT without a very important reason, the Bible commands in verse 6:3 from the "Gospel according to St. Matthew" - I quote from the Polish Catholic "Millennium Bible": "... let the left hand not know what the right hand is doing ..." Because only this good that we do anonymously, this evil "power" is NOT able to neutralize, hence it actually serves the good of our civilization (amongst others, for the good of our civilization served only the photographs documenting the truth and taken anonymously - e.g. the above photograph, anonymously published photographs of UFOs, etc.). Unfortunately, for me this knowledge came too late. This "power" already knows who I am, so it has NO problem to neutralize all my efforts. However, you, the reader, can benefit from the knowledge acquired at such a large cost!

Film #I2b: The filmed skull illustrating two rows of teeth in May 2020 I found on two videos available on YouTube, namely at 9:27 minutes of an approximately 11-minute-long film entitled "Who Lived on Earth 100,000 Years Ago?" from YouTube address , and at 7:50 minutes an approximately 30-minute-long honestly and comprehensively documented English-language film entitled "Giants Emerging Everywhere - They Can't Hide This" that can be run from the address . Unfortunately, the second row of teeth shown in those minutes is visible only in the upper jaw (which would be easier to fabricate than the lower jaw if one tried to deceive giant’s researchers). Furthermore, in the most important places this film is as if intentionally darkened or overexposed, while the dimensions of the hands holding the skull in comparison to the size of the skull itself reveal that the skull shown has the size of a typical human one - means not a giant skull.


It is also intriguing that I found and watched the above films of the skull with two rows of teeth on YouTube only in May 2020, although I previously watched one of them in 2017 and then I did NOT notice this skull with two rows of teeth on it (which, of course, could also result from a momentary distraction or oversight). However, one must also remember that this potent "power", which for hundreds of years has been systematically hiding from dissemination and destroying all skeletons of biblical giants that people managed to discover, and which secretly blocks and disgusts all my publications and all the results of my research, almost certainly also tries (and is able) to cleverly discourage people from researching giants in a whole range of different ways - so that the truth about giants is NOT established, nor that the humanity draws extremely important conclusions, some of which conclusions I discuss in post #327E above, while other can be extracted from the 15-minute Polish-language YouTube film entitled "Przedpotopowa Księga Gigantów odkryta w Qumran" (which title means: "Antediluvian Book of Giants discovered in Qumran" - see ), as well as from verse 6:4 of the Biblical "Book of Genesis". After all, these conclusions suggest that the genetics of biblical giants (and thus the details of their bodies and skeletons) have the potential to confirm their emergence from the mixing of the seed of "sons" of God and human women. Between the lines these conclusions also warn us, that the Earth and humanity until today are in the power of the deceptive intentions of these "fallen angels" (i.e. former "sons" of God), and thus what I explain e.g. in item #K5 from my web page named "god_exists.htm", or in item #K1 from my web page named "evil_pl.htm", in spite of many years of being an object of attacks and taunts of anonymous individuals carefully hiding from us, in fact for people soon may turn out to be a matter of life and death and continuation of existence or even total destruction.


Illustrated with the example from "Film #I2a" the enormity of heads and skulls of giants was the most commonly confirmed information (including even the Bible - the absolute truth of the entire content of which Bible is guaranteed by all my scientific research). In turn the information about the existence of as many as two rows of teeth in the skulls of giants so-far I can assign to only one source. Thus, for statistical reasons and scientific reliability, the existence of such double-row teeth in giants, e.g. I would consider it to be possible, but still NOT proven - and thus requiring further careful empirical research and verification.


While searching the Internet for reliable information about two rows of teeth, at the address I came across an English-language information that one Australian Aboriginal woman had just such two rows of teeth in the lower jaw, but someone from the authorities, who probably knew something more in this matter than we all know, immediately ordered the second row to be removed surgically. This information states - I quote:


The Newcastle Sun Thu 9 Sep 1954 Page 14

Double Set Of Teeth

PERTH: Eight-year-old aboriginal Rosemary Cameron, of Yalgoo, is receiving special treatment at Geraldton for a rare malformation of her teeth. She has two rows of teeth in her lower jaw. Orphaned by the loss of her father in 1952, Rosemary was living with her uncle and aunt at Yalgoo when a Native Affairs Department officer discovered that she had a malformation of her teeth that would eventually disfigure her face. At Geraldton District Hospital one row of teeth was removed under a general anaesthetic. She will have to have dental treatment for at least another year. Rosemary is attending the Geraldton State School during her stay in the town.


What may be surprising in this case, is the inexplicable haste with which the authorities immediately surgically removed her second row of teeth, without taking into account the fact that the additional row of teeth did NOT disturb the girl nor caused health problems, while their removal by surgery caused NOT only problems and suffering during the process of carrying out surgery, but also introduced the danger of undesirable health consequences extending for the rest of the girl's life.

Film #I2c: Although for reasons described in post #327E above, many people will say that the above film is a fabrication, in fact it is an old "filmed chronicle" showing an actually filmed giant, over 4 meters high, that participated in the Japanese military parade. This almost 3 minutes long film is entitled "Giant of Japan military parade" and is distributed via the address , while its "specially" designed copy is also available at . From what I was able to find in the present Internet already famous for hard-to-extract-truth, the above "filmed chronicle" was supposed to be shot sometime in the 1890s, means in times when in order to show a giant on a film it was necessary to film the actual giant. The above giant is supposed to come from the tribe the last living individual of which (that one from the film) lived from 1750 to 1945 (i.e. for 195 "human years") on the island "Hahajima" (I checked: this island does exist - see , although the truth about giants that long-lived on it is suspiciously jammed on the Internet). I also came across information that in the pre-war imperial archives of Japan there are still old records that specifically inform about the existence of these giants and about the shooting of the above-mentioned "filmed chronicle" - but when I wanted to access their data and descriptions, it turned out that access to them on the Internet was on purpose blocked. It is also known that cameras for shooting moving films were built in England starting from 1887. It means that the above film was shot only between 3 and 12 years later - i.e. when no-one was even thinking about fabricating fake films.


Also note the strategy described by the Polish saying "if you want to hide a tree, plant an entire forest around it" (in the original Polish wording: "jeśli chcesz ukryć drzewo, posadź wokół niego cały las"). The "power" tormenting and exploiting our civilization frequently uses this strategy to eliminate the evidential values of truths, the hiding of which from being made public was NOT possible. In item #A5 from my Polish web page named "totalizm_pl.htm" I described examples of how this strategy was used to prevent people from learning truths about my: "Theory of Everything of 1985", "Philosophy of Totalizm" and the starship called "Magnocraft". Getting to know the truth and authenticity of the above old "filmed chronicle" documenting the existence of the actual film of giant, the same "power" cleverly restrains with the strategy discussed above by including fragments of this old filmed chronicle into a number of today's various films deliberately filled with nonsense and obvious fabrications - so that the viewers would get into the habit of believing that this old newsreel is also the latest fabrication! For example, in order to destroy the evidential value of the above fragment of the old filmed chronicle, in 2007 this "power" intentionally made a costly filmed-parody entitled "Big Man Japan" and repeated fragments of the above old filmed chronicle in the plot of it - doing to this chronicle the same thing as in order to destroy the cognitive value of my scientific "Theory of Everything of 1985" in 2014 it also achieved a similar destruction by making the expensive film entitled "Theory of Everything". Within the framework of the same strategy, this "power" induces also a strong fascination of employees of the "official atheistic science" with antediluvian "dinosaur bones" which are of little importance for humanity, while the clever goal of which is that the fascination with "dinosaur bones" dissuaded (and discouraged employees of official science and their principals) from the much more important for humanity (because related to us) undertaking of research of the "human giants" that died out only recently - as it is explained in more details in item #H2 from my web page named "god_istnieje.htm". Furthermore, this "power" massively publishes statements of supposed "experts" (only that these "experts" are NOT known to anyone and always express themselves anonymously) that forcefully persuade viewers who are deprived of the ability to form their own opinions that this old filmed chronicle supposedly is also a fabrication. Unfortunately, few viewers of this old chronicle are aware today that a fierce battle for the truth is being fought, in which the above old Japanese filmed chronicle, as well as the photo from the previous "Film #I2a", belong to those modest and hard to find defence weapons in disposition of truth, which at our side fight with this "power" for survival, life and good of all people from planet Earth.


Copyrights © 2020 by Dr Eng. Jan Pająk


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The above post #327E is illustrated (with the authentic in the light of my research and verifications): (1) a photograph of a giant's skull and (2) an excerpt of an old filmed chronicle from the 1890s which documented the last of Japanese giants. It (i.e. the post #327E) is an adaptation of the content of item #I2 from my web page (in English) named "newzealand.htm" (updated on 2020/10/17, or later) – already uploaded to the internet and available, among others, at the following addresses:


At each of the addresses provided above, I also try to make available the most recently updated versions of all my web pages. Therefore, if the reader wishes to learn from "first hand" the truths explained on any of my web pages, then at either of the above addresses he/she may start "menu2.htm" web page that contains green links to names and topics of all web pages that I developed so-far, then in this "menu2.htm" web page can select the link to the web page that he/she wishes to view, and by clicking the "mouse" start that web page. For example, in order to start this "menu2.htm" from the above-indicated address, it is enough if in that address the name of the web page "newzealand.htm" is replaced with the name of the web page "menu2.htm" - then to the search engine will be entered the new address obtained in this way. In a similar manner as starting this "menu2.htm", the reader can also start instantly any of my web pages, the name of which he/she already knows, because e.g. I provided it in the above post or because it appears in the "menu2.htm". For example, in order to run any other web page of mine, the physical name of which I have already given anywhere - e.g. to run a web page named "immortality.htm", let's say from a web site with the address , it is enough that instead the previous website address, he/she entered the following new address in the address box of a search engine.


It is also worth knowing that almost every NEW topic which I already researched for the "a priori" approach of the new "totaliztic science" and presented on this blog, including the topic from this post #327E, is later repeated on all mirror blogs of totalizm which still exist. Until now, as many as 8 such blogs of totalizm were established and maintained for a short time. At present, only 3 most recently published, out of these 8 blogs of totalizm still have NOT been liquidated by numerous opponents of the truth, my "totaliztic science", the highly moral "philosophy of totalizm", my "nirvana political system", my still only in the world true scientific "The Theory of Everything of 1985", and my irrefutable formal scientific proof for the existence of God. These still existing blogs of totalizm can be found at the following addresses: (also available via NZ address )

Fortunately, the deletion of 5 oldest blogs of totalizm did NOT cause the loss of their posts. This is because after complementing with illustrations, colours, underlining and working links of all my posts that I published so far on blogs of totalizm, including this post, I systematically make them available also in my free electronic publication [13] in a safe PDF format and in two sizes of print (i.e. large 20pt and normal 12pt) - which everyone can download, for example, through the web page named "text_13.htm" available on all the web sites indicated above, including, for example, at htm . Almost half of the post to blogs of totalizm are also published in there in the English language version, and thus they will be understandable for inhabitants of countries other than Poland.


Posts related to this #327E:

#144E on 2008/2/17 (adapted from item #D1 of web page "newzealand.htm")

#298E on 2018/5/27 (adapted from item #G3 of web page "aliens.htm")

#322E on 2020/5/17 (adapted from items #J1 to #J5 of web page "hurricane.htm")


Let totalizm prevail,

Dr Eng. Jan Pająk